Module 1

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AUTOMATA THEORY AND COMPUTABILITY V Sem CSE Module-1 WHY STUDY THE THEORY OF COMPUTATION, LANGUGAES AND STRINGS ably study the Heery compu teclien This ech deals uth a thee! Br wot can be Sadles ane uohal cannet a ctudy some] theosctreal framework thab can inform Hoe lesan of prepeem do solve a unde var ely % predloms ; feeree cee moank cusefing coele 99? Todays propane can'E word eoate. fom So years ago and (osama, fen cae chauys eeealal eyes have imagined eohal oe paper sk fee ewocelef lowk bake Ile need to laaen Scrence of competing !{( hese cus mathematreal poepehes beth of protolems & 4, algoxatoms few REY grotto fra doponcl ow porter. thre lobed! 64 Poday s technology nes He panne asheon . i tn 10d ae waa. sfucty some of Prere— propre The Mae gaalte a offen ora b. We previces a sek ef abstrach sheeehre thab Hee Que. tee yal fer cone, ceshan clarces ¥ prsblems These absteact Streefures can be implemarled Mrs. Tabassum Ara mech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Wirs.Tabassum Ara wren Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. om. whatever hancuoase._—[Sepfusars. plat form 4 avactabld Bak tafynes proves Lavitt to ushal> can be. computed, 2 ae Bf processor spead oo Mem Stra. An undsastanden thee binntt me d 3 foe mera effeste cr Akeas ty uobroole at can pryeif Aatha. fhan m the comp fre es + Ls thee an Fret, uu there reotaicted bub teveful vaseations = problem fov ushidl a Solsbion ext ? > fLaselulin exitts cant be sexplomentecl wang some. bred anecenl e age ) Hea soletion encore, hew heen ue ts 9 More Speci ealey hewele i tims k Spare sequnemonlt pow os the Se oe Ce ae eee gqoews J Aro thers. groups 2 problems fiat ate equyelask in fie dente. fhat if thae & an effpjedent solulian fo onemamber *h pep fheare&@ an offcient solealin. fo atl fire others ) Wirs.Tabassum Ara wren Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara m.recn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. 3 - Applieeuiiand cael Taek: t- Baable beth mie-& - mle and often ate» mic eopsmunienlacns csetheul- -fhem. rene ef todays applications af coonpulity coated eoeusti Ex. mesh usceb pepe ane. Derenhed Cea the Heypartert- Meankup Language UTE) Tee. canalso be nese as a language Both the dengn and tuplamortalisn 0} mocha Cees ees languages aly ere on the (oer oh content press Aanquage. COPE) &e Context Pree Grammar (CFG) cre uneol to do ceemanb fre languages! ¢ nes syntax - toes. Pre bass fr eee fechagues fal sr ase by alt compilers - Inte. une natural larguage( Englsh) bo communal auth each of became eo} infernal & word procastos we. av able to Ope /-cpoak, usards to computin . Seareh, the Uelb ard bantlak ae one. SAGE Ge $9 anefhes. language. Programs Ushacly pee ene these, Sperations ne_aleo ari! Mrs. Tabassum Ara wrecn Asst. Prof Mrs. Tabassum Ara mrech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Sysfema Like poly checkers , Vyencl male Communicatson proBeoks 7 burlelerg seaurctiy hovrees can be clusewbed as prove Stati machine . & many interactive ~wreleo ee gone state me. i) DNA & eqn Lefe. BNR molscerler a proteins that aa Aesereh 2. ane. oe thak are. macertp SS Symbols sau, poe Small alphabds (nucleotcles § amno aardls) Compulalisnal Piologuly oly on. +f ost Hol cre basesl om ‘beth pote state mofe and CPG Secunty «% meal reaportant= property a) ert Computer Sy etoin ~The Undericlarstty shows thal theseear nmal~ exulr a genset perpere matted for auls mabeoltey verdhipng otbitsauy Ceosseby neenedies ok peqpars. Fangusiges