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Wilder ness


By Madeline Cummings

Chapter 1
One Mistake Could Cost You Your Life
The room was on fire. A man in a lab coat desperately tried to extinguish it, but his attempts were to no avail. He knew every second he wasted was another life gone. As he frenziedly tried one more time, he was interrupted by a loud voice calling Stephano, Stephano! Wake up! His eyes shot open. He had fallen asleep. Again. The scientist looked around the bright artificially lit room. All of his supplies, and instruments were in order, a sign that there was no fire. Stephano. Look at me! a slightly annoyed voice sounded. Stephano looked at the man speaking and shaking his head disapprovingly. This man with greying hair, somewhat bald at the top of his head, shining blue eyes and a beak-like nose was Stephanos lab partner. The scientist looked up at him from the chair he was sitting in. You need rest. You havent slept in ages! Stephano looked at him about to speak, but his partner cut him off. I know what youre going to say- Wasnt I just asleep?. That doesnt count. You need to actually lay down in a bed and take a break, instead of falling asleep on your journal. Stephano addressed his partner Look. There are people dying out there because of a disease that I think we can cure. I wont rest until

those peoples lives are saved. Ok, Jeffrey? Jeffrey scrutinized the old mans face. Perhaps the old man really did know what was best. After all, Stephano had been his mentor since Jeffrey was just starting out, fresh from university. Jeffrey sighed. The old man had won. Oh, no Jeffrey hadnt given up. No, quite far from that. First he had to make sure of one thing. Fine. You win. Ill quite badgering you about sleeping. Just promise me one thing. Stephano looked at him intently, signaling for him to go on. The thing is, that after you or anyone finds the cure for this epidemic, you are going to retire, and spend more time with family. An every day you need to sleep in actual bed for at least 4 hours. Deal? Stephano sighed. This was the only way. Deal. He said defeatedly. Jeffrey stared into the silver-haired grey eyed individual, looking to see if he really meant it. He did. Besides. Itll be good to finally spend more time with my family. You are the best partner and friend Ive ever had. Now, lets get back to work. Stephano said turning to the old weathered journal. While Jeffrey unloaded the vials of blood of various subjects, he smiled. Though sometimes Stephano was set in his ways, he was a true genius. He was also looking forward to his family. His son, David was the most beautiful boy youd ever seen. His chestnut hair had little streaks of sun-kissed blond hair in it and he was nothing but a huge ball of energy! His wife had divorced him because he did not spend enough time away from work. She believed that he was more involved with work than family. Her favorite thing to say was Sure, you save lots of peoples lives, bunch you wouldnt even give the time of day to you family! She just did not understand. After their lunch break, Stephano inhaling a watching eyes wide in that his mouth could grotesque size to fit the which consisted of sandwich and Jeffrey disgust and amazement change into such a entire sandwich in.

After lunch, they had their slot for the lab. Jeffrey had always questioned the fact that the scientists in charge of finding a cure for the widespread deadly epidemic had not been given the whole day in use of the lab. Instead corporate companies had been given the rest of the day for testing their drugs, looking for side effects. Who would need painkillers when the rest of the population was wiped out? No one. The 3

reason being was the fact that those companies were multi-billion dollar companies and money still overruled logic, even when they would soon be dead. Stephano watched as Jeffery carelessly shrugged on his biohazard suit and absentmindedly threw on his helmet. He turned to walk towards a door marked with bold, clearly marked letters.

Jeffrey and Stephano have gone through these doors numerous times. It was in this room, where finding the cure was possible. Where, one tiny leak in your suit meant death. And where the air around them was completely toxic. Jeffrey reached the unseal the doors air lock, when suddenly Stephano yelled Wait! Silently, Stephano motioned to Jeffreys arm. Only with a trained and finely-tuned eye could someone notice. There was a tiny hole in the thick blue fabric of the suit. As Jeffreys eyes went down to the hole, his mouth opened slowly to form an O. And as his eyes came up, you could see they were as wide as saucers. Jeffrey breathed a relieved sigh. Thanks, Stephano. You saved my life. I cant believe I could be stupid enough to be so irresponsible. Wow. It really makes someone appreciate life. Thanks. Our work is one of the most dangerous, and also capricious. Be careful, because one mistake could cost you your life. Thats why we are so careful here. Youre right. Thanks Stephano. I know this will never happen again. And certainly not to you of all people. You are the most cautious person Ive ever met! So, the partners continued their search, once Jeffrey had patched the hole in his suit and frantically searched the entire surface for slightest sign of a puncture. 6 hours of intense work with both men hunched over their work tables had passed. Stephano was quietly muttering to himself, and jotting down notes. He was so close to finding the cure. It was at that time, that Jeffrey sighed and said Ok Stephano. We had better get some 4

sleep. Jeffrey saw the expression on the old mans face. Oh no, dont look at me like that. You promised. Defeated, Stephano trudged down the hall toward the dormitory, and prepared for bed. Stephano knew that he wouldnt be able to get any sleep, but he was soon proved wrong when his partner Jeffrey heard his light snores. Jeffrey laughed quietly to himself at Stephanos flannel pajamas. A man so serious could really be so different. Jeffrey was out cold as soon as his head hit his pillow. He dreamed of a place where the epidemic was over and only just a bad memory his good dreams were shattered when he had heard Stephanos moan What have I done?! Stephano had woken 4 hours later. He wasnt alert. Quite the opposite. He had just had dream. Oh, what a wonderful dream. He had found the cure via his subconscious. He just had to write it in his journal. But he had left it in the air-sealed lab. In a dream like state, he opened the air-sealed door. No suit. Still half asleep, he wandered down the rows of long tables and wrote the note he needed. Jeffrey awoke the old mans shout of terror and revelation as Stephano realized. He was going to die.

