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the influence of kingdom lifestyle of man in gos’s service

Man in God’s Service

A project by

Submitted To


FEBRUARY 15, 2024

TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER ONE....................................................................................................................................................................................................
WHAT DOES IT MEANS TO BE IN GOD’S SERVICE?........................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER TWO...................................................................................................................................................................................................
KINGDOM LIFESTYLE..........................................................................................................................................................................................
1. POOR (MATT. 5:3)....................................................................................................................................................................................
2. MOURN (MATT. 5:4, LK. 6:21)...................................................................................................................................................................
3. MEEK (MATT. 5:5)...............................................................................................................................................................................
4. HUNGER AND THIRST..........................................................................................................................................................................
5. MERCIFUL (MATT. 5:7)..............................................................................................................................................................................
6. PURE ( MATT. 5:8).....................................................................................................................................................................................
7. PEACE MAKERS (MATT. 5:9)......................................................................................................................................................................
TO BE A PEACE MAKER.................................................................................................................................................................................
8. PERSECUTED FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS SAKE (MATT. 5:10)............................................................................................................................
CHAPTER THREE................................................................................................................................................................................................
MAN IN GOD’S SERVICE.....................................................................................................................................................................................
1. FAITHFULNESS..........................................................................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER FOUR..................................................................................................................................................................................................
KINGDOM LIFESTYLE VERSUS MAN IN GOD’S SERVICE......................................................................................................................................
CONCERNING THE POOR (MATT. 5:3)...........................................................................................................................................................
1A. JESUS.................................................................................................................................................................................................
1B. BAR JESUS ( ELYMAS).........................................................................................................................................................................
2A. JOSEPH ( GEN. 41:15-16)..................................................................................................................................................................
2B. PROPHET BALAAM...........................................................................................................................................................................
3A SOLOMON.........................................................................................................................................................................................
3B. KING UZZIAH (1 CHRO. 26:15- 24)....................................................................................................................................................
4A. DANIEL.............................................................................................................................................................................................
4b. Eli (1Sam. 3:27-36)...........................................................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER FIVE..................................................................................................................................................................................................
QUALITIES OF A MAN IN GOD’S SERVICE.........................................................................................................................................................
1. DEPENDABILITY.......................................................................................................................................................................................
2. ANOINTING.............................................................................................................................................................................................
3. SIGNS AND WONDERS............................................................................................................................................................................
4. FEAR OF GOD..........................................................................................................................................................................................
5. DIVINE REMEMBRANCE..........................................................................................................................................................................
6. SALVATION (MADE- EASY)......................................................................................................................................................................
A. ATTRIBUTE OF DEEDS........................................................................................................................................................................
B. ATTRIBUTE OF SPEECH.......................................................................................................................................................................
C. ATTRIBUTES OF GOOD LIFE MANIFESTATIONS......................................................................................................................................
7. DIVINE ASSISTANCE.................................................................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER SIX....................................................................................................................................................................................................
RECOMMENDATION/CONGRATULATIONS TO THESE SIX CATEGORIES OF PEOPLE.........................................................................................
1. TO CHURCH WORKERS............................................................................................................................................................................
2. PASTOR...................................................................................................................................................................................................

The evidence of a man in God’s service is his manifestation of heaven
(Kingdom Lifestyle) here on earth.

(Roman 8:19) says “For the earnest expectation of the creature waited for the
manifestation of the sons of God’’.

Since heaven or kingdom of God is prepared place for the prepared people,
no one can just stumble into heaven without first and foremost living the life of
Christ here on earth.
A man in God’s service that lives the life of Christ will motivate many people
both men and women boys and girls to submit their lives to Christ.
If the man in God’s service is living a kingdom lifestyle, it is the easiest way or
means of preaching the word of God to humanity.

(James 1:22) says “But be you doer of the word and not the hearers only,
deceiving your own self.


Any man or woman that is born again and living the life of divine nature
(Christ) is deemed to be God’s service. And the world respect him because heaven
recognize him or her.
And his qualification before God are:
1. Faithfulness
2. Holiness and separation
3. Truth
This book teaches us not to be covetous.

