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Published on 14 March 2014. Downloaded by PRINCE OF SONGKLA UNIVERSITY on 02/11/2017 05:50:23.

An electrochemical immunosensor for detection of

a breast cancer biomarker based on antiHER2–iron
Cite this: Analyst, 2014, 139, 2858
oxide nanoparticle bioconjugates
Mahdi Emami,a Mojtaba Shamsipur,b Reza Saber*cd and Rasoul Irajiradd

A label free immunosensor was designed for ultra-detection of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2
(HER2) in real samples using a differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) method. In a separate process, antiHER2
antibodies were attached to iron oxide nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs) to form stable bioconjugates which were
later laid over the gold electrode surface. In this way, by the advantage of their long terminals, the
bioconjugates provided the most possible space for the immuno-reaction between biomolecules. Under
optimal conditions, the immunosensor was responsive to HER2 concentrations over the ranges of 0.01–
10 ng mL1 and 10–100 ng mL1 linearly and benefited from a satisfactory detection limit as low as
Received 24th January 2014
Accepted 13th March 2014
0.995 pg mL1 and a favorable sensitivity as sharp as 5.921 mA mL ng1. The reliability of the method in
clinical analysis was proved by successful quantization of HER2 levels in serum samples obtained from
DOI: 10.1039/c4an00183d
patients. Furthermore, the precision and the stability of the method were evaluated and verified to be acceptable in immunoassay studies.

radish peroxidase, is attached to a secondary antibody (Ab). This

1. Introduction labeled Ab remains bound to the biomarker attached to the
Realization of low-levels of tumor biomarkers is vital for early primary Ab and usually catalyzes the reduction of hydrogen
awareness of cancers and to commence the appropriate treat- peroxidase to represent a measurable signal.8,9 However, other
ment processes. Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 nanomaterials such as CdS and silver nanoparticles can also be
(HER2), as a key prognostic marker,1 is over-expressed in 10– attached to secondary antibodies and their stripping signals
25% of breast cancers2 which are some of the most common corresponding to the concentration of biomarkers can be
malignant types of tumors in women.3 Establishment of a fast recorded subsequently.10,11 Although this strategy is assumed as
technique sensitive to the low-levels of HER2 biomarker which a highly sensitive method, problems such as sample pretreat-
results in early diagnosis of the cancer is of great signicance ment, separation and purication processes of the secondary
not only for increasing the survival rate, but also for saving cost Ab limit the approach. In the second kind, known as the label
and time in successful prognosis of the disease. free method, a decrease in signal intensity of a redox probe is
For this purpose, several techniques4–7 were developed directly related to the concentration of the biomarker, which is
focusing on detection of HER2 positive cells which are usually bound to a modied surface and hinders the electron transfer
removed in invasive methods like biopsy and are not available process.12,13 Eliminating time-consuming extra processes makes
in human serum. In comparison to these techniques, electro- this method more simple, quick and desired.
chemical techniques by use of bioconjugate modied electrodes Recently, functionalized nanoparticles especially function-
are the most desired systems owing to their excellent sensitivity, alized iron oxide nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs) have attracted much
rapidity, low cost and ease of operation. Typically there are two attention in the fabrication of bio-sensing systems due to their
kinds of electrochemical detection platforms for biomarker unique properties such as biocompatibility, signal amplica-
proteins. The rst kind is a labeled method known as the tion and their ability to bind covalently to Abs via their func-
sandwich type method in which an enzyme, usually horse tional groups.14,15
The extensive use of polyethylene glycol (PEG), as a long
compatible linker for nanoparticles, has been treated well.16–18
School of chemistry, University college of science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran The main advantage of using PEG is to provide enough space to
Department of chemistry, Razi university, Kermanshah, Iran bind more Abs to nanoparticles and allow them to stand aside
Department of nanotechnology, School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine, Tehran and result in more effective combination with the targets.
university of medical sciences, Tehran, Iran. E-mail:; Fax: +98
In this work, we attached different proportions of antiHER2
21 66581533; Tel: +98 21 66907525
Research center for science and technology in medicine, Imam Khomeini hospital,
Ab to the pegylated Fe3O4 NPs to form highly loaded bio-
Tehran, Iran conjugates. For designing a label free platform, the most

