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Magazine of Concrete Research, 1997, 49, No. 181, Dec.

, 283-293

Drying shrinkage stresses in concrete patch

repair systems
M. Asad,* M. H. Baluch* and A. H. AI-Gadhib*

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

This paper proposes an approach to prediction of the build-up of stresses due to drying shrinkage in concrete patch
repair systems. The technique suggested consists of a twofold sequential approach, requiring the solution of the
moisture diffusion equation followed by execution of an appropriate stress analysis program. Solution of the non-
linear moisture diffusion problem is obtained conveniently through a finite element formulation, which outputs the
variation of moisture content in time and space. Inasmuch as drying shrinkage occurs by virtue of loss of moisture,
a phenomenological relationship between moisture loss and free shrinkage strain is established and used to convert
the finite element output of moisture loss to the free shrinkage strain. Time- and space-dependent values offree
shrinkage strain are then fed as input to an appropriate stress analysis program, conceptually similar to a thermal
stress analysis program, with the resulting output yielding the stress build-up in the patch repair system due to
drying shrinkage. The influence of repair layer variables including the diffusivity Kc. ultimate free shrinkage strain
fsh and modulus ofelasticity Er on the build-up of drying shrinkage stress is highlighted.

yield a continuous, monolithic system. In addition to

the prevalence of drying shrinkage stresses in new con-
The drying shrinkage of cementltlous material is struction, the repair of damaged bridge deck slabs or
caused principally by the contraction of the calcium industrial flooring by stripping and replacement of the
silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel in the hardened cement- top layer almost inevitably leads to build-up of stresses
water paste, when the moisture of the gel is decreased. due to drying shrinkage.
Saturated cement paste does not remain dimensionally Failure to account for stress build-up due to incom-
stable when exposed to ambient humidities that are patible drying shrinkage characteristics often leads to
below saturation, mainly because the loss of physically extensive cracking in the case of virgin construction
adsorbed water from C-S-H results in shrinkage strain.! and delamination and cracking in the case of repaired
It occurs initially at a high rate, and slows down with concrete construction - leading to the oft-repeated
time as the material ages. cliche 'repair of the repair'.
Stresses due to drying shrinkage result when shrink- Emrnons, Vaysburd and McDonald 2 - 5 emphasize
age due to loss of moisture is not allowed to occur drying shrinkage of repair materials as the major pro-
freely, much in the same fashion as stresses result from blem of concrete repair. This is so because of the role
thermal changes in a constrained structural system. it plays in determining the durability of the repair
Constraints may be of an internal form - as in non- system. In patch repairs, the shrinkage of the repair
uniform drying in thick concrete pavements or deck mortar is restrained by the existing substrate concrete
slabs - or may be of an external type as in a two-tier and this shrinkage of the repair mortar under restraint
slab system where a bottom precast unit is used in lieu is termed 'restrained shrinkage'. If there is no restraint
of formwork, over which fresh concrete is poured to on the movement of the repair material then the shrink-
age of that repair material is referred to as 'free shrink-
age' and it does not induce any stress in the repair
• Department of Civil Engineering, King Fahd University of Petro- material. Restrained shrinkage induces tensile and shear
leum and Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia.
stresses in the repair material, as illustrated in Fig. 1,
(MCR 568) Paper received 17 April 1996; last revised 6 November and these stresses increase with increase in drying
1996; accepted 14 January 1997 shrinkage. Once the stress build-up exceeds the materi-

0024-9831 © 1997 Thomas Telford Services LLd

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Asad et at.