Chapter 2
Death and Despair
Jeffrey sighed as he left the funeral.It was held across town from the lab he worked at. What was the point in that? He had actually never been to this side of town before, because it was mostly industrial. The sky was stark charcoal with smog from the large factories and such of the city. It was as if all light was gone from the young mans heart. His backpack, full of emergency medications and painkillers was weighing him down almost to the pavement. As he headed down the bustling roads of New York, he thought to himself. If Stephano were here, hed get back to work. This was the best way to honor his memory. A wave of sad revelation came over him. A new trainee would come, and Jeffrey would be taking Stephanos place. Hed be the senior. Back in school, Jeffrey had always dreamed of be coming senior. But not like this.

As if to make every thing worse, his cell phone chimed in. He answered reluctantly. It was ex-wife, Mary. She sounded worried, and distraught. She explained that their son, Tom, had caught the epidemic, from his friend, who had died last week. Jeffreys heart felt even more leadened. If no cure was found, his son would die in 2 weeks, by either respiratory failure or internal bleeding. His limbs felt weak, his knees buckled and he sunk slowly to the ground as if some one had just ripped out his heart. Why? Why him? Then it dawned on him. The only reason he hadnt seen the epidemic for what it truly was because he believed that he was sheltered from it. But now the disease had truly hit home. The only thing he could do was to quit work and spend the last week with his ailing son. As he walked down the side of the road people with horrible purulent lesions glared at him once they had seen the badge on his lab coat, identifying him as a Research Scientist. They would have jeered too, probably if their vocal chords had disintegrated by cause of the medicine that was supposed to cure their illness. People were desperate, willing to try anything, as long as there was hope. Why are they glaring at me? wondered Jeffrey. What have I ever done to them? Then it dawned on him. While it appeared he was taking a leisurely stroll down the street, those poor people were suffering from something that they thought was in his power to fix. What happened was there was blackening of the lungs and filling of a substance almost like coal filled their lungs and they filled to the point of there being no way to take in any more air. The lesions were caused by the different useless medicines that was believed to alleviate the symptoms. It made the blackened lungs to clear, but the medicine seeped into the bloodstream and hardened thus rupturing the patients arteries, causing internal bleeding. What else could it be? Of course he didnt. No one even knew what the cause of the epidemic was. All any scientist speculated was that the epidemic was caused by a lack of some important vitamin of some sort. What happened was there was blackening of the lungs and filling of a substance almost like coal filled their lungs and they filled to the point of there being no way to take in any more air. The lesions were caused by the different useless medicines that was believed to alleviate the symptoms. It made the blackened lungs to clear, but the medicine seeped into the bloodstream and hardened thus rupturing the patients arteries, causing internal bleeding. What else could it be?

It was direly unclear how this virus, epidemic, or whatever youd want to call it was spread. It had propagated pretty much all over New York City. One woman, whose face would have been beautiful, but it was marred by the abscesses was carrying the crumpled body of her son. Her eyes swam with tears as she mouthed one word. Please. Jeffrey was helpless. He could not help the youth. The cure was as foggy to him as the vapor when one comes out of an extremely hot shower. He quietly told her he could not help. It took his entire strength not to cry at that heart-wrenching moment. He had a determined glint in his eye. He was going to find a cure! He WAS! With his new found courage, and determination he sprinted down the asphalt roads towards the lab. As the middle-aged scientist passed a car factory, he smiled. Even though totally unnecessary at the present state of the planet, a car factory was creating a new type of super plastic. It was totally indestructible except for a certain titanium-diamond alloy. Those blades were being made in the factories belching out the smog. The only problem was the fabrication of the blades caused a pungent odor. On the way, Jeffrey passed one of those speeding tracker devices often posted on busy roads to prevent people from speeding. As he looked up from the empty road, he saw the orange numbers of the speeding tracker flash and change from the number 65 with mph below, the speed the last car was going, to 1927. How strange! Jeffrey had for sure never seen any car at all capable to go 1927 mph! What Jeffrey didnt notice was that above the number in small, but yet quite noticeable orange letters was YEAR. The mph was no where to be seen. Jeffrey felt a strange feeling in his gut. It was inexplicable, and certainly not possible to describe. The closest thing he could possibly think of was the dropping feeling one sometimes gets when on a roller coaster. Focussed on returning to the lab, Jeffrey shook off that feeling and continued down the well-worn roads of New York. His backpack was bouncing behind him in the motion of him running.