and Shorys EZ - Rratphabel - A-sok Cprili set) of aymbols , each member of thi ect & cathe aseymbel febas Sieg 1 A sh aa ‘bee aE Bp aBAES a balls Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara w.tecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara w.tecn Asst. Prof., A ey can he ennpty fea. aed alphabel the. shortest fting that con be poo = & & emply shang donoted as & The sot of, alt. possible stings over. an alpradal E 4 wsteras 2* ( bleen star operation). peg Atphabet ALame_ Atphadoct Symbals Ervaaniple Shing s English. abphabeli fobc,--- 2} Grab, ahey x: fo. 'y So, he) J ---- Length 2 Evie ou ceeaee s denoted en [6] is numba aq Soe aS jJel=o \roro| aH Fon, el sgnbel c and Stags 7 ee atefyns— aK 2C(S) fe be the number 9 times hak he Symbal < ecess 1 S. See att. (abad = 3 WMirs.Tabassum Ara wren Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara mrecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Concahination | - eoncabinelion ef ol. Stung eae. Ss darcfhen as alt on SE OB the eed tet ba gee | 4 to S f os good k be bye sé = gevetbys Leng to of ot om ([stl=tsi rie] Em ply chung & ® an ictantilg fe concelinalion. cr Vx (xe =6x =) Concabnettion & axrsoceateve [ (sew) = [Cts] each eo lo and each mambs— Mrs. Tabassum Ara mech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. WWrs-Tabassum Ara wren Asst. Prof, Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Reversal ! fon, cant. she us, He Sorrense el be ushteb Use vorele cs apoh B chefrrad ae if Juz|=0 then vor au=& it Jut>1 then Fock (Su € E* Cos oud) te fhe. Lark chasader. See then Sia wo%®= qu Se bb vs = Lo lO nc woh - usa follo uA = a@uk- i Be ee =oiuk =euu® Wrs.Tabassum Ara w.tecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara mrecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. “theoagm » Concalinalion and : Reverse epee ‘ Statement? If ur and care Sag? 00 (W998 = pa Peeofy! The pom is by indecehen om tx} Poasis |- { \xJso then x=6€ and Qwey® Gua of = (OF = 6 wR ackoR aud Anduehen'- Yon 0 (CO a0) > (Cw 22 Rud) CCH) (Cc wrOoR_ aby). Considers ao EO %, esha \danH , then %2=00 foo tome. character a and [upan- So feareie(Cosdbanni Tshe GS = (Law ® — Assoeaalnall of, conealinall = a(asay® ays oh aoversal = allure) incluchou hugpe teeses = (aukr)w% asoteativally ice ace = (tad Pooh erie erecrenena L Mrs. Tabassum Ara w.recn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. ~— Buh Dio oC a wh = Fuh Wirs.Tabassum Ara mrecn Asst. Prof., SE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Relations on - shungs s Suebstngs A Sheen orice Scr Bie Shag t iff S ocewrs comhguoetley as pout sy 2 fe aaa fa-subsivag of aaaba aaaa & nob sec cr -aaaha aaaha ts swbstyng of aaaba cs Sabsting aL every stueg. Proper seebstrung | - A ae & a moses Subsheney ee Stmoy 4 fh s oa seabsieucg of & ancl fb ce Strang & vale a preter Substang oka he && aaa & a propor subs tag eA aqaba aa bak ean pale prota celosteeng a aaaba_ Lepr: & aa Kua pepe ih t if Jxre ae) -Evasy Stnng ka rbd & Ce kam prep oh, abba ab & eu prepe 5 abba. abba Ba pepe “fh, Evie, Mrs. Tabassum Ara urecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs.Tabassum Ara weer Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. prea (a ea A Stung S$ Ra prope prope of athe + iff S Sa pref of Lard set even Hang kn ool a proper pepe of rset . &@ a & a proper pref abba abba a nob a pene eer abba, Suffix» A shang S Ba sap of t aff gue E*(t=xs) ‘ Every dae Ra “feupfre “ reset 4 & ba Ba Supe Of abba. Abba Ba HUN °F, abbow Prope wf AY theng 5 BO ae eae a aha + iff Shae eae eit and S#b. & ba tea props Gehl x ais abba but abba & aera pref Suefhr a abba. Mrs. Tabassum Ara w.rech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Wirs‘Tabassum Ara wren Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. ai eee ent Caden coats 8 o4 shang OVO foie culprab af a, 2, — te alphabel form canst the hurgs tn fhe language TR coxa: meals a* fe, G5 by tatay liabyecrne Bowery aan Same examples +4 language ova EF. * are ir fel Ww25, fe, nani adkjanetgemaenl e Vena aranapeien aacaa,.