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Jimmy Kambossos

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements

for the degree of Master of Applied Science
Graduate Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry
University of Toronto

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Master of Applied Science, 2005

Jimmy Kambossos

Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry

University of Toronto


The focus of this work was the study of scale produced as a by-product from the
Falconbridge laterite pressure acid leaching campaigns conducted during the period 2000 to
2002. The objective was twofold: i) scale characterization, ii) scale dissolution.

The results obtained from the scale characterization studies revealed that alunite formed
in fresh water and saline water had the general chemical formula of (H30)AI3(SO4)2(OH).
(hydronium alunite) and NaAlsFe(SO,)2(OH)¢ (sodium alunite), respectively. In saline water

campaigns, Fe substitutes Al within the alunite structure - compared to that of pure hydronium
alunite - at an average Al:Fe molar ratio of 2:1. Alunite comprises 67 wt% of the scale mass with
hematite, making up the balance.

The scale growth rates were found to be highest at the compartment of acid addition.
Those obtained from the saline water campaigns were 200% greater than fresh water campaigns.

The scale dissolution tests examined the effectiveness of chemicals dissolving scale as a
measure of descaling. Two scales were tested, I3 and 16. Maximum dissolution was attained with

HCl, instead of H2SO, at the most vigorous conditions of 200°C and 0.5m. Also, the dissolution
kinetics of I3 were twice as fast as those of 16 due to the five-fold porosity of the former scale.


This work was carried out at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry at

the University of Toronto under the supervision of Professor V. G. Papangelakis. I would like to

thank him for giving me the opportunity to further my education at the graduate level and for

providing me his support and guidance throughout my research.

I would also like to acknowledge and thank, Mr. Gursy Singh for offering his invaluable

assistance with laboratory work, the write up of this thesis and generally for offering his support

as colleague and friend.

Finally, I would also like to acknowledge Falconbridge Ltd. and Materials and Manufacturing

Ontario (MMO) for providing financial support for this project.



AKNOWLEDGEMENTS. ........... 0c ee cecee erence enee nena teen nee eens nate a eeeen ease ee eneneaeene ena eeae iti
1D) 5) BY (OF. 06(0). Fn cn iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS. ..........ccccceesceee scene ene nee eens ence eee ee nt ee eee eeeen en eee teeta eeete seat enees Vv
LIST OF TABLES. .00... 0. ec ceccc cece cece ec ne eee erences ee ease eee snes ene eateeseesessatensetaeennenaeeas Vii
LIST OF FIGURES........ 0. cccece ccc ec ene ee eee ee ne eben e ee nee eens eens ee eae EEE eE DEORE E EE EE ESE EE EEE EH HEEH ix

1. INTRODUCTION. ..00.. cence cece nent e rece ene e cess tesa ene eae en ea ee SE EEE fas 1
2. LITERATURE REVIEW............cce ce ecececneene ene eeneeeseeneeneaeeeetee eee seneneeneneentnens 3
2.1. Nickeliferous Laterites.............c cece cceeccec eee ee nese eee nsec eseeee eee eneeenesneaeneenenes 3
2.2. Processing of Nickeliferous Laterites by Pressure Acid Leaching..................0008 5
Z.2.1. General... eccesccccccscecc ene ee sence nee ee eens scene e eee eensa sense esta eneeeneeenees 5
2.2.2. Commercial Nickel Laterite Acid Leaching Process.............:ccccseeeeeeeenes 7 MOa Bay....c.ccccsccecscesceceeseeeeneeeee eens ens ee eeee eee eneeseeneeeeneee ee ess 7, AMAX-COFREMI ProcesS.........ccccccsscecenceesseeseueeneeseeseeeneeeneenes 7 Plants............cccscececc ec ceeeeenee eens esneeen eens ensnseseneegaeeness 9 Pressure Acid Leaching Pilot Plant at the FTC................c.000000 10
2.3. Laterite Leaching Chemistry.................cccccccccceccececeeesnseeneneeeeenenseeseneenens 13
2.3.1. Sulphuric Acid Chemistry. .............c cc cececceecnceceeseceeen ene esseeeeaeeeteneaes 14
2.3.2. Dissolution ReactionS..............ccceeeceeeceeeneceeeceeeeseeeaeneeneceeeneees re 14
2.3.3. Precipitation Reactions.............ccceceeceneneeseee eee ee sense eeeteeenesreeeaeeneans 15
2.4. Scale Formation...........cceceeceecc eee eeeeeeeene nena sense eee eeeeeeeeneeaeeeeeeeeeseneeeenes 16
2.4.1. Mechanisms of Scale Formation............cccecceceececneceeeeeeceeeeneeeeeneeaeas 17
2.4.2. Tron Chemistry......... cece ecececeece nee ceeeeeen ene eeeseeeseeneeeeeeseeeeeeeenes 18
2.4.3. Aluminum Chemistry............cccccceccecnecsereeeeeeseeeeeneeeeusaeeaeee sense gues 19
2.5. Scale Removal............ccecsececceeeeeeeeeee eens essen seeseetueuseeeesaesseaseueensesewens 22
3. EXPERIMENTAL. ...........c ccc cesses c eee ee nee ee nee ener ee ene aeeeneee scene en eeeaeteeeeneen ena 25
3.1. Nature and Scope of Experiments...............cccceececeeceee sence ee enseeeueeneeeeeeaenes 25
3.1.1. Laterite Leaching. cece cececce cee eneecee ene eeeaseneeeeeeesenensenenaeennes 25
3.1.2. Scale Dissolution. ............ ccc cecceececececeeeeeseeeee see eeeeeeneneneenssaeusneess 28
3.2, Experimental Procedures...............cccceeceeeeeeeeesecee eee ecesseaeesaeeetaeeneaeeenes 29
3.2.1. Scale Characterization............cccceccecececneeneneeneeseeeeesenenesensenenenatess 29
3.2.2. Scale Dissolution........... cece ccc eec eee eceeceeee eases eeeeeenteaeeasaeeneneeneeess 29
3.3. Analytical Methods...... 0... cic cece ceceeee eee en seen ee ea eee eesaeeneeeesaerersaeenaeenees 33
3.3.1. Seale Characterization-Chemical Analysis.............ccccceceeceseeseveveeseeees 33
3.3.2. Scale Characterization-Mineralogical Analysis...............c.cceceeeeeeeeee sess 34
3.3.3. Scale Characterization-Analysis of Surface Area.............ccceceeeeeeee eet eees 36
3.3.4. Scale Characterization-Chemical Analysis..............ccececeesceseseseesceseuss 36
4, Results and Discussion.............ccccc cee cceceecee eee e eens cess ea eeeseeeneneeeeeeeeneest ene euens 37
4.1. The Pressure Acid Leaching Pilot Plant at the FTC................cccccsceeseeee sees anes 37
4.2. Scale Characterization............cccccesceceeneeceneeeeseeeeseeeeeeeeeeseeeasensntieaseneers 37
4.2.1. Leach Liquor Composition............ccceccceeeeneeecenenseeecsa tessa easeaseseeneens 37
4.3, Scale Growth Rates... 0... eeccececcnecseeee eee eeeeeee essa eeeeeaee eaten en eesseeeeaeenees 45
4.4. Scale Dissolution........ 0... ccc ccc ce eee ee nee eee eeeeeee ee eee en ea seeen eens eneeeneetee ene 52
4.4.1. Scale Abatement.......... cc cceccc ccc eeenereeeeen ees eesenenenaeeneneneeeseneeneas 52
4.4.2, Reproducibility......... cece cecseeeee eee eeneeneeeeeeeeeesen seen een eeereeeeeen sence 52
4.4.3. Effect of Process Parameters on Scale Dissolution Kinetics..................6 54

CONCLUSIONS. .........ccccecccccec eee e eee e eee eee eee epee eeseeeeseeeessaesseeeeeeevnsueeueeneneess 62
5.1. Scale Characterization............ccccccccesecvecccuveeececuscvuueevssevectsueecevasseeveagens 62
5.1.1. Scale Chemical/Mineralogical Composition and Morphology...............06 62
5.1.2. Scale Growth Rates.............ccccesseececeteeeeveceseneeeeueeseeeuseeseeveseesnenss 63
5.2. Scale Dissolution.............cccccceecsesceeneveueeeueeueuseeeecneevueesaseuseeeaeueeaeevnaens 63
5.2.1. Hydrochloric ccc csceccc ccc nc ee eene eee eeeeaeneen ens eneeneeneneeneeanes 63
5.2.2. Sulphuric Acid... cece cee ccee cence eeeeeeen seen een eeeeeseeeeeeeeneenenenenees 64
5.2.3. Comparison between HCI and H2SO4............ccccccceceseceeeveeeesesaseueeseess 64
5.2.4. Difference in Dissolution Kinetics between I3 and I6 Scales..................5 65
RECOMMENDATIIONSG............cccecceesetnene eee eeateeneeeneeeeeeesuseeueeuneeeneeneneesneess 65
REFERENCES. ...........ccccecccececeneeneeteeesueeesuceeeseseseseeenanecuessecvnearacaeeanecsacss 67

APPENDIX A, Experimental Methods.............ccccececsesceeueeeeaseseeeueessveneeuseaenss 73

APPENDIX B, Sample Calculations...............ccccccsecceeeceneeceeaseneneeseesseeeeeeneeens 80
APPENDIX C, Dissolution Experiment Details................ccccceseeeeseeeeeeeeeseeneeneess 92
APPENDIX D, Raw and Processed Scale Data.............cccccccessesceecevececeseeeeeenenss 112
APPENDIX E, Scale Code Index..............ccccc
ccc ccceeseseccccceccecececensueeseeeceuces 135


Table No. Title Page

Table 1 Composition of typical lateritic ores.
Table 2 Comparicon of ore mineralogy and process conditions of different
nickel laterite leaching plants. 12
Table 3 Composition of typical Falconbridge laterite feed. 13
Table 4 Composition of Falconbridge’s process water. 13
Table 5 Campaign process conditions. 27
Table 6 Elemental feed composition in wt% of Falconbridge campaign
series. 28
Table 7 Experimental conditions for scale dissolution.
Table 8 Leach liquor composition. Compartment No. 2. 39
Table 9 Mineralogical composition of scale in the compartment of acid
injection in wt and molar percent. 40
Table 10 Chemical formulae of Alunite in the compartment of acid
injection. Al
Table 11 Comparison of FTC and Australian process water. 44
Table 12 Average scale growth rate comparison between moving and
stationary parts within compartment of acid addition. 48
Table 13 Chemex Laboratories scale elemental analysis given as oxides. 81
Table 14 Mineralogical Composition of 16-SD2 Scale Sample. 84
Table 15 Scale Growth Rates per Compartment for Campaign I8. 84
Table 16 Fe and Al measured concentrations from samples taken during an
autoclave run. 88
Table 17 Solution Volume Calculation after each Sample Extraction. 89
Table 18 The percent Fe and Al dissolution as calculated for experiment
SASDI6_3_DEC_7_2001. 90
Table 19 Campaign Summary of Average Scale Growth Rates per
Compartment. 113
Table 20 Correlation between L-Ore Slurry Throughput, Acid Throughput
and Scale Growth Rate. 114
Table 21 Correlation Coefficients between Scale Growth Rates and Metal
Content in Scale. 115
Table 22 Correlation Coefficients between Scale Growth Rates and other
Parameters. 116
Table 23 Chemex Anaytical Data for the Scale from Campaing I6. 117
Table 24 Processed Chemex Data for the Determination of the Alunite
Chemical Formula in 16 Scale. 118
Table 25 Weight Percent Mineralogical Composition of I6 Scale. 119
Table 26 Chemex Anaytical Data for the Scale from Campaing I8. 120
Table 27 Processed Chemex Data for the Determination of the Alunite
Chemical Formula in I8 Scale. 121
Table 28 Weight Percent Mineralogical Composition of I8 Scale. 122
Table 29 Chemex Anaytical Data for the Scale from Campaing I9. 123
Table 30 Processed Chemex Data for the Determination of the Alunite
Chemical Formula in 19 Scale. 124
Table 31 Weight Percent Mineralogical Composition of I9 Scale. 125

Table 32 Chemex Anaytical Data for the Scale from Campaing 110. 126
Table 33 Processed Chemex Data for the Determination of the Alunite
Chemical Formula in I10 Scale. 127
Table 34 Weight Percent Mineralogical Composition of I10 Scale. 128
Table 35 Chemex Anaytical Data for the Scale from Campaing I10b. 129
Table 36 Processed Chemex Data for the Determination of the Alunite
Chemical Formula in 110b Scale. 130
Table 37 Weight Percent Mineralogical Composition of I10b Scale. 131
Table 38 Chemex Anaytical Data for the Scale from Campaing I11. 132
Table 39 Processed Chemex Data for the Determination of the Alunite
Chemical Formula in I11 Scale. 133
Table 40 Weight Percent Mineralogical Composition of I11 Scale. 134


Figure No. Title Page

Figure 1 World nickel resources.

Figure 2 An idealized deposit of a typical tropical and arid laterite.
Figure 3 A typical pressure acid leaching facility for lateritic ores.

Figure 4 Pressure acid leaching process at Moa Bay.
Figure 5 AMAX-CONFREMMI Acid leach process.

Figure 6 Laterite high pressure leaching pilot plant at Falconbridge.

Figure 7 Scale formation during three consecutive limonite batch leaching
experiments at 250°C and 270°C.
Figure 8 Schematic of Alunite molecule indicating possible locations for
substitution by other ions, 20
Figure 9 SEM picture of I9-SD2 scale sample revealing zoning effect. 21
Figure 10 Schematic diagram of a continuous autoclave compartment
showing internals and the scaling device. 26
Figure 11 Parr 2L benchtop autoclave with sampling and acid injection
units. 30
Figure 12 SEM photomicrograph of cross section of scale [1-Shaft1. 34
Figure 13 EDX mapping of cccross section of scale I1-Shaft1. 35
Figure 14 SEM picture of I9-SD2 scale sample revealing zoning effect. 42
Figure 15 SEM picture of large alunite crystals of 13 scale sample. 43
Figure 16 SEM picture of hematite of 13 scale sample. 44
Figure 17 Measurement of thickness of scale. 45
Figure 18 Average scale growth rates for the fresh water campaigns. 46
Figure 19 Average scale growth rates for the saline water campaigns. Acid
Addition in Copartment No. 1 47
Figure 20 Average scale growth rates for the saline water campaigns. Acid
Addition in Copartment No. 2 47
Figure 21 L-Ore slurry and acid throughput relationship with scale growth
rate. 50
Figure 22 Scale growth rate vs. the Na content in the scale. 50
Figure 23 Scale Growth Rate vs. the Acidity for Saline Water Campaigns
Figure 24 Reproducibility of results. T = 150°C, 0.25m H2SQq, Acid-to-
Scale Ratio = 9.0. 53
Figure 25 Effect of the Acid-to-Scale Ratio on Fe and Al dissolution. T =
150°C, 0.25m H2SQOx,. 54
Figure 26 Maximum percent Fe & Al dissolution with HCI after 6 hours. 55
Figure 27 Maximum percent Fe and Al dissolution with H2SO, after 6
hours, 56
Figure 28 Dissolution kinetics of Fe and Al for I3 and I6 scales at 200°C
and 0.5m HCl. 58
Figure 29 Dissolution kinetics of Fe and Al for I3 scale between 0.25m and
0.50m HC] at 200°C. 58
Figure 30 Dissolution kinetics of Fe and Al for I3 and I6 scales at most
rigorous conditions (200°C & 0.5m H2SQ,). 59
Figure 31 Dissolution kinetics comparison of Fe and Al for I3 scale
between 0.25m and 0.5m H2SO, at 200°C. 59

Figure 32 SEM picture of I3-SD1 scale showing a porous structure. 61
Figure 33 SEM picture of I6-SD2 Scale showing a denser structure than the
13-SD1 scale. 61
Figure Al Sample holder and duct tape. 76
Figure A2 Top view showing sample. 76
Figure A3 Pouring of resin. 76
Figure A4 Vacuum apparatus. 76
Figure 34 Schematic diagram of a continuous autoclave compartment
showing internals and the scaling device. 141

Lateritic ores constitute the future source of nickel and cobalt and comprise nearly two

thirds of the earth’s known nickel resources. They form mainly in tropical climates with heavy

rainfalls and occasionally in semi-arid climates and consist primarily of hydrated iron oxides and

hydrous magnesium silicates [1, 2]. The most important types of Ni-bearing mineralogies are

encountered in lateritic deposits as limonites and saprolites. In Table 1, the typical composition

of limonitic and saprolitic ores is presented [2]. |

Table 1. Composition of typical lateritic ores.

Ore Type Ni(wt%) Co(wt%) Fe(wt%) Mg(wt%) Moisture (wt%)
Limonite 0.8-1.5 0.1-0.2 40-50 0.3-3 40-50
Saprolite 1.8-3.0 0.02-0.1 10-25 9-21 -

There are currently four major commercial process routes for the treatment of laterites,

namely, the pyrometallurgical ferronickel smelting, matte smelting, hydrometallurgical pressure

acid leaching and pyro/hydro-metallurgical reduction roast-ammonia leaching [3]. In this work,

the hydrometallurgical pressure acid leaching process is of interest and therefore, emphasized.

The first hydrometallurgical pressure acid leaching commercial operation built for the

treatment of low-grade magnesium laterites is located at Moa Bay in Cuba, operating since 1959.

Ever since, three more commercial operations have been built for the processing of nickel

laterites via the pressure acid leaching process in Western Australia. These are the Cawse (sold

but in operation currently) and the Murrin Murrin plants, operating since 1999. Recently, The

Goro nickel project of INCO Ltd. got approval to go ahead.

In early 2000, Falconbridge Ltd. was also looking into the prospect of building a laterite

pressure acid leaching plant in New Caledonia and for this reason was conducting pilot plant

campaigns in order to establish the feasibility of such an operation. This work focuses on the

Falconbridge pilot plant operation located at the Falconbridge Technology Centre (FTC) in

Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.

Though, differences in pressure acid leaching processes may exist due to different ore

mineralogies encountered at different locations from where the ore is mined, the basic concept is

similar. Laterite ore is leached with sulphuric acid at high temperatures and pressures in self-

contained vessels called autoclaves. In these vessels, the Ni and Co contained in the ore are

extracted. The goal is to bring the Ni and Co into solution from where they can be recovered

further downstream as pure metals (i.e. by electrowinning) or pure compounds (i.e. oxides,

carbonates, sulphides). In doing so, several purification steps (i.e. hydroxide precipitation,

solvent extraction, ion exchange, sulphide precipitation) are involved.

An undesirable side effect of this method of extraction is the formation of scale. During

the high-temperature leaching of the ore, other metals apart from Ni and Co, such as Fe and Al,

are extracted and re-precipitated in a variety of solid compounds, forming a layer of crust on the

autoclave walls and on the surfaces of all internal mechanical parts and piping walls. This crust

or scale build-up forces the plant to a shut down for clean-up. So far, clean-up is accomplished

manually, though, attempts to chemically remove the scale have been investigated [4, 5].

In order to reduce or eliminate the scaling problem altogether, a detailed characterization

of the scale itself is required. A lot of work has been done in this field [5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 19, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 28, 34, 35], where the mechanism of scale formation has been investigated, as well as

the mineralogy and the various process parameters that might affect scale formation.

