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UNIT , Introduction and Weathering of Rocks SYLLABUS Importance o rs geclogy from Civil Engineering point of view. Bri ty of cave hist of fale of some Civil Engineering constructions due ta geological draw backs. importance of Physical geology, Petrology and Structral geology. Introduction : Weathering of Recks Is effect over the properties of rocks, Importance of weothering with reference to doms, reservoirs and tunnels, Weathering of common rock like “Granit LEARNING OBJECTIVES Y Role of geology in Civil Engineering Y Structure ond Composition of earth Y¥ Weathering of rock ¥ Seismic zones INTRODUCTION Geology Is the science which deals with study.of the earth and its various geological structures like foults, folds, uncomformities ete. Geology i employed to provide the information obout the nature and structure of rocks which ere ‘sed in the construction of tunnels, roads, canals etc, s0 as to control the stability of slopes and cuts. the study of geclogy provide topographical ond drainage condition of soil. steam network, ovcilabilty of ground water ete. This geological information is required for plenning the engineering work inorder to supply large amount of water at the field Also, the natural agencies like wind, water, ice and earthquake, fecution of major civil engineering works con be carried out by studying the geology of ‘SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS, © scanned with OKEN Scanner 7" ENGINEERING GEOLOGY LINTUHYDER Ra, 2 d 14 irropuction 4.4.1 Importance of Geology from Civil Q1. Explain the scope of geology in civil engineering. OR How is Geology related to engineering? Discuss the scope, ie emote of the ge logics) knowledge In planning and execution of civil engineering works. anes a ey 0% ce ved from Greek word "Geo means earth’ and logy means study. Therefore, gq), oer oe a ec pleted arr ike a Bt uuncomformities etc., The relationship between geology and engineering is discussed below, (i) The study of geology provides information about various parameters such as durability, composition anq other properties of materials which are used in the field of construction, (1) Geological studies are employed to provide the information about the nature and structure of rocks which are used in the construction of tunnels, roads, canals ete., so as to control the stability of slopes and cuts Gi) -Reeping in view the geological factors of construction site, the planning and execution of major civil eng. neering work can be carried out Engineering Point of View $0.0, (iy) directly deals with the foundation problems of structures like buildings, bridges and dams and can suggest remedies. Application () The geological studies provide topographical and drainage condition of sol (i.e, stream network, availabilty ‘of ground water etc), This xeological information is required for planning the engineering work inorder 19 supply large amount of water atthe field. (3) Geological studies help in determining suitable foundation to various construction such as small and big structures, power generation plants, bridges, tunnel, dams etc, ; (ii) Geological studies provides important information related to underground mining zones, coastal zones, offshore activities, quarry excavation etc. Q2. Discuss in detail the importance of Geology in Civil Engineering, Mayldune-t9, (R15), G2 OR ‘What is the importance of the geology in civil engineering constructions. _sep.21jta,a20) OR Explain the role of importance of geology in civil engineering. Ans: As the major civil engineering constructions have their foundations on the geological formations, important to study the durability andthe stability of foundation rocks. This study can be done from the geological and geophysical studies of the site for constructing safe, stable and economic structures, Following studies explains the role of importance of geology () Study for Dams in Civil Engineering along with examples, For constructing different types of dams, different geological formations ae required for thei stability. For ravity dams and arch dams, song and stable abutments or foundations are required. For buttress or earth ‘ams foundations can be relatively less stronger compared to the requirements of gravity and arch dams (i) Study for Reservoirs For the construction of reservoirs, it is important to study the geological features of the area, since it ean lead to silting of reservoirs or leakage of stored water, Different geological tis like porosity, permeability and ‘occurrence of faults, joints, or other weak planes ete., are necessary forthe prevention of failure in reser eine (il) Study for Tu For the construction of tunnels itis important forthe ological suy of the rock structures, The beings faults, joints, porosity, permeability and ground water ae the important considerations that ae tae senda before construction and design inorder to pre WARNILG: Xerex/Photocopying of this book is» CRIMINAL © scanned with OKEN Scanner UNIT-41: Introduction and Weathering of Rocks 3 Gy Study for ridges The geological study of abutments and foundations are important for construction of any type of bridges. Incomplete study may cause failure ofthe structure for Ronds and Raitways ‘The geological stulies of type of rock formation, ground water conditions etc, ate the important considerations for constnuction of roads and railways in hilly regions, The studies must also include the occurrence of landslides, earthquakes, water logging, high snowfall et This geological study can also be used for high rise GS Describe briefly the various branches of geology and their importance. warenat nim, ai) OR Explain about main and allied branches of geology. Bee.16, R16), 02 OR Explain the main and allied branches of geology from the civil engineering point of view. “ ings, runways and military operations Ans: Geology is divided into two branches, 1, Main branches and 2. Allied branches. Main and allied branches are subdivided into the following branches. 1. Main Branches (Structural geology (i) Historical geology (or) stratigraphy (iii) Mineralogy Gv) Palaeontology (6) Petrology (vi). Physical geology (vii) Economic geology 2. Allied Branches (@ Engineering geology (i) Geochemistry Gili) Geohydrology (iv) Geophysics () Mining geology 1. Main Branches © Structural Geology From civil engineering point of view, the structural geology is important because, 4 Itdeals with the structures like faults, folds, joints and unconformities in rocks. Before construction, this study helps to known which structure is, more appropriate or inappropriate for the purposes of civil engineering. . ‘ Ithelpsiin the selection of suitable sites for various types of projects like dams, multistoried buildings, tunnels ete. (i) Historieal Geology (Stratigraphy) Historical geology uses the principles of geology for reconstructing ancl understanding the history of earth. In civil engineering, historical geology is used to know about geographical changes and tectonic events in past and the life of early times on the earth, (ii) Mineralogy Study of minerals is known as mineralogy. From civil engineering point of view, mineralogy is important in the following: % Inthe selection of rocks (granite and marble are different but looks similar in appearences. # _ Inindustries such id steel industry. SPECTRUM ALL-IN-ONE JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS cement, fertilizers, glass, iro © scanned with OKEN Scanner i i ENGINEERING GEOLOGY [INTU-HYDERApg, J Gy Petecontotons log Palaeontology ithe sty of fossil. From cvibenginering point of view. palacontolony has importance, but as fossils are rare and are part of ea about fossils so that he ean identify ther easily () Petrology Misa branch of geology which deats with the study of of petrology is most important in the rocks selection (vi) Physical Geology (Dynamie Geology (or) Geomorphology) From civil engineering point of view, physical geology is important for following reasons, Suitable sites ean be selected for various types of projects, ifthe origin and development of physi features such a¢ mountains, plateaus, rivers, lakes, glaciers, volcanoes are studied. + Fffects of weathering on the properties of rocks can be known by the study of physical geology, sively 1s history, a evil engineer should know the rocks, From civil engineering point of view, the stu for building stones, road metals ete iy + Occurrence of natural phenomena such as earthquakes, weathering and landstides can be studied whic, helps to take necessary measures before constr (ii) Economic Geology ‘Though economic geology is significant on account of its economic importance (like coal and petroleum, itis irclevant from the civil engineering point of view due to some specific reasons 2. Allied Branches (Engineering Geology From civil engineering point of view, the engineering geology is important forthe implementation of sae, stable and cconomie constructions of bridges, dams and tunnels, Geochemistry From civil engineering point of view, itis of relatively less importance as it deals with the abundance,

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