Take heed and not be covetous for a man’s life consisted not in the abundance
which he possessed (Luke 12:15)

For what shall it profit a man it he shall again the whole world and lose his own
soul (Mark 8:36)

1. POOR (MATT. 5:3)

The bible says “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of
heaven (Matt. 5:3).

To be poor means to depend on God in the sense that one recognizes that
without God, he can do nothing. It also means to be humble by one rating himself
Examples of those who exhibited this kingdom lifestyle are:
1. Jesus (John 5:19, Phil 2:5-11)
2. Joseph (Gen. 41:16)
3. Solomon (1 kings 3:7,9)
4. Daniel (Dan. 2:28)
5. Gideon judges 6:15
2. MOURN (MATT. 5:4, LK. 6:21)

The bible says “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted (matt.

To mourn means to express sorrow over the loss of something or

somebody. When sin has made somebody to lose the glory of God, it calls for
repentance in truth. It can also call for intersession from the body of Christ.
Mourning for sins in penitence shows repentance (2 Cor. 7:9-10, Neh. 1:4, Isa.
3. MEEK (MATT. 5:5)
Meekness is defined as gentleness and not fighting for oneself but trusting God
to fight for you.
Jesus was maltreated and humiliated but he did not defend himself but
allowed God to do so. (Matt. 26:52-54).
Moses was misunderstood and criticized by his elder siblings but he did not
react, instead he prayed to God to heal his sister when leprosy came to her (Num.

Stephen was stoned to death but during that action, he did not curse them but
rather prayed for them. This is meekness to the core (Acts 7:57-60)
It is a strong desire or craving for something ( Ps. 42:1-2, Deut. 6:3-5). To seek
satisfaction like king Ahab who strongly desired the vineyard belonging to Naboth
(1 Kings 21)


Mercy is an act of favour or benevolence it cannot be claimed by right but by
favour (Ps. 103:8, Mark 10: 43-49)
6. PURE ( MATT. 5:8)
Purity of heart is an everlasting decision in the sense that it is the
requirement or credential or weighing scale for making heaven to see God (Heb.
12:14). Remember that when a man prays, God does not analyses the words, but
the hearts and its motives.

(Matt. 10:34 says that out of the abundance of heart, the mouth speaks.


Peace means freedom from fears, agitation and moral conflict. For the
wicked, no peace (Isa. 48:22, Jas. 4:1-2, John 8:34). But peace makers are to be called
sons of God. This implies that they are qualify for heaven. Jesus is the prince of
peace (Isa. 9:6), therefore a child of God, one should be found where peace is
reigning. Peace makers make peace between two quarrelling parties or people.
Just as Jesus made peace or reconciled man with God. They are to be called sons of

You must have these virtues:
1. Love your enemies (Matt. 5:27-28)
2. Do not retaliate when hated or provoked (Matt. 5:29)
3. Go extra mile to make peace (Matt. 5:29)
Note: Jesus went extra mile to make peace by paying tax he supposed not to pay
as an indie of Israel (Matt. 17:24-27)
It means to treat someone unfairly or in a cruel way may be because it his
tribe or religious belief. As a man living the kingdom lifestyle, persecution is
compulsory (2 Tim 3:12).
This means that persecution is one of those attributes that make us to make
heaven. A believer must not run away from persecution
Any man in God’s serie is expected to live the life of faithfulness.

(1 Cor. 4:2) says moreover, it is required in stewards that a man be fond faithful.

Faithfulness gives a man in God’s service favour before man, kings, queens
and nobles. It can even go to the extent of giving a slave chances to become master
and a trustee.

When joseph as at Potiphars house, Potiphar made him the overseer of all
his assets and properties ( Gen. 39:2-4)
Faithfulness as the identity of a man with kingdom lifestyle crowns him with
God’s hour.
Gen. 39:21-23 says that while joseph was in prison, that God was with him and
everything he did prospers; and the keeper of prison made him monitor over his
prison mates by committing to josephs hand all the prisoners that were in the
Faithfulness sent joseph from prison to palace and gave him the positon of a
prime minister in foreign lang. as he did not defile himself with Potiphar’s wife’s
A man in God’s service must be known with the life of holiness and
separation from the defiling’s (world) – Jam. 1:27.

