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Name: Callum Hall

M1: strengths and weaknesses of my ideas


In this report I will be evaluating all the strengths and weaknesses of the 3 ideas for the show I’m
going to create. Once I have evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of all the shows, I will then
come to a final conclusion on which show I am going to create. It is important that I review the
strengths and weaknesses for my 3 ideas before choosing the one I am going to create because we
want to ensure that we choose the best possible idea in order to meet the client brief as well as
making it super entertaining for audience. So by analysing the strengths and weaknesses I will have a
clear view on everything good and bad on each show and this will give me as much information as
possible in order to come to the correct decision.

Idea 1

The boy that went missing

Sean was in school like any other day before he had disappeared to the toilet and was never
to be seen again. There was no information on what had happened. Sean haunted the
school for years to come while best friends Tyrone Millie and Jamie tried to come to the
bottom of where Sean went.
One strength of the boy that went missing is that the cast is very diverse. This is a strength
for the particular show as in order to maximise the number of viewers we get we need to
ensure that people of all cultures feel included and represented in the show. This will make
it more relatable for everyone meaning they are more likely to watch the show and enjoy it.
This is good because one of the things on the client brief that we needed to include was to
ensure that the cast is diverse in order to make everybody feel included, so this is important
for the client as it ticks off one of the points on the client brief. This is also important for the
audience as if people don’t see someone, they can relate with they may feel not included
and therefore unable to watch the show. This benefits me and the show because if
everyone feels included then the possible audience becomes a lot larger which will
hopefully increase the number of people watching dramatically.
The second strength of this show is that the main actors/ cast are the same age as our target
audience. This is a strength of the show because shows are more enjoyable if the people
watching are able to relate to the show so by having the actors within the age range of our
target audience it becomes relatable and therefore hopefully attracting more people to
watch. This is good for the client as one of the things they wanted us to do on the client
brief was to make the show tailored to the target audience of 15-21 so by having the actors
of this age then hopefully it will appeal to this audience. This also benefits the audience as
we want our show to be as relatable as possible so by having the actors of the same age, we
should be able to achieve this. This also benefits me and the show itself as by reaching the
correct target audience we will have made the client happy as we have achieved the things,
Name: Callum Hall

he wanted on the client brief. This benefits us as we may the be asked to do more shows in
the future.
The final strength for the show is that the show is extremely interesting and intriguing this
will get people hooked and desperate to see the next episode. This is a particular strength
as if we get people interested in the story line, they are more likely to turn on the next
episode and watch the full series. Also, if the audience finds the story line interesting, they
are more likely to recommend it to their friends and family which will bring more viewers to
our show. This will benefit the client as the more people that are watching indicates that the
show has been successful which will be a huge positive for the client. This will also benefit
the audience as if they find the storyline interesting and intriguing this makes the show a lot
more enjoyable for them. This also benefits me as the more people watching will make it
clear to the client that we have produced a good story line and final product and therefore
this may allow us to do more shows in the future.

One of the weaknesses of my show is that a lot of the scenes are filmed in a school this is a weakness
as this will reduce the time we have to record. We will only be able to record during school holidays
or outside of school hours. This is a weakness because if E4 want the show out in winter we will be
unable to do this as we need the summer holidays in order to film in the school. Another reason this
is a weakness is because if we want to redesign the school to look better on camera this may cause
problems with the school. This will be a concern for the client as they may not be able to release the
show when they wanted to because we haven’t been able to film in the school during the school
year. This will be a weakness for the audience as the release date may get delayed and therefore,
they must wait longer in order to watch the show. This will be a weakness for me as if I don’t meet
the client’s deadline, he will be unhappy, and I will gain a bad reputation and may not get offered to
do shows in the future.

The second weakness of this idea is that the show will only be relatable to a small group of people as
not many people have lost a friend without knowing the cause of death and then being haunted by
them for years to come. This is a weakness because if the audience don’t find the show relatable,
they are less likely to enjoy it and therefore this may reduce our audience. This will be a weakness
for the client as if the show isn’t relatable then less people will watch making the clients show
unsuccessful. This will also be a weakness for the audience as if it is not relatable then they won’t
enjoy the show which is a weakness for them. This is a drawback for the show itself as the less
relatable the worse the show is. If the show, then gains a bad reputation I may not be asked to make
more shows in the future.

The final weakness of this show is that the story line is fairly short and there is only so many
episodes you can stretch it across. This is a weakness because if the show was to be successful
usually you would add more episodes but due to the short story line, we will be unable to do this.
This would be a particular concern for the client as people may move onto another show quickly
after so if the client decided to make a new show people’s attention may not be with E4. This is a
weakness for the audience as by the time they really get invested into the storyline the show will be
over and they will have to find something new to watch. This will also be a drawback for myself as if
the show is over quickly then people may not watch as they feel by the time they get into it the
show will be over so it is pointless watching it. This is a huge drawback as if very little people watch
Name: Callum Hall

the show then it will hugely unsuccessful and therefore, we may not get asked to do more shows in
the future.

