Advanced Dam Engineering 05 (124-164)

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throughout the world.l and 30 areas of surface deformation entails the establishmcnt of pcrmancnt benchmarks on thc
caused by petroleum production have been identified in thc dam. on its important appunenances. and at points loc'atcd
United States.l The greatest subsidence of record due to as close as pructical to the centcr of the area exp*ctcd to
fluid withdrawal is almost 30 ti (9.15 meteru). measured at be affected first. Levclings arc bcst commenccd at an c'arly
the Wilmington Oil Field. California.a followed by ap- stage-pret'crubly prior to construction-in order to obtain
proximately 29 ft (8.84 meters) in San Joaquin Valley. Cal- a reliable base from which future elevation chan-ees can be
ifornia. due to groundwater withdrawal.5 Exploitation of calculated. Elevations should be determined periodically
geothermal fluids has caused 14.8 ft (4.51 meters) of ver- and results plotted on graphs. Subsidc'nce contour maps are
tical ground displacement in New Zealand and 0.43 ft (13 usually prepared once a problem is d'Jtected. as. lor ex-
cm) at the Geysers, Califomia.6 ample. at Baldwin Hills resen'oir (see Chaptir 21. Expe-
Subsidence at Inglewood Oil Field, Califomia. initiated rience has demonstrated that implcmentation of subsidence
the catastrophic failure of Baldwin Hills Dam (see Chapter countenneasures can be time-consunring and may be de-
l). An c-arthfilldanr locatcd in the Lcrnra Valley southwcst layed by political or legal processes. Consequently. detec-
of Mexico City is known to have breached as a result of tion of surflace deformations at their very earliest appear-
fissures associated with subsidence due to groundwater ance is essential.
withdrawal: however, details of this failure have not been Identification of the depth zones afi'ected and their thick-
made available.T In Arizona. Picacho Dam, located about nesses. areal extent, and consolidation rates are determined
9 miles (14.5 km) southeast of Coolidge, was reportedly by subsurface monitoring. Several procedures and types of
dama-sed. This earthfill dam has a structural height of 33 instruments have been used for this purpose.l0 The tops of
ft ( 10 meters), crest length of 27. 150 ft (8275 meten). crest piles driven to a stable base or lips of well casin,ss that
width varying from l2 to l6 ft (3.66 to 4.88 meters), ca- extend through the compactible overburden have sen'ed as
pacity of 13,730 acre-feet (16.93 million mr). and maxi- satisfactory reference points from which to measure con-
muin water surface elevation of 1508 ft (460 meters). solidation occurring in shallow depth intervals. Where
Groundwater withdrawal in the vicinity of the dam has deeper zones in groundwater basins are affected. downhole
caused a decline in water levels. associated subsidence, and extensometers (compaction recorders) are used.
earth fissuring. Failures of the embankment that occurred Figure 4-8 depicts two versions of a simple but effective
in 1955 and 196l have been attributed to surface cracking. extensometer that has been developed by the United States
The findings of a more recent investigation of Picacho Geological Survey. The cable device (l) is the less expen-
Dam, undertaken by the Bureau of Reclamation for the Bu- sive, but has stretch problems if installed deeper than about
reau of Indian Affairs, were not available at the time of this 1000 ft (305 meters). The pipe version (B) is more precise
writing.E for use at greater depths.
More complex procedures and instruments have been
Mechanics. Subsidence due to fluid withdrawal is a pro- tried in the oil fields where fluid-producing horizons exist
cess of consolidation conforming to the Tezaghi theory. at depths of several thousand feet. These techniques in-
However, predictions of rates. duration. magnitude, and clude: casing collar surveys for periodically measuring the
areal extent of subsidence based on results of soil tests shortening of well casings caused by subsidence. and the
generally have not been satisfactory. The affected sedi- emplacement of radioactive bullets at selected depths fol-
ments too often are loose or friable, and therefore easily lowed by periodic logging of their positions with downhole
lost or disturbed during the sampling process. Further- detectors. Such procedures are specialized and costly.ll
more, most fluid reservoirs contain large volumes of inter-
mixed and complexly stratified deposits, often extending Prevention. The only practical method for control of
to considerable depths. For these reasons, the cost of ob- subsidence caused by fluid extraction involves maintaining
taining sufficient, representative samples upon which to groundwater elevations or oil field fluid pressures above
base predictions is usually prohibitive. critical levels, below which consolidation is activated. This
The most successful predictions have been those where can be accomplished in groundwater basins by curtailing
sufficient data were available to permit confident extrapo- the pumping ol wells and in oil or geothcrmal fields by
lations of graphs depicting subsidence developing over a controllin-e production. The clfect of diminished ground-
long period. Some sophisticated methods havc been pro- water extructions on subsidcncc is illustrated by Fig. 4-9.
posed for predicting trends during early stages of subsid- which dcpicts thc stabilization of a benchrrtark in Kern
ence, but they remain largcly rescarch-oricntcd.') County. Calilornia. whcrc thc purnping of ntany water
wells was cliscontinucd in 1950. [n this instancc. cornple-
Detection and Monitoring. Surface elevations should tion ol the Friant-Kcrn Canrl utadc surface wilter available
be monitored when dams are located or proposed in areas to water users at a cost lcss than that oi opcrating their
where withdrawal of fluids is occurring or expected. This wells. This incident suggests that onc way oi alleviating


