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1, JANUARY 2017

Content-Adaptive Region-Based Color Texture

Descriptors for Medical Images
Farhan Riaz, Ali Hassan, Rida Nisar, Mario Dinis-Ribeiro, and Miguel Tavares Coimbra, Member, IEEE

Abstract—The design of computer-assisted decision

(CAD) systems for different biomedical imaging scenarios
is a challenging task in computer vision. Sometimes, this
challenge can be attributed to the image acquisition mech-
anisms since the lack of control on the cameras can cre-
ate different visualizations of the same imaging site un-
der different rotation, scaling, and illumination parameters,
with a requirement to get a consistent diagnosis by the
CAD systems. Moreover, the images acquired from differ-
ent sites have specific colors, making the use of standard
color spaces highly redundant. In this paper, we propose to Fig. 1. Dynamic imaging conditions in endoscopy. (a) Image captured
tackle these issues by introducing novel region-based tex- during live exam. (b) Image captured by bringing endoscopic probe
ture, and color descriptors. The proposed texture features closer to the tissue wall (scale and homogeneous illumination). (c) Arti-
are based on the usage of analytic Gabor filters (for compen- ficially rotated image (adapted from [3]).
sation of illumination variations) followed by the calculation
of first- and second-order statistics of the filter responses
and making them invariant using some trivial mathemati- features such as shapes and sizes of the anatomical structures
cal operators. The proposed color features are obtained by appearing in the images. It is widely known that there are two
compensating for the illumination variations in the images fundamental visual descriptors that have been investigated for a
using homomorphic filtering followed by a bag-of-words ap- wide range of imaging scenarios: texture and color. The usage
proach to obtain the most typical colors in the images. The
of color and texture information for image description is com-
proposed features are used for the identification of cancer
in images from two distinct imaging modalities, i.e., gas- plementary as it can give better results in various applications
troenterology and dermoscopy. Experiments demonstrate related to computer vision than using only the texture or color
that the proposed descriptors compares favorably to sev- descriptors [1].
eral other state-of-the-art methods, elucidating on the ef- The extraction of texture features from medical images is
fectiveness of adapted features for image characterization.
challenging given the imaging dynamics that involve the varia-
Index Terms—Feature extraction, Gabor filters, Hilbert tions appearing in the images due to uncontrollable distance and
transform, pattern recognition, texture analysis. angle between the imaging device and the site that is under ob-
servation (see Fig. 1). Scenarios may include (but are not limited
to) gastroenterology [2]–[4], histopathology [5], [6], etc. This
HE extraction of visual characteristics from an image is a
T vital step for computer-assisted diagnostics. Various med-
ical imaging modalities demand the extraction of specific visual
results in various visualizations of a particular image under dif-
ferent rotation, scale, illumination, and illumination gradients
stimulating the need for texture descriptors that are invariant to
such transformations [3].
Manuscript received June 30, 2015; revised September 3, 2015; Additionally, the images acquired from various medical imag-
accepted October 11, 2015. Date of publication October 19, 2015;
date of current version January 31, 2017. This work was supported ing modalities suffer from reduced color spaces [7], [8] (see
by the National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Fig. 3). This is because different body structures have their own
Pakistan and Portuguese grants from “Project BRIDGE, Ref CMUP- typical colors. Therefore, only a small subset of colors in the
EPB/TIC/0069/2013”, “Project Rheumus (Projeto QREN no: 38505)” and
“Project GEMINI, in the scope of PEst-OE/EEI/LA0008/2013 and R&D whole color space may be available in the medical images (see
Unit 50008 (UID/EEA/50008/2013)”. Fig. 2). Under these conditions, the standard texture and color
F. Riaz, A. Hassan, and R. Nisar are with the Department of descriptors that are not designed to cater for these imaging dy-
Computer Engineering, College of Electrical and Mechanical Engi-
neering, National University of Sciences and Technology, Rawalpindi namics are not expected to perform well. The objective in this
46000, Pakistan (e-mail:; alihassan@ paper is to devise the texture and color descriptors that have; the ability to handle the aforementioned imaging dynamics.
M. Coimbra is with the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Department of
Computer Science, Faculdade de Ciłncias da Universidade do Porto, More specifically, we have focused on the design of rotation,
4169-007, Porto, Portugal (e-mail: scale and illumination invariant texture descriptors based on
M. Dinis-Ribeiro is with the CINTESIS/Faculdade de Medicina da Uni- Gabor filters and color descriptors that adapt to the underlying
versidade do Porto and the Instituto Portugal de Oncologia, 4200-319,
Porto, Portugal (e-mail: color content of the images, based on a bag-of-words approach.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JBHI.2015.2492464 For demonstrating the effectiveness of the designed visual