Chapter 3
He sprinted down the cobbled roads, then suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. Jeffrey looked down at the streets underfoot. These were cobble stone. He could have sworn, that the last time he looked down the streets were asphalt. Around him were vintage Model T Fords. Wait a minute. The only cars surrounding him were all vintage! Dating back to 1927! Those were the first affordable American automobile! They were all vintage! He looked down the streets and saw a man dressed in a three-pieced suit and a tweed trilby hat carrying a newspaper. Jeffrey came up to the man and asked if he could see the paper. Jeffrey looked at the heading including the date. The date was June 25, 1927.

What was he going to do? What with being thrown into a strange time where he had no idea what was the custom or anything. So he did what came into his head. Kind sir, would you mind if I stayed the night at your house? Im a traveler and greatly appreciate you generosity! Jeffrey asked the man in the suit. Jeffrey applauded himself for thinking on the go! The man said Oh, that would swell! Ever since my wifes been dead, Ive been so lonely, the man said, his eyes turning hard and sad, By the way, my name is James. And yours? Jeffrey. Wow, I dont think Ive ever heard of that name! James replied. Follow me to my house, Jeffrey. Jeffrey followed the man to a small 1 story house. James took his keys out of the pocket of his suit. James, a very talkative man was explaining to Jeffrey that he would be going on an expedition to Australia, the Outback desert. He was going on and on about the customs, culture, and traditions the Aboriginal Tribes had. As they walked into the house, James said Come with me. Lets sit and relax, and Ill tell you more about my expedition. They entered the living room, and Jeffrey sank into a leather armchair. He threw his backpack onto the floor next to him. James sat on the couch opposite him and resumed talking. On the expedition, I will visit the Padierian tribe. I believe the most amazing thing about these Australian aboriginals is their remedies. It is said that the shamans of these tribes know how to cure every illness! Jeffreys eyes widened in astonishment at the last few words James had just said. Wow! You sure look amazed, my friend! My guess is youve taken an interest in my expedition! Id be happy with another person. How bout it? James questioned, holding out his hand to shake. Jeffrey thought for a moment, paralyzed by hope. He finally answered Yes. He grasped his new friend and partners hand.

Chapter 4
The following day of Jeffreys travel in time, James invited his other partners on the expedition to meet Jeffrey. There were 2 tall, sinewy armed men, who were named George Hesterfeld and Kenneth Argent. These broad-shouldered individuals were to be the ships captain and 1st mate. They both had the look of someone who had spent a lot of time in the sun. One more partner was yet to come. James explained that she was an expert in navigation and had saved his life on previous expeditions. Not only this, but she was notorious for being late.Aw, shes the cats meow! George boomed in his deep warm voice, causing an epidemic of laughter. There was another partner who Jeffrey was to meet later, and was the ships doctor.This was none other than Dr. Earnest Bren, one of the leading doctors of this time. The door burst open as the missing partner came into the room. She was a tall, honey-blond haired woman and shook Jeffreys hand with as much strength as he himself could muster. Im called Lois. she said quietly


When do we leave? asked Jeffrey. In 4 days. This is ample time for us to load all the things well need! answered James. After meeting all the crew, James explained to Jeffrey that they would have to shop for suitable attire for in the desert and on the ship. They went to a department store. While James was driving them to the department store, he asked Jeffrey Where do you come from? Jeffrey wasnt sure whether to respond with the truth or not, but he had seen enough Sci-fi movies to know about the rip in time-space continuum or whatever it was. He decided not to. I come from far, far away. Jeffrey said, not completely lying. James looked surprised at his answer but did not pry. Do you have any family? James asked. No. Jeffrey slightly lied once more. He felt his heart burst open at the mention of his family, or lack thereof. It was like a re-opened wound. What he had said was, in essence, the truth. Im with you on that. All my relatives are dead or in jail. Its best, because then I have nothing to lose. That statement left Jeffrey thinking long after it was said. As the store came into view, James declared Were here! They walked up to the store and James explained that first they would have to find boots to trek in the desert. When they finished finding their sizes, they continued down the rows of products. When sleeping, James explained later, theyd have to store their boots in tupperware containers, in order to keep the poisonous spiders out. Next, they bought weather-proof tents. Boy, is this ever getting annoying, thought Jeffrey. I keep thinking something has been invented, but it hasnt yet! I keep wanting to reming him to buy sunscreen, but itll be invented in 1938. The two friends continued through the store and at the end of their expedition through the department store, they had filled two carts full of things they would need. They would board the St. Francis of New York prepared. 11

