Sport Essay

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The number of young people not exercising is continuously increasing and

this can cause serious health issues in late adulthood. This worrying trend affects all
of us, and it is vital that governments, schools and parents take measures to
promote sport for our youth.

In the first place, plenty of options are available to motivate teens to exercise
from their early age. This can be done by organizing special events such as sport
weeks and competitions to motivate pupils and show that exercising together can
improve their mood and have a beneficial impact on both physical and mental health.
Family members are very important role models for us, therefore they should do
physical activity with kids and share awareness. Kids who grow up in familes with
good traditions, easily get used to habbits so there is a good chance that it will affect
their future in a positive way. By providing these steps, children will grow up with
these important rules which will be ingrained into their lifestyle.

What is more, governments can pass social programs to ensure that teens
are motivated to exercise regularly. For instance, organizing social programs
effectively shares awareness about different types of sport. Special free events with
different disciplines are an opportunity to show youth different types of activities and
they will be more likely to find a sport they are passionate about. Adding some free
gifts for all participants, encourages children to take part in those kinds of social
gatherings. As a result, they will be more likely to try new activities and find one that
suits their preferences.

Taking everything into consideration, I believe that the best way to promote
sport in young people’s life is through school and family. This is because promoting
different sport exercises in schools and families will yield longer-lasting results and
influence teens to exercise regularly with their relatives.

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