Moisture diffusion

Zone of high shear

. .<J. .
v. .[>.

r;, .[>

Fig. 1. Stresses in patch repair due to drying shrinkage

al tensile and shear strengths, crack initiation and pro- ring either in concrete patch repair systems or in two-
pagation in the repair material results, together with tier new construction. The problem is formulated using
debonding and distress along the interface between the finite elements to predict the non-linear moisture diffu-
repair and the substrate. sion through concrete. A phenomenological relationship
Selection of the repair materials for dimensional com- is established between moisture loss and free shrinkage
patibility should be on the basis of minimum shrinkage, strain, unique to a specific cementitious product. The
such that the stresses produced are within acceptable free shrinkage strains are then fed into an appropriate
limits. However, this appears to be the issue most ig- stress analysis program, yielding an estimate of drying
nored by the manufacturers of the repair materials as shrinkage stresses.
well as the designers of repair systems. Studies con- The model does not incorporate the beneficial effect
ducted by The Alberta Transportation and Utilities for associated with tensile creep of the top-layer concrete,
evaluation of concrete patching materials indicated that which effectively reduces the tensile stress in the repair
the shrinkage of the majority of the repair materials far layer with the passage of time. A properly designed
exceeded the shrinkage strain value of a normal concrete repair would guarantee a material tensile strength
of 500 microstrain at 30 days. The ASTM C 157 shrink- development that was always greater than the evolution
age test was used to determine the shrinkage values. of drying shrinkage stress, and this process would be
Only seven repair materials out of the 46 tested exhib- further aided by eventual reduction of shrinkage stress
ited a shrinkage value less than that of plain concrete. in the post-creep phase.
This indicated that repair products are not being de-
signed to minimize shrinkage, despite the claim that the
materials available commercially are non-expansive, Prediction of moisture distribution in
non-shrinking or shrinkage-compensating. Moreover, it cementitious repair materials
was found that only limited information on the proper-
ties was available from manufacturers' data sheets. In- Mathematical model for moisture diffusion
formation regarding shrinkage was not even listed on The mathematical model for moisture diffusion is
some of them. based on the assumption that moisture flow within a
It has been reported that the industry cannot limit cementitious material obeys the moisture diffusion
the manufacturers of repair materials to a certain equation. 6 The diffusion equation, which is the govern-
maximum shrinkage value because the basis for an ing differential equation for moisture flow in porous
acceptable shrinkage value has not been established. materials, is given by Fick's second law as
ASTM C 928, which specifies physical requirements
for packaged cementitious concrete repair materials,
recommends that shrinkage strain should not exceed (1)
1500 microstrain. This is three times the shrinkage of
normal concrete. Repair materials which satisfy the
above criterion will be highly susceptible to excessive
drying shrinkage stress, cracking, delamination and where C(x, y, z, t) is the moisture content, Kc is the
failure. moisture diffusivity and t is the time from the start of
This paper addresses the methodology to be used in the diffusion process.
the determination of drying shrinkage stresses occur- The moisture diffusivity Kc is a material property
284 Magazine a/Concrete Research, 1997,49, No. 181

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Drying shrinkage in patch repair systems

and can be defined as the rate at which the moisture

flows through the material when there exists a unit
moisture gradient. The diffusivity Kc is highly mois-
ture-dependent, which renders the moisture diffusion
Boundary r
problem through any porous medium non-linear.