Heb. 12:14 says “follow peace with all men, and holiness without which no man
shall see the lord.

It was the life of holiness and separation that Jews were living when they were
in exile in Persia that make Haman to recognize them and made a striking
comments to king Ahasuerus about them by saying that they are:
a. People with different lifestyle
b. People with different laws
c. People that separate themselves from everyone else (Esther 3:8) concurring
with ( 2 Cor. 6:14)
This kingdom lifestyle vindicated their lives form Haman’s evil plans against
In the same vein, it was this life of holiness which is also termed “The kingdom
lifestyle which is the life of Christ that made the Jews of apostle’s days to call them
Christians first in Antioch of presidia (Acts 11:26)
Kingdom lifestyle will make a Man in God’s Service to have protection from
God because that life has it’s root in truth. And that truth is Christ.

“ye shall know the truth and the truth you know shall set you free (John 8:32, 36)

When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were in Babylon as officials, king
Nebuchadnezzar, they new the truth that his golden image was not the real God
they should serve, obey or love (Deut. 6:5). They refused to bow down before the
image and Nebuchadnezzar got angry and by his command they were thrown in to
the burning furnace and God protected them that they were not hurt. (Deut. 3:23-

This same life if known and displayed, will open the eyes of sinners ( world)
to see, know and believe the truth. In the book of Daniel 3:25-26, the eyes of king
Nebuchadnezzar were open to see, know and believe the son of God and called the
three Hebrew heroes the servants of most High God.
Kingdom lifestyle gives grace to them that know their God and do exploits.
Mary was not the only virgin in the land of Jew (Nazareth) but she found grace or
favour before God to be the mother of our savior jesus Christ

(Luke 1:26-32)…. Hail, thou that are highly favored the lord is with thee: blessed
are thou among women (Luke 1:28)

Note only that Mary was a virgin, but she manifestoed the kingdom lifestyle in
humility and obtain award form God.

For everyone that exalted himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself
shall be exalted ( Luke 18:14, Luke 14:11).

This kingdom lifestyle made her to be singled out and also qualified to be
the mother of Jesus even in the midst of other virgins in Israel.
What of apostle peter when he was not yet an apostle nor converted he
obtained grace before Christ his master as he (Christ) decided to enter his boat for
preaching and evangelism where as many boats were three unoccupied. Permit
me to say that Christ as an omnipotent God has seen what peter would become in
future. And decide to facilitates peters calling. What he would become in future
attracted God’s grace to him earlier before the time
A man that lives out the kingdom lifestyle in his life obtains the honor from

God said “ I will honor them, that honor me (1 Sam. 2:30) and I will draw near to
them that draw near to me (Ps. 50:23)

In the book of Genesis 18:19,

God said “for I know him (Abraham), that he will command his children and his
household after him and they shall keep the way of the lord, to do justice and
judgement; that the lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of

It takes living the kingdom lifestyle to receive revelation from God.

Despite the fact that joseph was in prison he received the divine explanation
(revelation) of prisoners dream (Gen. 40:12-19) and pharaoh’s dream (Gen. 41:25-28)
respectively. Remember that all these were possible because he honoured God by
keeping his status. God honour them that honour him by revealing his mind and
actions to them before he acts.

Amos 3:7 says “surely the lord God will do nothing but he revealeth his secretes
unto his servants the prophets.

Fearing God attracts his revelation to one. The secret of the lord is with
them that fear him, and he will show them his covenant (Ps. 25:14)
The kingdom lifestyle will make even those things that are impossible to
become possible in the life of a man of God in God’s service.

Jeremiah 32:27 says “I am the lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too
hard for me?” kingdom lifestyle that Joshua the son of nun lived gave him the
key and ticket to perform signs and wonders.

The scripture said that one thing that Joshua did in his leadership days will not
repeat itself again in the history of planet earth or man kind.

In Joshua 10:13 “and the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people
had avenged themselves up on their enemies….. the sun stood still in the midst of
heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day

The life of holiness is the kingdom lifestyle. And this life which God
observed in the life of Noah made him to give him the revelation of the doom that
was to engulf the whole world then, saved him and his family from the calamity of
flood and made him the pioneer of his dispensation of human government (Gen. 6-

And finally had a covenant with him not to destroy the world again with rain
or flood by showing a sign of rainbow.
All because he-trusted him to be a well-to-do foundation new world with
new human government he was to create.

