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Shadows and Secrets

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets




Credits: Design by Tobias Goßler
Art by NightCafe Studios / Tobias Goßler


Credits: Design by Tobias Goßler
Art by NightCafe Studios / Tobias Goßler

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Credits: Design by Tobias Goßler
Art by NightCafe Studios / Tobias Goßler
Table of Contents
Introduction to Noir .......................................................4 Noir Themes and Tropes............................................ 83
Detective´s Legacy ......................................................... 7 Noir Themes and Tropes: ...................................... 84
Detective Names: ........................................................8 Moral Dilemma: .......................................................... 85
Character Flaws: ....................................................... 10 Double Cross: .............................................................. 87
Character Benefits: ................................................... 11 Paranoia & Suspicion: ............................................... 89
Character Backgrounds: .......................................... 12 Shadow Events:.......................................................... 91
Essential Detective Tools and Items:.................. 14 Random Events: ........................................................ 93
Agency Names: ........................................................... 19 Pulp Elements ................................................................ 95
Office Description: .................................................... 20 Unleashing the Supernatural: ................................ 96
Memorable Characters ................................................. 21 Supernatural Threats: ............................................ 97
Memorable Characters: ........................................... 22 Supernatural Allies & Contacts: ........................... 100
Primary Antagonists: ................................................ 31 Relics and artifacts: ............................................... 103
Allies and Contacts: .................................................. 40 Occult Symbols: ........................................................ 108
Mystery Encounters......................................................44 Occult Rituals: .......................................................... 110
Encounters: ................................................................. 45 Mystical Locations: .................................................. 112
Items on a Body: ....................................................... 50 Pulp Fiction Tropes:................................................. 115
Items in a Car: ......................................................... 54 Creating a Campaign................................................... 119
Items in a Drawer:.................................................. 58 Crafting Campaigns: .............................................. 120
Stolen Goods: ............................................................. 62 Campaign Titles: ...................................................... 121
Crime Scene: ............................................................... 63 Main Plots: ................................................................123
Your City.......................................................................... 64 Sub Plots: .................................................................. 127
Street Names: ........................................................... 65 Special Conditions: ....................................................131
Company Names: ........................................................67 NPC Names: ............................................................ 133
Bars/Restaurants Names: ..................................... 69 NPC Appearance:..................................................... 135
Theaters/Operas Names: ....................................... 71 NPC Motivation/Goals: .......................................... 136
City Secrets: .............................................................. 73 NPC Item in Hand: ................................................. 137
Local Headline News: ................................................ 74 NPC Disposition: ..................................................... 138
City Ambience: ............................................................ 75 NPC Interrogations Behavior: ............................ 139
Special Locations: ...................................................... 77 NPC Danger Behavior:........................................... 140
Crime Syndicates: ....................................................... 81 NPC Battle Moves: .................................................141

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
: These movies introduced us to characters with
morally gray motivations, tangled relationships, and
Welcome to the shadowy world of noir, a genre that high-stakes dilemmas. Humphrey Bogart's portrayal
has captivated audiences for decades with its of Rick Blaine in "Casablanca" or Jack Nicholson's J.J.
intoxicating blend of darkness, intrigue, and moral Gittes in "Chinatown" are iconic figures of the genre,
ambiguity. In the noir universe, every corner conceals embodying the essence of the noir anti-hero, often
secrets, every face wears a mask, and the line flawed and complex, but compelling nonetheless.
between right and wrong is often a smudged, In the realm of video games, "L.A. Noire" stands out
indistinct blur.
as a notable example. Set in post-World War II Los
Noir is a cinematic and literary genre that originated Angeles, the game allows players to step into the
in the early 20th century, primarily in the United worn shoes of Detective Cole Phelps as he navigates
States, and quickly became a global phenomenon. It's a world rife with deception and treachery. The game
characterized by its dark and atmospheric combines traditional adventure and puzzle-solving
storytelling, often set in urban landscapes. The term elements with an emphasis on reading characters'
"noir" itself is French for "black," which perfectly facial expressions and body language to detect lies.
encapsulates the genre's mood and tone. This interactive experience captures the essence of
noir storytelling, immersing players in the enigmatic
: atmosphere of the genre and challenging them to
unravel complex mysteries.
One of the quintessential elements of the noir genre
is its atmospheric settings. Picture yourself in the :
midst of a city where rain is almost ever-present.
The steady patter of raindrops becomes a constant What is it about noir that continues to draw us in?
companion, creating a backdrop for whispered It's the allure of a world where nothing is as it
conversations in dimly lit bars and back alleys. This seems, where morality is a matter of perspective,
consistent rain, along with the use of shadows and and where the characters themselves often grapple
contrasting light, is a signature of noir aesthetics. with their own demons. Noir embraces the
complexities of human nature, showing that even the
The city itself often plays a leading role in noir most virtuous can be tempted by darkness, and the
narratives. Cities like Los Angeles, New York, and most corrupt may harbor traces of humanity.
Chicago have served as iconic backdrops for noir tales.
These urban jungles are home to protagonists who The genre also resonates because it taps into our
navigate the moral gray areas that characterize fascination with secrets. Noir is all about peeling back
the genre. the layers, exposing the hidden truths and buried lies.
It's about digging beneath the surface to find
: what's really going on, even when the truth may be
uncomfortable or dangerous.
Famous films like "Casablanca," "Chinatown," and
"Double Indemnity" have etched their names into the :
annals of cinematic history with their iconic noir
storytelling. "Casablanca" is a masterpiece of In addition to its visual style and character
wartime intrigue, where every character harbors archetypes, noir is known for its recurring themes
secrets, and personal motivations blur with the and tropes. The moral ambiguity of characters is a
larger geopolitical drama. "Chinatown" immerses us in common thread, where protagonists often have
a web of corruption and power struggles, showcasing questionable motives and antagonists may have
private investigator J.J. Gittes' relentless pursuit sympathetic qualities. This creates a sense of moral
of the truth. "Double Indemnity" explores the world complexity that keeps audiences engaged.
of insurance fraud and a fatal attraction, leading its The femme fatale is another classic trope. These
characters down a dark path where the line between enigmatic women often lead protagonists astray
love and crime blurs. with their beauty and cunning, making them central
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
figures in many noir tales. The duality of human immersive narrative that captures the essence of
nature is a recurring theme; characters may exhibit the noir genre and challenges players to think
both virtuous and dark qualities. critically, solve mysteries, and confront their own
moral choices.
Betrayal, mistrust, and the constant threat of
violence are other common elements. Noir worlds are :
treacherous, and characters can rarely rely on anyone
but themselves. The noir genre's enduring appeal lies in its ability to
draw us into a world where nothing is certain, where
: moral lines blur, and where characters are complex
and compelling. It's a genre that has made an
While noir itself is rooted in a particular style, it's
indelible mark on both the cinematic and literary
worth noting that the genre often overlaps with
worlds, and its influence can be seen in countless works
another beloved genre, pulp fiction. Pulp elements
of art, from classic films to modern video games.
include high-octane action, daring adventure, and, in
some cases, the inclusion of the supernatural. Incorporating the noir genre into your tabletop role-
playing game adventures allows you to immerse
Noir-pulp crossovers like "The Big Sleep" and "The
players in a world of shadows, intrigue, and moral
Maltese Falcon" incorporate elements of danger and
complexity. Whether you're exploring the rain-soaked
intrigue that elevate the suspense. In some
streets of a classic noir city or delving into the
narratives, mysterious artifacts or otherworldly
supernatural mysteries that lurk beneath the
forces add a layer of supernatural mystery. For
surface, the noir genre provides a rich tapestry for
example, "Angel Heart" blends the supernatural with
storytelling and adventure.
the classic noir detective story, creating an
atmosphere of dread and mysticism. So, as you embark on your journey into the world of
noir, remember that it's a realm where secrets
These pulp elements contribute to the dynamic and
abound, motives are often shrouded in darkness, and
multifaceted nature of the noir genre, making it
the line between good and evil is anything but clear.
versatile and engaging.
It's a genre that challenges players to question,
: investigate, and confront the shadows that lurk
both within and without.
Noir provides an excellent foundation for compelling In the end, the allure of noir lies in its ability to make
tabletop role-playing game campaigns. With its rich us question the nature of humanity and the
storytelling potential, campaigns can be developed to complexity of the human soul, all within the
immerse players in a world of shadows, intrigue, and framework of gripping and immersive storytelling.
moral complexity. Noir is not just a genre; it's an experience, one that
One campaign seed could revolve around the discovery continues to captivate and mystify audiences around
of a cursed artifact that brings supernatural forces the world.
into a noir setting, challenging detectives to navigate
a world where the line between reality and the
supernatural blurs. Another seed might involve a
You can determine the table by rolling a d20 and then
power struggle among criminal syndicates in a gritty
roll again with a d20 to obtain a result.
urban landscape. The players would be thrust into a
Alternatively, you can opt to choose a specific table
world of corruption, double-crosses, and hidden
for a direct roll. Each chapter is equipped with a
agendas as they attempt to uncover the truth.
selection of tables and valuable tips designed to
By integrating these campaign seeds into your elevate and expedite your gameplay or assist in
tabletop role-playing game, you can create an campaign preparation.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

1-10 11-20
D20 First Names I D20 First Names II

Charlotte Eliza

Max Harrison

Evelyn Arabella

Samuel Augustus

Isabella Lucinda

Benjamin Montgomery

Victoria Cassandra

Theodore Reginald

Amelia Prudence

Oliver Archibald

Penelope Seraphina

Alexander Leopold

Abigail Adeline

William Percival

Florence Arabella

James Theodore

Genevieve Penelope

Henry Maximilian

Lillian Amelia

Frederick Alexander

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
1-10 11-20
D20 Last Names I D20 Last Names II

Wainwright Blackwood

Thorne Hartman

Whitman Monroe

Kensington Kensington

Montague Montgomery

Channing Abernathy

Beauregard Sinclair

Blackwood Pendleton

Lockhart Harrington

Sinclair Beauregard

Ashford Thornton

Pennington Lockwood

Lancaster Stratton

Harrington Sheffield

Montrose Radcliffe

Stratton Worthington

Worthington Fairchild

Pembroke St. Claire

St. Claire Montague

Sheffield Ashcroft

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Character Flaws

The character is addicted to a substance or behavior that interferes

with their abilities and decisions.
The character is constantly suspicious and trusts no one, making it
difficult to work with others.
The character has a traumatic event or unresolved issue from their
past that haunts them, affecting their judgment and actions.
The character is impulsive and often takes unnecessary risks,
potentially endangering themselves and others.
The character is overly cynical, seeing the worst in people and
situations, which can hinder their ability to form alliances.
The character carries a heavy burden of guilt for a past action or
decision, leading to self-doubt and emotional turmoil.
The character is reluctant to commit to relationships or responsibilities,
often leaving loose ends and broken ties.
The character becomes fixated on a particular goal or idea, to the
detriment of all other concerns, including personal safety.
The character's excessive self-confidence can lead to poor decisions and
conflicts with others.
The character has difficulty trusting anyone, including allies, and may
withhold information or second-guess others' intentions.
The character suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder,
experiencing flashbacks and emotional turmoil in high-stress situations.
The character battles with depression, which can lead to apathy,
fatigue, and impaired decision-making.
The character engages in self-destructive behaviors, risking their own
well-being without concern for the consequences.
The character is motivated by greed and is easily tempted by wealth,
sometimes at the expense of others' well-being.
The character struggles with jealousy, leading to envy and conflicts
with those they perceive as rivals.
The character has a compulsion to lie, even about insignificant matters,
making it difficult to trust their words.
The character often acts on impulse, without considering the
consequences, which can lead to hasty decisions.
The character is stubborn and resistant to change, even when it is in
their best interest to adapt to new information or situations.
The character has an irrational fear of the dark, which can paralyze
them in low-light situations.
The character's need for perfection can lead to obsessive behavior and
frustration when things don't go exactly as planned.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Character Benefits

The character has a keen eye for detail, making them adept at
spotting clues, hidden objects, and subtle changes in the environment.
The character is an excellent communicator and can talk their way out
of many situations, whether through persuasion or deception.
The character is a strategic thinker and excels in planning and executing
complex operations or investigations.
The character is nearly immune to fear, able to remain calm and focused
in the face of danger, making them a stalwart ally.
The character possesses exceptional mental fortitude, making them
resistant to manipulation and able to withstand psychological pressure.
The character has a natural charisma that draws others to follow
their lead, making them an effective team leader.
The character is fluent in multiple languages, allowing them to decipher
cryptic messages and interact with diverse individuals.
The character is a master of disguise, capable of adopting new
personas and infiltrating various social circles undetected.
The character's lightning-fast reflexes enable them to react swiftly in
combat or when faced with sudden threats.
The character has a photographic memory, retaining information and
details with incredible accuracy, aiding investigations.
The character possesses a strong intuition, often sensing hidden
motives and detecting danger before it strikes.
The character is a skilled martial artist, capable of defending
themselves and engaging in hand-to-hand combat with finesse.
The character has medical expertise, allowing them to provide first aid,
diagnose injuries, and administer life-saving treatment.
The character is well-versed in criminology and profiling, enabling them
to analyze criminal behavior and predict next moves.
The character has an extensive network of contacts and informants,
providing valuable connections and sources of information.
The character's logical thinking and deductive reasoning skills are
unparalleled, allowing them to solve even the most complex puzzles.
The character is an expert negotiator, skilled in striking deals, resolving
conflicts, and extracting information from others.
The character is a master locksmith, capable of picking locks and
bypassing security systems, granting access to restricted areas.
The character is technologically savvy, able to hack computers, decipher
codes, and navigate digital landscapes with ease.
The character is a sharpshooter, skilled with firearms and capable of
hitting targets with remarkable accuracy.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Character Backgrounds I

You've patrolled the city's mean streets as a uniformed police officer,

witnessing the daily grind of urban life.
Your career revolves around art and antiquities, providing you with
access to high-society and the world of valuable artifacts.
You're a singer in a cabaret, using your performances to gather
information and navigate the city's nightlife.
You once worked as a spy, and your training in espionage and covert
operations still comes in handy.
As a forensic expert, you examine crime scenes and dissect bodies,
providing valuable insights into mysterious deaths.
You possess a unique gift for communicating with the supernatural,
which can help uncover hidden truths.
You're a prominent figure in high society, giving you access to the city's
elite and their closely guarded secrets.
You're skilled at fixing things and have a knack for repairing or
sabotaging devices, depending on your needs.
You own a casino or gambling establishment, which provides you with
information on high-stakes bets and shady deals.
Your skills as a magician enable you to manipulate situations, hide the
truth, and create diversions when needed.
You're a former soldier who served in a war, and your combat experience
has left you with both physical and emotional scars.
You've excelled in archery and use your precision with a bow and arrow in
various situations.
Your job as a radio host allows you to reach a wide audience and uncover
stories that the public may not hear otherwise.
Your culinary talents and TV shows make you a well-known figure, giving
you access to influential individuals and culinary knowledge.
Your passion for collecting rare and unusual antiques provides you with
insight into valuable artifacts and hidden meanings.
Working behind the scenes in theaters and productions, you're adept at
manipulation, setting up props, and using stagecraft to your advantage.
You used to be a professional prizefighter, and your physical prowess
and combat skills are your main assets.
You're a long-haul truck driver who's traveled across the country,
offering a unique perspective and connections.
You grew up in an orphanage and learned to rely on your resourcefulness
and adaptability to survive.
As a park ranger, you're well-versed in the outdoors, tracking, and
surviving in the wilderness.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Character Backgrounds II

You're a seasoned P.I., with a knack for solving cases and a history of
unraveling mysteries.
You work as a journalist, digging for the truth, and often finding yourself in
dangerous situations.
You used to be a police officer but left the force under suspicious
You own a popular nightclub, and your connections in the nightlife make
you privy to various secrets.
You're a lawyer who knows how to navigate the legal system, and you use
your knowledge to your advantage.
Your talent as a musician gives you access to diverse social circles and
unique insights.
You've served time in prison and are trying to make a fresh start, but your
past can come back to haunt you.
You're the enigmatic, seductive figure often at the center of intrigue, with a
hidden agenda of your own.
You work in a library or historical archive, where your access to records and
knowledge can be invaluable.
You grew up on the rough streets, using your street smarts to survive and
uncover secrets.
Your medical knowledge as a nurse allows you to gather information in a
subtle and caring manner.
You explore ancient ruins and uncover relics, making you a treasure hunter
with a penchant for mysteries.
You're a government agent, dealing with covert operations and classified
Your pursuit of an acting career means you're adept at assuming different
personas and blending in.
Your work in a library grants you access to rare texts and historical
knowledge that can be crucial to investigations.
You're a master of deception and manipulation, often using your skills to
outwit others.
You hold a position in the political world, giving you influence and a front-
row seat to corruption and power struggles.
Your adventures in remote places have given you a taste for danger and the
You have a military background, with combat skills and knowledge that can
be an asset in investigations.
Your life revolves around games of chance, and you use your luck to gain
information and make deals.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Essential Tools and Items I

Essential for close examination of small details.

Used for taking notes, jotting down observations.

Provides illumination in dark or dimly lit areas.

Captures photographic evidence of crime scenes.

Includes fingerprint powder, brushes, and collection bags
for gathering evidence.
For taking precise measurements at crime scenes.

Used for storing and transporting collected evidence.

Accesses criminal databases and records to research suspects.

Contains tools for conducting interrogations.

Contains medical supplies for treating injuries.

Used to investigate hazardous or toxic environments.

Essential for gaining entry to locked areas.

Detects radiation or radioactive materials.

Captures audio evidence during interviews.

Reveals trace evidence like bodily fluids and fibers.

Used for identifying drugs, poisons, or chemicals.

Labels and categorizes evidence for analysis.

Measures truthfulness during interrogations.

Intercepts and records telephone conversations covertly.

Decrypts coded messages and encrypted documents.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Essential Tools and Items II

Matches bullet casings to firearms or crime scenes.

Analyzes skeletal remains and causes of death.

Trained dogs for tracking suspects or detecting substances.

Examines tiny samples, such as fibers or hair.

Offers protection during high-risk situations.

Identifies illegal drugs and substances.

Contains disguises and clothing for covert operations.

Provides first-aid supplies and medical equipment.

Creates composite sketches based on witness descriptions.

Safely stores valuable evidence, documents, or items.

Tracks suspects or vehicles covertly.

A self-defense and subduing tool for unruly suspects.

Disrupts electronic signals for operational secrecy.

Analyzes digital evidence from devices and computers.

Locates concealed weapons, hidden caches, or buried items.

Detects deception during interrogations.

Extracts information from uncooperative suspects.

Captures high-quality photos of crime scenes and evidence.

Provides materials for facial reconstructions and crime scene diagrams.

Controversial substance for extracting information from suspects.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Essential Tools and Items III

Includes brushes and powders for fingerprint analysis.

Cameras, microphones, and gadgets for covert monitoring.

GPS devices and RFID tags for tracing movements.

Tools for preserving and sealing evidence.

- Enables communication between team members.

Measures physiological responses during interrogations.

Used for decoding ciphers and encrypted messages.

Unmarked cars or vehicles for discreet travel.

Enhances vision in low-light or dark environments.

Provides protection during dangerous confrontations.

Fake IDs, passports, and credentials for covert work.

Hidden audio and video recorders for surveillance.

A portable lab for on-site evidence analysis.

Contains tools for safe disposal of hazardous evidence.

Protective clothing for handling biohazards or chemicals.

Measures alcohol levels in breath for DUI investigations.

Detects intruders or movement at crime scenes.

Equipped for covert monitoring and eavesdropping.

Concealed microphones for eavesdropping and surveillance.

Disrupts or interferes with GPS tracking devices.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Essential Tools and Items IV

An aerial device with cameras for remote surveillance.

Sophisticated software for in-depth evidence analysis.

Secure devices for encrypted and untraceable communication.

Tiny listening devices for covert conversations.

Enhanced tool for detecting hidden evidence at crime scenes.

A vehicle or trailer with advanced tech for on-site operations.

Protective gear against firearms and threats.

Digital tools to manage and track evidence throughout investigations.

A controversial substance used to extract information from
uncooperative suspects.
A specially equipped vehicle for handling hazardous materials.

Secret locations used for meetings or temporary refuge.

Devices used for covertly intercepting and recording conversations.

A network of confidential contacts and informants.

Advanced software for identifying suspects from images.

Disguises, lock-picking tools, and other equipment for undercover work.

Devices for fingerprint, iris, and facial recognition.

Software and equipment for digital forensics and hacking.

Small aircraft or drones for aerial surveillance.

Secret locations for discreetly leaving evidence or messages.

A compact lab for on-site analysis of forensic evidence.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

1-10 11-20
D20 Agency Names I D20 Agency Names II

Blackstone Investigations Pinnacle Investigations

Shadow Detectives Noir Nexus Detectives

Noir Sleuths Cloak and Dagger P.I.

Midnight P.I. Obscura Agency

City Shadows Agency Enigmatic Investigations

Crescent Investigations Velvet Shadows Detectives

Whispering Secrets Ebon Hawk Investigations

Steel & Smoke Detectives Whispering Wind Sleuths

Fog City Sleuths Gilded Noir Detectives

Velvet Veil Detectives Midnight Raven Agency

Cobblestone Investigations Cryptic Clues Detectives

Darkwater Detectives Crimson Serpent Investigations

Silver Fox Investigations Darkwood Private Eyes

Moonlit Mysteries Nocturnal Secrets

Thorn & Dagger Investigations Phantom Quill Detectives

Obsidian Enigma Agency Black Cat Investigations

The Emerald Eye Detectives Astral Echo P.I.

