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Our Treasure

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: One Piece
Relationship: Roronoa Zoro/Vinsmoke Sanji, Aka Ashi no Zeff | Red-Leg Zeff &
Vinsmoke Sanji
Character: Roronoa Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Mugiwara Kaizoku | Strawhat Pirates
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff, Soft Roronoa Zoro, Not Beta Read
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-03-02 Words: 3,635 Chapters: 1/1

Our Treasure
by 4curiosidad


Zoro found a perfect present for Sanji.

A story where Zoro takes care of Sanji's hands


A short and quick fic, posted for our birthday boy.

(One Piece's characters belonged to Eiichiro Oda)

English is not my native language so sorry for mistakes (I wish there is none but yeah who

See the end of the work for more notes

Sanji, the Straw Hat’s cook, one of the future Pirate King’s Wings. The man with unique styles of
fighting with his legs for that his hands were only to honour his passion and joy of cooking for his

When he wasn’t cooking, he became cheeky Sanji; a lively one, dashing here and there on the
Sunny, taking care of their home, with all of the chores it should had on a ship and more that he
added on to himself, like preparing refreshment for the ladies or snack for a whining captain.
Sanji loved his hands and so did Zoro. Moments when they were together, typically those silent
nights when Zoro or Sanji took watch, they would lean on each other, with Sanji’s low voice
whispering to Zoro about his days; whatever he talked about, Zoro listened patiently, holding
Sanji’s hands, feeling their warmth pooling into each other. When the moment to end came, the
mosshead would place a kiss on the back of his hands before squeezing it once and reluctantly let

And for that, no doubt Sanji was aware of how well Zoro knew those hands; knew how heavy and
how warmth they were in his. But to his surprise, the dumbass even knew when there was a new
crack on them.

“What happened?”, he asked when Zoro suddenly moved his hand to his eyes’ level for inspection.
The cigarette danced with his question and his story felt forgotten.

“Do you know”, the swordsman hummed, using his thumb to follow a crack on the back of his
hand, “that this new?”

“Hmm?”, the cook pulled his hand back and invested it himself. On the corner of his eyes, Zoro
hurriedly chased after, eagerly and gently rubbed on the crack again to show the cook.

“You are right, mossy. It’s new. But don’t worry, it happens all the time whenever the weather
turns cold. I’m used to it.”

Recently they did enter a colder area. Grand Line was an interesting place, with chaos and harsh
weather on each island.

“It happened before? ”, the swordsman reclaimed his hands back to his holding.

“Yup. Not a lot when I was still with Zeff; the weather was bearable. It has happened more since
we entered the Grand Line.” The cook kept his head up, watching the cloud lazily floated on the
sky, soaking on the moonlight.

Sanji’s mind wandered back into the past, when he was just a new cook in a newly opened
restaurant on the East Blue. Winter was hard; not only because the wind and rain and other
catastrophe of weather stopped them from sailing, but also because it was the time of the year
when Sanji’s hands turned worse.
He remembered being freaked out the first time he saw and felt how dry his hands were. It had
never happened before when he was in the abomination place that was called ‘home’ once. After
all, the old man had told him how precious a pair of hands were for a cook. Who would he be if he
let his saviour and his mentor down because of his dried hands? And so, Sanji sucked all of his
confusion, scared and worry, tucked it deep down in his head and focused on his work; at that time,
he was pretty much a helper, not even a cook yet, doing small chores like cleaning, sweeping and
washing dishes. But he refused to step down from the kitchen; it was his home, his battlefield, his

Until Zeff found out about his hands. He saw cuts on the little chef’s hands, placed where it wasn’t
supposed to have one. Zeff grabbed his wrists and examined his hands, ignoring Sanji’s frantic
explanation. Sanji remembered vividly how Zeff’s expression was something in between stunned
and hopeless for his stupidity when he found out the truth. After what felt like hours of lecture
from Zeff (apparently the old man wanted to know everything that happened in his kitchen,
including Sanji’s condition), he was given tips and some moisturisers for his hands.

“Stupid eggplant, at a time like this what’s a parent for?”, Zeff huffed before leaving a baffled

That was the second time Zeff called himself a parent. Sanji’s parent, nonetheless. After that, he
stopped counting since there was no need for that. He also found his hands’ condition gradually got
better and disappeared, until it happened again when he entered the Grand Line with one hell of a

“No worry, this is nothing. Can’t let it stop me from doing my job.” he shook his head, letting the
memory go and came back to his present with his mosshead.

“Can’t you do something to make it better?”, the swordsman absentmindedly massaged the slender
hand he was holding and seemed to pay more attention to where the crack showed up.

