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Pull to sit – head lag, rounded back Follow to 90 degree Startles to sound Smile

Ventral suspension – head same plane w body Follow red ball/head Vocalise 8 weeks
6 weeks Smile responsively
Prone – high pelvis, knee x under abdo, chin raise Fix and focus
occasionally, head turn to one side
Pull to sit – slight head lag, head bobs forward Head follow object from side to Squeal w delight Laugh
VS – head above plane of body side 180 degree Turn head to sound
3 month Smile spontaneously
Prone – flat pelvis, head up 45-90° Held hand loosely, Cant reach out
Grasp object in hand
Pull to sit – no head lag, sit w straight back Reach object Mouthing
5 month
Supine – feet to mouth Play w toes
Pull to sit – lift head w anticipation, sits w support, Palmar grasp Distraction test Mouthing
6 month bear wt on leg Eye move all direction Monosyllable babbling Place hand on bottle
Prone – roll prone to supine, hand support on wt Transfer object Stretch arm to be carried
Sits w hand on support Crawling Feed itself Babbling (polysyllable)
7 month
Roll supine to prone Transfer object Distraction test
Sit wo support and leans forward Inf Pincer grasp, poke small object Localized sound Stranger anxiety
Stand w support Point distant object Babbling (Polysyllables) Waves bye bye
9 month
Pull self to sit Release toy by dropping Understand bye and no Hold and bite small piece
Tempt to craw, wriggling on abdomen of food
Creeping all four limb One word w meaning Play peek-a-boo
11 month Pivoting
Walks w hand held
Get up from lying, sitting, crawling and standing Neat pincer grasp Understand phrases Casting, Shy
1 year (12 Walks like bear, walks w hand held Bang 2 cube Understand instruction Rattles spoon in cup
month) Stand alone Point to interest w index finger 1 – 3 words w meaning Hold bottle, drink from
Looks for toys cup Can use spoon but spills
Creeps upstairs Tower 2 cubes Point to familiar person Takes of shoe
Stoop for toys Hold 2 cube in one hand Jabber and jargon Feed self w cup and
13 - 15 month
Stand up wo support Scribbles spontaneously w palmar Understand simple command spoon
Walk alone grasp 2 – 6 intelligence word Loves to explore
Climb stair w handle, runs carefully Tower 3 cubes Point 2 – 3 body part Use spoon well
18 month Sit on chair Scribble spontaneously Identify pict in book Toilet train
Throw ball wo falling Put small object in & out of cup Help in dressing
Run and climb w handle/2 feet per step Tower 6 - 7 cubes wo 2 joint words in sentences Protective playing
Walks backward, run safely Imitate train of cube, w chimey Obey 4 simple command Put on shoes, sock and
2 year (24
Throw ball wo falling Hold pencil, circular sribble Point to 4 - 6 body part pant
Kick ball Imitate straight line Names familiar object/pict dry by day
Jumps on both feet Tower 7 - 8 cubes Know full name and gender Eat skillfully
Walks on tip toes Imitate train w chimey Speak in phrases Sustained role play
2.5 year
Hold pencil well Use pronouns
Imitate vertical and horizontal line
Climb upstairs one foot per step and downstairs 2 Tower 9 cubes 3 joint words in sentences Sharing play
feet per step Imitate bridge and 3 cube Count to 10 Dress w/wo help
3 year
Stand in one feet Copy circle and imitate plus Name 2 colour
Dry by night
Ride tricycle Draw “orang kayu” Name body part
Hop and skip on one foot Imitate gate w cube Name 4 colour Button clothes
4 year Climb stairs w one feet per step Copy plus, cross Fluent conversation Attend toilet need
Draw person w head, leg and trunk Count up to 20
Skip both feet, walk on narrow line Copy square ,Cross Know birthday and address Ties shoelace
5 year Run on toes Copy triangle 5.5years Name 4 colour Dress alone
Colour neatly Know age, Tells time

6 years Copy diamond

Walks heel to toe

walk, scribble, point body part, hold spoon and cup

(18 month)

stranger anxiety
(9 - 18 month)

sit wo support (9 stand up, speak single word

month ) (12 month)

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