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appropriate bioconjugate was stabilized covalently on the immediately. 35 mL of toluene and 25 mL of APTMS were added
surface of a gold electrode to assay ultra-low levels of HER2 to 0.1 g of bare Fe3O4 NPs. The mixture was sonicated in a bath
antigen in serum samples. This highly sensitive and simple sonicator for 30 min. Aerwards, the mixture was heated in an
electrochemical analysis method holds great potential for oven (60  C) for 7 h. Finally, the obtained APTMS-coated Fe3O4
detection of all other biomarkers in clinical diagnostics. NPs were separated by using a permanent magnet and redis-
persed in 50 mL of methanol.
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2.3.3. Synthesis of PEG–maleimide-coated Fe3O4 NPs. The

2. Experimental
resulting nanoparticles were introduced in NHS–PEG2000–Mal
2.1. Apparatus and conditions to obtain sulydryl-reactive pegylated nanoparticles through
CV and DPV measurements were conducted on a mAutolab Type amidization of the surface amine groups. For this purpose,
III Potentiostat/Galvanostat. A three-electrode cell system was 31 mg of NHS–PEG2000–Mal was added to 10 mL of redistilled
used for the electrochemical experiments. A modied gold water containing 10 mg of nanoparticles. Aer sonication for 30
electrode was used as the working electrode. A platinum wire min, the mixture was stirred vigorously for 12 h. Finally, pegy-
and an Ag/AgCl (saturated KCl) electrode were used as the lated nanoparticles were separated by a magnet and redispersed
counter and reference electrodes, respectively. The EIS spectra in 5 mL of redistilled water.
were recorded with an Autolab Eco Chemie. B.V. Potentiostat/
Galvanostat using the same three-electrode system. 2.4. Preparation of the bioconjugates
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images were
The bioconjugates were prepared based on a reported method20
obtained from a TEM-EM 208 Philips at an acceleration voltage
with some modications. Scheme l shows the bioconjugate
of 100 kV. FT-IR spectra were recorded with a Bruker vertex 70v.
preparation procedure.
The surface morphologies of GE and GNP/GE were evaluated by
2.4.1. Thiolation of antiHER2 Abs. A solution of antiHER2
eld effect scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) at an accel-
Ab (1 mg mL1) in 0.1 M PBS pH 8 was prepared rstly. For
erating voltage of 20 kV.
thiolation of Abs, it was followed by addition of 100-fold molar
excess of 2-iminithiolane to the prepared solution. To protect
2.2. Materials and reagents the thiol groups from oxidation, 5 mM EDTA was also added to
AntiHER2 Ab (Herceptin, 150 mg) was purchased from F. the mixture. The mixture was le for 1 h under constant stirring
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. (Switzerland). Active HER2, 5 mg, was at room temperature. Aerwards, thiolated Abs were puried by
obtained from Biovision Inc. (USA). Poly(ethylene glycol)–a- dialysis against 20 mL of PBS pH 8, 5 times each for 1 h.
maleimide–u-NHS ester (Mal–PEG–NHS, MW z 2000) was 2.4.2. Attachment of antiHER2 Abs to the NPs. The Ab-
purchased from NANOCS (USA). Bovine serum albumin (BSA), labeled nanoparticle conjugate was prepared by the following
N-hydroxy succinimide (NHS), 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylamino- approach: 1 mL of pegylated nanoparticles (5 mg mL1) was
propyl)carbodiimide (EDC), cysteamine (Cys), 2-iminithiolane incubated with different aliquots (50, 100, 200 and 300 mL) of
(Traut's reagent), gold(III) chloride hydrate, sodium phosphate thiolated Abs (1 mg mL1) overnight at room temperature under
dibasic, potassium phosphate monobasic and 3-mercaptopro- constant shaking. The thiol groups of Abs were covalently
pionic acid (MPA) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Ltd. attached to the unsaturated bond of maleimides linked to the
(USA). Iron(III) chloride hexahydrate, iron(II) chloride tetrahy- nanoparticles to form the bioconjugates. The bioconjugates,
drate, hydrochloric acid (37%), methanol, toluene, 3-amino- then, were separated by using a magnet and redispersed in 1 mL
propyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) and ammonium hydroxide of PBS pH 7.2.
(32%) were purchased from Merck (Germany). Phosphate
buffered solutions (PBS) were prepared using 0.1 M Na2HPO4 2.5. Fabrication of the immunosensor and electrochemical
and 0.1 M KH2PO4. All other chemicals and reagents were of procedure
analytical grade and were prepared using redistilled water.
The fabrication process of the immunosensor is represented in
Scheme 2. Firstly, the gold electrode (GE) surface (F ¼ 3 mm)
2.3. Production of functionalized Fe3O4 NPs was polished with 0.1 mm alumina slurry on a polishing cloth
2.3.1. Synthesis of bare Fe3O4 NPs. Fe3O4 NPs were for 1 min and was then ultrasonically cleaned with ethanol and
synthesized based on a commonly used method.19 Briey, redistilled water each for 3 min respectively. Aerwards, the
FeCl2$4H2O (0.397 g in 1 mL of 2 M hydrochloric acid) was electrode was immersed in piranha solution (H2SO4 : H2O2,
added to FeCl3$6H2O (1.08 g in 4 mL of 2 M hydrochloric acid) 3 : 1) for 5 min and then was washed with pure water several
under stirring over a magnetic stirrer. Then, 50 mL of 0.7 M times. The gold nanoparticles (GNPs) were electrodeposited on
ammonium hydroxide was added dropwise to the mixture. At the cleaned electrode surface from a solution containing
the end of the reaction, the black suspension of iron oxide was 0.06 mM HAuCl4 and 0.1 M KCl by cycling potential between
separated by using a permanent magnet and then redispersed 0.5 and 0.5 V for 20 times with the scan rate of 20 mV s1. The
in 10 mL of methanol. gold modied electrode was immersed in 0.1 M MPA for 12 h at
2.3.2. Synthesis of the amino-Fe3O4 NPs (APTMS-coated room temperature to form MPA/GNP/GE. The resulting elec-
Fe3O4 NPs). Bare Fe3O4 NPs tend to aggregate and therefore it is trode was rinsed with redistilled water to remove the physically
better to start the modication process of the surface, adsorbed materials. Thereaer, 30 mL of solution containing