Red Lantern Investigations Twilight Mysteries

Ravenclaw Private Eyes Opal Lantern Detectives

Eclipse Investigations Nightfall Investigations

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Office Description

Your office is filled with the rich aroma of tobacco smoke, with dark
wood paneling and leather chairs, creating a classic and mysterious
Your office is hidden in the heart of the city, with a skylight that can
be sealed shut, casting your workspace in perpetual twilight.
The interior of your agency is adorned with polished mahogany
furniture, intricate woodwork, and vintage maps, exuding an air of old-
world charm.
Your office is stacked with bookshelves filled with dusty tomes and
ancient manuscripts, giving it the feel of a scholarly detective's haven.
Located in a bustling urban district, your office is adorned with neon
signs, casting a vibrant but mysterious glow over your surroundings.
Your agency is concealed behind a false wall, and clients must speak a
secret password to gain access to your hidden office.
Your office is filled with piles of case files, newspapers, and corkboards
covered in clues and red strings, showcasing the chaos of your
Your office resembles a forgotten parlor from a bygone era, with
vintage furniture, faded wallpaper, and the lingering scent of antique
Tucked away in a tranquil garden, your office is surrounded by lush
greenery and offers a serene escape from the city's chaos.
Your workspace is located in an old, decrepit building, with creaking floors
and the distant echoes of passing footsteps.
Your office is encased in a glasshouse, providing a view of the city
skyline, and is filled with potted plants and the soothing sound of
running water.
Your office is filled with shelves of dusty case files, giving it a sense of
history and a reputation for solving the unsolvable.
Your agency is adorned with plush velvet chairs and brass fixtures,
offering a blend of luxury and mystery.
Your workspace is located by the waterfront, and the scent of salt and
the sound of seagulls create a distinctive coastal atmosphere.
Your office is hidden underground, accessible only through a concealed
trapdoor, adding an element of secrecy to your agency.
Your office is a masterpiece of Art Deco design, with sleek lines,
geometric patterns, and a touch of glamour.
Your workspace is illuminated by flickering candles, creating an intimate
and enigmatic atmosphere.
Your office is surrounded by crystal formations, giving it an otherworldly
and mystical feel.
Located in a converted factory, your office has an industrial aesthetic
with exposed brick walls and metal accents.
Your office is located on the rooftop of a building, offering a panoramic
view of the city and a sense of seclusion.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 NPC Encounters I

Her real name is Evelyn DuPont, and

she's a skilled safecracker. Her
Sultry nightclub singer with a
" " agenda is to retrieve a family
criminal past.
heirloom from the mob boss who owns
the nightclub.
He's coerced into providing
information on police investigations to
World-weary private investigator in
a powerful underworld figure. He
debt to the underworld.
needs to find a way out before it's
too late.
She's a key player in the city's
Femme fatale who owns an exclusive criminal underworld and is secretly
speakeasy. scheming to take control of the
various crime families.
He's harboring reformed criminals
Mild-mannered priest offering from the law and needs to help them
sanctuary to reformed criminals. seek redemption while avoiding the
corrupt police force.
He secretly sells sensitive information
" " Streetwise informant who double- to the highest bidder and aims to
crosses his clients. amass wealth while playing both
sides of the law.
She's investigating a massive
corruption scandal involving city
Fearless investigative journalist
" " officials and mob ties. Her agenda is
pursuing the truth.
to expose the truth while avoiding
threats to her own safety.
He's an undercover police informant,
gathering information from
" - " Seemingly simple-minded bartender
conversations in the bar. His agenda
who repeats himself.
is to take down a powerful crime
She's investigating corrupt officers
Brilliant, no-nonsense detective within her own department and aims
working on a secret case. to bring them to justice while
avoiding internal backlash.
He's connected to a mysterious
organization dealing in the
Charismatic medical examiner with
supernatural. His agenda is to explore
ties to the occult.
the city's supernatural underbelly and
its connection to recent murders.
He has a hidden talent for solving
" " Young pickpocket with a talent for cryptic messages left at crime scenes.
solving puzzles. His agenda is to uncover the truth
behind these enigmatic clues.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 NPC Encounters I Continued

She's a major player in a secret

gambling ring that caters to the city's
Wealthy socialite and owner of a
" " elite. Her agenda is to maintain her
high-end casino.
influence while evading law
He's investigating a corrupt police
captain with ties to organized crime.
" " A seasoned detective known for
His agenda is to expose the captain's
bending the rules.
involvement while protecting his own
She's a spy working for a foreign
agency, seeking classified information
A jazz club pianist with a hidden
" " from influential locals. Her agenda is to
talent for espionage.
complete her mission without getting
He's secretly embezzling money and
" " A burly, intimidating debt collector hiding it in offshore accounts. His
for a loan shark. agenda is to accumulate enough wealth
to escape the city's criminal underworld.
She's part of a shadowy art forgery
operation, selling counterfeit
A charming art dealer known for her
" " masterpieces to wealthy art collectors.
impeccable taste.
Her agenda is to maintain her lucrative
business and avoid detection.
He's planning a major heist on a rival
" " A charismatic but ruthless crime syndicate's casino. His agenda is to
boss. execute the heist flawlessly and expand
his criminal empire.
He's discovered an artifact with
A reclusive archaeologist with a mysterious powers, and his agenda is to
" " fascination for ancient artifacts. unlock its secrets while keeping it
hidden from those who seek its power.
She's a member of a secret society
A charismatic lounge singer with orchestrating political intrigues in the
" "
connections to a secret society. city. Her agenda is to advance the
society's hidden agenda.
He's deep in debt to a dangerous loan
shark and is secretly using his legal
" " A charismatic, fast-talking lawyer
skills to cover up illicit activities. His
with a love for gambling.
agenda is to free himself from the loan
shark's grip.
He's a master of blackmail,
A cunning private investigator with
" " accumulating dirt on influential figures.
an uncanny ability to gather
His agenda is to maintain his leverage
while staying under the radar.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 NPC Encounters II

She's using her fashion empire as a

front for an international smuggling
A renowned fashion designer with a
" " operation. Her agenda is to maintain
taste for danger.
her luxurious lifestyle and evade law
He's haunted by a cold case involving
A seasoned detective with a dark the disappearance of his sister. His
past. agenda is to uncover the truth and
bring the responsible party to justice.
She's a getaway driver for a local
criminal gang, participating in heists
A streetwise, tattooed mechanic
" " and robberies. Her agenda is to make
known for her skills.
enough money to escape her troubled
He's secretly involved in corrupt deals
and is leveraging his political power for
A charismatic and ambitious
" " personal gain. His agenda is to maintain
politician with a loyal following.
his public image while pursuing his
criminal activities.
She's a former investigative journalist
who was silenced after uncovering a
" " A homeless, streetwise beggar who
major conspiracy. Her agenda is to
knows the city's secrets.
expose the truth while avoiding those
who silenced her.
He's a master illusionist using his skills
A dapper magician who performs at to commit high-stakes heists. His
" "
upscale venues. agenda is to execute elaborate heists
and maintain a lavish lifestyle.
He's embezzling from the casino to
fund his secret passion for collecting
A charismatic but ruthless casino
" " rare and stolen art. His agenda is to
owner with mob connections.
amass a private art collection while
avoiding scrutiny.
She's a black-market arms dealer
secretly selling advanced weapons
" " A brilliant scientist with
technology to criminals. Her agenda is
groundbreaking inventions.
to profit from her inventions and
advance her scientific pursuits.
He's a reluctant witness to a major
crime and is torn between protecting
A tough and resourceful cab driver
" " his own safety and assisting the
who knows the city's alleys.
authorities in bringing the culprits to
She's investigating the mayor's
A disheveled journalist passionate involvement in illegal activities. Her
" "
about exposing corruption. agenda is to uncover the truth and
bring the corrupt mayor to justice.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 NPC Encounters II Continued

He's on the run after an operation gone

wrong, and he's being hunted by both
A former military sniper with a
" " government agencies and criminal
reputation for precision. organizations. His agenda is to clear his
name and discover who set him up.
She's secretly part of a vigilante group
dedicated to taking down organized crime.
" " A sharp-witted detective known for
Her agenda is to dismantle the criminal
her clever deductions. organizations that have plagued the city
for years.
He's using his art to leave coded
messages and clues about the city's dark
A mysterious artist with a penchant
" " secrets. His agenda is to uncover the
for creating enigmatic murals. truth behind a personal tragedy and seek
She's involved in an underground cult
A glamorous actress with a string of that worships an enigmatic deity. Her
" "
admirers and secrets. agenda is to further the cult's influence
in the city and ensure her own safety.
He's brewing illicit drugs, including a
potent and addictive new designer drug,
A gifted chemist with knowledge of
" " and distributing it throughout the city.
dangerous substances. His agenda is to establish a drug empire
while avoiding law enforcement.
She's manipulating the legal system to
help her criminal clients evade justice.
A cunning lawyer known for her
" " Her agenda is to maintain her reputation
persuasive skills. and continue her criminal activities behind
the scenes.
He's fabricating sensational news stories
A charismatic, fast-talking reporter to increase readership and sales. His
" " '
for a tabloid newspaper. agenda is to make a name for himself and
profit from the city's intrigue.
She's part of an underground medical
network that caters to criminals and
A no-nonsense nurse known for her corrupt officials, offering medical services
" "
expertise in emergency care. without questions. Her agenda is to
maintain her network while avoiding
She's been receiving anonymous death
threats due to the content of her latest
" " A reclusive author known for writing book, which contains hidden truths about
dark, mysterious novels. the city's criminal underworld. Her agenda
is to uncover the source of the threats
and protect her work.
He's a charismatic cult leader with a
devoted following, using his influence to
A charismatic motivational speaker
" " manipulate and control his adherents. His
known for his self-help seminars. agenda is to expand the cult's power and

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 NPC Encounters III

She's uncovering evidence of a massive

A sharp investigative reporter for a government conspiracy involving city
" "
major newspaper. officials. Her agenda is to expose the
truth and protect her sources.
He's working undercover as an informant
for the FBI, gathering information on
A seasoned mob enforcer with a
" " the mob's activities. His agenda is to
reputation for brutality. bring down the criminal organization from
the inside.
She's a hacktivist targeting corrupt
corporations and exposing their unethical
A brilliant codebreaker and computer
" " practices. Her agenda is to bring down
hacker. powerful corporate figures while avoiding
He's secretly developing advanced
surveillance devices for covert
" " A reclusive inventor known for his
government agencies. His agenda is to
brilliant but eccentric gadgets. balance his conscience with the
government's interests.
He's manipulating his followers to carry
A charismatic, fortune-telling mystic out criminal activities, including theft and
" "
with a cult following. espionage. His agenda is to expand his
cult's influence and amass wealth.
She's a key witness to a high-profile
crime but fears for her safety. Her
" " A passionate opera singer with a
agenda is to cooperate with law
captivating voice. enforcement while staying hidden from
He's secretly involved in illegal fight clubs,
using his investigative skills to ensure
" " A tough detective with a knack for the events go unnoticed by law
solving violent crimes. enforcement. His agenda is to maintain
his participation while upholding his
reputation as a detective.
She's producing fake IDs, passports, and
documents for criminals on the run. Her
A skilled forger known for creating
" " agenda is to avoid detection by
counterfeit documents. authorities while expanding her forgery
He's involved in a pyramid scheme that
preys on vulnerable individuals, promising
A charismatic motivational speaker
" " personal growth and success. His agenda
and life coach. is to profit from the scheme while
avoiding legal consequences.
She's part of a secret organization that
collects and preserves forbidden
" " A resourceful librarian with access to knowledge. Her agenda is to protect the
classified information. organization's secrets while
investigating the mysteries she

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 NPC Encounters III Continued

He's been collecting information on the

" " A mute but observant janitor in a hotel's wealthy guests, aiming to use it
prestigious hotel. for extortion. His agenda is to accumulate
wealth and influence.
She's secretly using her music to convey
hidden messages for a resistance group
" " A street performer who fighting against oppressive government
communicates through music. policies. Her agenda is to aid the
resistance while avoiding government
She's deciphering ancient texts that hold
the key to unlocking a hidden treasure,
sought after by both criminal
A skilled cryptanalyst with a
" " organizations and treasure hunters. Her
fascination for puzzles. agenda is to uncover the treasure's
location while safeguarding it from those
who would misuse it.
He's using his puppetry skills to
manipulate individuals in positions of
A talented ventriloquist known for
" " power and control their actions for his own
his eerily lifelike puppets. benefit. His agenda is to advance his
influence while remaining in the shadows.
She's translating a series of cryptic
messages from an ancient civilization,
" " A gifted linguist with a knack for which reveal a hidden and dangerous
decoding ancient languages. secret. Her agenda is to uncover the
truth and protect the world from its
He's built a machine that can alter the
perception of time, and he's torn between
A brilliant but reclusive inventor
" " using it for personal gain or using it for
with a curious mind. the greater good. His agenda is to make a
decision that will shape the future.
She's using her taxidermy skills to craft
lifelike animals filled with hidden
A mysterious taxidermist with an
" " compartments for smuggling contraband.
eerie collection of animals. Her agenda is to maintain her illegal trade
while avoiding detection.
He's using his followers to carry out a
series of ritualistic crimes that blur the
A charismatic cult leader with a
" " line between reality and the supernatural.
mesmerizing presence. His agenda is to gain power and summon
dark forces to reshape the city.
She's planning to steal a priceless gem
" " A cunning jewel thief known for her rumored to possess mystical powers. Her
daring heists. agenda is to execute the heist and unlock
the gem's secrets.
A brilliant but eccentric scientist He's working on a clandestine project that could
" " specializing in experimental reshape the future. His agenda is to complete
technology. the project and secure his place in history.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 NPC Encounters IV

She moonlights as a confidential

informant, feeding information about
" " A talented and alluring cabaret
criminal activities to a detective. Her
dancer. agenda is to stay alive while navigating a
dangerous double life.
He's orchestrating a long con targeting a
wealthy philanthropist, seeking to steal a
A charismatic con artist with a
" " priceless piece of art. His agenda is to
silver tongue. execute the con flawlessly and make a
She's manipulating her patients and using
their secrets for personal gain, while also
" " A renowned psychiatrist with a
being pursued by a relentless stalker. Her
mysterious past. agenda is to protect her own interests
and unmask her stalker's identity.
He's working on a clandestine plan to rob a
A suave casino owner with an rival casino and eliminate a longstanding
" "
enigmatic aura. rival. His agenda is to secure his
dominance in the city's gambling scene.
She's secretly broadcasting coded
messages to a resistance movement
A cheerful and well-liked radio show opposing a tyrannical government. Her
" "
host. agenda is to inspire and support the
rebellion while evading government
He's been embezzling funds from his own
criminal empire to support his lavish
A charming and influential crime
" " lifestyle and gambling addiction. His
boss with a hidden vice. agenda is to hide his financial indiscretions
and avoid insurrection within his syndicate.
She's part of an underground group that
seeks to uncover long-buried city secrets
" " A resourceful librarian who knows
and mysteries. Her agenda is to unravel
the city's hidden archives. the truth while keeping the group's
activities covert.
He's using his graffiti to convey
subversive messages that challenge the
" " A gifted street artist with a
government's authoritarian rule. His
rebellious streak. agenda is to inspire resistance and disrupt
the status quo.
She's deciphering ancient scrolls that hold
a cryptic prophecy about a looming
A brilliant cryptographer with a
" " catastrophe. Her agenda is to prevent
penchant for the enigmatic. the foretold disaster from occurring and
protect the city.
He's secretly harboring a fugitive witness
who possesses incriminating evidence
" " A high-ranking police officer known
against corrupt police officers. His agenda
for his charisma. is to protect the witness and expose the
corrupt officers.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 NPC Encounters IV Continued

She's conducting covert heists on behalf of

an enigmatic client who seeks to recover a
A skilled safecracker and lockpick
" " hidden artifact of immense power. Her
expert. agenda is to complete the heists while
ensuring the artifact remains concealed.
He's been receiving messages from
otherworldly beings, which he's
" " A gifted child prodigy with a transcribing into a secret book of
fascination for the paranormal. prophecies. His agenda is to interpret
these messages and uncover their
He's the leader of a fanatical cult that
believes the city is on the brink of a
" " A mysterious preacher known for his
supernatural apocalypse. His agenda is to
charismatic sermons. prepare his followers for the impending
cataclysm while maintaining their loyalty.
She's in possession of a cursed artifact
with malevolent powers, which she's
A reclusive antiques collector with a
" " inadvertently unleashed upon the city. Her
taste for the macabre. agenda is to undo the curse's effects and
prevent further harm.
He's developed a device that can
manipulate time, and he's inadvertently
" " A brilliant scientist specializing in
caused temporal anomalies throughout
quantum physics. the city. His agenda is to repair the fabric
of time and reverse the damage he's done.
He's been eavesdropping on conversations
A streetwise cobbler with between mob bosses and corrupt officials,
" " connections to the criminal and he's uncovered a major conspiracy. His
underworld. agenda is to expose the conspiracy while
safeguarding his own safety.
She's been cursed with a magical trumpet
A talented jazz trumpeter with a that ensnares the souls of those who
" "
hauntingly beautiful melody. hear her music. Her agenda is to break
the curse and release the trapped souls.
He's unwittingly penned a story that
seems to be predicting real-life criminal
A reclusive author known for his
" " activities. His agenda is to decipher the
dark and enigmatic novels. cryptic messages hidden within his own
She's receiving messages from vengeful
A psychic medium who can spirits seeking retribution against those
" " communicate with the spirits of the who wronged them in life. Her agenda is
deceased. to aid the spirits in finding closure and
He's built mechanical spies to gather
information on the city's elites and
A brilliant but eccentric inventor
" " politicians. His agenda is to unveil the
with a penchant for automatons. truth about their hidden agendas and

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Primary Antagonists I

" To control the city's Manipulation, coercion, and A thirst for power and
" underworld. intimidation. wealth.

" To avenge a personal Seduction, poison, and Seeking retribution for a

" tragedy. manipulation. past wrong.

" To attain political Bribery, blackmail, and A vision of establishing a

" dominance. legal manipulation. new order.

Occult rituals, secret

" To unearth forbidden A quest for ultimate
societies, and arcane
" knowledge. enlightenment.

" To reclaim her lost Heists, disguises, and A desperate desire for
" fortune. elaborate cons. financial recovery.

To eliminate all Violence, extortion, and A drive to become the
competition. ruthless enforcement. city's sole kingpin.

" To expose the city's Investigative journalism Seeking justice and truth
" corruption. and whistleblowing. in the darkness.

Art theft, sophisticated

" To create a criminal An insatiable ambition for
operations, and
" empire. power.
charismatic leadership.

Seduction, manipulation,
" To escape a life of A desire for freedom and
and exploiting
" servitude. autonomy.

" " To uncover a hidden Espionage, infiltration, and A relentless pursuit of the
conspiracy. code-breaking. truth.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Primary Antagonists I continued

" To manipulate influential Blackmail, puppetry, and A desire for control and
" figures. influence peddling. power.

" Investigative journalism,

To expose a political A dedication to truth and
" espionage, and exposing
conspiracy. justice.

" Vigilantism, exposing

To clean up the city's A belief in moral
" wrongdoings, and
corruption. righteousness.
' unmasking criminals.

Occult rituals, alchemical

" To unlock the secrets of An insatiable curiosity for
experiments, and exploring
" the arcane. the unknown.
forbidden knowledge.

" Manipulation, seduction,

To avenge a personal A burning need for
" and psychological
tragedy. retribution.

Elaborate schemes,
" To create chaos and subterfuge, and
" A vision of a city in turmoil.
anarchy. orchestrating criminal

" Investigative journalism,

To expose corporate A dedication to unveiling
" corporate espionage, and
conspiracies. the truth.
revealing cover-ups.

" Financial schemes, high-

An insatiable greed for
" To amass untold wealth. stakes investments, and
manipulating markets.

" Occult ceremonies, eldritch

To communicate with A fascination with the
" knowledge, and mystical
otherworldly beings. supernatural.

" Inventive genius, building

To create groundbreaking
" contraptions, and pushing A passion for innovation.
technological boundaries.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Primary Antagonists II

" To manipulate the city's Extortion, political A drive for control and
" ' power structures. influence, and bribery. dominance.

" To acquire a valuable Charms, high-society A desire to restore her

" family heirloom. events, and deception. family's honor.

" Alchemical experiments,

To unlock the secrets of An obsession with eternal
" forbidden knowledge, and
immortality. life.
mystical rituals.

" To exact revenge on a Seduction, blackmail, and A burning need for

" former lover. psychological manipulation. vengeance.

" Elaborate hideouts,

To establish a criminal A vision of a world where
" intricate schemes, and
utopia. crime reigns.

Investigative journalism,
" To expose a corporate A dedication to revealing
document theft, and
" conspiracy. corporate wrongdoing.

Forged invitations, complex

To stage a grand art A desire to outshine other
" " art forgeries, and
heist. art thieves.
theatrical distractions.

" To escape a dangerous Manipulation, subterfuge, A quest for freedom and

" cult. and exploiting weaknesses. safety.

Ritualistic exorcisms,
" To vanquish supernatural protective talismans, and A dedication to protecting
" entities. deep knowledge of the the city from evil.

" To protect a hidden Traps, secret maps, and A commitment to guarding

" treasure. clever diversions. a family secret.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Primary Antagonists II continued

" Intricate planning,

To orchestrate the A passion for the thrill of
" elaborate cons, and cunning
ultimate heist. the steal.

Influence peddling, political

" To manipulate the city's A drive for control and
alliances, and behind-the-
" power structures. dominance.
scenes manipulation.

" Occult rituals, summoning

To explore forbidden occult A fascination with the
" dark entities, and delving
realms. unknown.
into forbidden knowledge.

Creating masterpieces, art

" To leave a lasting legacy forgeries, and A desire to be remembered
" through art. manipulating the art as a genius.

" Seduction, psychological

To control her former A quest for power and
" manipulation, and
lover. domination.
exploiting vulnerabilities.

" Crafting complex puzzles,

To outwit law A relentless pursuit of
" leaving cryptic clues, and
enforcement. cunning.
psychological manipulation.

" To escape a haunting Disguises, evasion, and A quest for anonymity and
" past. psychological manipulation. escape.

" Protecting artifacts,

To preserve historical A commitment to
" uncovering ancient secrets,
relics. preserving history's legacy.
and guardianship.

Investigating a hidden
" To unravel a family past, retrieving lost A quest for personal
" mystery. heirlooms, and exposing understanding.
family secrets.

Rigorous training,
" To master an ancient apprenticeship, and A dedication to the pursuit
" discipline. mastering a forgotten of excellence.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Primary Antagonists III

" To manipulate influential Blackmail, puppetry, and A drive for control and
" figures. puppet strings. influence.

Investigative journalism,
" To expose the city's A dedication to truth and
secrets, and
" corruption. justice.

" To accumulate a fortune Card manipulation, rigged A relentless pursuit of

" through gambling. games, and cheating. wealth.

" Occult ceremonies, eldritch

To master forbidden An obsession with dark
" knowledge, and mystical
rituals. forces.

" Scattered clues, hidden

To uncover her lost A quest for self-discovery
" diaries, and psychological
memories. and identity.

" Merciless violence,

A drive to become the
" To eliminate his rivals. intimidation, and calculated
city's sole kingpin.
' assassinations.

" Investigative journalism,

To unearth corporate A belief in exposing
" document theft, and
conspiracies. corporate wrongdoing.
exposing cover-ups.

Art heists, clever

" To steal priceless A quest for art and
forgeries, and
" artworks. wealth.
sophisticated art thievery.

" Disguise, illusions, and

" To vanish from her past. A quest for a fresh start.
psychological manipulation.

" Guarding archeological

A commitment to
" To protect ancient relics. sites, historical knowledge,
preserving history.
and mystical guardians.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Primary Antagonists III continued

Investigative journalism,
" To uncover a corporate A dedication to revealing
document theft, and
" conspiracy. the truth.
exposing corporate crimes.

" To delve into forbidden Occult rituals, necromancy, A fascination with the
" occult realms. and dark ceremonies. supernatural.