Idea 2

No one likes us

two Brexit boys and a posh boy are Millwall super fans. They cause trouble everywhere they
go and usually get thrown out. They love a fight and causing chaos on an away day. This
series follows the lives of the hardcore.
The first strength for this show is that everything is recorded in England. This is a strength
because in the client brief for this show we are warned that the show must be made on a
low budget so by having everything in the show recorded in England this reduces costs of
things such as transport it move the crew and cast around. This is good for the client as this
means we are meeting his client brief as we have stayed within the budget he wanted. This
is also good for the audience as are target audience would be British so this makes it more
likely that they will find it relatable aswell as possibly even recognise locations which makes
it more enjoyable for them to watch. This is a benefit for the show as the cheaper it is to
make without losing quality the easier it is for us to make money on the show making it a lot
more successful.
The second strength for the show is that the idea for this show is completely original and
has not been used before. This is a strength because if the audience think that they have
watched something similar before and can predict the outcome of each episode then they
are less likely to watch it as there is no build-up of tension or excitement to find out the
outcome. So, by having the show original and different to anything else the audience may
have seen this will get them excited and make it more enjoyable for them. This is good for
the client as their aim will be to make the show as successful as possible so by creating this
show that the audience can get excited by we are more likely to reach these goals. This is
also good for the audience because if the show is enjoyable and like nothing they have seen
before they will get the full experience of what the show has to offer. This will benefit the
show itself as the more exciting the show is the more successful it will be so by having it
original this show should be a success.
The final strength for this show is that it is a suitable show to air at the time it does this is
because there will be a lot of swearing and violent actions meaning we wouldn’t get away
with airing it any later. This is a strength because by airing it at 9 pm allows us to
automatically reach the correct target audience as any younger ages than our target
audience will not be watching tv at this time. Also the age group watching tv at this time will
expect to be watching things that are tailored towards older people rather than kids so
expect swearing and certain actions and these are included within our show. This is a
strength for the client as within the client brief, he told us the show will be airing at 9 pm
which tells us we are allowed to include scenes we wouldn’t get away with in daytime
Name: Callum Hall

television so by doing this we are meeting the clients’ criteria. This will also benefit the
audience as the older age groups who are watching tv as this time will find shows funnier
with adult actions and language so the audience will enjoy our show as we include all of this.
This will benefit me because if I meet all of the clients’ requirements and create a good
show then I will gain a good reputation and therefore be asked to create more shows like
The first weakness of the show is that the cast Is not diverse. This is a weakness because
certain demographics may not be able to relate to the sow and therefore not want to watch
it but also this does not stick to the channel 4 remit, and we haven’t included diversity in the
cast. This will be a concern for the client as if a lot of demographics can’t relate to the show,
then your potential audience has decreased massively therefore his show is less likely to be
successful. This will also be a concern for the audience especially if they are part of a
demographic that is not included within the show as they may struggle to find it relatable
and then unable to enjoy the show. This will be a weakness for me and the show itself as the
show and I may receive a lot of bad press therefore putting people off from watching.
The second weakness is that most of the locations we will be filming in will be football
stadiums. This is a weakness because in the client brief, we are told that we should be
filming this show on a low budget, but it is going to be very expensive to hire out stadiums
to film scenes in. this is a weakness for the client because he may end up having to spend
more money than he had planned on the show due to me hiring out locations that are very
expensive. This will be a concern for the audience as well because due to us spending a lot
of money on locations we may have to reduce spending in other departments such as the
recording the show and if its in low quality the audience will find it a lot harder to show.
Finally, this will be a weakness for me because I could possibly gain a bad reputation for
going over budget when filming shows therefore people will stop coming to me in order to
create shows.
The final weakness if that you have to enjoy football and be a regular going to football
matches in order to understand and relate to the show. This is a weakness because this
reduces the possible people that will want to watch the show as well as decrease the
number of people within our target audience who can watch. This is a concern for the client
because one of his requirements in the client brief was that the show should apply to 15-21
years olds but my making the movie only suitable for football fans you are reducing the
amount of people in this age range that can watch the show therefore, we are not meeting
all the clients’ requirements. This will also be a weakness for the audience as if they don’t
follow football they may start to watch and not understand certain jokes and then have to
stop watching as they no longer understand. This is a weakness for the show itself as the
possible audience is reduced massively and the size of the audience determines if a show
was successful or not so this show is far more likely to not be a success.