2168-2194 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

if the texture descriptors are intended for the description of

medical images. This is because of the medical images have
organic textures exhibiting a high degree of randomness making
them undeterministic. Additionally, a very typical scenario is
the visualization of the images from arbitrary angles and at
varying distances between the tissues and the camera. Therefore,
there is an inherent requirement to design the descriptors, which
are rotation, scale, and illumination (both homogeneous and
Fig. 2. Image from distinct imaging modalities showing very specific nonhomogeneous) invariant.
colors, needing adapted color characteristics for color description (CH - Traditionally, these requirements are easily fulfilled by filter-
Chromoendoscopy; NBI - Narrow-band gastroenterology Image). based methods, which exhibit a high degree of diversity to obtain
a directional and multiresolution analysis of the images thus
facilitating the design of rotation and scale invariant texture
descriptors [3], [26] giving good results for the classification of
gastroenterology images. However, if the descriptor is further
adapted to the changing illumination conditions, it is expected
to perform even better.
B. Related Work on Color Descriptors
The research on the design of specific color descriptors is
somewhat limited as compared to that on the texture descriptors.
Earlier approaches to the extraction of color features include the
calculation of histograms of color channels from different color
spaces such as RGB, HSV, HSI, etc. These methods rigidly
quantize the underlying color spaces into a fixed number of bins
and have been widely used in the past for many vision-related ap-
plications [7], [27]–[29]. To perform feature extraction for vari-
ous multimedia applications, such features perform really well.
Lately, however, the researchers have realized that there is the
major drawback in these traditional color descriptors, i.e., they
Fig. 3. Visual illustration of the problem of reduced color spaces. The
RGB cube plot for the images shows that the multimedia images cover
do not take the nature of color distribution into consideration as
broader parts in the color spaces. The medical images cover limited parts the quantization of color spaces is always fixed (see Fig. 3). The
of the color spaces stimulating the need for adaptive color descriptors. remedy for this major shortcoming was addressed by the famous
MPEG-7 standard in which the dominant color descriptor was
descriptors (texture and color), we have supported our work designed to cater for the changing distribution of color content
with empirical evidence by considering two different classifi- in the images [30]. Later on, many adaptive color descriptors
cation problems pertaining to distinct imaging modalities: 1) have been designed based on the approaches such as vector
diagnosis of stomach cancer in vital stained magnification en- quantization for tailoring the histogram bins according to the
doscopy images, and 2) detection of melanoma in dermoscopy underlying distribution of color contents in the images.
images. More recently, an applied area that has attracted the attention
of the researchers for the design of adaptive color descriptor is
A. Related Work on Texture Descriptors
medical imaging. This is because such images suffer severely
The texture features have been extracted using a number of from reduced color spaces thus stimulating the research on more
ways in the past [9]–[11]. The gray level distributions and their adequate color descriptors. There have been quite a few exam-
cooccurrences have been used quite often [12], [13] since the ples of such descriptors that yield much better results as com-
intensities and their variations using the first- and second-order pared to the standard color descriptors that are more adequate
statistics can yield a good characterization of textures for a wide as compared to those designed for the colorful imaging scenes
range of imaging scenarios. Another type of popular feature [7], [8].
extraction approaches is based on the filter bank approaches, The histogram-based color feature extraction methods have
e.g., Gaussian [14], [15], wavelets [16], etc., that have been inherent advantages toward rotation and scale invariant feature
used to highlight specific features in the images. extraction as the histograms exhibit these two specific char-
Recently, different texture descriptors have been proposed in acteristics [31]. Given this particular advantage, most of the
the literature, some of the popular examples include the scale- extensions in color features for rotation and scale invariant de-
invariant feature transform (SIFT) [17]–[19], the local binary scription are based on color histograms. For extracting adapted
patterns (LBP) [20]–[22] (and its extensions, e.g., [23], [24], color features, some authors have resorted to clustering-based
etc.), the histogram of oriented gradients [25], etc. Such features approaches on the standard HSV space to yield color his-
have been widely used for various multimedia applications and togram bins that are representative of the color distribution in
although they perform well, there is still room for improvement the images. These methods have been used in several imaging