Uncovering forgotten clues,

" retracing steps, and A quest for self-discovery
" To regain lost memories.
exploring past and identity.

" Infiltrating the cult,

To escape a dangerous A quest for personal
" exposing its secrets, and
cult. freedom and safety.
breaking free.

Guarding a secret vault,

To protect a hidden A commitment to guarding
" " booby traps, and cryptic
treasure. a family legacy.

" To steal priceless Art heists, grand thefts, A quest for the thrill of
" artifacts. and cunning art thefts. the heist.

" Occult rituals, invoking

To summon otherworldly A fascination with the
" eldritch entities, and
beings. unknown.
supernatural dealings.

" Alchemical experiments,

To unlock the secrets of An obsession with eternal
" elixirs, and pursuing
immortality. youth.
eternal life.

Crafting enigmatic
" To create unsolvable A relentless pursuit of the
puzzles, cryptic codes, and
" mysteries. enigmatic.
intricate riddles.

" Disguises, psychological

To outsmart her A quest for survival and
" manipulation, and
pursuers. freedom.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Primary Antagonists IV

Intricate planning,
" To outwit rival heist tactical genius, and A desire to prove his
" crews. outsmarting the cunning.

Coercion, blackmail, and

" To manipulate the city's A drive for power and
cultivating influential
" elite. dominance.

Occult rituals,
" To explore hidden interdimensional travel, A fascination with the
" dimensions. and summoning eldritch unknown.

Creating masterpieces, art

" To leave a lasting artistic forgeries, and A desire to be remembered
" legacy. manipulating the art as a genius.

" Seduction, psychological

To control her former A quest for power and
" manipulation, and
lover. domination.
exploiting vulnerabilities.

" Crafting complex puzzles,

To outsmart law A relentless pursuit of
" leaving cryptic clues, and
enforcement. cunning.
psychological manipulation.

" To escape a haunting Disguises, evasion, and A quest for anonymity and
" past. psychological manipulation. escape.

" Protecting artifacts,

To preserve historical A commitment to
" uncovering ancient secrets,
relics. preserving history's legacy.
and guardianship.

Investigating a hidden
" To unravel a family past, retrieving lost A quest for personal
" mystery. heirlooms, and exposing understanding.
family secrets.

Rigorous training,
" To master a forgotten apprenticeship, and A dedication to the pursuit
" discipline. mastering a forgotten of excellence.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Primary Antagonists IV continued

" Vigilantism, investigating

To bring justice to the A quest for redemption
" crimes, and exposing
city. and retribution.

Inventing supernatural
" To protect the city from countermeasures, occult A dedication to
" supernatural threats. knowledge, and hunting safeguarding the city.
the unknown.

Investigative journalism,
" To expose a powerful A belief in revealing the
undercover work, and
" conspiracy. truth.
exposing political cover-ups.

" Creating complex puzzles,

To craft unsolvable A relentless pursuit of the
" cryptic codes, and
enigmas. enigmatic.
challenging riddles.

" Infiltrating the cult,

To escape a dangerous A quest for personal
" revealing its secrets, and
cult. freedom and safety.
freeing its members.

Occult rituals, eldritch

" To unlock the secrets of experiments, and A fascination with the
" the arcane. communing with supernatural.
otherworldly entities.

Investigative journalism,
" To expose corporate whistleblowing, and A dedication to justice and
" conspiracies. revealing corporate transparency.

Rigorous training, studying

" To master a forgotten under masters, and A commitment to
" discipline. embracing ancient achieving excellence.

" Occult ceremonies, seances,

To communicate with A fascination with the
" and exploring hidden
otherworldly beings. unknown.

" Seduction, emotional

To control her former A quest for power and
" manipulation, and
lover. dominance.
exploiting weaknesses.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Allies and Contacts I

An experienced private investigator with a sharp
Seasoned P.I.
mind and a network of informants.

The owner of a popular speakeasy who knows the

" " Bartender and Informant
city's secrets and can offer valuable information.

A skilled forensic expert who can provide insights

Medical Examiner
into crime scenes and autopsies.

A mysterious figure who gathers information from

" " Street Informant the city's underworld and delivers tips in cryptic

A high-ranking police officer who can provide insider

Police Contact
information and occasionally turn a blind eye.

A fearless investigative journalist who's willing to

Journalist and Reporter uncover the truth, even if it means crossing ethical

A formidable and well-connected mob enforcer who

Mob Enforcer
can offer protection and muscle when needed.

A knowledgeable professor with expertise in history,

Academic Expert languages, and the occult, providing valuable

A charming and superstitious gambler who always

" " Lucky Charm Hustler seems to find luck and can help with games of

A compassionate priest who listens to confessions

Priest and Confidant
and provides guidance and moral support.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Allies and Contacts I continued

An expert in disguise and espionage,

" " Master of Disguise capable of infiltrating and gathering
information covertly.

A skilled mechanic who can repair,

Handyman and Saboteur modify, or sabotage vehicles and
equipment as needed.

A psychic medium with a connection to

Psychic Medium the supernatural, providing insights
and channeling spirits.

A talented singer and performer at a

Nightclub Performer popular nightclub, who can provide
access to the city's social elite.

An expert in the occult and

paranormal phenomena, who can help
Occult Scholar
decipher mysterious symbols and

A cunning and resourceful fixer with

" " Underground Fixer connections to the criminal underworld,
offering assistance and favors.

A locksmith with an exceptional skill

" " Master Locksmith set for picking locks and bypassing
security systems.

A skilled cat burglar with a knack for

" " Cat Burglar sneaking into high-security locations
and gathering information.

A chemist and analyst who can

analyze substances and provide
" " Chemist and Analyst
valuable insights into poisons and

A cunning art curator who specializes

Art Curator and Forger in forging and can create convincing
fake documents and art.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Allies and Contacts II

A dedicated police officer who's secretly working
Undercover Cop
undercover within criminal organizations.

A mysterious figure with access to an extensive

" " Information Broker
network of informants and underground connections.

A skilled psychologist who can help unravel the

psychological aspects of cases and characters.

" A brilliant hacker and tech genius, capable of

Hacker and Tech Expert
" bypassing security systems and cracking codes.

" " A practitioner of the dark arts with knowledge of

Occult Practitioner
supernatural forces, offering mystic guidance.

" " A tenacious investigative journalist with a knack

Investigative Reporter
for digging up dirt and exposing hidden truths.

A former mob member who provides insider

" " Mob Informant
information on the criminal underworld's dealings.

A renowned archaeologist specializing in ancient

artifacts and cryptic symbols.

" " A high-stakes gambler and expert card player who

High-Stakes Gambler
can help players win information in high-risk games.

A compassionate nun who provides moral support

Nun and Confidant
and guidance with ties to the church.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Allies and Contacts II continued

An expert in disguise and espionage,

" " Master of Disguise capable of infiltrating and gathering
information covertly.

A skilled mechanic who can repair,

Handyman and Saboteur modify, or sabotage vehicles and
equipment as needed.

A psychic medium with a connection to

Psychic Medium the supernatural, providing insights
and channeling spirits.

A talented singer and performer at a

Nightclub Performer popular nightclub, who can provide
access to the city's social elite.

An expert in the occult and

paranormal phenomena, who can help
Occult Scholar
decipher mysterious symbols and

A cunning and resourceful fixer with

" " Underground Fixer connections to the criminal underworld,
offering assistance and favors.

A locksmith with an exceptional skill

" " Master Locksmith set for picking locks and bypassing
security systems.

A skilled cat burglar with a knack for

" " Cat Burglar sneaking into high-security locations
and gathering information.

A chemist and analyst who can

analyze substances and provide
" " Chemist and Analyst
valuable insights into poisons and

A cunning art curator who specializes

Art Curator and Forger in forging and can create convincing
fake documents and art.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Encounters I

In a smoky dive bar, the players overhear a hushed conversation about a

clandestine deal.
At a blues bar, a musician playing an old harmonica claims to have lost
something precious.
In a magic-themed bar, an illusionist offers players a chance to
participate in a game of chance and illusion.
At a rock club, a band seems to channel supernatural forces through their
In a hidden speakeasy, players find a locked door with a mysterious key.
A magician's return to the bar is marred by his sudden disappearance
In a folk music bar, a singer-songwriter performs a song with cryptic
At a poetry slam bar, two rival poets engage in a heated verbal duel.
In a high-stakes poker game at an upscale bar, a mysterious card shark
seems to win every hand.
At a karaoke bar, players discover a cursed song that forces participants
to reveal their darkest secrets.
In a historical-themed bar, players stumble upon a hidden room filled
with artifacts.
In a family-owned bar, the players are approached by an elderly regular
who has lost a precious heirloom.
In a rowdy dice game at a gambling bar, players are invited to
Players enter a bar filled with transparent, spectral patrons.
At a cocktail bar, players encounter a mixologist who offers to craft an
elixir that grants glimpses of the future or hidden truths.
In a smoky dive bar, the players overhear a hushed conversation about a
clandestine deal.
At a blues bar, a musician playing an old harmonica claims to have lost
something precious..
In a magic-themed bar, an illusionist offers players a chance to
participate in a game of chance and illusion.
At a rock club, a band seems to channel supernatural forces through their
In a hidden speakeasy, players find a locked door with a mysterious key.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Encounters II

Players receive an enigmatic invitation to an exclusive underground

gathering, requiring deciphering a hidden code for entry.
Mysterious photographs reveal secrets about the city's elite, prompting
players to track down the elusive photographer responsible.
A haunted casino lures players with promises of supernatural winnings,
but they must confront vengeful spirits seeking justice.
A rare manuscript vanishes from a library, and players are hired to
recover it, uncovering a trail of cryptic clues.
The city's most talented orchestra disappears on the eve of their grand
performance, leaving players to unravel the mystery.
A gallery featuring mesmerizing art draws players into a world of illusion,
with paintings that seem to predict the future.
Players are embroiled in a counterfeit currency scheme, where they must
distinguish genuine bills from fake ones.
A legendary heist has been attempted but not completed, and players
must decide whether to pursue the elusive fortune.
A haunted ventriloquist doll appears in a pawnshop, and players must
investigate its chilling connection to a past crime.
A historic building is destroyed by an unsolved arson, and players must
piece together clues to uncover the arsonist's identity.
A vaudeville theater troupe disappears without a trace, leaving behind
cryptic notes and disappearing ink.
A disused train station hides a series of unexplained disappearances, and
players must investigate its connection to a long-lost urban legend.
Players stumble upon an underground speakeasy with a notorious history,
now rumored to host bizarre occult rituals in secret.
At an old ballet theater, players find bloodstains on the stage and must
uncover a dark legacy of tragedy and revenge.
A mysterious figure with an intricate web of tattoos appears in town,
with each tattoo revealing a piece of a larger puzzle. Players must
decipher the meaning.
A church's candles keep vanishing, and players are called to investigate,
uncovering a secret religious cult and their hidden rituals.
Players attend a grand masquerade ball where a deadly poison is
circulating, and they must identify the poisoner and their motive.
A notorious con artist challenges players to a high-stakes game of wits,
with the winner gaining invaluable information.
A malfunctioning automaton sparks intrigue, leading players to discover a
hidden network of automatons, each concealing a piece of a puzzle.
A cursed carnival comes to town, and players must confront supernatural
threats, all while piecing together the carnival's dark history.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Encounters III

Players stumble upon a lost film reel, the screening of which reveals
hidden messages, unearths a cold case, and beckons a new mystery.
An abandoned train carriage on the outskirts of the city holds secrets of
a long-forgotten journey and a map to a hidden treasure.
An eerie portrait in an art collector's mansion seems to whisper secrets,
encouraging players to uncover its enigmatic past.
A mysterious ransom note surfaces, leading players on a journey to save a
kidnapped victim and unmask the identity of the abductor.
A vengeful spirit haunts a derelict theater, and players must confront
the entity's past to find peace and justice.
Players are drawn to a coastal bar by a hauntingly beautiful song, which
hints at a tragic shipwreck and a hidden treasure beneath the waves.
A peculiar, locked box is delivered to the players, and they must decipher a
series of cryptic puzzles to reveal its contents and purpose.
Anonymous letters arrive, each hinting at a different unsolved mystery, leaving
players to decide which path to follow and what connections they share.
A renowned composer's unfinished symphony holds a series of coded musical
notes that point to long-buried secrets and unresolved tragedies.
An antique mirror reflects false images of players' deepest desires, but
players must navigate the illusion to find its true purpose.
Players discover a hidden entrance to the city's catacombs, an intricate maze of
tunnels filled with ancient artifacts, enigmatic symbols, and lurking dangers.
At a secret black market, players witness a forbidden exchange, and they
must decide whether to report it, exploit it, or expose it.
A cursed prop from a long-lost play in a theater's storeroom unleashes
supernatural events, prompting players to solve the prop's dark history.
An old journal found in a dusty attic details an explorer's cryptic travels,
and players must retrace the journey to uncover hidden treasures.
Players encounter a mute witness to a crime, and they must communicate
with the witness through gestures and drawings to solve the mystery.
A forgotten laboratory holds experiments of the macabre and clues to a
scientist's disappearance, leading players on a path of discovery and
An alchemist's hidden laboratory contains secrets of transmutation, and
players must decipher the alchemical processes and their implications.
A carnival infused with dark magic arrives in town, and players must navigate
its twisted attractions to uncover the carnival's origin and secrets.
In a dark forest, players hear eerie whistling that lures them into a
labyrinthine maze, where they must uncover the source of the haunting
Players stumble upon a concealed codex in an antique bookstore, containing
unknown languages, encrypted messages, and arcane symbols, challenging them to
decode its mysteries.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Encounters IV

Players uncover a hidden, forbidden library filled with ancient tomes and
cryptic scrolls, each revealing arcane secrets and their own dark history.
At an extravagant masquerade ball, players must unveil the identities
behind mysterious masks, each concealing a persona and hidden agenda.
Players enter abandoned subway tunnels beneath the city, where they
encounter clues and remnants of a forgotten disaster and underground
A haunted Ouija board surfaces, allowing players to communicate with a
restless spirit, uncovering the story behind the spirit's tragic demise.
A magical pocket watch appears, revealing glimpses of the past and future.
Players must harness its powers and solve its riddles to understand its origins.
A series of unsolved murders mirrors events from a classic film noir.
Players must unravel the cinematic connections and unmask the killer.
Portraits in an abandoned mansion come to life at night, sharing their tales of
sorrow and longing, guiding players in uncovering the mansion's tragic history.
Players inherit a detective agency with a cursed legacy, cursed cases, and
a need to solve each mystery to break the curse's hold on the agency.
A hidden bookstore materializes, and players must decipher its cryptic
catalog and protect its secrets from those who would exploit it.
Players discover a room where the laws of time and space are twisted,
and they must navigate the paradoxes, alternate realities, and broken
A spectral archivist in a haunted library seeks players' help to find lost
knowledge and piece together the library's past and connection to a
forbidden cult.
A rare, illuminated manuscript appears, but the players must identify its
purpose and the secrets encoded in its intricate illustrations.
A cursed orchestra performs for the living, and players must break the
musicians' curse and resolve their unfinished symphony.
A mystical well grants players cryptic visions, revealing hidden truths
about the city's history and its looming, supernatural threat.
Players come into possession of an amulet with a dark history, forcing
them to unravel its curse and the sinister force that plagues it.
A mysterious time capsule is unearthed, and players must decipher its
contents and determine its connection to a forgotten event.
A peculiar eyepiece reveals hidden messages and symbols in plain sight,
leading players to unravel a secret society's clues.
Players enter a unique architecture called the "Whispering Gallery," where
secrets are whispered from one end to the other, and they must decipher the
messages and their origins.
An abandoned funhouse filled with mirrors conceals a labyrinth that
players must navigate to unravel its illusions and secrets.
An old radio broadcast hints at a hidden treasure, and players must
locate the source of the transmission and decipher the broadcast's clues.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Items On a Body I

This watch is engraved with initials and a cryptic message, hinting at an

appointment time and location.
The photograph shows a person with a hidden face and a landmark in the
background, potentially leading to a secret meeting place.
The key has an intricate design and no apparent lock. It could unlock a
hidden compartment or secret door.
The letter is written in code, requiring decryption to reveal its content,
which might contain a vital clue.
The locket contains a miniature portrait of a loved one, and the back
holds a hidden compartment.
The map shows a series of locations with enigmatic symbols and lines
connecting them.
This intricate puzzle box must be solved to reveal its contents, possibly a
key or a secret message.
The vial holds a strange liquid with unknown properties that players may
need to identify.
Concealed within a seemingly innocent object, this blade could have been
used for self-defense or as a murder weapon.
The notebook contains pages of encrypted text and diagrams that
players need to decipher.
These photos depict various individuals and places, hinting at connections
and relationships.
The diary describes unsettling experiences and observations, pointing
toward a sinister plot.
- The bloodstains suggest a recent injury or struggle, while the
handkerchief bears an emblem.
This lock of hair is tied with a ribbon and may hold sentimental or
ritualistic significance.
The cards show signs of wear and have a code written on them. They
could be linked to a secret gambling den.
The medallion is engraved with an unusual symbol and may have occult or
ritualistic connections.
The broken watch is stuck at a specific time and date, which could be a
vital clue.
The list contains names and aliases, all written in a cryptic code. Decoding
it may reveal a web of intrigue.
The envelope is sealed with wax and marked with a symbol or sigil. Its
contents could be of great importance.
The case has a hidden compartment that conceals a small, valuable object
or substance.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Items On a Body II

The coat is filled with hidden pockets containing various objects, some of
which are valuable or incriminating.
The letter reveals the deceased's guilt or involvement in a crime, hinting
at accomplices and victims.
The mismatched shoes may lead players to a location where the other
shoe can be found, uncovering a hidden secret.
The amulet is etched with unusual symbols, and its true purpose and
origin remain a mystery.
The perfume has a distinct scent, and its ingredients may provide
insights into the wearer's life or occupation.
The ledger contains records of financial transactions, but players must
decipher its codes and symbols.
The lockpick hints at the deceased's ability to break into secure locations,
potentially revealing hidden hideouts.
The message is encrypted and can only be decoded with the help of a
specific key or cipher.
The card features a cryptic mark that players can use to trace back to a
hidden gambling ring or secret club.
The body contains a concealed compartment, potentially holding a small
object, weapon, or secret document.
The emblem is associated with a secret society, faction, or criminal
organization, leading players down a dangerous path.
The coin is adorned with an unusual design or symbol, indicating affiliation
with a shadowy group.
These letters suggest a clandestine romance or forbidden affair, with
clues about the lover's identity.
The poem may contain riddles or coded verses that players need to
interpret to uncover hidden truths.
The ring features a hidden compartment that conceals a small object or
A photograph is skillfully hidden in the lining of the clothing, depicting an
unknown person or location.
The map shows locations marked with cryptic symbols, possibly revealing
hidden safehouses or important landmarks.
The keys belong to various locks, some of which players may need to track
down to unlock hidden secrets.
The compass points to an unusual direction when held near specific
locations, suggesting hidden passages or treasures.
The notes are written in a complex code that players must decipher to
reveal a series of instructions and secrets.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Items On a Body III

The book contains instructions for mysterious rituals, raising questions

about the deceased's involvement in the occult.
The letter is incomplete, and players must find the missing pieces and
decode the message within.
The doll is adorned with pins and markings, hinting at a sinister purpose
or a grudge against someone.
The sketches depict unusual symbols, locations, or events, requiring
players to piece together their meaning.
The sheet music hints at a forgotten melody, possibly connected to a
hidden treasure or ritual.
A hidden knife, dagger, or small firearm is found on the body, possibly used
for self-defense or foul play.
The ring features a code or inscription that players must decipher,
revealing a hidden message or connection.
The receipts detail a series of transactions, suggesting financial ties to
criminal activities or secret organizations.
The glove is stained with blood, suggesting a violent encounter or crime
scene that players must investigate.
A tattoo on the body conceals a secret message or symbol, the meaning of
which players must uncover.
The torn map holds pieces players must reassemble to reveal the location
of a hidden cache or significant area.
The tarot cards are adorned with unique symbols and images, hinting at
an occult connection or prophecy.
The currency is foreign or out of circulation, pointing to illicit trade or a
secret economy.
The music box plays a haunting tune, with clues hidden in its melody or
The matches bear an unusual logo or symbol, leading players to a
secretive establishment or organization.
The letter is marked with blood, concealing parts of a message that
players must reveal through investigation.
A document is skillfully hidden on the body, requiring players to locate and
decipher its contents.
The case holds cigars with cryptic labels and a hidden compartment,
potentially concealing important documents or items.
The pendant has an intricate design and may hold a secret compartment,
object, or message.
The journal contains a series of coded entries, challenging players to
decode the messages within.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Items On a Body IV

A heartfelt love letter addressed to the deceased.

A small diary filled with personal thoughts and appointments.

A vintage pocket watch, still ticking, with an engraved dedication.

A weathered photograph of the deceased with family or friends.

A silver cigarette case with a few remaining cigarettes.

A delicate handkerchief scented with a distinct perfume.

A signet ring bearing a family crest or monogram.

A well-worn brass lighter with a personal inscription.

A bundle of letters, tied together, detailing the deceased's
A theater ticket from a specific performance.

A pair of eyeglasses with a prescription for reading.

A small charm believed to bring good fortune.

A train ticket for a recent journey.

A program from a musical or theatrical performance.

A press pass indicating the deceased's profession as a journalist.

A quality fountain pen for writing.

A miniature Bible with highlighted verses.

A handkerchief with a monogram.

A collection of old photographs depicting various moments in the
deceased's life.
An ornate antique key of unknown origin.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Items in a car I

A folded map with markings and routes.

A pair of sunglasses, scratched but stylish.

A recent parking ticket with a location and time.

A roadside emergency kit with tools and supplies.

Several cigarette butts in the ashtray.

Discarded fast food wrappers and empty cups.

A spare tire and a set of tools in the trunk.

A dashboard bobblehead of a famous character.

A hanging air freshener with a distinct scent.

An empty gas can with a lingering smell of gasoline.

A folded umbrella tucked away in the back seat.

The car's registration papers with the owner's name.

A collection of loose change scattered throughout.

A cell phone charger plugged into the car's outlet.

Stains on the cup holders and upholstery from spilled coffee.

A notepad and pen in the glove compartment.

A first aid kit under the passenger seat.

A gym bag containing workout clothes and shoes.

A travel blanket folded in the back seat.

A sealed envelope with no address or sender information.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Items in a car II

A recent gas receipt with a specific gas station location.

A GPS navigation device mounted on the dashboard.

A detailed road map of the region.

A functioning compass affixed to the dashboard.

A collection of various air fresheners hanging from the rearview mirror.

' The car's owner's manual in the glove compartment.

A pair of fuzzy dice hanging from the rearview mirror.

' A child's car seat secured in the back seat.

A selection of music CDs in the center console.

A toolbox with an assortment of tools in the trunk.

A pet carrier or crate with pet hair inside.