The objective of this work, therefore, attempts to characterize the scale produced at the

Falconbridge pilot plant, examining the effect of the operating parameters on scale formation, the

elemental and mineralogical composition and distribution within the scale. It also makes an

attempt to investigate the potential merits of chemical removal of the scale through dissolution in

sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid at different concentrations and temperatures [6].


2.1 Nickeliferous Laterites

As already mentioned, laterites consist primarily of iron hydroxides and hydrous

magnesium silicates.

nm, © “ Soroako , . ay ~
ie28 Island Ramu db Mea °°
, Bay sx
SIA a Bay?
Someta. Zz NS FECA L

M \ te _ me,

Cawse A


Figure 1-World Nickel Resources [7].

They are formed in wet tropical climates such as in New Caledonia, Cuba and Indonesia (Figure

1) and occasionally in semi-arid climates such as in Greece and Albania. Iron hydroxides occur

mainly as goethite (a-FeOOH), with which the nickel is associated. Nickel substitutes the iron in

a-FeOQOH; cobalt (Co) precipitates in solid solution with goethite and Aluminum (Al) as gibbsite

(Al(OH)s) [1, 2, 8, 9].

Figure 1, shows some of the world locations where active laterite projects are currently

pursued by the industry.

A Lateritic ore body consists of three distinct zones [1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11]:

1) Limonite Zone: Analyzes 1.0-1.6 wt% Ni and 0.1-0.2 wt% Co. It contains oxides and

hydroxides of Fe, Al and Cr. The prominent mineral is a-FeOOH. It is low in nickel

content, has poor crystallinity and is usually fine grained.

2) Saprolite Zone: This zone is characteristically high in Mg and SiO,. The Ni content in

this zone ranges between 1.6 and 3.0 wt% and Co is less than 0.1%. It is located at the

lowest depth of the lateritic ore body and is very heterogeneous in chemical and

mineralogical composition. The basic mineral encountered in the saprolite zone is

serpentine and is found in a variety of forms such as Mg3(Si,O;)(OH),,

Mgo(SigO10)(OH)4 and Mgs.79Feo.2Nio.01(Si3.gA19.20505)(OH)4 [8].

3) Transition Zone: This zone lies between the two aforementioned zones and is

characterized by the highest degree of variability. It contains intermediate values for Ni,

Co, Fe, Mg and SiO2. The basic mineral encountered in the transition zone is nontronite.

Nontronite is an iron-rich smectite found in some nickel laterite ores and reported

analyses indicate compositional differences such as

Nao,.3Cao 1Mgo.4(Fe3 sNio. 3Mgo2)(Si7.3Alo6)O20(OH)4 or Nay oFes.o(Sis.gAlo
iF e1.1)O20(OH)4


Figure 2 below depicts an idealized deposit of nickeliferous laterite and the approximate depths

of each zone.

Humid Equatorial Climate Dryer Equatorial Climate

Depth (m) Formation Formation

o— lron Cap Iron Cap

Iron Shot Iron Shot

10 — . .
Limonite Limonite
Overburden Overburden

20 —
Limonite Ore
Limonite Ore
Nontronite Ore
30 — Transition Ore
5 h Saprolite with
aprolite wit Boulders
40 —
Peridotite Peridotite

Figure 2. An idealized deposit of a typical tropical laterite (Cuba, New Caledonia, Indonesia) to
the left and a typical arid laterite (Australia) to the right [1].

2.2. Processing of Nickeliferous Laterites by Pressure Acid Leaching

2.2.1. General

The sulphuric acid pressure leaching process is used for the production of nickel and

cobalt from low grade laterites (imonite and limonite/saprolite blends). The low magnesium and
high moisture content of these laterites dictate the selection of this process as the high Mg

content in Mg-rich laterites tend to consume more acid [2, 8].

The concept of pressure acid leaching of laterites is quite simple and is based on releasing

the nickel and cobalt bound within the goethite solid matrix, by leaching the ore with sulphuric

acid. It takes place inside titanium lined, self-contained vessels, called autoclaves at high

temperatures (245°C — 270°C) under equilibrium steam pressure and an air overpressure of

approximately 30 atmospheres to prevent flashing in the lines. During this process, the Ni and

Co are extracted from the ore. Iron present in goethite, also dissolves and then hydrolyzes to

hematite, regenerating acid. Initially soluble aluminum also hydrolyzes to a basic sulphate salt

called alunite [8]. The pressure acid leaching segment of a typical nickel laterite acid leaching

plant that uses horizontal titanium lined autoclaves is shown in Figure 3.



Slurry | Acid Plant
Sulfuric Acid

Towers Autoclave
| Heat
1 Exchanger

Figure 3-A Typical Pressure Acid Leaching Facility for Lateritic Ores [1].
2.2.2. Commercial Nickel Laterite Acid Leaching Processes

There exist a number of commercial nickel laterite leaching processes in operation today

and the most important are described below. Though, the concept is the same, variations in the

process design between the different operations exist in order to accommodate for the difference

in mineralogy encountered in the laterite ore of the region of origin. Moa Bay

The first commercial operation to utilize sulphuric acid pressure leaching to process

nickeliferous laterite ore was Freeport Sulfur’s Moa Bay plant in Cuba. Moa Nickel S.A. is

currently jointly operated by Cubaniquel and Sherritt International Corp. The plant consists of 5

parallel trains, each consisting of four pressure vessels connected in series [1]. Leaching

temperature is about 246°C. Solid-liquid separation by counter-current decantation (CCD)

follows with a partial neutralization step. The dissolved Ni and Co are recovered by precipitating

the respective sulphides using H2S at elevated temperature and pressure. A simplified flowsheet

of the Moa Bay operation is shown in Figure 4. AMAX-COFREMI Process [12]

This process was developed to treat limonite/saprolite blends by separating the ore into a

fine, low Mg fraction and a coarse, high Mg fraction. The fine fraction undergoes direct pressure

acid leaching at 270°C and the coarse fraction, after it is calcined, it is leached under atmospheric

conditions in the recycled pressure acid leach solution with a free acid content of greater than 50

g/L H2SOx,. After this pre-leaching stage, it is subjected to pressure acid leaching. The reason for

the pre-leaching stage is twofold: 1) the neutralization of the high free acid content in the

pressure leach liquor and 2) the lowering of the Mg content of the solids prior to acid leaching.
This process takes advantage of the high Mg content in the feed to form solid MgSO, ° H2O at

temperature to reduce scale formation [12].

The inverse solubility exhibited by Mg (Mg solubility increases with decreasing temperature

down to 180°C) along with the uniform formation and dispersion of crystalline MgSO,H2O

within the scale matrix facilitate the formation of a porous, brittle and water soluble scale, easily

removable during clean-up at room temperature.

Serpenti Tailings
ntine O/F Pond
Reject oe SO, H,0 nae
Mine Ore Ore Leach CCD
Preparation Thickeners Wash

Ore Limonite U/F

OE Gypsur Sturry
Ni-Co Sulfides
y —_—>
Cr-IV, Fe-IIl , Neutralization Product
Reduction © Thickeners '| Thickeners

— ; Waste Liquor
Neutralization Sulphide
28 - »| Precipitation

Limestone 28

Figure 4-Pressure Acid Leaching Process at Moa Bay [1].

Acid Leach Slurry

Fine Ore, Pregnant

Low Mg Liquor Barren

Coarse Ore, ° Neutralized NiS

Figure 5-AMAX-COFREMI Acid Leach Process [12]. Australian Plants

The use of horizontal autoclaves is common to all laterite leaching plants in Australia as

shown in Figure 3. These processes, compared to the older one (Moa Bay) differ in the area of

nickel and cobalt recovery from the leach solution.

In the Murrin Murrin plant, the Ni and Co in the pregnant solution are precipitated as

sulphides with H2S. The sulphide precipitate is later, refined in ammonia chemistry by pressure

oxidative leaching and solvent extraction to recover the Co by electrowinning. Ni is recovered by

hydrogen reduction.

In the Cawse plant, Ni and Co are precipitated as impure hydroxides followed by

dissolution with ammonia/ammonium hydroxide solution. Ni and Co separation is achieved

through solvent extraction. Ni is recovered by electrowinning, while Co is precipitated and sold

as a sulphide.
Direct two-stage solvent extraction was used for the extraction of Ni and Co for the

Bulong process. Ni was recovered by electrowinning. No prior enrichment of the Ni/Co was

made by sulphide or hydroxide precipitation. This plant, however, is no longer in operation.

Table 2 summarizes and compares the ore compositions and process conditions for the processes

mentioned., The Pressure Acid Leaching Pilot Plant at the Falcongbridge Technology Centre (FTC)

Falconbridge Ltd. has investigated the feasibility of an acid pressure leaching plant and

for this reason, conducted experimental campaigns on a pilot plant scale during the period 2000

to 2002. The acid pressure leaching pilot plant was designed and built for the leaching of tropical

laterites and laterite/saprolite blends. The pilot plant is located at the Falconbridge Technology

Centre (FTC) in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada and is a miniature full fledged laterite acid pressure

leaching complex comprised of all basic unit operations (Figure 6).

Basically, from front end to back end, the process consists of an ore mixing tank, a

preheater (steam heat exchanger), the actual 100 L, 6-compartment autoclave, a partial and total

neutralization unit, a counter current decantation (CCD) complex for solid liquid separation, and

a NiS precipitation unit. Laterite leaching campaigns took place at 260°C, yielding Ni and Co

recoveries of 96% and 93% respectively. The heat was generated from the heat of dilution of

H2SO, and auxiliary heating to maintain temperature. In these campaigns, both fresh and mildly

saline (i.e. brackish) water was used. The typical feed and water composition are shown in

Tables 3 and 4 respectively.

Though, the saprolite may seem high in Si and Mg, the total amounts in the feed

(limonite or laterite/saprolite blend) is virtually that of the limonite ore as saprolite was sparingly

used in the autoclave feed throughout the process.

Lateritic pec Water (fresh or saline)



Wash Water ——.




Figure 6-Laterite High Pressure Leaching Pilot Plant at Falconbridge.

Table 2-Comparison of Ore Mineralogy and Process Conditions of Different Nickel Laterite

Leaching Plants [8].

Bulong Cawse Murrin - Moa Bay

Location 30 km East of 50kmNWof 60km E of Cuba
Kalgoorlie, Kalgoorlie, Leonora, W.
W. Australia W. Australia Australia
Output (t/a) Ni 9000 8700 45000 - 20650
Projected Co 650 2000 3000 (combined)
Operating Cost 1.44 0.77 0.78 | 1.40
Projected ($US/b)
Digestion Conditions

Leach T(°C) 250 250 250 246

Leach time (hrs) 1.25 1.75 1.5. 2
acid/ore (kg/tonne) 500 375 400. .- 270
free acid (g/L) 35-40 35-40 35-50 30
Fe in solution (g/L) - 3-5 1-2 -
Ni (%) 96.5 97 95 95
Co (%) 96 96 93 95

Ore Composition .
Ni 1.11 1.0 1,24 1.35
(nontronite) (limonite) (nontronite) (limonite)
Co 0.08 0.07 0.089 0.12
Fe 20.8 18.0 21.7 45 (goethite)
SiO, 42.9 (clays) 42.5 (quartz) 42.1 (clays) 8.3
Al 2.75 (clays) 1.71 (clays) 2.51 (clays) 4.8 (gibbsite)
Mg 4.62 1.58 4.02 0.55
Mn 0.36 0.17 0.40 -
Cr 0.6 0.92 0.88 2.0
Ca 0.03 0.03 0.53 -
Moisture up to 35% up to 10% about 30% >20%

The process water used for all the above campaigns was brackish water resulting from

mixing of laterite feed (limonite) containing 40 wt% moisture with seawater. The composition of

the final water entering the autoclave is shown in Table 4.

The process conditions for each campaign are summarized in Table 5 in the

EXPERIMENTAL section of this document.

Table 3-Composition of Typical Falconbridge Laterite Feed. .

Ore Type Ni Co Fe Al Mg Cr Si
(wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%). (wt%)
Limonite 1.6 0.2 42.7 2.4 1.5 2.0_ 4.6
Saprolite 2.1 0.1 8.9 0.7 15.8 0.5 23.1

Table 4-Composition of Falconbridge’s Brackish Process Water.

Na(g/L) Cl (g/L) K(g/L) Mg(e/L) Ca (g/L)

4.26 7.8 0.16 0.50 0.17

2.3. Laterite Leaching Chemistry

As mentioned earlier, the purpose is to release the Ni and Co from the goethite matrix by

leaching the lateritic ore with sulphuric acid. In this manner, Ni and Co leach out into the

solution together with Fe, Al, Mg and other metals present as sulphates. At high temperatures,

iron and aluminum tend to hydrolyze and precipitate as hematite and alunite respectively,

regenerating acid [8].

The behaviour of sulphuric acid at elevated temperatures is also worth mentioning since

it is one of the major operating cost contributors of a laterite leaching plant [8].
2.3.1. Sulphuric Acid Chemistry

At elevated temperatures above 150°C, H2SO4 behaves as a monoprotic acid since the

second dissociation constant decreases with increasing temperature for the reaction given below


HSO, > H* + SOg (1)

This behaviour of H2SO, implies that an excess amount of acid is required to maintain

excess H’ activity. As the reaction progresses, the leach solution becomes more concentrated in

metal sulphates, the requirement is expected to increase as the added sulphates act as a proton

sink, further decreasing the activity of H™ [1].

The “titratable” free acid concentration ([H2SO«]fee) is the stoichiometric difference

between the total sulphate in solution ([SOxJ tora!) and the sulphate bound to the dissolved metal

salts ([SO4] bouna) assuming simple electrolyte stoichiometry [1].

[H2SOs]free = [SOaT tota - [SOaT bound (2)

2.3.2. Dissolution Reactions

The Ni and Co from their oxide form, together with Fe, Mg and Al contained inside their

respective minerals, goethite (a-FeOOH), serpentine (Mg3Si205(OH)4) and bohemite (AIOOH),

(gibbsite (Al(OH)3) is transformed into bohemite at around 135-155°C) are brought into solution

to form sulphates.

NiO (s) t H,SO4 (aq) ~~ NiSO, (aq) + H,0 (3)

CoO (s) + H,SO, (aq) CoSO, (aq) + H,0 (4)

Mg3Si20s(OH)4 (¢) + 3H2SO4 (ag) > 3MBSO%4 (aq) + 2Si(OH)¢ (aq) + H2O (5)
3Al(OH); ) > 3AIOOH y+ 3H,0 (6)
2AIOOH (g + 3HSO4 (aq) > Ala(SO4)3 (aq) + 4H20 (7)
2FeOOH g + 3H,SO4 —> Fe2(SO4)s (aq) + 4H20 (8)

2.3.3. Precipitation Reactions

Fe and Al ions in solution once dissolved, hydrolyze and precipitate as hematite and

alunite respectively. Depending on the process water used (fresh vs. brackish/saline), different —

forms of alunite form.

Fe,(SO,4)3 (aq) + 3H,0 > Fe,03 (sy + 3HSO, (9)

In fresh water:
3Al(SO,4)3 (aq) + 14H,0 -> 2(H3;0)A1;(SO4)2(OH)¢ (s) 5H,SO, (10)

hydronium alunite

In saline or brackish water:

3(Al,(SO,)3, Fe2(SOx)3) (aq) + 12H,0 + 2NaCl > 2Na(Al, Fe)3(SO4)2(OH)¢ (s) t+ 2HCl + 5H,SO4 ad 1)


When fresh water is used, aluminum hydrolyzes to hydronium alunite. When saline or

brackish water is used, aluminum hydrolyzes to natroalunite. In natroalunite, one can observe a

degree of stoichiometric substitution of Al with Fe, and H30 with Na [28]. From the hydrolysis

of Fe and Al according to reactions (9), (10) and (11), acid is regenerated.

Ni and Mg may also precipitate at low acidity and/or temperatures above 200°C inside

the autoclave reactor. This precipitation does not affect metal recoveries as Ni and Mg sulphates

are soluble at room temperature [2, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15].

NiSO, (aq) * H,0 > NiSO, ‘HO (s) (12)

MgSOj aq) + HO > MgSO, ° HO «) (13)

Reactions (12) and (13) do not impact on the stoichiometric free acid concentration as

seen from equation (2) inspite of beliefs to the contrary [8, 16].

2.4. Scale Formation

An undesirable side effect of the laterite leaching process is the formation of scale.

Generally, the term “scale” is used to describe a dense crystalline deposit bonded to a metal

surface [17]. In other words, it is an adherent deposit of inorganic compounds precipitated from

an aqueous solution onto equipment surfaces [18].

Scale formed, during the laterite leaching process, deposits on the autoclave walls, on the

surfaces of all autoclave internal parts such as the shafts and impellers and the walls of all piping

systems connected to the autoclave. This scale builds up in time and forces the plant to a

shutdown for clean-up. Clean-up takes up to five days per month at the Moa Bay laterite

leaching plant in Cuba [19]. Currently, scale clean-up is accomplished mechanically by

pressurized hot water to wash away all the loose scale. Any residual scale left clinging to the

walls is manually chiselled away with jack hammers.

Depending on the process operating conditions, such as the elemental composition of the

process water, ore feed mineralogy, ore feed rate, acidity, agitation, etc., different types of scales

form varying in elemental and mineralogical composition as well as in growth rate. In the laterite

leach process, the scales formed are basically composed of hematite, alunite and other minor

minerals. It is imperative to characterize the scale in order to determine the mechanisms of its

formation, which might shed some light to its reduction or elimination altogether. A lot of work

has been done in the field of scale characterization and the most important literature findings will

be presented below.

2.4.1. Mechanisms of Scale Formation

The driving force for scale precipitation is the “supersaturation” [1, 5, 8]. The

supersaturation is defined as the excess dissolved metal concentration above the solubility limit

(C.). For a specific solid compound, its crystal growth rate is expressed as a linear or higher

order dependance on the supersaturation ratio S, which is equal to (C/C, ~ 1) [1], where C is the

concentration of the metal in solution and C, is its equilibrium concentration or solubility limit.

During leaching, S depends on three factors: 1) rate of dissolution, 2) rate of precipitation and 3)

solubility, therefore, it strongly depends on acidity. This dependency of S can be seen on Figure

7 where the scale was produced from three consecutive batch leaching experiments with a

limonitic laterite [1]. From Figure 7, one can stipulate that at low acidities, the concentrations of

Fe and Al are controlled by the rate of mineral dissolution (slowest step) rather than the rate of

hematite or alunite precipitation. In this region, an increase in acidity results in an increase in the

concentrations of Fe and Al in solution. This in turn results in an increase in S, therefore, an

increase in scale growth rate [1]. However, further increasing the acidity, the acid releasing

precipitation reactions become rate-limiting and the parallel increase of the Fe and Al
solubilities, resulting in lowering S and, thus, the scale deposition rate. From all the above, scale

growth is either controlled by kinetics (at low acidities) or by solubility ( at high acidity) [1, 5].