scenarios such as gastroenterology [3], [7], dermoscopy [32], 1) First, 2-D Gabor filters are very similar with a simple cell
[33] just to name a few. Though good results have been obtained in the visual cortex of mammals [36]. These cells have
in the literature, one important challenge is to incorporate the two important properties: their directional selectivity and
intraimage illumination variations in the image descriptor that bandpass nature. Therefore, they respond to specific spa-
can lead to more suitable color features for the description of tial frequencies in some specific directions. Mathematical
medical images. modeling of these cells lead to bandpass filter bank struc-
tures that are tuned for various orientations and scales
C. Contributions just like Gabor filter banks.
2) Another important characteristic of Gabor filters is that
Our main focus in this paper is to design the generic image they have the capability to achieve maximum localiza-
descriptors, which encapsulate the texture and color information tion in both the space and frequency (this characteristic
in the images. The texture and color descriptors should be able of Gabor filters is distinct and not shared by any other
to handle the rotation, scale, and illumination changes in the method [37]).
images. Additionally, the color descriptor should adapt itself 1) Gabor Filters: Gabor filters are obtained as a result of
to represent the most typical colors that occur in the images. multiplication of a Gaussian function with a complex Sinusoid.
Correspondingly, the main contributions of this paper are as A 2-D Gabor function g(x, y) and its Fourier transform G(u, v)
follows. can be written as
1) A novel rotation, scale, and illumination invariant tex-      
ture descriptor is proposed as an extension of a dis- 1 1 x2 y2
g(x, y) = exp − + + 2πjW x
crete Fourier transform (DFT)-based Gabor descriptor 2πσx σy 2 σx2 σy2
in [34]. The proposed methodology introduces features (1)
that are robust to complex illumination changes, un-   
like [34] where the descriptor design does not effectively 1 (u − W )2 v2
G(u, v) = exp + (2)
handle nonuniform illumination changes in the images. 2 σu2 σv2
These changes are handled by the use of analytic Gabor where σu = 2π1σ x , σv = 2π1σ y , and W is a constant representing
filters [35] with a significantly improve low frequency
the center frequency of the filter having the highest frequency.
response that encapsulates the illumination variations in
Equation (1) is the product of a Gaussian function with a com-
plex sinusoid. In the frequency domain, we obtain a bandpass
2) CIELUV color space separates image color and illumi-
filter where the characteristics of the filter are controlled by the
nation components. This fact is exploited to extract illu-
standard deviation of the Gaussian function and the frequency
mination invariant color features by prefiltering the “L”
of the sinusoid. A Gabor filter bank is formed by obtaining
channel using “homomorphic filtering.” The illumination
several filters with varying parameters. The Gabor filter banks
corrected color image is subjected to vector quantization
are nonorthogonal due to the nature of the Gaussian function.
(VQ) to identify the most typical colors (“words”) that
Therefore, the redundancy incured by the Gabor filters has to be
appear in the images. The pixels in the novel images are
reduced to ensure that the information represented by various
quantized to these “words” followed by the generation of
filter banks is as distinct as possible. We have used Manjunath’s
adapted color histograms constructed using bag-of-words
[38] strategy to achieve this: design filter parameters such that
the half peak amplitudes of the filters touch each other. This
3) The proposed features are used in a classification frame-
strategy ensures that the filters capture maximum information
work to identify the lesions in images from two distinct
with minimum redundancy. An input image, ξ(x, y) when fil-
imaging modalities, namely, gastroenterology and der-
tered by the set of Gabor filters g(x, y) is given as
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: We discuss the
R(x, y) = ξ(x, y)g(x − x1 , y − y1 )dx1 dy1 . (3)
texture and color features used in this paper for feature extraction
(see Section II) followed by a description of the datasets used Gabor filters have been widely used for the extraction of
in this paper with our results (see Section III) and conclude the texture features from images [39], [40].
paper (see Section IV). 2) Analytic Gabor Filters: The foundation of using the an-
alytic Gabor filters for feature extraction was laid by G. Haley
II. METHODOLOGIES et al. [35]. Their use is motivated by the fact that the standard
Texture and color are the two fundamental visual features that Gabor filters exhibit a potentially significant response at very
are of primary importance in the analysis of visual content. In low frequencies. This response is undesirable as it exists due to
this section, we will discuss the texture and color features that the inter and intraimage variations in contrast and image inten-
we have used for feature extraction from the images. sities. These variations are attributed to the imaging conditions
and not to the texture of the images resulting in misclassification.
There could be several reasons including image sampling with
A. Texture Features
different average intensity (variation in homogeneous illumina-
For texture feature extraction, we chose Gabor filters due to tion), illumination gradients, etc. There are two different ap-
various reasons. proaches to avoid these problems: preprocessing the images, or