Srcrl St"el
tablc lablc | .o,","*o,nn,

I ench

I ;:..
I". :

I [ ",'.
Cable, Yrinch
stainless steel
t-|,.-.-- Exrensomerer
l l'r:.,

Pe rfo ra

. Well Well-
casing casing

Anchor weighl
in ooen hole

Reference Extensometer gige

point cemenled in ogen hol"

Fig. 4-8. Recording extensomeler installations. two types: (/) Cable extensometer. accurirte to depths ofabout I0O0 ft: (B) freestanding pipe extensometer.
which is more expensive rhan (..1). but is more precise at depths erceeding l0O0 fr. Counesy: Benjamin E. Lofgren & Associates, Sacramenro. Califomia.

this kind of subsidence in the vicinity of a dam might be variously as hydrocompaction. "shallow subsidence," or
to provide local water users with an attractive substitute hydroconsolidation.
supply, perhaps derived from the threatened dam and res-
ervoir. Requisite Conditions. Susceptible deposits are com-
Surface elevations have been stabilized successfully at monly moisture-Ceficient.'of low density. and of loose
the Wilmington Oil Field. Long Beach. Califlornia, by in- structure. They usually consist either of products of nrud-
jecting water into the exploited zones. thereby maintaining flows or associated features wherein fine-grained sedinlents
fluid pressure at depth (see Fig.4-10). The hi-eh cost of and clay are transported and deposited in a quasi-saturdted
injection wells and the equipment required for trcatment state, or oI loess or acolian dcposits. Regions of low annual
and reinjection of fluids has lirnitcd the application of rhis rainfall undcrlain by low-dcnsity soils should be suspcct.
procedurc to curtailment of subsidencc at clil and gas liclds particularly in areas overlying stcep alluvial fans that fonn
whcrc the expense can be justified. coalcscing aprons bctwccn the lans o[ nrajor strcanls. l]

Subsidence Due to Hydrocompaction Effects. Spectacular crircks and lorv-stepped scarps that
flank canals or surround ponds or rcservoirs are common,
The structure of certain low-density soils collapses upon the visible cvidence varving consiclembly over short dis-
application ol water, causing a type oF subsidence known tances. These surtace defbnnations have impaired fanning

24r 26- 2 eOl 30a Z

3()0 302
/8M I68 U
- llooml tu
F Z,
EW wELL 24l20-33Ht o
298 2
F 400
'{150n) 150 ?
50 ;*
'I 945 I 955
1940 r950

Fig. 4-9. Subsidence srabilization. Delivery of inexpensive warer to sourhern San Joaquin Valley. California. commencing in 1950. resulted in a sub'
wa(er *ell No.
stantial curtailment in water well production within that region. Consequently. the prevailing do*nward trend in ground*ater levels at
21i l6-33H I was spectacularly revened. and subsidence ar Benchmark T88 is shou n to have decreased markedly-. Source: Geological Society of Amenca.
Reliex's in Engineering Geologl' ll, 1969-

VERTICAL MoVEMENT practices by disrupting ditches and drains. in some tn-

No- l350 stances necessitating a switch t'rom flood irrigation to
''.!H sprinkler applications regulated so as to prevent soaking of
the soil. Roads, pipelines. and buildings have also suffered
damages. No failures of dams due to hydrocompaction are
recorded: ho'*'ever, durin-e the 1950s the Bureau of Recla-
I ro.s
-50. mation faced serious difficulties while constructing dams
z on loess deposits in the Missouri River Basin. These prob-
F- 16.0 lems were resolved by using applications of water to pre-
U subside the foundations.'r This experience showed that
loess could be effectively consolidated by sprinkling and
r5.5 -t.'a light loading. Pondin-e was found sometimes to tre ineffec-
tive because inflowing water agitated the loess' which upon
settling would seal the soil. preventing wate r penetration.r{