Initial and boundary conditions

The initial condition is
C(x, y, Z, 0) = Co(x, y, Z) (2) Moisture diffusion

where Co is the initial distribution of moisture content

Fig. 2. Two-dimensional body with domain evaporation
in the moisture flow region.
The boundary conditions at the boundary between
the moisture flow region and the surrounding environ-
ment may be a combination of the following: where [K] represents the moisture diffusivity matrix,
[L] the moisture velocity matrix, {F} the external
(a) no-flow boundary moisture flow vector, {C} the nodal moisture content
8C =0 and {C} the rate of change of nodal moisture content.
8n The matrix equation (7) is integrated in the time
domain using the finite difference method. By adopting
(b) surface evaporation boundary
a backward difference scheme and discrete time steps
8C l:i.t, we obtain the following equation:
Kc(C) 8n = f(C e - Cs) (4)
([L] + I:i.t[K]){ C}f+~f = [LH C}f + I:i.t{F} (8)
where 8C/8n is the moisture gradient at the drying
surface with a unit normal n, Cs is the prescribed The matrix equation (8) can be solved for {C} at any
moisture content at the boundary, f is the surface time t+l:i.t if the matrices [K], [L], {Cl and {F} are
moisture transfer coefficient or surface factor and Ce is known at the time step t. Since the diffusivity Kc is a
the ultimate or equilibrium moisture content that an function of moisture content {C}, it changes during the
element would reach in steady-state equilibrium with solution process and therefore [K] is re-evaluated for
the environmental moisture conditions. It is both a each time step. Also, for each time step the solution
material property depending on mix proportions and a has to be obtained iteratively because the problem is
forcing function depending on the relative humidity of non-linear; equation (8) will not be satisfied and a
the environment. Cs is the moisture content at the dry- residual vector {lJI} will exist, such that
ing surface. {lJI} = ([L] + I:i.t[K]){ C}'+M - [LH C}f -1:i.t{F} ~ 0
Finite element formulation (9)

The diffusion equation in one-dimensional form, in-

cluding domain evaporation, is given by The iterations are continued until convergence is at-
tained, that is, when a selected norm of the residual
vector {lJI} becomes less than a specified level of

where G = jP/A, Q = JPCe / A, A is the cross-sec- Computer program implementation

tional area and P is the perimeter of the cross-section. For the prediction of moisture distribution using this
The two-dimensional moisture diffusion equation, in- moisture diffusion theory and finite element formula-
cluding domain evaporation as shown in Fig. 2, is tion, two separate codes MSTDIFF I and MSTDIFF2,
for one- and two-dimensional moisture flow respec-
8C 8 ( BC) 8 ( 8C)
at = 8x Kc(C) 8x + 8y Kc(C) 8y - GC + Q tively, were developed. A flow chart of the code
MSTDIFF2 is shown in Fig. 3.

where G = 2f/ t, Q = 2fCe / t and t is the thickness of Shrinkage stress analysis

the body.
The finite element formulation of a system governed A computer program was developed to compute the
by either of equations (5) or (6) results in the following stresses induced in a repair overlay/concrete substrate
matrix equation: system due to drying shrinkage of the repair material.
The code STRSRSYS (stress in repair system) is based
[KHC} + [LHC} = {F} (7) on a finite element formulation of the two-dimensional
MagaZine of Concrete Research, 1997,49, No. 181 285

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Asad et at.

Input description of geometry, material properties,
boundary conditions and environmental moisture content
t SFR2
Calculates the nodal force vector {to} and adds it to vector {F} I JACOB2 I
Calculates the matrix [KG] and moisture velocity matrix [L)
and adds [KG] to diffusivity matrix [K] JACOB2 I
Calculates the matrix [Kml and nodal force vector {ts} and adds
[Km] to diffusivity matrix [K] and {ts} to vector {F}
~ SFR2 I

TIME = 0
I Initializes time
• SFR2 I
Calculates the matrix [KD] and adds it JACOB2 I
to diffusivity matrix [K]
Assembles all element matrices
to form global matrices

Incrementing time with a constant
time step of L'> T

Combines the matrices [K], [L] and {F} according
to a specified finite difference scheme

Initializes the iteration counter
6 (a)

Fig. 3. Flow chart of two-dimensional moisture diffusion program MSTDlFF2

plane stress problem. It allows for specifying in-plane determine the moisture diffusivity Kc as a function of
free shrinkage strains in the elements, representing re- moisture content C, which is required as input data to
pair material in the repaired system.? the codes MSTDIFF I and MSTDIFF2 for the predic-
tion of moisture loss from the repair material.
Experimental determination of free shrinkage data
of the repair material was necessary to relate moisture
Experimental programme
loss to free shrinkage, and the free shrinkage data
An experimental programme was necessary to deter- is also required as the input to the code STRSRSYS for
mine the moisture content C at different depths from the prediction of shrinkage stresses in the repaired
the drying surface in the repair material and thereby system.
286 Magazine of Concrete Research, 1997, 49, No. 181