--. Fecbrngues fe-depomg languages: : Sioce fangucges exe Coli, Wte_can kepne them oe any aT oe aes ca Yeohmques &&. we can clafyna_ax a chexacterrehe, frirction ' be: Ad as precectes al bs ; = Ft alll als frececas a language 4 = [we fab} p aR Mrs. Tabassum Ara mech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. ab bs in w fe Stings @,a,aa, aaa, aabbh bh, b acid.h, Shungs aba bha awnebu Lh “the Qa. 6 tree @ an > SAsule] pede PO PN Wires a eee ae ae Mrs.Tabassum Ara w.tecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. be Shungs that ead mo hob b= fs dye Jasby* Ges yadsf fe L- consusts oL at chang’ teak can be frmeol by esac some chugs tn fa,bt* and eoncalinaliny oe Single a onls the end eh hae ‘the shengs &, hab. bea asa nobin Ly the hung ® aq, aaa, bha, aba. ae in ie -¢ Peres Language thale be the tpl langage» cafe fom 7 Empl SE Aer Lym fe} The banguage. hak conbeuns & Single sheng < - Lyf be Wa can defers the banquoge a prep sebatiion fo his jwe Sa, by: Bo: pepe Oh! con teuns by conteun& 0 Shunga Mrs. Tabassum Ara mrecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. «Je .a,ae,aaa,aaaa,~--- t b can'k appear ak all Sin eure sheng aa Pep atself . Wrs.Tabassum Ara wrecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. hire J we fabl?: no pare epee staski usd b Y fe le o,aa, ab abb aaab,.... ii eae [oe Faby. away prepe ope ste l¥ ustiob | =o Sne €& also [eB but dow oal- Shep useth b Keanguages can be ctjnnel ting seplicabion . Ee heb 1 = farinye | fe L~{6,a,aa,aaa anad,..-- x Caadenalili 0} language the smatleal- banguage Oa ang alprolak a %. ushote tordenalily 3 O - the bargeal bonguage. aves any alphobel a = lee Suppose Baf Bt-Fehp \eela]. le 2 @ oan enylf the [24 « pede n Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara Hor many langaages ave these ? Oe od ee ear Pee Se Mrs.Tabassum Ara wrecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. ffl sUicilg som angen ee Ab & =fa, by Aye } pee usefh an enon number. af ash Le abiganins wo sea ai eno LiUL, { ant sheungs s@’fhab ates pls Stungs thak contasm bs anal an even numbers as) Aun bo = fe. an, aaaa, caaaag,-- ~ - q fa —Ly = ja, aaa, aaaaa, aaanaaa, ~~ ~ i ACL, — Li) ~ | Sunes cust a earl ona bt Uftine ras an evan NunMbea. m5 asl i APL, wth, bed Languoger olafynacl omen Saga Libs e jw @e*:, aseh, See ba (wonsd} & (ah J cab, deg , mouse Y hi = { bene, ford f LiLi= | catbons , cabfod, dog bene, de 4 mouse bone, mousefond } sa HA Kleene stu Lot Le be a sof over Sormaalphateel = then ee ae ussetten a, LF Wrs.Tabassum Ara wren Asst. Prof., D Mrs. Tabassum Ara mrecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. PP 1S MO te eres tere i sea Ws, wave, “may te L¥* & the tebe) shengs that can be frrmeel by Celene? logetha. 