Scale Solubility
Growth g/L

@ Scale: 250°C
@ Scale: 270°C
4 Fe : 250°C
vy Fe :270°C
® Al : 250°C
* Al :270°C
2 |
015 020 025. 0.30 0.35 040 °
Final Acidity, M

Figure 7-Scale Formation During Three Consecutive Limonite Batch Leaching Experiments at
250°C and 270°C (22% solids) [1]

2.4.2. Iron Chemistry

Depending on the acidity and the process temperature, dissolved iron can either produce

Fe(OH)SO, as an end solid product if the acidity is high, or Fe2O3 if the acidity is low [25]. If

salts are present such as NaCl (high salinity), then jarosite (NaFe3(SO4)2(OH)¢) forms. Jarosite is

crystallographically similar to alunite and has the ideal formula AFe3(SO4)2(OH)., where A, just

like in alunite can be any of K*, Na*, H30* [24].

Fe,(SO4)3 (aq) + 2H.0 > 2Fe(OH)SO, + H,SO, (14)

2Fe(OH)SO, + H2O — Fe,0; + 2H2SO, (15)

3Fe2(SO4)s (aq) + 12H2O + 2NaCl > 2NaFe3(SO,4)2(OH) + 2HCI + 5H2SO, (16)

The formation of jarosite depends on the salinity of the process water. It was observed

that scales formed during the leaching of a Western Australian ore in hypersaline process water,

contained mainly Na-alunite/jarosite, whereas scales formed during leaching of tropical laterites

in low salinity process water formed mainly hydronium alunite and hematite. Formation of

jarosite results in a greater loss of acid from the liquor than formation of hematite, as jarosite

incorporates the sulphate ion into its crystal structure as equation (14) suggests [8]. For this

reason, formation of hematite is always desirable.

Results from Papangelakis et al [26], [27], indicate that hematite precipitates fast,

probably through a homogeneous nucleation mechanism due to the very high supersaturation [8].

Hematite particles do not grow very much during leaching, averaging in size from 0.1 to 0.3 um

[27]. The effect of the acidity at temperature on hematite morphology has been thoroughly

investigated [26] ranging from thin platelets at low acidity to spheres at high acidity.

2.4.3. Aluminum Chemistry

Al in the ore, dissolves and then precipitates as alunite which is isomorphic to jarosite.

Depending on the salinity of the water (ref. reactions (10) and (11)), either hydronium alunite or

natro-alunite is formed. The chemical formulas are (H30)AI3(SO4).(OH)s and Na(Al,

Fe)3(SO4)2(OH)¢ respectively. These reactions regenerate acid.

Natro-alunite is also formed when brackish/saline water is used and is basically

hydronium alunite in which the hydronium ion (H;O) has been substituted with either Na, K, or

both, and Al partly by Fe. The different combinations of possible substitutions that can occur in

the hydronium alunite crystal lattice has been thoroughly investigated [24, 28]. Figure 8, depicts

all possible substitutions.

OH H30

OH H30

K*, Na*


Figure 8-Schematic of an Alunite Molecule indicating possible Locations for Substitution by

other Ions. [28].
Sobol [20] reports that 30% of the OH’ can be substituted by SiO,” and up to 26% of the

Al** by Fe*. Basically, the presence of added salts (originating from brackish/sea water) can

significantly reduce the final concentration of Al in the process liquor, because natro-alunite has

a lower solubility than hydronium alunite [1, 8].

Work done by Papangelakis et al. [27], [29] revealed that alunite particles are larger than

hematite particles. This is the result of slower precipitation of aluminum as compared to iron at

230°C or 250°C [29].

Observations of cross section of scales reveals [1] that during continuous leaching of

limonite, an iron-rich layer deposits on the surface of the autoclave with subsequent deposition

of alunite. Hematite fills the voids between alunite crystals. It has been suggested that this

“zoning” effect is due to the fact that Fe and Al crystallize into the alunite lattice in turn as the

supersaturation of Fe and Al in solution builds up in cycles [8]. However, zoning evident in a

cross section of a scale sample as shown in Figure 9, should be directly linked to the temperature

fluctuation during operation of the pilot plant.

Figure 9-SEM picture of I9-SD2 scale sample revealing the zoning effect [23].
Another interesting observation is that hematite and alunite form intergrown crystals

when processing ore of low magnesium contents. However, MgSO,'H2O and highly dispersed

particles of hematite in scale form when processing magnesium-rich ores [12]. This has led to

proposing that high Mg content in the ore is beneficial to scale removal, as the highly soluble at

room temperature MgSO,H20 leaves behind the scale facilitating its removal by hot

water spraying.

2.5. Scale Removal

The common practice of scale removal is by hot water blasting. This method is time

consuming and it can scratch the TiO2 protective film that passivates the autoclave walls with

grave corrosion consequences [1]. Also, insufficient cleaning may leave behind residual scale

that acts as seed for further growth [8]. A lot of effort has been directed toward reducing scale

formation. A number of alternatives have been proposed and implemented, some of which are

listed below [5].

1) Processing of lateritic ores with high magnesium content (3-30 wt%) in order to

inhibit scale. The formation of magnesium sulfate-rich scale, which is water soluble,

helps autoclave clean-up upon cooling [12].

2) Scale can be minimized by periodically reversing electric current between an

autoclave and an electrode placed inside the autoclave [30].

3) Another suggested method to minimize scale formation is to perform acid addition in

stages, to reduce the acid strength in the first compartment of a multi-stage

continuous autoclave. This method, though, is at the expense of residence time [31].
4) Lowering the autoclave temperature to about 200°C and dissolving the scale deposits

with 20-100 g/L H2SO, right after the leaching operation is another proposed method


5) Krause [4], has invented a method by which the first autoclave compartment is

periodically interchanged with another while the former is being washed with acid to

dissolve scale.

6) Another method proposed by Krause [1], similar to Lussiez and Jha [32], is flushing

the autoclave with 50 g/L H2SO, at 200°C, using Fe(II) or Cr(VI) as corrosion


A lot of work has been done at the University of Toronto concerning scale abatement.

Initiated by Kambossos [33] and continued by Perdikis [5], the effect of anionic surfactants on

scale inhibition was examined. The idea behind the use of anionic surfactants is the fact that the

reactor surface is positively charged in acidic environments, hence, anionic surfactants will

occupy all positive sites and also attach themselves onto any positively charged species like Fe*?

and Al’? in solution. This will eventually slow down or even prevent any precipitation onto the

reactor surface [33].

Work done by Perdikis [5] and Krause [1], proved that anionic surfactants (Dowfax 2A0

and Aerosol OS) at an acidity of 0.22M, 22% solids and at 270°C, are only somewhat successful

as only a 37% scale reduction was achieved at a high surfactant concentration of 0.4 g/L. From

this work it was concluded that the effect of surfactant may not be so effective in plant

conditions with a lot of competing adsorption area, due to the high percent solids. Surfactants

were reported to be even less effective at higher acidity and ineffective at lower [8].
Leung [6] of the University of Toronto was the first to test scale dissolution with H2SO,

at low temperatures and atmospheric pressure, of an industrial scale sample. Leung studied the

dissolution kinetics of scale obtained from the continuous laterite leaching mini-plant at

Falconbridge. The scale sample was nearly 50% in alunite and 50% in hematiteby mass and was

leached at 70°C and 90°C at two H2SO, concentrations for each temperature, namely 25 and 50

g/L. Results showed that the dissolution of Al is faster than that of Fe under all conditions. Also,

as expected, the fastest dissolution of both Al and Fe was obtained at the highest temperature and

H2SO, concentration. At these conditions it seems that two days are required for complete Al,

dissolution. Apparently, this method is too slow for practical industrial application and more

effective conditions need to be investigated.

The scale dissolution project initiated by G. Leung [6], is continued and is part of the

scope of the current research project. Bsically, Leung’s work is taken a step further, applying

more rigorous conditions to scale dissolution. The dissolution kinetics of Al and Fe were

investigated at 150°C and 200°C, at two different acid concentrations for each temperature, at

0.25 and 0.5 m. The effect of H2SO4 and HCl are investigated on two different scale samples.

The experimental conditions are given later in the Experimental section of this document.

3.1. Nature and Scope of Experiments

3.1.1. Laterite Leaching

- Continuous laterite leaching campaigns were performed at the Falconbridge Technology

Centre, in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. The process flow diagram of the Falconbridge laterite

leachin g mini-plant was depicted in Figure 6.

Laterite ore, or a laterite-saprolite blend in slurry form, averaging 30% solids, was pre-

heated at 250°C and continuously fed into the 6 compartment, 100 L autoclave. The slurry is

composed of the ore, having a moisture content of approximately 45% mixed with fresh or

brackish water depending on the campaign. Mixing of the slurry is accomplished inside a stirred

tank connected to the autoclave. Once the slurry is well-mixed it is fed into the autoclave and

leached with H,SO, at an operating temperature of 260°C. Depending on the campaign, H2SO,

was added either to the first or second compartment of the autoclave or equally split into the first

and second compartments in order to minimize scaling [21]. In most campaigns, H,SO,4 was

injected into the second compartment while the first was used for extra residence time. However,

due to sampling constraints, acid measurements were always made in the second compartment.

The temperature was maintained at 260°C through the heat of dilution of H2SO, and auxiliary,

indirect heating. Operating time was 10 days.

The operating parameters, such as the ore feed type, throughput and elemental and

mineralogical composition, the acid throughput, the acid to ore ratio, the percent solids of the ore

feed, the operating temperature, the salinity of water, the total run, leaching and residence times

and the agitation were recorded. During and at the end of each campaign, the leach liquor and the

solid residue were analyzed and a mass balance of the entire leaching process was performed.

These data, referred to as “PI data”, were sent to the University of Toronto to investigate the

effect of all these parameters on scale formation, characterisation and scale growth rate.

To monitor the scale growth rate as well its elemental and mineralogical composition, a

method developed previously at the University of Toronto was employed [21]. This method

involved removable strips of titanium, referred to as “scaling devices” (SD), measuring 18 cm

long by 3 om wide by 3 mm thick, which were placed in the weir of either the first or second or

both compartments of the autoclave as shown in Figure 10 below:


a et





Figure 10-Schematic Diagram of a Continuous Autoclave Compartment Showing Internals and

the Scaling Device.

At the end of each campaign, these scaling devices with any scale deposited on them,

were collected together with samples of scale deposited on other internal autoclave parts such as
the shafts, the impellers and thermowells, as shown in Figure 10, and sent to the University of

Toronto for further analysis.

Tables 5 and 6 below show the campaign process conditions and the elemental feed

composition of the ore for each campaign respectively. The most important process conditions

are the Laterite Ore Slurry Throughput (L-Ore Slurry), the Saprolite Ore Slurry Throughput (S-

Ore Slurry), the Sulphuric Acid Throughput (Acid), the Acid-to-Ore mass Ratio (A/O Ratio), the

Free Acid Analysis (Free Acid), the Leach Time, the Residence Time and the Compartment of

Acid Addition. Because of fluctuations in the operation, the Leach Time is defined as the actual

time that the temperature, L-Ore and Acid throughput are above 80% of their nominal values.

Table 5-Campaign Process Conditions.

Campaign L-Ore S-Ore Acid Acid/Ore Free Leach Residence Compartment

Slurry . Slurry (kg/h) Ratio Acid Time(h) Time of Acid
(kg/h)* (kg/h)* (g/L)** (min.) Addition
L20 57.0 0.0 4.7 N/A 26.7 53.30 N/A 1
L21 70.0 0.0 6.0 0.31 31.2 62.80 50.0 2
Il 70.0 12.0 6.0 0.28 26.6 199.50 60.0 2
13 115.0 7.5 11.2 0.27 25.4 183.20 45.3 1
14 115.0 0.0 10.0 0.29 33.1 161.50 45.8 1
15 92.5 10.0 13.5 0.30 23.4 194.20 39.6 2
16 85.0 0.0 10.0 0.36 35.9 197.70 44.5 2
18 87.5 0.0 12.0 0.39 34.6 45.70 43.6 2
19 89.0 244 12.1 0.28 46.8 64.50 42.5 2

I10 92.2 0.0 11.6 0.34 53 192.75 41.4 2

I10B 150.7 0.0 15.0 N/A N/A 71.25 N/A 1
I11 150.0 0.0 17.0 0.37 58.9 182.5 35 1
112 150.0 0.0 17.1 0.36 52.1 556,25 N/A 2
*At 30% solids. **In compartment 2, Before Flashing.
Table 6-Elemental Feed Composition in wt% of Falconbridge Campaign Series. Data provided
by Falconbridge.
Campaign Ni Co Fe Mn Al Mg Cr Si
wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt%
L20* 1.35 0.20 46.10 1.16 2.78 0.57 2.62 1.70
L21* 1.35 0.17 46.20 1.07 2.41 0.49 1.81 1.96
I1* 1.34 0.18 45.70 1.15 2.82 0.59 2.79 1.75
13 1.59° 0.20 43.05 1.03 2.37 1.46 1.97 4.00
14 1.56 0.21 48.27 1.12 2.88 0.55 2.20 3.49
15 1.61 0.21 43.73 0.92 2.66 1.27 2.02 4.27
16 LAT 0.15 42.00 0.77 2.40 1.35 1.85 4.17
18 1.59 0.18 36.60 0.79 2.09 2.61 1.99 6.80
19 1.55 0.18 35.80 0.81 2.12 2.63 2.11 6.72
110 1.54 0.18 35.90 0.81 2.15 2.71 2.12 7.17
I11 1.54 0.18 35.7 0.80 2.07 3.79 2.20 6.70
112 1.57 0.16 36.04 0.63 2.19 4.59 1.77 9.08

* Fresh water Campaigns.

3.1.2. Scale Dissolution

All scale dissolution experiments were performed in a batch, Parr 2L benchtop autoclave

reactor at the University of Toronto. The experimental conditions are shown in Table 7 below:

Table 7-Experimental Conditions for Scale Dissolution

Temperature °C 150 200

HCI/H2SO, Concentration, m 0.25, 0.50 0.25, 0.50

Time, h 6 6

Agitation, rpm 400 400

The dissolution of the scale was obtained by monitoring the percent dissolution of Fe

and Al and, therefore, of the hematite and alunite respectively.

3.2. Experimental Procedures

3.2.1. Scale Characterization

The scale samples received from Falconbridge, were washed with deionized water to rid

them of any residual acid and dried at 60°C in a Cenco-De Khotinsky oven for 24 hours. At the

end of the drying period, a representative 5-gram sample of each scale was obtained and ground

to a fine powder with a mortar and pestle and sent for wet chemical analysis as described in the

next subsection.

The samples were also analyzed by SEM scanning and EDX mapping. SEM scanning,

provided a visual interpretation of the crystallography of the scale. A S-4500 Scanning Electron

Microscope (SEM), operating at 20 kV and at a working distance of 15 mm, located on the

premises of the Materials Science and Engineering Department of the University of Toronto, was

utilised for this purpose. EDX mapping in conjunction with SEM scanning, yielded the elemental

and consequently, the mineralogical distribution along the cross section of the scale.

3.2.2. Scale Dissolution

All scale dissolution experiments were carried out in a batch, 2L Parr Titanium autoclave,

equipped with an acid injection unit and a sampling port as shown in Figure 11. The scales used

in these experiments were those of campaigns I3 and 16, obtained from the scaling devices

located in the second autoclave compartment designated as I3-SD1 and I6-SD2 respectively. The
autoclave itself was comprised of two major parts: 1) the shell and 2) the head. The shell was a

0.5 cm thick hollow cylinder in which a solution can be placed. The head acted as the lid of the



Autoclave .
Assembly Magnetic
Head Drive

1 ' at '

Autoclave A rote ty
1 sot pe t
Sample i rorort tas
aot ty
yp tog

Sample Port/ Y
Heat Exchanger Yy A Clamp

Impeller e Q paces Utoclave Shell

‘Lh Hl
ermowe Acid Injection
Scale Sample Tube
Cooling Coil

45 um
Graphite impencr
Filter awe

Figure 11-Parr 2L benchtop autoclave with sampling and acid injection units.
shell and had all the autoclave internal parts attached to it. These were the impeller magentic

drive, the pressure release valve, the impeller shaft, the impeller itself, the thermowell into which

a thermocouple was inserted to monitor the temperature of the autoclave, the tantalum acid

injection tube and the cooling coil. Tantalum was chosen for the acid injection tube because of

its high corrosion resistance to concentrated acid at high temperatures. The temperature of the

autoclave was kept constant by use of an on-off solenoid valve controlled by a Parr 4842

controller supplied together with the autoclave.

The acid injection unit was a custom made device made of two stainless steel sample

bombs, 150 mL each and internally lined with a thin film of teflon to protect against corrosion.

The two sample bombs were assembled together with Nupro on-off stainless steel valves and

Swagelock fittings. The acid injection unit, was used to inject acid inside the autoclave at high

pressure. More details on the acid injection unit can be found by Georgiou and Papangelakis


The sampling port was a long shell and tube heat exchanger with a 45 um pore size

graphite filter attached to the solution end and a 316 stainless steel needle valve at the other end.

This device enabled the extraction of liquid samples from within the autoclave, cooling them to

room temperature on the way out. The high pressure inside the autoclave was used to “push”

sample fluid out. The graphite filter screened out any solid material breaking off from the scale


Four to six grams of dry scale were obtained and fastened onto the internals of the

autoclave with the aid of titanium wire as shown in Figure 11. A heat-resistant pyrex glass liner

was filled with deionized water and 10 mL of HO. The purpose of H2O2 was to improve
corrosion resistance of the Ti parts as HCl proved to be highly corrosive on Ti grade 2. The

purpose of a glass liner was to prevent corrosion of the shell. The glass liner was placed inside

the shell, which in turn, was covered and clamped together with the head of the autoclave, hence,

all internal parts together with the scale sample were immersed inside the glass liner containing

the DI H20.

The shell-and-head assembly was then placed inside a heating mantle and heated to the

chosen temperature, while agitated at 400 rpm. Once at temperature, the acid was injected using

the acid injection unit described above, using high-pressure nitrogen as a propellant. The total

amount of deionized water, H2Oz and acid was calculated as to end up with a final solution of

either 0.25 m or 0.50 m acid and 0.3 wt% H2O>. The scale-solution mixture had an acid-to-scale

weight ratio between 3 and 7 depending on the concentration of the acid and a percent solids of

0.3 wt%. The acid-to-scale ratio was calculated by dividing the weight of pure acid with the

weight of scale and the percent solids was calculated by dividing the weight of the scale with the

total weight of the solution (ref. Appendix B, section B3). All acid concentrations were

calculateded in molality units rather than molarity, as molality is not dependent on temperature.

Once the autoclave reached the desired temperature, liquid samples were retrieved at

predetermined time intervals for the duration of the run. Before each sample was obtained, the

sampling unit was first flushed to expel the stagnant fluid trapped inside due to the pressure

build-up in the autoclave, and was not considered to be part of the reacting system. The volume

of stagnant fluid expelled was measured by filling the sampling unit with water at room

temperature and measuring that volume in a volumetric cylinder and applying a safety factor.
The volume the sampling unit could hold was measured at 8 mL. By applying a 25% safety

factor, the amount of stagnant fluid to be flushed was determined to be 10 mL. Furthermore, the

very first flush sample was not taken into consideration in the calculations of scale dissolved. At

the end of each run when all samples were collected, they were analyzed for Fe and Al in order

to monitor the dissolution kinetics of the scale. Since the scale is predominantly alunite and

hematite, a realistic scale dissolution kinetics profile could be obtained by calculating the

cumulative Fe and Al percent dissolution. A sample calculation is provided in Appendix B,

section B4.