Supplies were not the only things they would need. The trip would require tons of knowledge on the outback, wildlife and the natives. Jeffrey groaned when he realized that the internet hadnt been invented yet! He dejectedly look at the stacks of books in front of him and and sighed at the work ahead. At midnight that night Jeffrey had finished one of the books. James had finished two small ones. They looked at each other in dismay. James, can show you something that you cant tell anyone else about? Jeffrey began, giving into frustration at the pile of knowledge they would have to transfer into their minds. Who cares about spacetime whatchamahoosa! Sure Jeffrey, what is it? James replied Jeffrey cautiously looked around and saw there to be no one observing them in James small home. He slowly pulled out his iPhone and turned it on. Wow, its like a mini television! Ive heard about the new invention on the radio! shouted James in surprise. It is like that except better, Jeffrey admitted, because, it has millions of books on it and you can search through books easily, without even looking at the index. We can find all our information in here! Swell! This is great! Howd you get ahold of such a nifty gadget? Ah, well, wed better get to work, (as he said this Jeffrey breathed a barely audible sigh), Search in the mini TV: Pandieri Traditions. Jeffrey tapped in this request, and realized that the Wi-Fi was working; in the 1920s! How strange was that! One of the wonders of humanity, among how the caramel gets into the chocolate bars. It was much faster than when he worked at home! The google search came up with many results, and Jeffrey chose the first one. The Pandieri had many traditions and believed that the emu and kangaroo were sacred to their tribe, and only killed these animals as sacrifices to their gods. When foreigners killed these animals within their territory, they were greatly punished. Historian Howard T. Kolp explains It obviously angered these people, I mean to such an extent that the


killer was a sworn enemy to the tribe. The only way to show the Pandieri that this traveler came in peace and did not mean to anger the tribe was to complete the Goyoung ritual. In this ritual, the foreigner or Traefton would have to coax a wild dingo to eat the hurkoungoy (a mix of dried eucalyptus and fish) , which the Traefton would have to prepare. The article continued explaining some other rituals observed by the Pandieri, but the thing Jeffrey noted most was to never hunt a kangaroo or emu. Something that caught his eye was the fact that every verb about the Pandieri tribe was in past-tense. Jeffrey wondered if James had noted this strange occurrence. Will you excuse me? James asked politely, heading to the washroom. Of course. Jeffrey accepted. Jeffrey looked at the bottom of the article. It said: New York, 1996 Jeffrey noted that this was indeed a pretty current event. He searched Pandieri Tribe in the top google search bar. A wikipedia site came up first on the list, so he clicked on the link to it. He skipped through the various Subtitles, but stopped when he saw a subtitle named Pandieri Extinction . Jeffrey read that the Pandieri were extinct since 1963. What a sad occurrence. He had to make sure that James hadnt made the same observation that Jeffrey had made about the Pandieri. Oh, how confusing time travel was!


Chapter 5
Setting Off
Today was the day. The St. Francis was scheduled to leave New York at 9:00 AM. Everything was in order and despite the fact that this journey could very well be dangerous, Jeffrey couldn't help being excited. All the cargo and various scientific instruments were loaded the previous night. At 7:00 AM, the partners were boarding the relatively small ship. James had earlier suggested Jeffrey meet the ship's doctor for he was the only member of crew, besides the chef, he hadn't met. So, at 7:30, Jeffrey walked toward the elevator with knowledge that the doctor resided on the 5th floor. Jeffrey decided that to better know the layout of the ship, he would explore all the floors. He started on the first floor. He looked around as he heard the loud ding of the elevator and stepped out. This floor was entirely compromised of cargo hold. Seeing there wasn't anything important in this quadrant of the ship, Jeffrey turned around and went back into the elevator. The second floor was where the captain and first mate were to found, steering the ship. The crews quarters were also on this floor. Satisfied by his scope of this floor,


Jeffrey resumed his exploration and strolled into the elevator. When he heard the ding of the elevator, Jeffrey had already guessed where he was, only based on his sense of smell. The tantalizing aroma of fresh baking bread fled throughout the air. When Jeffrey neared a wall with two large doors, his suspicion was confirmed. A large sign read "Dining Area", where also a kitchen was sure to be found. He opened the looming, heavy red doors and walked through the vacated dining room. As he reached the back of the dining room there was a revolving door with a porthole. This must he the kitchen, Jeffrey thought. He decided to become an acquaintance with the chef, because then the chef would maybe give Jeffrey extra food! Anyway, one thing Jeffrey had learned from his previous time in the navy, the lesson he learned was to never be enemies with the chef, and if at all possible, be friends! "Hello, my name is Jeffrey. What's your name?" Jeffrey asked, trying to be friendly. The chef had a thick French accent, and replied "My name is Henri Fideu, and I am quite pleased to meet you." Jeffrey explained that he was on the expedition to Australian, a partner with James. He left waving after saying that he'd be sure to see Henri again at meal times and was pleased to meet the chef. Once back in the elevator, he smiled and whooped with excitement when he looked at his watch. The ship would depart in 20 minutes. This meant that Jeffrey was even closer to learning the cure. The elevator had reached he 4th floor. This floor was possibly one of the least exciting, because it was only used for sleeping. Their cabins! He didn't even leave the elevator, because here was no need to explore a floor that was incredibly boring. Jeffrey was incredibly bored, and wasnt sure what he could do to help around this large ship. It seemed that he was useless to help out, and from his days in the navy, he was used to working all day on the ship. Jeffrey knew he should do something profitable, but what? Then it hit him. He should search for things to do with the new continent their were voyaging to. So, he ran to the elevator, hopped in, and pushed the button for the 4th floor.