 (S )
modifying the Gabor filter banks. Using the former methodol- represented by Rμ (S ) that is a shifted representation of Rμ . It
ogy, the interimage variations can be corrected but the intraim- should be noted that the application of a shift invariant transform

age variations cannot be handled. For these variations, other (S )
on Rμ can give us rotation invariant features for the image. It
image processing methods such as modeling the illumination in is well known that the magnitude of the DFT is shift invariant
the logarithmic domain are needed. [42], and thus, the effect of rotation on the feature vector can be
An effective and more straightforward approach to handle curtailed using DFT of Rμ
(S )
this issue is to modify the Gabor filter to be analytic. This
is accomplished by replacing the real part of g(x, y) with the N
inverse Hilbert transform of the imaginary part −ĝim (x, y). FμS R = Rμ(S ) . exp(−j2π n) (9)
n =1
gA (x, y) = −ĝim (x, y) + jgim (x, y). (4)
where FμS R is invariant to rotation and scale changes in the
The Fourier transforms of real and imaginary parts of g(x, y) images. Let us now define
are, respectively, conjugate symmetric and conjugate antisym- N
metric resulting in the cancellation for ω ≤ 0.
Rμ(R ) = Rμ k n (10)

G(ω) − G∗ (ω), for ω > 0 n =1
GA (ω) = (5) (R )
0, for ω ≤ 0. where Rμ represents the summation of the aggregated filter
(R )
responses at each scale. Note that Rμ is a vector that is rota-
GA (ω) is the analytic Gabor filter impulse response and has
tion invariant as the responses across all orientations have been
several advantages over the standard Gabor filters for various
summed up. However, if an image is scaled by a certain amount,
(R )
1) Improved low frequency response: G(x, y) < GA (ω) at this will be represented by Rμ , which is a shifted representa-
(R )
low frequencies and GA (ω) = 0 at ω = 0. tion of Rμ . The magnitude of the DFT is shift invariant, and
2) Reduced computations as the negative frequency spec- thus, the effect of scale changes on the feature vector can be
(R )
trum does not exist for analytic form of Gabor filters. curtailed using the DFT of Rμ .
All these advantages are acquired without any additional pro- M
cessing. For feature extraction, the images are filtered using the k
FμR S = Rμ(R ) . exp(−j2π n) (11)
analytic form of Gabor filters. M
k =1
r(x, y) = ξ(x, y) ∗ gA (x, y) (6) where FμR S is invariant to rotation and scale changes in the
where r is the response at (x, y), ξ(x, y) is the image, and images. Similarly, the assumption of homogeneousness can be
gA (x, y) is the analytic Gabor filter. extended to calculate the variances of the Gabor filter responses
3) DFT-Based Invariant Features: Assuming that the lo-  2 2 2 2 2
Rσ k n = σ11 σ12 · · · σ1N σ21 · · · σM N (12)
cal texture in an image is spatially homogeneous [41], the Gabor
filter responses for an image region can aggregated by taking which represents a collection of variances of Gabor filter re-
the mean of Gabor filter responses across various scales and sponses in the form of a vector. M is the total number of scales
orientations giving us and N is the total number of orientations for which Gabor filter
 responses have been calculated. As in the case of Rμ , the vec-
Rμ k n = μ11 μ12 · · · μ1N μ21 · · · μM N (7) tor representing the variances for a rotated or scale image will
which represents a collection of means of Gabor filter responses be a shifted representation of Rσ k n . Scale and rotation invari-
in the form of a vector. M is the total number of scales and N is ant texture features based on variances (FσR S and FσS R ) similar
the total number of orientations for which Gabor filter responses to those based on means can be constructed. Concatenation of
have been calculated. For an image that is transformed (rotated rotation and scale invariant features gives us
or scaled), its responses will be represented by a filter that is 
IGabor = FμS R FμR S FσS R FσR S (13)
transformed by the same amount as that of the image. These
transformations are thus indicated by shifts within the feature where IGabor are the novel features that are invariant to rotation,
vector (for rotation or scale changes) indicated in (7). Rotation scale, and illumination changes in the images. The proposed de-
and scale invariant features can be constructed if these shifts are scriptor is an extension of the texture descriptor that has been
effectively catered for in the feature vectors. Let us now define proposed in [34], where only first-order moments of standard
Gabor filter responses are used for the extraction of invariant
Rμ(S ) = Rμ k n (8) features. In contrast, this paper proposed the use of analytic
k =1
Gabor filters for the extraction of features that are invariant to
illumination variations, in addition to scale and rotation invari-
where Rμ (S ) represents the summation of the aggregated filter ance. Additionally, the first- and second-order moments are both
(S )
responses at the each orientation. Rμ is a vector, which is scale used for image description. The analytic Gabor filters exhibit
invariant as the responses across all scales have been summed improved low frequency response making the resulting features
up. However, if an image is rotated by a certain angle, this will be very robust to illumination variations in the images.