3.3. Analytical Methods

3.3.1. Scale Characterization-Chemical Analysis

The scales produced during each campaign run at Falconbridge , were sent to the

University of Toronto for wet chemical and mineralogical analysis. Representative scale samples

were obtained, washed with DI H20, dried, ground to a fine powder and sent to CHEMEX

LABORATORIES in Vancouver, Canada for wet chemical analysis. From this analysis, the

chemical and mineralogical composition of the scales could be determined by assuming that all

Na, K, Al and S in the scale is associated with the alunite [21]. Actual XRD analysis proved that

this aluminum mineral is in fact alunite [21]. Therefore, the number of moles of Na, K and Al

per 2 moles of S was calculated based on this fact. Furthermore, for a total of 3 moles of Al and

Fe for every two moles of S, the fraction of Fe in the alunite was determined, the balance being

the Fe in hematite. Refer to Appendix B, section B1 for a sample calculation.

3.3.2. Scale Characterization-Mineralogical Analysis .

The above wet analysis, though, useful in obtaining the elemental and mineralogical

composition of the scale, cannot provide information on the crystallography as well as elemental

and mineralogical distribution within the scale samples for complete characterization. To

accomplish this, SEM in conjunction with EDX mapping were employed. Samples of scale were.

mounted in epoxy resin, oriented, so that the cross section of the scale can be examined with the :

SEM and later with EDX mapping (Appendix A, section A2). Since scale starts depositing on the

titanium surfaces through heterogeneous nucleation followed by secondary nucleation [5],

growing outward from the titanium surface towards the leach solution, it is very important

examine the cross section of the scale (titanium side to solution side).

A sample of an SEM photomicrograph and EDX mapping is shown on Figures 12 and 13


Figure 12-SEM photomicrograph of cross section of scale I1-Shaft1. Bright areas are hematite
and dark areas are alunite [21].

Figure 13-EDX mapping of cross section of scale I1-Shaft1. The elemental distribution within
the scale can be seen [21].
3.3.3. Scale Characterization-Analysis of Surface Area

The surface area of the scale samples was measured using a surface analyzer SA 3100

which employs the BET method (Appendix A, section A3).

3.3.4. Scale Dissolution-Chemical Analysis

Analysis of the liquid samples for Fe and Al obtained during the scale dissolution

experiments was accomplished using the Perkin Elmer, AAnalyst 100, Atomic Absorption

Spectrophotometer. The free acidity in g/L was also measured in order to confirm that the acid

concentration throughout the duration of the experiment remained relatively constant. The

terminal concentrations of Fe and Al as well as the terminal free acidity at room temperature

were also measured. At the end of the run, the scale sample was removed, dried for 24 h at 60°C

and weighed.

4.1. The Pressure Acid Leaching Pilot plant at the Falconbridge Technology Centre (FTC)

- As mentioned earlier in section of the Literature Review section, Falconbridge

Ltd. (now Falconbridge-Noranda) was investigating the feasibility of building an acid pressure

leaching plant and was conducting experimental work on a pilot plant scale in 2001-2002.

The pilot plant (Figure 6) treated both limonitic ore or lateritic/saprolitic ore blend mixed with

sea water. The most important process variables monitored throughout a typical campaign were

the laterite ore slurry throughput (L-Ore Slurry, kg/h), the saprolite ore slurry throughput (S-Ore

Slurry, kg/h), the sulphuric acid throughput (Acid), the acid-to-ore ratio (A/O Ratio), the free

acid concentration (g/L), the leach time (min.), which is defined as the actual time during which

the temperature, L-Ore and Acid throughput are all above 80% of their nominal values, the

residence time and the compartment of acid addition. The process conditions for each campaign

run were given in Table 5.

4.2. Scale Characterization

Scale samples produced from the FTC mini-plant were sent to the University of Toronto

for scale characterization, focusing on the chemical and mineralogical composition of the scale

as well as the morphology of the different mineral phases within the scale matrix.

4.2.1. Leach Liquor Composition

Leach liquor composition is a defining factor in the elemental and mineralogical

composition of the scale, as well as in the scale growth rate. The metal concentrations in the

leach liquor define the degree of supersaturation, which in turn affects the scale growth rate. The

differences in metal concentrations in the leach liquor, such as Mg, may affect other physical

properties of the scale such as the porosity and therefore, the scale dissolution kinetics [12]. The

leach liquor metal composition is given in Table 8.

The mineralogical composition of the scale in the compartment of acid addition was

determined both in weight and molar percent. This allowed the determination of the alunite-to-

hematite molar ratio-according to procedures described in the experimental section-within the

scale matrix and provided, therefore, a better view of the distribution of these two minerals. The

results are shown on Table 9.

As one can observe from Table 9, alunite comprises more than 2/3 of the weight of the

scale and hematite constitutes essentially the balance with the exception of campaign I4 where

alunite and hematite are in a 1:1 ratio by weight. On a molar basis, however, both compounds

seem to deposit in an equimolar ratio (again, the exception being I4).

The stoichiometry of alunite for each of the scale samples was also determined. Through

EDX mapping, it was revealed that essentially all the Na, K, Al and S in scale is associated with

alunite. It was assumed that the alunite in the scale has the following general formula:

Nax1Kx2(H30)(1-x1-x2) Aly Fes-y) (SO4)2000H)6 = [21]

Table 8-Leach Liquor Composition. Compartment No. 2. Data provided by Falconbridge.
Campaign Ni Co Fe Mn Al Mg Cr Si Acidity

gL gl gl gl gl gl gl gil g/L
L20* 4.23, 0.56 135 196 4.56 0.63 1.25 0.79 26.70
L21* 3.70 045 182 182 413 082 1.17 0.79 31.2
I1* 4.52 058 1.78 199 4.08 1.20 1.22 0.75 26.59
13 6.52 0.77 164 281 032 438 1.68 0.66 25.57
14 5.78 0.75 3.90 3.14 1.93 0.82 183 0.94 33.06
15 5.47 062 342 2.00 1.11 3.93 087 0.83 23.41
16 5.44 052 403 2.22 1.67 3.25 0.70 0.77 35.89
18 6.39 0.64 059 2.21 0.18 13.10 032 0.60 25.48
19 6.84 0.73 4.07 250 085 N/A 0.52 0.45 46.75
110 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Ill 7.34 0.76 2.70 2.77 0.59 13.00 048 0.53 58.90
112 6.99 0.71 5.06 2.60 0.78 14.20 0.37 0.39 52.09

*Fresh Water Campaigns.

Therefore, the number of moles of Na, K and Al per 2 moles of S was calculated based

on this observation (see Appendix B). Furthermore, for a total of 3 moles of Al and Fe for every

two moles of S, the fraction of Fe in the alunite was also determined as explained previously

[21]. Using the general formula above, the chemical formulas for the alunite in all the scales was

determined. These calculations revealed the alunite stoichiometries and are summarized in Table


As seen in Table 10 and consistent with previous findings [1, 8, 31, 24], the alunite scale

formed in all Falconbridge campaigns had iron substitution at an average molar ratio of Al:Fe =

2:1. Furthermore, the H30* in the hydronium alunite structure is substituted predominantly with

Na and to a lesser extent with K, with an average molar ratio of (Nat+K):H30 = 9:1. From Table
10, it is also evident that the chemical formula of the alunite obtained from the fresh water

campaigns is virtually hydronium alunite with only minor traces of Na and K.

Table 9-Mineralogical Composition of Scale in the Compartment of Acid Injection wt%.

Molar% Composition given in parentheses. L20 — 16 from [21].
Campaign Hematite, Alunite CaO MnO MgO Si0, Cr.O03
wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt%
L20* 28.41 66.57 0.76 0.75 0.64 1.63 1.24
(43.06) (38.28) (2.39) (2.39) (4.78) = (7.18) (1.91)
L21* 8.48 86.30 0.89 0.88 0.73 1.64 1.07
(14.41) (60.52) (5.76) (2.88) (5.76) = (8.64) (2.02)
I1* 12.48 84.76 0.17 0.15 0.03 1.07 0.44
(25.10) (65.89) (0.94) (0.63) (0.22) (6.27) (0.94)
3 21.84 73.28 1.01 1.06 1.00 1.03 1.00
(35.9) (43.6) (5.1) (2.6) (5.1) (5.1) (2.6)
14 41.71 49.51 1.83 1.87 1.77 0.87 1.80
(49.0) (22.6) (5.7) (5.7) (7.5) (7.5) (1.9)
15 26.48 65.71 0.86 0.97 0.89 1.29 1.87
(42.5) (35.0) (2.5) (2.5) (5.0) (5.0) (7.5)
16 19.63 69.50 1.66 1.62 1.61 2.18 2.18
(38.1) (28.6) (7.1) (4.8) (9.5) (9.5) (2.4)
18 24.25 65.59 1.80 1.29 1.35 2.25 2.08
(34.9) (34.9) (7.0) (4.6) (7.0) (9.3) (2.3)
19 21.80 80.11 0.50 0.13 0.08 3.11 0.78
(36.0) (46.3) (2.6) (0.5) (0.5) (12.8) (1.3)
110 21.43 66.68 1.71 1.68 1.78 3.87 2.83
(28.89) (33.33) (6.67) (4.44) (8.88) (13.33) (4.44)
I10B 18.56 69.72 1.74 1.71 1.78 3.45 3.02
(26.67) (35.55) (6.67) (4.44) (8.88) (13.33) (4.44)
I11 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(0.00) (100) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00)
112 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
*Fresh Water Campaigns.

The alunite of campaings 16, 110 and I10B contain no H30, which is entirely substituted

by Na and K and have very similar chemical formulae. From Tables 5, 8 and 9, it seems that

hydronium substitution is most possibly related to the salinity of the process water.

Table 10-Chemical Formulae of Alunite in the Compartment of Acid Injection.

Campaign Molecular Formula Molecular Weight

L20* = Nao.057Ko.071(H30)o.872Al2.570F€0,430(SO4)2(OH)6 408.20

L21* = Nao.057Ko.071(H30)o0.872A12.570F€0,430(SOx)2(OH)6 408.20
T1* = Nao.057Ko.071(H30)o.872Al2.570F€0,430(SO4)2(OH) 408.20
13 Nao,.813Ko,045(H30)o.142Ah1 705Fe1.295(SO4)2(OH)6 435.65
14 Nap 910Ko,041(H30)o,049
Ala. 345F€0.655(SOx)2(OH)6 417.51
I5 Nao.770Ko,039(H30)o.191 Al2.207F€0.793(SO4)2(OH)6 458.51
16 Naj.04sKo.o5sAl2.104F
eo 896(SOx)2(OH)o 427.19
18 Napo,.s90Ko,037(H30)o.073Ali 813Fe1.137(SOx)2(OH)e6 432.67
19 Nao 697Ko,032(H30)o.271
Ali 362Fe1 638(SOx)2(OH) 444,83
110 Naj.073Ko.051Ah .g13Fe1.187(SO4)2(OH)6 436.04
110B Naj.042Ko.057Al1.931Fe1.069(SO4)2(OH)s 432.16
T11 = Nao.763K.027(H30)o,.210
Al 319Fe1 681(SO4)2(OH)s 446.21
**T12 N/A N/A

*Fresh Water Campaigns.

**Chemical analysis not available.

In all scale samples, the dominant (by weight) phase was alunite which forms large,

smooth, irregular and compact crystals in contrast to hematite which forms small loose crystals

arranged in layers caused by fluctuations in operating temperature, within the alunite matrix.

Hematite seems to fill the voids and acts as a cementing agent of large alunite crystals. This

difference in crystal morphology between the two minerals is due to their difference in solubility

and crystal growth rates. Consistent with literature [1, 8], hematite forms first as a thin layer

between the scale and the metal surface with subsequent deposition of alunite. As the

supersaturation of Fe and Al is cyclically affected by fluctuations in the operating temperature,

hematite and alunite deposit alternately in zones as shown in Figure 14.


Figure 14-SEM picture of I9 SD-2 scale sample revealing the zoning effect [23].

Hematite is less soluble than alunite and it will precipitate first and faster [29], in small

particles of 0.1-0.3 um thickness [26] that do not grow considerably during leaching [27]. These

hematite particles can provide (when they precipitate on the reactor walls), a substrate for the

alunite crystals to latch onto. Work done by Papangelakis et al. [27, 29] revealed that alunite

particles are larger than hematite particles. The alunite crystals grow at a slower rate, due to the

fact that the precipitation of aluminum from solution is less rapid than the precipitation of Fe at

230°C or 250°C [29], thus, forming larger, more compact and smoother crystals than hematite.

SEM photomicrographs (Figures 15 and 16) of the side of the scale exposed to the leach

solution, obtained from campaign I3 reveal the morphology of alunite and hematite crystals.

Hematite, as shown in Figure 16, forms thin platelets of approximately 300 nm in width.

This is in accordance with the observations made by Rubisov and Papangelakis [26] on the

morphology of hematite as controlled by acidity “at temperature”. According to these

observations, as acidity “at temperature” increases, the hematite particles shift their shape from

thin platelets to small spheres. This difference in shape can be explained by the adsorption of
hydroxyl (OH’) complexes on the hematite surface. OH is adsorbed on the face retarding its

growth. At higher acidity, it is the adsorption of sulphate ions (SO,”) that controls the shape of

the hematite particles. From the observations made by Rubisov and Papangelakis [26], it can be

concluded that platelet shaped hematite particles form under the predominance of OH’ particles

on the surface. In the case of the 13 campaign, the H* concentration “at temperature” was

calculated by Haixa Liu using the OLI software at the University of Toronto, to be 0.038 M. The

free acid concentration in the second compartment of campaign I3 was [H2SO4] = 0.25 M.

Experimental results as indicated by Rubisov and Papangelakis [26] revealed that thin platelets

with diameters between 400 nm and 500 nm form within an “at temperature” acidity range

between 0.10 mol/L and 0.03 mol/L respectively. The shape of the hematite particles in Figure

16 agree with these observations.

I3SDIS fan en 2 a 2 a ee 2

Figure 15-SEM picture of large alunite crystals of 13 scale sample [21].

I3SD1S 28.0kvV xX26.6K
11 a6En

Figure 16-SEM picture of hematite of I3 scale sample [21].

Because no distinct jarosite-type phase was identified through XRD (instead, all peaks

corresponded to distorted Na-alunite crystals because of the Fe substitution), these phases are

referred to as alunites with iron substitution rather than alunite/jarosites as in reports on

Australian scales [8], [24], [34], [35]. The reason for non XRD-identifiable jarosite is probably

due to the lower salinity of the leach solutions used at the FTC as compared to the Australian

plants (Table 11) [8], [24]. Also no Fe(OH)SO, or Al(OH)SO, phases were identified either, and

the assumptions made for the stoichiometric formula of alunite fit the mineralogical composition

of the scale quite well. Formation of Fe(OH)SO, and Al(OH)SO, was most likely prohibited by

the low free acid levels as they remained below the breakpoint free acid value of 69 g/L that

triggers the precipitation of these salts [25].

Table 11-Comparison of FTC and Australian Process Water.

Element Australian Process Water | FTC Process Water Metal
Metal Composition Composition
Na (g/L) 30.00 4.26
Cl (g/L) 52.00 7.80
K (g/L) 0.09 0.16
Mg (g/L) 4.20 0.50
Ca (g/L) 0.04 0.17
4,3. Scale Growth Rates

The average scale growth rates at different surface locations within the autoclave were

also determined (Appendix B, section B2). This was accomplished using callipers, measured at

the FTC by Falconbridge personnel. The thickness measured was that between the side of the

scale in contact with the metal surface and the side in contact with the leach solution as shown in

Figure 17.

Solution side

Thickness of cross section of a scale sample in mm

Metal (Ti) side

Figure 17-Measurement of Thickness of Scale.

Figures 18 and 19 show the variation in average scale growth rate per compartment for

fresh and saline water campaigns respectively. The maximum, average scale growth rate

occurred in the compartment of acid additon i.e. compartment no. 1 for campaigns L20, 13, 14,

110B and 111 and compartment no. 2 for all other campaigns. The reason why maximum scale

growth rate occurs at the compartment of acid addition is due to the fact that the acid

concentration is highest here, thus, maximum dissolution (leaching) of the metallic species in the

ore and therefore, maximum metal ion concentration is achieved. Since the compartment of acid

addition contains the maximum concentration of metal ions, as these precipitate out from

solution, maximum scale growth rate is observed. The maximum, average scale growth rate for

the saline water campaigns is 200% higher than that for the fresh water campaigns, due to the

lower solubility of Na-alunites compared to H3O-alunites. As shown in Table 10 the alunites


Average Scale Growth Rate (mm/year)

Compartment No.

Figure 18-Average Scale Growth Rates for the Fresh Water Campaigns.

Average Scale Growth Rate

o8 8 BSR

1 2 3 4 5 6

Compartment No.

Figure 19-Average Scale Growth Rates for the Saline Water Campaigns. Acid Addition
in Compartment No. 1.

Average Scale Growth Rate (mm/year)

250 +

200 -

150 5

100 ;

Compartment No.

Figure 20-Average Scale Growth Rates for the Saline Water Campaigns. Acid Addition
in Compartment No. 2.
Table 12-Average Scale Growth Rate Comparison between moving and stationary parts within

compartment of acid addition.

Scale Growth Rate, mm/year Difference

ae | Moving Parts | Stationary Parts |=
Fresh Water 88.67 67.50 31.36%
Saline Water 264.86 224.75 17.85%
(Average) _

obtained from the fresh water scales are basically hydronium alunites, which are known to

exhibit higher solubilities than Na-alunites, hence the reason for higher scale growth rates when

saline water is used [1, 8].

Another interesting trend observed was that the scale growth rates on the moving parts

(shaft/impeller), especially on the top impeller, were greater than those on the stationary parts, on

average, by 31.4% for the fresh water campaigns and 17.8% for the saline water campaigns

(Table 12). Due to the rotary motion of the shafts and impellers, increased mass transfer causes

scale to deposit easier than on the stationary walls of the autoclave. Similar trends have been

observed in other commercial laterite leaching operations [34].

The top part of the impeller, exposed to the air/liquid interface, almost always exhibits

higher scale growth rates. A reason for this could be the result of poorer mixing in that area [8].

However, the most important contributing factor for higher scale growth rate at the solution

interface (freeboard space) is due to water evaporation due to autoclave venting, creating

localized supersaturation increases. Generally, the scale growth rate on the moving parts was 1.3

and 1.2 times higher than that on the stationary parts for the fresh water and the saline water

campaigns respectively. Similar measurements obtained from commercial laterite leaching plants

in Australia [34] revealed that the scale growth rate on the moving parts was 2-3 times greater
than that on stationary parts but one has to consider the higher salinity of the process water used

in these plants.

Another interesting observation is the high correlation between laterite ore throughput

and acid throughput with scale growth rate yielding a correlation coefficient of 0.84 and 0.81

respectively (Table 20, Appendix D). This trend is expected as higher ore throughput in

combination with higher acid throughput results in higher metal content in the leach solution,

thus, a higher supersaturation and, therefore, higher scale growth rates. Figure 20 reveals this


A strong correlation between the Na content in the scale and the scale growth rate was

also observed as shown in Figure 21. The correlation coefficient between the two parameters was

found to be 0.9. This confirms that alunite in the scale precipitates as Na-alunite.

