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Lexter P.


BS Hospitality Management

Reflection Paper: A Hospitality Management Student's Perspective on Leadership,

Growth, and Personal Development

As a requisite for this course, I was assigned the task of conducting an interview with an

individual occupying a managerial role within any industry. Subsequently, I am required to craft

a reflection paper based on the insights gained from this interview. The interview questions and

answer are written below:

1. How would you describe your personality?

a. According to Myer Briggs personality test, I fall under INTJ-A classification which

means I can be introverted, intuitive, thinking and judging. I always try to see

things in a rational way and prefer to spend some time with my own thoughts.

2. Have you always considered yourself a leader?

a. If you meant if I always aspire to be a leader - Yes. The word ‘considered’ may

also mean that you see some potential in someone (in this case, myself) to be a

leader. This second definition is a bit tricky to answer, but I’d like to think I’m

always putting effort into improving my leadership skills.

3. What’s your biggest professional accomplishment?

a. I was just recently promoted to being a manager this year and I considered it to

be my biggest achievement to date.

4. What’s the most exciting aspect of working in a managerial position?

a. The most fulfilling part of being in a management position is the opportunity to

help other colleagues be the best version of themselves and mentor colleagues

especially those who have recently joined the workforce.

5. How would you approach a personnel situation with legal implications in a company?

a. This question is broad so I’ll try to answer this on a macro-level. It’s important for

managers to handle employee/subordinate issues by making sure human

resources (HR) is guiding your actions. Personnel issues may vary and it’s best

to seek guidance from the company’s legal counsel/HR in dealing with these

kinds of instances.

6. How do you motivate your team?

a. (I’m assuming this is non-monetary motivation right?)

i. Give them appropriate guidance and freedom to do their roles (i.e. don’t

micromanage your direct reports)

ii. Give them timely recognition for a job well done.

iii. Provide a safe space for your direct reports to give their suggestions or

criticisms without the fear of retaliation.

iv. Provide an encouraging atmosphere to try and test things out.

v. Train them to accept not to overthink failures. Teach them how to bounce

back from it.

7. How do you measure success?

a. From a manager’s perspective, I consider my role to be successful if I see my

direct reports learning and growing professionally. I also considered my role

successful if I could sustainably foster a team atmosphere that promotes

meritocracy, fairness, values constructive criticism and has professional respect

with every team members.

8. How many years of Managerial experience do you have?

a. I have less than a year’s experience being a Manager.

9. What’s steps have you followed to improve your managerial skills?

a. Professionally, I enrolled to an MBA class years ago and that helps me kickstart

my understanding on how to be a great manager. I also make conscious efforts

to improve my soft skills (communication, negotiation, escalations handling etc.)

continuously. Lastly, I currently have a mentor that’s been guiding me and it

helps me visualize how can I be a better colleague and manager.

Reflecting on Their Personality, Leadership Journey, and Professional Growth

**1. Personality Traits:**

According to the Myers-Briggs personality test, they align with the INTJ-A classification,

embodying a blend of introversion, intuition, thinking, and judging. In practical terms, this means

they often approach challenges with a logical and analytical mindset. For example, when faced

with a complex project, they tend to break it down into manageable parts, relying on a

systematic and rational approach to problem-solving. Their inclination toward introversion also

manifests in their preference for solitary reflection, allowing them to cultivate well-thought-out


**2. Leadership Aspirations:**

Their connection to the concept of leadership goes beyond mere ambition; it reflects a

genuine desire to positively influence those around them. This aspiration is evident in their

continuous efforts to refine leadership skills. For instance, they actively seek out leadership

workshops and educational opportunities to deepen their understanding of effective leadership

principles. Their commitment extends to fostering a collaborative and supportive work

environment, reflecting an intrinsic motivation to empower and inspire others.

**3. Professional Accomplishments:**

Their recent promotion to a managerial position stands as a testament to their dedication and

competence in the professional realm. An example of their commitment can be seen in a

specific project where their innovative approach not only met but exceeded expectations,

leading to recognition and advancement. This achievement not only marks a milestone in their

career but also positions them to leverage their skills to guide and mentor others, reinforcing

their belief in the symbiotic relationship between personal growth and leadership.

**4. Excitement in Managerial Position:**

The most fulfilling aspect of their managerial role lies in the opportunity to contribute to the

growth and development of colleagues. An illustrative example is their initiative to implement a

mentorship program within their team, pairing experienced employees with newcomers.

Through this program, they have witnessed firsthand the positive impact on team cohesion and

individual skill development. Their enthusiasm for mentorship aligns with the belief that a

supportive environment fosters personal and professional growth.

**5. Handling Legal Implications:**

When confronted with personnel situations carrying legal implications, they advocate for a

collaborative and consultative approach. In a specific incident, they faced a conflict resolution

scenario involving team members. By collaborating with HR and legal counsel, they ensured

that all actions were guided by established protocols, protecting the interests of both the

company and the individuals involved. This approach not only resolved the issue but also

reinforced the importance of a fair and just workplace.

**6. Motivating the Team:**

Their non-monetary motivation strategies include providing guidance without micromanaging,

offering timely recognition, and creating a safe space for open communication. An example of

this approach is seen in their encouragement of team members to share ideas and feedback
during regular team meetings. By fostering an atmosphere of inclusivity and open dialogue, they

have observed increased creativity and problem-solving within the team.

**7. Measuring Success:**

Success, from their managerial perspective, extends beyond achieving set goals. An

exemplar of their success metrics is observed in the professional growth of team members. For

instance, they take pride in the development of a junior team member who, under their

guidance, successfully led a project. This demonstration of mentorship contributing to tangible

professional advancement aligns with their vision of success in leadership.