B. Color Features
Algorithm 1 Visual Dictionary
For the extraction of color features in the images, we have 1: procedure CODEBOOK
used the CIELUV color space. This selection provides two ad- 2: Input: training images
vantages. 3: for each training image do
1) Distance between two colors in the CIELUV color space 4: Convert image to LUV space
are perceptually uniform. This can help in the construc- 5: Perform homomorphic filtering on ‘L’
tion of decision boundaries by the pattern recognition component
methodologies, which are more consistent with the hu- 6: Initialize codebook C to data mean, Th and 
man visual system. 7: p ← 1, where p is number of partitions
2) In the CIELUV color space, the “L” component repre- 8: while E{||W − C(W )||2 > Th do
sents the luminosity and the “UV” components represent 9: Replace μj as {μj }pj=1 +  and {μj }pj=1 − 
the color (chrominance) of a pixel. Due to this decompo- 10: Set p ← 2p
sition, it is possible to cope with illumination gradients 11: end while
in the images more easily. 12: M ← p2 words
For the medical imaging scenarios, there are two distinct chal- 13: end for
lenges: 1) a tissue analyzed under varying illumination condi- 14: end procedure
tions can create very different visualizations that can potentially
lead to misclassification, and 2) the color features are highly
redundant as most of the organs have very typical colors and code words is obtained giving us a spatial visual vocabulary.
using the full color spaces for image description is not useful. To construct C, the LBG algorithm starts with one code vector
A better color description of the images can be obtained if the (average of the training data) and iteratively bisects the code
color features are indicative of the specific color characteristics vector in power of 2. The distortion monotonically decreases in
of the images. To address these issues, we perform the prepro- the LBG algorithm at each iteration. An important consideration
cessing of illumination component of the images followed by is the use of an appropriate distortion measure and we use the
the extraction of specific color features. mean squared error between the sample and the initial clusters
1) Preprocessing: The luminosity component in the as our measure of distortion, i.e.,
CIELUV space can be used to remove illumination changes
in the images. The illumination gradient which is present in the d = arg minE{||W − C||2 } (16)
C(W )
images is typically composed of low-frequency components.
These components are removed from the images using homo- where W are the data points and C is the distance of each point
morphic filtering [43]. It is based on modeling the image in- from each word in the codebook.
tensity l(x, y) as a combination of the illumination α(x, y) and 3) Histogram of Codebook: Once the codebook is gener-
reflectance r(x, y) components such that ated, every image for which the features have to be calculated is
first preprocessed using conversion to the CIELUV color space
l(x, y) ∝ α(x, y).r(x, y). (14) followed by homomorphic filtering of the luminance compo-
This multiplicative model can be converted to additive model nent. Later, every pixel in the image is compared with all the
by taking the logarithmic transformation on both sides words available in the codebook as follows:
D = [d1 , d2 , . . . dN ] (17)
log(l(x, y)) = log(α(x, y)) + log(r(x, y)). (15)
where each di is an M -dimensional vector indicating the dis-
These additive components are considered separable in the
tance of the ith pixel from the mth word in the codebook. A
frequency domain. The log(α(x, y)) component is composed
histogram of these code words is later generated that is the un-
of low-frequency components (illumination gradient), whereas
derlying color feature that is used for the extraction of adapted
the log(r(x, y)) is composed of high-frequency components.
color features from the images.
An illumination invariant luminance component can thus be
obtained by high pass filtering of log(l(x, y)) followed by an
C. Classification
inverse logarithmic transformation of log(r(x, y)).
2) Vecor Quantization: As discussed previously, uniform In our experiments, we have used supervised classification
quantization of the color space is not expected to work well methods for the characterization of tissues. Supervised methods
given the very specific colors available in the medical images. involve two steps: a training phase in which some part of the data
Therefore, we have resorted to the extraction of adapted color are used to characterize the underlying model that it follows and
histograms for color feature extraction from the images using a testing phase in which the model is applied on unseen data to
a bag-of-words approach. This approach involves the gener- see how well does the model fit the novel data. Many approaches
ation of codebook using the Linde-Buzo Gray (LBG) vector to supervised classification exist and their choice depends on
quantization algorithm. Given that we have a set of input vec- the underlying applications. In this study, we have evaluated
tors W = {w1 , w2 . . . wN } ∈ Rk of N distinct points in a k- the performance of four different classifiers for our application,
dimensional space Rk , a codebook C = {c1 , c2 . . . cM } of M namely, the one nearest neighbor (1NN), naive Bayes (NB),