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Drying shrinkage in patch repair systems

Solves the equations for unknown moisture content {Cl

Incrementing iterations

Updates the matrix [Ko] for the values of moisture
content {Cl obtained in the previous iteration and also +----1 JACOB2 I
updates the diffusivity matrix [K]
+----1 BMATPS I
Assembles the new element diffusivity
matrices [K] to form global matrix

Combines the matrices [K], [L] and {F} according
TIME to a specified finite difference scheme
Calculates the residual values {1J'}
at each iteration

Checks if solution converge for a
particular time increment

Prints moisture content {Cl for a
particular time


The repair material used was a commercially avail- the shapes and dimensions of the specimens. Moisture
able cementitious mortar, specially formulated for use was allowed to diffuse from the two ends while the
in the hot conditions of the Middle East. The ingredi- other four sides of the specimen were sealed with
ents include special pre-blended non-shrink cements, paraffin wax so that the diffusion of moisture was one-
graded sands, fillers and chemical additives. The mor- dimensional.
tar can be trowel-applied to vertical and overhead sur- Free shrinkage strains in the repair material were
faces. The manufacturer's data includes a compressive measured using a thin specimen of 10 mm thickness, as
strength of 33 MPa, flexural strength of 7 MPa, slant shown in Fig. 4. Drying was allowed from the top
shear bond strength of 23 MPa and coefficient of ther- surface, and all the other surfaces were sealed. The test
mal expansion a = 7·3 X 10-6 re.
The moisture con- was representative of a 20 mm thick specimen, diffus-
tent was determined at various depths from the drying ing from both sides. The thickness is considered small
surface of the repair material by measuring the weight enough to not exhibit any effects of internal constraint.
changes of specimens of various length. Fig. 4 shows The strains were measured using a demec gauge.
Magazine of Concrete Research, 1997, 49, No. 181 287

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Asad et al.

~ Direction of moisture loss

40 - - , - - , - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - . , - - - , - - - - - - - - ,

1 cm 35
cm---+t~1 -J ~
I L.--::.:~----"';;:::"-':';:""'~bU !:: tEl~~7i-""··-~· ·.- ·T~.·- j~
1+-----7-'- 20

.•-..· .- ..··..
··· ·..,·· ·····-;·····..·..···,.. ·..· ·1
b = 4, 8, 12 cm

I ::t~7'" <: + + + -,- -.. L f-.._ _.j ; --cl

1 cm

I- 20cm -------+l~1 -J ~ i

5+/---..+---·:-:,...--T=~·-- ..---:---+--·+--.i-.._,-_·_1

5cmI I

o 5 10
15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Drying time: days

1 cm
.l- I
!- ~ 10cm


I Fig. 5. Moisture loss versus drying time at different depths


Fig. 4. Specimens for (a) measurement of moisture loss and Determination of moisture diffusivity
(b) measurement offree shrinkage strains The equation for one-dimensional moisture diffusion
when the moisture diffusivity Kc is a function of moist-
ure content C is

The tests were performed under controlled ambient oC = ox

&t 0 ( Kc(C) OC)
ox (11)
conditions, with a constant temperature of 35°C and
55 ± 5% RH. Using the Boltzmann transformation,9 C can be ex-
pressed in terms of a single variable 1] = 1](x, t) which
is a function of both space and time, defined as
Results and discussion 1] = x/ J t. Therefore, equation (11) is reduced to the
following ordinary differential equation by the intro-
Experimental determination of moisture content duction of the new variable 1]:
If it is assumed that the distribution of moisture at a
distance x from the drying surface is the same regard- --I JC' 1]dC = ( dC)C'
Kc(C)- (12)
less of the length of the specimen, then the moisture 2 I d1] I

