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Optical Materials 35 (2013) 1151–1156

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Growth and characterization of ammonium acid phthalate single crystals

A. Arunkumar, P. Ramasamy ⇑
Centre for Crystal Growth, SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam 603 110, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Ammonium acid phthalate (AAP) has been synthesized and single crystals were grown by slow evaporation
Received 21 June 2012 solution growth technique. The unit cell parameters were confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction
Received in revised form 24 December 2012 analysis and it belongs to orthorhombic system with the space group of Pcab. The high resolution X-ray
Accepted 2 January 2013
diffraction studies revealed the crystalline perfection of the grown crystal. The various functional groups
Available online 16 February 2013
of AAP were identified by FT-IR and Raman spectral analyses. Thermal stability of the grown crystals
was studied by TGA/DTA. The optical properties of the grown crystals were analyzed by UV–Vis-NIR and
photoluminescence spectral studies. The mechanical property of the grown crystal was studied by Vickers
A. Organic compounds
B. Crystal growth
microhardness measurement. The growth features of AAP were analyzed by chemical etching.
C. Thermo gravimetric analysis Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C. X-ray diffraction
D. Optical properties

1. Introduction 2. Experimental

In recent years, there has been considerable interest on organic 2.1. Synthesis and crystal growth
materials due to their potential applications such as frequency
conversion, optical signal processing, light modulation, optical The analytical grade of ammonia and phthalic acid were taken
switching and logic gates. Organic crystals are especially interesting in equimolar ratio and the calculated amount of material was dis-
because they can offer a highly aligned and stable orientation of solved in deionized water with the resistivity of 18.2 MX cm at
NLO chromophores in the crystal lattice [1–5]. Generally, organic room temperature. The reaction mechanism is depicted in Fig. 1.
materials contain donor and acceptor groups positioned at either The recrystallized salt of AAP was taken as the raw material and
end of a suitable conjugation path. Extension of benzene derivatives the saturated solutions of AAP were prepared at room temperature
has permitted an increase in the number of p electrons as well as their using water. The solubility of AAP was measured as a function of
delocalization length, so as to lead to remarkable enhancement in temperature in the range from 25 to 50 °C. From the solubility curve
hyperpolarizability. Organic molecules have delocalized electrons (Fig. 2), it is observed that AAP has a positive solubility gradient in
which exhibit various photo responses such as photoluminescence, water. In accordance with the solubility data, the growth solution
photoconductive, photovoltaic and photocatalytic behavior [6]. It was prepared and filtered off using Whatmann filter paper. The
has been reported that phthalate based crystals possess high solution was taken in a beaker and closed with perforated polythene
piezoelectric coefficients with acousto-optical interaction [7,8]. This cover and kept in a dust-free atmosphere. After 25 days of growth, a
feature allows one to use them for data processing and intra laser good quality and well faceted single crystals were harvested from
modulation in various acousto-optical devices. The organic hydrogen the mother solution with the dimension of 12  10  5 mm3. The
phthalate crystals are widely known for their application in the long- grown AAP crystals were harvested when they attained an optimal
wave X-ray spectrometers and their optical, piezoelectric, NLO, and size and shape. The grown crystals are optically transparent and
elastic properties are investigated in detail [9–12]. The phthalate non-hygroscopic. The grown crystal is shown in Fig. 3.
crystals are often used as diffracting crystals because they are rela-
tively inexpensive, easily cleaved, and sufficiently bendable for a
3. Results and discussion
compact spectrograph. The structure of ammonium acid phthalate
crystal has been reported recently [13]. In the present investigation,
3.1. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies
we are reporting the bulk growth, optical, thermal and mechanical
properties of ammonium acid phthalate crystal for the first time.
The grown crystal was subjected to single crystal X-ray diffrac-
tion study using Bruker Kappa APEXII diffractometer with Mo Ka
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 9283105760; fax: +91 44 27475166. radiation with the wavelength of 0.71073 Å. The calculated cell
E-mail address: (P. Ramasamy). parameters are a = 6.30 Å, b = 10.07 Å and c = 25.73 Å and it be-

0925-3467/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1152 A. Arunkumar, P. Ramasamy / Optical Materials 35 (2013) 1151–1156




Phthalic Acid Ammonia Ammonium Acid Phthalate

Fig. 1. Reaction scheme of AAP.