Algorithm 2 Bag of Words

2: Input: Images for histogram computation
3: for each image do
4: Convert image to LUV space
5: Perform homomorphic filtering on “L”
6: for n ← 1 to N data points do
7: pick nth data point wn
8: calculate dn ← (wn − C)2
9: quantize wn to codeword with minimum d
10: end for
11: W ← {w1 , w2 . . . wN }
12: generate histogram of quantized W Fig. 4. Dinis-Ribeiro proposal for the classification of chromoen-
13: end for doscopy.
14: end procedure

support vector machine (SVM) with a linear kernel (parameter

optimization using cross validation), and decision trees (DT).

In this paper, we have used two datasets from very differ-
ent imaging scenarios: vital stained magnification endoscopy
for the identification of gastric cancer and dermoscopy for the
classification of melanoma. Among texture features, we have Fig. 5. Vital stained magnification endoscopy images along with their
used 2DDFT [26], AHT [44], Gabsum [34], LBP [45], and bag- manual annotations. The images suffer severe illumination problems
of-words-based SIFT [46] descriptors for comparison purposes. that are partially solved by the manual annotations. Even within the
annotations, there is uneven illumination in the images.
It is a complementary set of region-based and local visual de-
scriptors. For color feature extraction, we have used standard
LUV (LUV), adapted LUV (ALUV), and adapted illumination the gastric mucosa. The CH images are clinically classified as
invariant (ALUVill) histograms. Due to the limited data that we normal (Group I), precancerous (Group II) or cancerous (Group
have from the two imaging modalities (specifically the cases III) based on the color and texture of the images according to
of cancer), we have used cross validation for our experiments. Dinis–Ribeiro classification proposal for CH images [47] (see
The statistical relevance of our experiments was calculated by Fig. 4). The CH images were acquired by the physicians at the
repeating the cross validation experiments 50 times and per- Portuguese Institute of Oncology (IPO) Porto, Portugal, during
forming a T-test for statistical significance (threshold to 0.05). routine clinical work (Please refer to [3] for more details on
Classification results are obtained using four difference clas- the data). The CH dataset consists of 130 images, which are
sifiers to ensure that obtained results are not classifier model distributed as: 31% (40) Group I, 57% (75) Group II, and 12%
specific. (15) Group III images.
For our classification experiments, we have used only the
manually annotated image regions (see Fig. 5). Feature extrac-
A. Vital Stained Magnification Endoscopy
tion was performed on full images, followed by the selection
One of the potential applications of the proposed descriptor of features from those pixels that lie in the regions representing
is its usage for feature extraction from gastroenterology images. the clinical annotations for the respective images. The objective
This is a complicated problem given that various organs hav- of the classification task is to identify the cancerous tissues,
ing distinct structures result in various perspectives of viewing i.e., classify the images as either normal (Group A) or poten-
the same tissue at various scales from various angles. Addition- tially cancerous (Group B). Consequently, the images in the DR
ally, various imaging modalities focus on complementary visual proposal (see Fig. 4) belonging to Group I should be classi-
characteristics of the images that are useful for diagnosis. Given fied as Normal (Group A), whereas those belonging to Group
the dynamics in the GE scenario due to the organs and imaging II or III should be classified as potentially cancerous (Group
modalities, we have used images from vital stained magnifi- B). The weka data mining tool was used for the classification
cation endoscopy (Chromoendoscopy—CH) for diagnosis of results presented in this paper. All the results were obtained
stomach cancer. In CH, the full visible spectrum of the light is using tenfold cross validation. We have used the overall classi-
used for tissue illumination and tissue enhancement is achieved fication accuracy and area under the receiver operating charac-
using dyes (e.g., methylene blue) for improving the visibility of teristics (ROC) curves for evaluation of the performance of the