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Scheme 1 Preparation of the bioconjugate.

0.1 M EDC + 0.1 M NHS was dropped and maintained onto the aer being rinsed with redistilled water, to prepare bio-
surface for 2 h at room temperature to activate the carboxyl conjugate/Cys/MPA/GNP/GE, the obtained electrode was intro-
groups. Aer washing with pure water, the electrode was duced to 30 mL of bioconjugate and le for 8 h in 4  C. The
immersed into 0.1 M Cys solution for 8 h at room temperature double bond in the free maleimides of the bioconjugate readily
to form Cys/MPA/GNP/GE via amide formation. Subsequently, reacts with the thiol groups from Cys to form a stable carbon–

Scheme 2 Graphical illustration of the construction procedure of the immunosensor and HER2 detection.

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sulfur bond.21 Excessive and physically adsorbed bioconjugates FT-IR spectroscopy was carried out to validate the presence
were washed away with PBS (0.1 M, pH 7.2) and redistilled water of APTMS on the surface of APTMS-coated Fe3O4 NPs. The
respectively. The process was followed by casting 20 mL of BSA spectrum in Fig. 1D shows a sharp band around 530 cm1 for
(1 mg mL1) over the electrode and keeping for 45 min at 37  C iron oxide NPs and three moderate bands at 1100, 1620 and
to block any possible nonspecic bonding sites. Finally, BSA/ 2930 cm1 that can be assigned to the vibration of Si–O, N–H
bioconjugate/Cys/MPA/GNP/GE was rinsed with PBS (0.1 M, pH and the stretching of C–H, respectively.
Published on 14 March 2014. Downloaded by PRINCE OF SONGKLA UNIVERSITY on 02/11/2017 05:50:23.

7.2) and redistilled water respectively. The resulting electrode To characterize the APTMS-coated Fe3O4 NPs electrochemi-
was then incubated with 20 mL of different concentrations of cally, MPA/GNP/GE was modied with the nanoparticles,
HER2 antigen for 30 min at 37  C and was washed again with through combining carboxyl and amine groups, and its
PBS (0.1 M, pH 7.2) and redistilled water respectively. Finally, performance was observed before and aer the modication
DPVs of the redox probe solution (PBS 0.05 M, pH 7.2 con- practice using the CV technique. As can be seen in Fig. 1E, the
taining 5 mM of Fe(CN)63/4) were recorded from 0.2 to 0.5 V presence of the NPs intensies the redox signal distinctly. As an
using HER2/BSA/bioconjugate/Cys/MPA/GNP/GE. explanation for this event, the intrinsic properties of nano-sized
iron oxide particles decorated with functional groups facilitate
2.6. Patient serum analysis the electron transfer (ET) process between the probe and the
electrode. This desirable quality of the functionalized Fe3O4 NPs
Fresh serum samples, collected from patients in different stages
makes them suitable candidates for Abs to be loaded over and
of cancer, were obtained from the central clinical laboratory of
form bioconjugates for use in electrochemical systems.
Imam Reza hospital, Kermanshah, Iran. Serum samples were
diluted with PBS (0.1 M, pH 7.2) for 20 times and then, 20 mL of
the samples was dropped onto the prepared electrode and kept 3.2. Characterization of the immunosensor
for 30 min at 37  C. Finally, DPVs of the probe solution were
The most common technique CV was initially used to monitor
recorded aer rinsing the electrode with PBS and redistilled
each step of modication of the gold electrode surface (Fig. 2A
water respectively. HER2 levels for three replicates were calcu-