Mechanics. Hydrocontpaction dillcrs t'ronr consolida-
Fig. .t- 10. Subsidcncc at Wilnrington Oit Ficld. Calitirrnia. has bccn halted tion in that soil parriclcs are rcarrangicd whcn watcr is ap-
and evcn revenicd in stlntc locations by injcction of trciltcd brinc into thc plicd to the soil. Subsidence usually occurs rapidly and is
oil-producing horizons. The spectacular ellcct of lluid injection on thc confincd to arcas undcrlying or itnlncdiatcly adjaccnt to the
venical nlovenlent of a benchnlark is shown on this gmph. Surlacc dc-
wetted clcposits. Susccptiblc soils olten retain strength un-
tbnnation relatctJ to oil production l'ront lnglcwood Oil Ficld. Calititrnia'
lcd to the catastrophic failure of Baldwin Hills Danl and Rescrvoir' Los
dcr hcavy loads in thc dry state: howcver. upon wetting,
Angeles, in December 1963. as describcd in Chapter 2. Aticr Alten.r they can lail spectacularly. In sotne regions the high dry

Fig' 'l-l l. Prototl'pe scale test demonstrates effectiveness of presubsidence as a subsidence countermeasure in hydroconrpactible
soil. The foundation for
the undamaged section of canal had been presubsided by ponding, whereas the ruptured section was eKcavated
in virgin soil. photo counes' of Califomia
Department of Water Resources.

Fig' 4-12' Etrly stagcs of tcstin-q at a small-scalc test plot tbr studying induced hy<irocompaetion. The
eoncentric scarps anil fissures are tlpical mani-
fcstations of hydrocornpaction. surfacc subsirlencc tt rhis lest sitc ultintatcly artained alnrost 9 (2.7
ti mcters). Subsirlence was iicrivatcd by filling the
comrgated tank with rvaterand was measured pcriodically by leveling to the venical pipes, which are
inscribe6 sinrilarly ro srandartl surveying mtls. The
rods extend to subsurface benchmarks enrplacerl at dcpths of 25, 50, 7.5, and 150 fr (7.6, 15.2.
22.g, :rnd 45.7 merers). Subsidcnce of rhe sevcral
bencltntarks at a similar test plot is tlepictctl graphicatly in Fig. 4-13. Phtlto courtesy of thc
calilbrnia Depanrnenr of tVater Resources.

strength has been determined to be due to clay bonding

between the soil particles. Saturation dissolves this bond.
' IEXCX l^*,'
and rapitl collapse and compaction follow.r5 (t l.ail)

Detection and Monitoring. Identification of compac-

tible deposits entails recognition of the requisite geologic LAST IPUC^TrOX
12- n-s9
setting tbllowed by soils testing. and ultimately by con-
struction of test ponds to observe the effects of saturating 50
BEXCX f,m( 5
deposits in situ. In areas that already have experienced some
subsidence. the characteristic cracks and slumping that t50
flank ditches and surround ponds are reliable indicators. o

Contacts with farmeru. local residents. oropemtors of water = 9

convevance systems also can be helptul. These people are

2s tR
<x 8
o 'ro
usually the first to be aware of a problem and may be able o -3
;x x
to point out affected areas where surface manifestations ie
a eo

have been obliterated by releveling the land surface or by oi!

Erz 9
removal or reconstruction of damaged structures.
;i .o
Prevention. Hydrocompaction is controlied either by re- I

