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SUMMARY Alrtady 6 uilora kave sme o un PaALia

amd t Awma that Posua haa alhuady
tontua,osho s
met thom Naon momle lo know what
The mine i6 d ad
8elmeni H A faK
htn heme
fou os Pontua fole obout th!640 Auitasa
omd hao Lt behwind
hao Rhealen gnue
AAs, whuch unkacl om osha qiweo Aes wm enplomauen Jufodda
0Ahes that ohe Jwould e ey hapy i all
o w e o A The hum Aeturmed heme daiing PXin bem
aAulia cemng
hal Ahe aus A3 ihat, aom to PAa'a luch all
gnat preblom maAmyumg ene
Ats falthes had oet Cemcllen
aRe past M he otury
m hia will, hgkt taaket
chooo thl
6 decidd nat lo
Ponia They oand that thy
thal ahoaseuer m ahdh to m
(hom Ahi thne Caakets gold, ailenand wuld uk o wm_omd mdray Fhiia
Lad -Th Lnsket comtamung the naut a out mat by t t y
did notAase
Potua w l MANy A: ostia
anothoi apion kut to masy the pesdon The cne i a aleo makma th hladLAA
wen he did not Jke hin or haittd t Jmdesalomd that Pastia omd bncuanie
Voue hom haue nmt tasliA , pAsbably ence amd ostia
KOy a geeo apvmiem Bascanio
n thuo Cene, pATua 0 cun4 hes The ay Poslia s deocaibes the vasioue uitos
iollem with ase allendeit NAioda qmea m mage Postia ,Ahe haa
MAMoa Aptaka in faumi Porba' Cnd chaMm , Antilligence ,uit, maamatuen
Fathes Omd snplaim that lonha 3 Aathu Omd knouedge
Aa Mluoua, jesasn_ amd all iuoue
hoene gt goed Mjpkalhem at he hmt
t u s deatk muanmwg that Portia need
ho tghily Loed
pehoen poia wilt b1 1he
pion ho l thoeae he aight CORR
em gfaent auitos.
Postia h Englishman's neighbor. The Lord
from -
Scotland neighbor (an
He has love for his
that he would repay him
) Nepollan Pwe English man); he received one
blow from him; he promised
in a position to do this; a Frenchman had given a sealed
Me [return the blow] when he is
Ccolt ), de has made a sarcastic comment on the troubles

uot Xke a hoAdh he Ronap

guarantee to help. (Here Shakespeare France open support to
in general, when
between Scotland and England
obeut attack, they would help Scotland.)
b u t tlko hsqrealeot
Scotland, that in c a s e of a n English
thohko that t
M on o
H nm mthi Kosae Ohn The young German -the nephew of
Duke of Saxony- she liked him very badly in

qmalit a l hi
afternoon he was w o r s e as he used to be
the morning when he w a s not drunk; in the
was miserable m a n and when he was at his
drunk then; when he w a s at his best, he
to hio hokat hrmael worst, he was hardly better than
a beast; even if the
worst thing happens (that is the

casket, and becomes eligible to marry Portia),

in Germany) the onlv t German happens to choose the right

Palatinate (a place
The Count from ca" Portia would manage to avoid marrying
Palatine- who probably does not are
County s e e m s to be
a person
he hears merry tales he does not
to frown;
that he does is even when
chooses him or not;
Portia when he grows old he will be l
since he is so full of
sadness in his youth, likea
marryinga skull (a skull wit
who always weeps;
Portia would preter with
philosopher She prayed to God to protect
of the two suitors.
in its mouth) than any
- bone
from these two suitors.

Lord from France Since God

has made him a man for that
Monsieur Le Bon- The
reason only, he can be
called a man (he does not have any manly qualities). Portia
at the French
mock at somebody, but she cannot help mocking
says that it is a sin to
the Prince of Naples; he frowns more than
Lord; he talks about a horse more than
the Count of Palatinate: he is not a proper
m a n as he has the bad qualities of every
a small British bird) sings, he starts jumping
man; even if a throstle (the bird thrush,

and dancing: he does fencing with his own shadow. If Portia marries him, it would he
like marrying twenty husbands. She adds that if the Lord hates her, she would still
forgive him, but if he loves her greatly, she would not be able to return his love.

Falconbridge - The young Baron ofEngland- Portia did not say anything to him;
this is because the English man did not understand Latin, French or Italian; Portia o
the other hand did not know English well; though the English man was a proper ma
Portia would not love to marry a person with whom she would have to converse n

sign language: he was very oddly dressed - his doublet was from Italy, his hose was
from and his hat was from Germany and he showed behavior of many
countries. (Remember the Pun here - 'suit' means that he was not suited for Portia
the second meaning was that he was not
properly dressed.)
R T C - t 1 , wmmasy 2
M mI M bomd to hA alhan's AnllHeueA

NANoaa i a poatuue euianda he LttA

uwre a
Ame ? Omo daya h a t Faua k athea
that a e allady biae omd u u p u s m: he Odola tmn to
i)what has N e u A a a
wAAolo1- day thot leamed. men O CA0 ammcaqsd mapsdur-
apRARA Ahase
t0 wch
said that ski could xeho
tha o Ahe tuma a ther duathAwuld uwm the
Aw Pasiuo had jat Paatia that sho so e e s
+ApOL Mhom ake do
thovu notmae o
nan wmtet wuld Roe Panta the NRal
mamiage becaAL he
not ike hem Av
en the
ehace ahea auabwnd dapenmded (iN) owe the mwwng onue bl Mem ky myy
Lottsy caaket daunad dacodimg to Aas ughtiybud h o yo ahalU nahty
latu tdthek 's urll2 Kove"
whin aie
pyro:Tha dlotimenl waa oNd by Naada
Dihe the Lottuy 9aHAnRd to in kke wDa Inmg o cemincR P s a hal whoscee
) u l chAL K Caakat wtuld e the
sntrart mght
pna P&ka 's faher at Ba tma hia death
had decded a loatty in whuieh huis
wuld he Hne uoakes modi up o (N) LPona a melwnchale in Ah biwwm
GOLD SLWER omd LEAD , t which khe ceme a0it awao he caal wth dntrno
eme ould be comlanuaho poslmit o
Pastia 0ut ofals the auaso whocou belwren Artenuo's melchely omd thadoPeta
cheoaAhe h t caakt whneh ad fonial Amot iav a loutd of hu ammiely auer t h
Panbait kupt n it woul maiy Pantno hoapnt o hes putas Ruahomd h was
wnniid that ij u uigkt coaket seld qek
i ) i e he nuaduna a fare oe well oean by aemeene Ahe din't wiah to
maw ahe weuldl not_ he able +o mhuae
Anrs P a apbraM to he anuwns Temard
to Mwn aa ohQ
u bewnd to D occondua
wwwwd ouet the ohnadhn 's uwia Whnic the coua
btcomar le
Camal ywa
amat halonio Whknown He Aujo tat he mWu
pinon_ he uRS io uek to
1yek to Pno abouut ho ta
enw ahout6 tae h hi M anchah

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