Features TP Rate ROC Area TP Rate ROC area TP Rate ROC Area TP Rate ROC Area

IGabor 0.89* 0.87* 0.90* 0.93* 0.90* 0.95* 0.90* 0.88*

2DDFT 0.89 0.87 0.85* 0.92* 0.90* 0.94* 0.89* 0.88
AHT 0.89* 0.86* 0.87* 0.92* 0.90* 0.94* 0.89* 0.88*
Gabsum 0.87* 0.85* 0.76* 0.91* 0.88* 0.91* 0.87* 0.85*
SIFT 0.67* 0.74* 0.72* 0.89* 0.77* 0.79* 0.72* 0.76*
LBP 0.84* 0.79* 0.77* 0.85* 0.90* 0.92* 0.83* 0.83*
ALUVill 0.90 0.87* 0.82* 0.93* 0.90* 0.93* 0.89* 0.86*
ALUV 0.89 0.85* 0.83* 0.89* 0.87* 0.92* 0.87* 0.83*
LUV 0.78* 0.74* 0.80* 0.89* 0.78* 0.89* 0.78* 0.74*
IGabor+ALUVill 0.90 0.88 0.92 0.94 0.93 0.96 0.91 0.89

The statistical significance of all texture and color features are calculated against IGabor+ALUVill. All statistically significant
results are marked with “* .”

classifier. However, it should be noted that a fair comparison can are not specific to any classification model. Given that the IGabor
be done using the area under ROC curve given that the dataset and ALUVill show the best performance as texture and color
has unequal instance of normal and cancer/precancer lesions. descriptors, respectively, we use them in combination to assess
The statistical significance of the results is also calculated using if they represent complementary image characteristics for the
the T-test. classification. Our experiments show that the best performance
When only texture features are used for feature extraction, is obtained when a combination of texture and color features
the IGabor features outperform all the other methods that have are used for feature extraction. The results are always better and
been considered in this paper (Table I). We owe this perfor- statistically significant than using only texture or color features.
mance to the illumination invariant nature of IGabor features An important observation is a relatively inferior performance
that is done by using analytic Gabor filters that improve the low of local descriptors (LBP and SIFT) indicating toward the lack
frequency response of the filters. Even when using the simple of discriminative information between the normal and cancer
classifier such as 1NN and NB, the IGabor features show good tissues at higher frequencies (microtexture) owing to the texture
performance elucidating on the fact that the features are linearly noise/distortion in the images [48]–[50]. Our observation was
separable and not model specific. The best performance is ob- complemented by conducting experiments in which the features
tained when IGabor features are used in combination with an obtained only from lower and medium frequency bands (macro-
SVM classifier. However, it should be noted that the difference texture) in the Gabor filter were used as image descriptors (for
in the performance of IGabor from other texture features is not Gabsum, AHT, and 2DDFT) giving similar classification re-
very large. This is because we use only the manually annotated sults. This validated our suspicion that most of the descriptive
image regions for feature extraction and this partly solves the content for cancer lies in lower frequency bands (macrotexture).
problem of complex illumination changes in the images (see
Fig. 5). Additionally, the 2DDFT, AHT, and Gabsum features B. Dermoscopy
are invariant to homogeneous illumination variations in the im- Another medical imaging modality that shares the imaging
ages already but illumination variations within the images are dynamics of gastroenterology is Dermoscopy. Dermoscopy is a
not effectively handled by these methods in contrast to that of clinical procedure that is usually used to identify the presence
IGabor. It should be noted that the IGabor that is an extension of of melanoma in patients. Melanoma is considered as one of the
Gabsum (use of analytic filters improving low frequency re- deadliest forms of skin cancer as an increase in its incidence
sponses and using standard deviation of filter responses in ad- and the consequent mortality has become one of the major con-
dition to means) demonstrates significantly good performance cerns for public health. Researchers have shown that the two
using any classifier showing the superiority of IGabor over visual descriptors, which are imperative in the identification of
Gabsum. melanoma are texture and color (details in [51]). The most vital
When color features are used for classification, LUV features imaging dynamics to be catered for by the visual descriptors
show poor performance in the classification of lesions (Table I). for this imaging scenario are the rotation, scale, and illumi-
When ALUV features are used a significant performance im- nation invariance [32]. The need for rotation invariance arises
provement is obtained, whereas when illumination variations are from the fact that an imaging site can be visualized from arbi-
handled, a further performance improvement is obtained. Our trary angles and this variation should not manifest itself in the
results are consistent with the nature of the vital stained magni- resulting features. Additionally, different images of the same le-
fication endoscopy images where the images have very specific sion acquired from the same equipment and even with the same
color features that essentially encompass a very small range of zooming factor can represent considerably “different” lesions to
colors in the color space. The observation is consistent across all the viewer as it is difficult to guarantee consistent illumination as
the classifiers elucidating on the fact that the proposed features even a mild pressure from the dermoscope can cause significant