A variety of stickers and decals on the dashboard.

- A half-eaten snack or sandwich left in the car.

A parking pass for a specific location.

A bag of dirty laundry on the back seat.

An invoice from a recent car repair or maintenance.

A pet collar and leash in the back seat.

A travel guidebook for a nearby city.

A pair of binoculars on the passenger-side floor.

A dashcam mounted on the windshield.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Items in a car III

A partially packed suitcase in the trunk, hinting at travel plans.

A parking permit for a specific area or building.

A musical instrument, like a guitar or violin, taking up space in the back
A car-specific air freshener in the shape of a pine tree.

A worn paperback novel on the dashboard.

A stack of scenic postcards, each featuring a different location.

Travel mugs or thermoses in the cup holders.

A toolbelt with various tools hanging on the back of a seat.

Mysterious handprints or fingerprints on the windows.

A portable police scanner with channels marked.

Dashcam footage on a memory card with various recorded journeys.

A set of spare keys hidden in the center console.

Another car's registration papers, raising questions.

Scented candles and a lighter in the glove compartment.

An unopened package addressed to the car's owner.

' A business card for a local mechanic or auto shop.

' A child's toy or stuffed animal on the back seat.

Loose change that appears to be for parking meters.

A vintage car radio with a collection of old music cassettes.

Hiking gear, including backpacks and boots, in the trunk.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Items in a car IV

A souvenir keychain from a distant location.

A family photo album with treasured memories.

A spare tire iron or lug wrench for changing tires.

A membership card for roadside assistance.

A map of local hiking trails and nature paths.

A coffee cup knocked over, spilling coffee stains.

A container of pet food with a scooper inside.

Several sealed mail envelopes addressed to the owner.

A folded baby stroller taking up space in the trunk.

A folder of business documents and contracts.

A set of vintage radio knobs with various stations marked.

A protective case for sunglasses with a brand label.

Various items, possibly from the owner's recent trips.

An old, tattered blanket in the back seat.

A container of antifreeze in the trunk.

Campfire equipment, including firewood and a portable grill.

A collection of receipts from toll booths along highways.

A paper road map with handwritten route notes.

Bedding and toys for a pet inside a pet carrier.

A guidebook for local hiking trails and scenic spots.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Items in a Drawer I

A collection of old letters tied together with ribbon.

A set of spare keys with various keychains.

A jewelry box containing necklaces, rings, and brooches.

A stack of forgotten family photographs.

Vintage postcards from exotic locations.

An antique pocket watch with a broken chain.

Bundles of cash, neatly organized.

A series of love letters tied with a satin ribbon.

A locked diary with a mysterious cover.

Old maps with faded markings and routes.

An inkwell with a feather quill for writing.

A pocket-sized compass with a cracked glass cover.

A weathered journal filled with cryptic entries.

Antique photographs with ornate frames.

Souvenirs from past travels and adventures.

A decorative keychain with intricate designs.

A stack of vintage newspapers with headlines from the past.

A wax seal kit with various seals and wax sticks.

A map with a cryptic trail marked in red ink.

A small locked box with an unknown combination.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Items in a Drawer II

A collection of vintage coins and currency.

A set of forgotten keys, unmarked and mysterious.

A journal with a lock and a key, preventing access.

A stack of handwritten notes, some with cryptic messages.

A chain for a pocket watch with a unique design.

A collection of old postage stamps from around the world.

An antique fountain pen with a tarnished nib.

An antique pocket knife with an ornate handle.

Love tokens and mementos from past relationships.

A set of keys with unknown purposes and labels.

A silverware set with intricate patterns.

A handheld telescope for distant viewing.

Vintage perfume bottles with fragrances of a bygone era.

A small pocket sundial with a worn leather case.

A collection of antique medals and awards.

- A hand-crank music box with a winding key.

Masonic symbols and documents in a drawer.

A locked manuscript with an unknown language.

Tickets to old theatrical performances and events.

A collection of antique locks and their keys.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Items in a Drawer III

Opera glasses with mother-of-pearl details.

A set of collectible trading cards from a forgotten game.

An ornate case containing valuable jewelry pieces.

A small wooden puzzle box with intricate carvings.

Wax seals of different designs and historical significance.

An antique snuffbox with a hidden compartment.

Stacks of blank paper and parchment for writing.

A collection of antique wristwatches and pocket watches.

Rusted keys of unknown origin and purpose.

A handheld microscope with adjustable lenses.

A wax seal with the crest of a long-lost royal family.

A collection of secret diaries with coded entries.

Sheets of paper filled with mysterious ciphers and codes.

Documents, certificates, and contracts from the past.

A small, collapsible telescope for stargazing.

Sealed letters, unopened and bound with silk ribbons.

A set of ornate antique teaspoons with unique patterns.

Miniature paintings and artwork on aged canvases.

A locked jewelry box with tantalizing treasures inside.

A deck of tarot cards with beautifully illustrated images.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Items in a Drawer IV

A collection of rare and valuable coins.

Sealed envelopes, each marked with a name or date.

A brass pocket compass with a leather case.

A set of family heirlooms with intricate details.

A set of antique lock picks and tension wrenches.

An ornate antique lighter with engravings.

Scrimshaw artwork carved on ivory and bone.

A collection of vintage cufflinks with unique designs.

Photographs hidden within the pages of old books.

Confidential contracts and agreements tucked away.

A selection of precious and semi-precious gemstones.

Journals with detailed accounts of past adventures.

A variety of vintage wristwatches with different styles.

Silver lockets with compartments for tiny keepsakes.

A set of antique keys with intricate designs.

Miniature paintings on ivory and parchment.

Precious family heirlooms that have been forgotten.

Antique tokens and coins from long-gone establishments.

Intricately designed wax seals with unique symbols.

Secret messages written on the back of old letters.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Stolen Goods I D20 Stolen Goods II

Priceless Jewelry Rare Antiques

Antique Pocket Watch Priceless Heirlooms

Rare Stamps and Coins Top-Secret Military Plans

Valuable Artwork Precious Metals and Ingots

Precious Gemstones Smuggled Exotic Fruits

Secret Documents Stolen Technology Prototypes

Smuggled Firearms Illegal Firearms Cache

Exotic Animals Confidential Government Documents

Illicit Drugs Smuggled Artifacts from Foreign Lands

Vintage Wines and Spirits Vintage and Stolen Cars

Blackmail Photographs Expensive Designer Fashion

Counterfeit Currency Black Market Organs

Stolen Identity Papers Counterfeit Masterpieces

Hidden Gold Bullion Hidden Offshore Bank Accounts

Historical Relics Looted War Treasures

Confidential Blueprints Forgotten Safe-Deposit Box Contents

Rare Books and Manuscripts Untraceable Cryptocurrencies

Confidential Government Files Kidnapped Persons

Pirated Music Recordings Stolen Identities

Exquisite Fabrics and Textiles Extortion Material

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Indoor D20 Outdoor

A desolate alley, littered with trash and
A bloodstained rug in a lavish living room.
broken glass.
An overturned dining table with shattered An abandoned rooftop with a view of the
dishes. city skyline.
A dimly lit bedroom with disheveled sheets. A dimly lit park with overgrown shrubbery.
A study with files scattered and papers in
An empty parking lot behind a dive bar.
A bullet-riddled office with shattered
A waterfront pier with a lone lamppost.
A cramped kitchen with overturned chairs. A quiet cemetery at midnight.

A smoky, dimly lit backroom of a speakeasy. A fog-shrouded bridge spanning a river.

A concealed room behind a hidden wall panel. A derelict train yard.

A bathroom with shattered mirrors. A deserted street corner on a rainy night.

A neglected, cobweb-filled attic. A moonlit beach with crashing waves.

A closet with a hidden compartment. A secluded forest clearing.

A secret basement filled with contraband. A hidden basement beneath an old factory.
An art studio with torn canvases and spilled
A forgotten attic in a decrepit mansion.
An eerie, dimly lit basement with cracked
A hushed library with torn pages.
concrete walls.
A smoke-filled gambling den with discarded A smoke-filled speakeasy with jazz music
chips. playing.
A blood-soaked dressing room. A cluttered, chaotic detective's office.
A high-end jewelry store with smashed A high-end penthouse with a view of the
display cases. city lights.
A trashed ballroom with shattered An abandoned warehouse filled with
chandeliers. shadows.
A hidden laboratory with bubbling beakers. A gloomy, damp sewer system.
A private art collection room with empty An upscale art gallery filled with priceless
frames. works.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

1-5 6-10
D20 Street Names I D20 Street Names II

Elmwood Avenue Waverly Avenue

Maple Street Harborview Street

Ashford Place Sunset Boulevard

Willow Lane Riverside Drive

Hawthorn Drive Oceanfront Drive

Birchwood Court Lakeside Terrace

Laurel Street Parkside Court

Cypress Lane Hillcrest Avenue

Cedarwood Way Cliffside Road

Magnolia Place Riverview Lane

Redwood Road Beachwood Circle

Alder Street Meadowbrook Place

Sycamore Lane Harborcrest Lane

Spruce Avenue Shoreline Drive

Oakhurst Circle Lakeview Street

Elmridge Court Foresthill Road

Juniper Way Brookside Lane

Poplar Lane Parkview Court

Walnut Grove Hilltop Avenue

Beechwood Terrace Hillside Terrace

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
11-15 16-20
D20 Street Names III D20 Street Names IV

Moonlight Street Rendezvous Road

Foggy Hollow Lane Penumbral Pathway

Noirwood Avenue Enigmatic Esplanade

Shadowbrook Road Solitude Street

Whispering Pines Covert Cove

Midnight Crescent Mystique Mews

Cobblestone Way Serpent's Alley

Gaslight Lane Whispers Way

Alley of Shadows Phantom Passage

Noirhaven Place Silent Serenity

Misty Harbor Lane Secretive Street

Ravenwood Street Veiled Vista

Ebonwood Terrace Enchanted Entry

Gloomshire Drive Obscure Overlook

Twilight Square Hidden Harbor Road

Enigma Lane Clandestine Crescent

Secret Passageway Enshrouded Enclave

Midnight Mist Road Twilight Tunnel

Phantom Lane Hushed Haven

Cryptic Crossroad Labyrinth Lane

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

1-5 6-10
D20 Company Names I D20 Company Names II

Silvercrest Holdings Nocturnal Innovations

Velvet Noir Industries Velvet Glove Enterprises

Falconbridge Enterprises Shadowpeak Corporation

Onyxgate Investments Serpent's Embrace Holdings

Crimsonstone Holdings Crimson Star Technologies

Starlight Syndicate Obscurology Incorporated

Obsidian Financial Group Whisperwind Enterprises

Quantum Core Ventures Darkwater Holdings

Nightshade Innovations Obsidian Wing Industries

Midnight Horizon Corp. Moonlit Path Ventures

Eclipse Dynamics Nightfall Holdings

Midnight Rose Holdings Eclipse Exotech

Stellarium Technologies Midnight Orchid Group

Blackthorn Ventures Enigma Dynamics

Twilight Securities Noxhaven Industries

Midnight Serpent Industries Astral Infinitum Corp.

Astral Nexus Group Eclipsebane Ventures

Ravencrest Investments Shadowsoul Innovations

Abyssal Enterprises Starfield Syndicate

Moonshadow Holdings Thornbriar Ventures

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
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D20 Company Names III D20 Company Names IV

Shadowland Holdings Enigmatic Innovations

Velvet Veil Corporation UmbraCore Technologies

NocturnaTech Innovations Astral Crown Holdings

Obscure Horizon Ventures Obsidian Pinnacle Group

Twilight Nexus Enterprises Shadowbrook Investments

Astral Gate Group Midnight Lotus Ventures

Midnight Mirage Industries NoxCrystal Industries

Darkstar Solutions Astral Crest Holdings

Silvermoon Holdings Nightshade Syndicate

Raven's Quill Enterprises Whispering Elm Enterprises

Obsidian Scepter Holdings ObscuraTech Innovations

Starshade Technologies Velvet Serpent Ventures

Ebonfire Innovations Midnight Aura Group

Eclipsecrest Ventures Shadowstone Holdings

Whisperwind Syndicate Serpent's Whisper Innovations

Moonshadow Nexus Eclipse Nebula Enterprises

Dark Harbor Holdings Blackfire Solutions

Phantom Ember Corporation Moonlit Orchid Innovations

Nightfall Nexus Nebula Nexus Corporation

Nebula Skyline Ventures Obsidian Wraith Holdings

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
/ :

1-5 6-10
D20 Bars/Restaurants Names I D20 Bars/Restaurants Names II

The Velvet Lounge The Opulent Oyster

Midnight Cafe The Ruby Rose Tavern

The Smoky Jazz Club The Midnight Marquee

Noir Bistro Nocturne Noshery

The Whispering Vine The Shady Lady Lounge

The Red Lantern Noir Noir Cafe

Obsidian Oak Tavern Eclipse Eatery

The Jazz Age Diner The Enchanted Elegance

Moonlight Serenade Pub The Secret Staircase Pub

The Roaring Twenties The Velvet Curtain Inn

The Starlit Supper Club The Starry Night Cafe

Shadow's Edge Bar Obscuro Oasis

The Silver Spoon Inn The Gold Digger's Den

Enigma Eats Midnight Mirage Grill

The Cloak and Dagger The Cobblestone Cabaret

Velvet Noir Brasserie Velvet Sky Cafe

Twilight Tides Tavern Twilight Tavern

The Sapphire Siren The Silver Foxhole

The Black Orchid Lounge The Hidden Gem Eatery

Raven's Perch Restaurant The Mysterious Mermaid

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

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D20 Bars/Restaurants Names III D20 Bars/Restaurants Names IV

The Moonlit Melody Pub The Midnight Mystery

The Scarlet Siren Supper The Velvet Vortex

The Moonshadow Tavern The Hidden Harbor Grill

Noir Nook Bistro The Secret Speakeasy

The Velvet Veil Lounge The Enigmatic Ensemble

The Candlelit Cabaret The Ebony Echo Tavern

Enigma Eats & Drinks The Mysterious Manor

The Crystal Candelabra Noir Nectar Bistro

The Whispering Willows The Illusionist Inn

The Obsidian Chalice The Silver Serenade

The Jazz & Jive Joint The Whispering Woods

Velvet Eclipse Grill Midnight Mirage Lounge

The Hidden Hollow Inn The Ebon Embrace Cafe

The Starlight Serenade The Sapphire Supper Club

Midnight Masquerade Obscura Odyssey Grill

The Enigmatic Ember The Shrouded Staircase

The Shadowed Stage The Velvet Vignette

The Obscura Odyssey The Secret Soiree

The Silver Serpent Bar The Enchanted Ensemble

The Ruby Raven Cafe The Ruby Radiance Pub

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
/ :

1-5 6-10
D20 Theaters/Operas Names I D20 Theaters/Operas Names II

The Ebony Elegance Theater The Silver Serenade

The Velvet Veil Opera The Echoing Chambers

The Midnight Masquerade The Phantom's Ball

The Shadow Playhouse The Cryptic Puppeteers

The Enigmatic Aria Opera The Veil of Shadows

The Mirage Theater The Arcane Opera

The Cryptic Comedians The Enchanted Mirror

The Illusionist's Stage The Enigma Ensemble

The Labyrinth Opera The Theater of Regrets

The Mute Marionettes The Enchanted Opera House

The Veiled Ballroom The Eternal Masquerade

The Nocturnal Sonata The Hidden Orchestra

The Obsidian Stage The Theater of Mirrors

The Mirage Cabaret The Illusionary Opera

The Enchanted Garden The Eternal Play

The Whispering Shadows The Whispers of Fate

The Mournful Melodies The Grand Illusionists

The Veil of Illusions The Veiled Oracle

The Serpent's Serenade The Echoing Melodies

The Eternal Encore The Puppeteer's Paradox

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

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D20 Theaters/Operas Names III D20 Theaters/Operas Names IV

The Crimson Curtain Theater The Golden Gaze Theater

The Celestial Crescendo Opera The Ephemeral Elegance Opera

The Timeless Troupe Theater The Veil of Time Theater

The Whispers in the Dark Opera The Midnight Whispers Opera

The Illusionary Masquerade The Enchanted Echoes Theater

The Enchanted Echo Opera The Shrouded Secrets Opera

The Veil of Nightmares Theater The Whispering Winds Theater

The Twilight Serenade Opera The Illusionist's Muse Opera

The Phantom's Fortune Theater The Silver Veil Theater

The Shattered Reflection Opera The Twilight Tragedy Opera

The Illusionist's Labyrinth The Eternal Encore Theater

The Luminous Dreamscape Opera The Enchanted Twilight Opera

The Veil of Enigma Theater The Labyrinth of Lost Dreams Theater

The Silent Symphony Opera The Masked Mélange Opera

The Mirror's Dance Theater The Veil of Shadows Theater

The Veil of Illusions The Serenade of Secrets Opera

The Labyrinth of Whispers Opera The Mirage Memories Theater

The Enchanted Dreams Theater The Echoing Enigma Opera

The Echoing Shadows Opera The Enchanted Requiem Theater

The Secret Garden Theater The Veil of Destiny Opera

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

1-10 11-20
D20 City Secrets I D20 City Secrets II
An underground speakeasy hidden beneath a A network of hidden tunnels used for
well-known jazz club. smuggling stolen goods.
A corrupt city official who's involved in A clandestine laboratory conducting
organized crime. experiments on human subjects.
The location of a hidden treasure rumored A haunted building where ghostly
to be cursed. apparitions appear at night.
A series of unsolved murders that appear to An illegal gambling den run by a shadowy
be connected to a secret society. crime boss.
A secret tunnel system beneath the city, A hidden safehouse for fugitives on the run
used by smugglers. from the law.
A cult conducting mysterious rituals in the A hidden room filled with stolen artwork and
abandoned subway. artifacts.
The existence of a vigilante who operates in A corrupt judge accepting bribes to
the shadows. manipulate trials.
A powerful artifact hidden in a museum, A series of coded messages left by an
with a dark history. enigmatic figure.
A serial arsonist responsible for a string of A buried treasure map rumored to lead to
destructive fires. an unclaimed fortune.
A hidden passage in an old library leading to A secret society dedicated to the occult and
a forgotten chamber. forbidden knowledge.
A long-forgotten crypt beneath a historic A hidden brothel operating under the guise
cemetery. of a legitimate business.
A secret room in a mansion that holds a A ring of corrupt politicians embezzling
dark family secret. public funds.
The true identity of an anonymous graffiti A secret auction selling rare and illegal
artist. items.
A missing person case that connects to an An underground fight club with a notorious
underground fight club. champion.
A notorious heist planned for an upcoming
A blackmail ring exploiting the city's elite.
A secret society controlling the city's politics A powerful mob boss who has infiltrated
from the shadows. the police department.
A corrupt detective covering up evidence in A hidden passageway between two rival
high-profile cases. crime syndicates.
An abandoned subway car that holds clues A series of unsolved disappearances linked to
to a decades-old mystery. a deranged serial killer.
An unsanctioned medical clinic treating both A secret message left in the city's oldest
criminals and victims. cemetery.
A mysterious door in an alley that leads to A mysterious fortune teller who claims to
an alternate dimension. see the future.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

1-10 11-20
D20 Local Headline I D20 Local Headline II
Mayor's Office Targeted in Latest Jazz Legend Returns for One-Night-Only
Corruption Scandal Performance
Gangland Violence Escalates as Mob Wars Notorious Gangster's Heir Apparent Takes
Heat Up Over the Family Business
Mysterious Disappearance of Renowned Enigmatic Sculptor's New Art Installation
Scientist Baffles Authorities Stirs Controversy
Citywide Prohibition Crackdown Looms Unexplained Blackout Plunges City into
Amidst Moonshine Surge Darkness
Political Rally Turns Violent as Protesters Serial Killer's Cryptic Message Found at
Clash with Police Crime Scene
High-Society Heist Leaves Socialites in Firefighter Heroically Rescues Family from
Shock Blaze
Renowned Art Gallery Robbed of Priceless City Council Member Accused of Accepting
Masterpieces Bribes
Fire Engulfs Historic Landmark, Arson Popular Radio Host Hostage in On-Air
Suspected Standoff
Underground Speakeasy Raided by Labor Strike Paralyzes Key Industries,
Prohibition Agents Tensions Rise
Serial Killer Strikes Again, Police Hunt for Speakeasy Raided, Alleged "Capone's Den"
Elusive Culprit Shut Down
Renegade Detectives Form Task Force to Wealthy Philanthropist Donates Land for
Tackle Corruption Public Park
Jazz Sensation Headlines at the Red Underground Casino Raided by Prohibition
Lantern Club Agents
Millionaire Philanthropist Announces Plans to Historic Opera House Restored to Former
Rebuild Slums Glory
Boxing Champ Defends Title in Gritty Boxing Promoter Under Investigation for
Showdown Match Fixing
Vengeful Mob Targets Former Associate in Mob Boss Makes Bold Move, Targets Rival's
Bloody Ambush Territory
Mysterious Benefactor Funds Orphanage Eccentric Inventor Showcases New Gadgets
Renovation at Fair
Beloved Mayor Faces Controversy over New Iconic Lighthouse Declared Haunted, Draws
Development Project Tourists
Local Brewery Wins National Award for Local Author's Mystery Novel Tops
Craft Beer Bestseller Lists
Infamous Bootlegger "Scarface" Spotted in Bootleg Liquor Suspected in Recent Poisoning
the City Cases
Police Chief Promises to Clean Up Streets, Vigilante Strikes Again, Public Divided on
But Doubts Linger Hero or Menace

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Sounds D20 Smells

Distant police sirens echoing through the
The earthy aroma of rain-soaked pavement.
The rhythmic clacking of a passing subway The sweet scent of blooming flowers in a
train. park.
Jazz music wafting from a nearby Roasting chestnuts from a street vendor's
speakeasy. cart.
Shouting and laughter from a lively street
The sharp tang of freshly brewed coffee.
The soft hum of a neon sign flickering to The pungent odor of garbage bins on a hot
life. day.
The smoky aroma of grilled meats from a
A newsboy hawking the day's headlines.
food stall.
The roar of distant thunder during a storm. The musty smell of old books in a library.

Gritty footsteps on rain-soaked sidewalks. The salty sea breeze from the harbor.
Tires screeching as a car speeds around a
A whiff of exotic spices from a market.
The whisper of the wind through narrow
The acrid stench of a back-alley dumpster.
The rich, warm scent of a bakery's fresh
A street preacher's impassioned sermon.
The metallic tang of a nearby auto repair
A distant gunshot followed by silence.
Clinking glasses and hushed conversations in The fragrance of damp wood in a hidden
a bar. speakeasy.
The rumble of a passing subway beneath
The faint scent of cigar smoke in a bar.
the city.
A street musician playing a mournful tune on
The sharp, antiseptic smell of a hospital.
a saxophone.
The sweet perfume of a lady's expensive
The creaking of an old, abandoned building.
The barking of dogs in response to
The faint, lingering odor of gunpowder.
unfamiliar footsteps.
Echoes of factory machinery from the
The smoky haze of a cigar lounge.
industrial district.
The hollow sound of footsteps on a deserted
The salty-sweet aroma of the seafront.
A couple arguing in heated whispers on a The greasy, tempting smell of street food
dimly lit corner. vendors.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Sounds (Indoor) D20 Smells (Indoor)

The faint patter of rain against the The faint scent of old books and dusty
windows. leather.
The creaking of old floorboards. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

The muffled voices of a heated argument. The lingering whiff of cigar smoke.

