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I. Cover Page

II. Company Profile

III. Management Commitment

IV. Plant Lay-out

• Attached copy of the plan or blue print, directing all the location of working premises,
auxiliary premises, and pieces of equipment

V. Location/Vicinity Map available

VI. Organizational Structure


• Organize HACCP Team
• Prepare the Organizational Structure of your HACCP Team
• Prepare the lists qualification of each of the HACCP Team Members: Educational
attainment; Experience; Relevant trainings attended

VIII. Product Description

a) Composition
• Product Name
• Raw Materials (Harvesting area, Name, Scientific / English Name)
• Ingredients
• Additives

b) Structure and Physico-Chemical Characteristics

• Moisture Content
• Salt Content
• aw (Water Activity)
• pH
• Solid, Liquid, Gas Emulsion
• Others

c) Processing Methods
i.e. Freezing (Air Blast / Contact), Drying, Heating, Salting, Smoking, Chilling/Icing,
Marinating, etc.

d) Packaging Method i.e. Hermetically Sealed, Vacuum Sealed

e) Packaging Material
- Inner/Primary
- Outer/Secondary

f) Storage Condition

g) Distribution Condition

h) Shelf Life
- Sell by Date
- Best Before Date

i) Consumers Instruction for Use

i.e. Keep Frozen, Refrigerate After Opening, Thawed at Chilling Temperature, Cooking Prior to
j.) Intended Use / Consumers
i.e. For Further Processing, Institutional Caterers, Restaurants, General Public, Vulnerable /
Sensitive Group (Adults, Children, with Allergen History

IX. Process Flow Diagram (for example refer to Appendix 2: A2-2, page 452 of CFSAN-June
2022 Edition)
- Identify CCP and important control parameters i.e. time and temperature

X. Narrative Description of the Process Flow

- Discussion must be consistent with process flow diagram
- Describe all the process steps based on the actual process flow including: Control
parameters i.e. Time / Temperature and delays, CCP’s, Corrective measures to be
taken, and monitoring records

XI. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

Discuss and indicate in the plant’s GMP Program the actual condition and practice of
the plant following the seven (7) assessment criteria of GMP, to wit:

1. Plant Surroundings (documents should show discussion on the design & lay-out
of the plant premises) base on the following:

a) Outside Premise
• Building facility
• Roadways
• Building exterior
• Water storage
• Garbage storage
• Other facilities i.e. canteen, parking lot, waste water treatment, drainage
system outside

b) Building interior or construction and maintenance

• Lay-out/design of facility (straight line process flow of the product)
• Floor i.e. provision of slope
• Walls
• Drainage
• Lighting
• Ventilation
• Waste Disposal
• Cold storage Rooms
• Doors and windows (screened effectively)
• Ceiling

c) Sanitary facilities
• Chemical control- indicate storage in lockable cabinet
• Storage Warehouse
• Employee facilities (washrooms, hand-washing facilities, toilets)
• Equipment cleaning & sanitizing facilities
• Water pipes (water pipe color coded to identify supply of potable/non-
potable water system connection)
• Hand dips not mentioned
• Capacity of the water tank; material used ie. plastic or stainless
• Hand-washing facility

2. Processing equipment and utensils

• Include detailed discussion on the maintenance of every equipment i.e.
vacuum packer, cold storage, ice maker, etc.
• Discuss the calibration and maintenance of monitoring instruments (internal
or external) based on the following:
o WHAT – identify the instrument subject for calibration
o HOW – Discuss a procedure or guideline on how to conduct calibration,
i.e. internal and external
o WHEN – Identify the frequency of calibration (how often)
o WHO – Identify the concerned person tasked to do calibration

3. Personal Hygiene and personnel training

• Discuss based on the following details:
- Workers medical certificate (semi- annul or annually)
- Appropriate working clothes, aprons, including protective covering for
visitors and covering for hair
- Discussion on laundry of working clothes; cleaning of rubber boots
- Discussion on personal practices
- Training program on GMP,SSOP and HACCP Principles
- Training, frequency, target date, number of persons and the person or
group who conducted the training

4. Sanitation & Pest control- the documents must show the following:
• Method of preventing pest access
• Method of detecting evidence of infestation or the presence of pests or pest
• Pest control procedure from the 3rd party service provider
• Discussion on chemical application to include what chemical used and what
concentration, when, where, how chemical was applied and any special
• Monitoring procedure

5. Cleaning and Sanitation

• Cleaning & sanitation procedures for all equipment i.e. vacuum packing, heat
sealer & including the transport vehicles)

6. Product recall system

• Discuss the procedures of the plant in conducting recall of the products from
the market/ end user whenever the product is detained abroad or found to be
unfit for human consumption
• Include procedure on mock recall

7. Records
• Discuss how records are generated, who records, and check the data
• Identify the responsible person, signed and dated by the same
• Record-keeping

XII. Sanitation Standards Operating Procedure (SSOP)

Discuss in the plant’s SSOP Program based on the actual condition following eight (8)
key areas of SSOP:
1. Safety of water and ice
- Discuss about the source of water used in the processing and in the
manufacture of the ice/source of ice
- Discuss how you maintain/ensure the safety of the water and ice used in
the plant
- Discuss about the monitoring procedure and laboratory analysis

2. Condition and cleanliness of food contact surfaces, pieces of equipment and

containers used during the processing;

include the sanitizing agent being used - source, MSDS requirements

3. Prevention of cross-contamination

- Flow of waste water

- Air movement in the plant
- Time management for processing products with different hazards
- Backflow protection device mechanism
- Food contact surfaces

4. Maintenance of Hand-washing/sanitizing and toilet facilities

- Existing facilities
- Maintenance procedures

5. Protection of food, food packaging materials and food contact surfaces from

6. Proper labelling/storage & use of toxic substances

7. Assurance of personnel health condition through specific health program to

prevent contamination of the product, packaging materials and contact surfaces;

8. Implementation of a pest control program in the plant. Include discussion in

conducting in-house and 3rd party pest control.

XIII. Hazard Analysis Worksheet (refer to CFSAN, appendix 1: Form (A1-2, page 445 of CFSAN-
June 2022 Edition)
- Identify each potential hazards (biological, chemical, and physical hazards) associated in
each process step
- Identify significant hazard
- Discuss appropriate control measure
- For CCP Decision Tree refer to Appendix 3 of CFSAN-June 2022 Edition)

XIV. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)

- Transfer the identified CCP to the HACCP Plan Table (refer to CFSAN, appendix 1:
Form (A1-4, page 44 of CFSAN-June 2022 Edition)
- Identify potential hazards associated with each process step. These hazards can be
biological, chemical, or physical in nature
- Establish Critical Limits for each CCP
- Establish Monitoring Systems for each CCP
- Establish Corrective Actions for deviations that may occur
- Establish Verification Procedures
- Establish Record Keeping and Documentation

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