Khushi Upto Week 6

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| ee Pe Lanshaints timit the reusibie values in the truth fable - iz ze eee ec T a A(bve) i violates constraints 1.4 2_ T violates constraint F violates constraint 2 f violates violates constraint | CASS v5. RACC_, through an exa' open_o7 closed ta - __| Two constraints _on_the System § = —_§—_= Ihe wa Value: ‘must be open iv “oper = LF dlosed_in aut tne other modes a mode cannot perational "§ Eee at the same time. a sR test the system for the following requirements the valve Lf | dised and” the system stasus operatio Ee] or " standby". © E v / Dec close WO (system status 45 OR system status is Standby) a bVC) wh ° ya “THei*system status vis) operationals and = The ably ig overvide mode when Fa) Reset should behave identin __the valve is open + when it is closed. Lo “Tet criterion for reactor 1 Override mode does not affect the resets [Types of tec : (1) General amctive Clause coverage Carcc) - ach major clause Gp € Cr» j #7 so that cr does not for pe choose minor claus determine _p TR has Pour requirements for Ci Ta Pogue wikh pO ay £ false th p Pate hue ay 6 to true with p False @) ci ( hp? fal iminor clause valué Tap pestricted factive Cause Coverage (atce) circ) eg not Ke SENSE 3) corelated Fachive clause coverage (CHC) do ce fouse dO determine tne mine the predicate as in_the eto take values evaluates evaluates to true in Normal mode Be | Race = clause a_i _major clause» Row 1S paired with tow 5 Row 2 row © b Rows tow 7 ‘ re b 3 a A (ove) eer mn it iE 7 5 OF fT 7 f u 3 a Cae oT. T F 2 ee r a i = for example , consider for_any value of b. choose test inputs f a-b=T, a=bze}. for both the case predicate coverage is clause in coverage chooses different ‘vekauses to. be major — tu = Active. a predicate with _n clauses, nel dlistinck test tequi FL suttice to achieve achive clause coverage fed Condition Decision Coverage: (mcoc) —_=__triterion 15 a criterion that states seach clause ing —___predicate_be made true and faise_in tum and the —preaicate be fested for each clouse this way achive clause coverage. |= Neve criterion is _mandatory by servera) certifieation —_|_ standards Satery critical software Three _kinds of that the minor clauses || = for gach p< € Cp _, choose minor clauses rmines ps = TR has two requirements for ee R guireme Ci evaluates fo Fue and ci evaluates to ; the minor Gli atSNIG do Nob need fo be whe as when ci is false. is hue = GACC does” not subsume Coc nok Fi times Coc many = In fact not be may Tapa given point in hime a_predicate in minor clauses ae Gample:_p= 2 ’ feciea | T f eo fot vith n_clauses has 2° possible assignments cf most the _ times needed Clause determining a predicate : other fed as abov asr, 6 “Clause Coverage: CC» TR Contains ins requirements = ¢ evaluates to ¢ evaluates to false Example? (x7y) vc v¢(z) 5 B Tests for clause coverage could be = 2§ yas C= tre 4 fizz tue and = K=5 , yee) C= False , flz) = False — wi clause coverage does not subsume predicate coverage : fonsidey p= avo The cla a7 am 1_and b. there gre 4— test inputs that consider aii combinations of iwe/ Babes values for a and b = Serine Vv, =) 7 F 7 Tr F : i F ; z ~ The test seb abo 4 = qe_bub the predicate €_in both cases. Ho — is nob sa = tan te: Tequixer, ts fox the elouses in Ce to eva t Prath “values ‘ombin wal coverage ig ondiHen redicate that does nat contain any s =A cause can be considered asa Boslean atomic entity << which can evan ute_to hue ov False = predicates con be combined using ene operators form additional predicates @ satisfiability problem for py - Predicate Coverage bc Rema péf : e tsp evaluates Ee Sa Sues | Truth table for the formula \(* A738) 9 74 propositions in py “variables that ave of type Boolean Bs A predicates isan expression that ates to a Boolean Crue’ or false ) ven’ that shave types and_ = Predicates can contain’ variable the: functions 9 variable. = Variables. being boeleai pes ave broadly classified of non - boolean Function _vetur variables’ that = Relational operators <.7,£5%5= and # Beatqutt 7 eee | wets equivalence ey douphy Implitatl Zz ms or y doubly imptitation) ¢ | iz ° — — a r t . Be = F F isfiability and validity > eee (CE) A formula ¥ is said to be salisfiaple if there exisis valuation v_ such that v(«) ue iene 7 indicate that V4). 7 si we. TA formula % 13 said to be vali! ov 1s called a tawology. ie ves have V(x) = 7 ‘| for every valuation Vv » we “the formula _p Vp pe able p Aap is” for an atomic p example - ig valid and the formula Proposition - Let inl foe dlc ess ise LA MLS not satisfiable a ell cxarmpie of satistiabiliy ihvough touth able Sie eae (7A 7259) D7 2 nae 6 1S x Satisiability problem ional Logie. = Sati po non complete poly rornIT sme) set B OF Formulas - = as Litt propositional logic is “the small - tse the fatlowing conditlons s y atomic propesition 1s a member of g = If 4 is a member of g and P ave_members of 5 = A valuation iS a function ¢ extend each valuation ipa Bee) of the Form + Truth Tables_& Jj SO = Truth tables of a given = _we_ split sist_constituent ts @_formuld_int fill we reach propositions 3 sepeatedly ecture | ar} : ; Dato leek 5. Logic : Basics Needed for Software Testing : — #1 De. sagateht.cor oF Jogic Pree prtalate logic or 0 [basic entities in predicate say pave Propositional Logic — mor oe i poeta key fe that = An atomic proposition i vm that is_ either fue popestional_ logit Or [= commen togicu! connectives used _in_ Vv (or - disjunction) _ D A_(and: ‘a Sy 1__( rot a SIE ay Sox > (impiies) SS 5) = ov <> (iff - equivalence) building log propositions : + New dethi_ is the of Indias - Ty r Tue am IN ery friday 7 P= ft Po, Pi ig i 15 a countably infinite. set of propositions.

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