Idea 3
Name: Callum Hall

Supermarket snatcher
It was a normal day for Mum Gina and baby Carla until Gina turned round and Carla was no
longer there. The infamous “supermarket snatcher” had struck again and had his next
victim. Gina cries for help to the careless police to help find her daughter will the
“supermarket snatcher” finally be taken down?
One of the strengths of this show is that all of it is filmed within England. This is a strength
because by having the whole show filmed in England you don’t need to pay for travel for all
the cast and crew and other things like this making your show cheaper and sticking to the
client’s brief. This is a strength for the client as they requested this show was made on a low
budget so by filming everything in England, we are able to achieve this. This is also a
strength for the audience as if the show is filmed in England, they may recognise areas that
we have filmed in and therefore the show will be more relatable for them. If the show is
more relatable for them, they are more likely to enjoy it as well. This will be a strength for
the show itself because we want it to be as relatable as possible so by having everything
filmed in England, we should be able to achieve this and therefore the show will be more
The second strength is that through the creation of this show we have stuck to the channel
4 remit as we are hearing the voices of victims and have a diverse cast. This is a strength
because channel 4 is more likely to promote and air our show if we have stuck to their remit
and have included everything, they would want us to include. This is a strength for the client
because if their show is pushed by channel 4 and completely complies with their remit then
the client will have made a good show and will also gain a good reputation. This is also a
strength for the audience as if our show meets channel 4s remit then that means that our
show is inclusive and gives everyone a voice this is a benefit for the audience as it will allow
them to feel part of the show and allow them to relate to the cast as they feel represented.
Finally, this will be good for me because if channel 4 can see we have followed their remit,
then they may choose me to create more shows in the future which is a huge benefit.
The final strength is that this show will also be suitable for the time that it is aired at due to
death and violent scenes which you wouldn’t get away with any earlier. This is a strength
because this will help us reach our target audience of 15-21 as this age group is usually
sitting down to watch TV around 9pm. This is a strength for the client because by having
our show air at this time it is helping us meeting on of the client requirements as the time
that the show airs is a suitable time for 15 -21 year old. This will also be a benefit for the
audience as when they sit down to watch something during the night, they want to find
something that their typical age group enjoys rather than kids programmes and we are
providing this. Finally, this is good for the show itself as we will meet the correct target
audience and these people will enjoy the show as it’s aimed for them and their age as well
as meeting the clients requirements.
Name: Callum Hall

The first weakness for this show is that the actors are not of the ages of 15-21. This is a
weakness because our target audience age is 15-21 and because our actors don’t fall under
this category, we may struggle to make this show relatable to the audience. If the show is
not relatable to our target audience, they will not enjoy the show as much and stop
watching meaning we won’t have hit our target audience. This is a weakness for the client
as one of his requirements in their client brief is that our target audience must be 15-21
year olds and by having the cast not of this age we may fail to achieve this requirement. This
is a weakness also for the audience because they may struggle to relate to the actors
because they are from different age categories which will take away from their enjoyment
of the show. This is a weakness for the show itself and me because we wont be meeting all
the clients requirements from the client brief therefore risking leaving them unhappy with
the show.
The second weakness for this show is that it will once again lack relatability due to the fact
that most people have not been through the scenario that this show is based around. This is
a weakness because if the viewer does not find the show relatable often this takes some
enjoyment and excitement out of the show and therefore possibly get them to stop
watching. This is a weakness for the client as their aim will be to get as many viewers
watching as possible and because the show isn’t going to be relatable to most viewers may
not be as high as they could have been. This is also a weakness for the audience as the show
may become less enjoyable for them as they wont understand the emotions that the actors
are going through and they may struggle to build relationships with the actors therefore
they will get less enjoyment out of it. Finally this will be a weakness for the me as if the
show does not do well then this will tarnish my reputation and may stop me getting asked
to do more shows in the future.

The final weakness is that one of locations that we want to film in is a supermarket which
will be very expensive. This is a weakness because in our client brief we were informed that
we have a low budget and by filming in locations that are expensive we may go over this
budget or have to spend less than we planned on other areas. This is a weakness for the
client because this could mean that not all of his requirements in the client brief are met.
This is also a weakness for the audience as if we have to cut spending in other areas such as
filming and editing then the quality may drop and therefore the audience may be unable to
watch it. Finally this is a weakness for me because if we exceed the budget given then I will
gain a bad reputation and therefore may not be asked to do more shows in the future.

After analysing the strengths and weaknesses of all my shows this has allowed me to come
to the decision of which show I will be creating. After reading them carefully I believe that
the best show for me to create is “No one likes us” ( idea 2 comedy). The reason I have
come to this decision is that I believe that this type of film and the storyline is the one I’m
most confident with and I believe a can execute to be a successful show. Also I have took
Name: Callum Hall

into consideration which shows are going to meet the client brief the most and I believe if
we plan well enough then we will easily meet all the requirements of the client brief . I also
believe that due to the type of comedy that will be used through the series that this show
will appeal to the older teenagers which means that we will hit the correct target audience
of 15-21 year olds. This show will also include a lot of foul language and violent actions
meaning it is suitable to air at 9pm which is what we were are told. The reason for this is
because any earlier than 9pm our show would need to be family friendly and its not, also
our target audience are usually watching TV at this time which makes it even more suitable
for this time so 9 pm is perfect.

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