Fig. 4. The morphology diagram of AAP single crystal.

speed of 1 °/min over a range of 10–70°. The obtained diffraction

Fig. 2. Solubility diagram of AAP. peaks were indexed using ‘TWO THETA’ software package. The in-
dexed powder X-ray diffraction pattern is depicted in Fig. 5.

3.3. HRXRD studies

The crystalline perfection of the grown single crystals was

characterized by HRXRD by employing a multicrystal X-ray
diffractometer developed at NPL [14]. The well-collimated and
monochromated Mo Ka1 beam obtained from the three monochro-
mator Si crystals set in dispersive (+, , ) configuration has been
used as the exploring X-ray beam. The specimen crystal is aligned
in the (+, , , +) configuration. Due to dispersive configuration,



Fig. 3. As grown single crystals of ammonium acid phthalate (AAP).

Intensity (counts)

longs to orthorhombic system with space group of Pcab. The unit
cell parameters and space group are in good agreement with the 600
reported values [13]. Fig. 4 shows the morphology of AAP crystal
and it was indexed using Enraf Nonius CAD4 diffractometer
equipped in the graphite monochromated Mo Ka radiation



k = 0.71073 Å.



3.2. Powder X-ray diffraction

10 20 30 40 50
The purity and crystallinity of AAP crystals have been confirmed 2θ (degree)
by recording powder X-ray diffraction pattern using a0 REICH SEIF-
ERT X-ray diffractometer employing Cu Ka (1.54058 Å A) with a scan Fig. 5. Indexed powder X-ray diffraction spectrum of AAP.
A. Arunkumar, P. Ramasamy / Optical Materials 35 (2013) 1151–1156 1153

though the lattice constant of the monochromator crystal(s) and region is due to the combination of COOH, NH and OH stretching
the specimen are different, the unwanted dispersion broadening vibrations. The peaks at 2900 and 1609 cm1 are due to aromatic
in the diffraction curve (DC) of the specimen crystal is insignificant. CAH and COO stretching vibrations. The NAH deformation mode
The specimen can be rotated about the vertical axis, which is per- occurs at 1406 cm1, CAO stretching in 1386 cm1 and NH2 torsion
pendicular to the plane of diffraction, with minimum angular inter- in 1115 cm1 are clearly observed. The absorption band at
val of 0.4 arc s. The rocking or diffraction curves were recorded by 895 cm1 is assigned to the aromatic CAH bending vibration. The
changing the glancing angle (angle between the incident X-ray Raman spectra were measured using a WiTec GmbH confocal
beam and the surface of the specimen) around the Bragg diffraction microRaman using the excitation wavelength of 532 nm as shown
peak position hB (taken as zero for the sake of convenience) starting in Fig. 8. The band at 3078 cm1 is due to NAH summation band.
from a suitable arbitrary glancing angle and ending at a glancing The peaks at 1723 cm1 and 1603 cm1 are due to C@O and COO
angle after the peak so that all the meaningful scattered intensities stretching vibrations respectively. The peak at 1603 cm1 confirms
on both sides of the peak are included in the diffraction curve. The the origin of COO stretching both from IR and Raman. The peak at
DC was recorded by the so-called x scan wherein the detector was 1505 cm1 indicates the aromatic stretching. The torsional oscilla-
kept at the same angular position 2hB with wide opening for its slit. tion of NH occurs at 1050 cm1. It clearly shows the aromatic out
This arrangement is very appropriate to record the short range or- of plane bending at 811 cm1.
der scattering caused by the defects or by the scattering from local
Bragg diffractions from agglomerated point defects or due to low 3.5. UV–Vis-NIR spectral studies
angle and very low angle structural grain boundaries [15]. Before
recording the diffraction curve to remove the non-crystallized sol- The optical transmittance range and transparency cut-off wave-
ute atoms which remained on the surface of the crystal and the length are the main requirements for device applications [19]. The
possible layers which may sometimes form on the surfaces on transparent behavior of AAP crystal was measured using the Per-
crystals grown by solution methods [16] and also to ensure the kin–Elmer lambda 35 spectrophotometer and the entire UV–Vis-
surface planarity, the specimen was first lapped and chemically NIR spectrum is shown in Fig. 9. A crystal with the thickness of
etched in a non-preferential etchant of water and acetone mixture 2 mm without polishing and antireflection coating is used for the
in 1:2 volume ratio. Fig. 6 shows the high-resolution diffraction measurement. The lower cut off wavelength of AAP is around
curve (DC) recorded for a typical AAP crystal grown by SEST meth- 300 nm and it has sufficient transmittance in the entire visible
od using (1 1 4) diffracting planes in symmetrical Bragg geometry and NIR regions. It may be noted that the ammonium contained
by employing the multicrystal X-ray diffractometer with Mo Ka1 phthalate (AAP) crystal may possess the substantial contribution
radiation. As seen in the figure, the DC contains a single peak and of the phonon subsystem [20]. The absence of absorption in the re-
indicates that the specimen is free from structural grain bound- gion between 300 and 1100 nm shows that the crystal can be used
aries. The FWHM (full width at half maximum) of the curve is for optical window applications.
15 arc s which is somewhat more than that expected from the The dependence of optical absorption coefficient with the pho-
plane wave theory of dynamical X-ray diffraction [17], for an ide- ton energy helps to study the band structure and the type of tran-
ally perfect crystal but close to that expected for nearly perfect real sition of the electron. The absorption coefficient (a) and the optical
life crystals. This much of broadness with good scattered intensity parameters such as refractive index (n), reflectance (R) and extinc-
along both the wings of the DC indicates that the crystal contains tion coefficient (K) have been determined from the transmission
interstitial type of defects [18]. More details may be obtained from (T) spectrum based on the following relations:
the study of high-resolution diffuse X-ray scattering measure-
ments [14], which is not the main focus of the present a¼ logð1=TÞ ð1Þ
where T is the transmittance and ‘t’ is the thickness of the crystal.
The absorption coefficient ‘a’ is related to the extinction coeffi-
3.4. FTIR and laser Raman studies
cient K by:

