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Department of Electrical Engineering

EED207: Principles of Comm. Engg. (Spring 2024)

Lab Expt. 1 – Introduction to Simulink (Part 2)

Name: Chahit Luthra

Date: 10-02-24

Batch: P2

Problem 1
Develop a Simulink model to produce two sinusoidal waves with the following parameters:
frequency = 1 rad/s for both waves amplitude = 1 V
for both waves phase = 0 for one wave and π/2 for
the second wave sample time = 0.01 s

• Develop a Simulink Model.

Copy paste the Simulink model snapshot here

• Display each wave on a separate trace in the scope and label all axes.

Copy paste the time-scope snapshot here

Problem 2


• Develop and run a Simulink model for x(t) assuming a 10 second simulation time.

Copy paste the model snapshot & the scope waveform here

• Display x(t) in a scope over the range 0 to 2π with labels.

Copy paste the scope waveform here

Problem 3
Let x(t) = sin2(t) + cos2(t) + sin(3t) + cos(3t) + sin(10t)

• Develop and run a Simulink model for x(t) assuming a 10 second simulation time.

Copy paste the model snapshot & the scope waveform here

• Display x(t) in a scope over the range 0 to 2π with labels.

Copy paste the snapshot of the scope waveform here

Problem 4
In all the above three problems, add the ”Spectrum Analyzer block”. Set simulation stop
time to ”inf”. Save the models.

Run these models one by one. Double-click the analyzer block (then click on spectrum
settings and choose RMS in the type entry in the Main options) and observe the frequency

• Check the amplitude and frequency information.

Copy paste the snapshots of the spectrum analyser waveforms (for all 3 signals) here.
• Do you agree with the spectral information displayed?

The Vrms peaks at the frequencies with same magnitude and different sign is same. The
frequencies at which the peaks are present correspond to the fundamental frequencies of
sinusoidal terms present in the signal. The root mean square (VRMS) peaks would
correspond to the amplitudes of the individual sinusoidal components at those
frequencies. A positive or negative frequency simply determines the direction (clockwise
or counterclockwise) and the rate (speed) at which the sinusoidal waveform oscillates,
but it does not affect the overall spectral content or the nature of the signal. Thus, the sign
of frequency does not alter the analysis of the signal's frequency components

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