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Journal of Prosthodontic Research 56 (2012) 297

Corrigendum to ‘‘A multi-centered epidemiological study evaluating the
reliability of the treatment difficulty indices developed by the Japan
Prosthodontic Society’’
Takuo Kuboki DDS, PhDa,1,*, Tetsuo Ichikawa DDS, PhDb,1, Kazuyoshi Baba DDS, PhDc,1,
Masayuki Hideshima DDS, PhDd, Yuji Sato DDS, PhDc, Hiroyuki Wake DDS, PhDd,
Kan Nagao DDS, PhDb, Yorika Kodaira-Ueda DDS, PhDe, Aya Kimura-Ono DDS, PhDa,
Katsushi Tamaki DDS, PhDf, Kazuhiro Tsuga DDS, PhDg, Kaoru Sakurai DDS, PhDe,
Hironobu Sato DDS, PhDh, Kanji Ishibashi DDS, PhDi, Hirofumi Yatani DDS, PhDj,
Takashi Ohyama DDS, PhDd,2, Yasumasa Akagawa DDS, PhDg,2, Toshihiro Hirai DDS, PhDk,2,
Keiichi Sasaki DDS, PhDl,2, Kiyoshi Koyano DDS, PhDm,2
Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan
University of Tokushima, Institute of Health Biosciences, Japan
Showa University School of Dentistry, Japan
Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Japan
Tokyo Dental College, Japan
Kanagawa Dental College, Japan
Hiroshima University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Japan
Fukuoka Dental College, Japan
Iwate Medical University Dental School, Japan
Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, Japan
Health Sciences University of Hokkaido School of Dentistry, Japan
Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, Japan
Kyushu University Faculty of Dental Sciences, Japan

The authors regret that in the above published article there were errors. The corrected information should be as follows:
In the paragraph of Result in abstract, ‘‘The test–retest consistency in terms of the oral physiological condition (Axis I) after data
reduction was 0.63 for patients with teeth problems, 0.95 for partially edentulous patients, and 0.62 for edentulous patients.’’ should
read ‘‘The test–retest consistency in terms of the oral physiological condition (Axis I) after data reduction was 0.82 for patients with
teeth problems, 0.73 for partially edentulous patients, and 0.78 for edentulous patients.’’
In the paragraph of 7.3. Reliability of the four-point assessment of treatment difficulty indices after data reduction on p. 77, ‘‘The
test–retest consistency in terms of the oral characteristics (Axis I) after the data reduction were 0.63 (kw) for the patients with teeth
problem, 0.95 (kw) for the partially edentulous patients, and 0.62 (kw) for the edentulous patients.’’ should read ‘‘The test–retest
consistency in terms of the oral characteristics (Axis I) after the data reduction were 0.82 (kw) for the patients with teeth problem,
0.73 (kw) for the partially edentulous patients, and 0.78 (kw) for the edentulous patients.’’

DOI of original article:

* Corresponding author at: Department of Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry, and
Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2-5-1 Shikata-cho, Kita-ku, Okayama 700-8525, Japan.
E-mail address: (T. Kuboki).
Ad Hoc Committee Chairs for Clinical Guidelines for Prosthodontic Management, Japan Prosthodontic Society: Tetsuo Ichikawa (2003–2008), Takuo Kuboki
(2009–2010), Kazuyoshi Baba (2011–2012).
Contributing Presidents: Takashi Ohyama (2003–2004), Yasumasa Akagawa (2005–2006), Toshihiro Hirai (2007–2008), Keiichi Sasaki (2009–2010), Kiyoshi
Koyano (2011–2012).

1883-1958 # 2012 Japan Prosthodontic Society. Published by Elsevier Ireland. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.

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