**8. Managerial Experience:**

With less than a year in a managerial role, they approach each day with a commitment to

learning and humility. An ongoing example is their participation in leadership workshops and

seeking feedback from team members to adapt and refine their managerial approach. This

continuous learning mindset exemplifies their dedication to evolving as a leader.

**9. Improving Managerial Skills:**

To enhance managerial skills, they actively pursued an MBA and continuously refine soft skills

such as communication and negotiation. An example is their enrollment in a conflict resolution

workshop, where they applied learned techniques to successfully navigate a team conflict. Their

proactive approach to skill development is further evident in seeking mentorship, with tangible

improvements in their leadership style and decision-making processes.

In summary, their journey as a leader is characterized by a nuanced understanding of

their personality traits, a sincere commitment to continuous learning, and a proactive approach

to leadership that positively impacts both personal and team growth. Their managerial role
serves as a platform to inspire and guide others, and their focus remains on contributing

positively to the professional development of their team and the overall success of the


As a Hospitality Management student immersed in the world of service excellence and

guest satisfaction, the passage detailing an individual's personality, leadership journey, and

professional growth resonates profoundly. It provides a window into a managerial role within the

hospitality sector, where the fusion of personality traits, leadership philosophies, and practical

experiences molds a leader's trajectory. In this reflection paper, I will explore the relevance of

each section from the perspective of a Hospitality Management student.

1. Personality Traits: Unveiling the Analytical Mindset

The insight into the individual's INTJ-A personality classification offers a valuable lens through

which one can appreciate the intricacies of decision-making within the hospitality context. The

emphasis on a logical and analytical mindset aligns seamlessly with the demands of our

industry. As a student, it underscores the importance of cultivating a systematic approach to

problem-solving, breaking down complex projects into manageable parts. Furthermore, the

acknowledgment of introversion as a tool for solitary reflection speaks to the necessity of

thoughtful contemplation in the face of challenges.

2. Leadership Aspirations: Nurturing a Desire for Positive Influence

The reflection on leadership aspirations transcends mere ambition; it reflects a genuine desire

to positively influence others. This resonates deeply with my aspirations as a Hospitality

Management student. The commitment to refining leadership skills through workshops and

educational opportunities underscores the industry's dynamic nature. As a student, this

reinforces the understanding that effective leadership requires continuous learning and

adaptation to new challenges. The focus on fostering a collaborative and supportive work
environment aligns with the essence of hospitality, where teamwork and support are essential

elements for success.

3. Professional Accomplishments: A Blueprint for Success in Hospitality

The individual's recent promotion to a managerial position serves as a testament to dedication

and competence, providing a blueprint for success in hospitality management. The example of

exceeding expectations in a specific project reflects the innovative spirit required in our field. As

a student, this highlights the significance of not only meeting but surpassing expectations, a

mindset crucial for future success in managing diverse teams and delivering exceptional guest


4. Excitement in Managerial Position: Mentorship as a Catalyst for Growth

The enthusiasm for contributing to the growth and development of colleagues, particularly

through a mentorship program, strikes a chord with my understanding of hospitality

management. Witnessing the positive impact of mentorship on team cohesion and individual

skill development underscores the importance of a supportive environment. As a student, this

inspires me to value mentorship opportunities and consider how fostering such an environment

can contribute to the overall success of a hospitality team.

5. Handling Legal Implications: Collaborative Approach in Conflict Resolution

The emphasis on a collaborative and consultative approach in handling legal implications

reflects a mature understanding of conflict resolution within the workplace. As a student, this

emphasizes the importance of legal awareness and collaboration with human resources and

legal counsel to ensure fair and just resolutions. This experience serves as a valuable lesson in

upholding the principles of fairness and justice within the hospitality industry.
6. Motivating the Team: Fostering a Creative and Inclusive Atmosphere

The approach to non-monetary motivation strategies, such as providing guidance without

micromanaging and encouraging open communication, speaks directly to the dynamics of a

hospitality team. The example of team meetings as forums for sharing ideas and feedback

reinforces the importance of inclusivity and creativity. As a student, this instills the

understanding that a motivated and engaged team is fundamental to delivering exceptional

guest experiences.

7. Measuring Success: A Holistic View in Hospitality Management

The perspective on measuring success extends beyond achieving set goals and delves into the

professional growth of team members. The example of a junior team member's development

under mentorship highlights a holistic view of success in hospitality management. As a student,

this encourages me to view success not only in terms of operational efficiency but also in

nurturing the potential of each team member for collective growth.

8. Managerial Experience: Learning and Humility as Drivers of Growth

The acknowledgment of approaching each day with a commitment to learning and humility in

the face of less than a year in a managerial role resonates with the challenges and opportunities

faced as a student entering the industry. The commitment to participating in leadership

workshops and seeking feedback exemplifies a continuous learning mindset. As a student, this

reinforces the importance of humility and a proactive approach to professional development.

9. Improving Managerial Skills: A Comprehensive Approach to Growth

The individual's pursuit of an MBA, continuous refinement of soft skills, and seeking mentorship

present a comprehensive approach to improving managerial skills. The example of enrolling in a

conflict resolution workshop and applying learned techniques to navigate a team conflict
showcases a commitment to practical skill development. As a student, this sets a precedent for

the importance of both academic and practical learning in honing the skills necessary for

effective hospitality management.

In conclusion, this reflection on personality, leadership, and professional growth serves

as a valuable guide for Hospitality Management students like myself. It encapsulates the

qualities and experiences essential for success in our dynamic and service-oriented industry. As

I embark on my journey in hospitality, I draw inspiration from the examples provided,

understanding that the intersection of personality traits, leadership philosophies, and practical

experiences is integral to making a positive impact in the world of hospitality management.

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