When Jeffrey reached his cabin, he opened the door hastily and banged some innocent person on the head with the door. Cursing under his breath, Jeffrey exclaimed Oh! Sir! I am so sorry! Its perfectly fine! My names Dale. The small wiry man replied. As the man stepped forward, his features became more defined in the light. Jeffrey could now see that his eyes were large and an ice blue, and looked very kind and knowing. His hair, cropped very short, was dirty blonde. Dale was very lean and tall, towering well above Jeffreys 5 foot 8 height. Im Jeffrey. Nice meeting you, but I have to get some rest. Jeffrey informed Dale, giving him a good chance to research on his iPhone. Suddenly, the boats horn blasted, announcing that boat was setting off. The research would have to wait until later, Jeffrey thought to himself. He left his backpack on the floor next to his bed. He followed Dale to the party honoring the St. Francis 20th successful start. The music was on full blast and the food was great. Jeffrey was really getting to know the crew members and was having a great time. When he reached his hand into his pocket, his fingers rubbed against something glossy. He pulled out the thin matter. It was a picture of his now dying son. At once a wave of nausea came over him and he realized that he could not possibly be partying while his sons life was in danger. Making up and excuse of sea sickness (which Jeffrey would never have after his years in the navy) Jeffrey returned to the cabin he would be sharing with Dale and got to work researching.


Chapter 6
Only the Good Research!
Jeffrey opened up to the home screen of the iPhone and noticed that his network worked, even tons of kilometers out to sea. First, he decided to look at what the average temperatures were for the region of Australia they would be visiting. He typed in the words average temperatures in Australia and tapped SEARCH. Several results came up in Google, and the scientist tapped on the first one. While the page was loading, Jeffrey racked his brains and remembered from his schooling that Australia was in the southern hemisphere, thus during winter in the northern hemisphere, it was summer down there. The page came up and showed a table with the average temperatures for each month. Wow! Scanning the temperatures, Jeffrey noticed that the temperatures were very warm, even in their winter months, June, July, and August. There are 5 states and 1 territory in Australia, Jeffrey knew but learned their names. To the West was Western Australia, to the middle of Australia were Northern Territory and South Australia, and to the East; Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. He also found that the Pandieri tribe were located due east to Alice Springs, located in the Northern Territory. The dessert the team was going to trek into to visit the tribe was named the Simpson desert. The Simpson desert was 68,145 square miles. It is said on the website for Australian tourism that in 2010, researchers discovered that there was a system of underground rivers were running under this desert. In this era, Cecil Madigan hadnt made his large expedition across the Simpson desert. Apparently in 2008 the dessert was closed from inexperienced drivers who attempted to cross the desert themselves without any prior organization. Jeffrey was so wrapped up in his research that he hadnt noticed the door being opened and Dale bursting in until Dale exclaimed What is that weird light coming from your hands? Jeffrey, caught up in the moment forgot the lie he would tell if he was seen with his iPhone and told the truth. Oh! Its called an iPhone. Hearing those words come out of his lips almost made him almost cover his mouth, but he resisted the impulse. Sorry, I mean its a mini TV! Jeffrey said with fake enthusiasm. Dale must have noticed the fake tone in his voice and

said No its not! You said iPhone before. Is that like a telephone? Please tell me the truth! I promise not to tell your secret! Please! Im an inventor, Im only curious. Grudgingly Jeffrey gave in. He spent the rest of that night showing the iPhone and its many features to Jeffrey. Except for the occasional question, Dale remained silent, his eyes widened in awe. When Jeffrey glanced at the built in clock on the iPhone, he gasped. Oh! Its already midnight! Dale smirked and said, Well, I have this weird tradition I like to do with all my room mates. For some reason I just have to have you know my last name and must know yours! Call me peculiar if you want to! Jeffrey could see no harm in telling this new friend his last name! Its Wilkenson. My names Jeffrey Wilkenson. Great name! Mines Jobs, as in Dale Jobs. That name sounded familiar to Jeffrey. He decided that he would go to bed and think about it. Well, GNight then, Dale. Jeffrey announced. GNight. Dale murmured sleepily. Jeffrey changed quickly into his pyjamas, turned off the light and crawled up the ladder to the top bunk, as Dale was already well asleep, with his clothes still on, on the bottom bunk. His snores were muffled by the pillow his face was burrowed into. Jeffrey turned on his back and looked up at the ceiling. Where had he heard that name before? Athlete? No. Comedian? Definetly not! Who was he? Then it hit him. Steve Jobs! The founder of Apple and inventor of the iPhone. Coincidence? Jeffrey did not think so.

Chapter 7
Doc. Jeffrey
The next week, Jeffrey researched when Dale had left to work in the engine room most of the time when he wasnt helping around the ship doing odd jobs and such. Dale was useful in many ways. Not only did he invent things, but he was quite handy around mechanics. In his spare time in the cabin, the tall, lean man loved to tinker around with soft metal, bending it this way and that. Every night Dale would talk about famous inventors like John Harwood, who invented the self-winding watch, or Clarence Birdseye, the man who invented frozen food. About three weeks into the journey, when Jeffrey that he could not possibly find anymore information, Dale came back to the cabin and he was complaining of a very sore ear. Jeffrey knew what to do, as he was a doctor. He first took a cloth from the bathroom and soaked it in hot water. Then, he squeezed the cloth until there was no extra water left over and it was only damp. He gave the cloth to Dale and told him to press it on the ear that hurt. That night Dale told Jeffrey This cloths making the pain in my ear go away! Jeffrey nodded and replied Well see in the morning whether the pain is all gone. The next morning, Dale woke and informed Jeffrey My ear still hurts. Jeffrey sighed, because this means he would have an ear infection. And the only medicine he had with him in his pack of medications. That medication was penicillin, a medication that hadnt yet been discovered, until a year later when biologist Alexander Fleming does. Dale, you have an ear infection. Where I come from, we have these medications that we use for ear infections and most other infections caused by bacteria. Itll make the pain all go away. Jeffrey gave in finally, But. Do you have asthma? No. Dale replied lightly. Do you smoke? No. The patient intoned.