content C(x, t) at time t and at distance x(x = 1, 3,

5 cm) is given by the following equation: 8 At C = I, rJ = 00 we have the condition dC/d1] = 0
and the moisture diffusivity Kc at any moisture content
C(x t) = (1 - (Wi - Wi-I) ) X lOO (10) C I is given as
, WO(li - li_I)S

where li is the length of the specimen, Wi is the
absolute moisture loss of the specimen (of length li) at
Kc\c=c, =
1] C=C,
] J'1]dC I
time t, Wo is the diffusible moisture in a unit volume
and S is the area of drying surface. The diffusible Therefore, the moisture diffusivity Kc can be deter-
moisture is given by the difference between the weight mined using equation (13) and the changes in moisture
of the specimen at the start of drying and its absolute content C with distance x and time t obtained from the
weight on oven drying after the experiment. experiments.
The relationship between moisture loss and drying The variation in moisture content C with depth x
time for the various specimens of different lengths was from the drying surface and time t is plotted against
obtained directly from the experiments. Time-depen- the variable 1] in Fig. 6. The relationship between the
dent changes in moisture content at distance x from the variable 1] and the moisture content C is expressed in a
drying surface (in the direction of width b, see Fig. form anal~~ous to that suggested by Penev and
4(a)) were calculated from equation (10). Fig. 5 shows Kawamura,
the moisture loss at different distances for different
drying times. According to Fig. 5, the change in moist- C(rJ) = (I - _P-)
X lOO (14)
ure content near the surface of the concrete is rapid,
but at points slightly removed from the surface, the where p is the value of 1] at 50% moisture loss and is
changes are slow. equal to 0·065.
288 Magazine of Concrete Research, 1997, 49, No. 181

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Drying shrinkage in patch repair systems

The moisture diffusivity Kc for concrete varies from

100 0·76 cm 2 /day in the saturated condition (C = 100%) to
0·047 cm 2 /day in the oven-dry condition (C = 0%).8
90 For lean concrete Kc varies from 90 cm 2 /day (satu-
rated) to 0·31 cm 2 /day (oven-dry) and for soil-cement
J!l 80
c: Kc is in the range of 6 cm 2 /day (saturated) to
0'15cm 2 /day (oven-dry).lO The constant value of
~ 70 moisture diffusivity Kc used for prediction of moisture
::2: loss by linear moisture diffusion theory is 0.3 cm2 / day
for concrete and soil-cement,IO and for lean concrete
it is 0·9 cm 2 / day. 10 The moisture diffusivity Kc is
found to be much higher than the chloride diffusivity D
3 4 5 6 7 in concrete, which is 8 X 10- 3 cm 2 / day. 11
n = x/J
Determination ofsurface factor
Fig. 6. Moisture content C versus variable rt
A repair mortar specimen of dimensions 10 cm X
2 cm X 2 cm, in which diffusion of moisture was from
The moisture diffusivity Kc is obtained by substitut- only one side of cross-section 2 cm X 2 cm, was ana-
ing for 17 and dC/d17 from equation (14) into equation lysed. The surface factor f was determined by compar-
(13) and integrating the result. The relationship be- ing the experimental moisture losses with the predicted
tween the calculated values of diffusivity Kc and moist- values using the one-dimensional finite element code
ure content C is shown in Fig. 7. It can be inferred MSTDIFF I. The values of moisture loss predicted
from Fig. 7 that the moisture diffusion from the interior using the diffusivity Kc as a function of moisture con-
of the repair material is closely related to the moisture tent C were found to be in good agreement with the
content of the repair material. More precisely, in the experimental values, for a surface factor f = o· 3
range of high moisture content, the diffusivity falls cm/day, as shown in Fig. 8. The surface factor f of
sharply with a decrease in moisture content, but for a this repair material is low compared to that of normal
moisture content below 60-70%, it may be considered concrete, 0·55 cm/day.8 Also, the moisture loss values
to attain a more or less constant value. predicted using the linear moisture diffusion theory
On the basis of the results shown in Fig. 7, a rela- with Kc = 0·3 cm 2 /day are shown in Fig. 8. The pre-
tionship between the moisture diffusivity Kc and moist- diction of moisture loss using a moisture-dependent
ure content C was obtained using non-linear regression diffusivity is found to be more accurate than the predic-
as follows: tion using a constant diffusivity, especially after about
15% of the moisture has been lost.
(15) The high rate of moisture loss, especially in the
initial period of drying, is attributed to the high value
of diffusivity in that period. Hence, it can be said that
where Ko is the diffusivity in the oven-dry condition the moisture diffusivity Kc is one of the major para-
(C=O%) and is equal to 0'1175cm 2 /day, and the meters affecting the moisture loss from a cementitious
regression parameters a and bare 0·05 and 1·878 repair material.

