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In line with Ledesma (2022) of the Philippine News Agency, there are various factors to consider

and assess when choosing appropriate political leaders. It was explicitly defined that people
should be positive and believe that all elected leaders will adhere to their campaign pledges and
lead the country to a more intense future. However, there is a risk of being duped into voting for
individuals who devote 95% of their effort to making promises and 5% to a genuine workforce.
Filipinos demand that leaders establish a connection with them in basic, straightforward, and
honest ways, without rhetoric or ambiguous signals. Voters must be clear about what needs to
be carried out in order to elect someone who has clarity about what needs to be done. People
vote for candidates because they stimulate and ignite the nation about what's to come. On the
other hand, new leadership can be a source of discontent, as their actions, acts, and values can
turn enthusiasm and eagerness into dissatisfaction and shame. The candidates' propaganda
emphasizes the value of solidarity, collaborative behavior, and partnership in order to make the
entire nation more desirable to live in. It is appropriate to criticize the new leadership, yet it is
also critical to recognize and support beneficial initiatives. It is essential to be both sympathetic
and outspoken about the incoming administration. Thus, voters must be ready, as the fate of the
country is in their own hands.

Ledesma, J. (2022). Are we ready for new leaders?. Philippine News Agency.

According to an article in Inclusive Democracy (2022), the majority of Filipinos value three
essential qualities in a leader. Excellent leadership, honesty, and intelligence are all essential in
the Voter Insights on the 2022 National Elections (VINE) report. Strong leaders are preferred by
69% of respondents, while honesty is necessary for 55%. Intelligence was identified as the third
most desirable trait in an ideal candidate by 42% of respondents. In addition to the top three
character traits, 37% of respondents prefer someone with qualified experience, 33% want
someone who is morally upright, and 19% like empathetic leaders. This article emphasized the
significance of extensively assessing, choosing, and deciding, as these decisions are being
made not only for the betterment of those who will be elected but also for the sake of the
general public.

Filipinos looking for a strong, honest, intelligent leader - BOSES Pilipinas. (2022, June 13).

According to Timberman (2022), Rodrigo R. Duterte has become the most widely recognized
Filipino politician since Ferdinand Marcos and Corazon Aquino, mainly due to his drug
campaign, embrace of China, and contempt for the US. Duterte's policy agenda, attitude to
politics and governance, and impact on democratic institutions have all been varied, with
aspects of reform, continuity, and regression. The Duterte administration has trampled on
human rights, rivals in politics, and the country's democratic institutions, leading to a severe
deterioration in democracy. The assault on human rights and democracy by the Duterte
administration demands the issue of what the United States government can do to preserve
democracy. Duterte ran on his reputation as a tough-talking Davao mayor who highlighted law
and order over legal protections for alleged criminals. His triumph demonstrated that his
popularity spanned beyond regions and socioeconomic groups, with 16.6 million Filipinos
believing he could bring about significant transformation. This article states that Duterte is
recognized for his authoritarian leadership style, in which he possesses entire decision-making
power and ultimate control over his subordinates.

Timberman, D. G. (2019). Philippine Politics Under Duterte: A Midterm Assessment. Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace.

In accordance with Bautista (2017), Ferdinand Marcos's leadership style has a clear and
long-term vision for the Philippines, promoting not just law and order but also changing the
culture of the country; Corazon Aquino emphasizes humility as an essential component for
successful leadership; Fidel Ramos has the lowest plurality of any elected president of the
Philippines due to economic reform and liberalization; and Joseph Estrada was recognized for
creating pro-poor programs; Gloria Arroyo erected a reputation for itself as a leader; this is also
an indicator of being a results-oriented leader; Benigno Aquino III's leadership style of integrity
and being corruption-free has influenced government culture; and Rodrigo Duterte has been
viewed as action-oriented.
With regard to the study, these former presidents became leaders as a direct consequence of
their own intellectual efforts and practical expertise.

Bautista, R. (2017). 7 Philippine Presidents, Different Leadership Styles. INSIGHTS: The
Guthrie-Jensen Blog.

According to Sicat (2016), former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos exhibited crucial
leadership qualities such as decency and respect for his officials, clarity of purpose and
results-oriented work, knowledge of the law, and sensitivity. Wherein it is normalized to include a
small group of officials for discussions with a format of over one-on-one meetings, convene the
Cabinet or the NEDA Board when broad and significant issues are involved, enable officials the
opportunity to speak their minds, look for qualified people to fill sensitive posts, have a total
commitment to having a wise connection in other countries for innovative global development,
and consider law as a legal basis for all measures to be executed.

Sicat, G. (2016). Three important leadership traits from Ferdinand Marcos. UP School of

Mateo (2022) highlighted in the published article that the majority of Filipinos prefer three
attributes in political candidates: outstanding political leadership ability, honesty, and
intelligence. Following that, Filipinos weighed the candidates' expertise, especially those who
are morally pure, compassionate, and religious. In addition to personal qualities, voters
considered the following top issues that the politician must address: job employment, effective
control of COVID-19, poverty, salary increases, illegal drugs, prices of goods and products, and
defending the integrity of Philippine territory against foreigners.