2230 OY Moro Stuns frok Se [steone shes ; As Ri=[ctoo. cak fchb ther A= Je dog, cab fil, clogdtog cogent - fishelog, - - ~ fitheaklog fetbelog (iste —-- 4 be Jue taste, Hla (05) ts octal anol bus) yeusrt Then Jona bse fa bU hs Cosy orn oe SAT ALLY ab lath one cbnonty Ge La fod clea) many stings than clses not comb &. ee Ait bbe 2 lonquage ee alplalect & then Aoverse. op & 2 oo 268 fo Some Mrs. Tabassum Ara m.recn Asst, Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs.Tabassum Ara w.tecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. conealinabion and Asverre Of, language pees Ob hy and br axe languages, then (Li sPaLR LB ate Ip art ave hangs thon Ve (vy Clup® = yRekS) we Krew Liga [ lap®, meh w yo felt ola of comeak: = Syke, Beyer y eLsb Laas Language Hrevarctey. qhae te a naa be lofi a single. erectile ies ohooh any competlational. prople toa wal for the Aepndieo 0] a la alee fe? ste pe gin eg a no. ab ire veal jp drke ais 4 <. contesl , yowenbaney management eta, can't be. solveol by sap yes/no. Ht maguies pacale encecanay to soca Seater ant , lems inte & Maeda store Mk SITS : Mrs. Tabassum Ara m.rocn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. catego es. , © problema fh ab aae— Stated as Anession problans - Encode Hoe np as chee and then aAafine- & language thal couléuns exactly the Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mis. Tabassum Ara wtecn Asst. Prof., SeP of capil foe cahishe fe ansuser s yen a. greoloms that axe. nob stated ag deceswre oblems (hde musk Art ve formulate fre problem. ie a deusten moblsm—ard hon oncsca, tas mition task . oe language Aeeog oo Deaisun hrotlem DA grebleni. Shak sequires a Yes 0% NO ansuser . Bangalore. frotloars ; Clwen a Soateh. shang ov and eusale clocw Bolo fpjes) mateh 9 Dea eal 3 A a candedlods the Language fo-be leaded $f way tab & i be foc fae gutsy 00 } Prsttem a: Crven an Engleth ¢ weston 4 and a eel clocunal A dew deca d eoptain fie ansurs. to Dag The banquage fo be, denided ? { non ml galou integers as a bare ta Cer ae fo be desidocl ? Primes fu swe He branes encoding 4 a [rma numb) Mrs.Tabassum Ara wrocn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. gece Verte the corre ctners ear aed numbes’5 An inzhanes— e) pebkm ws arth ancy 2 per + Entsding 3 encwde each Of numba as a shag a clectmal dup lr ‘ Aanguage to be_cleedded ' Inpecersum. = [w ae Hoefer 3 Lenk + == Mobo, wos of, fhe. form tbh, ttha-—-dudsb a eno] Ws conteuns the Same- Seleels as uo & U92 ts sorted >} fe «ded dS @ 4 Bete, Neb Lech, §.29,6 4 vyajonce 6 Pachene~Paseel “fesorehey of classe. hee He 3 caffsnl: medals . t- Rigalare Aanguages: The ft mote! nthe pele StoG Matte Gsrd Japub fo the. PSM 1c a shuns , fecal one chaxaclan ab ac tnoe: HY Ae esr “has a shark tate, ust un ued” ano trace do th, Ih bas Some numba. 6 b cebarti | sr (20 (0982) shoo Aapphoreh deutle. circles, Pert steaks in il tochal [stark stele . As cab. characters & Read, the RSP charges stale bareal on the danestion , of PST & in acecpting Mrs.Tabassum Ara wren Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara w.rech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. sdali a, Aoacle, She back character Of tome emp Cie siea enge 7 aaa < teenn e repel. Exanyp le 2» PST tpab cepts stuansys af as & We eohor— all a’s came. before. all b's. 5 a s Ne e 9 a,b ‘The clare of, languages thak~can be. accapteal by Some. PEM ax called Angulo. languages. (2) Conket free hanquages ; Some hanguaces a nob sequlas Example: The Lasqusoes 4 balanced ene : Beentasns shrenge leks. COS) aod CIC). tb does ool- conteuhy Trengs like Cyc, Example : AMM = fare 2 oro} BAL a's comes fpthed nlo~ op e’s ae equal fo numba eh ee FSA cam Aab ay peril, n Solelon & Perm uel asngle checks < 12 puthdoun’ Butorn ale = PDA. Bangalore. Mrs, Tabassum Ara n.tecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, aabb. Wises as Weartswee