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Mooi Woks Pearson Education Limited England ‘and Anocned Companies, ‘roughout the worl srmangishadvertre et (© Pearson Education Lined 2005 Disney mater © 2008 Disney Earp ne Al ight reserved par of ht ‘ubicason my be reproduce, ‘oredr retinal system oF ‘rari any fe ory any ‘rear, deere mecca. shotocoping.recardng. or ‘theo without te prior Sreten person the Pilar [Neh impression 2014 Ian 70s 791079 Print in China swreo9 aerated by Mike Pips ond ‘Ch Resher. Designed ty Coty Moy (Grsangered pec). Weare grote to the ftlowing for thar permission to reproduce right photographs A pe page RsAre Directors & “TRIP pages 5 botom (Rod Brown) 7 boom (Helene Roger Catherine sors page 2:Torm Brakafel/CORBIS pope 13 top: [icaut Kenward pope 16 bot: Sally & Richard Gren page & Chris Helier CORBIS poge & dco Dewach Callecson'CORBI page 5 sp: ‘The inoge BenkGhon & More Dad de Losy age 3:Navonot Gallery page 16 top Rex Fears ge 4 mide, 7 ep 9.13, oon This iv This is Carrie Ford, She's ten. She likes cycling and dancing. She's got a dog and a guinea pig. She goes to school every day, except Saturday and Sunday. Carrie is an English git. She's a rabbit too! ‘a'm a rabbit on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays,’ says Came A rabbit? Is she joking? No, she isn't Came isan actor. She goes to the theatre three times a ‘week, She plays a rabbit in The Wind in the Willows. It's a story about animals, “Like acting,’ says Carrie. T go to a school for actors ‘We have normal subjects, like English, and we have ‘acting, dancing and singing’ What are fossils? A Fossils are dead animals that turn into rock 4 ter and wind mowe the rock Nowe we can see pats ofthe The bones, eth and lows turn fowl (@: Where can you see Tyrannosaurus today? A; There is no living Tyrannosaurus. The biggest ‘Tyrannosaurus fossil i in the Field Museum in Chicago, There are dinosaur fossils in museums throughout the world. Are any living animals like the dinosaurs? AA: Crocodiles and other reptiles were alive at the time of the dinosaurs, 2 Tyrannosaurus a> pi Bs G igantosourss ‘What's its full name? Its fall name in Latin is Tyrannosaurus rex. What does that mean? 22 It means ‘king of the tyrant reptiles’ How big was it? 2 RE It was about 12 metres from head to tal. It was taller than a bus. But Gigantosaurus from South America was bigger than Tyrannosaurus, How big were its teeth? Some of its teeth were 15 contimetres. y: Was It dangerous? 2 eR Yes. But it was heavy, so it wasn’t good at running, Its small arms weren't very useful Q: Where does Tyrannosaurus come from? ‘A: Tyrannosaurus comes from North America Carrie likes singing, She ‘rites songs ‘and plays them ‘on her guitar “My heroine is shakira,’ says Carte. She writes fantastic songs. Carrie's favourite ‘port is judo. She ‘does judo on Wednesdays and Saturdays, ‘Tm good ‘at judo because I'm ‘good at dancing. | like ‘ll sports ~ except swimming, Tlike swimming in the sea, but | don't like golng to swimming pools.” Cartie goes to the theatre at six o'clock. She puts ‘on her costume and her make-up. ‘ike putting on ‘make-up, but the costume is hot’ says Carrie, ‘Ido my homework at the theatre. Sometimes I eat ‘a sandwich. The Wind inthe Willows starts at eight ‘o'clock, I go home at ten o'elock. Then I have dinner ‘and go to bed.” VAG UE Under the street Wy Y e cables tretlights use electricity. There are electricity cables under the streetlights. growing under the street. Big trees need deep roots or they fall down. We need public telephones in the street. There are cables for the telephone under the street. There are drains under the street. I's raining today. The water is going down the drain. Slow sloths Giant anteaters The glant anteater has a Jong tongue too. Its tongue {60 centimetres long. It {gota long nose too. The ‘lant anteater pushes Its nose into ants’ nests and catches ants with its tongue, It can push out its tongue 150 times a minute, Look at the anteater’s strong feet, It needs strong feet to dig when It wants to The gant anteater find ants’ nests. ts long nose and ftom South Amerlea. strong feet are important adaptations. Sloths live in the trees, like ‘chameleons. But sloths hang upside-down. They can't walk ‘on the ground, The sloth’s claws are like hooks. They can hold onto the tree so the sloths don't fall. This s a useful ‘adaptation because sloths ‘te upside-down all the time, They