Do you drink alcohol? Of course not! Its banned! I am a law-abiding citizen! Dale replied, his eyes dilated with surprise. Oh, of course, just testing you! Ha, ha... Jeffrey laughed awkwardly. Alright. I can give you the medicine. I was just making sure it wouldnt react with anything. Jeffrey confirmed, mentally making a note to research further on the prohibition, before he made another slip-up like that one! Thanks a lot! Thisll make my ear better for sure. Dale exclaimed confidently when Jeffrey handed him the small flattened-lemon-shaped pill. This was the first time he had ever used his store of emergency medications, and now realized that it was actually useful! He hadnt gotten a license to carry around drugs for nothing from the government for nothing. Since it was a time where the country direly needed a cure to the epidemic, Jeffrey was authorized to carry around various prescription medications if needed, in case there suddenly was a cure found and the prescription medications had to be administered on spot. Meanwhile, Dale had swallowed the pill, aided by a glass of water. He soon after left the cabin for his daily time in the engine room. The next day the ship was abuzz. Jeffrey was helping everything from sore throats to bladder infections with his foreign cures. Soon, even the ships doctor was asking for his foreign cures, which seemed to work so well. Every one not around earshot of the real ships doctor called him Doc. Jeffrey. Jeffrey finally had something to do other than researching (which, quite frankly Jeffrey was bored out of his wits of) that actually helped the ship out! Life across the ship was getting even more joyous as little ailments were being fixed and the fixer was the one who was the happiest! Weeks passed like this. Jeffrey remembered feeling like this in his earlier years of doctoring, before everything got so rushed and urgent, the life of a research scientist. Jeffrey before was an emergency doctor at the local hospital. He wasnt under the same kind of pressure as he was when he had to find a cure for the epidemic.

He hoped it would continue like this, but unfortunately this was not to be. A pounding at the door awoke him at the wee hours of the morning. The short, bald doctor, none other than Dr. Earnest Brent was at the door with an anguished face. Come quick. Theres something I need from you that only you can help me with. Jeffrey quickly threw on his lab coat, grabbed his remedies bag and ran after the diminutive doctor, who was surprisingly fast for the length of his legs. Once they reached the medical ward, Jeffrey could hear moaning and through the privacy screen he could see a small human figure clutching at its stomach. Doctor jeffrey was all business. When did the patient first have this abdominal pain? he questioned Dr. Brent earnestly. The child just came in here just an hour ago. Ive tried everything. I cant think of what else to try. Good. If this is what I think it is, we will be able to save him. What other symptoms has the child had? He has had severe amounts of watery diarrhea and he is excessively thirsty. Alright, I think he has cholera. We need to stop the virus from spreading throughout the entire ship by completely extinguishing this one. First, we are going to replace this patients fluids. We will need water, sugar, salt, baking soda and lemon, stat. Next, I will administer the antibiotics. Yes, will do, doctor Dr. Bren replied so militantly Jeffrey almost wanted to say At ease, soldier. In the meantime while the doctor was gone fetching the necessary supplies, Jeffrey explained to the patient what disease he had. Do no worry. This is completely curable. Once we administer the water, sugar, salt, baking soda, lemon combination, you will begin to feel less thirsty and the lemon will begin to naturally kill all the bacteria.The reason we give you this mixture is to replace the fluids and salts that you lost. Then well give you some antibiotics to kill the rest of the rest of the bug to be safe.

The patient smiled and whispered a soft thank you. Jeffrey breathed a sigh of relief. The cholera scare would soon be over. This patient was lucky. If his fluids hadnt been replaced he would have soon died, but not before the whole infection was spread throughout the entire ship. Another good thing was the virus was stopped early, because only one half of cholera patients survive in late cases. The child was conversing with him and telling Jeffrey and it struck him. His son as most likely dead by now. This kid reminded him of his own son immensely. He wished he could have found a way to cure him. But once he got back, he would be able to cure the rest of the world. How old are you, son? Im eighteen. Oh, ok Ill tell you how old I am really, since you did save my life. Im fourteen. Why so young? You shouldnt be away from you family at such a young age! Please dont tell. I need money for my family. My mother has to provide for family and she is but a seamstress. My father passed away a while back and I am the oldest, so I earn the money for my three sisters and my mother. Dont you worry. Your secrets safe with me. Whats your name, child? My names Charlie. Whats yours? Its Jeffrey. Ah, looks like the doctors back with the stuff we need to make you better, alright? He nodded, ready for the pain to go away. Once he had downed the surprisingly good tasting, almost lemonadelike mixture within an hour he began to feel better. He swallowed the pill and was given new bed clothes, because the ones he had slept in were infected with virus, so was the hospital bed and his bedding, back in his cabin. They would have to be incinerated in the ships furnace, burnt in less than a second. Charlie was kept overnight in ward, to make sure he got entirely better. The next day Jeffrey slept later than he usually did because of his unplanned night shift in the medical ward he had returned at 4:00 AM.

