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Assignment #1

What could be the next technology?

There are so many technologies that really help us on our daily lives and as time goes by
technology never stops on upgrading and the more in improves the more it helps people at their
convenience. I am thinking that maybe someday most of the technologies will be the one working for us,
and so I came up with an idea of a new technology that can be a big help someday for
firefighters/rescuers and also in case of emergency or in any other way.

I called this new technology the “Firefighter/Rescuer Drone”. This new technology can be a big
help for firefighters/rescuers during emergency. This technology can be piloted by a user or it can be
automated. For a wide explanation for this new technology here are some simple specifications for this
Firefighter/Rescuer Drone.


 HD 360 Camera – the camera attached to the drone will be a 360-degree field view that captures
everything around the sphere. With this angle the user can easily see the possible ways or
easiest route for the firefighters before entering an on fire facility or building. And also, it can
help the user to easily see if there are other people left on the site or building.
 Speaker and Microphone – there will also be a speaker and microphone for communication. It
can be used by the user to guide and give instructions to people that has been seen through the
drone. And it can also speak on its own if it is not manually operated.
 Sensors – Motion sensor will help the drone be protected from falling debris. And a temperature
sensor for the drone to detect where is the best ways and safest way. Also, this drone can stand
hot and cold temperature to maintain its durability.
 A small compartment – inside the compartment are first aid kit for minor injuries, small
extinguisher for pathways and a gas mask full face.
 Artificial Intelligence – for an automated firefighter/rescuer drone.

This is just my best idea for a new technology. I believe there is an existing project of a drone
that act as a firefighter the splashes water on an on fire facility. I just upgrade this idea and make it
more advance to be a new technology. I hope that someday a new technology would come out with an
idea very close to this mine. Because this can be a really big help for firefighters/ rescuer lessen the risk
from their job and ensure their safety before entering an on fire facility or building. I also imagine that
someday there will be robots walking around the street and live, react and talk just like how people do

How Difficult would it be to live without computers?

Nowadays, computer really is a big help much more in this time of pandemic. Computer has
been one of the technologies used for communications along with the smartphones and laptops. With
computer and internet, in just one click for just a second there will be an answer for your questions.
There are so many ways computer helps us in our everyday lives.

As a teacher I could say that it will be very difficult for me to live without computer. Because
during this time of pandemic it is really a necessity to have a computer, especially for me as a teacher.
This is where I do my reports on school, encoding of modules and answer sheets, attending seminars
and classes. A simple smartphone won’t be able to accomplish all of my needed reports for our school
and would also be hassle to use small screen for encoding. Especially now, I am currently developing a
Learning Intervention Kit in a form of a video, so I am using computer to layout, to edit videos and
photos. It would be very difficult for me if I don’t have a computer or laptop.

Also, during this time, it is the very used technology for education, for health system, for
business and in other aspects. An institution will not be complete without a computer, it is now part of
every institution. So, to sum it up, I think it would be a chaos and not organize if we don’t have
computer in ours lives. There will be a great deficiency in the society if computer will not exist.


Generate a list of way the computer/IT impacted the world.

Technology makes our lives more convenient and easier. Here are some of the lists I make for
the positive and negative impact of computer/ IT in the world. And these are all just my opinions.


In Education

 Makes more productive

 Makes more effective
 Transparent recording of files
 Developed new methods, techniques
 E-learning platforms
 Easy communication with teachers, students and parents/guardians

In Health Organization

 Developed new health system

 Effective surgeries with artificial members (legs, hands)
 More efficient and effective medicine
 Easy communication with doctors, nurses and patients

In Business Industry

 Increased production
 Advance manufacturing
 Easy communication between organizations
 Programmed a safer system for files
 Easy promotions and advertisements
 New ways to run a venture
 Cryptocurrency

In Politics

 Easy campaigns through media

 Easy transmission of news/ issues
 Easier to influence others

At home

 Entertainment
 Convenient lifestyle

And of course, everything comes with a negative effect. But I think there are still more positive


In Education

 False information
 Cyber bullying
 Online Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation

In Health Organizations

 Machines consumes more energy consumption

 Malfunctions that can lead to death

In Business Industry

 Files and accounts can be hacked

 Human trafficking through online
 Online Scammers
 Malfunctions of machines

In Politics

 Cyber crime
 False news/issues
 Drug promotion

At home
 Affects the health
 Affects the lifestyle
 Addiction

In addition to this, it will still be our choices on how computer and Information technology impact or
affects our lives. We can always utilize and maximize the use these technologies, but not abusing it.



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