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Curriculum Vitae

Name : Penijamini Kovelotu

D.O.B: 25/07/1995

Address: Dravo, Bau , Tailevu.

Religion: Christian

Martial Status: Single

Phone # : 2005256/ 9719794

Primary And Secondary Education

2002/2009- Ratu Ravuama Memorial School( FEYE)

2010/2014- Lelean Memorial School
2022-Maritime Safety Of Fiji ( Certificate in Restricted Masters/
Boat Masters/Basic Sea Safety and Engineer Class 6)

2022-Centre For Appropriate Technology And Development

(Certificate in Block Laying/ Tiling)

Sports Achievement

2009/ Milo Kaji- (Tailevu South team under14 )

2012/Deans- under 17 (Lelean Memorial School)

2014/Deans - under 19 (Lelean Memorial School)

2015- under 20 (Tailevu Rugby Team)

2016/2018- 205 Dive 7s Team

2019/2023- Dravo Rugby Club


- Farming

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