~~ 1Jl
§ !

~ 1~
:~ I
6 I -:;:;:::::::::::l'r
0'1~ x Experimental values
..... Experimental values - Non-linear theory
- - Linear theory
0.01 .....
-....,,----,---r-....,--..,~._R,e_9 r_es....,s,ed_v_a,lue_s--f
i I j I
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Moisture content C: % Drying time: days

Fig. 7. Relationship between moisture content C and difJusiv- Fig. 8. Experimental and predicted values of moisture loss at
ityKc x = 1 cm from the drying surface

Magazine of Concrete Research, 1997, 49, No. 181 289

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Asad et al.

Relationship between moisture loss and free shrinkage linear, is given by the following expression based on
strains a regression model:
The free shrinkage strains obtained from the experi- M 25
ments are plotted against drying time in Fig. 9. It can (Csh)M = 195 + M25 (csh)ult (16)
be inferred from Fig. 9 that the strains increase rapidly
during the initial drying period,' but, as drying pro- This is a form similar to the ACI Committee 209
gresses, the increase in strain becomes slow and the equation for the variation of shrinkage with time. In
strain reaches a constant or ultimate value at the end of the above equation, Esh represents the free shrinkage
28 days. strain, M the percentage loss of moisture starting
To obtain a relationship between free shrinkage from 0% and (Esh)ult the ultimate free shrinkage
strains and moisture loss, the free shrinkage strains strain, which is taken as 1600 microstrain. Equation
were plotted against the experimentally determined (16) enables the prediction of free shrinkage strains
moisture loss values at a depth x = I cm from the for different values of moisture loss for this particular
drying surface, as shown in Fig. 10. According to repair material.
Fig. 10, the relationship between moisture loss and
Application of two-dimensional finite element model
free shrinkage strain is not linear. Thus, it is not
possible to predict directly the free shrinkage strain In order to study the application of the two-dimen-
from the moisture loss for this repair material, as has sional finite element model, a practical case which
been the trend for shrinkage modelling in ordinary simulates field conditions of applying a patch repair to
concrete. 6,12 The actual relationship between free substrate concrete was analysed. The problem of two-
shrinkage strains and moisture loss, which is non- dimensional moisture diffusion from the repair material
was analysed using the experimentally obtained curve
for moisture diffusivity Kc shown in Fig. 7 and the
2000,,----------------------, material was assumed to be isotropic so that
K ex = Key. The surface moisture transfer coefficient
i!! --- used was 0·3 cm/day, with the equilibrium moisture
'(ij 1500-1 . content Ce as 50%. The thickness t used was 1 cm.