The distant wail of a siren. The musty odor of neglected furniture.

The faint sweetness of bourbon and
The soft hum of a ceiling fan.
The sharp click of a door being unlocked. The pungent scent of dampness and mildew.
The gentle rustling of curtains in the
The lingering traces of a woman's perfume.
The rhythmic ticking of a wall clock. The sharp tang of gunpowder.

The crackling of a fireplace. The rich aroma of a hearty stew cooking.

The distant echo of footsteps in a hallway. The acrid stench of gasoline and motor oil.
The mouthwatering smell of freshly baked
The buzzing of a flickering neon sign outside.
The low murmur of a jazz tune from a The faint scent of gunmetal and metal
phonograph. shavings.
The clinking of glassware in a nearby bar. The comforting aroma of aged wood.
The faint sizzle of something cooking in the
The elusive scent of old money and wealth.
The subtle whisper of a secret conversation. The distant waft of salty sea air.

The sudden ring of a telephone. The earthy smell of rain-soaked pavement.

The eerie howl of the wind through a
The overpowering scent of fresh flowers.
cracked window.
The unmistakable aroma of a detective's
The jingling of keys being fumbled with.
The hushed laughter of a clandestine
The metallic tang of blood in the air.
The deafening silence of an abandoned room. The faint, lingering scent of danger.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Special Locations I
An underground speakeasy hidden beneath a jazz club, where secrets are exchanged over the smooth
notes of a saxophone.
A rundown, abandoned warehouse by the waterfront, a hub for shady deals and illegal shipments.
A smoky jazz bar with dimly lit corners, where informants and criminals exchange information in hushed
A lavish, upscale casino filled with high-stakes gambling and glamorous patrons.
An old, forgotten cemetery with tombstones dating back to the city's dark past, concealing hidden
A bustling, neon-lit night market, where you can find anything for the right price.

A cramped, cluttered pawn shop filled with eclectic items, some of which may hold critical clues.
An abandoned subway station with hidden access to underground passages, used by the city's shadowy
A mysterious, exclusive gentleman's club with a strict code of silence.

A decrepit, graffiti-covered building, housing a community of artists and rebels.

A high-rise rooftop with panoramic views of the city, a place for secret meetings and rendezvous.

A forgotten library with rare, ancient texts and hidden chambers.

A dilapidated, overgrown park, once a symbol of the city's prosperity, now a den of criminal activity.

An eerie, abandoned asylum with a history of dark experiments and ghostly hauntings.

An underground fight club in a hidden basement, attracting both thrill-seekers and criminals.

A pawnbroker's shop that specializes in unique, peculiar items from around the world.

A hidden, opulent penthouse with ties to the criminal elite.

A secret, subterranean speakeasy accessible only through a hidden passage in an alleyway.

A dilapidated church with a crumbling steeple, housing a hidden resistance movement.

An old, rundown theater that once hosted grand performances, now a front for criminal operations.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Special Locations II

A gritty, smoke-filled detective agency where cases are taken, and secrets are uncovered.

A narrow, dimly lit alleyway known for its illegal dealings and clandestine meetings.

A dockside bar with a view of the harbor, where sailors and criminals share stories.

An upscale hotel with hidden passages and secret rooms, catering to the city's elite.

A deserted subway tunnel, now a makeshift homeless shelter with its own code of survival.

A pawn shop specializing in exotic and esoteric items from distant lands.

An underground speakeasy hidden beneath a pizzeria, accessible through a hidden door.

A cramped apartment building with thin walls, housing a diverse cast of residents.

An abandoned factory, a notorious location for criminal operations.

A hidden courtyard, where secret deals are made among the city's power players.

A gloomy, decaying mansion with an unsettling history, rumored to be haunted.

A rooftop garden in the heart of the city, offering solitude and refuge.

A secret, members-only club with a reputation for discretion and luxury.

A labyrinthine network of sewers and catacombs beneath the city, used for covert travel.

A dive bar in a questionable neighborhood, where the bartender knows everyone's secrets.

An old, creaky bridge with a view of the river, where unexpected meetings occur.

A hidden, ancient temple with connections to a mysterious cult.

A hidden courtyard garden in the midst of a concrete jungle.

A dark, fog-shrouded alley known for its fortune teller who reveals cryptic truths.

An underground fighting arena, where participants test their skills and resolve.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Special Locations III

A shadowy, forgotten subway platform that hasn't seen passengers in years.

A hidden opium den in a nondescript building, offering an escape from reality.

A disreputable pawn shop with a back room filled with stolen goods.

A private gallery with a vast collection of forbidden and obscure art.

An old, rundown theater with a reputation for hosting illegal underground fights.

A hidden wine cellar beneath a posh restaurant, a hotspot for secret meetings.

An abandoned, graffiti-covered school building that serves as a shelter for the homeless.

A scenic, riverside park with a secret, underground nightclub.

A sprawling, secretive estate nestled within the city, harboring enigmatic residents.

An enigmatic speakeasy known only to a select few, hidden behind a laundry service.

An old, abandoned church with cryptic symbols on its stained-glass windows.

A private library containing rare, occult manuscripts, hidden in plain sight.

A subterranean maze of tunnels and chambers, rumored to be the lair of a mythical creature.

A hidden, subterranean market known for its black-market goods and stolen artifacts.

An upscale, members-only restaurant with a hidden room for confidential meetings.

A secluded, underground shooting range for those who value their privacy.

A rooftop garden overlooking the city's skyline, a sanctuary for contemplation.

A dilapidated mansion with secret passageways, used for clandestine rendezvous.

An old, forgotten subway car repurposed as a hideout for criminals.

A mystical, hidden garden rumored to have connections to supernatural phenomena.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Special Locations IV

A secretive, speakeasy accessible through a hidden door inside a bookstore.

An underground jazz club with live performances, attracting a mix of clientele.

A secluded, exclusive cigar lounge hidden within an unassuming building.

An abandoned theater with a history of paranormal activity, perfect for ghost hunters.

A rooftop garden in a forgotten corner of the city, offering a view of the stars.

An old, boarded-up hotel with a hidden floor accessible through a secret entrance.

A concealed, underground gambling den frequented by the city's elite.

A speakeasy accessible through a hidden door in a laundromat, a haven for those in the know.

A dilapidated, abandoned amusement park rumored to be cursed and off-limits.

A dimly lit underground boxing club with a shady reputation.

An antique shop with a hidden basement containing a collection of mysterious artifacts.

A concealed, members-only art gallery showcasing cryptic, avant-garde works.

A hidden, subterranean laboratory filled with scientific experiments and eccentric inventors.

An enigmatic speakeasy accessible only through a false phone booth entrance.

A crumbling, overgrown mansion with a reputation for paranormal occurrences.

A hidden, illicit drug den known for attracting thrill-seekers and the desperate.

A secluded, underground greenhouse housing exotic and rare plants.

A secret, exclusive nightclub known for its unique, immersive experiences.

An old, abandoned church with a crypt below, rumored to hold dark secrets.

A concealed, underground theater where experimental performances push the boundaries of reality.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Syndicates I

A ruthless drug cartel with connections in politics and law enforcement.

A shadowy criminal organization specializing in smuggling and illegal arms
Skilled burglars and thieves who target high-profile marks.
A secretive cult-like syndicate involved in dark occult rituals and criminal
An Asian crime syndicate with influence in the city's Chinatown.

Expert con artists and swindlers who prey on the wealthy elite.
Notorious for their control of the city's gambling and underground fight
Smugglers and traffickers with operations in the city's ports.
A network of corrupt officials, judges, and politicians manipulating the
city's legal system.
Money launderers and financial criminals with ties to white-collar crime.

Information brokers and blackmailers who know the city's secrets.

Highly skilled contract killers who never leave traces.

Human traffickers and kidnappers operating in the city's seedy underbelly.

Enforcers and muscle for various criminal enterprises.

Experts in identity theft, forgery, and cybercrime.

Involved in the drug trade and responsible for the city's addiction
Extortionists who exploit local businesses.

Smugglers specializing in the transport of illegal goods.

Operate high-end prostitution rings with powerful clients.

Cultists involved in arcane rituals and the theft of supernatural

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Syndicates II

A group of arsonists and fire-starters for hire.

Professional assassins who take on high-profile contracts.

Spies and saboteurs with the ability to infiltrate any organization.

Vigilantes targeting corrupt officials and law enforcement.

Operate a sophisticated network of thieves and heists.

A syndicate specializing in organized street races and illegal betting.

Black-market dealers in rare and exotic items.

Extortionists who control the city's labor unions.

Master smugglers with connections to the city's ports.

Expert forgers and counterfeiters.

Bounty hunters and trackers pursuing high-value targets.

Mercenaries available for hire in the city's criminal underworld.

Espionage experts conducting surveillance and espionage for the highest
High-stakes gamblers and bookmakers.

A network of spies and informants throughout the city.

Drug manufacturers specializing in designer narcotics.

Arms dealers supplying illegal firearms to various gangs.

Operate an underground communication system for criminals.

Operate a series of illegal brothels across the city.

Masked heroes or anti-heroes who operate outside the law.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
: ❖ : A common trope in noir is
the use of framed narratives, where the
In a noir-themed TTRPG, the narrative is driven by story is told from the perspective of a
distinctive themes and tropes that define the genre, character looking back on their experiences.
creating an atmosphere of intrigue and moral This storytelling technique adds depth and a
ambiguity. Here, we delve into the key elements that sense of retrospection to your campaign.
set the stage for your dark and gritty noir campaign.

The gritty, urban landscapes of noir are

One of the central themes of noir is moral ambiguity. characterized by rain-soaked streets, dimly lit alleys,
In a world shrouded in shadows, right and wrong and towering skyscrapers. These settings contribute
become increasingly difficult to distinguish. to the overall mood and atmosphere of your TTRPG.
Characters must navigate a morally gray landscape,
making choices that challenge their principles and ❖ - : The hard-boiled
question their ethics. This theme often revolves detective is a classic character archetype in
around: noir. They are often cynical, world-weary, and
unflinchingly determined to uncover the
❖ : Protagonists with truth. Players can take on this role or
their own dark pasts, making decisions that interact with such characters in your
blur the line between hero and anti-hero. campaign.
❖ : Confronting choices where ❖ : Noir frequently explores themes of
there are no clear-cut right answers, only fate and inevitability. Characters may
shades of gray. struggle against the inexorable pull of
destiny, only to find themselves ensnared in
❖ : An exploration of
a web of circumstances beyond their control.
institutions, governments, or societal
structures plagued by corruption, creating a ❖ : Shadows are not merely a
backdrop of moral decay. visual element in noir but a symbol of the
hidden truths, secrets, and unseen forces
that shape the story. Players may need to
Classic noir is rife with double-crosses and betrayal, uncover these lurking shadows to reveal the
where trust is a rare commodity, and loyalties are full narrative.
ever-shifting. In your noir-themed TTRPG
campaign, you can incorporate these quintessential
tropes: Noir stories often present characters with morally
difficult decisions, where the lesser of two evils is still
❖ : Enigmatic, alluring, and often evil. This theme challenges players to consider the
dangerous women who lead characters down consequences of their actions.
treacherous paths.
❖ : Characters in noir are
❖ : Characters who appear to be typically wary and suspicious, constantly
allies but have hidden agendas, frequently looking over their shoulders for potential
working for multiple factions. threats or betrayals. This atmosphere of
❖ : Temporary paranoia can keep players on edge and
partnerships that may crumble at any uncertain of who to trust.
moment, keeping players guessing about By incorporating these noir themes and tropes into
who to trust. your TTRPG campaign, you'll immerse your players in
❖ : Backstabbing and a world of moral complexity, double-crosses, and
betrayal that occur when least expected, atmospheric intrigue, where every choice carries
leading to complex and dramatic plot twists. weight and every shadow hides a secret.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Moral Dilemma I
You witness a crime boss abusing an innocent civilian. Do you intervene, potentially jeopardizing your
cover, or turn a blind eye?
A mysterious informant offers a valuable clue but demands a dangerous favor in return. Do you agree
to the deal, risking betrayal, or refuse the offer?
An innocent suspect is about to be framed for a crime they didn't commit. Do you expose the real
culprits, putting yourself in danger, or stay silent?
You find evidence of corruption within your own police department. Do you report it, risking your career,
or use it to your advantage?
A childhood friend is involved in criminal activities. Do you turn them in to the authorities, or try to
help them reform?
You have crucial information that could bring down a powerful criminal organization. Do you share it
with the authorities, knowing it may cost innocent lives, or keep it hidden?
A fellow detective asks you to help cover up their involvement in a case of police brutality. Do you
protect them, or expose the truth at the risk of your own reputation?
An influential politician offers you a bribe to sway an investigation in their favor. Do you accept the
bribe, or uphold your integrity and refuse?
You uncover a hidden safe containing evidence of your partner's betrayal. Do you confront them, or
gather more evidence before taking action?
A desperate family offers you a large sum of money to clear their loved one's name, even though
they're guilty. Do you accept the payment, or pursue justice at all costs?
You have the opportunity to expose a corrupt judge who's been manipulating trials. Do you reveal the
truth, knowing it could destabilize the legal system, or keep the information hidden?
You accidentally discover a secret that could ruin a colleague's career. Do you confront them, or use the
information as leverage for personal gain?
An innocent child is unknowingly being used as a pawn by criminals. Do you protect the child at great
risk to yourself, or let them be a part of the scheme?

You come across a stash of illegal drugs that could be sold for a considerable amount of money. Do you
destroy them, or profit from the illicit goods?
A crime lord offers to spare your life in exchange for betraying your closest ally. Do you save yourself, or
remain loyal to your friend?
You're given the chance to escape a dangerous situation, but only by implicating an innocent person in
your place. Do you take the opportunity, or face the consequences yourself?
A vengeful victim asks for your help in exacting revenge on their tormentor. Do you aid in their quest
for vengeance, or encourage forgiveness and justice through legal means?
You uncover evidence of a deep-rooted conspiracy that goes beyond your current investigation. Do you
pursue the conspiracy, knowing it could put your life in danger, or focus on your immediate case?
An ally who has always supported you in your investigations is accused of a crime they didn't commit.
Do you stand by them, even if it jeopardizes your own reputation, or distance yourself from their
You discover a hidden stash of money that could provide security and freedom for yourself and your
loved ones. Do you take the money, or report it to the authorities?

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Moral Dilemma II
A desperate mother begs you to help find her missing child. However, you suspect her involvement in
criminal activities. Do you aid her, or report your suspicions to the authorities?
An injured and unarmed criminal pleads for mercy. Do you show compassion and call for medical
assistance, or leave them to face the consequences of their actions?
You have evidence of an innocent person's involvement in a crime they didn't commit, and they face a
harsh sentence. Do you present the evidence, potentially endangering your own investigation, or keep it
hidden to protect your case?
An anonymous tip reveals the location of a valuable hidden treasure. Do you pursue the treasure, even
if it means betraying a friend, or let it remain hidden?
A respected community leader is revealed to have a hidden, dark past. Do you expose their secrets, or
protect their reputation in exchange for favors?
A crime lord offers to release a kidnapped loved one in exchange for your cooperation. Do you comply, or
continue the investigation, risking your loved one's safety?
You witness an innocent person falsely accused of a crime, and the authorities are about to arrest
them. Do you intervene to clear their name, or avoid getting involved?
A powerful crime syndicate demands you cease your investigation or face consequences. Do you continue
your pursuit of justice, or comply with their demands to protect your safety?
A conflicted accomplice wants to confess to their role in a criminal act. Do you assist them in turning
themselves in, or use their confession to your advantage?
You come across a pile of money with no obvious owner. Do you take it for yourself, or turn it in to the
authorities, knowing it may be linked to a crime?
A fellow detective's life is in danger, but revealing their location could jeopardize your investigation. Do
you help them, or prioritize your case?
An influential figure offers you protection in exchange for favoring their interests in your
investigations. Do you accept their offer, or maintain your independence and integrity?
An innocent person has been falsely convicted and sentenced to death. Do you work tirelessly to prove
their innocence, or focus on your own cases, knowing you may not have enough time?
You uncover a confidential informant's identity, but revealing it may lead to their death. Do you protect
their identity and risk compromising your investigation, or expose them for the sake of the truth?
A mysterious, seemingly innocent bystander witnessed a critical event. They demand a large sum of
money for their testimony. Do you pay the price, or attempt to gather evidence another way?
You have evidence that could clear a criminal's name, but it may also lead to the release of a dangerous
person. Do you present the evidence and risk their release, or keep it hidden?
A powerful criminal offers you a substantial bribe to protect their interests. Do you accept the bribe,
or uphold your principles and reject it?
A close ally's dark secret comes to light, and they ask for your help in keeping it hidden. Do you support
them, or use their secret for your advantage?
You discover evidence that could expose a high-level conspiracy. Do you follow the leads, knowing it may
place you in great danger, or focus on less perilous cases?
You must choose between saving an innocent life and obtaining critical evidence to solve a case. Do you
prioritize the person's life, or focus on the investigation at hand?

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Double Cross I
An informant who has been providing valuable information suddenly disappears, leaving behind a trail of
misleading clues.
A trusted ally betrays you to a powerful crime syndicate, revealing your secrets and jeopardizing your
A rival detective who has been collaborating with you turns out to be working for the criminal
underworld and tries to sabotage your efforts.
A seemingly innocent witness who has cooperated with your investigation provides false testimony
under pressure from a crime boss.
A mysterious figure who claims to have crucial evidence leads you into an ambush, intending to
eliminate you as a threat.
A loved one, believed to be in danger, is revealed to have been working against you all along, betraying
your trust.
An informant's tip about a valuable lead turns out to be a setup, with law enforcement waiting to
arrest you.
A fellow detective uncovers sensitive information about your investigation and uses it to further their
own interests.
An ally you've been protecting from harm is secretly an undercover agent working to infiltrate your
A valuable piece of evidence you've been safeguarding is stolen by a former ally who has switched sides.
A contact you've relied on for information is exposed as a double agent, feeding your secrets to a rival
A key witness who agreed to testify against a criminal boss suddenly refuses, claiming they fear for
their life.
A member of your team is revealed to be an imposter who infiltrated your ranks with malicious intent.
An important document you've been entrusted with is swapped for a forgery by a mole within your
A close friend betrays you to protect their own interests, leading you into a dangerous trap.
An informant who promised to cooperate with your investigation disappears just as they were about
to provide a breakthrough clue.
A rival detective offers to collaborate on a case but secretly intends to steal your findings for their
own benefit.
A trusted source who has always provided reliable information suddenly provides false data,
intentionally misleading you.
An ally who has been helping you is revealed to be working for a criminal syndicate, feeding them
information on your progress.
A member of your team is threatened by a powerful criminal, forcing them to sabotage your

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Double Cross II
An informant who has been providing valuable information suddenly disappears, leaving behind a trail of
misleading clues.
A trusted ally betrays you to a powerful crime syndicate, revealing your secrets and jeopardizing your
A rival detective who has been collaborating with you turns out to be working for the criminal
underworld and tries to sabotage your efforts.
A seemingly innocent witness who has cooperated with your investigation provides false testimony
under pressure from a crime boss.
A mysterious figure who claims to have crucial evidence leads you into an ambush, intending to
eliminate you as a threat.
A loved one, believed to be in danger, is revealed to have been working against you all along, betraying
your trust.
An informant's tip about a valuable lead turns out to be a setup, with law enforcement waiting to
arrest you.
A fellow detective uncovers sensitive information about your investigation and uses it to further their
own interests.
An ally you've been protecting from harm is secretly an undercover agent working to infiltrate your
A valuable piece of evidence you've been safeguarding is stolen by a former ally who has switched sides.
A contact you've relied on for information is exposed as a double agent, feeding your secrets to a rival
A key witness who agreed to testify against a criminal boss suddenly refuses, claiming they fear for
their life.
A member of your team is revealed to be an imposter who infiltrated your ranks with malicious intent.
An important document you've been entrusted with is swapped for a forgery by a mole within your
A close friend betrays you to protect their own interests, leading you into a dangerous trap.
An informant who promised to cooperate with your investigation disappears just as they were about
to provide a breakthrough clue.
A rival detective offers to collaborate on a case but secretly intends to steal your findings for their
own benefit.
A trusted source who has always provided reliable information suddenly provides false data,
intentionally misleading you.
An ally who has been helping you is revealed to be working for a criminal syndicate, feeding them
information on your progress.
A trusted contact from your past, believed to be deceased, resurfaces as an unexpected adversary,
seeking revenge for past actions and betrayals.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
& :

D20 Paranoia & Suspicion I
A fellow detective has been acting unusually, making cryptic phone calls and constantly checking over
their shoulder. Are they compromised?
An informant who has always been reliable suddenly becomes overly interested in your investigation. Is
their loyalty genuine?
You notice a new member in your team who appears to have a suspicious background. Can you trust
A civilian who knows crucial information about your case seems to be following you, sparking concerns
about their true intentions.
An influential figure offers you information, but their interest in your investigation feels unnaturally
intense. What is their real agenda?
A close ally is discovered with a hidden surveillance device. Were they spying on you, and if so, for whom?
Your superior officer keeps inquiring about your progress in an ongoing case, raising concerns about
their motives.
You find a hidden microphone in your office, suggesting that someone has been eavesdropping on your
conversations. Who's the spy?
A fellow detective's recent actions suggest they may be leaking sensitive information to the press. Can
they be trusted?
An informant shares information that is eerily accurate, making you wonder if they have their own
agenda in the investigation.
A criminal figure approaches you with a veiled threat, hinting at their knowledge of your personal life.
Are you being watched?
A stranger who appears to be in the wrong place at the wrong time is taking an unusual interest in
your activities. Is it mere coincidence?
An old friend from your past resurfaces, expressing an interest in your cases. Do they have genuine
intentions, or are they hiding something?
A member of your team receives an anonymous message that threatens their safety. Is someone
inside the group a traitor?
A colleague's sudden change in behavior and frequent disappearances make you question their loyalty.
An informant who has been silent for weeks suddenly contacts you with an urgent message, but their
motives are unclear.
You receive a package with ominous contents that hint at your secrets being exposed. Who is targeting
A respected community figure offers their assistance in your investigation but seems to have more
knowledge about the case than expected.
You notice a mysterious symbol or marking in places you frequently visit, raising concerns about secret
A crime boss addresses you by name and reveals knowledge about your personal life, leaving you to
wonder how much they know.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Paranoia & Suspicion II
An ally who has always had your back is implicated in a crime you're investigating, casting doubt on
their true intentions.
An informant who has provided vital information suddenly disappears without explanation, leaving you
questioning their loyalty.
A key witness, who was expected to testify in your favor, suddenly refuses to cooperate, hinting at
threats against their life.
You discover your office has been broken into, but nothing appears to be stolen. Is someone sending a
An influential figure offers you a bribe, but their interest in your investigation seems unusually intense.
Is their intent genuine or sinister?
A mysterious package arrives at your doorstep containing evidence of your own secrets, creating
paranoia about who might be targeting you.
An old friend contacts you, but their recent actions and questions about your cases raise suspicions
about their motives.
A colleague's sudden obsession with your personal life and cases makes you question their loyalty to the
A hidden listening device is discovered in your vehicle, indicating that your conversations are not
private. Who has been spying on you?
A criminal figure offers you an ultimatum that hints at their knowledge of your darkest secrets. How
much do they know?
A stranger who keeps showing up at crime scenes seems to be overly interested in your activities. Is
it mere coincidence?
An anonymous message threatens to reveal your secrets, causing you to become paranoid about who
might be after you.
A hidden symbol or marking appears consistently at the locations you visit, fueling suspicion that you're
being watched.
A member of your team starts acting strangely and avoids contact with the group, raising concerns
about their loyalty.
A close ally is discovered with an unexplained wound, making you wonder if they were attacked because
of your association.
An informant sends you an urgent message, but the information they provide appears too convenient,
leading to doubts about their intentions.
A rival detective suddenly requests your assistance on a case, sparking suspicion that they're after
your findings.
You receive a photo of yourself in a compromising situation with a warning to drop your current
investigation. Who has this damning evidence?
An informant provides you with a clue that leads to a dangerous situation, making you question their
true allegiance.
A crime boss addresses you by name, suggesting they know personal details about you that you've
never shared.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Shadow Events I
A stranger slips an envelope with cryptic photographs under your office door, revealing the existence of
a hidden conspiracy.
A blackout plunges the city into darkness, creating the perfect cover for criminal activities and making
you question who orchestrated it.
You find a hidden compartment in an old, abandoned warehouse containing incriminating documents.