Any significant correlation between the scale growth rate for the saline water campaigns

and the free acidity, could not be made as shown in Figure 22, therefore, it is not evident on

which side of the peak in Figure 7 we are at.

No other significant correlation was found between scale growth rate and ore feed or

leach liquor elemental composition.


160 400
5 140 + + 350 .
= o
iS 100 +
5 120+ + 300
+ 250 |
2= 80+ + 200 g :
So 60+ + 150 ©
¢ 6
3S 40 + + 100 2
e 5
5w” 20+ +50 #
0 0
L20 L21 3 4 #5 6 (8 %I9 0 NOb 111
Saline Water Campaign

—H-Slurry —@-Acid -—é#—Scale Growth Rate in Compartment of Acid Addition

Figure 21-L-Ore Slurry and Acid Throughput Relationship with Scale Growth Rate.

400 4.50
=~ 350 + + 4.00
o i 3.50 sez
2 300 --
+ 3.00 ©
= 250 4 2
g +250 8
m 200 + £
c + 2.00 ‘=
3 150 4 g
° + 1.50 ¢€
Oog 100+ 14.00 5
% 2
” 50+ + 0.50
0 t + + t } t t + t + t 0.00
L20 L217 1 #18)6 6415 OU6COdBsCsdIQDs—«sdM'D-sH10b_sdH41

—#— Scale Growth Rate at Compartment of Acid Addition ~e—Na wt%

Figure 22-Scale Growth Rate vs. the Na Content in the Scale.



Average Scale Growth Rate





0 10 20 30 40 50

Free Acid H2SO,, g/L

Figure 23-Scale Growth Rate vs. the Acidity for Saline Water Campaigns.
4,4. Scale Dissolution

4.4.1 Scale Abatement

As mentioned previously in the INTRODUCTION, many studies have been conducted on

scale characterization, but only a few on scale abatement. In the past scale abatement studies at

the University of Toronto focused on the reduction or even elimination of the scale using

surfactants [1, 5, 33]. Other proposals focus on scale dissolution at high temperatures with

sulphuric acid [1, 29].

4.4.2. Reproducibility

Two experiments, namely SCE-4 and SCE-5, run at exactly the same experimental

conditions yielded almost identical results except for Fe. The experiments ran at 150°C at 0.25m

H2SO, and same acid-to-scale by weight ratio of 9.0. This amounted to 26 wt% solids. The scale

used was that obtained from the titanium coupon in the second compartment of campaign I3.

Results showed that the reproducibility for Al was far better than that for Fe due to

contamination of the solution. Iron corrosion from the acid injection device was very likely to

contaminate the system making a contamination-free system almost impossible. The

reproducibility tests are shown in Figure 22.

Reproducibility should also be independent of the amount of scale present inside

the autoclave for as long as there exists stoichiometric excess of the lixiviant, i.e. the acid.

Though the concentrations of Fe and Al in solution will differ for two scale samples of different

weight, the percent dissolution should remain the same. In this context, experiments SCE-1 and

SCE-4 were compared. Both experiments ran at 150°C, 0.25m H2SO, but the scale sample

weight was different. The acid-to-scale by weight ratios were 3.03 and 9.20 for SCE-1 and SCE-
4 respectively. The actual weights of the scales were 8.10 g for SCE-1 and 2.70 g for SCE-4. The

results revealed that they are reproducible for the first 150 minutes for Fe but entirely

reproducible for Al. This again is a result of Fe contamination in the system.

90% -
80% +
70% +
% Dissolution

60% 5
50% +
40% +
30% +
20% +
10% -
0% + 1 1 1 1 1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (minutes)

@% Fe dissolution, SCE-4 w % Al dissolution, SCE-4

A% Fe dissolution, SCE-5 x % Al dissolution, SCE-5

Figure 24-Reproducibility of Results. T = 150°C, 0.25m H2S04, Acid-to-Scale by weight Ratio


90% -
80% -
5 70%
3 60%
8 50%
QO 40%
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (minutes)

@% Fe dissolution, A/O = 3.03 m% Al dissolution, A/O = 3.03

A% Fe dissolution, A/O = 9.19 x<% Al dissolution, A/O = 9.19

Figure 25-Effect of the Acid-to-Scale Ratio on Fe and Al dissolution. T = 150°C, 0.25m H2SOx. -

The above experiments prove that they are reproducible for Al and not for Fe due to


4.4.3. Effect of Process Parameters on Scale Dissolution Kinetics.

The effect of a number of process parameters on scale dissolution kinetics was also

investigated. These include the temperature, the acid concentration, the type of acid and the type

of scale. As described in the EXPERIMENTAL section of this document, the temperatures

investigated were 150°C and 200°C, at acid concentrations of 0.25m and 0.50m for each

temperature. The two acids investigated were H2SO,4 and HCl and the two scales used were

obtained from the titanium coupons placed inside the second autoclave compartment of the FTC

mini-plant of campaigns I3 and I6, namely, I3-SD1 and I6-SD2 respectively. The run time and

agitation for all experiments remained constant at 6 hours and 400 rpm respectively. A total of
sixteen experiments were conducted for this purpose and the results are presented in Figures 24

and 25 for HCl and H2SO, respectively.

As Figure 24 implies, maximum percent dissolution for Fe and Al for both scales was

achieved at 200°C and 0.50 m HCl, under the most aggressive conditions. Maximum percent

dissolution of Fe and Al for I3 scale was found to be 92% and 78% respectively and 57% and

33% for I6. It seems that I3 is more readily dissolved under these conditions, implying perhaps a

structural difference between the two scales. Also, Figure 24 clearly shows, maximum

dissolution for both scales follows a similar trend, with Fe yielding higher maximum dissolution

than Al.

16, 200C, 0.50m HCI

16, 200C, 0.25m HCl

16, 150C, 0.50m HCI

Experimental Conditions

16, 150C, 0.25m HCI

13, 200C, 0.50m HCI


13, 200C, 0.25m HCl J

13, 150C, 0.50m HCI


13, 150C, 0.25m HCI

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

% Fe and Al Dissolution

a Max. %Dissolution Fe Hi Max. %Dissolution Al

Figure 26-Maximum Percent Fe & Al Dissolution with HCl after 6 Hours.

Similarly to HCl, experiments with H2SO, (Figure 25) show that the maximum

dissolution of Fe is higher than that of Al only for the I3 scale but not for the 16 scale. For the I3

scale, a maximum dissolution of 43% and 60% for Al and Fe were achieved respectively. As for

16 the maximum dissolution for Al and Fe achieved were 45% and 31% respectively under the

‘most aggressive conditions.

16, 200C, 0.50m H2S04 eeeee

16, 200C, 0.25m H2S04

Experimental Conditions

16, 150C, 0.50m H2S04

16, 150C, 0.25m H2S04

13, 200C, 0.50m H2S04 |

13, 200C, 0.25m H2S04 | :;

13, 150C, 0.50m H2S04

13, 150C, 0.25m H2S04 —

40 50 60 70 80 90 100



% Fe and Al Dissolution

O Max. % Dissolution Fe BiMax. % Dissolution Al

Figure 27-Maximum Percent Fe and A! Dissolution with H2SOx, after 6 Hours.

In comparing the percent dissolution of Fe and Al achieved from both scales, it seems

that I3 in general yields higher maximum dissolution of these elements than does 16. This is

another indication of the structural difference between I3 and I6 scale affecting the dissolution .

One cannot only remain on the differences in percent dissolution attained by the two

scales when two different acids are used but has to examine the kinetics of dissolution as well.

These are shown on Figures 26, 27, 28 and 29 that follow. From Figure 26, it is evident that the

initial dissolution kinetics for the I3 scale is roughly twice as fast as that of the 16 scale when

HCl is used. This could be attributed to the difference in surface area (porosity) between the two


Figure 27 compares the dissolution of Fe and Al at the same temperature at 200°C but at

different HCl concentrations. It is evident that the rate of dissolution for Fe and Al is

approximately five times faster at 0.5m HCI than at 0.25m HCl. Additional tests using sulfuric

acid at the same concentrations and temperatures as the experiments using HCl were also


From Figure 28, there seems to be no difference between the kinetics of Fe and Al

dissolution between the two scales when H2SOy, is used, which is definitely not the case with

HCl. Also, from Figure 29, which shows the dissolution kinetics of Fe and Al in scale I3 when

0.25m and 0.5m H2SO, is used, again no difference in the dissolution kinetics is observed,

which, again, is not the same case as when HCI is used.


1 00

% Fe, Al Dissolution

100 200 300 400

Time, (min.)

Figure 28-Dissolution Kinetics of Fe and Al for I3 and I6 Scales at 200°C and 0.5m HCl.

% Fe, Al Dissolution


100 200 300 400

Time, (min.)

Figure 29-Dissolution Kinetics of Fe and Al for I3 Scale between 0.25m and 0.50m HCl at



% Fe, Al Dissolution

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Time, (min.)

—O— 13-% Al <li 13-% Fe —iir=16-% Al = 16-% Fe

Figure 30-Dissolution kinetics of Fe and Al for I3 and I6 Scales at most rigorous conditions
(200°C & 0.5m H2SO,). |

% Fe, Al Dissolution


0 100 200 300 400

Time, (min.)

—0.5m-% Al =H 0.5m-% Fe == 0.25m-% Al = 0.25m-% Fe

Figure 31-Dissolution kinetics comparison of Fe and Al for I3 Scale between 0.25m and 0.5m
H2SO, at 200°C.
This difference in behaviour attributed to the difference in strength between the two

acids. HCl being the stronger of the two, it produces a difference in the dissolution kinetics of the

two scales, whereas, H2SO, being weaker, is not strong enough to reveal the underlying

structural difference between the two scales.

Surface area measurement by BET confirmed that the faster kinetics of I3 scale is due to

its higher porosity as compared to the I6 scale. The surface area of I3 was found to be 2.049 m7/g

whereas that of 16 was found to be 0.404 m’/g. The surface area of I6 scale is only 20% that of 13

scale. As seen from Tables 5, 6, 8 and 9, the only comparable difference between the operating

parameters that could account for a higher surface area in [3 scale is the saprolite ore addition in

campaign 13, whereas, there is no saprolite added in the 16 campaign. Saprolite increased the Mg

content in the ore and consequently, in the leach liquor as Table 8 shows. The Mg content in the

leach liquor in campaign I3 is 35% greater than in campaign I6. In accordance with literature

[12], dissolved Mg reprecipitates as solid MgSO, ' H2O dispersed among the scale matrix. The

inverse solubility of of MgSO, ° H2O will cause dissolution upon cool-down of the autoclave.

This will in effect create a highly porous scale as the interspersed MgSO, ° H2O dissolves. This

could be the cause of the greater surface area of the I3 scale. Figure 30 reveals a porous structure

for scale I3-SD1 and Figure 31 a solid structure for scale 16-SD2.

On a final note, comparing the effectiveness of the two acids used, it is obvious that the

dissolution kinetics of Fe and Al for I3 at the conditions of maximum dissolution are 5 times

faster when HCl is used compared to those obtained when H2SQ, is used. Similarly, the

dissolution kinetics of Fe and Al of scales [3 and I6 are twice as fast with HCI rather than with

H,SO,. Operating at 150°C tO 200°C, definitely improves the dissolution kinetics of scale from

several days to a few hours [6]. Reaching an average maximum dissolution of 40-50% for both
Fe and Al in 6 hours may not be optimal for industrial application, though, in conjunction with

increased Mg in the ore (saprolite addition), one can obtain a porous scale that can be treated

with acid at high temperature for a couple of hours and remove the rest of the scale


I3-SD1l 2@26.6kY

Figure 32-SEM Picture of I3-SD1 Scale showing a porous structure [21].

Figure 33-SEM Picture of 16-SD2 Scale showing a denser structure than the I3-SD1 scale [23].

From the work accomplished here, the most important conclusions that can be extracted are

presented in this section.

5.1. Scale Characterization

5.1.1. Scale Chemical/Mineralogical Composition and Morphology

¢ Alunite and hematite comprise the major minerals in the scale with alunite being the

dominant phase. It occupies 2/3 of the weight of the scale with hematite essentially making

up the balance. On a molar basis, they both contribute equally.

¢ EDX mapping revealed that essentially all the Na, K, Al and S in scale are associated with


¢ The alunite obtained from the fresh water campaigns is virtually hydronium alunite with only

minor traces of Na and K while that obtained from the saline water campaigns is virtually


¢ The alunite scale in all Falconbridge campaigns had iron substitution at an average molar

ratio of Al:Fe = 2:1. Furthermore, the (H3O) in the hydronium alunite structure is substituted

predominantly with Na and to a lesser extent with K, with an average molar ratio of

(Na+K):H30 = 9:1.

¢ Alunite forms large, smooth, irregular and compact crystals in contrast to hematite, which

forms small loose crystals of 0.1-0.3 pm thickness that do not grow considerably during

leaching, and are arranged in layers.

¢ No distinct alunite/jarosite mixtures were observed in the scale. Instead, iron seems to

substitute aluminium in an alunite-type crystal.

¢ No substitution of the OH’ groups in the alunite structure by SiO, was observed.

5.1.2. Scale Growth Rates

¢ Scale growth rates are greatest in the compartment of acid addition.

¢ The maximum, average scale growth rate for the saline water campaigns is 200% higher than

that for the fresh water campaigns, due to the higher Na content in the saline process water.

¢ The scale growth rates on the moving parts were found to be greater than those on the

stationary parts on average, by 31.4% for the fresh water campaigns and 17.8% for the saline

water campaigns.

¢ There is a high correlation between laterite ore throughput or acid throughput and scale

growth rate yielding a correlation coefficient of 0.84 and 0.81, respectively.

¢ There exists a strong correlation between the Na content in the scale and the scale growth

rate with a correlation coefficient of 0.9, caonfirming that Na-alunite does in fact precipitate

when using saline water.

¢ No correlation was found between scale growth rate and free acidity.

¢ It appears that it is more economical in terms of acid consumption to use saline water rather

than fresh water as HC] and H2SOy, are regenerated according to reaction 11, but in terms of

scale growth rate, it is better to use fresh water.

5.2. Scale Dissolution

5.2.1 Hydrochloric Acid

¢ Both scales I3 and I6 exhibit comparable dissolution patterns. Fe maximum dissolution is

always higher than that of Al

Maximum dissolution was achieved at 200°C and 0.5m HCI for both scales yielding 92% and

78% maximum dissolution of Fe and Al for the I3 scale and 57% and 33% for Fe and Al for

the 16 scale.

Fe dissolution kinetics is slightly faster than Al for both scales.

B scale dissolution kinetics are twice as fast than those obtained from the I6 scale.

Dissolution kinetics of Fe and Al are about 5 times faster at 0.5m HCl than at 0.25m HCI, at


5.2.2. Sulphuric Acid

+ 13 and 16 scales do not exhibit comparable dissolution patterns. Fe maximum dissolution is

higher only for the I3 scale and the reverse for the I6 scale.

Maximum dissolution was achieved at 200°C and 0.25m H»SO, for the I3 scale and 200°C

and 0.5m H2SO,j for I6 scale.

For the I3 scale, a maximum dissolution of 43% and 60% for Al and Fe were achieved

respectively. As for I6, the maximum dissolution for Fe and Al achieved were 31% and 45%


No differences in the dissolution kinetics of Fe and Al were observed for I3 scale and 16

scale at the conditions of maximum dissolution.

No differences in the dissolution kinetics of Fe and Al were observed for I3 scale when

0.25m or 0.5m of H,SO, were used.

5.2.3. Comparison between HCI and H,SO,

¢ Dissolution kinetics of Fe and Al at 200°C and 0.5m HCl for the I3 scale are 5 times faster

than those obtained from the same scale at 200°C when either 0.25m or 0.5m H2SO, is uesd.
¢ Dissolution kinetics of Fe and Al at 200°C and 0.5m HC! for scales I3 and I6 are twice as fast

as those obtained under the same conditions when H.SO, is used.

¢ HCl at 200°C and at a concentration of 0.5m, seems to provide optimum dissolution kinetics

for both scales.

5.2.4. Difference in Dissolution Kinetics between I3 and 16 scales

¢ 13 scale was found to be more porous than I6 scale with surface areas of 2.049 m’/g and

0.404 m’/g respectively.

@ Mg seems to be the cause for the difference in porosity between the two scales as the leach

liquor of the I3 campaign is 35% richer in Mg than that of the 16 campaign.

¢ The difference in porosity is accountable for the faster dissolution kinetics observed in the I3



¢ The error arising from Fe contamination can be reduced or perhaps eliminated if corrosion-

resistant sample bombs such as titanium or Hastelloy are used rather than stainless steel.

¢ The kinetics of dissolution of fresh water scales should be investigated and compared with

those of the saline water campaigns, thus, the difference of dissolution between hydronium

alunite and Na-alunite can be obtained. This is useful for fresh-water processes.

¢ The effect of agitation on the kinetics of dissolution of the scale can be investigated for a

more thorough study on the kinetics.

¢ The correlation between the Na concentration in the leach liquor, the Na content in the scale

and the scale growth rate should be investigated in order to determine whether there exists a

strong relationship between these parameters.

¢ Having already established a strong correlation between the Na content in the scale and the

scale growth rate and once a strong correlation between the Na concentration in the leach

liquor and the scale growth rate can be shown to exist, the next step could be to develop a

model where one could predict the scale growth rate fro the Na leach liquor concentration.

¢ The effect of Mg on the porosity and scale dissolution kinetics should be investigated further

as it has been preliminarily shown that the porosity of the scale is dependant on the Mg

content in the ore. and consequently the leach liquor. This may imply the use of

limonite/saprolite blends rather than limonite alone but the acid consumption due to Mg will

have to be considered.

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Al. Sample Preparation for Chemical and Mineralogical Analysis

The samples at the end of each campaign are sent to the University of Toronto for

preparation for chemical analysis. Once the samples are received, those that are wet, are first

washed with DI water to rid the sample of any residual acid which might affect chemical

analysis. After this is done, the washed samples together with the rest of the dry samples are

placed in a CENCO-DE KHOTINSKY drying oven for 24 hours at 60°C. Once the drying period

is over, the samples are taken out of the oven and 5 g of each sample are taken and ground with a

mortar and pestle to a fine powder. These samples are placed in 10 mL plastic bottles and sent to

CHEMEX LABORATORIES in Vancouver, Canada for chemical analysis.

A2. SEM Microscopy and EDX Mapping

Sample Preparation for SEM scanning:

All samples prepared for SEM scanning were mounted on special holders and secured

with epoxy resin. The holder is basically a cross section of a plastic cylindrical tube.

Basically, a piece of duct tape is attached onto the holder and is flipped upside down on a

flat surface. A piece of scale is placed inside the holder and filled with an epoxy mixture of 15

mL of epoxy resin and 3 mL of hardener.

In order to rid the liquid mixture of any dissolved air, after the epoxy is poured the holder

is immediately placed under vacuum using a vacuum apparatus for approximately 1 minute.

The resin is left to dry for 24 hours and the holder with the scale sample and the hardened

epoxy is taken for grinding in order to expose the surface of the scale sample. Grinding is
accomplished using a grinding machine and sand paper. The order of grinding is from course to

fine in the order of 60, 180, 320, 600 and 1200 grit.