even sleep upside-down, Sloths like sleeping, They sleep for twenty hours ‘day. Sloth ve the forests of South ‘Americ, Look a it long claws Amazing adaptations Colourful chameleons Imagine you can change colour. Imagine you are in a forest and you turn green. Chameleons change colour ‘when they want to hide, It’s a useful ‘adaptation. In nature, there are millions of amazing adaptations. ‘Most chameleons live in Arica and Madagascar. ‘They live in trees. They've got long hands and feet, so they can hold ‘onto the tree. They have long Tongues so they can catch fies. A chameleon’s tongue is as Jong as its body. chameleons catch Insects with thelr tongues Underground railways In big cts, people need underground railways. There are underground railways in nearly a hundred cities in the world, The first underground railway This is London in 1863. The underground railway in London fs very old, This is the frst ‘underground train. Moving stairs Underground railways are deep. We need escalators. Underground palaces Is ita palace? No, it’s asstation. It’s in ‘Moscow in Russia. The railway in Moscow has fantastic stations. Where's the driver? This is a new underground railway in London. There is no driver in the train, Te works by computer A Chinese boy in London Billy is ten. He lives in London and goes to Hillcrest ‘School. His favourite lessons are Science and English. Two different schools Billy can speak English and Chinese. He speaks English with his friends at Hillerest School. But on Saturday mornings, he goes toa different school. In this school, all the children speak Chinese. It's a Chinese school in the middle of London. ‘My mum and dad are from Hong Kong in China, says Billy. They can speak English, but at home we always speak Chinese. I can speak Chinese, but I can’t, ‘write it very well. At the Chinese school, children learn to read and write Chinese.” Magic squares Try this trick with your fiend. You: Look at the boxes. Choose a number, Don't tell me the number Your friend: OK. You: Which of the squares is your number in? Your friend: The green square and the blue square You: It's number nine Your frlend: Yes. That's amazing ! What's the secret? ‘The frst number In each box is important: 2,4, 8 and 1 Your friend says “The green square and the blue square’ : you must look at the first numbers: 1 and 8. Add them together :1+8 =? The answer is your friends number : 9 Magic tricks The magic tube Do you want to be a magician? Here is a magic trick. Ws easy, but you need to practise. NOW 100K. THERES A a What's the secret? 1. You need a tube and a cup. Cut the end off the cup. 2. Paint the tube black inside. Paint the cup black too. Stick them together. 3 Hide the handkerchief in the tube. ee Letters or pictures? Chinese letters are diferent from English letters. Chinese letters are like pictures. The Chinese language has two thousand different letters x This Chinese letter means tee. latown, Lots of Chinese peopl ve in London, Neo the Chinese sha ‘there are Chinese restdurants ane ‘Chinese supermarkets, This | vy commoner) Shinchown, ‘. ‘af you come to Chinato conta bony ys ly _aeamen rae Chine Not ea We math the Dragon Dance. The dagon isa big puppet dans i thestet” Lucky packets [At New Year, Chinese people [put money in red packets and give them to thelr friends, Red is a lucky colour in China. Food festivals The lemon festival in France ‘We don't usually like eating lemons because they're sour. We sometimes drink lemon juice with sugar. On a hot day, lemon Juice with sugar and water is fantastic. I's healthy too. Ws got Vitamin C. ‘The people of Menton like lemons very ‘much, Menton Isa town in France, There are lots of lemons and ‘oranges in the region fof Menton, Every yeau, there Is a Lemon Festival. There are parties and fireworks There isa big parade, You can see big statues in the park. There are thousands of lemons and oranges in the statues. They're made Do you like tomatoes? Yes? Then go to Bunol. Bunol Is of frutt 4 town in Valencia in Spain, There are ots of tomatoes —~ In Valencia. Every year there isa tomato festival. It's called La Tomatina in Spanish and it's really crazy! The tomate festival in Spain People put on old clothes and throw tomatoes at their friends. Thousands of people come to the festival. They throw 50,000 kilograms of tomatoes in one day. Then. they jump in the river and wash, 0

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