There were no more reports of this disease anywhere in ship and for the last week they travelled, there were no more serious diseases to be cured and they voyaged smoothly. When the sight of land was announced, Jeffrey was excited at the prospect of finally finding the cure. For once, he actually felt hope.

Chapter 8
Yes, Jeffrey did know mega-huge was not a word. Mega-huge was the only plausible way to describe the Simpson dessert. There was no end! The sweeping sands stretched for all eternity! The horizon was only a haze in the distance that no one could see without screwing up their eyes, for the sun blinded them, even through their eyelids. Jeffrey sighed to himself and wished in that era sunglasses had been invented. But, sadly no. They were to be invented two years later by Sam Foster. At that point,Jeffrey was absolutely certain this would affect his vision for the rest of his life. The crew for the expedition were the two stocky well-built leader of the ship, George and Kenneth. One of them was carrying a rifle in case of wild animals. The was the stunning, lean Lois, navigator. And of course, the head of the odyssey, James. Just in the distant he could see a beautiful lake in which the waters were an iridescent turquoise. There were people swimming in the lake calling to him. His son was there, and he looked completely healthy. Cmon dad! Jump in! Using the only energy he had left, Jeffrey thew of his shirt and ran towards the lake. He did not hear the crew members yelling and grabbing at him. He also did not see James attempt at stopping him by lunging at Jeffreys ankles. Cannonball! His moan of pain made even the ships hands wince in pain as his backside hit the sand. After that he looked at the lake and the happy people. All that was left was a sand, and nothing but it.

Suddenly a huge gust of air rushed up and knocked the air out of him. Squinting so hard it made his eyes scream, he could barely make out an enormous wall of sand so dense he could not see the even the haze of the unending dunes. Quick! Shield your face! screamed James, but his cry was lost over the whine of the wind that resulted in the sandstorm. The rest of the crew with them dropped the ground and rolled up into a ball, because this was part of their training. It was indeed an essential to become part of the crew to outlast the cunning attempts at murder or the unforgiving dessert. But, alas Jeffrey had no such training and was engulfed by the rushing sandstorm. Human nature took over and he screamed for help. The result of that was only choking on the rushing sand. Each tiny grain of sand felt like millions of poison darts rushing at one tiny portion of the body everywhere! Jeffrey felt sleepy. When he blacked out, he was left with a big smile on his battered face. At least the pain was gone. The unbearable sound of the sand rushing by had left his blistered, bleeding ears. His dry mouth, full of sand wouldnt and couldnt feel. TAP TAP TAP TAP The shrill sounds and echoes like metal on metal tapped right above his skull. After awhile of getting used to the ear-shattering noises, they suddenly morphed into the sounds of someones voice. Jefrey, Jefrey, Jefrey, Jefrey.... He peeled open one eye. One more. He could only see white. Shockingly, the white began to fade into two different, distinct colors. Some yellow was on the ground all around him. The blue was the most dominant. Throughout his whole field of vision, there was a brilliant cerulean blue sky all around him. The ocher yellow sand around him was sizzling his skin, but most of all was the golden orb that was low in in sky, the beautiful sun. Attempting to sit up, Jeffrey moved his shoulders back, but this movement caused shots of pain throughout his whole upper body, When he looked down at his stomach he saw angry red, flushed, cracked, peeling skin. That must be from when I threw off my shirt to jump in the lake. Wow. How stupid am I? But then he remembered the several movie he had seen with desert travelers he thought everything was extremely blown out of proportion, but now he knew it was actually true.

He looked up to see two concerned faces leaning over him. The first was James wavy brown hair and lined face. The second was one belonging to the beautiful Lois. This was the first time he had seen he eyes up close and he found they were a beautiful jade eyes, speckled with caramel. You were out for an entire day. Your skin is pretty damaged from when you experienced that mirage, James informed him and when he saw Jeffreys embarrassed face added Oh dont even worry about that. Its a common mistake. Heck, Id make that mistake if I hadnt alreadyactually, in fact this happened to me the first time I went on a desert expedition. Jeffrey smiled gratefully. He could feel little grains of sand lingering on his tongue from when he had called for help in the middle of a sandstorm. Youre lucky you didnt aspirate some of that sand into your lungs. Its like filling your lungs with pollution- the effect would be disastrous. Lois beat him to the punch on saying. Are you feeling well enough to keep moving? James inquired, sounding worried. Jeffrey bolted upwards, standing up even though his muscles implored him not to. Oh, yes of course. So sorry to delay the expedition. Oh, of course not, please! James assured him. They continued the long arduous task of walking inland to the Pandieri cam. They had already walked around a quarter of the walk but this length felt like it was double its actual length because of the heat and the lack of rest. Jeffrey started to see greenery off in the distance on their third straight day of rigorous trudging. What also identified they were close to civilization was the faint haze of smoke they saw above he tree tops. Out of the blue a gunshot resonated from the rifle George had cocked in front of him. Jeffrey watched in rapt horror as he saw the majestic, red body of a kangaroo collapse on the yellow grasses in front.