“It’s ok. Just ignoring it until we get somewhere warmer, it will be better. Don’t worry yourself”,
the cook giggled, surprised and also relieved to see how attentive the moss was. He put out his
smoke, using his finger to guide Zoro’s face closer to his, inviting the swordsman into another
heated make out.

Their lips met in the middle. Those hands, once again, found their way on Zoro’s body, snaking up
to his head. Fingers buried in his hair and slightly pulled; another one grabbed his chin firmly,
leading Zoro further into the kiss. Zoro melted into the soft flesh, the warmth gasps, the fond
touch, so fast, made him almost forget about their previous topic. Until they broke the kiss and the
cook whispered to him about how late it was and reminded Zoro that his watch was over.

The next day, the crew still pretty much wandered in the cold weather. Nami told them where they
were heading to, apparently, was another winter island.

That meant more warm food for his crew. As usual, the Straw Hat’s cook, listing mentally all of
the necessary ingredients and dishes to warm his people, opened the door to the kitchen to start his
days. He was in the middle of preparing the food when the door swung open once more, revealing
the marimo . Expecting the man would take a nap on the sofa as usual, Sanji smirked, holding a
cigarette in between his grin.

Then, he heard the sound of boots slammed on the floor and approached him. A pair of strong
arms grabbed around his waist, pressed him closer to the hot body behind him, simultaneously
pushed him leaned closer to the sink.

“What do you want, moss for brain?”, Sanji sighed and grumbled, but there was no annoyance in
his voice.

“I wanna help”, the swordsman asked, his breath fanning warmly on Sanji’s neck.

“Well, nothing for you to do here. Dishes are after meals”, Sanji attempted to wave and dismiss the
swordsman with cabbage on his hand, when suddenly it fell into Zoro’s hands.

Swiftly, Zoro took his place in front of the sink, dutifully started to wash cabbages, then moved on
to other kinds of vegetables that the cook was preparing for the dish that day. Sanji shook his head
and took off to do other things. If the idiot wanted to wash and do dishes later, let him be.

A week passed by until they reached the new land. During that time, Sanji slowly got used to Zoro
hanging around in the kitchen more, especially before and after the meals. He wasn’t vocal about
what he was doing here, but his stubbornness and silently took over some of Sanji’s jobs, mainly
dealing with water and cleaning, was enough for Sanji to give in.

It wasn’t the only thing that slightly changed about the swordsman. He spent more time with
Chopper, too. Not in the infirmary, since he never stepped foot in it (unless the doctor shifted to his
Heavy Point and physically restrained Zoro to stay there, or when he used his ‘doctor’s order’
speciality), but instead on the Sunny’s grass, near Usopp and Robin’s gardens. Casually, when
Sanji brought refreshments and snacks for the ladies (and the whining captain, too), he could see
the green and the brown pressed together during one of their discussions. Sometimes, Chopper
glanced at Sanji, said something to the idiot, then he dropped everything he was doing with him
and rushed to Sanji for the snack.

“What are you talking about with Chopper nowadays?”, Sanji asked, when the heat of their love
had passed by and their mood had settled down for cuddling and snuggling under the thick

“Nothing much”, Zoro moved their joined hand to his lips, gently nibbling one of Sanji’s knuckles.
It was a contrary display to just a few moments ago, the man went all wild and in ecstasy with

He moved his sour neck as a reminder. “Well, does it have to do with my hands?”, and that made
the swordsman stop what he was doing, giving room for avoiding Sanji’s questioning look.


“Yes it is. Did you ask him about how to treat them?”

Zoro rubbed on Sanji’s hand, which had become more chafed since they first mentioned it. This
was a clear answer for the cook though.

He cackled, left a peck on the idiot swordsman’s lips. “Aww, why is our moss ball so sweet?”

That, he definitely didn’t sign up for another round but Zoro disagreed. He should have known,
especially after the way he cooed at the idiot for being ‘nice and sweet’.

Finally, the crew had reached the new island. The idiot rubber captain couldn’t stay still for one
second, jumping up and down, from here to there on the Sunny, waiting to explore. The lovely
ladies were even more stunning in those lovely cosy coats, keeping them warm enough to leave
space for their beauty. The other idiots shared the same enthusiasm as the captain, with an
exception of Jinbei who was having his calm expression (well he was the only one who acted like
an adult around here, beside Sanji of course).
The crew quickly embarked and went on their way to explore. Wishing that this was indeed a
peaceful island as they had seen, Sanji hoped for a break in between bringing down corrupted
politicians, in exchange for a nice change of breeze. He was quick to get off the Sunny, but
surprised when the moss said no.