It takes a man who is humble and has total dependence on God to make a
foot-print on the sand of history of heaven. If not, God’s curses will accompany
that man. Since humanity are depending on God we are talking about is what
beign poor in spirit means. Jesus was a typical example of it even joseph also.
Jesus of Nazareth said I am of my ownself do nothing: as I hear, I judge and my
judgement is just; because I seekn not mine own will, but the will of the father
which hath sent me ( John 5:30). This is total dependent on God. And jesus who
was equal with God humbled himself and took the form of human being even
servants and left his glorious estate in order to deliver mankind only to do the will
of his father ( God) (Phil. 2:6-8). This is total humility. If jesus did not achieve his
aim, today salvation of mankind would have been in shambles and mirage.
see another Jesus who was neither humble nor dependent on God; who had an
unregenerated heart, an unbeliever who used the power of satan to perform
miracles like jesus of Nazareth apostle paul etc. was cursed by apostle paul as he
wanted to turn away the faith of the deputy of the country (Sergio’s Paulus) (Acts

In likewise manner, it the man in God’s service lack being or exhibiting poor
in his spirt, the same will happen to him
2A. JOSEPH ( GEN. 41:15-16)
He being faithful, humbled and totally depended on God. He said to pharaoh
“… is not in me; God shall give pharaoh an answer of peace ( Gen. 41:15-16). This is the
poor in sprit we are talking about.
Temptations form Potiphar’s wife would have not made him to depending
and trusting his God but see another man of God (Prophet) and his deviation.
Who was trusting God but deviated when trials or temptation came from
hidden king (Num. 22,23, 24-25) Balaak
The gift inside the basket of temptation made Balaam to go to God the
second time after go had told him not to curse his people (Num 22:12-19. So any man
in God’s service who fail to be poor inspirit is being humble and depending totally
on God will be cursed or punished. The bible says that Balaam latter received his
punishment from king Balaak for not doing what he begged him to do for him
which is to curse the people of God (Israelite)
Here, Solomon asked God to give him wisdom with which to rule or judge
Israel (1 King 3:7-9). Solomon know that good wisdom comes from God and not
from man (Jam. 1:17).
And God resist the proud and give grace to the humble (Jam. 4:6). So Solomon was
humble and depended completely on God’s direction and instructions. And this
humility and reliance on God made him to the wisest and richest man ever existed
and hereafter. But look at another puffed-up king below.
3B. KING UZZIAH (1 CHRO. 26:15- 24).
He was marvelously helped by God (vs 15) but when he was strong his heart was
lifted up to his own destructions for he transgressed against the lord his God; and
went into the temple of God lord to burn incense upon the alta of incense (vs 16)
He finally became a leper throughout the days of his life (vs 21) he was
He had this poor spirit that made him to retain praise honor and glory to
God when confronted by king Nebuchadnezzar. He said to Nebuchadnezzar

“….but there is God in heaven that revealeth secretes and maketh known to the
king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days …. ( Dan. 2:27-28)

Daniel did not claim to be the revealer or author of revelation, but he
referred to God who is the monarch of the whole universe.
This is total dependence on God and that is what is meant by being poor in
the spirit.
4b. Eli (1Sam. 3:27-36)
Here Eli showed the spirit of rebel and not being humble before God. This is
the reason why he opened his mouth to say let God do what seems right or good to
him. Imagine a pastor, servant and prophet that was to be receiving instructions
from God to say this kind of word.
The consequences was that he lost both of his sons, Hophin and Phenehas in
a battle in one day . could you imagine that type of tragedy.