An anonymous caller provides you with an enigmatic riddle that leads to a secret meeting location.

A coded message left at a crime scene hints at a larger, unseen force at play.
A sudden storm intensifies during an investigation, washing away evidence and leaving you to wonder if
it was a natural occurrence.
An unexpected explosion rocks the city, exposing a hidden underground tunnel network used by criminals.
A rare celestial event, such as an eclipse, coincides with a critical moment in your investigation, raising
questions about its significance.
A confidential file you've been searching for mysteriously appears on your desk, seemingly left by an
unknown benefactor.
You receive an encrypted message that, when deciphered, reveals a hidden safe with valuable evidence.

An unexpected encounter with a mysterious figure provides a clue about a hidden criminal network.

You discover a hidden entrance to a long-forgotten speakeasy beneath an ordinary-looking diner.

A stray cat with a cryptic note attached appears on your doorstep, leading you to an unexpected
A rare celestial alignment reveals a series of symbols that offer insights into an unsolved mystery.

A sudden gust of wind reveals an old letter hidden beneath the floorboards of a forgotten building.

A dense fog settles over the city, concealing and revealing hidden secrets in the murkiness.

You find a hidden compartment in a classic car containing a key piece of evidence.

A sudden, unexplained power outage plunges a specific area into darkness during your investigation.
An unassuming bookshelf conceals a secret room filled with maps and information on a hidden criminal
A cryptic message written on a bathroom mirror in a public restroom hints at a covert meeting.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Shadow Events II

A strange, inexplicable illness sweeps through the city, indirectly pointing to a clandestine operation.

An enigmatic invitation to a masquerade ball arrives, promising connections to a shadowy underworld.

A rare lunar eclipse coincides with a series of events that reveal a hidden, supernatural aspect of your
A sudden swarm of crows disrupts your investigation, forming an eerie, mysterious pattern in the sky.

A coded message is revealed when an ordinary newspaper clipping is exposed to direct sunlight.
An unexpected earthquake unearths a hidden tunnel, potentially linked to an underground criminal
A chance encounter with a street performer leads you to a hidden community of artists connected to
the city's secrets.
You stumble upon a secret room within a decrepit mansion, filled with diaries and old photographs.
An antique store owner shares a forgotten legend that seems eerily connected to your ongoing
A string of sudden, inexplicable suicides hints at a deeper, darker force at work.

A fire in an abandoned building reveals a network of secret passages and hidden chambers.

A collection of tarot cards left at a crime scene provides cryptic clues to a larger, unknown plot.
You discover a hidden cemetery that holds the graves of influential figures connected to a clandestine
A sudden meteor shower coincides with a critical event in your investigation, raising questions about its
A mysterious, underground auction takes place, selling off objects of unknown origin and value.

A shadowy figure leaves a trail of coded graffiti that leads to a clandestine meeting spot.
A sudden, unexplained heatwave sweeps through the city, leading you to uncover a hidden, underground
criminal hideout.
An elderly fortune teller provides you with cryptic prophecies that seem related to your current
A secret passage in an old library leads you to a hidden room filled with ancient, forbidden texts.

A series of inexplicable disappearances point to a secret cult operating in the shadows.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Random Events I

A sudden downpour drenches the city, making outdoor investigations more challenging.

A blackout plunges the city into darkness, sparking chaos and providing cover for criminal activities.

A mysterious package arrives addressed to one of the player characters, containing a valuable clue.
A high-profile figure, such as a politician or celebrity, is linked to a major crime, creating a media
A violent gang war erupts in the city streets, forcing players to navigate a war zone.

A power outage in a critical location, such as the police station, disrupts the investigation.

A massive, unexplained explosion rocks a prominent building, raising questions about its cause.

A blackout at a key moment during a meeting with an informant forces players to improvise.
An unexpected, chaotic protest breaks out, leading to clashes between demonstrators and law
A confidential file containing critical evidence is stolen, setting off a race against time to recover it.
A previously deceased character reappears, revealing that their death was a hoax to throw off the
A sudden hailstorm causes damage and chaos in the city, creating new obstacles for players.
A public figure is assassinated, and the players become embroiled in the investigation, making them
potential targets.
A dangerous animal, possibly an escaped exotic pet or a trained attack creature, menaces the city.

A citywide power surge disrupts communication and surveillance systems, plunging the city into chaos.

An unexpected earthquake causes structural damage to buildings and uncovers hidden secrets.

A mysterious, cloaked figure appears, leaving cryptic messages and clues in their wake.

A daring heist at a major bank sends shockwaves through the city, forcing players to investigate.

A sudden, unexplained heatwave settles over the city, creating tension and discomfort.
A rare celestial event, such as a comet passing close to Earth, occurs, potentially revealing hidden

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Random Events II

A series of cryptic, anonymous letters arrive, containing veiled threats and ominous warnings.
A citywide power outage plunges the entire area into darkness, creating a perfect cover for criminal
A local newspaper publishes a sensational story about one of the player characters, exposing their
A sudden, unexplained fire engulfs a prominent building, raising questions about its origin.
A violent gang rivalry escalates, causing chaos in the city and leaving players in the midst of the
A rare, exotic animal escapes from a private collector's mansion, causing panic and confusion in the
An old friend or ally reappears with vital information, but their motives remain shrouded in mystery.

A seemingly ordinary, everyday object holds a secret message that leads to a hidden criminal operation.

A sudden, inexplicable mist descends on the city, reducing visibility and raising concerns.

A confidential informant is revealed to be a double agent, putting the investigation at risk.

A valuable piece of evidence is stolen from the players' possession, forcing them to track down the
An unexpected car chase through the city streets ensues, leading to the discovery of a larger criminal
A mysterious, ominous figure leaves cryptic symbols in various locations, hinting at a hidden agenda.

A violent confrontation between rival crime families erupts, and players must navigate the chaos.
An old enemy from a player character's past resurfaces, seeking revenge or offering a dangerous
A sudden hailstorm pelts the city with ice, causing damage to property and disrupting the
A public figure is kidnapped, and the players are drawn into the search for the missing person.
A strange, unexplained phenomenon occurs in the night sky, creating unease and speculation among the
city's residents.
A highly confidential government document is leaked, revealing a deep conspiracy and setting off a race
to uncover the truth.
A rare celestial event, such as a lunar eclipse or meteor shower, captures the city's attention and
potentially uncovers hidden secrets.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
: Supernatural artifacts and relics can be powerful
tools or dangerous weapons. They can be the keys to
In the shadowy world of noir, where intrigue and unlocking hidden truths or harbingers of doom.
danger lurk around every corner, we often find Players may stumble upon a cursed amulet, a relic of
ourselves immersed in a dark and gritty narrative, untold power, or a vial of elixir with unpredictable
filled with detectives, conspiracies, and morally effects. These artifacts can transform the storyline,
ambiguous characters. Yet, what if we dared to as characters race to harness their potential or
venture beyond the boundaries of reality and prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.
embraced the pulse-pounding thrill of the
supernatural? In this short essay, we'll explore the
exhilarating fusion of pulp elements and the Mystical locations are a staple of supernatural
supernatural in your noir-themed TTRPG, igniting a storytelling. They can range from hidden temples in
world of intrigue, adventure, and uncharted the heart of the city to enigmatic forests on the
territories for the players. outskirts. These locales are rich with history,
secrets, and the promise of adventure. The
introduction of secret societies adds another layer of
Pulp fiction, with its tales of masked vigilantes, intrigue. Players might discover shadowy
femme fatales, and bizarre science, has always been organizations that seek to control the supernatural
synonymous with action, adventure, and high-stakes forces at play. These societies may become allies,
drama. It invites us to dive headfirst into the enemies, or something in between, offering a web of
unknown, to tread where others fear to go. By interconnected stories and moral dilemmas.
incorporating pulp elements into your noir TTRPG,
you introduce a breath of fresh air, infusing the story
with unpredictability and boundless possibilities. The Incorporating supernatural elements isn't just about
gritty city streets are no longer just the backdrop; introducing otherworldly threats. It's also about
they become the stage for supernatural phenomena, embracing the thrill of the unknown. Players should
occult mysteries, and epic confrontations. never feel entirely safe; they should always wonder
what lurks in the shadows or what new twist the
story might take. This unpredictability keeps the
The supernatural, by its very nature, challenges our tension high and the excitement palpable.
perceptions of reality. It adds a layer of
unpredictability, often pushing characters beyond
their comfort zones. In your noir-themed TTRPG, As a player, embracing the pulp elements and the
the supernatural can serve as a catalyst for change, supernatural in your noir-themed TTRPG opens the
offering characters the chance to explore uncharted door to a world of untold mysteries and boundless
territories and confront their deepest fears. The adventure. It's a journey that fuses the grit and
supernatural might manifest in various forms—be it realism of classic noir with the supernatural, where
haunted houses, ancient curses, or eldritch entities. characters become detectives, explorers, and
It keeps players on their toes, demanding both their champions of the unknown. With every step into the
detective skills and their courage. supernatural, players will uncover the extraordinary
within the ordinary and unveil the hidden depths of
their characters' potential. So, embark on this
thrilling adventure, for in the world of noir, where
darkness reigns, it's the supernatural that keeps
the light of curiosity burning.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Supernatural Threats I

A restless spirit seeking justice or revenge, capable of manipulating the

physical world.
An otherworldly entity bound to dark rituals, with a thirst for mortal
A cosmic terror from beyond the stars, whose very presence warps
Unexplained phenomena, like moving objects and strange noises, haunt a
An item with a malevolent spirit attached, causing misfortune to those
who possess it.
People vanishing without a trace, leaving behind cryptic clues.

A secret society that conducts dark rituals, invoking supernatural forces.

An eerie, abandoned estate rumored to be cursed and inhabited by
vengeful spirits.
A sighting of a mythical or supernatural creature, sparking curiosity and
' A powerful witch's hex with unforeseen consequences.
A figure believed to be long-dead returns, shaking the foundations of
A person or object becomes a vessel for a malevolent spirit or entity.
A mysterious ectoplasmic substance appears, signifying a nearby
supernatural presence.
An anomaly causing time to behave erratically, leading to temporal
A character or NPC harbors a dark bargain with infernal entities.
Angelic or divine beings intercede in mortal affairs, with their own
enigmatic motives.
A cult dedicated to summoning infernal entities and unleashing chaos.
A portal to another realm opens, allowing the passage of beings from
A family lineage plagued by a supernatural curse, with its roots in dark
A mysterious traveler from an alternate dimension, harboring hidden

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Supernatural Threats II

Sinister, shadowy figures that manifest in dark corners, leaving cryptic

messages in their wake.
A malevolent, shape-shifting creature from Native American folklore,
stalking the city's outskirts.
A spiteful spirit that wreaks havoc on the living, targeting those who
wronged it in life.
Mysterious twins who appear only in mirrors, guiding or misleading those
who seek their aid.
A wailing spirit whose cries foretell death, signaling impending doom in
the vicinity.
A cryptid with red eyes, said to be an omen of disaster, sightings
sparking dread and curiosity.
Ghostly figures that wander the city streets, seeking closure and willing
to share their stories.
A cult devoted to summoning a colossal, serpentine entity with
otherworldly knowledge.
Enigmatic, supernatural beings who sing to captivate and lead wanderers
astray near the city's waterways.
An ageless guardian who protects an ancient, mystical artifact, requiring
a test of character to pass.
A government agency that investigates supernatural phenomena and
may seek to manipulate or eliminate it.
A thick, red fog that cloaks the city at night, where time and reality
become distorted.
An invasive otherworldly force corrupting the city, mutating its
inhabitants into grotesque forms.
A spectral railcar that appears during thunderstorms, carrying the souls
of the departed.
A celestial entity guarding a portal to other dimensions, granting passage
only to the worthy.
A supernatural performance that ensnares the audience, revealing hidden
truths through art.
An otherworldly gathering where attendees wear masks to hide their
true nature and intentions.
A mystical barrier that moves throughout the city, leading to alternate
realities or hidden treasures.
A malevolent puzzle or riddle that, when solved, may summon a demon or
bestow a dark boon.
A chasm where whispers from the void provide cryptic insights or tempt
the curious to their doom.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
& :

D20 Supernatural Allies & Contacts I

An ancient oracle with the gift of foresight, offering cryptic guidance and
A mischievous entity capable of shape-shifting, providing valuable but
unreliable information.
The spirit of a wronged soul, seeking redemption and offering guidance to
uncover hidden truths.
A mystical animal companion with supernatural knowledge, serving as a
loyal and cryptic ally.
A ghostly figure capable of glimpsing into the past and future, aiding in
A guardian spirit representing one of the elements (earth, air, fire,
water) that can offer elemental assistance.
A being with the power to traverse between the mortal realm and the
supernatural, aiding in navigation.
A supernatural entity that can enter dreams, providing cryptic insights
and riddles.
A celestial envoy with healing abilities and knowledge of celestial matters,
but their motives may be inscrutable.
A supernatural trickster offering magical assistance, often requiring
humorous or cryptic tasks in return.
A muse that inspires creativity, uncovering hidden talents or providing
artistic interpretations of clues.
A character with the ability to communicate with and control serpents,
serving as an unorthodox informant.
A spectral guide with knowledge of hidden passages, offering safe
passage through dangerous areas.
A mysterious figure who appears under the moonlight, teaching unique,
supernatural skills.
A wanderer of the astral plane who can provide insights into parallel
dimensions and alternate realities.
An entity with cosmic knowledge, assisting in deciphering celestial events
and mysteries.
A protector of nature and guardian of forests and wildlife, offering
assistance and nature-based abilities.
A master of elemental alchemy who can transmute elements and provide
powerful elixirs and enchantments.
An entity inspiring creativity in the arts but with a dark edge,
sometimes revealing sinister truths.
A medium who can communicate with spirits, serving as a bridge to the
world of the deceased.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Supernatural Allies & Contacts II

A spectral detective with an understanding of both the living and the

dead, assisting in solving cases.
A genie-like being offering wishes, but their true intent is veiled in
mystery, and wishes may have unforeseen consequences.
A powerful entity that can shape dreamscapes and provide cryptic
insights through dream messages.
A guardian of time, providing glimpses into the past, present, and future,
often revealing hidden truths.
A guardian of elemental realms, providing mastery over elemental magic
and protection from elemental threats.
A benevolent nature spirit that can animate plants and provide insights
into the natural world.
A celestial being serving as a moral compass, guiding decisions and offering
divine protections.
The spirit of a famous historical figure, offering knowledge of their era
and unique abilities.
A spirit who can map hidden locations in the city and the supernatural
A being capable of traversing between different dimensions, offering
insights into parallel worlds.
A guardian of dreams who can ward against nightmares and extract vital
information from dreamscapes.
A character with the ability to interpret omens and signs, providing
guidance based on cosmic symbolism.
A master of elemental artifacts, offering unique, elemental-powered
devices and weapons.
A supernatural trickster offering humor and unconventional solutions to
perplexing challenges.
A being connected to the cosmos, capable of deciphering celestial
mysteries and providing cosmic insights.
A character with the power to subtly manipulate fate and probability,
influencing the outcomes of events.
An entity skilled in manipulating the boundaries between realms,
facilitating travel and communication.
A guardian spirit embodied in an animal totem, providing insights and
protective totemic powers.
A celestial being recording the deeds of mortals, offering knowledge of
historical events and prophecies.
A character with the ability to navigate the dark abyss, guiding others
through treacherous supernatural landscapes.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Relics and Artifacts I

A pocket watch that can stop time for a brief period when wound,
providing moments to assess situations.
A dagger with an eerie whisper that reveals hidden truths when it
touches a person's skin.
A compass that points to the nearest supernatural occurrence or
presence when activated.
A medallion that allows the wearer to become invisible for a limited time,
useful for stealth and investigations.
A quill that writes messages from the beyond, offering cryptic clues when
used to record events.
A mystical sigil that provides a shield against supernatural threats
when inscribed on a surface.
A cameo brooch that, when worn, grants glimpses into the past of the
person or place it touches.
A multifaceted prism that can manipulate the elements, offering control
over earth, air, fire, and water.
A lens that can reveal hidden symbols and messages not visible to the
naked eye when focused upon.
A scroll containing dark incantations that can summon or banish spirits,
depending on the chosen ritual.
A pair of glasses that allow the wearer to see and communicate with
spirits and other supernatural entities.
A chalice that, when filled with a special liquid, provides visions and
insights into the past or future.
A compass that always points to the nearest infernal presence or
gateway to the underworld.
A lantern containing the captured souls of the departed, which can be
released to communicate with the dead.
A key that opens hidden gateways to celestial realms, offering access to
celestial knowledge and allies.
A mystic board that facilitates communication with spirits and
supernatural entities through automatic writing.
A book filled with ancient knowledge, offering insights into supernatural
phenomena and rituals.
A mirror that reveals hidden or alternate realities when gazed upon,
creating opportunities for exploration.
A cloak that renders the wearer invisible to the supernatural, providing
protection from malevolent entities.
A talisman that bestows luck and favorable outcomes in dealings with
the supernatural or mysterious circumstances.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Relics and Artifacts II

An amulet that provides protection from supernatural harm and

enhances the wearer's abilities.
A mirror that reveals the viewer's true desires, often leading to moral
dilemmas and personal revelations.
A vial containing a rare elixir that grants immortality, but at a profound
cost, such as loss of emotions.
A cloak that allows the wearer to pass through barriers between realms
or phases of existence.
A chalice that, when sipped, fulfills a single, heartfelt wish but exacts a
price, often a moral sacrifice.
A ring that grants the wearer the ability to communicate with spirits
and understand their desires.
An inkwell that provides endless ink for writing messages and spells, often
imbued with mystical properties.
A relic that captures and replays moments from the past, offering clues
and insights into history.
A crest that allows the bearer to command a specific element, controlling
earth, air, fire, or water.
A scroll with the power to reveal hidden messages or symbols when
exposed to moonlight.
A locket containing memories of a specific event, often useful for
understanding past mysteries.
A scepter that can call upon celestial allies for assistance and divine
A device capable of dispelling illusions and revealing the true nature of
supernatural phenomena.
A small stone with the power to grant a single wish, but its fulfillment is
subject to interpretation.
A reliquary that captures the whispers of spirits, offering cryptic
insights into the supernatural.
A prism that harnesses moonlight to reveal hidden truths and ethereal
A dagger that can cut through dimensions, opening rifts to otherworldly
realms or realities.
A book filled with forbidden knowledge and dark rituals, often with
dangerous consequences.
A tapestry that can open gateways to the astral plane, granting access
to ethereal knowledge and entities.
A compass that always points to the heart of supernatural mysteries
and hidden treasures.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Relics and Artifacts III

A locket that contains memories of someone's life, providing insights into

their past and connections to others.
A coin that, when flipped, provides cryptic answers to yes-or-no questions
by landing with a peculiar symbol facing up.
A magnifying glass that reveals hidden inscriptions and symbols, making it
useful for decoding ancient texts.
A trumpet that can be played to summon or communicate with spirits,
even those from distant realms.
A sundial that functions in moonlight and reveals a hidden celestial map,
guiding the way to secret locations.
An hourglass that can reverse time for a brief moment, allowing the
undoing of a recent mistake.
A mirror that enables the user to step through into an alternate
dimension, uncovering parallel realities.
A crystal ball that, when gazed into, provides glimpses of future events,
though interpretation may be challenging.
A key that unlocks gateways to otherworldly realms, exposing players to
realms of unknown danger or knowledge.
A medallion that, when activated at twilight, opens a portal to a realm
where forgotten memories are preserved.
A serpent-shaped bracelet that grants control over serpents and the
power to communicate with them.
A parchment imbued with mystical properties that can detect falsehoods
when written upon.
A candlestick that, when lit, allows communication with the spirits of the
deceased by candlelight.
A locket that allows the wearer to experience a brief time loop, revisiting
the recent past for crucial moments.
A chalice that, when filled with liquid from a specific source, bestows
visions of midnight events in the city.
A blade forged from supernatural materials, capable of cutting through
the barriers between realms.
A map that reveals hidden paths and portals to supernatural locations
when illuminated by moonlight.
A cipher that can translate and decode ancient languages and cryptic
messages, providing insights.
A bell that, when rung, can soothe restless spirits and quell supernatural
A cloak that grants temporary invisibility, allowing the wearer to move
undetected through the supernatural.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Relics and Artifacts IV

A horn that can be blown to summon ancient spirits or awaken the echoes
of forgotten events.
A quill that writes messages from the dead, allowing players to converse
with spirits or long-lost souls.
A compass that only works in moonlight, guiding players to mystical places
and ethereal occurrences.
A mask that grants the wearer the ability to see the true form of
supernatural entities and their intentions.
A chalice that, when filled with a spectral liquid, allows the drinker to
perceive and interact with ghosts.
An hourglass that reveals the flow of cosmic time, granting insights into
celestial events and secrets.
A medallion that enables the wearer to pass through barriers between
realms with ease.
A compass that points toward supernatural phenomena, leading players
to otherworldly encounters.
A blade that, when wielded, enforces oaths and reveals hidden promises,
often exposing lies and deceit.
A key that can unlock ethereal doors and gateways to the spirit world
and other supernatural realms.
A sphere that can dispel supernatural illusions and reveal hidden truths in
the world.
A tome filled with spells and knowledge from other dimensions, offering a
glimpse into forbidden lore.
A device that allows the manipulation of the fabric of space and time,
creating portals and rifts.
A cloak that conceals the wearer from supernatural entities, granting
protection against their influence.
An Ouija board that provides clear, coherent messages from the spirits,
aiding investigations and communications.
An hourglass that can reveal messages or visions from the past when
turned over.
A prism that harnesses moonlight to create protective barriers or reveal
hidden symbols.
A compass that always points to the nearest supernatural event or
A scepter that can call upon celestial beings for guidance or assistance.
An amulet that renders the wearer invisible to the supernatural,
providing a cloak of protection.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Symbols I

Symbolizing secret societies, hidden knowledge, and surveillance.