moving the susceptible soils where they are shallow or. s

when their removal would not be economical. by saturating
and thus presubsiding them. An e\tensive program of re-
search and testing was conducted by the California De-
panment of Water Resources to develop effective and eco-
nomical procedures for coping with h-v-drocompaction. In Fig. .{-13. Subsidence rr";":.::chmarks at a tesr Plot located on
the San Joaquin Valley the alignment of the California Aq- mudflow deposits in the San Joaquin Valley. California. The graphs de-
ueduct crossed over about 75 miles (lll km) of compac- pict subsidence rates for benchmarks emplaced at depths of 0. 2-5. 50.
and 103 ft (0. 7.6. 15.f. and 31..1 meten). Hldrocompaction was accel-
tible deposits that occurred in zones at various depth inter-
emted on l0-6-59 by flcxding the entire subsidence depression u ith water.
vals dorvn to about 200 ft (6 I meters) in some places. It A t)'pical test installation is sho*n in Fig. '1-12. Counesl of Calitornia
was determined that without treatment these deposits would Depanment of Water Resources.
subside from 2 to I I ft (0.6 to 3.4 meters), causing serious
damage to the canal. The state's investi,eation entailed: ( 1)
the drilling of several hundred exploratory holes along the quired for soil stabilization. and estimate construction costs.
alignment. obtaining approximately 3l0O "undisturbed" The presubsidence operations are shown in pro-eress in Fig'
samples: (2) laboratory and field soils testing: (3) the em- ,l-14. The state's research program is described and illus-
placement of test ponds (miniature test plots): and (4) the trated in detail in an unpublished report, including three
construction of a prototype section of lined canal. This last appendixes o[data. that is on file at the California Depart-
rvas filled with water to observe full-scale effects of hydro- ment of Water Resources, Sacramento.l6 Subsequent con-
compaction. to test various types of lining. and to obtain struction and operation of this project have demonstrated
additional data essential for the development of a presub- that. given antple time and funding. hydrocontpaction can
sidence program for stabilizing subsidence-prone reaches be stabilized to acceptable limits for most purposes.
of the alignment (Fig. 4- I I ). One of 57 miniature test plots Presubsidence has provcd effective at several projects.
that were emplaced at intervals along the canal route is Its disadvantages are that largc quantities of water and con-
shown in Fig. 4-12. These plots consisted of an open- siderable time nray bc required to stabilize ftrundations
ended. 8-ft (2.44-meter)-diameter comrgated metal pipe constructcd on deep susceptible soils. In ct)nstruction of
into which a metered supply of water was applied. The the Calitbmia Aquccluct. presubsidence was accclerated by
small-diameter vertical pipes that are shown extend through installing gravel-packcd intiltration wclls up to 200 ft (61
casings to subsurface benchmarks (bodics of concrctc) nrctcrs) in dcpth along vulncrable sections of thc canal and
placed at selectcd depths, often 25, 50. 75. and 150 ft (7.6' injecting watcr into the cornpactiblc zoncsrT.
15.2,23. and 46 meters). Figurc 4-13 dcpicts thc magni-
tude. rate. and stabilization times for bcnchmarks obscrved Subsidence Due to Collapse of Natural Cavities
at a typical plot.
The information obtained during thc several phases oi Cavitics are classilicd as natuml. induccd, or mincd, ac-
this investigation was used to develop presubsiclence tech- cording to ntodc of origin. Natural openings (caverns) are
niques. select canal design criteria, detemline the tintes re- created without hunran assistance. rvhercas induced open-

Fig' 4- ll' Presubsidence of the alignment of the California Aqueduct prior to excavation and lining of the canal prism.
The surface ponds were augmenred
by infiltntion wells to accelerate the process. Photo courtesy of the California Depanmenr of Water

ings develop as an indirect consequence of imposed con- develop in soil mantles that overlie fissured or cavernous
ditions. In contrast, mine cavities are excavated deliber- rock formations.
ately, either by hard rock mining methods or through
dissolution and extraction of evaporite minerals utilizing
injection and recovery wells. No worldwide inventory, in- Effects. Collapses of underground openings are re-
dicating the locations of regions affiicted by subsidence in flected on the surface as depressions, pits, or craters. Where
carbonate or evaporite rock terrains, is available. How- created by dissolution, these features are known as sink-
ever. in Alabama alone over 4000 collapses are known to holes. Diameters vary from a few feet up to 2 miles (l
have occurred, and similar activity has been experienced meter to 3.2 km). with depths ranging from a few feet to
in Florida, Georgia. Maryland, Pennsylvania, South Car- about 150 ft (l ro 46 meters) (Fig. a-15). Where several
olina. and Tennessee.lE It has been estimated that approx- sinkholes occur dispersed over the countryside, a charac-
imately one-fourth of the land areas of the world may be teristic, pitted landscape (karst topography) results.
underlain by evaporite deposits, which in the United States The development of sinkholes beneath highways, rail-
occur mainly in three major basins, the Michigan-Appa- roads, buildings, sewers, and pipelines has seriously dam-
lachian, the Gulf Coast, and the Southwestern or permian aged these facilities in some areas. Damages to dams have
Basinre. The widespread distribution of water-soluble de- been related chiefly to large volumes of leakage through
posits suggests a growing potential for subsidence-related solution channels or sinkholes that have developed in the
problems as construction activities expand into new re- walls and floors of reservoirs.
gions throughout the world. The potential for structural damage to dams in vulnera-
ble locations is apparcnt. Logan Martin Dam on the Coosa
River in Alabama is an exantple. located in a region un-
Requisite Conditions. Natural cavities most commonly dcrlain by a limestone contplex, which is capped by a thin
form in carbonate rocks when acidic groundwatcr causes layer of soil and alluvium. Upon initial filling of this res-
of limestone (CaCO3) or dolomitc
dissolution ervoir, dcprcssions and incipient sinkholcs appeared in the
(CaMg[CO3]2). They are also created in gypsum vicinity o[ the dam. Onc such fcature, which developed
(CaSO*.2HrO) and common salt (NaCl) by sirnple disso- near thc crest of rhe east dike extension about 400 ft (122
lution. Openings occur less frequently in volcanic rocks meters) from the spitlway, posed a serious threat. A major
such as lava tunnels or roofed fissures. Induced cavities failure was averted by immediate corrective action con-