The kingdom lifestyle that the man of God Samuel lived made him a
dependable master before both Saul and David. To show that he lived out that life,
at a time; he told all the Israelites to witness against him before the lord whether
he has stolen, taken bribe, oppressed or defrauded any of them (1Samuel12:3) and
they confirmed him innocent in (1Samuel 12:4).
His life of holiness or kingdom lifestyle empowered him to rebuke and
king’s duty and jumped into ministerial duty that prophet was in charge
After his demise, as a dependable master, Saul sought him to still guide, direct
and prophesy to him since God has refused to answer him neither by dreams, nor
by Purim nor by prophets concerning the philistine army that was about to fight
them (1Samuel28:5-6).
This same life held David from terminating the life of Saul even when he had
opportunity to do so. He refused to kill the man that was anointed by Samuel
through God’s command. He believed the office of Samuel as a man of God
(1Samuel24:10) when he was to engage in warfare with Goliath, the told king Saul
that being an anointed person as he was anointed by Samuel that he had defeated
both bear and lion (1Samuel17:34-35)
Samuel was a mentor who anointed both Saul and David as a holy man with
kingdom lifestyle, (1Samuel10:1) and (1Samuel 16:13) respectively. And two of them
respected and depended on Samuel

A man with anointing of God must be a man whom God has bestowed his power
and anointing on, in the sense that he lives the kingdom lifestyle Elijah outrun
king Ahab into Jezebel by anointing (1Kings 17:21-22).
A man that stopped rain in Israel for 3 and half years (1Kings 17:1)
What shall I say concerning Elijah a man that show cased the kingdom
lifestyle throughout was endowed with supper prophet of fire, his fire
consumed the sacrificed he offered (1Kings18:38). A man who displayed the
kingdom lifestyle with zeal and power to the extent that he did not die a
physical death but was Oran slated or carried by whirl wind into heaven
(2Kings 2:11)
Signs and wonders follow them that believe in Christ and do live out this
kingdom lifestyle we are taking of.

(Mark16:17) Says “And the signs shall follow them that believe; in my name
shall they cast out devils.

Apostle Paul casted out demon of fever and healed the father of a man
called Publius in the city of Malta (Act28:8)

(Mark16:18) says “They shall take up serpent; and it they drink any deadly
thing; it shall not hurt them.

When Paul was in Malta, as a man that lives the kingdom lifestyle that was
manifesting from his life, he shook off serpent fastened in his hand and was not
hurt (Act28:3-6)
Paul aprons and handkerchiefs were brought unto the sick’s and diseases and
evil spirits were departed from them (Act19:12)
Kingdom lifestyle with its proof of signs and wonders will make people or
sinners to envy or cherish our God of signs and wonders (Act19:13-17). It can make
them to repent and have Jesus and graduate to live this kingdom lifestyle (Act28:9)
In (Act5:15-16) we see how Peter’s shadow healed the sick’s and drove out
demons from people that were sick and possessed
All these exploits were pointing to the influence of kingdom lifestyle on a man of
God who has Jesus and lives the heaven’s lifestyle
Kingdom lifestyle is born by fear of God. And fear of God is to hate:
I. Evil
II. Pride
III. Arrogance
IV. Evil way
V. Forward mouth (Proverb 8:13).
And if a man of God abstain himself from all these, he will be a qualified
instrument for the master use (2 Timothy2:21).
And because he is a man that does what he teaches or preaches, he will
influence people (unbelievers) to believe and accept the word of God and Jesus he
preaches, since the scripture says “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only,
deceiving your own selves’’(James1:22)

So abstinence from evils and doing the word of God will reflect in that
man’s life; thereby show –casing kingdom lifestyle
This could be positive or negative depending on the works of the person
involved…… whatever a man sowed, so shall he reap (Gal6:7). If it is negative total
loss is involved is involved and hell fire may be inevitable.
But if one’s work is positive, recovery, profit and God’s approval is sure.
Like in the case of Jonathan the son of Saul and the father of Mephibosheth who
showed kindness, love, and sincerity to David, his son Mephibosheth reaped the
gain that came out of it (2Samuel 9:7) Noah (Genesis8:1a) Hezekiah (Isaiah38:1-5),
Modecai etc. were remembered by God for their good deeds
But look at Amalekites that fought God’s people (Israelite they were paid by God
for their evil (Exodus 17:8). Therefore, right attitude attracts God’s favour, honour,
and nice remembrance and right attitude is kingdom life
The man of God that is living a kingdom lifestyle has many attributes that lift
the name of God high and souls are drawn to God. These attributes help sinners or
make it easy for sinners to come and surrender their lives to Christ once noticed
in the life of a man of God. There are many but three attributes have to be
discussed now.
The life a man of God lives or the ways he does things fast forward the
acceptance of Christ in the life of unbelievers. The reason is that his lifestyles or
actions differ from that of unbelievers
The scripture says “so I tell you this, and insist on it in lord, that you must no
longer live as gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking”(Ephesian4:7)