“No? You don’t want to come with me? As a date?”. The moss still shook his head. Even when
Sanji used his ultimate moved (that he was really reluctant to use now since it was for special
occasion or teasing the moss for fun), lips pushed out in a pout and blue bright eyes opened wider
into a perfect puppy look, the stupid swords-addicted caveman closed his eye and said no.

“Ok. Better stay on the ship! That way we won’t have to look for you if you are lost!”, Sanji turned
away and went to where the village was, hoping to see a busy market with all he needed for his

He wasn't mad, he swore. Well, he was a little upset. But not mad! Sure, they were lovers didn’t
mean the moss ball should follow him everywhere he went. Sometimes they should give each
other space, like now. It wouldn’t be any problem when he reached a food stall with delicious
meals, eager to buy and urge Zoro to try, except Zoro wasn’t here. Or when he saw clothes that fit
his taste and wanted to give it a try, yet no Zoro to tell him how good he was (the idiot always
mocking about his look, yet never once told him it was ugly to the point of insulting him).

Rambling internally while shopping had taken up Sanji’s whole day. He only came back to the
Sunny with groceries full on both of his arms, plus an extra cart a nice grandma agreed to let him
borrow for a while. The cook started to organise all the food he had brought, making himself busy
and ready for the crew’s dinner. He expanded his Observation Haki and turned sour when his
sense told him the shitty seaweed had left Sunny. The cook sighed after having a drag of his
cigarette. His brows frowned in annoyance, as if he felt offended with the chore of searching for
Zoro later, but truthfully, he got used to it and was even glad that maybe he could steal them some
time together off the ship.

He came to be disappointed later when the moss had returned to the ship in time for dinner, with
the little doctor sitting on his neck and another hand holding a bag full of new books. Turns out,
Zoro had spent his day helping Chopper with his wish list for medical’s book. Well, it was that
idiot’s fault for not coming clean for him, making him all moody earlier. Besides, Sanji loved
watching Zoro being soft and cared about the crews; meanwhile also having this pride that he had
a privilege to have the other side of Zoro for himself.

After the meal, when everyone had their fill and once again Sanji had successfully brought joy for
his friends, Zoro pulled him to the crows nest, ignoring Sanji’s insistence on preparing a late night
snack for Zoro after exercising.
“Ok, what the hell, mossy?”, Sanji asked after he had surrendered and followed the swordsman.
They were sitting on the crows nest’s floor, face to face.

He was a bit worried since Zoro looked like he was sitting on fire, with his figure shifted once in a
while and his hands took turns rubbing on his neck; his good eye glanced back and forth between
Sanji’s face, the window, and his hideous haramaki. It must be something really serious that even
made Zoro so uneasy.

Sanji absentmindedly bit on the cigarette, stopped himself from lighting up a new one to prepare
for whatever the thing Zoro wanted to tell him.

“Here”, finally, Zoro grunted, fished something out from his haramaki and shoved it into Sanji’s

Sanji quickly caught it and brought it closer to his face. It was a small blue round box, white cap,
with no name or labels outside. He twisted open the cap and looked inside: there was light green
cream. Almost the same shade as Zoro’s hair.

Sanji cocked his head, curly eyebrows raised as near as possible to his hairline, quietly questioned
Zoro about the cream.

“It’s… for your hands”, Zoro sighed, now his look pinpointed on Sanji’s fingers holding the small
box. “Just rub this on, spread and massage the cream on your hands, it will be better. Less dry.”

“You bought this? Is this why you didn’t do grocery shopping as usual with me today?”. Shit,
Sanji blinked even more than he normally did, insisted his tears to stay right where they were.

Zoro looked hesitant. Through his (very slightly blurry) vision and the dim warmth light from the
ceiling, the red spread from the cheek to ears, then to the neck of the dumbass was very visible.

“It isn’t… More like… I made it.”

“You made this?” He raised his voice in surprise, causing the swordsman to shrink a little, staring
on the floor with fierce determination that it would help him open a hole to hide there. Impatiently
for an answer, Sanji scooted closer than the swordsman, yelling and bombarding him with
questions (Where did you get this? How did you make it? Since when? Why? Why? Why?)

Sanji was stopped when Zoro’s lips crashed on his.

“You stupid neanderthal! I almost drop it!”, he pushed the swordsman away.

Zoro licked his bottom lips with a mischievous grin that Sanji came to love and hate at the same
time. “I asked Chopper about it. It isn’t his area, so he had to research a lot. We also had to
experiment and raise some other ingredients in Usopp's garden. Today we went out to buy some
more stuff.” He pointed at the box, “It took a while but here it is.”

Seeing Sanji go silent, Zoro felt awkward. Did he not like it? Did he worry that it would harm his
hands or the food?