Representing the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth, often linked to
Signifying the interconnection of past, present, and future, often related
to time manipulation.
A symbol of eldritch and cosmic forces, used in rituals and occult practices.
A symbol associated with the world of shadows and the supernatural,
often indicating hidden truths.
Signifying connections between the mortal world and celestial realms,
often used in summoning rituals.
A protective symbol against supernatural threats, curses, and malevolent
Representing the path to hidden knowledge, often found in secret
societies and occult texts.
A symbol linked to elemental forces, used to control or manipulate the
Signifying the power to bring the dead back to life, often associated with
A symbol used to unlock hidden knowledge and unravel enigmatic secrets.
Signifying perspective and the truth as seen from different angles, often
related to illusion magic.
A symbol connected to fate and destiny, often used in divination and
Signifying the acceptance of darkness and the supernatural, often used
by cults and dark societies.
A symbol related to celestial knowledge, granting insights into cosmic
events and prophecies.
A symbol associated with lunar phases, often tied to supernatural
occurrences during eclipses.
Signifying the power of mental communication and telepathy, often used
for covert communication.
A symbol representing lost knowledge and ancient mysteries, often found
in cryptic texts.
A symbol of control over serpents and the power to communicate with
Signifying a connection to the ethereal realm and the ability to channel
ethereal energy.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Symbols II

A symbol used to decode ancient texts and unlock hidden knowledge.

Signifying the ability to traverse between realms and dimensions.

A symbol linked to the opening of portals during lunar events, facilitating
travel to other realms.
Signifying the mastery of illusion magic and the manipulation of
A symbol associated with communication with the dead and the spirit
Representing the ability to navigate the celestial realms and gain cosmic
Signifying protection against eldritch entities and otherworldly forces.

A symbol of fate and destiny, often used in rituals to predict outcomes.

Signifying the use of forbidden magic or knowledge, often with dangerous
A symbol linked to the control of elemental forces and the mastery of
elemental magic.
Signifying the power to glimpse into other dimensions and alternate
A symbol used by those who seek to perceive the ethereal and the
Signifying a connection to the abyss and the power to navigate its
treacherous depths.
A symbol associated with navigating under the stars and finding one's
way in the night.
Signifying the attraction of lunar events and the influence of celestial
A symbol linked to a bond with supernatural entities and shadowy powers.
Signifying the use of enchantments and mystical properties, often found
on enchanted items.
A symbol used by those who record supernatural phenomena and seek
hidden knowledge.
Signifying the connection to the realm of whispers, allowing communication
with spirits.
A symbol representing celestial beings and divine blessings.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Occult Rituals I

A ritual to summon and communicate with spirits of the deceased, often

seeking answers to unresolved mysteries.
A ritual to banish malevolent spirits, demons, or supernatural entities
from a location or person.
A dark pact that requires a blood offering to gain supernatural abilities
or enter into unholy contracts.
A ritual to bind the soul of a living person to an object, making them
immortal but at the cost of their humanity.
A divination ritual using forbidden incantations and visions to reveal
hidden truths and impending dangers.
A perilous ritual to bring the dead back to life, but it may have
unintended consequences or high costs.
A ritual to create a protective barrier against supernatural forces,
enhancing the safety of an area.
A ritual to meld into the shadows, becoming nearly invisible and capable of
moving undetected.
A ritual allowing one's spirit to leave their body and explore other
dimensions or the spirit realm.
A ritual to call forth elemental entities (earth, air, fire, water) to
perform tasks or provide aid.
A ritual to extract the soul from a person's body, granting them
immortality at the cost of the soul's torment.
A ritual that harnesses the power of a blood moon to invoke powerful
supernatural forces or curses.
A ritual to establish a mental connection between individuals, allowing
them to communicate telepathically.
A ritual to seek forbidden knowledge from malevolent entities, often at
the risk of one's sanity.
A ritual to break curses and hexes, dispelling supernatural afflictions and
restoring normalcy.
A ritual to control and manipulate shadows, making them solid or using
them as a means of transportation.
A ritual to make bargains with supernatural entities, often requiring a
significant sacrifice or favor in return.
A ritual to enter the dreams of others, providing insight, guidance, or
manipulating their dream experiences.
A ritual to fuse with elemental forces, temporarily gaining control over an
element but at great risk.
A ritual to become a beacon to otherworldly beings, attracting their
attention for communication or assistance.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Occult Rituals II

A ritual using mirrors to glimpse into alternate dimensions, allowing

players to explore parallel realities.
A continuation of a previous blood pact, reestablishing and reinforcing the
supernatural contract.
A ritual to grant temporary invisibility, useful for covert investigations
or sneaking into secured areas.
A ritual to communicate with spirits, receiving answers through riddles,
symbols, or spectral manifestations.
A ritual to summon and bind a guardian spirit to protect a specific
location or object.
A ritual to merge with elemental forces, granting temporary mastery
over multiple elements.
A ritual that allows players to shift between the dreams of others,
influencing or interacting with dreamscapes.
A ritual to open a portal to a purgatorial realm, facilitating contact with
those between life and death.
A ritual to become a beacon for celestial beings, seeking their guidance or
divine interventions.
A ritual to lift curses related to shadows or darkness, releasing afflicted
individuals from malevolent influences.
A ritual that allows players to automatically record supernatural
occurrences, keeping a detailed journal.
A ritual to form a connection with twilight and the spirits that wander
between the day and night.
A ritual to reverse and reflect curses back upon those who cast them,
often with unintended consequences.
A ritual involving a haunting melody that calls spirits, providing
information or invoking emotions.
A ritual to navigate between different planes and dimensions, opening
gateways to alternate realities.
A ritual to enter the minds of others, exploring their thoughts, fears,
and memories.
A ritual to channel and manipulate ethereal energy for supernatural
abilities, such as levitation or telekinesis.
A ritual involving a concoction with otherworldly ingredients, granting
heightened senses or insights.
A ritual using mirrors to glimpse distant or hidden locations, offering
remote viewing capabilities.
A ritual to renew the power of a shadowcloak, providing prolonged
invisibility and stealth.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Mystical Locations I

A place where cosmic energies converge, granting access to celestial

knowledge and insights.
Mysterious pits where whispers from the depths reveal cryptic messages
and ancient secrets.
An otherworldly library accessible only during lunar phases, containing
knowledge about the night.
A hidden courtyard that serves as a gathering place for supernatural
entities and clandestine meetings.
A crossing between the material world and the ethereal plane, allowing
players to interact with spirits.
A fortified structure that manifests at midnight, offering protection and
secrets of the night.
A labyrinth with supernatural guardians and cryptic symbols that hold
hidden knowledge and challenges.
A secluded cove where starlight reveals secrets and offers visions of
cosmic events.
A spectral chamber where players can converse with restless spirits and
seek guidance from the deceased.
A nexus that controls elemental forces and grants the ability to
manipulate earth, air, fire, and water.
A bridge between realms, accessible only during lunar phases, allowing
journeys to the spirit world.
A repository of twilight knowledge, providing insights into celestial
occurrences during dusk and dawn.
A hidden rest stop for those seeking supernatural knowledge and
contacts within the mystical world.
A bottomless abyss that leads to the heart of the abyss, home to
eldritch entities and forgotten horrors.
A nexus that shrouds itself in enigma, revealing answers to those who
can solve its cryptic puzzles.
An observatory used for studying arcane phenomena and supernatural
occurrences in the night sky.
A crossroads between dimensions and realms, allowing players to make
deals with supernatural entities.
A mysterious veil that separates day from night, granting access to the
supernatural realm during twilight.
A celestial gazebo where players can stargaze and gain insights into
cosmic events and prophecies.
A nexus shrouded in shadows, connecting players with the supernatural
realm and the entities that reside there.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Mystical Locations II

A nexus that unlocks cryptic knowledge, providing answers to players who

can decipher its hidden codes.
Springs that whisper secrets and hidden truths when their waters are
touched or drank from.
An archway that serves as a portal to the celestial realm, accessible
during lunar phases.
An amphitheater that showcases spectral performances and eldritch
plays, revealing cryptic messages.
A crossing to the abyss, accessible only to those who dare to delve into
the depths of the underworld.
An ethereal library containing forbidden knowledge, granting insights into
the arcane and the supernatural.
A shrine that appears only at midnight, offering blessings and curses of
the night to those who visit.
A maze filled with forgotten memories and the key to unraveling past
mysteries and secrets.
A hidden fountain that grants visions when its waters are touched, often
revealing moral dilemmas.
A nexus that uses enchanted mirrors to reflect hidden truths and
glimpses of alternate realities.
A vault that controls time, allowing players to revisit and change past
events, but at a moral cost.
A watchtower that peers into the abyss, offering insight into the world
of eldritch entities and abyssal knowledge.
A plaza where enigmatic symbols pave the way to supernatural
encounters and revelations.
A portal to the shadow realm that provides access to otherworldly
realms and encounters with shadow entities.
A nexus for the study of occult phenomena, offering access to mystical
knowledge and secrets of the night.
A chapel that connects the material world with the ethereal, granting
access to spirits and visions.
A crossing to celestial realms, providing players with guidance and
knowledge from celestial beings.
A grotto accessible only at midnight, revealing hidden knowledge and
offering encounters of the night.
A nexus that opens during eclipses, allowing access to the powers of
celestial and supernatural events.
A bridge that connects players to elemental forces, granting mastery
over earth, air, fire, and water.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Pulp Fiction Tropes I

A vigilante character who operates in secret, fighting crime and injustice

while concealing their true identity.
An adventurous archaeologist known for uncovering ancient artifacts and
getting embroiled in supernatural mysteries.
A former criminal who has turned their life around but is still haunted by
their dark past and underworld connections.
A seductive and enigmatic woman who ensnares others in her web of
intrigue, often with hidden agendas.
A mad scientist or inventor with unconventional gadgets and
contraptions, often central to the plot.
A swashbuckling explorer who braves jungles, deserts, and lost
civilizations in search of hidden treasures.
A fearless investigative journalist who's always on the hunt for the next
big story and isn't afraid to take risks.
A hard-boiled detective with a cynical outlook, working to solve cases in a
world filled with moral ambiguity.
A character skilled at adopting various identities and disguises to
navigate treacherous situations.
A pilot or aviator known for daring aerial feats and aerial battles against
formidable foes.
A character well-versed in the occult, able to wield supernatural powers
or combat dark forces.
A master of cons and deception, often getting involved in high-stakes
heists and elaborate scams.
A professional wrestler who moonlights as a crime-fighter or takes on
villainous opponents in the ring.
A rugged cowboy figure known for sharpshooting skills and taking on
outlaws in the Wild West.
An explorer who delves deep into uncharted jungles and encounters exotic
wildlife and hidden dangers.
A no-nonsense journalist known for chasing leads, exposing corruption, and
getting into dangerous situations.
A loyal and plucky companion who supports the hero with wit, charm, and
A fortune seeker on a quest for cursed or mythical treasures, often
pursued by supernatural forces.
- A master of swordplay who engages in duels and adventures with a sense
of chivalry and bravado.
A daring race car driver who takes part in high-speed races and uncovers
mysteries on and off the track.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Pulp Fiction Tropes II

A masked hero who fights crime and injustice using martial arts,
gadgets, and an unshakable moral code.
An adventurer specializing in uncovering ancient mysteries, often
embroiled in secret societies and curses.
A mob boss with a code of honor who operates with integrity in a world
filled with deception and treachery.
A femme fatale with a captivating allure, leading characters into
dangerous situations with their charm.
An eccentric scientist with wild inventions, often wielding incredible devices
in the battle against evil.
A daring pilot who navigates aerial battles and high-stakes missions
with precision and audacity.
A tenacious reporter known for pursuing the truth, exposing conspiracies,
and challenging authority.
A detective with a cynical view of the world, unearthing dark secrets in a
city rife with corruption.
A character skilled in espionage, deception, and disguise, using these
talents to navigate complex situations.
An expert aviator who excels in aerial combat and performs heroic feats
in the skies.
A character with a fascination for the supernatural and the knowledge
and abilities to confront the paranormal.
A master of cons and schemes, often orchestrating elaborate heists and
outsmarting adversaries.
A wrestler who moonlights as a masked crime-fighter, using wrestling
skills to combat evildoers.
A cowboy known for sharpshooting and taking on outlaws, defending the
innocent in the Wild West.
An explorer unafraid of perilous journeys into uncharted territory, often
facing exotic dangers.
A journalist who relentlessly pursues the truth, exposing corruption and
facing danger head-on.
A loyal and resourceful sidekick who provides invaluable support to the
hero in their adventures.
A fortune hunter in pursuit of cursed or legendary treasures, often
targeted by supernatural threats.
A swashbuckler skilled in swordplay, engaging in dramatic duels and
adventures with flair.
A race car driver unafraid of high-speed races and danger, uncovering
mysteries on and off the track.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Pulp Fiction Tropes III

A hero shrouded in mystery and intrigue, battling crime while keeping

their true identity hidden.
An archaeologist with a taste for adventure, often stumbling upon
ancient relics and supernatural enigmas.
A reformed mob boss trying to escape the criminal underworld's clutches
while seeking redemption.
An alluring femme fatale who lures unsuspecting individuals into perilous
situations, often with ulterior motives.
A mad inventor or scientist with a penchant for creating bizarre gadgets
and contraptions.
A fearless pilot and aviator, renowned for daring feats and extraordinary
aerial combat skills.
A relentless reporter who investigates conspiracies and uncovers hidden
truths, often at great personal risk.
A tough-as-nails private eye navigating the gritty streets of a corrupt
city while searching for justice.
A character adept at adopting various identities and disguises to outwit
adversaries and solve mysteries.
A pilot or aviator who takes on aerial adversaries and confronts daring
challenges in the skies.
A character knowledgeable in the arcane arts and capable of wielding
supernatural forces to combat darkness.
A cunning trickster renowned for orchestrating elaborate scams and
heists with finesse.
A professional wrestler who moonlights as a masked hero, using wrestling
skills to confront villains.
A sharpshooting cowboy facing down outlaws and upholding justice in the
untamed Wild West.
A daring explorer who braves uncharted jungles and encounters exotic
creatures in search of hidden treasures.
An intrepid journalist who relentlessly chases stories, uncovers corruption,
and confronts danger head-on.
A plucky and loyal companion who stands by the hero's side, offering quick
thinking and clever solutions.
A fortune hunter seeking mythical treasures, often encountering
supernatural threats and curses.
A swashbuckling swordsman skilled in dramatic duels and embarking on
daring adventures with panache.
A fearless race car driver who races at breakneck speeds and discovers
mysteries on and off the racetrack.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Pulp Fiction Tropes IV

A hero who takes the law into their own hands, battling criminals and
righting wrongs outside the system.
An archaeologist embarking on thrilling adventures, unearthing ancient
artifacts, and dealing with supernatural mysteries.
A reformed criminal trying to escape their past while seeking redemption,
haunted by their former life.
An alluring and manipulative femme fatale who uses her charm to deceive
and entangle others in her schemes.
A mad scientist or inventor known for creating eccentric gadgets and
devices, central to the story.
A daring pilot and aviator who takes on aerial challenges and battles
with unmatched skill and fearlessness.
A fearless investigative journalist unafraid to chase stories, expose
corruption, and confront danger head-on.
A hard-boiled detective navigating a city shrouded in moral ambiguity,
solving cases with a jaded outlook.
A character skilled in disguise and illusion, using their abilities to navigate
complex and perilous situations.
A pilot or aviator who takes on daring aerial battles and high-stakes
missions with incredible dexterity.
A character versed in the arcane, capable of wielding supernatural
powers or confronting the paranormal.
A master of scams and deception, orchestrating elaborate heists and
intricate schemes with cunning.
A professional wrestler who moonlights as a masked crime-fighter, using
wrestling skills to combat evil.
A skilled gunslinger in the Wild West, facing outlaws and upholding justice
with sharpshooting prowess.
A daring explorer delving into uncharted jungles and encountering exotic
dangers in pursuit of hidden treasures.
A journalist relentless in their pursuit of the truth, exposing corruption
and confronting peril in their quest for answers.
A loyal and resourceful companion who supports the hero with wit, charm,
and invaluable problem-solving.
A fortune seeker in pursuit of legendary treasures, often pursued by
supernatural forces and curses.
A master of swordplay known for engaging in dramatic duels and
embarking on adventures with a bold and dashing demeanor.
A fearless race car driver who races at breakneck speeds, discovering
mysteries both on and off the track.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
: ❖ : The noir genre thrives on
moral ambiguity. In a world where right
The world of tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs) and wrong are often blurred, players must
is a realm of endless possibilities, where storytellers grapple with difficult choices and ethical
and players come together to weave tales of dilemmas.
adventure, mystery, and intrigue. Among the many
genres that TTRPGs explore, noir stands out as a
captivating and evocative theme, bringing to life the Campaign seeds serve as the starting points for noir
dark, gritty, and morally complex worlds where TTRPG adventures. They provide the foundation
shadows and secrets hold sway. In this essay, we upon which players and storytellers build intricate
delve into the art of crafting noir TTRPG campaigns stories. Campaign seeds must be compelling,
and the importance of compelling campaign seeds evocative, and laden with the promise of untold
that set the stage for extended adventures. mysteries. They offer a glimpse into the overarching
themes and conflicts that will shape the campaign.

Noir is a genre with a distinct atmosphere,

characterized by its moody settings, morally ❖ : Campaign seeds inspire both
ambiguous characters, and tales of crime, betrayal, storytellers and players, sparking the
and moral conflict. It draws inspiration from classic imagination and offering a tantalizing
films like "Casablanca," "The Maltese Falcon," and glimpse of what lies ahead.
"Double Indemnity," as well as literature by authors
❖ : They provide a structured
like Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett. Noir's
framework for storytelling, ensuring that
appeal lies in its portrayal of a world where darkness
the campaign has a clear direction and a
is as much a character as the individuals who inhabit
central narrative.
❖ : While campaign seeds provide
structure, they also allow for flexibility.
To create an engaging noir TTRPG campaign, They offer a starting point, but the path
storytellers must embrace the genre's core elements: players choose to follow may deviate, leading
❖ : The city is often the heart of a noir to unforeseen twists and turns.
campaign, with its rain-soaked streets, ❖ : Campaign seeds help maintain
dimly lit alleyways, and hidden speakeasies. narrative coherence. They ensure that the
The setting should ooze atmosphere, story's various elements, from characters to
making players feel like they've stepped into plot points, are connected by a common
a world of shadows. thread.
❖ : In noir, memorable characters ❖ : The seed should introduce a central
are a must. From the cynical detective with conflict or problem that drives the narrative.
a tragic past to the femme fatale with This conflict should be engaging and provide
hidden motives, these individuals shape the opportunities for exploration and
narrative and interact with the players in investigation.
complex ways.
❖ : Noir is all about unraveling
❖ : A noir campaign without a mysteries. The campaign seed should be
compelling mystery is like a city without imbued with mystery and unanswered
secrets. Players should be immersed in a web questions, enticing players to seek answers.
of intrigue, where uncovering the truth is a
challenging and rewarding endeavor. ❖ : The seed should be relevant to the
campaign's overarching themes. It should
foreshadow the moral dilemmas, betrayals,
and choices that will define the story.
Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

1-5 6-10
D20 Campaign Titles I D20 Campaign Titles II

The Shattered Alibi Echoes of the Prohibition

Midnight Whispers The Ebon Enigma

Shadows Over the City Conspiracy in the Speakeasy

The Emerald Conspiracy A Stranger's Lament

Noir Dreams The Stolen Heirloom

City of Lies City of Lost Souls

The Hidden Heist The Velvet Vortex

The Forgotten Witness The Broken P.I.

Smoke and Mirrors A Maze of Mirrors

A Web of Deceit Bloodstained Chronicles

The Dark Serenade The Whispering Shadows

The Scarlet Cipher Midnight Justice

Streets of Desperation Cold Steel and Cigarettes

Corruption's Grip Dark Alleys, Darker Secrets

Secrets in the Rain The Nocturnal Symphony

The Vanishing Act The Brass Key Conspiracy

The Crimson Blackmail Smoke-Filled Skyline

Murder in Monochrome Labyrinth of Lies

Riddles of the Past The Echoing Gunshot

The Silent Betrayal Noir Sonata

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
11-15 16-20
D20 Campaign Titles III D20 Campaign Titles IV

The Cursed Chronicle The City's Underbelly

The Broken Mirror A Stranger's Game

Noir Nocturne Echoes in the Fog

Midnight Intrigue The Jade Mask Conspiracy

Secrets of the Moonlit Hour The Disappearing Act

The Hidden Code The Sinister Cabal

The Price of Redemption The Shadow's Lullaby

The Velvet Underground Midnight Crossroads

Streets of Shadows Unforgiving Shadows

The Unseen Hand Broken Alibis

Dark Desires Dark Echoes of Yesteryears

A Note in the Darkness The Penumbral Plot

Whispers of Betrayal The Whispers of the Rose

Chronicles of Corruption Chasing Shadows

The Black Lotus Affair The Devil's Deal

Fogbound Enigma The Timeless Enigma

Midnight Requiem Ghosts of Noir

The Enchanted Casket The Wandering Detective

Conspiracy in the Gutter The Moondust Mirage

The Silver Screen Mystery The Tangled Threads

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Main Plots I

Retrieve a valuable family heirloom that's been stolen, leading to a web

of intrigue involving art theft, forgery, and rival criminal organizations.

Expose and dismantle a corrupt syndicate deeply embedded within the

city's institutions, using investigation, undercover work, and political

Unravel the secrets behind an enigmatic benefactor who offers resources

and assistance but has a hidden agenda, tied to the city's supernatural

Investigate a haunted mansion with a dark history, discovering both

supernatural and human elements that have led to its cursed reputation.