Mateo, J. (2022). Pinoys Looking For Strong, Honest, Intelligent Leaders. One News Ph.

Dal bo et al., (2017), discusses the patterns of political selection among Swedish local
politicians and national parliamentarians. It reveals that politicians are, on average, brighter and
better leaders than the people they serve, even when family history is taken into consideration.
The portrayal of social background is even, and the trade-off between competency and social
representation is weak.

Dal Bo, E., Ficnan, F., Folke, O., Persson, T., Rickne, J. (2017). Who Becomes A Politician?.
Oxford Academic.

According to those conducting the study (Valgarosson et al., 2021), individuals may expect
politicians to exhibit three broad sets of qualities: competence, integrity, and authenticity. To be
considered factual, a politician must be in touch with the affairs and viewpoints of ordinary
individuals. However, the results showed that authenticity is less valued among citizens:
politicians place a higher value in comparison on integrity attributes, while journalists place the
most emphasis on competence.

Valgarosson, V., Clarke, N., Jennings, W., Stoker, G. (2021). The good politician and political
trust: An authenticity gap in British politics. Sage Journals.

Winter (2021) stated in the paper "Leadership Personality Characteristics and Foreign Policy"
that personality is made up of traits, cognitions, beliefs, values, and intentions that are
influenced by social circumstances. Explanations of leaders' personalities for foreign policy
orientations and outcomes generate challenges and hurdles, such as the limits of "personality
explanations" and how they contradict structural or situational interpretations.

Winter, G. (2021). Leadership Personality Characteristics and Foreign Policy. Oxford

According to Gilson (2016), health systems play an essential role in health policy
implementation and leadership. Leadership in addressing the day-to-day politics of health
systems necessitates the practice of authority and support for collective sense-making, both of
which are required for health system development. To produce public value, frontline leaders
must influence collective action.

Gilson, L. (2016). Everyday Politics and the Leadership of Health Policy Implementation. Health
Systems & Reform, 2:3, 187-193, DOI: 10.1080/23288604.2016.1217367

According to Viray (2021), barangay is the smallest administrative unit in the Philippines,
consisting of municipalities and cities. Punong Barangay is the highest elected official in a
barangay, and this article dealt with the essence of considering and evaluating first their
credentials and efficacy in governance, benefits, development, and planning by delving under
what is visible and possible for positive progress.

Viray, M. C. (2021). Effective Operations and Advantages of Barangay Officials In The
Philippines: The Case of Bayugan City, Agusan Del Sur. Viray | JIRAN: Journal of Southeast
Asia Studies.

In line with Rio (2016), the extent of political involvement of the youth during the 2007 S.K.
election and determined factors that deterred or promoted it. Nearly half of the respondents
were 16 years old, and 32.6 percent were 17 years old, while the rest were 15 years old. The
majority of respondents have no family members actively supporting politicians or occupying
elective positions in Iloilo City, while 14.0% have at least one family member actively supporting
politicians. In fact, the article discloses that participants decided to compete for SK chairwomen
in light of societal pressure and encouragement from barangay officials rather than their
exceptional competencies and qualities.

Rio, I. D. L. (2016). Political involvement among the youth in barangays with low number of
qualified voters during the 2007 Sangguniang Kabataan election: Issues and concerns (Report
No. CPU 2016-10). Central Philippine University.

According to Patel (2017), strong leaders have a variety of compelling characteristics. This is
pertinent not only for those in leadership positions but also for the people they serve. Having the
ability to self-manage or be adept at dealing with stress and balancing their personal and
professional lives so that they can maintain self-control and discipline in their actions; having a
forward-thinking, open-minded approach; being an effective communicator; being
accommodating and responsible without overwhelming or overpowering employees; being a
goal setter; having a vision for the future; and being able to make decisions under rapidly
shifting conditions are some of these traits.

Patel, D. (2017). Powerful Traits Of Successful Leaders. FORBES Publication.

According to Oscarsson (2018), it is regardless of popularity, financial abilities, and political

dynasties in such a tranquil society. As all votes are cast for the benefit of everyone, the
candidate's image and inner and exterior traits influence vote choice the most. In both
parliamentary and presidential systems, qualities of leadership such as trustworthiness,
commitment, and empathy are critical criteria for voters' political judgments and decisions.

Oscarsson, H. (2018). Leader Traits, Leader Image, and Vote Choice. Oxford Academid

Othman (2020), contends that it is crucial to examine political leadership from the standpoint of
political behavior. Loyalty, integrity, competence, dedication, and resilience are five
characteristics of political leadership. The invisibility of these five personalities could make or
break a given candidate's candidacy. Voters increasingly consider the candidates individually
and their qualifications rather than just their affiliation with a party or traditional position.

Othman, N. (2020). Aspects of Political Leadership Relevant to Voters’ Choice and Preferences.
Journal of Politics and Law.

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