Chapter 9
Regrets and Rituals
You idiot! What the hell were you thinking? It wasnt even threatening us! Goyung ritual here we come. sighed Jeffrey. What? Kenneth asked, confused. Well, when someone as thick-skulled as your partner there shoots one of the tribes sacred animals is subject to punishments like being eaten alive at a special feast. The only way to not be punished it to complete the Goyung ritual. James answered, spirits dropping by the second. Maybe they havent noticed? Lois tried to stay on the bright side. The loud pounding of drums interrupted their conversation. A throng of men armed with spears and clothed with only a loin-cloth marched forward. They faces were coved with different black tattoos. Jeffrey remembered from the research that each tattoo was different and the tribe member with the most had the highest rank. A man completely covered in tattoos, this must be the chief, thought Jeffrey, came foward speaking in what seemed to be totally gibberish

to the crew. Jeffrey understood a few words. Traefton, which was foreigner. Goyung. Hurkoyoung: the mixture of dried fish and eucalyptus. After, the chief used hand signals. He showed what they percieved as the following: kangaroo dying, guard watching, feed dog (which could be the dingo) leaves (possibly eucalyptus as described) fish by midnight or else well eat you. Jeffrey responded with a thumbs up and smile, the only thing he thought signified yes. They had a lot of work ahead of them. The party of explorers knew what would be easy, and what would be hard. It would be considerably easy to procure the eucalyptus leaves, because all over they saw throngs of eucalyptus trees, like kids crowded in front of amusement park rides. The more demanding task would be to fish for whatever swam in the waters. They had no bait and also nothing to use a sort of fishing pole. How would they cut down the tree to acquire the wood necessary to make fishing poles. Alright. How about Lois and George go find eucalyptus leaves we can dry. Kenneth, Jeffrey said pointing to him as he spoke, you can find something we can use as bait for the fish.. James and I will fund something we can cut a tree with. James nodded and said, Right, I have an idea. The tribesmen have bound to have some sort of hatchet, I mean they have to have firewood. I say we sneak into their camp and borrow a hatchet. Jeffrey thought about the plan and when all the ideas started rushing into his head, like ants rushing to ruin a picnic, he smiled and nodded slowly. This could work. Okay, so this is what were going to do, Jeffrey affirmed with conviction right before he whispered what followed softly into James ear. ~~~~~~~ I am tired of you not letting me do the work! I am perfectly capable. Lois argued with a scrunched up face and crossed arms. They were deep into the forest looking for eucalyptus trees. Youre a woman. Youre too delicate to do this work. George replied with the same smile and voice you would use on a small child, the same answer every time she said this.

Sure, if we are so delicate, why can we vote? Lois retorted Women should have never been permitted to vote. Too fragile A voice from up in a tree sounded. Hey, this looks like the one from the plant guide, dont you think? I knew bringing that guide with me was going to worth it! cried Lois as she compared the leaf George had procured from the tree, Its a perfect match! Yes! Okay, lets bring it back to where we started. George suggested. Sure, and when we get there well start the drying process. George nodded his assent and began to descend the tree surprisingly nimbly for his bulk. They turned around trudged along the path their footprints had made back to camp. ~~~~ The plan lurched into action as Jeffrey jumped into the aboriginals camp and proceeded to ask the proprietary a question in complete English, with no hand signals. This confused the tattoo-clad man and made him angry. Jeffrey repeated the question again and again, increasing the tribal mans level of exasperation, and also distracting him. Then, when the man started brandishing his hatchet at him he abandoned the tactic of vexation, so instead he whipped out his iPhone. He already knew what level monumental confusion and distraction this practical device caused, and being a doctor at heart, he thought on his feet, like he had to in emergency room situations. Meanwhile, James snuck into that same mans thatched hut and rifled through his belongings. He came across several pairs of Westerner clothes and gulped apprehensively. This meant that other explorers had came through, but hadnt left. Was the Goyung ritual really that hard? The more he questioned the groups capability to complete the task ahead, the worse he felt. What James was doing was the worse thing to do at the moment. He was distracting himself from the search for the weapon. In the meantime, the man outside was losing patience. He seemed less awed at the gadget and just and infuriated as he was before about the

confusing questions. James hoped things werent progressing as ineffectively as for Jeffrey and him. With a sigh he cleared his mind of the worried thoughts clouding his thoughts and got back to combing the belongings found in the hut.

An Australian Adventure.... A cure to find... A race against time... Back in time!

Jeffrey Wilkenson is the partner of Stephano Armanti. They are both racing against time in order to

find a cure to an on-going epidemic. The two partners are determined. They wont stop until they succeed. Time travel cant even stop them finding a cure for the dying population. And Jeffreys son.

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