Follow in the footsteps of a vigilante who's disappeared, uncovering their

' motivations, enemies, and the truth about their actions in the city's

Navigate a deadly power struggle between rival crime syndicates, with

players caught in the crossfire and the fate of the city hanging in the

Search for a missing person whose disappearance is connected to a series

of unsolved cases, each revealing a new layer of the city's darkness and

Prevent a sinister cult from summoning a powerful supernatural entity

' that threatens to plunge the city into chaos, requiring players to delve
into the occult.

Track down the journal of a deceased occultist, which contains information

about otherworldly threats, mystical artifacts, and hidden knowledge, all
sought by dark forces.

Uncover a far-reaching conspiracy that ties together multiple seemingly

unrelated mysteries, leading to a climactic showdown with powerful
figures controlling the city.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Retrieve a valuable family heirloom that's been stolen, leading to a web
of intrigue involving art theft, forgery, and rival criminal organizations.

Expose and dismantle a corrupt syndicate deeply embedded within the

city's institutions, using investigation, undercover work, and political

Unravel the secrets behind an enigmatic benefactor who offers resources

and assistance but has a hidden agenda, tied to the city's supernatural

Investigate a haunted mansion with a dark history, discovering both

supernatural and human elements that have led to its cursed reputation.

Follow in the footsteps of a vigilante who's disappeared, uncovering their

' motivations, enemies, and the truth about their actions in the city's

Navigate a deadly power struggle between rival crime syndicates, with

players caught in the crossfire and the fate of the city hanging in the

Search for a missing person whose disappearance is connected to a series

of unsolved cases, each revealing a new layer of the city's darkness and

Prevent a sinister cult from summoning a powerful supernatural entity

' that threatens to plunge the city into chaos, requiring players to delve
into the occult.

Track down the journal of a deceased occultist, which contains information

about otherworldly threats, mystical artifacts, and hidden knowledge, all
sought by dark forces.

Uncover a far-reaching conspiracy that ties together multiple seemingly

unrelated mysteries, leading to a climactic showdown with powerful
figures controlling the city.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Main Plots II

Hunt down a legendary and enigmatic assassin responsible for a series of

high-profile murders, following a trail of cryptic clues and a web of
political intrigue.

Investigate an unsolved heist from the city's past that leads to hidden
treasures, but also draws the attention of other interested parties with
dark intentions.

Explore a series of supernatural occurrences plaguing the city,

investigating the cause and the entities behind them while preventing an
otherworldly incursion.

Follow in the footsteps of a legendary noir detective, uncovering their

' unsolved cases, hidden secrets, and personal demons that continue to
haunt the city.

Retrieve a powerful cursed artifact stolen from a museum, all while

dealing with its malevolent influence and those who seek to harness its
dark power.

Solve a mystery involving magicians, illusionists, and a string of seemingly

impossible crimes, all tied to a legendary performer who vanished years

Investigate a neighborhood plagued by decay and despair, uncovering the

dark forces responsible and working to bring hope and renewal to the

Piece together an ancient prophecy that foretells a catastrophic event,

discovering how it ties into the city's history, its powerful individuals, and
a race against time.

Pursue a former ally who's become a dangerous adversary, uncovering

their motives, the events that led to the betrayal, and ultimately, seek
justice and redemption.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Confront the consequences of past actions as players are faced with the
ultimate moral and ethical challenges, deciding the fate of the city and
their own souls.

Hunt down a legendary and enigmatic assassin responsible for a series of

high-profile murders, following a trail of cryptic clues and a web of
political intrigue.

Investigate an unsolved heist from the city's past that leads to hidden
treasures, but also draws the attention of other interested parties with
dark intentions.

Explore a series of supernatural occurrences plaguing the city,

investigating the cause and the entities behind them while preventing an
otherworldly incursion.

Follow in the footsteps of a legendary noir detective, uncovering their

' unsolved cases, hidden secrets, and personal demons that continue to
haunt the city.

Retrieve a powerful cursed artifact stolen from a museum, all while

dealing with its malevolent influence and those who seek to harness its
dark power.

Solve a mystery involving magicians, illusionists, and a string of seemingly

impossible crimes, all tied to a legendary performer who vanished years

Investigate a neighborhood plagued by decay and despair, uncovering the

dark forces responsible and working to bring hope and renewal to the

Piece together an ancient prophecy that foretells a catastrophic event,

discovering how it ties into the city's history, its powerful individuals, and
a race against time.

Pursue a former ally who's become a dangerous adversary, uncovering

their motives, the events that led to the betrayal, and ultimately, seek
justice and redemption.

Confront the consequences of past actions as players are faced with the
ultimate moral and ethical challenges, deciding the fate of the city and
their own souls.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Sub Plots I

Help clear the name of an innocent person wrongfully accused of a crime,

but uncover a conspiracy involving corrupt officials determined to keep the
truth hidden.

Decode a mysterious message that leads to a hidden treasure, only to

discover that multiple parties are also seeking it, including a group of
dangerous treasure hunters.

Reconnect with a lost love from the past, rekindling an old flame while
navigating obstacles such as jealous rivals, unresolved conflicts, and
secrets that were never revealed.

Assist a person being blackmailed, uncovering the identity of the

blackmailer and their motives, which may involve hidden agendas and a
trail of past misdeeds.

Search for a missing photograph that holds a dark secret, leading to a

dangerous conspiracy that threatens to expose a powerful figure's
involvement in a crime.

Work for a shadowy benefactor who offers lucrative jobs with a catch—
each assignment brings players deeper into a web of danger, mysteries,
and personal consequences.

Locate a key witness who can testify against a powerful criminal, but
players must ensure their safety as they uncover a network of threats
and intimidation tactics.

Retrieve stolen research documents that hold valuable knowledge or

dangerous secrets, all while dealing with spies, double-crosses, and a
shadowy organization's interest.

Investigate a web of interconnected events, including mysterious deaths,

seemingly unrelated crimes, and a powerful figure's manipulation, to
uncover the truth and bring them to justice.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Convince a person with a guilty conscience to come forward and confess to
a crime, even as their fear of retribution from a vengeful figure or
organization intensifies.

Help clear the name of an innocent person wrongfully accused of a crime,

but uncover a conspiracy involving corrupt officials determined to keep the
truth hidden.

Decode a mysterious message that leads to a hidden treasure, only to

discover that multiple parties are also seeking it, including a group of
dangerous treasure hunters.

Reconnect with a lost love from the past, rekindling an old flame while
navigating obstacles such as jealous rivals, unresolved conflicts, and
secrets that were never revealed.

Assist a person being blackmailed, uncovering the identity of the

blackmailer and their motives, which may involve hidden agendas and a
trail of past misdeeds.

Search for a missing photograph that holds a dark secret, leading to a

dangerous conspiracy that threatens to expose a powerful figure's
involvement in a crime.

Work for a shadowy benefactor who offers lucrative jobs with a catch—
each assignment brings players deeper into a web of danger, mysteries,
and personal consequences.

Locate a key witness who can testify against a powerful criminal, but
players must ensure their safety as they uncover a network of threats
and intimidation tactics.

Retrieve stolen research documents that hold valuable knowledge or

dangerous secrets, all while dealing with spies, double-crosses, and a
shadowy organization's interest.

Investigate a web of interconnected events, including mysterious deaths,

seemingly unrelated crimes, and a powerful figure's manipulation, to
uncover the truth and bring them to justice.

Convince a person with a guilty conscience to come forward and confess to

a crime, even as their fear of retribution from a vengeful figure or
organization intensifies.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Sub Plots II

Encounter a prophecy or cryptic prediction, which sets players on a quest

to decipher its meaning, uncover its origin, and ultimately confront the
supernatural forces tied to it.

Search for a missing heir who is the key to a powerful inheritance, but
players must protect them from those who wish to harm or control the
heir for their own sinister purposes.

Investigate a case of stolen identities that involves identity theft,

forgery, and blackmail, as players work to clear the names of the victims
and expose the culprits.

Assist a group of smugglers in a dangerous operation, transporting illegal

' goods while navigating rival smugglers, law enforcement, and betrayal
from within the group.

Discover an item with a haunting presence, leading to a quest to unravel

the item's dark history, release trapped spirits, and confront the
malevolent force behind the haunting.

Mediate a conflict between two rival gangs, navigating a treacherous

balancing act as players negotiate peace or help one gang gain an upper
hand, all with unforeseen consequences.

Help a character recover lost memories and uncover their true identity,
revealing a connection to a larger mystery, and discovering their role in
ongoing events in the city.

Track down a stolen invention that has the potential to change the city's
landscape, but players must contend with inventors, opportunistic rivals,
and competing interests.

Investigate the unexplained disappearances of key witnesses scheduled

to testify in a high-profile trial, revealing a plot to obstruct justice and
protect the guilty parties.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Uncover the truth behind an unfinished symphony composed by a
legendary musician, leading to a journey through the city's cultural
history, personal vendettas, and the promise of hidden musical treasures.

Encounter a prophecy or cryptic prediction, which sets players on a quest

to decipher its meaning, uncover its origin, and ultimately confront the
supernatural forces tied to it.

Search for a missing heir who is the key to a powerful inheritance, but
players must protect them from those who wish to harm or control the
heir for their own sinister purposes.

Investigate a case of stolen identities that involves identity theft,

forgery, and blackmail, as players work to clear the names of the victims
and expose the culprits.

Assist a group of smugglers in a dangerous operation, transporting illegal

' goods while navigating rival smugglers, law enforcement, and betrayal
from within the group.

Discover an item with a haunting presence, leading to a quest to unravel

the item's dark history, release trapped spirits, and confront the
malevolent force behind the haunting.

Mediate a conflict between two rival gangs, navigating a treacherous

balancing act as players negotiate peace or help one gang gain an upper
hand, all with unforeseen consequences.

Help a character recover lost memories and uncover their true identity,
revealing a connection to a larger mystery, and discovering their role in
ongoing events in the city.

Track down a stolen invention that has the potential to change the city's
landscape, but players must contend with inventors, opportunistic rivals,
and competing interests.

Investigate the unexplained disappearances of key witnesses scheduled

to testify in a high-profile trial, revealing a plot to obstruct justice and
protect the guilty parties.

Uncover the truth behind an unfinished symphony composed by a

legendary musician, leading to a journey through the city's cultural
history, personal vendettas, and the promise of hidden musical treasures.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Special Conditions I

A mysterious and highly dangerous pursuer is hot on the players' heels,

but their identity and motives remain shrouded in secrecy.
The players stumble upon an ancient and magical artifact that harbors a
dark threat and is sought after by numerous parties.
A deceased individual reaches out to the players from beyond the grave,
seeking help in completing their unfinished business.
The players receive messages from an informant whose identity and
trustworthiness are constantly in question.
Players find themselves entangled in a complex web of lies and deceptions,
where every truth appears to be a new falsehood.
A painting foreshadows a grim vision of the future, and players must
decipher its meaning and prevent impending disaster.
An ancient agreement or pact from the past binds the players to obscure
tasks or dire consequences.
The players are plagued by a strange curse that gradually erases their
memories, forcing them to uncover the truth about themselves.
A series of alchemical riddles and experiments leads to a final, perilous
secret that places the players at an existential crossroads.
Players become embroiled in a deadly chess game in which they and their
adversaries are pawns in a life-and-death struggle.
A mysterious and highly dangerous pursuer is hot on the players' heels,
but their identity and motives remain shrouded in secrecy.
The players stumble upon an ancient and magical artifact that harbors a
dark threat and is sought after by numerous parties.
A deceased individual reaches out to the players from beyond the grave,
seeking help in completing their unfinished business.
The players receive messages from an informant whose identity and
trustworthiness are constantly in question.
Players find themselves entangled in a complex web of lies and deceptions,
where every truth appears to be a new falsehood.
A painting foreshadows a grim vision of the future, and players must
decipher its meaning and prevent impending disaster.
An ancient agreement or pact from the past binds the players to obscure
tasks or dire consequences.
The players are plagued by a strange curse that gradually erases their
memories, forcing them to uncover the truth about themselves.
A series of alchemical riddles and experiments leads to a final, perilous
secret that places the players at an existential crossroads.
Players become embroiled in a deadly chess game in which they and their
adversaries are pawns in a life-and-death struggle.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
D20 Special Conditions II

A derelict mansion haunted by ghosts holds a multitude of unsolved

Players stumble upon a forgotten subterranean city built by an ancient
A mysterious book marked with demonic symbols has the power to
unleash dark forces and twist reality.
An enchanted mirror allows players to peer into the past or future, but
at what cost?
A secret market trades mysterious items and information, but there are
no guarantees for safety or authenticity.
A mysterious nighttime train takes players to unknown destinations, filled
with peculiar passengers and eerie encounters.
Players are drawn to a captivating melody that leads them into an
unknown, perilous danger.
A dense fog descends upon the city, erasing memories and bringing forth
uncanny creatures.
A cursed relic brings misfortune and tragedy to those who possess it, and
destroying it is no easy task.
A mysterious dream chronicler allows players to enter and influence the
dreams of others.
A derelict mansion haunted by ghosts holds a multitude of unsolved
Players stumble upon a forgotten subterranean city built by an ancient
A mysterious book marked with demonic symbols has the power to
unleash dark forces and twist reality.
An enchanted mirror allows players to peer into the past or future, but
at what cost?
A secret market trades mysterious items and information, but there are
no guarantees for safety or authenticity.
A mysterious nighttime train takes players to unknown destinations, filled
with peculiar passengers and eerie encounters.
Players are drawn to a captivating melody that leads them into an
unknown, perilous danger.
A dense fog descends upon the city, erasing memories and bringing forth
uncanny creatures.
A cursed relic brings misfortune and tragedy to those who possess it, and
destroying it is no easy task.
A mysterious dream chronicler allows players to enter and influence the
dreams of others.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

1-10 11-20
D20 First Names I D20 First Names II

Jack Raymond

Evelyn Eloise

Samuel Robert

Veronica Marcella

Frank Arthur

Josephine Beatrice

Richard Leo

Lorraine Lucille

Edward Francis

Margot Celeste

Victor Theodore

Rosalind Constance

Charles Harrison

Isabella Josephine

Walter Felix

Adelaide Genevieve

Henry Benjamin

Gwendolyn Colette

Arthur Lawrence

Camille Eloise

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
1-10 11-20
D20 Last Names I D20 Last Names II

Blackwood Ashcroft

Sinclair Fairchild

Montague Wainwright

Harrington St. Claire

Davenport Weatherby

Beauregard Haverhill

Thornton Kingsley

Forsythe Blackwell

Pendleton Huntington

Whitaker Abernathy

Kensington Stirling

Channing Beauchamp

Thorne Carroway

Llewellyn Witherspoon

Radcliffe Kensington

Montgomery Devereux

Crawley Rockwell

Worthington Huxley

Beaumont Ashford

Bannister Fitzroy

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

1-10 11-20
D20 Appearance I D20 Appearance II

Impeccably Dressed in a Three-Piece Suit Groomed to Perfection

Wearing a Trench Coat and Fedora Hiding Behind Oversized Sunglasses

Sporting a Ragged Overcoat and Scuffed
Clad in a Leather Biker Jacket
Draped in a Glamorous Evening Gown Possessing a Chiseled Jawline

Wearing Vintage Aviator Goggles Wearing a Classic Detective's Trench

Covered in Mysterious Tattoos Exuding a Mysterious Aura

Exuding an Air of Elegance and Grace Sporting a Gangster's Pinstripe Suit

Possessing Piercing, Mismatched Eyes Suffering from a Mysterious Disease

Displaying an Intriguing Birthmark Radiating a Vibrant Aura

Sporting a Notorious Facial Scar Cloaked in Shadows and Mystery

Dressed as a Flamboyant Circus Performer Dressed in All Black

Concealed Under a Mysterious Veil Flaunting a Flamboyant Feathered Hat

Wearing an Elaborate Masquerade Mask Shrouded in a Heavy Perfume

Adorned with Exotic Jewelry Covered in Grime and Dust

Possessing Eccentric Hair and Makeup Sporting an Elaborate Headscarf

Shrouded in a Heavy Cloak and Hood Embodying a Modern-Day Dandy

Driven by a Phantom Limb Hiding a Disfiguring Birthmark

Brandishing Prominent Body Piercings Wearing Elaborate Makeup and Tattoos

Cloaked in a Hooded Cape Draped in Glistening Jewelry

Showing Signs of Extreme Wear and Tear Displaying a Permanent Frown

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
/ :

1-10 11-20
D20 Motivation I D20 Motivation II

Seeking Redemption Protecting the Vulnerable

Amassing Wealth and Power Seeking Justice

Uncovering Family Secrets Pursuing Scientific Breakthroughs

Protecting a Loved One Mastering the Occult

Seeking Revenge Preserving Tradition

Finding Lost Love Fleeing Persecution

Pursuing Artistic Greatness Solving a Puzzling Mystery

Achieving Political Influence Eliminating a Rival

Solving a Cold Case Becoming a Legend

Unraveling a Conspiracy Uniting a Divided Family

Escaping a Dark Past Surviving Against All Odds

Fulfilling a Dying Wish Building a Utopia

Attaining Immortality Exploring the Unknown

Gaining Social Status Gaining Knowledge of the Afterlife

Exposing Corruption Redefining Identity

Acquiring Forbidden Knowledge Exposing a Scandal

Taming the Supernatural Uniting Star-Crossed Lovers

Proving Innocence Chasing Adventure

Satisfying a Personal Vendetta Leading a Revolution

Discovering Hidden Treasure Seeking Closure

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Unarmed D20 Armed

A tattered love letter. Brass knuckles.

A worn leather wallet. Baseball bat.

A lit cigarette. Knuckledusters.

A faded photograph. Switchblade.

A vintage pocket watch. Crowbar.

A crumpled newspaper. Brass knuckles.

A whiskey glass. Lead pipe.

A chess piece. Broken bottle.

A deck of playing cards. Stun gun.

A bouquet of roses. Taser.

A locked jewelry box. Pepper spray.

A rusty key. Nunchaku.

A magnifying glass. Hidden blade.

A crumpled map. Throwing knives.

A handwritten note. Police baton.

A silver flask. Mace.

A vial of mysterious liquid. Cane sword.

A worn-out teddy bear. Garrote wire.

A folded newspaper clipping. Stiletto knife.

A blood-stained handkerchief. Sawn-off shotgun.

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

1-10 11-20
D20 Disposition I D20 Disposition II

Friendly and Supportive Empathetic and Understanding

Suspicious and Cautious Mysterious and Enigmatic

Aloof and Detached Altruistic and Helpful

Cooperative but Fearful Mercenary and Self-Interested

Secretly Admiring Jaded and World-Weary

Hostile and Aggressive Grudgingly Respectful

Eager to Exploit Jealous and Competitive

Indifferent and Uninterested Enthusiastic and Supportive

Manipulative and Deceptive Adoring and Fawning

Loyal and Protective Skeptical and Doubtful

Fearful and Submissive Manipulative and Scheming

Grateful and Obliging Resentful but Helpful

Curious but Guarded Playful and Teasing

Sympathetic and Compassionate Agonizing and Tormented

Controlling and Domineering Stoic and Unemotional

Anxious and Nervous Unhinged and Unpredictable

Charmed and Enchanted Repulsed and Disgusted

Vengeful and Resentful Devoted and Fanatical

Scheming and Opportunistic Guilt-Ridden and Remorseful

Conflicted and Torn Stoic and Unreadable

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

1-10 11-20
D20 Behavior I D20 Behavior II

Evasive and Nervous Informative and Talkative

Defensive and Hostile Intimidating and Menacing

Cooperative and Truthful Reluctant and Uncooperative

Fearful and Anxious Eager to Confess

Aggressive and Defiant Mocking and Sarcastic

Compliant and Submissive Cool and Collected

Hesitant and Uncertain Suffering from Memory Loss

Charismatic and Charming Sobbing and Remorseful

Stoic and Unemotional Stoic and Resolute

Confident and Assertive Sincere and Honest

Manipulative and Deceptive Vengeful and Bitter

Emotional and Tearful Haughty and Superior

Guilty and Evasive Evasive and Untrustworthy

Arrogant and Overconfident Paranoid and Delusional

Desperate and Begging Cooperative but Misleading

Innocent and Confused Pleading and Begging

Secretive and Guarded Confused and Disoriented

Mocking and Taunting Comedic and Jovial

Defensive and Evasive Fearful and Trembling

Mysterious and Enigmatic Enraged and Furious

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

1-10 11-20
D20 Behavior I D20 Behavior II

Aggressive and Reckless Deceptive and Sneaky

Cautious and Defensive Reckless and Wild

Tactical and Strategic Coordinated and Team-Oriented

Fearful and Panicked Vicious and Cruel

Brave and Heroic Unfocused and Distracted

Cowardly and Evasive Confused and Disoriented

Vengeful and Relentless Fanatical and Zealous

Unpredictable and Erratic Scheming and Manipulative

Ruthless and Merciless Adaptable and Resourceful

Calculating and Methodical Relaxed and Carefree

Frenzied and Berserk Agonized and Tormented

Confident and Swaggering Agitated and Nervous

Hesitant and Uncertain Playful and Taunting

Self-Preserving and Opportunistic Suave and Stylish

Loyal and Protective Stoic and Unemotional

Self-Sacrificing and Noble Unpredictable and Whimsical

Suicidal and Desperate Deliberate and Controlled

Disciplined and Well-Drilled Bewildered and Clueless

Overconfident and Boastful Confident and Swaggering

Impulsive and Hot-Headed Desperate and Reckless

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

D20 Hand to Hand D20 Armed

Aggressive and Reckless Thrust with a Dagger

Cautious and Defensive Swing a Lead Pipe

Tactical and Strategic Quickdraw Revolver Shot

Fearful and Panicked Slice with a Switchblade

Brave and Heroic Lunge with a Sword Cane

Cowardly and Evasive Fire a Sawed-Off Shotgun

Vengeful and Relentless Swing a Baseball Bat

Unpredictable and Erratic Throw a Throwing Knife

Ruthless and Merciless Snap a Bullwhip

Calculating and Methodical Disarm with a Baton

Frenzied and Berserk Fire a Tommy Gun Burst

Confident and Swaggering Swing a Crowbar

Hesitant and Uncertain Aim a Crossbow Shot

Self-Preserving and Opportunistic Parry with a Fencing Foil

Loyal and Protective Fire a Sniper Rifle

Self-Sacrificing and Noble Toss a Molotov Cocktail

Suicidal and Desperate Strike with Brass Knuckles

Disciplined and Well-Drilled Swing a Chain

Overconfident and Boastful Throw a Boomerang

Impulsive and Hot-Headed Stab with an Ice Pick

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)
Shadows and Secrets

Shadows and Secrets - A Noir Supplement ©BLG (2023)

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