Features TP Rate ROC Area TP Rate ROC Area TP Rate ROC Area TP Rate ROC Area

IGabor 0.81* 0.70* 0.85 0.89* 0.87* 0.91* 0.82* 0.71*

2DDFT 0.79* 0.67* 0.84* 0.87* 0.85* 0.87* 0.82* 0.70*
AHT 0.81* 0.70* 0.83* 0.87* 0.86* 0.88* 0.81* 0.68*
Gabsum 0.75* 0.60* 0.83 0.85* 0.85* 0.87* 0.83* 0.79
SIFT 0.52* 0.55* 0.50* 0.65* 0.66* 0.60* 0.52* 0.58*
LBP 0.69* 0.50* 0.80* 0.58* 0.80* 0.63* 0.80* 0.62*
ALUVill 0.85* 0.76* 0.80* 0.85* 0.86* 0.92* 0.85* 0.79*
ALUV 0.84* 0.74* 0.80* 0.84* 0.87* 0.92* 0.86* 0.80*
LUV 0.78* 0.64* 0.78* 0.83* 0.83* 0.87* 0.77* 0.70*
IGabor+ALUVill 0.86 0.80 0.86 0.90 0.88 0.93 0.88 0.81

The statistical significance of all texture and color features are calculated against IGabor+ALUVill. All statistically significant
results are marked with “* .”

IGabor texture features show best classification results among

all the texture features. We owe this performance to the robust-
ness of the texture features to the illumination variations in the
images. The superiority of IGabor is consistent across all the
classifiers showing that the results are not specific to any classi-
fier model. Among color features, the adapted features (ALUV
and ALUVill) always show better performance as compared to
the standard color descriptors (LUV) by a significant margin.
When a combination of texture and color features is used, the
Fig. 6. Ground truth for dermoscopy: original image representing
melanoma (left) and manually segmented mask of image region indi- best performance is obtained irrespective of the classifier used
cating melanoma (right). and the results are always significantly different. When local
descriptors (LBP and SIFT) are used for skin lesion character-
deformation of the skin [33]. Irrespective of these changes, we ization, relatively lower classification accuracies are observed.
want to get the same (or near similar) features for a particu- This is because dermoscopy images are composed of some ar-
lar lesion. The color characteristics of the typical nevus and tifacts such as hair, skin lines, etc., which are emphasized on
melanoma significantly differ, and the colors are very specific by these descriptors, whereas they do not contribute to lesion
(encompassing a very small area in the color space) making characterization giving us inferior performance. We repeated
the proposed color descriptor interesting for application to the the experiments performed for CH images on the dermoscopy
dermoscopy images. In this paper, our specific objective is to dataset in which only the features from lower and medium fre-
classify a skin lesion as being either a nevus or melanoma. quency bands were used for classification purposes. Our findings
The dataset that we have used is composed of 200 dermoscopy for dermoscopy are consistent with those of CH images.
images with the following composition: 80% (160) nevus and
20% (40) melanoma. The images were acquired at the Hospi-
tal Pedro Hispano, Matosinhos [52], [53]. All images have been IV. CONCLUSION
acquired during clinical exams using a dermoscope at a magnifi- This paper deals with feature extraction from the images in
cation of 20x with a resolution of 765 × 573 pixels. Each image those imaging modalities, which exhibit a high degree of imag-
was manually segmented (to identify the lesions) and classified ing dynamics. These dynamics can potentially arise in those
by an experienced dermatologist as being normal, atypical ne- scenarios where maintaining full control of the camera is typ-
vus (benign) or melanoma (malignant). For our classification ically not possible, or various visualization of the same tissue
experiments, we have used only the manually annotated image is possible because there is no sense of strict direction in the
regions (see Fig. 6—The methodology is similar as described for image contents. For such applications, the image descriptors
CH images). The objective of the classification task is to identify should be invariant to the rotation, scaling, and illumination
the presence of melanoma in the patients. The weka data mining changes in the images. This has led us to the design of invariant
tool was used for the classification results presented in this paper. texture descriptor, the IGabor, which is based on Gabor fil-
All the results were obtained using tenfold cross validation. We ters. For the compensation of inter- and intraimage illumination
have used the overall classification accuracy and area under the variation, the analytic Gabor filters have been used. For rota-
ROC curves for evaluation of the performance of the classifier. tion and scale invariance, the homogeneous texture features are
The latter provides a more fair assessment of the results given calculated followed by summation of coefficients across scale
that dataset has unequal instances of normal and melanoma. and taking magnitude of DFT across orientation, and summa-
For dermoscopic image classification, our observations from tion of coefficients across orientation followed by magnitude of
the results are consistent with that of GE images (Table II). The DFT across scale. The resulting texture features are invariant to

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