Equally the speech or words that proceed from the mouth of a man of God
has the tendency to kill or make alive (James 3:8-12) this portion of the bible
makes us to know that the tongue is evil unruly or untamed and full of deadly
poison. And that blessings and curses cannot come out of it. But the scripture
admonishes us by saying. “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your
mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs
that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesain4:29)
I. Forgiveness: “Be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each
other just as Christ forgave you (Eph4:32)
II. Light: ‘let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good
works who is in heaven (Mathew5:16)
III. Salt: “ye are the salt of the earth, if the salt loses its taste of what use it?”
(Mathew 5:13). All these attributes convict sinners to repent to Christ.

Living a kingdom lifestyle attracts favour and help from God. God said “fear
thou not for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee and be with
thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness (Isa. 41:10)
God will asset a man that is living a kingdom lifestyle in all ways; just like he
assist many bible heroes and heroines e.g. as an immunizer,
a. Immunizer: he assisted and becomes an immunizer to believers because of
right living ( 1 John 4:4) says you dear children are from God and have
overcome them; because the one who is in you is greater tan the one who is in
the world” (1 John 4:4). Also a defender to them in time of troubles. (Rom. 8:31)
says “For God be for us, who shall be against us? Also (Ps. 46:1)
b. Warrior: as a man that lives a kingdom life style, Elisha experienced horses
and chariots of fire brigade from God. So God became a warrior for him when
he was to be attacked by Syrian armies ( 2 kings 6:16).
The same was applicable to prophet Jeremiah when Judea and their king
attacked him (Jer. 20:1) says “But the lord is with me as a mighty terrible one

“therefore my persecutors shall stumble, and they shall not prevail; they shall be
greatly ashamed; for they shall not prosper, their everlasting confusion shall
never be forgotten (Jer. 20:11)

c. Helper: God can assist a man who lives kingdom lifestyle and may later turn
his back on him and punish him if he despises or dishonor God. Just like in the
case of king Uzziah; who God helped marvelously to become what he became.
But the bible says that when his kingdom was strong, his heart was lifted up to
his destruction; for he transgressed against the lord his God, and went into the
temple of the lord to burn incense uon the altar of incense ( 2 Chro. 26:15-16)
The result was leprosy ( 2 Chro. 26:19)

I hereby recommending this kingdom lifestyle in the church workers in
general who are working so that they will be accepted and rewarded by God on
the last day (D day), to live no stone unturned by living this kingdom lifestyle in
order to be counted worthy

(1 Cor. 15:58) says: “therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable,

always abounding in the work of the lord, for as much as ye know that your
labour is not in vain in the lord”.

God expected us as believers to prove ourselves as workman (2 Tim 2:15)

God also want us to build our faith with good character ( 2 Tim. 2:20-24; 2
Tim. 4:7). Also where apostle paul said “ I have fought a good fight, I have finished my
course, I have kept the faith”

Apostle paul said “fight a good fight of faith…. (1 Tim 6:12) as pastors he should
not allow himself to be tossed to and fro with every work of doctrine (Eph. 4:14).
Also to teach men so not to act like bar-Jesus (Acts 13:6-11) using the gospel you
preach to turn people away from God. So living the life of kingdom ( will make us
to be righteous and saved from perversions. Also not display attitude of non-
challant, profanity, careless and ‘I don’t care’ attitude which was seen in the life of
Eli ( 1 Sam. 3:27-36). This will also make us to honour God so as to dodge the anger
of God unlike in the case of Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Elli.
This life when living, will make a youth to remain within the confines of
sewing the lord. “Remember now thy lord in the days of your youth” (Eccl. 12:1)
It will also make a youth to have strength in serving the lord. Apostle paul
told Timothy

“let no man despise thy youth but be thou an example of the believers, in words,
in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity ( 1 Tim 4:12)

Paul was only saying to Timothy “ live a kingdom life-style”.


My congratulations goes to


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