Frog Supertable Cairn Basic

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The Frog Supertable

A table of twelve fantastic frogs for fantasy adventure games inspired by the
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons™ frog subtable (Dungeon Masters Guide p. 185).
Creature stats are provided in the Cairn format for compatibility with that game
and other Into the Odd-inspired games.

What Kind of Frog Is It?

Type 1d100
Giant 0–12
Killer 13–21
Poisonous 22–29
Flying 30–34
Vampire 35–39
Flying Vampire 40–42
Skeleton 43–52
Ghost 53–61
Demon 62–71
Fire 72–89
Fog 90–94
Ice 95–100

All frogs in this table are large, roughly the size of a bear, and are most likely to
appear in marshes, jungles, or other wet places, but may choose to visit other
locations from time to time.

What Is It Doing?
1) Swallowing a large slug whole
2) Licking its eyeballs clean
3) Wallowing in a mud puddle
4) Jumping on a giant lilypad
5) Stalking prey through tall grass
6) Climbing a tree
7) Protecting its pond of tadpoles
8) Lounging on a pile of gold
9) Sunbathing
10) Burrowing under a large tree
11) Up to its eyeballs in murky water
12) Croaking a loud mating call
13) Attacking some lumberjacks
14) Sleeping under a big leaf
15) Sniffing out a tasty treat

16) Eating a spell scroll off a dead wizard
17) Fighting a colony of ants
18) Staring at the moon and stars longingly
19) Performing a demonic summoning
20) Sitting smugly on a large toadstool

Frog Parts
1) Moist eyeballs
2) Sticky tongue
3) Tasty liver
4) Sharp claws
5) Concealing mud
6) Fiery spleen
7) Buoyant fat
8) Rubbery skin
9) Strong bones
10) Poison glands
11) Fly-filled stomach
12) Prophetic appendix
13) Healing fluids
14) Vocal sac
15) Pointed fangs
16) Musk nodes
17) Stringy tendons
18) Stretchy webbing
19) Acid pouch
20) Green blood

Frog Whistle
(3 Charges)
Frog-shaped whistle of dark wood. Emits a high-pitched sound that repels most
Recharge: Boil in water with a frog’s vocal sac

Gliding Gloves
(2 Charges)
Webbed gloves made of flying frog skin. Allow the wearer to glide up to 40 ft.
After jumping.
Recharge: Ride on the back of a flying frog in flight while wearing the gloves.

Demonic Amulet
(5 Charges)
Demon frog eye set in gold on a chain. Same effect as Demonic Gaze.
Recharge: Replace with a new demon frog eye.

The Frogs
Giant Frog
6 HP, 10 STR, 12 DEX, 8 WIL, bite (d4)
• Very large, but otherwise normal, frog
• 10 ft. tongue can stick and pull smaller creatures or objects to the frog
• Critical damage:Frog swallows the target of its attack

Killer Frog
5 HP, 8 STR, 14 DEX, 10 WIL, bite (d6+d6)
• Large, scrawny, and fast moving with
• Carnivorous and prone to attacking other wounded frogs

Poison Frog
6 HP, 7 STR, 13 DEX, 8 WIL, bite (d4)
• Colorful skin and pitch black spots
• Hides in shadows
• Critical damage: Hallucinate color-changing frogs for 30 minutes

Flying Frog
6 HP, 10 STR, 14 DEX, 8 WIL, bite (d4)
• Large feet with translucent webbing between toes
• Can glide 80 ft. from a high place or 40 ft. jumping from ground
• Critical damage:Knocks down and pins target

Flying Vampire Frog

7 HP, 12 STR, 12 DEX, 12 WIL, bite (d4+d4)
• Large fangs and blood-red eyes
• Avoids sunlight

• Critical damage:Recovers full STR and HP if the target has blood

Skeleton Frog
5 HP, 12 STR, 10 DEX, 12 WIL, bite (d4+d4)
• Bony with flames for eyes
• At 0 STR collapses into a pile of bones that will reform in 5-10 minutes
unless burned to ashes

Ghost Frog
6 HP, 10 STR, 10 DEX, 10 WIL, bite (d6)
• Translucent and wispy
• Immune to non-magical sources of damage
• Critical damage: target spends 1d4 rounds frantically seeking a source of

Demon Frog
8 HP, 12 STR, 10 DEX, 10 WIL, bite (d6+d6)
• Large, black, and wreathed in flames
• Demonic Gaze: Anyone who looks in the demon frog’s eyes must save WIL
or take d6 STR damage and be haunted by visions of all-consuming fire
for 1 minute
• Critical damage: target catches on fire

Fire Frog
6 HP, 14 STR, 10 DEX, 10 WIL, flame breath (d6+d6, blast)
• Glowing red and orange splotched skin
• Immune to damage from fire
• Critical damage: target catches on fire

Fog Frog
6 HP, 12 STR, 10 DEX, 10 WIL, bite (d4+d4)
• Bulging eyes and covered in spots
• Cloud: may breath a cloud that completely obscures an area 50 ft. long,
40 ft. wide, and 20 ft. high

• Critical damage: target’s lungs are filled with fog and they begin struggling
to breath

Ice Frog
6 HP, 14 STR, 10 DEX, 10 WIL, ice breath (d6+d6, blast)
• Shimmering blue and white skin
• Immune to damage from cold and ice
• Critical damage: target is frozen in place for 1d4 rounds

Writing and Layout by Luke Simonds, publishing as Cats Have No Lord.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
International License.
Cairn is written by Yochai Gal and licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon™ Masters Guide by Gary Gygax
© 1979 TSR Games

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