strength has been determined to be due to clay bonding

between the soil particles. Saturation dissolves this bond.
and rapitl collapse and compaction follow.l5

Detection and Monitoring. Identification of compac-

tible deposits entails recognition of the requisite geologic Lasl lFlrc To{
setting tbllowed by soils testing, and ultimately by con-
struction of test ponds to observe the effects of saturating
deposits in situ. In areas that already have experienced some
subsidence. the characteristic cracks and slumping that
llank ditches and surround ponds are reliable indicators. z o
Contacts with farmers. local residents. or operators of water
23 tR 8 rzo
conve!'ance systems also can be helptul- These people are 9
<6 9
usually the first to be aware of a problem and may be able 6
a r- 3

to poinr out affected areas where surface manifestations 6 JE 90

have been obliterated by releveling the land surflace or by oi

removal or reconstruction of damaged structures. jg 6
f6 0
Prevention. Hydrocompaction is controlied either by re-
moving the susceptible soils where they are shallow or.
when their removal would not be economical. by saturating
and thus presubsiding them. An e(tensive pro-uram of re-
search and testing was conducted by the Califomia De-
partment of Water Resources to develop effective and eco-
nomical procedures for coping with hy'drocompaction. In Fig. .l-t3. Subsidence ., -"r:ac. ;"chmarks at a lest plot located on
the San Joaquin Valley the alignment of the California Aq- mudflow deposits in the San Joaquin Vellel-. California. The graphs de-
ueduct crossed over about 75 miles (1ll km) of compac- pict subsidence rates for benchmarks emplaced at depths of 0' 25. -50.
and 103 ft (0. 7.6. t5.1. and 31..1 metcn). H1-drocompaction was accel-
tible deposits that occurred in zones at various depth inter-
erated on l0-6-59 by flooding the entire subsidence depression with *ater.
vals dou'n to about 200 ft (61 meters) in some places. It A typical test installation is shoun in Fig. 'l-12. Couflesr oi Calitomia
was determined that without treatment these deposits would Departnrent of Water Resources.
subside from 2 to I I ft (0.6 to 3.4 meten), causin-s serious
damage to the canal. The state's investigation entailed: (1)
the drilling of several hundred exploratory holes alon,q the quired tbr soil stabilization. and estimate construction costs.
alignment. obtaining approximately 3100 "undisturbed" The presubsidence operations are shown in progress in Fig.
samples: (2) laboratory and field soils testin-e: (3) the em- 4-14. The state's research program is described and illus-
placement of test ponds (miniature test plots): and (4) the trated in detail in an unpublishc'd report. including three
construction of a prototype section of lined canal. This last appendixes of data. that is on file at the California Depart-
was filled with water to observe full-scale effects of hydro- ment of Water Resources. Sacramento.'u Subsequent con-
compaction. to test various types of lining. and to obtain struction and operation of this project have demonstrated
additional data essential for the development of a presub- that. given antple time and funding. hydroconrpaction can
sidence program for stabilizing subsidence-prone reaches be stabilized to acceptable lirnits for most purposes'
of the alignment (Fig.4-l l). One of 57 miniature test plots Presubsidence has proved effective at several projccts.
that were emplaced at intervals along the canal route is Its disadvantagcs are that large quantities of *'ater and con-
shown in Fig. 4-12. These plots consisted of an open- siderablc time nray be requircd to stabilize fcrundations
ended. 8-ft (2.44-meter)-diameter comrgated metal pipc constructed on deep susceptible soils. In ct-rnstruction of
into which a metered supply o[ water was applicd. The the Calitbrnia Aqueduct. prcsuhsidencc was accelerated by
small-diameter vertical pipes that are shown extend through installing gravel-packcci infiltration wells up to 100 ft (6 I
casings to subsurface bcnchmarks (bodics ol concrctc) nrctcrs) in clcpth akrns vulncrable sections of the canal and
placed at selected depths, oftcn 25, 50, 75. and 150 ft (7.6. injecting water into thc corupactible zoneslT.
15.2,23. and 46 mcters). Figurc 4-13 depicts thc magni-
tude. rate. and stabilization times tbr benchmarks obscrved Subsidence Due to Collapse of Natural Cavities
at a typical plot.
The information obtained during the scveral phascs of Cavities are classilicd as natural. induced' or mined, ac-
this investigation was used to develop prcsubsidence tech- corcling to mode ol origin. Nltural openings (caverns) are
niques. select canal design criteria, detemrine the tinres re- createcl without hunlan itssistancc. whereas induccd opcn-