and B). As can be seen, a pair of redox peaks is observed for 10
lated using calibration regression equations.
mM of Fe(CN)63/4 in PBS (0.1 M, pH 7.2) at the bare gold
electrode (a, DEp ¼ 94 mV). Sharper redox peaks with less
2.7. Recovery test difference in the peak potential (DEp ¼ 76 mV) were noticed for
Fresh serum samples of two healthy females were obtained the electrode aer electrodeposition of gold nanoparticles (b).
from Imam Khomeini hospital. Aer 20 times dilution with PBS Subsequently, at the end of immersing of GNP/GE in MPA
(0.1 M, pH 7.2), serum samples were spiked with two different solution to obtain MPA/GNP/GE through formation of Au–S
concentrations of HER2. The spiked concentrations were bonds, redox peaks increased again clearly (c). Here, dangling
assayed using a standard addition method. carboxyl groups at the surface may facilitate the electron
transfer (ET) process between the probe and the electrode.
Further modication of the electrode with Cys reduced the
2.8. Electrochemical measurements
redox peaks (d). It is probably due to the ET blockage in
Cyclic voltammograms (CVs) were recorded between 0.2 and consequence of increasing the length of the carbon chain as
0.5 V with the scan rate of 20 mV s1 in 0.1 M PBS pH 7.2 well as binding of carboxyl groups to terminal sulydryl
containing 10 mM Fe(CN)63/4. The parameters for DPVs, groups. Aerwards, although Fe3O4 NPs, because of their
taken from the same probe solution, were: a pulse width of 0.06 intrinsic properties, intensify the redox signal which has been
s, a pulse increment of 5 mV, a pulse period of 0.1 s, a pulse investigated in Section 3.1, placing of the bioconjugates at the
amplitude of 55 mV and a scan rate of 50 mV s1. surface reduced the redox peaks since more interruption in the
EIS measurements were conducted for 0.05 M PBS pH 7.2 ET process happens by the presence of huge biomolecules (Abs)
containing 2 mM Fe(CN)63/4 in a frequency range from 0.1 to on the nanoparticles (e). Thereaer, in order to block the
100 kHz. The amplitude of the applied sine wave was 10 mV possible nonspecic bonding sites at bioconjugate/Cys/MPA/
with the direct current potential set at 0.2 V. GNP/GE, BSA was applied to the surface of the electrode and
thus an obvious decrease in redox peaks occurred again (f).
3. Results and discussion Finally, introduction of HER2 (10 ng mL1) into the resulting
electrode lead to more decrease in redox peaks (g).
3.1. Characterization of Fe3O4 NPs Furthermore, electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS,
The morphology and size distribution of Fe3O4 NPs were char- Nyquist plots) were also recorded to monitor the performance of
acterized by TEM. As can be observed in Fig.1A, spherical the immunosensor throughout the construction (Fig. 2C). The
nanoparticles with the average size of about 20 nm were semicircle part of the Nyquist plots at higher frequencies is
distributed uniformly. SEM was also used to conrm the elec- related to the ET limited process, so it is possible to investigate
trodeposition process. Fig. 1B and C exhibit the surface of the the surface change at each step of the modication process by
electrode before and aer electrodeposition of the nano- measuring the semicircle diameter which equals the ET resis-
particles, respectively. A rough and stony surface is obtained in tance (Rct). Spectrum (a) shows a tiny semicircle for the bare
consequence of gold electrodeposition. gold electrode. Modication of the electrode with GNPs and

