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In figure 1, graph(A) the lift from 30m/s and 20m/s have difference points of stall.

At the
30m/s the stall starts at 23N of lift and 10° AOA. While at 20m/s the stall starts at 11N lift and
10° AOA. There is a difference in stall because less lift for angle of attack to act on. Which
cause the stall to happen earlier on 20m/s lift.
Graph(B) has a coefficient lift of 30m/s and 20m/s is very similar on the graph because the
coefficient lift has similar calculation on the data. the stall happens around 1.1N coefficient lift
and an AOA 12°.
Graph(C) the drag over AOA 30m/s and 20m/s has different points overall. This is due to the
drag being less on 20m/s. the lower the drag is the lower the AOA will be. Graph(D) the drag
coefficient over Angle of attack 30m/s and 20m/s has same points overall.
Graph(E) is the pitch moment over Angle of attack at 20m/s and 30m/s. The difference is due
to the pitching moment being difference through 20m/s and 30m/s. The stall happens at an
angle of attack of 12° and pitching moment of -1Nm for 20m/s. for 30m/s the pitching
moment stall happens at -10Nm and an AOA of 12°. Graph(F) shows the pitching moment
coefficient through 30m/s and 20m/s these are shown on the graph to be practically the same
this is because the pitching moment coefficient being very similar on both m/s.
Graph(G) presents the polar coefficient of drag over polar coefficient of lift. from 30m/s and
20m/s these calculations are similar because it uses the same data over each other. Graph (H)
shows the drag force over the lift force.
In graphs (I, J, K, L) An equation needs to be made from the data to get the result for the
coefficient pressure at different angles of attack this is place onto the Y axel of these graphs.
An example of the equation used to calculate this
¿(O362−$ AT 362)/($ AR 362−$ AT 362) the AT present the static pressure and the AR
presents the total pressure of the 20 pressure sensors the number 362 shows at which point
of the AOA wants to be calculated. And for the x axel the tapping positions is needed to
calculate the coefficient pressure for the aerofoil. This is found on an aerofoil manual.

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