I A repair mortar layer cast over a concrete sub-
strate, having a cross-section 50 cm X 2 cm, in which
the diffusion of moisture was from the top surface
'0001 and through the sides, was analysed. The repair sys-
tem was assumed to be very long in the third direc-
lE 500 tion as, for example, in the case of industrial flooring
or a bridge deck. Moisture cannot diffuse into the
O+-----,---.---,--J -,-'Ultimat,e shrink~ge strain! substrate concrete as it is assumed to be sealed at the
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 interface between the concrete and the repair materi-
Drying time: days
al. One half of the cross-section was analysed using a
two-dimensional finite element grid with 27 nodal
Fig. 9. Free shrinkage strain versus drying time
points and 16 four-noded elements, as shown in Fig.
11. The time-dependent changes in moisture content
along the section B-B (Fig. 12, inset) are shown in
2 0 0 0 - , - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -__ Fig. 12.

1800~, The results of the analysis indicate that the moisture

1600~ content at a particular time of drying is high in the
~ 1400~ interior and there is a significant variation in moisture
content at the ends. The variation in moisture content
e I
.~ 12001~ at the ends is due to the diffusion of moisture in two
~ 1000 directions, that is, through the top surface and through
.S 800 the end, showing the effect of two-dimensional moist-
.c ure diffusion. The diffusion of moisture in the central
l portion is predominantly through the top surface and
hence the moisture content in this region is almost
200l constant, at a particular time of drying. Therefore, it
O-¥---,----r--,-------,----,----,---,-----1 can be concluded that in the case of patch repairs the
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Moisture loss: %
moisture diffusion is predominantly one-dimensional,
and even when the ends are exposed to drying, a major
Fig. 10. Relationship between free shrinkage strain and portion of the repair has one-dimensional moisture dif-
moisture loss fusion.
290 Magazine of Concrete Research, 1997,49, No. 181

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Drying shrinkage in patch repair systems

y concrete substrate of size 200 X 50 X 50 mm, as shown

6 912 15 18 21 24 27
in Fig. 13, was analysed for shrinkage stresses.
3 A 24-element mesh with eight-noded isoparametric
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
plane-stress elements, shown in Fig. 13, was used to
model the repair materialjconcrete substrate system.
2 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
The effect of shrinkage along the width and thickness
1,.4 7 10 13 19 22 25 x of the repair layer was considered to be negligible, as
16 250 m
the width and thickness are very small compared to the
length, and is ignored by this model. The analysis
carried out in this study was linear elastic. The bond
(a) between the repair material and the substrate concrete
was assumed to be perfect. The laboratory-measured
y data relating the elastic and mechanical properties of
et the substrate concrete and the repair material are as
12 18 24 30 36 42 48
6 (a) concrete: compressive strength = 40 MPa, direct

5 10 15 20 25 30 35
5 tensile strength = 4 MPa, modulus of elasticity
4 9 14 19 24 29 34
4 = 30000 MPa, Poisson's ratio = 0·2
3 8 13 18 23 28 33 50mm (b) repair material: compressive strength = 25 MPa,
2 7 12 17 22 27 32 direct tensile strength = 3 MPa, modulus of elas-
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 ticity = 14000 MPa, Poisson's ratio = 0·2.
1 .7 13 19 25 250 mm 31 37 3 x

20 33 40 53 60 73 80 93
13 T
Fig. 11. Finite element discretization for two-dimensional 12 6 12 18 24 Repair material 10mm

moisture diffusion problem 10 5 11 17 23
8 4 10 16 22
6 3 9 15 21 Concrete 50mm
Shrinkage stresses in repair material/substrate 5
4 2 8 14 20
concrete system 3
2 1 7 13 19
The free shrinkage strains Esh were used as the input
to the finite element code STRSRSYS to find the A 14 21 34 41 54 61 74 81 x
stresses due to restrained shrinkage of the repair mater-
ial in the repair material/concrete substrate system. A Fig. 13. Finite element discretization for stress analysis in
thin repair layer of size 200 X 50 X 10 mm cast over a restrained concrete system

- 1= 50 days

-1= 40day$
.' 1= 30 days
_ 1= 20 days

__ 1= 10 days
..... 1= 5 days

B- ~-------""""B .l
,.'" ---

- Repair material -"'" 20 mm


60 ~.-._._._._._-_._._._._._.- Concrete

;.~ :;.:;.: .;;.~:;~.~~~~.~~.;-~- ;.;;. ~.;.;..~:.:.
o 2
I i
10 12 14
i I
16 18
Distance along length: cm
24 26 t - - - - - 500mm

Fig. 12. Time-dependent changes in moisture content C along section B-B (inset)

Magazine of Concrete Research, 1997,49, No. 181 291

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Asad et al.