Fig. 7 shows the FTIR spectrum of AAP recorded employing a

Perkin–Elmer lambda 32 using KBr pellet technique in the range
of 4000–400 cm1. The broadening of peaks in higher wavenumber

AAP(114) Plane
MoKα1 (+,−,−,+)
Diffracted X-ray intensity [c/sec]




-100 -50 0 50 100
Glancing angle [arc sec]

Fig. 6. High resolution X-ray diffraction curve of AAP. Fig. 7. FT-IR spectrum of AAP.
1154 A. Arunkumar, P. Ramasamy / Optical Materials 35 (2013) 1151–1156

Fig. 8. Raman spectrum of AAP crystal.

ak Fig. 11. TG/DTA curve of AAP crystal.

K¼ ð2Þ
The reflectance (R) in terms of the absorption coefficient and
refractive index (n) can be derived from the relations: 120

expðatÞ  ðatÞT  expð3atÞT þ expð2atÞT 2 Hardness Number Hv (Kg/mm2) 100
R¼ ð3Þ
expðatÞ þ expð2atÞT

pffiffiffi 80
ðR þ 1Þ  2 R
n¼ ð4Þ
ðR  1Þ
In the high photon energy region, the energy dependence of
absorption coefficient suggests the occurrence of direct band gap
of the crystal obeying the following equation for high photon ener- 40
gies (hm).

ðahmÞ2 ¼ AðEg  hmÞ ð5Þ

where Eg is the optical band gap of the crystal and A is a constant. 0

The variation of (ahm)1/2 with hm in the fundamental absorption re- 0 10 20 30 40 50
gion is plotted in Fig. 9b. The band gap of the crystal was evaluated Load P (gm)
by extrapolation of the linear part of the graph and found to be
Fig. 12. Load (P) vs. hardness number (Hv) of AAP single crystal.
4.1 eV. The wide band gap of the AAP crystals confirms the large
transmittance in the visible region. Fig. 9c and d represents the var-
iation of reflectance and extinction coefficient with respect to pho-
ton energy (n = 1.538 at 1100 nm) respectively. Fig. 9e represents 2.2
the variation of refractive index with wavelength.
From the optical constants, the electric susceptibility vc can be
calculated according to the relation [21]:

e0 þ 4pvc 1.8
er ¼ ¼ n2  K 2 ð6Þ
Log D

ðn2  K 2  e0 Þ
vc ¼ ð7Þ
where e0 is the dielectric constant in the absence of any contribu-
tion from free carriers. The value of electric susceptibility vc is 1.2
0.188 at 1100 nm.
The real and imaginary dielectric constants er and ei can be cal-
culated from the following relations [22]: 1.0

er ¼ n2  K 2 and ei ¼ 2nK ð8Þ 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Log P
The value of real er and imaginary ei dielectric constants at
1100 nm are 2.36 and 5.4  103 respectively. Fig. 13. Plot of log P vs. log d.
A. Arunkumar, P. Ramasamy / Optical Materials 35 (2013) 1151–1156 1155