oats pushes eo to % steuls send each time t eoos~h’ Al cull pope fom theealy . pf d-Acuns outa) input and shawl, al fhesame tme anol i és Le] a ting. that, ck ttt aceapl “ih eee el aienihcall pny) sefeck. Mrs.Tabassum Ara wean Asst. Prof, Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore, of e/a. bfele osble le a eon _& Dele” dame languages ae oot confer free. Languages fxampls fate ayo} es) PDA- & & ook Vek DcieencocelMeceiiiecte} tahech & sronger than PDA . Instead of Stew wa ear ey ens The taps. caselt Maver Single. cara\G (pl a}al vl ble} e\afol-- i “the Awad /osele Kad tan bed tee aries maaan WA 20 ditedtan on ena move. Tha mad. & coll (ins, Machu - At eat. step, 4 Tureng machen TA commas we coumenk stake and fhe crarackin Woah on te tape obdectly under. 2 readfoile enol . Based m. these Q thangs Lt cheeses ie cork stoke, cheeses a charads fo uctle ox fhe tage ead deude ushether (he head tobe. moved twards Lek oo aeatht- 2 Mrs. Tabassum Ara nracn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. “The teepo i Infynide and Pq moves lof as esa a teglob Nencs, Trt. does nal gquasonterel to halk . Unforfuncteliy wacan preva. thab jhere exul no Ghrotthm thal con examens—a TL and tly usd on poh tt um halt -Thu sxeruth into undasic abaslale Ue eee: Bangalore. be eo ee TM. -b Sh nowt. clagser ey oy ' A Language L vo develotble iff Joa Tr mr that halli on ale inpele aceaplr aul chungs Mab Baan ly? ML can_aluarys sag ya [no . a- A language A & Lamictetrclable rfl Pero. exult Tht (A thab acoapl alt the thak aah. and fasls to acoopt every Chee. thal a@ nokia L Cawen_a. chee that & rete PA mary Aapeck on caer loop forewes. : h®” ees ve, Abe.) AMBPCN ae Aeeidatale languages : Every deseclatole banguagets sermrcectetatele bub v9 cbormceciclable 4 7 nol deridelele | &e Mrs, Tabassum Ara u.rech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Lin [pwd s pacjavapoeram. Srab Adlon Saeed J idea Mrs.Tabassum Ara wrecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore, Computational Hoexaselyy tue, Hei Nal ciech 4 language elaucs \s Regular Reanguages Csr) 2 Context Roo languagen CPD 3: Devidabl. Canguager Crm 4. fomrdecidable language (ooove 7 rt), ites “the tools can he Letectad bared © fs Computertrens offen a LSTA qoows wn too esas of Ppshung PDA pense ceebe 6. earite ve fp hung TM grews expenses seth Loaghn oo ee 3 a. Deciclabslty + PST are Lesiclable fer example ‘dew Fsm aceopts Some pont center, BR Mrs. Tabassum Ara mrecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Wir: Tabassum Ara win Best Prof, Dept. of GSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. ls PSTA @& vremmal) Aso Q PSAs ar. choali cof 7 PDA @ dio cfeeiclatle - But gacsleors wnt TM can't be ans wrod. 3. Chasity 1 Thora tool to PSL. emnall ewuay cagilas language can also cla. be_ Savceaieacl, sens egal s each te ey eek. Aecogmred oT Sora. PDA can be_ ereretsed el cp Gaara No correanonchec fool exis fhe. troecler clanse> oy ear ee 55 Seandericlable languages . Dectseom Proce dene Deectswn problem ls ome for Uobect, ute must make 4 yeo/ ns —heeeeorr « A ceetion etl gorvitran fo solve. a Leoceteen [rosliem tx. teslemg Fanguage A? A decucon problem us Aegtdable. off The @nsuek BYR Au ” & unclercidable iff the ansuses, to the question a Ne. A cfecrnon actlernr is Semideridable. aff fhe encele an algoustyen that hall? ancl sofuure Jase off Prats Bs Hhe_answe . hen foler i ean F aefhex halk eel ofr folie or t+ om Jp tore ae decison poeta a answe- things i Mrs. Tabassum Ara w.recn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs.Tabassum