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Prince henry runs away, slips his PPOs and goes to a remote country and hides out at a cabin

on the outskirts of a small town at the edges of the woods, to escape it all. Dyes his hair to
change his appearance.

Ends up falling and hitting his head while on a hike and losing all memory of who he is.

Alex is the american tourist backpacking across europe on a three month sabbatical. He’s going
on a hike through the woods and finds Henry lying on the edge of a small stream. Gets help,
takes him to the hospital, and stays by his side to make sure he’s okay. When Henry wakes up
with no memory of who he is, Alex stays with him for the rest of the week he’s meant to be in
this country.

At the end of the week, he convinces the innkeeper to let him stay another week. And then
another. And another, and before he knows it three months have passed and he’s still here, not
ready to leave [henry] the man with no memories of who he is. He extends his sabbatical, and
the innkeeper keeps his room for him.

They fall in love. It starts with a kiss. Alex taking [henry] to bed. Them waking up the next
morning, smiling at each other beneath the weight of the morning sun. [it’s romantic as hell;
wistfully perfect].

One day, Henry starts acting different. His touch is softer, more hesitant but more desperate. His
looks are darker, more longing. He looks at Alex like he knows he’s going to lose him. He holds
his hand tight, and he kisses him with a fresh kind of desperation. Like he’s holding every
moment as near and dear as he can. Savoring them.

One day, they’re sitting on the porch of the inn, drinking coffee and looking out at the sea of
trees. They’re laughing, talking about their plans for the day. Out of nowhere, several black
SUV’s come down the drive. Henry tenses, looks at Alex with apologies in his eyes. “I’m so
sorry,” he says, before armed men in suits climb out of the car and collect henry from the porch.

“What are you doing?” Alex screams as Henry’s pulled to the car. “Let go of him! Get the fuck
away from him!”

And henry looking over his shoulder after him, shaking his head, “I’m so sorry.”

Alex screams after him, struggling against the men holding him at bay. Struggling against them
until the car that takes Henry away disappears and the men leave Alex standing on the porch to
stare it.

Time jump.

Alex is back in new york, sitting on his couch next to Nora, looking through job listings because
the law firm he was working for decided his sabbatical better remain permanent. Nora’s
watching tv, when she gasps, and says, “Holy shit, he hasn’t been seen in months. I thought he
was dead.”

Alex doesn’t look up from the mindless search; he’s not really seeing anything he’s looking at,
just scrolling numbly. He’s felt vaguely numb since he came from europe. Since he watched the
man he love get dragged away from him. No amount of banging on law enforcements doors, no
amount of searching and asking questions got him any closer to finding him. Eventually the
money he’d saved up for the trip ran out; eventually he had to return home. No answers, no idea
where the man he loves has gone. What happened to him. Why he let them take him.

Blindly, he asks nora, “who?”

She shoves his shoulder. “Prince Henry,” she says, nodding to the tv screen when he looks up
at her. “The monarchy conspiracy message boards have been going crazy about it.”

“....monarchy conspiracy message boards?”

“Started as a joke.”

“As most things do.”

She nods, “You get it. Anyways, i got sucked in. but i guess he’s alive. Which is, like, good
news, but that’s the most disappointing outcome. No press release about where he’s been, just
him at the state dinner. He is quite the looker, though. That is one rich white boy I’d marry.”

Humroing her, Alex flicks his gaze to the screen, and his breath catches in his throat.

He’s blonde, not brunette.

But that’s—that’s his european fling. That’s his amnesiac.

That’s the man he fell in love with in the european countryside.


Nora turns to him, waggling her eyebrows, “Hot, right?” She’s grinning, but the smile falls as
soon as the sees the look on his face. “What? What’s wrong?”

“That’s him.”

“Him? As in—him?”
He nods helplessly at her, his gaze snapping back to the tv to watch as Prince Henry poses for
photos, a polite smile on full lips that Alex has kissed a thousand times beneath the sunbeams
flickering through the trees outside the inn.

He’d once been the closest person to him; the warmth on the other side of the bed, the breath
on the back of his throat while he washed dishes, the hand in his own as he walked down the
dirt road.

Now he’s the most inaccessible person in the world.

Alex has no idea what to do.

He calls in favors from family friends—Rafael Luna, the senator, a few of his more important
friends with higher reach—debates the merits of jumping on a plane to london and standing
outside the castle with a sign saying “IT’S ME!”--but all of it’s to no avail.

For three months he tries every avenue.

He gets nowhere.

He watches videos of prince henry talking to kids at a hospital; the way he waves to the crowd
as a parade marches through; watches the royal wedding to catch a glimpse of him in the
background; finds dingy streams of ribbon cuttings online. Three am wikipedia binges and
several hour long deep dives reading every interview with Prince Henry since he first started
taking them. Learning everything about the man he loves that there is to find.

Everything except a way to get to him.

Then, one day, when finances are getting tight, when he’s staring down the barrel of rent being
due, and his savings dwindling, he receives a job offer from the Okonjo Foundation—looking for
an American attorney to handle things for their upcoming New York Youth Shelter.

He emails back and forth with a man named Percy, who he learns after a deep dive is the owner
of the company, and is very rich, and very busy, and can’t quite make sense how he’d
personally landed on his radar, but doesn’t look this particular gift horse in the mouth when he’s
asked to come to their new york office for an inperson interview.

He’s taken to a conference room, but when the doors open and he looks across the table—

It’s not Percy Okonjo sitting there.

It’s Prince Henry, slack jawed and hopeful.

They stare at each other for a long moment.

“It’s you,” Alex says.

Henry nods. “It’s me.”

And then henry’s rushing around the table and Alex is meeting him in the middle, each grappling
for each other as they wind their arms around one another. Henry cradles Alex’s head, holds
him like he’s something precious.

Alex says, “I thought i’d never see you again.”

“I know, I’m so sorry. I would have come for you sooner if I could have.”

[think of an ending]

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