After grinding, polishing is necessary to obtain a smooth surface suitable for SEM

scanning. Course polishing using a felt surface on which 1 um diamond dust is sprayed takes

place and immediately after the surface is finely polished with 0.5 um CeO polishing cream.

After the polishing stage, the samples are washed with water, dried and placed in an

carbon coater (EDWARDS Coating System E306A) to make the epoxy surface conductive. Now

the sample is ready for SEM scanning.

SEM Microscopy/EDX mapping:

The SEM microscope used was the S-4500 equipped with EDX mapping. The

microscope was operated at 20kV and at a working distance of 15 mm. The SEM microscope

allowed for the optical characterization of scale such as morphology and structure. Elemental and

consequently mineralogical determination of the scale was accomplished through EDX mapping.

A.3 Surface Area Determination

BET Method:

The surface area of the scale samples was determined using the COULTER surface

analyzer SA 3100. The surface analyzer uses the BET method for the determination of the

surface area. Basically, a sample is placed inside a glass tube in which it is flushed with gaseous

nitrogen. In this manner, a layer of nitrogen molecules, stick to the surface of the sample.

Knowing the diameter of the nitrogen molecule and the number of molecules stuck on the
surface of the sample (through micro-weighing measurements), one can determine the surface

area per gram of sample.

Duct Tape


Duct Tape Holder

Figure Al-Sample Holder and Duct tape. Step 1. Figure A2-Top View showing Sample.

Plastic cup


Funnel [

Holder with
Sample and
Resin Resin

Rubber Platform

Figure A3-Pouring of Resin. Figure A4-Vaccum Apparatus.

A.4 Atomic Absorption

The percent dissolution of Fe and Al were determined by obtaining the concentration of

each in the liquid samples obtained throughout the duration of the scale dissolution experiments.

The concentrations were obtained using atomic absorption, specifically the AAnalyst 100

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The samples were collected inside a 10 mL plastic bottle

and immediately taken over to the atomic absorption spectrophotometer for Fe and Al analysis.

The lamps used were cathode ray lamps specific to the element of interest. Fe was analyzed at

246.3 nm wavelength, at a current of 30 mA, an energy level of 62 and a characteristic

concentration of 0.11 mg/L, yielding a linear range of 20 mg/L. Similarly Al was analyzed at

309.3 nm wavelength at a current of 10 mA, an energy level of 70-74 and at a characteristic

concentration of 1.1 mg/L, yielding a linear range of 100 mg/L. For the analysis of Fe, air was

used as the oxidant and acetylene for the fuel. For the Al analysis, air and N2O were used as the

oxidant and acetylene for the fuel.

A.5 Free Acid Determination Procedure

The acidity or free acid of the liquid sample solutions obtained from the autoclave is

determined by performing an acid/base titration. The Schott Titroline 96 autotitrator is used for

this purpose.


Basically, a 1 mL aliquot of liquid sample is obtained using an automatic pipette

(Autoclavable Fisherbrand® 5000DG pipette) and placed in a 100 mL beaker. 1 mL* of 0.25 M

CaCDTA Chelate Solution** is added to the beaker. If Aluminum is present or its presence is
suspect, heat mixture to 70-80°C for approximately 2 min. and cool to room temperature. Dilute

with de-ionized water to raise the level to approximately 75-80 mL total. A pH probe is inserted

into the beaker to monitor the pH during the titration. The resulting solution is stirred and titrated

with standard 0.1N NaOH*** to an end point of pH = 5.7 if the titration is done manually. When

the autotitrator is used the equivalence point is found automatically. The acidity is then

calculated according to the following equation

g/L free acid = mL NaOH X Nnaon X (equvalent weight of the acid)

mL of aliquot

The equivalent weight for H2SOy, is 49.039 and for HCI is 36.461.

*Masking Capacity of CaCDTA:

The above procedure requires that the total millimoles of all the metals (in the solution to

be analyzed for free acidity) to be masked in the sample aliquot be matched by the same number

of millimoles + 10-20% excess of the chelating agent. Providing a 0.25 M solution is used, 10

mL contains 2.5 mmol of the masking agent (CaCDTA).

**Preparation of 0.25 M CaCDTA Chelate solution:

Dissolve 43 g of cyclohexane-1,2-diaminetetraacetic acid, 35.4 g of calcium nitrate

tetrahydrate and 19 g of NaOH in 400 mL of distilled water. Cool solution to room temperature

and carefully adjust the pH to 5.5-6.0 with a dilute solution of NaOH (5% or 1 M). Depending on

the contemplated method of titration, use either a pH meter or an indicator such as Methyl Purple

(to a clear green colour). Dilute the solution to 500 mL with distilled water and filter is


***Preparation of 0.1N NaOH solution:

Dissolve 4 g of reagent grade NaOH in distilled water and make up to | L. Standardize

against potassium hydrogen phthalate, KHCsH4O4. Potentiometric technique is to be preferred

over the visual one with phenolphthalein as indicator.

To standardize, weigh directly or take an aliquot from a stock solution containing 0.15-

0.2 g of KHCsH,O,4 which was previously dired for 1 hour at 105°C. Dissolve the salt in about

80 mL of water (or dilute the aliquot to the volume) and titrate with 0.1N NaOH (optimized for

a 10 mL microburet. Scale up for larger burets). If monitored potentiometrically with the

METROHM Potentiograph, use the 500 mV setting for full scale. Calculate the normality

Nwaou = (g KHCsH,O,j titrated) 1

(mL NaOH used) 0.20423

For Visual End-point:

Methyl! Purple Indicator Solution Fisher # SI9-500. If not at hand, the mixed indicator

solution can be prepared in the laboratory by mixing 100 mL of a 0.2% methyl red solution with

120 mL of a 0.1% methylene blue solution, both in methanol. The colour change is from purple

to clear green.

For Potentiometric End-point:

Galss-Calomel Electrode Pair.

pH meter featuring expanded scale mode. Advantageously an automatic titrator such as

METROHM Potentiograph E 436 for new versions E 536 or 576.



B.1. Determination of Alunite Chemical Formula and Scale Mineralogical Composition

Once the chemical analysis is received from Chemex Laboratories, it is processed for the

determination of the Alunite chemical formula and the scale mineralogical composition. The

sample calculation given is for the 16-SD2 scale sample, using 100g of scale as a basis. The

chemical analysis from Chemex Laboratories for the 16-SD2 sample is given in Table 13 below:

Table 13-Chemex Laboratories Scale Elemental Analysis given as Oxides.

SAMPLE | Al,03 | CaO }Cr.03} Fe203 | K2O | MgO | MnO | Na,O | SiO, S
wt% | wt% | wt% | wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt% wt%
16-SD2 16.37 | 0.11 | 0.63 | 39.2 0.44 0.09 0.07 5.32 2.9 10.5

Alunite Chemical Formula Determination:

From the above oxide analysis, the elemental molar composition of the scale was determined for

Al, Fe, Na, K and S:

Assuming 100 g of scale as a basis and that all the Al in the scale is found in the form of alunite,

then, the number of moles of Al in the scale sample, according to Table 13 will be

1 0 0 in Al,O; = 0 = 0.321 moles Al,

(Atomic Weight of Al = 26.98)

Similarly, the number of moles of Fe, Na, K and S in the scale are

w= 20% X ei = 4% = (0.491 moles Fe,

(Atomic Weight of Fe = 55.85)

(5.32% X 100g) x (% of Na in Na.O = 74.19%) = 0.172 moles Na,

(Atomic Weight of Na = 22.99)

44% XI X(% of Kin K2O = 1% = 0,009 moles K,

(Atomic Weight of K = 39.10)

1 1 inS= 0% = 0.327 moles S.

(Atomic Weight of S = 32.07)

From the above molar values obtained for each element, the stoichiometric values for Na, K, Al

and Fe for alunite can be determined according to the generic formula in

Naxi Kx2(H30)q1-x1-x2) Aly Fes-y) (SO4)2(OH)¢

According to this formula, the stoichiometric number for Na or x1 is

xl= 2xX(moles Na=0.172) = 1.049,

(moles of S = 0.327)

Similarly, the stoichiometric value for K or x2 is

x2= 2xX(moles K = 0.009) = 0.057,

(moles of S = 0.327)

and the stoichiometric value for Al or y is

y= 2X (moles Al
= 0,321 = 1.961.
(moles of S = 0.327)

The value for H3O turns out negative, revealing that there is no H3O in the alunite structure.
The Fe in the scale is split between that in the alunite and that in the hematite. The moles of Fe in

the alunite or z can be determined as follows:

Z= (3-y) X (moles S = 0.327) = 0.170,


and those in the hematite are

w —z=0.491 -0.170 = 0.321.

Similar calculations are made for all scale samples of the I6 campaign and an average is taken

. for the values of x1, x2 and y, yielding the following stoichiometric formula given below:

Naj.o45Ko.055Alz.104 Feo,s96 (SO4)2(OH)6

Mineralogical Composition of Scale:

The weight percent (wt%) hematite and alunite in the scale can me determined from the above

calculations. The wt% of hematite is determined as follows:

(w-z) X (M.W. Fe203 = 159.69) = 25.62 wt%

(Stoichiometic number of moles in Fe2O3 = 2)

The wt% of alunite in the scale is determined as follows:

(moles Al in scale = 0.321) x (M.W. alunite = 427.19) = 65.21 wt%

(Stoichiometic number of moles in alunite = y)
The full mineralogical composition for sample 16-SD2 is given in Table 14 below:

Table 14-Mineralogical Composition of I6-SD2 Scale Sample.

SAMPLE | Hematite | Alunite | Cr203| CaO | MgO | MnO | Na,O | SiO, Total
— wt% wt% | wt% | wt% | wt% | wt% wt% | wt% | wt%
16-SD2 25.62 | 65.21 | 0.63 | 0.11 | 0.09 | 0.07 5.32 | 2.90 | 94.63

B.2. Determination of Scale Growth Rates

Scale growth rate was determined by knowing the total leach time and by measuring the

scale thickness. The total leach time was given by Falconbridge. The scale thickness was

measured physically with the aid of calipers as mentioned in section 4.3. For example, the scale

growth rate for the scale formed in compartment no. 2 of campaighn I8, the average scale

thickness in this compartment has to be divided by the leaching time.

Table 15-Scale Growth Rates per Compartment for Campaign I8.

Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
Scaling Device (mm) 0.37
(Thermocouple Well (mm) 4.20 1.60
Shaft (mm) 1.50 0.70
[Top Impeller (mm) 3.90
‘Bottom Impeller (mm) 3.70
‘Acid Injection Tube (mm) 4.00
Heating Coil (mm)
Heating Coil Chunk (mm) 2.90
Leaching Time (hours) 126.75 | 126.75 | 126.75 | 126.75 | 126.75 | 126.75
IA VERAGE GROWTH (mm/year) 223.51 | 138.22 | 48.38
From Table 15 above, the average thickness in compartment C2 is 3.23 mm. By multiplying this

average by 24 hours/day and 365 hours/year and dividing the product by 126.75 hours of

leaching time, one can obtain the average scale growth of 223.51 mm/year.

B.3. Determination of reagent quantities for Scale Dissolution Experiments

The most significant reagent in the dissolution experiments is either HySO, or HCl. A

sample calculation for the determination of the quantity of HSO, will be given as an example.

A final solution of 0.5 m H2SO, is required, which will include 10 mL of H2O, and 50 mL of

wash water. Known parameters are the:

e Molecular Weight of H2SO, = 98.08 g/mol

e Purity of H2SO, stock solution = 96.5 wt%

e Density of H2SO, stock solution = 1.95 g/mL

e Purity of HO, stock solution = 30 wt%

e Density of HO, stock solution = 1.12 g/mL

e Weight of scale sample = 2.44 g


The goal is to make up a 0.5 m H2SO, solution in exactly 1000 g of water. A 0.5 m H)SO,

solution means we will require 0.5 m of H.SO, per 1000 g of solvent, in this case water.

0.5 m H2SO, is equal to 0.5 mol x 98.08 g/mol, or 49.04 g of pure H2SO,. Therefore, the amount

of H2SO, stock solution required is 49.04 g/96.50% purity or 50.82 g of stock solution.

The amount of water in the H2SOx, stock solution is 50.82 g — 49.04 g = 1.78 g.

10 mL of H2O2 weigh 10 ml x 1.12 g/mL = 11.17 g. At 30 wt% purity, the amount of pure H,O,

present in 10 mL of the H2Q) stock solution is 30 wt% x 11.17 g = 3.35 g or pure H,QO>.
Therefore, the amount of water within the 10 mL of H2O» stock solution is 11.17 g — 3.35 g =

7.82 g.

Another source of water that will make up the weight of the final solution is the wash water. The

amount of wash water used is 50 g.

In order to make up a final solution of 1000 g of solvent (water), another

1000 g — 50 g — 7.82 - 1.78 g = 940.41 g

of water is required.

Once all reagents are combined, a 0.5 m H2SO,j solution is obtained.

Acid-to-Scale Ratio:

The acid-to-scale ratio was determined by dividing the weight of pure acid by the weight of the

scale. Therefore, from the above, the acid-to-scale ratio is

49.04 ¢ H2SO, = 20.10

2.44 g of scale

Percent Solids:

The percent solids was determined by dividing the weight of the scale with the total weight of

the solution. From the calculations above, the final solution volume is

940.41 g of H2O + 50.00 g of wash water + 50.82 g of H2SO, stock solution + 11.17 g of HO,

stock solution = 1052.39 g of total solution.

Therefore, the percent solids can be determined as follows:

2.44 g of scale x 100% = 0.23% solids.

1052.39 g of total solution
B.4. Determination of Percent Fe, Al, Dissolution

The calculation of the percent extraction or dissolution of Fe or Al is a process involving

separate individual calculations. Several parameters are involved apart from the direct

measurement of the Fe and Al concentrations in the liquid samples taken from inside the

autoclave. These are the scale hematite and alunite composition, the flush and sample volumes,

as well as the volume of solution remaining in the autoclave factored to account for volume

expansion due to temperature. Experiment SASDI6_3_DEC_7_2001 will be given as an


First and foremost, the mineralogical composition of the scale and the weight of the scale sample

must be known. In the case of 16-SD2, the scale is 25.62 wt% hematite and 65.21 wt% alunite

(Table 14 above). From this, the amounts of Fe and Al in the scale can be derived.

The amount of Fe in the scale sample is calculated as follows:

e Weight of scale sample = s = 3.17 g;

e Weight percent of Fe2O3 in scale sample = h = 25.62 wt% (Table 14 above);

e Weight percent of Fe in Fe,O3 = f = 69.94 wt% (= 2 x atomic weight of Fe/molecular

weight of hematite);

e Weight percent alunite in scale sample = a = 65.21 wt% (Table 14 above);

e Weight percent of Fe within the alunite in the scale sample = b = 11.71 wt%.

b = (0.896 x atomic weight of Fe)/(molecular weight of alunite), (ref. Table 13 and alunite

_ chemical formula above).

Therefore, the amount of Fe in the scale sample will be the sum of the amount of Fe in the

hematite plus the amount of Fe in the alunite:

Amount of Fe in scale sample = (s X h x f)(s X aX b) = 0.810 g.

The amount of Al in the scale is calculated as follows:

e Weight percent of Al in alunite =c = 13.29 wt%

e Weight of alunite in sample = d = 2.064 g

Where c = (2.104 X atomic weight of Al)/(atomic weight of alunite), (ref. Table 13 and alunite

chemical formula above) and d=s Xa.

Therefore, the amount of Al in the scale sample is:

Amount of Al in scale sample =cXd.

Before any calculations can be made on the percent dissolution of Fe and Al, the concentration

of these elements in the samples taken have to be known. These were measured using atomic

absorption. For the experiment at hand, these were measured as follows:

Table 16-Fe and Al measured concentrations from samples taken during an autoclave run.

Sample #_|(minutes)| Fe ppm {| Al ppm
SASDI6_3_1 10. | =15.946 6.292
SASDI6_3_2 20 21.606 11.200
SASDI6_3_3 30 26.116 14.300
SASDI6_3_4 45 32.386 19.040
SASDI6_3_5 60 36.966 22.710
SASDI6_3_6 120 63.956 36.110
SASDI6_3_7| 240 113.696 | 54.360
SASDI6_3_8| 360 162.996 | 68.870

From the above concentrations and the solution volume remaining in the autoclave after flushing

and extraction of the liquid samples, the percent dissolution of Fe and Al can be determined.

The solution volume decreases each time the sampling port is flushed and liquid samples taken.

The flush volume is 10 mL and the sample volume 15 mL. One has to also account for the

expansion of the liquid volume at the temperature of operation. At 200°C, the expansion

coefficient of water, C, is 1.125 or 12.5%. Since the total of the flush and sample volumes is
constant at 25 mL throughout the experiment, the remaining volume in the autoclave can be

calculated using the following algorithm:

Vi = (V_-iD)C

Where, Vj is the solution volume remaining in the reactor after the i-th sample has been

extracted, i indicates the number of sample extractions, V, is the initial solution volume in the

autoclave and D is the combined flush and sample volume of 25 mL. Table 17 below,

demonstrates the solution volume decrease inside the autoclave for this particular experiment:

Table 17-Solution Volume Calculation after each Sample Extraction.

Time | V flush | V sample | V solution | V expansion

(minutes)| (mL) (mL) (mL) (mL)
0 0 0 1014.35 1141.15
10 10 15 989.35 1113.02
20 10 15 964.35 1084.90
30 10 15 939.35 1056.77
45 10 15 914.35 1028.65
60 10 15 889.35 1000.52
120 10 15 864.35 972.40
240 10 15 839.35 944,27
360 10 15 814.35 916.15

So, at 30 minutes when the third sample is extracted, or i = 3, the solution volume remaining

inside the autoclave after the third extraction is

V3 = (1014.35 - 3 X 25) X 1.125 = 1056.77 mL

as shown in Table 17 above.

In order to determine the percent dissolution of Fe or Al, one needs to know the initial

amount of Fe or Al present in the scale before dissolution, the amount of Fe or Al remaining in

the solution inside the autoclave after the sample is extracted, the sum of the amount of Fe or Al
present in each sample extracted and the sum of the amount of Fe or Al present in each flush


The general algorithm for determining the percent dissolution of Fe (or Al) is given below,

where for i= 1 to n and C,f° =0 ppm,

CFV, -iD)C + V8 Sor + > Cu

Dr = i=l i=l xX 100%

10° x Mg
The symbols and terms are explained below:

Initial amount of scale sample, g = Ms

Percent Fe dissolution, % = D;,

Fe, sample concentration, ppm = C*®,

Sample Volume, mL = vs,

Flush Volume, mL = V’.

The first term of the equation is the amount of Fe remaining in the solution inside the autoclave

after the sample is extracted. The second term is the sum of the amount of Fe present in each

sample extracted. The third term is the sum of the amount of Fe present in each flush sample.

