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SESSION: 2023-24

Name: ______________________ Class & Sec: _____________

Q1. Read the passage and answer the following questions:

The pup got up on the bed.

“This is much better,” said
the pup.
“I feel safe up here.”
And he went to sleep.

a) Who went up on the bed?

Ans) _______________________________________________________________________
b) Who was sleeping on the bed?
Ans) ________________________________________________________________________
c) "Who are the characters in 'The Brave Hunter'?"
Ans) _______________________________________________________________________
d) Rewrite the sentence correctly.

this is much better said the pup

Ans) _______________________________________________________________________

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Q2. Put the word in their vowel sound groups.

nk ng tch

sink latch bring catch thing trunk swing drink watch

Q3. Create and write 2 compound words of your choice in the given space.

________+___________ ___________________
________+___________ ___________________

Q4. Rewrite the sentences to show the action happened before now, in the past.

a) Ethel gets her boots and coat.

Ans ____________________________________________________________

b) Woof is in the middle of the snow.

Ans ____________________________________________________________

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Q5. Write words to describe the poodle and the pup.

The poodle The pup

Q6. Write any 2 words for the given ending sounds.

a) ___ow _______________________ _____________________

b) ___er _______________________ ______________________

Q7. Make a sentence for each picture.



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Q8. Draw and write about the setting of the story The Brave Hunter.

Setting (place where the story takes place)

Draw Write

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