2nd Year Phsyics Chapter 2

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Chapter #13 ( Current electricity)

ILM college
Q#1: Give statement of Kirchhoff first rule and 2nd rule

Kirchhoff first rule: Sum of all the current meeting at a point in a circuit is zero. i.e. I =0
Kirchhoff second rule : The algebraic sum of potential changes in a closed circuit is zero.∆ V =0
Q#2: what is source of current write some sources of current.
A source is a device which provides the constant potential difference across the conductor. Or A source is a device which
convert some non electrical energy into electrical energy. Examples:
 Cell( convert chemical energy into electrical energy)
 Electric generators( convert mechanical energy into electrical energy)
 Thermocouple( Convert heat energy into electrical energy)
 Solar cells( convert sunlight into electrical energy)
Q#3: What are Ohmic and non-Ohmic devices . Give two examples of each.
Ohmic devices Non Ohmic devices
A conductor which strictly obeys ohm Law is called The devices which don’t obeys ohm laws is called Non-
Ohmic Ohmic devices
The graph of V vs I is straight line The graph of V vs I is not straight line
Examples: Gold, silver, Copper Examples: filament diode, semi conductor diodes
Q#4: what is thermistor? Describe its two uses
Thermistor is heat sensitive resistor. Most thermistor have negative temperature coefficient of resistance. Thermistor are used
a. Temperature sensors
b. Accurate measuring of temperature near 10K
Q#5: Difference between conventional and non conventional current.
Conventional current Non conventional current
It is current due to flow of positive charges from a It is current due to flow of negative charges from
point of higher potential to point of lower potential . it appoint of lower potential to higher potential. it is
is represented by the movement of positive charges represented by the movement of negative charges
Q#6: What is drift velocity?
The uniform velocity of free electron inside a metallic conductor opposite to the direction of external electric field is called drift
velocity. Drift velocity is order of 10-3m/s.
Q#7: write difference between Electromotive force and potential difference?
Potential difference Electromotive force
Potential difference is amount of work done per unit Electromotive force is amount of work done per unit
charge to move it from high potential to low potential. charge to move it from low potential to high potential.

Potential difference exist between any two point of Electromotive force(EMF) exist in the battery
Potential difference is effect Electromotive force is a cause
The unit of both electromotive force and potential difference is volt
Q#8: Find out the equivalent resistance in series and parallel combination?
In series:
I =I 1=I 2=I 3
V total=V 1 +V 2 +V 3
IR total=IR1 + IR 2+ IR 3
IR total =I (R ¿ ¿ 1+ R2 + R3)¿
Rtotal=R 1+ R 2+ R 3

In parallel:
V =V 1=V 2=V 3

I total=I 1+ I 2 + I 3
Chapter #13 ( Current electricity)
ILM college
= + +
R total R1 R 2 R 3
1 1 1 1
= + +
R total R1 R 2 R 3

Q#9: What is internal resistance?

It is the resistance offered by the electrochemical fluid present between the electrodes of battery. It is resistance of a battery
and its symbol is (r).
Q#10: write difference between resistance and resistivity?
Resistance Resistivity
Resistance is the opposition offered by the conductor The resistance of a one meter cube of material is
to flow of charges. known as resistivity
Its unit is Ω Its unit is Ωm
Resistance depend on: Resistivity depends upon:
a. Nature of material a. Temperature
b. Dimension of material b. Nature of material
c. Physical state of conductor
d. Temperature
Q#12: what is open and close circuit.
Open circuit Close circuit
In open circuit current is minimum(I=0) In close circuit current is not zero.(I≠ 0)
In open circuit terminal potential difference is equal In close circuit terminal potential difference is less
to Emf than Emf supplied by battery source
V t =E V t =E−Ir
Q#13: What is electroplating?
A process of coating a thin layer of some expensive metal( gold, silver etc) on an article of some cheap metal is called
Q#14: What is the condition for maximum power output?
Pout =V × I
Pout =I R
R +r
Pout =¿
Pout will be maximum if r=R.

Q#15: How heating effect produce when current flows through the conductor?

Free electron of the conductor collide with one another during their motion. On each collision they transfer some of their kinetic
energy to the atom with which they collide and these collision produce heating effect in the wire. Heat produce in conductor due
to heating effect is given by joules law :
Chapter #13 ( Current electricity)
ILM college

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