Table 18-The percent Fe and Al dissolution as calculated for experiment

time %¥e % Al
Sample # (minutes) | Dissolution | Dissolution
0 0.00 0.00
SASDI6 3_1 10 2.22 2.59
SASDI6 3_2 20 2.99 4.55
SASDI6 3_3 30 3.58 5.75
SASDI6 3_4 45 4.37 7.53
SASDI6_3_5 60 4.94 8.87
3_6 120 8.22 13.67
3_7 240 14.09 20.01
3_8 360 19.72 25.00
B.5. Determination of Free Acid Concentration in Samples Obtained from the Scale

Dissolution Experiments

“Free” acidity is defined as the amount of unbound sulfuric acid and is given by the

following stoichiometric relationship (1):

[H2S Oa] free = [SOa]totat - [SOs]bouna

where [SOsz]tota is the total sulfate concentration in solution at the end of the reaction and

[SOx]bound is the sulfate stoichiometrically bound to dissolved metal salts.

At the end of the titration (at the equivalence point) the free acid in g/L is given by the following


g/L free acid = mL of NaOH X Nnaon X Equivalent Weight of Acid

mL of sample titrated

where the mL of NaOH is the volume of NaOH required to reach the equivalence point, Nnaou is

the Normality of NaOH and the Equivalent Weight of the Acid is 49.093 for H2SO, and 36.461

for HCl.


DATE: Monday, June 25th, 2001

IMW H2SO4= 98.080g/mol
Purity of H2SO, solution = 96.50%
Density H2SO, stock solution = 1.9469/mL

Operating Temperature = 150°C
Running time = 360min.

IMolality of H2SO, required = 0.250m
Weight of pure H,SO,4 = 24.520g
Weight of H2SQ, solution required to obtain above molality = 25.41g
IMass/Volume of Water in glass cylinder = 949.11g or mL
IMass/Volume of Wash Water = 50.00g or mL
Psolution = 1.012g/mL
Mass of sample = 8.091g
% solids = 0.783%
\Acid/Ore ratio = 3.03
IMolarity of H2SO, in final solution = 0.247M

time % Fe % Al
Sample # |(minutes)| Fe ppm Alppm_ | Dissolution | Dissolution
SCE-1 5 19.896 1.637
SCE-2 10 22.426 2.306 3.32% 0.17%
SCE-3 15 25.046 4,293 3.71% 0.31%
SCE-4 20 27.536 6.137 4.08% 0.45%
SCE-5 30 34.086 7.002 5.05% 0.51%
SCE-6 40 39.576 14.36 5.87% 1.04%
SCE-7 50 46.666 20.03 6.92% 1.45%
SCE-8 60 50.176 24.12 7.44% 1.75%
SCE-9 75 59.326 30.84 8.80% 2.24%
SCE-10 90 88.386 56.48 13.10% 4.10%
SCE-11 120 92.406 65.52 13.70% 4.76%
SCE-12 180 110.896 92.01 16.44% 6.68%
SCE-13 240 123.296 112.3 18.28% 8.16%
SCE-14 360 133.796 137.7 19.84% 10.00%
DATE: Friday, July 6th, 2001

IMW H,SO,= 98.080¢/mol
Purity of H,SO, solution = 96.50%
Density H.SO, stock solution = 1.9462/mL

Operating Temperature = 150°C
a time = 360min.

IMolality of H.SO, required = 0.250m
Weight of H2SO, solution required to obtain above molality = 25.41g
IMass/Volume of Water in glass cylinder = 949.11g or mL
IMass/Volume of Wash Water = 50.00g or mL
Psotution = 1.012¢/mL
Mass of sample = 2.6672
% solids = 0.260%
\Acid/Ore ratio = 9.19
IMolarity of H,SO, in final solution = 0.247M

time % Fe % Al
Sample # | (minutes) | Fe ppm Al ppm _| Dissolution | Dissolution
SCE-1 5 2.496 2.276
SCE-2 10 7.496 2.712 2.71% 0.60%
SCE-3 15 12.496 3.616 3.34% 0.80%
SCE-4 20 17.496 4.276 3.53% 0.94%
SCE-5 30 27.496 5.834 5.20% 1.29%
SCE-6 40 37.496 7.873 6.35% 1.73%
SCE-7 50 47.496 9.674 7.54% 2.13%
SCE-8 60 57.496 11.440 9.08% 2.52%
SCE-9 75 72.496 14.230 10.53% 3.14%
SCE-10 90
SCE-11 120 117.496 22.430 19.01% 4.94%
SCE-12 180 177.496 30.880 27.12% 6.80%
SCE-13 240 237.496 39.01 49.74% 8.60%
SCE-14 360 357.496 52.85 74.71% 11.65%
IDATE: Teusday, July 10th, 2001

IMW H2SO,4= 98.080g/mol
Purity of H2SO, solution = 96.50%
— H2SQ, stock solution = 1.946 -_

Operating Temperature = 150°C
—_— time = 360min.

IMolality of H2SO, required = 0.250m
Weight of H2SO, solution required to obtain above molality = 25.41g
IMass/Volume of Water in glass cylinder = 949.11g or mL
IMass/Volume of Wash Water = 50.00g or mL
Psolution = 1.012g/mL
IMass of sample = 2.7238
% solids = 0.265%
\Acid/Ore ratio = 9.01
IMolarity of H»SO, in final solution = 0.247M

time % Fe % Al
Sample # |(minutes)| Fe ppm| Al ppm | Dissolution | Dissolution
SCE-1 5 2.496 2.120
SCE-2 10 7.496 3,035 4.18% 0.66%
SCE-3 15 12.496 | 4.089 5.04% 0.88%
SCE-4 20 17.496 | 5.149 6.09% 1.11%
SCE-5 30 27.496 | 5.862 6.83% 1.27%
SCE-6 40 37.496 | 5.872 7.02% 1.27%
SCE-7 50 47.496 | 7.320 7.84% 1.58%
SCE-8 60 57.496 | 9.983 10.09% 2.15%
SCE-9 75 72.496 | 15.570 13.61% 3.36%
SCE-10 90 87.496 | 20.010 17.19% 4.32%
SCE-11 120 117.496 | 24.480 20.86% 5.28%
SCE-12 180 177.496 | 38.030 55.02% 8.21%
SCE-13 240 237.496 | 46.78 70.13% 10.10%
SCE-14 360 357.496 | 53.54 82.07% 11.55%
IDATE: Friday, November 2, 2001

IMW H2SO,= 98.080g/mol
Purity of H2SO, solution = 96.50%
IDensity H2SO, stock solution = 1.94629/mL

Operating Temperature = 150°C
—_ time = 360min.

IMolality of H2SO,4 required = 0.250m
Weight of H2SQ, solution required to obtain above molality = 25.41g
IMass/Volume of Water in glass cylinder = 949.11g or mL
IMass/Volume of Wash Water = 50.00g or mL
Psolution = 1.012g/mL
Mass of sample before = 2.178g
Mass of sample after = 1.629g
% solids = 0.212%
\Acid/Ore ratio = 11.26
IMolarity of H2SO, in final solution = 0.247M

time %¥Fe % Al
Sample # | (minutes)| Feppm | Al ppm | Dissolution | Dissolution
0 0.000 0.000
SASDE_1_1 10 28.646 2.866 6.55% 1.66%
SASDI3_1_2 20 28.951 4.572 6.61% 2.61%
SASDB_1_3 30 36.181 6.344 8.16% 3.58%
SASDI3_1_4 40 40.176 8.221 8.99% 4.57%
SASDI3_1_5 60 48.546 10.990 10.69% 6.00%
SASDI3_1_6 120 70.496 19.440 15.06% 10.26%
SASDI3_1_7} 240 119.746 | 32.020 24.60% 16.41%
SASDEB_1_ 8 360 174.796 | 43.290 34.93% 21.74%
IDATE: Wednesday, January 30, 2002

IMW H2SO4= 98.080g/mol
Purity of H2SO, solution = 96.50%
Density H2SO, stock solution = 1.946g/mL
Purity of HO, = 30.00%
IDensity of HO, stock solution = 1.117¢/ml

Operating Temperature = 150°C
Running time = 360min.

IMolarity of H2SO, in final solution = 0.487M
Psolution = 1.025g/mL
% solids = 0.231%
Acid/Scale ratio = 20.11
IMass of sample before = 2.438g
Mass of sample after = 1.360g

time %¥e % Al
Sample # (minutes) | Feppm | Al ppm _ | Dissolution | Dissolution
SASDI3_2_1 10 19.696 2.159 4.08% 1.13%
SASDI3_2_2 20 27.526 4.710 5.66% 2.43%
SASDI3_2_3 30 30.746 7.306 6.28% 3.72%
SASDI3_2_4 45 46.676 11.220 9.32% 5.60%
SASDIB_2_5 60 59.866 15.340 11.77% 7.54%
SASDI3_2_6 90 79.756 20.500 15.35% 9.89%
SASDI3_2_7 250 240.696 48.040 43.75% 22.15%
SASDI3_2_8 360 335.896 68.800 59.97% 31.08%
IDATE: Monday, November 12, 2001

IMW H.SO,4= 98.080g/mol
Purity of H2SOy, solution = 96.50%
Density H2SOx4 stock solution = 1.9462/mL

Operating Temperature = 200°C
— time = 360min.

IMolality of H2SO,4 required = 0.250m
[Weight of H2SO, solution required to obtain above molality = 25.41g
IMass/Volume of Water in glass cylinder = 949.11g or mL
Mass/Volume of Wash Water = 50.00g or mL
Final Solvent Mass (water) 1000.000g
Psolution = 1.012g/mL
[Mass of sample before = 2.1368
Mass of sample after = 1.001g
% solids = 0.208%
Acid/Scale ratio = 11.48
IMolarity of H2SO, in final solution = 0.247M

time %¥Fe % Al
Sample # | (minutes) | Fe ppm | Al ppm | Dissolution | Dissolution
0 0.000 0.000
SASDI3_3_1 10 7.966 2.711 1.90% 1.63%
SASDI3_3_2 20 15.076 5.947 3.55% 3.53%
SASDI3_3_3 30 21.746 9,322 5.05% 5.45%
SASDI_3_4 45 36.291 | 13.980 8.24% 8.03%
SASDI3_3_5 60 50.946 | 18.590 11.37% 10.50%
SASDI3_3_6 120 109.746 | 34.920 23.60% 19.08%
SASDI3_3_7 240 211.596 | 61.280 44.18% 32.51%
SASDI3_3_8 360 305.296 | 85.890 62.48% 44.64%
IDATE: Wednesday, November 14, 2001

IMW H2SO,4= 98.080g/mol
Purity of H2SO, solution = 96.50%
IDensity H2SO, stock solution = 1.946g/mL

Operating Temperature = . 200°C
Running time = 360min.

IMolality of H2SO, required = 0.500m
Weight of H2SQ, solution required to obtain above molality = 50.82g
IMass/Volume of Water in glass cylinder = 948.22¢ or mL
IMass/Volume of Wash Water = 50.00g or mL
[Final Solvent Mass (water) 1000.000g
Psolution = 1.024g/mL
Mass of sample before = 5.660g
Mass of sample after = 3.7248
% solids = 0.537%
Acid/Scale ratio = 8.66
IMolarity of H2SQO, in final solution = 0.488M

time % Fe % Al
Sample # |(minutes)} Feppm | Alppm_| Dissolution |Dissolution
SASDI3_4_1 10 67.246 17.260 6.13% 3.97%
SASDI3_4 2 20 84.996 26.890 7.69% 6.12%
SASDIB_4 3 30 103.946 34,390 9.31% 7.74%
SASDI3B_4 4 45 134.896 43.150 11.89% 9.59%
SASDIB_4 5 60 160.396 50.430 13.95% 11.07%
SASDI3_4 6 120 210.396 77.050 17.90% 16.40%
SASDI3_4 7 250 298.816 140.520 24.71% 28.79%
SASDI3B_4 8 360 478.696 179.820 38.19% 36.18%
IDATE: Monday, February 4, 2002

IMW H2SO4= 98.080g/mol
Purity of H,SO, solution = 96.50%
Density H2SO, stock solution = 1.9462/mL
Purity of H2O2 = oS 30.00%
Density of HzO, stock solution = 1.117g/ml

Operating Temperature = 150°C
— time = 360min.

Final Solvent Mass (water) 1000.000g
Molarity of H2SO, in final solution = 0.246M
% HzO = 0.33%
Psolution = 1.013g/mL
% solids = 0.684%
Acid/Scale ratio = 3.47
IMass of sample before = 7.076g
Mass of sample after = 6.214¢

time %¥Fe % Al
Sample # (minutes) | Fe ppm | Al ppm | Dissolution | Dissolution
SASDI6R_1_1 10 7.496 1.867 0.85% 0.34%
SASDI6R_1_2 20 17.496 3,939 0.99% 0.70%
SASDI6R_1_3 30 27.496 6.624 1.20% 1.16%
SASDI6R_1_4 45 42.496 10.600 1.62% 1.82%
SASDI6R_1_5 60 57.496 13.400 1.85% 2.27%
SASDI6R_1_6 120 117.496 | 27.550 3.41% 4.51%
SASDI6R_1_7 240 237.496 | 52.480 5.49% 8.33%
SASDI6R_1_8 360 357.496 | 95.110 6.92% 14.67%
IDATE: Wedensday, December 5, 2001

IMMW H2SO4 = 98.080g/mol
Purity of H2SO, solution = 96.50%
Density H2SO, stock solution = 1.9462/mL
Purity of HzO, = a 30.00%
Density of HzO stock solution = 1.117g/ml

Operating Temperature = 150°C
Running time = 360min.

Final Solvent Mass (water) 1000.000g
IMolarity of H2SO, in final solution = 0.487M
Psolution = 1.025 g/mL
% solids = 0.315%
Acid/Scale ratio = 14.73
Mass of sample before = 3.3308
IMass of sample after = 2.2748

time %¥Fe % Al
Sample # (minutes) | Feppm | Alppm_ | Dissolution | Dissolution
SASDI6_2_1 10 9.096 6.700 1.20% 2.60%
SASDI6_2_2 20 17.306 11.530 2.24% 4.43%
SASDI6_2_3 30 26.596 15.230 3.40% 5.79%
SASDI6_2_4 45 39.916 19.960 5.01% 7.48%
SASDI6_2_5 60 54.136 23.910 6.69% 8.84%
SASDI6_2_6 120 111.396 | 37.720 13.27% 13.53%
SASDI6_2_7 240 219.796 | 56.910 25.37% 19.86%
SASDI6_2_8 360 322.896 | 71.870 36.52% 24.62%
IDATE: Friday, December 7, 2001

MW H2SO,4= 98.080g/mol
Purity of H2SO, solution = 96.50%
IDensity H2SQOy, stock solution = 1.9462/mL
Purity of HO, = 30.00%
Density of H2O2 stock solution = 1.117 g/ml

Operating Temperature = 200°C
IRunning time = 360min.

Final Solvent Mass (water) 1000.000g
IMolarity of H2SO, in final solution = 0.246M
Psolution = 1.013g/mL
% solids = 0.307%
[Acid/Scale ratio = 7.75
[Mass of sample before = 3.1662
[Mass of sample after = 2.5392

time %¥Fe % Al
Sample # (minutes) | Fe ppm | Al ppm | Dissolution | Dissolution
SASDI6_3_1 10 15.946 6.292 2.22% 2.59%
SASDI6_3_2 20 21.606 | 11.200 2.99% 4.55%
SASDI6_3_3 30 26.116 | 14.300 3.58% 5.75%
SASDI6_3_4 45 32.386 | 19.040 4.37% 7.53%
SASDI6_3_5 60 36.966 | 22.710 4.94% 8.87%
SASDI6_3_6 120 63.956 | 36.110 8.22% 13.67%
SASDI6_3_7 240 113.696 | 54.360 14.09% 20.01%
SASDI6_3_8 360 162.996 | 68.870 19.72% 24.87%
IDATE: Monday, December 10, 2001

MW H.2SO,4= 98.080g/mol
Purity of H,SO, solution = 96.50%
Density H)SO, stock solution = 1.946g/mL
Purity of H,O, = 30.00% ~
a of H,O> stock solution = 1.1 a

Operating Temperature = 200°C
=_— time = 360min.

Final Solvent Mass (water) 1000.000g
Molarity of H2SOz in final solution = 0.487M
1% H202 = 0.32%
Psolution = 1.025g/mL
% solids = 0.346%
Acid/Scale ratio = 13.43
Mass of sample before = 3.651g
Mass of sample after = 2.0308

time %¥Fe % Al
Sample # | (minutes) | Fe ppm | Al ppm | Dissolution | Dissolution
SASDI6_4 1 10 47.966 | 14.390 5.88% 5.22%
SASDI6_4 2 20 65.776 | 24.540 7.99% 8.79%
SASDI6_4 3 30 32.740 0.31% 11.59%
SASDI6_4 4 45 97.306 | 40.360 11.35% 14.12%
SASDI6_4.5 60 117.196 | 48.880 13.51% 16.86%
SASDI6_4 6 120 180.896 | 78.940 | 20.31% 26.37%
SASDI6_4 7 240 263.196 | 120.200 | 28.84% 39.03%
SASDI6_4 8 360 312.796 | 149.700 | 33.78% 47.76%
IDATE: Wednesday, November 21, 2001

MW HCl= 36.461g/mol
Purity of HCI solution = 37.25%
[Density HCI stock solution = 1.180g/mL
Purity of H2O2 = 30.00%
[Density of H2O> stock solution = oe

Operating Temperature = 150°C
ae time = 360min.

Final Solvent Mass (water) 1000.000g
IMolarity of HCI in final solution = 0.248M
% H202 = 0.33%
Psolution = 1.005g/ mL
% solids = 0.523%
\Acid/Scale ratio = 1.71
IMass of sample before = 5.321g
Mass of sample after = 4.4249

time % Fe % Al
Sample # (minutes) | Fe ppm Alppm_| Dissolution | Dissolution
HCLSDI3_1_1 10 88.546 12.820 8.17% 2.99%
HCLSDI3_1_2 20 92.956 13.000 8.55% 3.02%
HCLSDI3_1_3 30 99.296 16.120 9.08% 3.70%
HCLSDI3_1_4 45 106.796 22.560 9.70% 5.08%
HCLSDI3_1_5 60 115.496 37.560 10.40% 8.21%
HCLSDI3_1_6 120 140.696 56.310 12.41% 12.00%
HCLSDI3_1_7 240 170.266 69.340 14.69% 14.55%
HCLSDI3_1_ 8 360 190.696 70.550 16.21% 14.74%
IDATE: Friday, November 23, 2001

MW HCl= 36.461g/mol
Purity of HCI solution = 37.25%
[Density HCI stock solution = 1.180g/mL
Purity of H2O2 = 30.00%
— of H2O> stock solution = 1.1 —

Operating Temperature = 150°C
ae time= — 360min.