Fig.,1-15. A sinkhole. measuring about 425 ft (l-i0 meters) long, 350 ft (107 meters) wide. and 150 ft (.16 metcm) deepthat developed in central Alabama.
The roof of the "December Giant" is believed to have collapsed on December 1. 19'72. and this may be the largest sinkhole to have ftrrmed in recenl
years in the United States. The collapse caused no harm to persons or structures. Photo courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey. Depanment of the

sisting of filling this sinkhote and other newly formed to increase the velocity of groundwater underflow. thereby
depressions nearby with selected materials followed by re- strengthening its erosive power: second. to lower the water
medial grouting.20 The project now is monitored continu- table. thus reducing buoyant support to the cavity roof: and,
ously, and corrective measures are implemented promptly third. to amplity water table fluctuations where wells are
upon the earliest indications that a sinkhole may be devel- pumped seasonally with consequent flexing of the roof. The
oping at a critical location. creation of surface impoundments or unlined conveyance
systems results in diversion of surface water into natural
Mechanics. The creation of cavities by natural dissolu- fissures with consequent acceleration of subsurface ero-
tion usually progresses slowly. requiring from tens to thou- sion.:l
sands of years. On the other hand. induced cavities have Regardless of the mode of ori-ein. the characteristics of
been observed to develop within minutes or hours in re- a collapse feature are governed by the dimensions of the
sponse to the stimulus of human activities. For example. underground opening, its depth below the surface. the
of 4000 incidents that occurred in carbonate rocks in Ala- physical nature of the overburden, and the excavation pro-
bama, only 50 collapses were considered triggered by nat- cess. Fi-uure 4-l6 illustrates an observed relationship of
ural processes.2: lnduced cavities result from the transport these factors and a generalized concept of the distribution
(piping) of the soil mantle into subjacent openings. In this of strain and horizontal displacements at ground surface.
manner the overburden is attacked at its base and stopcd As indicatcd. the arca affected at the surface is determined
upward to create a cavern with little or no disturbance of by the an,ele of draw. which in turn. depends upon such
the surface up until the time of appeannce of an opening. characteristics of the ovcrburdcn as the intensity of the
The initial breakthrough may be a small hole although oc- jointing. shearing. and othcr flaws and its cohcsive streng,th.
casionally spectacular roof collapscs have occurrcd without Coltapsc mcchanisrlls have bcen elaborated by
warning. Withdrawal o[ groundwatcr from wells, mincs. Rellensnrann:r and Gray and Bruhn.2a
and quarries; or the creation of surfacc ponds and rcscr-
voirs on terrain underlain by cavernous rock: or the con- Detection. Techniques lor locating shallow buried cav-
veyance of watcr across such lands is the principal cause ities inclucle drilling, seisrnic. and resistivity geophysical
of induced cavities. The effect of fluid withdrawal is, first, methods. Radar surveys have been tried with varying de-

