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Dear selection committee,

My name is Rzazada Tugay and I am writing to you to express my interest in being part
of the Master's dual degree George Washington University Individualized Program M.A
Ed HD. It would be a pleasure and huge privilege to participate in the dual degree
programme, as it would give me the chance to interact with and meet professionals from
the sector with whom to share and learn. One of my main goals is to apply the
knowledge and experience I will gain from George Washington University's successful
education management and leadership experience to the developing Azerbaijan
education system.
I am proactive with an entrepreneurial spirit, and I specialize in education and research.
In fact, I have been working as an army officer in the Army section for almost 2 years,
as well as more than 2 years as a sales manager, substitute sales manager, and finally,
right now, I am working as a Geography and STEAM teacher at a public school. I aspire
to continue growing and become a professional of education and human development.
Furthermore, I want to have leadership skills in education policy.
From a young age, I have been very clear about it: I want to be an excellent leader,
particularly in the education field, and demonstrate that there is a different way to do
things, one where trust, international experience and good practice are fundamental
pillars that are not at odds with excellent results. For this reason, I studied for a degree
in History and Geography Teacher and I am looking for opportunities to continue to
specialize in it.
Managing emotional intelligence and negotiation skills are fundamental to achieving
this, and I am aware that these are skills that I need to continue to develop. Learning to
manage areas as important as leadership is, therefore, a key objective to grow and
continue to seek out new career challenges. With the George Washington dual degree
programme, I see an excellent opportunity for top quality academic training.
It is for these reasons that I would like to apply for this opportunity and thus contribute to
improving leadership and internal relations at the university I have the pleasure of
working for.
Thank you for your time in advance.
Yours sincerely,
Rzazada Tugay

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