Figure 14 shows the predicted values of tensile stres- 16 I

ses due to restrained shrinkage at the top surface of the
repair layer in the repaired system. The tensile stress
values calculated using the experimentally measured '"
:::; 12
restrained shrinkage strains in a corresponding re- en
strained overlay/ substrate sy~tem are also shown in <ii
Fig. 14. The predicted values of restrained shrinkage
stresses are in good agreement with the stress values
c: 81
calculated using the experimentally measured shrinkage E

'" 4~
strains. :::;
The tensile and shear stresses in the repair material 2 I
close to the interface are shown in Fig. 14. It is clear
from Fig. 14 that the maximum tensile stress occurs at J 0
2 4 6 8
14 16
the centre and the maximum shear stress occurs at the Ultimate shrinkage strain: 10- 4
Fig. 15. Variation of maximum tensile stress near interface
These results show very high tensile and shear stress
with ultimate shrinkage strain
values in the repair material, possibly leading to crack-
ing of the repair material at the centre and debonding
at the ends. The high stress in the repair material/ 3·0 MPa, which is equal to the direct tensile strength of
concrete substrate system is attributed to the high free the repair material. Therefore, for the repair
shrinkage strains in the repair material. material/concrete substrate system considered, the ulti-
mate shrinkage strain should not exceed 300 micro-
strain to avoid cracking of the repair material due to
Determination of allowable ultimate drying shrinkage of the repair material. By comparison,
the ultimate shrinkage strain for concrete at a relative
shrinkage strain
humidity of 40% ranges from 400 to 1100 microstrain,
The allowable ultimate shrinkage strain in the repair with an average value of about 500 microstrain.
material to avoid cracking, that is, the strain at which It must be noted that in the presence of tensile creep,
tensile stresses due to restrained shrinkage are within somewhat higher ultimate shrinkage strains (> 300
the permissible limits, is determined by using different microstrain) could be tolerated prior to damage due to
values of ultimate shrinkage strains, ranging from 200 cracking and/or delamination.
to 1500 microstrain. Fig. 15 shows the maximum ten-
sile stress values for different ultimate shrinkage strains
in a repaired system with a 10 mm thick repair layer
over a 50 mm thick concrete substrate, and in the con-
text of a linear constitutive model, the variation is It has been noted that the use of a moisture-depen-
linear. The allowable shrinkage strain was found to be dent diffusivity Kc in the study of moisture diffusion
300 microstrain, causing a maximum tensile stress of through concrete results in predicted values of moisture

Moisture diffusion

~~~~~~~ ..t.
1-_---:.R"'e"'D,a"'i:...:rm::..:=at::::;e:.:;ria::;.I_---I1 0 mm

Concrete T

~ Tensile stress at top (experimental)

1-l1-1----200 mm -----1~~1
-+- Tensile stress at top (predicted)

~ Tensile stress at interface (predicted)

~ Shear stress at interface (predicted)

25 50 75 100
Length of specimen: mm

Fig. 14. Shrinkage stresses in repair material due to free shrinkage strain of 1500 microstrain

292 Magazine of Concrete Research, 1997,49, No. 181

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Drying shrinkage in patch repair systems

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The authors acknowledge the support and coopera- Discussion contributions on this paper should reach the editor by
tion of the Department of Civil Engineering at King 26 June 1998

Magazine of Concrete Research, 1997,49, No. 181 293

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