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People before used to read newspapers or watch the news in tv in order to be socially aware of
what’s happening around them. However today, the younger generation is getting less attached to these
forms of mediums. “Most people under 30 do not subscribe to newspapers or habitually tune in to TV and
radio newscasts. Some scholars interpret these trends as indications that today’s youth are not interested in
news and are less civic-minded than prior generations.” [cite] Appropriate avenues for discourse are
necessary in order for a valuable exchange of ideas to take place in a democratic society. However, many
are under the assumption that this dialogue is limited to an older age bracket, as the youth are constantly
misperceived as uninformed or detached. Although recent studies have uncovered that lower amounts of
traditional news consumption does not necessarily signify disengagement, there is a lack of research on
progressive media being used as avenue for news discussions. Filipinos, ranking first in terms of time
spent on social media in a survey conducted early 2017, are amongst those who have adapted to this
digital shift. [cite] This study then aims to understand Metro Manila college students’ views and
motivations for engaging in online news discussions on social media sites, particularly Facebook, and to
determine if they view it as an effective medium for productive dialogue.

Metro Manila serves as the central hub not only for news and politics but also for education, as a
significant number of the nation’s highest-ranked schools and universities are situated in the area. In
recent years, student activism has once again become more apparent, with youth leaders taking
demonstrations of resistance to the streets. However, this tech-savvy generation has also made use of the
Internet as a medium to express their strong views and opinions, often making use of popular social media
sites such as Facebook.

Although it cannot be argued that the use of Facebook has transcended from mere personal data
to a more inclusive set of content that prompts discussion, as its quality is questionable. Comment
sections have supposedly been utilized for these exchanges, but it is questionable, whether it has become
a platform for venting out frustrations or one where constructive dialogue takes place.


How effective do college students in Metro Manila view social media as a platform for discourse?

In line with this main research question, the study also aims to further explore the following
sub-questions which would allow us to have a greater understanding of the subject matter:

● How do conflicting views in online discussion affect respondents' personal views?

● Do respondents still participate in online discussion where their views make up the

In this research, effectiveness will be determined by a _____ scale that allows the researchers to
quantitatively determine the successfulness of social media as a platform for discourse through the
objective view of the pariticipants.

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