10. Relatively small openings in the soil zone that are

Tonrlo sometimes angular in shape and appcar to bc dcep.
I l. Discolored or dead vegetation in slight dcpressions
in the soil zone.
DISPLACEMENT 12. Tilted or toppled trees with depressions ar rheir
13. Scour holes inareas subject to flooding where warer
erodes soil into the subsurface. Similar openings
without eroded surfaces occur in areas havin_e a thiit
\ ,l
tt 'Tfont'' ol broak grass cover.
\ r! | ,/ 14. Streams discharging into the ground or springs reen_
,\.f Anere or dmw // tering the ground. Where flow exceeds water loss.
.---------, small whirlpools accompanied by sucking or drain-
ltlenrt h ot cavity +l ing noises are sometimes present.
Fig. 4-16. ldealized dia,eram showing the effects that a collapse of an 15. Sudden draining of a pond or inability of a new pond
undergmund cavity has on subsidence, horizontal strain. and displace- to hold water.
ment of the ground surface. Modified after Rellensmann:r
and Gray and
16. Depressions in wooded areas where collapses have
Bruhn.:r occured but where the root zone maintains soil and
leaf cover. The ground in the area moves when
stepped on. A person stepping on the area feels like
grees of success, but for the present they remain largely in he is walking on a net.
the realm of research.:s.16 17. Sound of running water in the subsurface being
In some instances the collapse of sinkholes has been pre_ emitted through small openings at land surface.
ceded by visible disturbances. To assist in the detection of
shallow-roofed cavities, the following list of precursors Prevention. Induced cavities are prevented by control-
compiled by New.ton and Hydez7 is quoted verbatim:
ling the quantities and velocities of water moving throu_eh
the ground. Activities that lower the water table or provide
l. Circular and linear cracks or fractures in soil. as- access of surface waters to underground openin_es should
phalt, and concrete paving and floors.
be discoura_eed or closely regulated. Subsidence resulting
2. Appearance of depressions in soil or pavement that
from underground mining is prevented by adopting ac-
may result in the ponding of water and are some_ ceptable methods of excavation and roof support during ac_
times bordered by radial fractures. tive operations and by backfillin-q stopes and passages with
3. Slumping. sa_sging, tilting, or warping of highways, waste rock (gob) before they are abandoned.
rails, fences, curbin_es, pipes, poles, si-enboards, and
other vertical or horizontal structures.
4. The downward movement of small-diameter verti_ Subsidence Due to Consotidation of Organic Soits
cal structures such as poles or posts.
Histosols, commonly called peat or muck, have been as-
5. Fractures in foundations and walls resulting from sociated with subsidence at engineering projects for many
subsidence. This can be accompanied by jammed
centuries, probably since the development of the Dutch
doors and windows. Loud, sharp cracking noise in polders between the ninth and thirteenth centuries.2E Esti-
or under a structure often accompanies damage to mates of the area of the earth's surface covered by peat
foundations. range from 570 to 850 million acres (231 to 344 million
6. Small conical holes that appear in the ground in a ha) including 52 million acres (21 million ha) in the United
relatively short period of time.
States. The bulk of the deposits occur in scattered patches
7. Diversion of drainage into small holes or fractures of two to several hundrcd acres (one to a few hundred ha)
in the ground without rapid filling. although some extensive deposits do exist, such as the ex-
8. Sudden muddying ol warer in a well that has been panse in the Florida Evcrgladcs rvherc more than 1.5 mil-
producing clear water. This indication often is as- lion acrcs (607,000 ha) of peat ancl muck are located.le
sociated with precipitation.
9. Water spouts erupting during rainstorms from open_ Requisite Conditions. peat has bcen defined as soil
ings in soil in basins adjacent to highland areas. containing less than 50Vo dry weight of nrineral matter,
These generally occur in areas ofactive sinkhole de- whercas muck consists of 50 to 80Zo minerals.30 Histosols
velopment where downward migration of uncon- develop in manhlands, bogs, river backwaters, and lake
solidated deposits has resulted in blockage of un_ beds, and consequently are most frequently encountered in
derlying openings in bedrock. lowland regions with little topographic relief. Sphagnum

moss pcat. which dcvclops on higher lands. forms in cool of l980.rr Monitoring of dccp dc'posits requircs installation
moist climatcs. It occun mainly in high latitudes. northcrn of spccial instrumcntation such as thc extcnsomctcr. dc-
parts of Canada and Europe. for example . scribcd abovc and shown in Fig. 4-8.