Final Solvent Mass (water) 1000.000g
Molarity of HCI in final solution = 0.494M
% H202 = 0.33%
Psolution = 1.009g/mL
% solids = 0.252%
\Acid/Scale ratio = 7.05
Mass of sample before = 2.585g
Mass of sample after = 1.549¢

time % Fe % Al
Sample # | (minutes) | Fe ppm Alppm __| Dissolution | Dissolution
HCLSDI3_2_1 10 3.996 6.199 0.77% 3.02%
HCLSDI3_2_2 20 20.296 10.680 3.84% 5.14%
HCLSDI3_2_3 30 28.496 14.950 5.33% 7.11%
HCLSDI3_2 4 45 43.996 19.720 8.08% 9.24%
HCLSDI3_2_5 60 65.896 23.760 11.87% 10.99%
HCLSDI3_2 6 120 134.496 36.500 23.42% 16.39%
HCLSDI3_2_7 240 236.696 55.200 40.12% 24.10%
HCLSDI3_2_8 300 283.196 62.350 47.42% 26.91%
IDATE: Monday, November 26, 2001

MW HCl= 36.461g/mol
Purity of HCI solution = 37.25%
Density HCl stock solution= _ 1.180g/mL
Purity of H,O2 = 30.00%
_— of H,O> stock solution = 1.1 —_

Operating Temperature= 200°C
Running time = 360min.

Final Solvent Mass (water) 1000.000g
Molarity of HC] in final solution = 0.248M
Psolution = 1.005g/mL
% solids = 0.294%
Acid/Scale ratio = 3.06
Mass of sample before = 2.980g
Mass of sample after = 1.9072

time % Fe % Al
Sample # (minutes) | Fe ppm | Alppm | Dissolution| Dissolution
HCLSDI3_3_1 10 5.196 11.270 0.88% 4.84%
HCLSDI3_3_2 20 12.896 16.600 2.16% 7.06%
HCLSDI3_3_3 30 19.896 21.170 3.28% 8.90%
HCLSDI3_3_4 45 34.296 26.890 5.54% 11.15%
HCLSDI3_3_5 60 45.496 30.830 7.24% 12.64%
HCLSDI3_3_6 120 101.996 46.970 15.62% 18.67%
HCLSDI3_3_7 240 197.396 62.060 29.36% 24.12%
HCLSDI3_3_8 360 263.596 70.310 38.55% 26.97%
IDATE: Wedensday, November 28, 2001

MW HCIi= 36.461 g/mol
Purity of HCl] solution = 37.25%
Density HCI stock solution = 1.180g/mL
Purity of H,O, = 30.00%
Density of HzO2 stock solution = 1.117g/ml

Operating Temperature = 200°C
Running time = 360min.

[VOLUME OF H20,2 TO BE ADDED =. 10.00mL
Final Solvent Mass (water) 1000.000g
IMolarity of HCI in final solution = 0.494M
Psolution = 1,009g/mL
% solids = 0.352%
‘Acid/Scale ratio = 5.05
Mass of sample before = 3.6082
Mass of sample after = 0.000g

time % Fe % Al
Sample # (minutes) | Fe ppm | Al ppm | Dissolution | Dissolution
HCLSDI3_4_1 10 57.596 | 30.670 8.14% 10.94%
HCLSDI3_4 2 20 130.796 | 49.710 18.20% 17.54%
HCLSDI3_4 3 30 242,996 | 70.390 33.22% 24.50%
HCLSDI3_4 4 45 364.596 | 91.070 49.02% 31.26%
HCLSDI3_4_5 60 502.496 | 146.850 66.42% 49.08%
HCLSDI3_4_6 120 650.000 | 214.400 84.47% 70.03%
HCLSDI3_4_7 240 701.496 | 274.450 90.40% 88.04%
HCLSDI3_4 8 360 801.496 | 285.000 | 101.79% 90.87%
IDATE: Tuesday, December 11, 2001

MW HCl= 36.461 g/mol
Purity of HCI solution = 37.25%
Density HC] stock solution = ; 1.180g/mL
Purity of H,O2 = 30.00%
Density of H2O> stock solution = 1.1 a

Operating Temperature = . 150°C
unning time = 360min.

Final Solvent Mass (water) 1000.000g
IMolarity of HCI in final solution = 0.248M
Psolution = 1.005g/mL
% solids = 0.379%
Acid/Scale ratio = 2.36
Mass of sample before = 3.8552
Mass of sample after = 2.953g

time % Fe % Al
Sample # (minutes) | Fe ppm Alppm_| Dissolution | Dissolution
HCLSDI6_1_1 10 41.876 2.732 4.66% 0.90%
HCLSDI6_1_2 20 45.986 5.840 5.10% 1.90%
HCLSDI6_1_3 30 51.556 9.732 5.68% 3.11%
HCLSDI6_1_4 45 59.406 14.480 6.47% 4.55%
HCLSDI6_1_5 60 66.816 19.290 7.20% 5.96%
HCLSDI6_1_6 120 83.946 36.130 8.85% 10.80%
HCLSDI6_1_7 245 119.296 66.520 12.17% 19.28%
HCLSDI6_1_8 360 142.096 84.730 14.24% 24.18%
IDATE: Tuesday, Febrauary 19, 2002

MW HCl= 36.461 g/mol
Purity of HC] solution = 37.25%
Density HC] stock solution = . 1.180g/mL
Purity of H2O2 = 30.00%
—_ of H2O> stock solution = 1.1 —

Operating Temperature = 150°C
Running time = - 360min.

Final Solvent Mass (water) 1000.000g
IMolarity of HCI in final solution = 0.494M
Psolution = 1.0092/mL
% solids = 0.718%
Acid/Scale ratio = 2.47
Mass of sample before = 7.3868
IMass of sample after = 4.632g

time % Fe % Al
Sample # (minutes) | Feppm | Alppm | Dissolution | Dissolution
HCLSDI6_2_1 10 7.405 0.00% 1.28%
HCLSDI6_2_2 20 72.916 16.510 4.15% 2.81%
HCLSDI6_2_3 30 97.056 24.900 5.49% 4.18%
HCLSDI6_2_4 45 149.096 34.820 8.29% 5.76%
HCLSDI6_2_5 60 183.396 44.160 10.07% 7.20%
HCLSDI6_2_6 120 416.796 80.610 21.98% 12.70%
HCLSDI6_2_7 240 640.096 | 174.700 33.02% 26.50%
HCLSDI6_2_8 360 838.696 | 207.700 42.52% 31.14%
IDATE: Wednesday, February 20, 2002

MW HCl= 36.461 g/mol
Purity of HCI solution = 37.25%
iDensity HCI stock solution = . 1.180g/mL
Purity of H,02 = - 30.00%

Density of H2O> stock solution = 1.1 =

Operating Temperature = ° 200°C
Running time = 240min.

Final Solvent Mass (water) 1000.000g
IMolarity of HCI in final solution = 0.248M
Psolution = 1.005g/mL
% solids = 0.593%
Acid/Scale ratio = 1.51
Mass of sample before = 6.042¢
Mass of sample after = 4.709¢

time % Fe % Al
Sample # (minutes) | Feppm | Alppm | Dissolution | Dissolution
HCLSDI6_3_1 10 61.226 15.750 4.45% 3.39%
HCLSDI6_3_2 20 75.276 23.870 5.43% 5.08%
HCLSDI6_3_3 30 94.956 28.810 6.77% 6.07%
HCLSDI6_3_ 4 45 117.796 | 35.250 8.29% 7.33%
HCLSDI6_3_5 60 137.296 | 42.930 9.54% 8.80%
HCLSDI6_3_6 120 201.096 537.270 13.57% 11.47%
HCLSDI6_3_7 240 296.196 | 72.740 19.39% 14.26%
HCLSDI6_3_8 360 359.196 | 107.650 23.11% 20.40%
IDATE: Tuesday, February 12, 2002

MW HCl = 36.461 g/mol
Purity of HC] solution = 37.25%
Density HC] stock solution = 1.180g/mL
Purity of H,O2 = 30.00%
a of H2O> stock solution = 1.1 —_

Operating Temperature = 200°C
— time = 240min.

Molarity of HCI in final solution = 0.494M
Psolution = 1.009g/mL

% solids = 0.753%
\Acid/Scale ratio = 2.35
IMass of sample before = 7.7552
Mass of sample after = 3.6342

time % Fe % Al
Sample # (minutes)| Feppm | Al ppm | Dissolution | Dissolution
0 0.000 0.000
HCLSDI6R2_4 1 10 75.296 34.670 4.29% 5.84%
HCLSDI6R2_4 2 20 232.396 | 52.220 12.99% 8.70%
HCLSDI6R2_4 3 30 424.196 | 66.010 23.33% 10.89%
HCLSDI6R2_4 4 45 582.096 | 84.740 31.57% 13.77%
HCLSDI6R2_4 5 60 100.400 16.11%
HCLSDI6R2_4 6 70 677.496 155.8 33.75% 24.22%
HCLSDI6R2_4 7 105 758.496 188.1 37.56% 28.78%
HCLSDI6R2_4 8 120 845.496 | 184.500 27.88%
HCLSDI6R2_4_9 240 1134.496 | 251.150 51.45% 36.66%
HCLSDI6R2_4_10 360 1357.496 | 269.050 60.22% 38.40%


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Table 20. Correlation between L-Ore Slurry Throughput, Acid Throughput and Scale Growth

Scale Growth Rate

Campaign | fcosnoun | Ack kom) | gormpariment of (mm/year)

L20 57.00 4.70 88.00
L21 70.00 6.00 78.00
i 70.00 6.00 90.00
13 115.00 11.20 330.00
14 115.00 10.00 282.00
I5 92.50 13.50 197.00
16 85.00 10.00 279.81
18 87.50 12.00 223.51
19 89.00 12.10 230.88
110 92.20 11.60 205.00
110b 150.70 15.00 297.53
11 150.00 17.00 346.56
*H2 150.00 17.10 46.46
Correlation Coefficient between Slurry
throughput and Scale Growth Rate = 0.84)
Correlation Coefficient between Acid Addition
and Scale Growth Rate = 0.81
*712 scale growth rate not included in the calculation of the correlation coefficient
as it is clearly a statistical outlier.

Table 21. Correlation Coefficients between Scale Growth Rates and Metal Content in Scale.
Scale Growth

Acid Addition
L20 88.00 24.03 | 13.89 | 0.02 | 0.29 | 0.48
L21 78.00 10.01 | 15.24 | 0.01 | 0.29 | 0.43
11 90.00 11.87 | 15.51 | 0.02 | 0.23 | 0.50
13 330.00 28.43} 7.16 | 0.02 | 3.22 | 0.48
14 282.00 30.89| 9.02 | 0.01 | 2.75 | 0.41
15 197.00 28.41 | 7.55 | 0.01 | 2.65 | 0.62
I6 279.81 24.66 | 9.23 | 0.03 | 4.13 | 1.02
18 223.51 28.19 | 7.42 | 0.10 | 3.37 | 1.13
19 230.88 27.39} 6.81 | 0.14 | 3.15 | 1.44
110 205.00 26.57 | 7.48 | 0.03 | 3.76 | 1.05
110b 297.53 23.30} 8.40 | 0.07 | 3.97 | 0.84
141 346.56 8.10 | 7.86 | 0.11 | 3.99 | 0.89
112 46.46 N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A N/A
Coefficient = 0.29 | -0.81 | 0.39 | 0.89 | 0.32

Table 22. Correlation Coefficients between Scale Growth Rates and other Parameters.
| Scale Growth

Campaign Compartment of Food Feed reed Feed Si Feed Feed eid Alamteromat ite
Acid Addition | Fe%| Al% |Mg%| % Mn% | Cr% | (g/L)
L20 88.00 46.10} 2.78 | 0.57 | 1.70 | 1.16 | 2.62 | 26.70 0.89
L21 78.00 46.20} 2.41 | 049 | 1.96 | 1.07 | 1.81 | 31.20 4.20
11 90.00 45.70| 2.82 | 0.59 1.75 1.15 | 2.79 | 26.60 2.62
13 330.00 46.10] 2.54 | 1.21 3.50 1.14 2.11 | 25.40 1.21
14 282.00 48.27| 2.88 | 0.55 | 3.49 | 1.12 | 2.20 | 33.10 0.46
I5 197.00 43.73] 2.66 | 1.28 | 4.28 | 0.92 | 2.02 | 23.40 0.82
16 279.81 40.00} 2.49 | 1.69 | 4.386 | 0.75 | 1.88 | 35.89 0.75
3 223,51 36.60/ 2.09 | 2.61 6.80 0.79 1.99 | 34.60 1.00
I9 230.88 35.80] 2.12 | 2.63 6.72 0.81 2.11 | 46.80 1.29
110 205.00 35.90/ 2.15 | 2.71 7.17 0.81 2.12 | 53.00 1.14
110b 297.53 N/A _| N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.39
111 346.56 35.70| 2.07 | 3.79 | 6.70 0.80 | 2.20 | 58.90 *N/A
112 46.46 36.04] 2.19 | 459 | 9.08 | 0.63 | 1.77 | 76.4 “N/A
Correlation Coefficient = -0.15 | -0.17 | 0.10 | 0.17 | -0.09 | -0.13 | 0.17 -0.62
* 111 scale is pure alunite.
**112 minerlaogical data not available.
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Campaign - Sample Description Sample Code Name

Compartment No.
L20-Cl Shaft + Thermowell L20-11
L20 — C2 Shaft + Thermowell L20 — 12
' L20-C3 Heating Coil L20 — 13
L21-Cl Shaft L21 -21
L21-—C2 Shaft L21 — 23
Thermowell L21 - 24
L21-C3 Heating Coil L21 -25
Scaling Device 11-SD1
I1-—Cl Shaft 11-31
Thermowell 11 -— 32
Scaling Device 11 -SD2
Il -C2 Shaft I] - 33
Thermowell Ii — 34
11 -—C3 Heating Coil I] — 35
Scaling Device 13-SD1
Shaft 13-11
I3-Cl Thermowell 13-12
Acid Injection Tube 1I3-13A
Loose Particles 1I3-L1
Scaling Device 13 -SD2
I3 —-C2 Shaft 13-21
Thermowell 13 — 22
13 - C3 Heating Coil 13 — 33
13 — C6 Loose Particles I3 -L6
Ore Feed Tube 14 - 1 — Feed
14-—Cl Scaling Device 14—SD1
Shaft and Impeller 14-11
Thermowell 14-12
Campaign - Sample Description Sample Code Name
Compartment No.
Scaling Device 14-SD2
14 —-C2 Shaft and Impeller 14-21
Thermowell 14 — 22
Bottom Loose 14-L2
Shaft and Impeller 144-31
Thermowell 14 - 32
Heating Coil 14 — 33
14-C3 Heating Coil Chunk 14 — 34
Loose-Size>850 Um 14 ~L3 — 1 Heavy

Loose-106<size<850 [tm 4-L3-2

Loose-Size<106 itm 4-L3-3

Loose-Float in water 14-L3 — 4 Light
14-C4 Shaft and Impeller 14-41
Thermowell 14 - 42
Shaft and Impeller 14-51
14-—C5 Heating Coil 14 — 53
Heating Coil Chunk 14 - 54
Hard Scale at the corner 14 —-5 — Corner
14-C6 Shaft and Impeller 14 - 61
Scaling Device I5-—SD1
Shaft and impeller I5— 11
I5-Cl Thermowell I5 - 12
Acid Injection Tube I5- 13
Loose Particles I5-LI1
Scaling Device I5 -SD2
Shaft and impeller 15-21
15 —- C2 Thermowell I5 -— 22
Acid Injection Tube I5 - 23
Loose Particles I5 —-L2
Campaign - Sample Description Sample Code Name
Compartment No.
Shaft and Impeller 15 - 31
j5 —C3 Thermowell 15 — 32
Heating Coil IS — 33
Heating Coil Chunk I5 — 34
15-4 Shaft and Impeller B41
Shaft and Impeller 15 —51
15 —C5 Heating Coil 15 — 53
Heating Coil Chunk 15 — 54
Bottom Loose 15 —L5
I5 — C6 Bottom Loose 15 —- L6
16-Cl Scaling Device 16-SD1
Thermowelll 16 — 22
Shaft + Impeller — Top 16 —21B
16 — C2 Shaft + Impeller 16 — 21 Shaft
Shaft + Impeller — Bottom 16-—21A
Acid Injection Tube 16 — 23
Loose Beads 16 —- AC2
Thermowelll 16 — 32
Shaft + Impeller — Top 16 —31B
16 —- C3 Shaft + Impeller 16 - 31
Shaft + Impeller — Bottom 16-—31A
Heating Coil 16 — 33
Loose Material 16 — AC3
16—C5 Loose Material 16 — AC5
16 —- C6 Loose Beads 16 —- AC6
I8 —Cl Coupon inside 18- AC]
Campaign - Sample Description Sample Code Name
Compartment No.
Shaft + Impeller — Top I8—21A
18 —C2 Shaft + Impeller - Bottom 18 —21B
Acid Injection Tube 18 — 23
Thermowelll 18 — 22
Coupon inside I8 - AC2
Shaft + Impeller 18 —31
18 — C3 Thermowell1 18 — 32
Heating Coil Chunk 18 — 34
I9-Cl Weir, compartments 1 & 2 I9-A
Weir, compartments 1 & 2 I9-B
Top of weir, Cl & C2 19-C

19 — C2 Shaft + Impeller — Top 19 - 21 Top

Shaft + Impeller — Bottom 19-21 Btm
Thermowell 19 — 22A/22B
Acid Injection Tube 19 — 23B
19 —-C3 Heating Coil Chunk 19 — 34
I9-C5 Heating Coil Chunk 19 — 54
Weir, compartments 1 & 2 lO-A

Weir, compartments 1 & 2 llo-B

Coupon inside 110 —- AC2

Shaft + Impeller — Top Il0-—21A
110 -C2 Shaft + Impeller 110 -21B
Shaft + Impeller — Bottom 110—21C
Thermowell A 110-—22A
Thermoweil B 110 - 22B
Acid Injection Tube A I10— 23A
Acid Injection Tube B 1l0—23B
Campaign - Sample Description Sample Code Name
Compartment No.
Shaft + Impeller —- Top I10-31A
Shaft + Impeller 110 —- 31B
110 — C3 Shaft + Impeller — Bottom 110-31C
Thermowell . 110 — 32
Acid Injection Tube — 110 — 33
110 -—C5 Heating Coil Chunk 110 - 54
Coupon inside 110 - ACI
Shaft + Impeller —- Top 110b - 11A
110b - Cl Shaft + Impeller 110b - 11B
Shaft + Impeller — Bottom 110b — 11C
Thermowell A 110b — 12
Acid Injection Tube 110b — 13
Coupon inside 110b — AC2
I10b — C2 Shaft + Impeller — Top 110b —21A
Shaft + Impeller 110b — 21B
Shaft + Impeller - Bottom 110b — 21C
Thermowell 110b — 22E
110b — C3 Shaft + Impeller — Top 110b —-31A
Shaft N11-11ACl
Bottom of impeller T11-11C
Il1-Cl Top of impeller 111 -11BC1
Thermowell 111-12
Heating coil I11- 13
Loose particles 111 -— 1p Loose
Scaling Device 111 — TIC2
Shaft Il1-—21A

Nt-C2 Top of impeller 111-21B

Bottom of impeller 111 -21C
Thermowell I11 — 22
Heating coil I11 — 23
Campaign - Sample Description Sample Code Name
Compartment No.
Shaft I11 — 31a(x)
I11-C3 Coil in/out line Ii1 — 33a (x)
Coil body 111 — 33b (x)
Shaft at L interface Comp. #3 from 1/10
I11-C6 Screen pellets I11 -6p

H,S0, | | 4 VENT
—-\__ } H)




Figure 34-Schematic Diagram of a Continuous Autoclave Compartment Showing Internals and
the Scaling Device.

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