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Employment generation:
*Employment generation refers to the process of creating new job opportunities within a given
economy or society.
(The number of jobs that are generated via tourism activities, the type and quality of the jobs,
and the type of employees that work in them.) – Phan nay dinh se tu explain

- Tourism creates a lot of jobs.

Eg: Some common jobs (in some QP hotels): receptionist, tour guide, hotel housekeeper, chef, piloting
or steering (Boat driver), event coordinator, hotel general management…
- Tourism is considered as a suitable factor to tackle unemployment and underemployment because:
 It is a growing sector in many destination regions.
(Trả lời VnExpress, ông Ngô Tấn Lực, Phó chủ tịch UBND huyện Phú Quý cho biết lượng
khách đến gần đây "tăng quá nhanh", nhất là vào dịp lễ và cuối tuần. Trong dịp 30/4 vừa qua, có
gần 10.000 lượt khách đến đảo. Năm 2022, đảo Phú Quý đón hơn 95.000 lượt khách, tăng đột
biến so với chỉ tiêu 45.000 huyện đề ra đến năm 2025.)-
(Responding to VnExpress, Mr. Ngo Tan Luc, Vice Chairman of Phu Quy District People's
Committee, said the number of visitors recently "increased too quickly", especially on holidays
and weekends. On April 30, there were nearly 10,000 visitors to the island. In 2022, Phu Quy
Island will welcome more than 95,000 visitors, a sudden increase compared to the target of
45,000 districts set for 2025) – Phan nay dung quan tam
Eg: Answer VnExpress - Vice Chairman of Phu Quy District People’s Committee (Ngo Tan
Luc) said that there was a quick increase in the number of visitors on holidays and weekends.
- 30/4: nearby 10.000 visitors
- In 2022: PQ welcomed more than 95.000 visitors >< compared to the target of
45.000 which is set for 2025.

 Tourism is varied and resilient.

+ It’s varied: Practical example: A considerable number of tourists => visit Phu Quy by boats ->
Creating jobs for the unemployed => Becoming a piloting or steering.
+ It’s resilient: During Covid, Tourism was “cooling”-> QP Hotels have upgraded their facilities
and prepared for new experiences after the pandemic => Recovering quickly <Tourism doesn’t die
( According to experts, the COVID-19 pandemic, in some ways, has contributed to the development
of new consumer trends and tourism behaviors at a faster rate. Some hotels have taken advantage of
the opportunity to upgrade their facilities and prepare for new experiences after the pandemic.
 It is labour-intensive. <- Because it is varied. => need a lot of workers.
 It provides many jobs with low entry posibilitites => Tourism doesn’t require intensive
training and experience.

Eg; In hotel, Some jobs don’t require too much experience=> waiters and waitresses don’t need
intensive training; Can be trained for one or two days -> ready to work.

For some reasons, some jobs require workers to have an related knowledge of their jobs => tour
guide or operator => need to know about the culture, history, attractions…

 Tourism jobs are particularly beneficial for young, long-term unemployed, less-skilled,
and ethnic minority groups. -> If tourism isn’t appeared and promoted, they will not be
included as a work force in some tourism jobs.

(Example: Tour guides and operators:

o These jobs include people who lead or organize tours for tourists, such as cultural
tours, adventure tours, eco-tours, or city tours.
o These jobs usually require some knowledge of the local history, culture, geography,
and attractions, as well as communication skills and language skills.
o These jobs can be learned through informal or formal training programs, or
through self-study, are suitable for people who have a passion for tourism, a sense
of adventure, and a willingness to interact with different kinds of people.
o It can also provide opportunities for personal growth and cultural exchange.
o For example, in Cambodia, the ILO has supported the establishment of a community-
based tourism association that trains and employs local youth as tour guides and
operators in the rural areas.) – Phan nay dinh tu explain
**However, tourism-related jobs do not always have a significant impact on the
overall employment levels in a destination.
- During peak seasons, many low-paid, insecure, and unpleasant jobs are often taken by
immigrant seasonal workers, even casual or students workers -> (This type of employment does
not contribute much to the local labour market) a little impact.

- To measure how tourism affects employment: *difficult* -> because the sector is diverse and
involves many different types and sizes of businesses.
(Some jobs are directly generated by tourism (by businesses selling products and services
directly to tourists, e.g. travel agents and cruise operators), whereas other jobs are indirectly
created (with the suppliers of tourism businesses, e.g. food producers, wine merchants or
printers of promotional material))
 Jobs: directly generated: Businesses sell products and services directly to tourists. Eg travel

 Other jobs: indirectly generated: With the suppliers of tourism businesses. Eg: Food producers,
wine merchants…
 Tourism incorporates many sub-sectors: accommodation, food and beverage, transport, retail
and insurance…
 Very difficult to get an overview of all the jobs (directly or indirectly) linked to
Phu Quy Island creates employment opportunities in several sectors. For instance:
o Agriculture: Local farmers and fishermen benefit from the demand for fresh produce, seafood, and
local specialties by hotels, restaurants, and food vendors catering to tourists.

o Transportation: The increasing number of tourists visiting the island creates a need for
transportation services, such as taxi drivers, motorbike rentals, and boat operators.
o Handicrafts and souvenirs: Local artisans and craftsmen can seize the opportunity to sell their
handicrafts and souvenirs to tourists, supporting local entrepreneurship and creating indirect

o Construction and infrastructure: As tourism develops on the island, there may be a need for
constructing new hotels, resorts, restaurants, and improving infrastructure like roads and utilities.
This creates employment opportunities for construction workers, engineers, and laborers.

The April 27th Route (or Dốc phượt) La Isla Bonita homestay

 Overall, to measure the impact of tourism on employment, we count the numbers

of individuals employed and jobs generated.

1. Why is tourism seen as suitable for tackling unemployment and underemployment?
a) It is a declining sector in many destination regions
b) It is not resilient to economic fluctuations
c) It is a growing sector in many destination regions
d) It requires extensive training and experience

Answer: c)

2. Which of the following is NOT a reason why tourism is seen as suitable for creating jobs?
a) It is varied and resilient
b) It is labor-intensive
c) It provides many jobs with low entry possibilities
d) It requires extensive training and experience

Answer: d)

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