But… Sanji needed it. No matter how much the cook dismissed it, Zoro was upset about it. He
didn’t forget about the first time he knew about this freaking dry hand condition. It wasn’t days
before; it was way back when they had just left Drum Island with the new doctor on board. In the
middle of the celebration to welcome on board the little doctor and Nami’s recovery, he sneaked
into the kitchen, hoping for more booze. However, he met the cook.

“It’s right over there, shitty swordsman”, Zoro still remembered the way Curly rolled his eyes
dramatically, “Knock yourself out, for today I don’t care”. Then he came back to whatever
preparing meals he was doing, but much slower and some hissing.

Zoro raised his eyebrows, waiting for an explanation. However, the stupid cook just waved his
hand to dismiss him without disclosing any details.

The following days, when they had escaped the cold weather, the blond came back to his usual
way of cooking. Like, doing things without hissing. But other times, during their trips, when they
wandered up to an island with cold weather, like now, the cook would sucking for air heavily
during cooking, again. Seemed like he did it unconsciously.

Before that, Zoro didn’t pay attention to the sign, believing it was one of his dramatic charms. The
man who didn’t flinch when being hit by lightning just went hissing while cooking? It was hard to
believe, but now, Zoro did.
And he hated it. Hated seeing the cook suffered through pain while doing what he loved. So he
was determined to give the cook what he needed. Chopper had already told him Curly didn’t need
that; he had already gone through with him and there was no need for more treatment beside
whatever moisturising he was using now. But of course, the doctor gave up when he couldn't
change Zoro’s mind. Plus, it might be better for Sanji to change routine while taking extra care to
his hands. There was no harm in it, especially when they were facing a huge questionable lands in
the Grand Line. No days or lands were the same.

Zoro flapped his hands around, trying to summon even a tiny piece of information that Chopper
told him about the cream in an attempt to soothe and convince the cook to use it. Something that
was super healthy and good for skin, a friendly ingredient for cooking… Well, he couldn’t
remember them all but clearly it was all good.

When the swordsman went all flabbergasted and nervous, Sanji took a sniff of the cream. It had
this suave and nice smell, reminding him of…


“Yeah. I asked Chopper to put some in there”, Zoro scratched his neck absentmindedly, but took a
glance to observe the cook’s reaction. He didn’t know how Sanji reacted when his bang shadowed
his face.

He didn’t have to wait too long for the answer when Sanji raised his head, flashed him a grin with
fondness in his eyes.

“If you make this, then you should know how to use it, right?”, Sanji said, his voice reached the
baritone, it felt like feathers tickling Zoro’s heart.

“Of course, all you have to do is–”, Zoro frowned. Had the cook slammed his head somewhere that
made him suddenly become stupid? It was a hand cream. Just… rub it on hand?

He almost believed his own explanation and went off with it, if he didn’t catch a glimpse of
mischievous and, very clearly, flirty, from Sanji.
Oh .

Zoro smirked, swiftly taking the box from Sanji’s grips. “If you insist.”

He scooped an amount of cream on the tip of his finger. Then he slowly spread them on the back of
Sanji’s waiting hand. Using both of his thumbs to massage the cream, his hands supported and kept
the cook’s hand in place, focused solely on rubbing and squeezing, helping the skin absorb all of it.
He then moved to repeat all of the steps with the other hand.

Sanji watched the top of Zoro’s head in front of him, letting gratitude and love flushed through his
heart. This idiot didn’t care for basic hygiene, not to mention something grande like skincare, but
he was ready to learn and already made something for him without being asked for.

So green, so dearly, so focused on small and trivial tasks like moisturising hands.

He didn’t realise he had said the latter out loud until he heard Zoro replied, still focusing on a pair
of hands in his holding.

“It’s not trivial. It’s what it's supposed to be.”


This time Zoro raised his head and locked eyes with Sanji. “Your hands. They are the most
important things to you.”

Then he planted a kiss on each of Sanji’s wrist. “I’m just taking care of my treasure .”

Sanji sniffled, sucking in another tear which attempted to escape. “How selfish of you, marimo .
These hands are what bring joy and prosperity for our lovely ladies and idiots, too”

Zoro laughed, not correcting Sanji’s words. Instead, he tightened his grip on Sanji’s arm, using his
force to pull the cook into another kiss to tune out the cook’s mumbling thank you.
Later that night, how Zoro showed Sanji the use of the new cream, or how he adored Sanji’s hands
when the cook dozed off for a quick nap, and how he carefully massage said hands another time,
unconsciously added it on his daily routine, were facts that only Zoro knew.

“It’s our treasure .”

End Notes

Another quick idea striking me like lightning. And I have to be fast because I want to post
it on Sanji's birthday.
At this point I'm debating whether I should create a work for fic/idea like this...

I hoped you had a nice reading and have a good day/ night!

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