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Fig. 1 (A) TEM image of Fe3O4 NPs, (B and C) FESEM images of the gold electrode surface before and after GNP electrodeposition, respectively,
(D) IR spectra of APTMS-coated Fe3O4 NPs, and (E) CVs of 0.1 M PBS pH 7.2 containing 10 mM Fe(CN)63/4 at (a): MPA/GNP/GE and (b): Fe3O4

MPA gave smaller and quite smaller values of faradic imped- (e). Compared to other studies,8,13 in this step, a less increase in
ance for GNP/GE and MPA/GNP/GE, respectively (b and c) Rct was observed that is probably due to the advantageous use of
indicating that these modications increase the ET process of iron oxide NPs with their positive effect on the ET process.
the system. Aer modication of the resulting electrode with Blocking some parts of the surface by further modication of
Cys, the semicircle diameter was extended and thus an initiated the electrode by BSA resulted in an additional increase in Rct (f).
impedance was observed in (d). Predictably, aer loading of the Finally, specic coupling of HER2 with antiHER2 Ab at the
surface with bioconjugates, Rct increased sharply because of the surface of the immunosensor made more interference in the ET
plain hindrance against the ET process caused by spacious Abs process and thus increased Rct in consequence (g).

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Fig. 2 (A and B) CVs of 0.1 M PBS pH 7.2 containing 10 mM Fe(CN)63/4 at (a) bare GE, (b) GNP/GE, (c) MPA/GNP/GE, (d) Cys/MPA/GNP/GE, (e)
bioconjugate/Cys/MPA/GNP/GE, (f) BSA/bioconjugate/Cys/MPA/GNP/GE and (g) HER2/BSA/bioconjugate/Cys/MPA/GNP/GE; (C) Nyquist plots
for 0.05 M PBS pH 7.2 containing 2 mM Fe(CN)63/4 obtained at different electrodes (as A and B).