Ara wren Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. ) Dea Ja deamm meesclure » 4p exak finel one » Ip J ean proedieues , shel is the efheent on. Decesean ea ane pe they mck pEgeee a cosnactners pr Te peegra musk be ee o hath on i aut enpills - & bthea the preqnam. halls and setters 2 angus, rt mush be fhe cosnach ansusey- feo quien inpab, cheels fr enons number. . even (xt oleger) = 7 (yar =r Hen ee Jaus alse. Sotuen jal & cheek fo- aes numbes . poene (Ce eet mlege>) > Fox @- a. Fo cerleag Cegrtte) ae if (upyaé =x then satuca fale Acturn Prue s AT Akaisiay Easel ote te Rens, Balt Fe=2S4 Reossat Se Cheel for Seal feamat nlo. Feemebfmall (D= &=20 Candsdats -@**.0*%2)) 4 Mrs.Tabassum Ara irecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangatore. ie Candseclat is Pre then soften Fauo . 284) unl cancldak > | c00,000- fsa fol Th quasenties fo hell since tt has bop b tensaales & cheels fe large pume renalkhaxge C) = &20 candadati =(2**(2 427) | if Candedetls >I, 000,0rn and frome then sotuon tas 0-24 Actuen Ties Ge ches, fer programs that nalll- on aperheelor \p haltsenw Cps peppem cs: shasagy ) = bh Simulate re. erecoretion se a 4 the timulaben balls retuan tue elie ofr fate &. cheeks fer prepare thak halter alt erp . hatlfsen all Cprepam) = b fer fat to mnpolg do. Simulate the ereoertion © program on eu posible Yp tage 8 th, Wire, Tabassum Ara wrecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara mecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. ee ie alt cr the Simulation Aall- Sefer Touro else votuan fale . The ceddare uth roves. Aalli- on BA eyo te de so, {heppeqam Should Run on rojyadc aunabe of stungs ThE problem is not emer Somrdecidatale . Defesasinism }- Liste Stee TMlashines » Ik & a mathemebeal paeeielgritseriicta Sbiady Abstract machines, fsm hea 2 components hapa a contsel anit 3. Geetpub mpuk es ehesen fom grmon alphatdd Z . cape ts Shug °f, Lerntels. the conel unit has ped eo ice ihe, pee ier tees eee ares and fhe inp sgmbel Yio shalt of toe mmachirt 4 change - tnihatly PsrQ uuilll bee staat [ari Blade. Piette end ae ee pana Je contre] uni mas bein accept (reyieh a aceept shai & call frol Shafi . Hence Hoe O18 pub may be efines anzopt repel. Comrs co dlagsfud at _Defeerunushse anol am -ddamuusbe FSM. Mrs. Tabassum Ara mtecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara mrecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Deferoumstic Finite Stati Mature CpFsrt) RPSL ushers. thea & exactly one move that can be made ott each. Slip ; thab move. @ dabenmund olin tee comonl steal? and Joe Nort (npr chasacler, és cettteel Aefermunsbe Psvr. Non=Defeaaminabre, Anite Stade adhere (Goss) A PSM whee thee could be mora than one Move from Ube tame. courant Gel cond Same. inpal fymbal , ts cath d non-dedferann- rishe POP. Desm: DK Aefeememahe PsrmL ts ax quintug Le CK 8s) ushns— Eee ri sel~ Cee Z — input alprabel SEK - Sfast stale Rey Stat aceap tiny Shales Mrs. Tabassum Ara w.recn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. &- toans tin Ftunchow JE maps fem kxe to K&. Mrs. Tabassum Ara w.tec Configuration e)_ Desm Cr ts an elonont eh RX B™ Te connders camronhsfelle by rapa Symbol gel to Acad Doral Conprgurenlza, b| ML-m enpal ow ts CSm,w) 3m inibel/-stet: shel of he Transshon: Ib Leta the. opasahonr of DP SL one Step aba tins | Car, eo Ew lar D ft Cap aed ef Scan “i Ha pre Sequence 4 confgsalee ay = n foo Some, PO inchal cog foal che Cof- cy an la Ead TA aceepli a iff Cs peace (hed 4G Bw eae ems) ML sajects wo aft (oud bine C4) for ad Am. ee mail