3.6. Photoluminescence (PL) studies the mechanical property, the Vickers microhardness measurement
was carried out on the grown crystals. Microhardness studies were
Photoluminescence (PL) measurement is a prominent tool for carried out at room temperature on (0 0 1) plane using MATSUZA-
determining the crystalline quality of a system as well as its exci- WA model MMT-X series microhardness tester fitted with a Vick-
ton fine structure [23]. The photoluminescence spectra were mea- ers diamond pyramidal indenter with a dwell time of 5 s. The
sured with a Nanolog HORIBA JOBINYVON spectrofluorometer diagonal length of the indentation impression was measured using
with a 100 W xenon lamp as the excitation source at a scan speed a microscope. The indentation marks were made on the surfaces by
of 240 nm/s. The band-pass for both excitation and emission varying the load from 1 to 50 g. The microhardness value was cal-
monochromators was kept at 5 nm. The sample is excited at wave- culated by using formula:
length of 350 nm. The recorded PL spectrum is shown in Fig. 10.
The strong and sharp emission peak with kmax = 635 nm corre- Hm ¼ 1:8544 P=d kg=mm2 ;
sponds to red emission centered at 1.95 eV. This red emission is
where Hv is the Vickers hardness number, P is the applied load and d
due to the presence of interstitial type of defects in the crystal.
is the diagonal length of the indentation. Fig. 12 shows the variation
Thus the crystals can be used in laser diode applications [24].
of hardness number (Hv) as a function of applied load ranging from
1 to 50 g for AAP crystal. It is very clear from the figure that hard-
3.7. Thermal studies ness number (Hv) increases with the increase of load and the cracks
have been observed beyond 25 g for AAP. It may be due to the inter-
The thermal stability of AAP was studied by thermogravimetric nal stress released. In order to calculate the value of work hardening
(TG) and differential thermal analyses (DTA) using NETZSCH STA coefficient n, a graph is plotted of log P vs. log d and is shown in
409/CD TG/DTA instrument. A powder sample weighing 14.20 mg Fig. 13. The slope of this line gives the value of ‘n’. The work hard-
was used and an alumina crucible was used for heating the sample. ening coefficient (n) for AAP is found to be 1.9. According to Onitsch
This study was carried out in a nitrogen atmosphere at a heating [25], n should lie between 1 and 1.6 for harder materials and above
rate of 10 °C/min over the temperature range of 27–1000 °C. From 1.6 for softer materials. Hence, AAP crystal belongs to softer mate-
the TG curve, it is evident that the material is stable up to 185 °C. rial category.
The TG curve shows two stage weight loss patterns. The first major
weight loss occurred between the temperatures 186 and 222 °C
3.9. Etching studies
with 40%, this weight loss may be due to loss of ammonia and car-
bon monoxide. The second stage weight loss noticed between the
Etching is the selective dissolution of the crystal which reveals
temperatures 222 and 265 °C experiences a weight loss of about
the crystal symmetry and lattice defects [26]. The patterns ob-
60% with complete decomposition of phthalic acid. From the ther-
served on surface like spirals, hillocks and step pattern, yield con-
mal study Fig. 11, it is concluded that the crystal is thermally stable
siderable information on the growth process and growth
up to 185 °C and it could be exploited for any suitable applications
mechanism of the crystal. When a surface is etched, well defined
up to this temperature.
etch patterns are produced at the dislocation sites. The shape
and orientation of the pits can be related to crystal symmetry.
3.8. Microhardness The etching experiment was carried out on (0 0 1) plane using
water as an etchant at room temperature for 1 to 10 s. The dis-
The good quality single crystals are very much needed for de- torted rectangular type of etch pits were observed for 1 s.
vice fabrication with good mechanical strength. In order to study Fig. 14a–d illustrates the successive stages of the development of

(a) 1sec (b) 3 sec

(c) 6 sec (d) 9 sec

Fig. 14. Etching time of AAP single crystal on (0 0 1) face with water as an etchant (a) 1 s, (b) 3 s, (c) 6 s and (d) 9 s.
1156 A. Arunkumar, P. Ramasamy / Optical Materials 35 (2013) 1151–1156

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Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the

online version, at

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