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suv |Q) citizen? + Some Rigus ane Sa cod ee Arete ftien) only *o CK2eN teks Ree frendy [ere Thdia + sole ener ‘Aven. aye eiaas Non tien. ae joule Some ‘bance, fetedom, wick aqine “gt Pela.nersle p with Tnda. > Beth Ge sg Descent: © Excepr Incdtan citizen, no other citren have the rig appt Aus os i> . Bo citien Rye, +o old certen Ly Prestoleut te Wee President Ls Judges se] He Ly Aovernor b Atiora <4 Benerol etc .., stuby|Q) who ui oat cetsenst(p om 26 ko aso? = a persen Aliould be Domicile og Tncba db a ordinary sesideut one Ber nok lems than pov omedle CSSS 4 aeons Y). Lmmencement 4 tons [Arnel Jp citrencisp 4 person (Fas) ion Frown “pabisten. — He or either 4a parents ov Grand paronts 3a Ab clegined In GOT 143 4 a) fersen ftagatesd before 19 Sub, 1943 - b) Uf Person migrates! after 19 Jule, aus, has to be ee Cpermit system). was bam in Ta stuby|Q) ob certain migrants Riguec of citivenslep to pakistan ou but + amare stetumed 40 Indo a ie to Paks Ofte Aubeeq tent ab Har to be sresident” 4 india fer _6 meatus. = citrrenslop ob certain persens ob. Baan outside India. angen residing fete). Persen votuntartiy equi citr2emtwpP er” _— +o be citizen. Article 10/1. Continuance on argues % citizensep. i zinrensup FE 4 paruiarnent [Poetic Ul; Pautiament -to stegutate the Sague of Ke cidzenslP woeuslep. sparvament lek power Lo in future CRegrtng Terminaken | acquire *; citizens) Citinenslelp Amenolment, 145 Ack Girrzensisp Amendment fct, l1S5- san) L Requisiken 4. Terminake 4) citeenslip. Acquire — Birth ~Terminabon — Renunciaton _Regithabon L ew “Termination oss = Acquis = Deprivahon Natural sation Descent” [R enunciakony |—> volunte left ais Srban aft 2eUbLED Te mre ober Anb Wer, Lou teen Trion Oprenae'p wil Atomnat’ ‘lumiform citreuctip Tena . yout: Can deprive & =inia adopted the Perten a Gitizenstip. Concept % mingle GiK2endip. ic emotes eee +) a + Freedom oF movement (Move i? ong Pat gomeet) ; + phome civil F Poli ticak — Demerits {mevits 5 tan dive in two Counbics . dua + Can on Prope wn two Connie: Ainge? cileesup ciprensp. * Double Taxaheon Can be a, Mewits Nabmabien| fatiohsm.. stuby|Q) + Globat village. —? “ilobatisen MAbenast bounclavies beceming trrelevaut, + Tdea xn . Hipensics sone Tent es gu Ceuropean Unie) - Ati 4 Artie LE Residence can be Condibn tie Cente Employment Artrete, AD i- Reasonable Reshsction iv) meverneut— rset oe Inde. NIRZ:- plo Residene Dnata / Non-Resident Tadion Ko dues who & | eine outside India. Arbele 1 en TO: Persons ee “oe Oi aang eile ME Ine onerte Eaucahienad f Roaneiad matters. Overseas cittzen 4 India. [> MALU purpose Mul sifel vise + Gonot acquire epricaantve. lanel in India. Reena, Gareanreeurt Meg Px0 £ oct cards - NAC CNatenal D ond. unter cibaen Pouce Cvie* 1 (ce ade. (ead mniq rahen te Sat Cenfurct: in crisis Convert Into & Assam staxtet. tc Pl egad Pou beat Movemen! Poputabir ~-p named Assamese Aasu (student Popetaben. SS unien) {Grand Deport itegat Claute 6 i Pov tect Preserve anol promote tht CAates 25° marth, A>') Cuthue t Annas] people: + Lonvu'tubional, beapslabi F adminis ye Actequait: + for implemenct abin clause & Assam Accord a bi level committee hraslecl *y Retd. Tuatice BK. £uaama femel, temmittee | over R qu Defsaitin a Assamese Reaenahen esermbr fey Assamete * : PR + servation in ourdas Partiamrent , arsembutt, 1 ges we Councile local Beare ote Ea Amendment Act, 201 © Communiker frown |S Countia | at Afgharisten) Benga) * CAR auts alse provid thak Ae Coupe gone mn Caneel the vequtration 5 trotdes oN Certo Grounds. ocl Excephion + + Ack does nok ovr +o Mbal areas 4 TTipuad, migorann, Assam ane Recause There. State ane Past % med Under BK. dlannaa ann Targeting a Particutt i" meen Rea akon soy |

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