cope). ‘The dana wceeye aceaplecl by mM, LCD & the Scbey alk Sfaenoys aceeptecl by Macha TY Mrs.Tabassum Ara wrecn Asst. Prof., Dept Mrs. Tabassum Ara mech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. &e Danae PSTA fre He language 1, L. = (ae fab: Sues lege ea fatlomef by by Sol ea Crcample stacgs Gals b ab obbb, abab, abbbabb , bbb... Nie Lae 4), (qe, B48), 2 Ob ab (qd, Sooo’ Ce, b), 98), (qx, a 295) a~ ead slate ~ y, P eqs, 6), wy Tap slate Pam = keds At B= fanart Za aise vy S$ =40 s ate Dd. PSM foo the Lanquage h, f= foe Ca,b)*: Ev Get oat region mows ° even berg tu Mrs.Tabassum Ara w.tecn ASSt. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. & \Q Mrs. Tabassum Ara won Asst, Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Pe ee Od - GS” Dism= [be 54s Aa} Sclyequat — F=]@=b.9, ee Gyd.9), Sao (942,9.99), K~ Jaot Cap). 95, ‘ (42-999, Cpt aay &e Reagan a PSL forthe Lenquocye 4 eae we Ca. bh, emg a? Aen, mv & 9) eel Long [ea a, ba, ob, baaa, abaaa, abba, --- pesms Boe S 8s ve BYaguqieqeqeqais 4c\ 2-Va, b\ irs‘Tabassum Ara wren Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara mech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. a 4 . Pe ee el $+} Ge 2.43, (G90, Fh adel iqupey peda, [lq boa} 4G a0)-a44 Ga.8) a1} 1Gs.0.4 yl. $Cqa., ah Js, 49.93} JGs 594 eee jGep-4 ‘tt Dengn PS. fom tre. language. L, Ae) wel Dt: us contans afleatt craic Leja, ab aa, aaa, abaa, ba, bbaaa,... i - pesm>]k.2,8.s_ A} OO" KJae.4)} : 2 frp a-tyy ae 0 S-}iCqe. do} fes-bd-sh LGno. vb 1G. 0294 Mrs. Tabassum Ara mrech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore, Mrs.Tabassum Ara waren Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Ee Denqn Fert. fer tire. language ha hw ecu: ever) Shang & usefhs asubstueg a} L-Jal, cake, bbbab , baabaab, ~~ - ' Sis i - ab eee os a ones ay Blquaey S-teb} s-qe clay FPefL Qe oqhiGeo-rt Qo, 1Lperpl. [Ge odyt 1b v4 * Denn PST Avs foe lanquage AL Ly L=\we Caom®: w stesti ath ‘ab | LJab, abaaa, wobb, rbablab ome ech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara mx: 2,d.2 at la kop aah 4~-93} & = a, by saan Aap} Mrs. Tabassum Ara utes Asst. Prof., Dept, of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. a SLO a, >| {Ge 5a} JC, ah j Jcqubr-98} 1Cararqet 1Cqr vhf Ere Dengn PSL feo foe Language Ls = Le[we Cab: w ends ast abb | ae oe go B i aK b bésm=[ ke, Ss a} Belge quae} S -Jaby s-qe B-[ 4s} Bh Learnt {Ga} [Guerat 1), Dag} JG. 9) [Ge ba} } 4249.4 J Cqs 90 | Deng esr. fer foe ies L-jw © Ca.b*+ us contains me mere than on’ ech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs, Tabassum Ara mz. os 66s" Mrs. Tabassum Ara mecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. pesma Jb a 8,8. AY b= lqeq1 anh 2-fa, by s> 90-82} 90 9h = Met a, ae} {Cp a iGuad9') {C4 b>39>4 § Ca .4d923 ]Cq> b), + & Bora PSL fee the langues ie h -Jus © Ca, by: Alo & consecullive Creracfers are. Same tr wt he] abab «4 bab bob ba abate 9} Be ae pesm- {6S 5,3 85 ey Se pene SV tye. 9° Ge pt 1GU0-94 1. B42 Vy 2-915 Iqx » 3 14-0. 3 [Oy D-V} Mrs. Tabassum Ara Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Tire. Tabassum Ara wren Asst. Prof., Dept. of GSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. ig Dengan RSME for foe. language Lh, He * 9) Ossee (eas DOP tasuhas feutn, naire: of 3 and edd number cls bs Ete \ b, aab, aba, baa, abbab st Q- WG, 4, |p. by, 9h] C.0-55\ Groh Sye-45} Ge Ee ai | Cg» aLaxt Ge, 9h} bp Dengn ese fon Ase. tance ree he fwe Coro. wy has wey 0G ei | even b's poms ; @_ Ee? ale Mrs.Tabassum Ara mtecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. tech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara rsm= [k, a Ds ay 6 lqoqy qeqeh Z-laby eee Ae Leh PVG e.99, Le Ov [4,094 {G94 V5.4, 958 4 Cqa boat \rrartiter v5} && Dengo Fsm. fo too Languaca Ls L\w © CAF: us har edd pambs oes end e69N pumber, ‘ ws} re ese &.213,5- 84 (yt &} K- sb get quar) aby s- 57 B14 ie Aes. 1Geosy ou bs AC) 98h 4 42 F553 Lie 54 |G 2.45 Be Dengn Pam Yor the fanquage b h- “le E(a, Ot: w hea odd ars & eda b's} Esmels 2,85. at =O Ke + at “shee Ya, by s= ae At (944 co oe i Up: ah {e434 SC. a), 4° - OD [Gale dq [G44 1s) -aANGo9.-¥fh Wirs.Tabassum Ara w.recn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. tech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara w. 5 Se Dengn RSME for the language bi Ho} aseCa iY 4 bs teleen = oat conker Subesiiens aay » 820-6 Fsm-JK Ee, 5,5. 84 K\neqi qa Sfaby s- qe Ke fgequ at SV Cqerer.94}Cqe, 5D, 50 $Gu 99455 SG) D5} \ep.d 7) 4 (se. b.aah NGenci 58h ee batt & Denqn esm pth Lane ike Ee {0 € Ca-2)¥ i AW S vVveuwulka.esio vu scar hus wy alplralsleal adery. ea | abstemve ~ Lg 2 facettous, Sacaileqcous--- } S\alin stl eleecarat Zs tat & ae ee : = Esm-[&, 5,5, 6 8] ert ears se ae rl el B= 4, eee : ash es { { (4 2-48), 49} LGearahl Cress aq} - Leda [te 5D af equa, qa} Leqa-# ast Jqnedany [Ogu eid. au} {Cae a), asy\s. 2295} Mrs. Tabassum Ara w.recn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. J Mrs. Tabassum Ara mech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. fe Dengr PSM for Hee Lerquage Lb he we Jou\® 2 bnnany Bry hovnh by § ~ ean be elabained — Waray te Fetnreng Platten! &que) = 5 wow f= Card +d med s » t+ demande apt devdiag by ‘ b= densoe cae C fea kmnard)y A- dagit Crumbs O7 Vy remaid) Jo Git) med S| §Gp)-1e oO o 24040 meds=g IC 09) =4e 2¥Ot+| mods =] SG». Yeu 210 med S22 3 (4.5) =q Del 4) modsss FOL 1-43 L¥DLEO mecs= 4 3 (42,8) ~9y 2R*27+\| mecls+9 Sa =4J0 2Z*S4O medS= | Fq2,9)-4) Bea tt meds=2 S(qa, =p 2HU4O med S=3 S(qr)-93 nent] mod sa SCH -4y 7p PY & &-—-o | pt. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. esm- \ &, E38. 8 Rygene qege- gal 2 So, $~ 49 Salas & Dengn PSL fer Ane daaqeaqe L Ke fe © ait: lutmeds eof Psm- fk. 2, ds fh O24 6140.91. 2} Seog Z-faby saso aryl 3-\fep,0.4 14 5 (Serf queda [Cqubs.92y, Gm -90F. | Cqe 69°} bx Denn Fs fre the Larquoraye Ay = L=Jwe fa, be: \W9| mod >| uot med 2} tw] med 3 - wb aub lo | med my ok a ee oe eee Lanqucspe rer eerobicies| daaeeas CXe46 lea a Ki wd ko” K o2= \Gopan xk {@ 4) CPD Lad Gua ene raed] ch Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara mre Ai AL nae § (@.90,4) = 8(qo.0) 842.2) = G2) ee § ( = Bye, S24) > (qh) a - B(lqr.a.a) = 8619, 8qu8) CAi BID (A220) (A+B) mackrig My a cael © Rare maclnne My, Be —©- = HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara mech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ fSML= ee 2,3\4. ay by Lpcac) CoD (H1B0 Cand ( A Psy ( amid BZ -Ja by Wrs.Tabassum Ara wrecn Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Mrs. Tabassum Ara mech Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE @ HKBKCE, Bangalore. Nondelamunushe. POMs. A anmdefesminihic. PSPL (NI DPSMD MM & a quutusple Cs, 3, 4,5, &) ushers ee Ba file sab og shales 2G analphabet. ~ $EK & the chest cate ~ AS & phe soho final stale ; - NG the Asanshion Aalation i & a poek Sebsel es CBx CEULEDIXK . i hof w be an elemenk of 3% Hthen cue ull Sexy ~Macept uw ff oie agecli ws af beast one of de computations cceo pls iff None 4 de Compulahen accepti- DPSM. can make. ae OR Moye. A ea

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