3.3. Optimization of analytical variables 3.4. Analytical performance of the immunosensor

3.3.1. The quantity of stabilized Abs on the NPs. The effect Under the most advantageous construction conditions, the
of the amount of Abs loaded on Fe3O4 NPs was investigated over response of the immunosensor towards different concentrations of
the response of the immunosensor. For this purpose, various HER2 was studied by recording DPVs of PBS (pH 7.2) containing 5
loaded bioconjugates, prepared by different quantities of thio- mM Fe(CN)63/4 and the result is shown in Fig. 4A. The resulting
lated antiHER2 (50, 100, 200 and 300 mg), were used to construct calibration curve is linear over two concentration ranges from 0.01
the immunosensor. As can be seen in Fig. 3A, the current to 10 ng mL1 and 10 to 100 ng mL1 (Fig. 4B). The corresponding
change is intensied by increase of the antiHER2 Ab amount up calibration regression equations for lower and higher concentra-
to 200 mg. Using more amounts of Abs probably results in tion ranges are DI (mA) ¼ (5.921  0.091) [HER2] (ng mL1) +
saturation of the nanoparticle surface and interferes with (11.507  0.111), R2 ¼ 0.9981 and DI (mA) ¼ (0.300  0.008) [HER2]
effective binding of the bioconjugate to the surface of the (ng mL1) + (69.357  0.412), R2 ¼ 0.9913 respectively.
electrode, so the optimum amount of the antiHER2 was The detection limit (DL) was evaluated as 3 s/m and deter-
selected to be 200 mg. mined to be (0.995  0.022) pg mL1 where s is the standard
3.3.2. Incubation time. Since the formation of the covalent deviation of the peak current (n ¼ 5) and m is the slope of the
bonds in the modication steps is slow, the incubation time in calibration curve for the lower concentration range. The sensi-
each relevant step plays an important role and needs to be tivity of this method (5.921  0.091 mA mL ng1) is more than ve
optimized. Fig. 3B shows the effect of incubation times of three times that of the most recent method for quantication of the
modier components on the immunosensor performance. The HER2 biomarker.10 Beside this advantage, the convenient fabri-
optimum incubation times for MPA, Cys and antiHER2 Ab were cation process and simplicity of the method make it comparable
obtained to be 12, 8 and 8 h respectively. More incubation times with other methods which were reported sensitive to HER2. To
had no positive effect on the signal most likely due to the corroborate the superiority of this method, a comparative study
saturation of the electrode surface. was done and the results are shown in Table 1.

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Fig. 3 Optimization of analytical variables. (A) Current change vs. Ab amount (n ¼ 3) and (B) effect of incubation time over the response of the
immunosensor (n ¼ 3).

Fig. 4 (A) DPVs of the probe solution taken at the immunosensor after incubation with (a): 0, (b): 0.01, (c): 0.4, (d): 1, (e): 2, (f): 4, (g): 8, (h): 10, (i):
25, (j): 40 and (k): 100 ng mL1 of HER2. (B) Calibration graph (current change vs. HER2 concentrations), (n ¼ 4).

3.5. Real sample analysis

The proposed method was applied to quantify HER2 concen-
Table 1 Comparison of HER2 results for the recently proposed
trations in serum samples collected from several patients.
Results obtained by this method were compared with those
Linear range Detection limit obtained by the expensive reference method, enzyme-linked
Method (ng mL1) (pg mL1) Ref. immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method, (Table 2). From the
good agreement between two methods, it can be deduced that
PEMSa 0.05–2 25.3 22
OFRRb 13–100 13 000 23
this method can be assumed as a replacing applicable method
ST-ECISc 6–30 6000 24 for quantization of the biomarker.
LF-ECISd 0.01–10 0.995 This work
Piezoelectric microcantilever sensor. b Opto-uidic ring resonator.
3.6. The precision and stability study
Sandwich type electrochemical immunosensor. d Label free To evaluate the precision of the method, serum samples were
electrochemical immunosensor.
spiked with HER2 and the recoveries were extracted using the
standard addition method. The percentage recoveries for three

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