Effects. Structures constructed on Histosols have expc- Prevention. Histosols at dam sitcs are bcst treatcd b,Y ( I )
rienced extremc settlement. deformation. and disruption. their completc rcmoval tiom thc tbundation and abutments
Damage to dams has been rare, probably because thcse de- or (2) rclocation of the sitc. Whcre ncither of these alter-
posits occur mostly in low relief terrains. topographically nativcs is acccptablc. scvcre maintcnance and repair prob-
unsuited tbr dam sites. However. se!ere dama-ues have lems are to bc anticipated. Stabilization of Histosols. par-
been sustained by dikes along canals and waterways and ticularly peat. by grouting or other techniques has not
by such structures as roads. buildin-es. bridges' and pipc- proved feasible. Exploration of sitcs underlain by Histosols
lines. must bc sufiicicnt to define the extent and depth of all de-
posits located beneath and in thc immediate vicinity of im-
Mechanics. Peat has been accused of being the poorest ponant structures.
foundation material imaginable. Its high compressibility.
low density, weak strength. propensity for oxidation. and
commonly high permeability make it susceptible to failure Subsidence Due to Tectonic Activity
by collapse or piping.3r Sphagnum moss peat may contain
This kind of surface detbmration, often of regional dimen-
water up to l6 times its dry weight. catisin-e pronounced
sions. is caused by stresses due to movements of the earth's
expansion. It is particularly treacherous in foundations. crustal plates.
Subsidence of areas underlain by Histosols may be acti-
vated by (1) consolidation caused by surface loading. (2)
reduction of buoyant supporting forces due to lowering of Requisite Conditions. Significant tectonic deforma-
groundwater levels. (3) soil shrinkage resulting from de- tions nray occur in seismically active regions and are often
siccation of the organic constituents. (4) burning. and (5) associated with earthquakes.
biochemical oxidation. The first four of these mechanisms
require no further explanation; the fifth. biochemical oxi- Effects. With the exception of disruptions along faults.
dation. is a microbial process governed by the temperature. which are discussed in Chapter 5 and elsewhere in this
pH, and aeration of the deposit. It involves an actual loss chapter. warping of the land caused by tectonic forces is
of soil.ll usually so slow that its effects are insignificant over the life
span of most en-eineering projects. However. exceptions
Detection and Monitoring. Peat is recognized readily have occurred during strong earthquakes. For example, the
by its spongelike or fibrous texture. dark color. low den- floor of Hebgen Lake. Montana. subsided 22 ft (6'7 me-
sity, and odor of decay. Remote sensing techniques for de- ters) during the West Yellowstone earthquake of Au-eust
tecting and assessing these deposits on a re-gional scale re- 17. A substantial regional tilt also was measured
main in the research stage; however. aerial photos have following this event. which resulted in reversal of the slope
been used successfuly in the investigation of bog deposits of the pre-earthquake channel of the Madison River where
in Canada.-1-1 the rivir passed beneath the surface of the lake.36
Highly expansive sphagnum moss peat often produces a Heb-een Dam is an earthfill embankment structure 123 ft
bulge or domelike surface profile, characteristic of lands (37.5 nreters) high with a crest length of 718 ft (219 me-
underlain by these deposits. ters.)r7 The dam was overtopped by several successive
Surface monitoring of shallow beds of Histosols is prob- water waves. which were attributed largely to a rapid de-
ably best accomplished by embedding a pile or post firmly fonnation of the reservoir floor. Although the spillway was
in an underlying stable basement. Changes in elevation of ovenaxed and suffered severe damage. and the embank-
the surrounding surface then can be detemrined by pcriodic ment settlcd seveml fect. the darn luckily remained intact.
lcveling, using the tops of such installations as bcnch- This incidcnt has dcmonstrrtcd that tectonic dcformation
nrarks. The Holme Post. located at Holnrc Fcn. England' can prove hazarctous tilr darus. a tact to considcr in deter-
has been so uscd since about 1848. and had shown a pro- r.nining lrccboard allorvanccs. dcsigning spillways. and
grcssive subsidcnce of up to about I l.-5 tt (3.5 nlctcrs) as planning opcn channcl watcr convcyanccs.


lntroduction consists largely of mudstone, bcntonitic shale. fine-grainecl

sandstone. siltsrone, and coal beds. The beds dip one to
Dams should be located on a competent foundation in a
geolo-eically and seismologically stable area. Most of the
two degrees to the southeast and display two major sets of
near vertical joints trending about N80.W and N20.8.
good sites to construct dams have been utilized. so dams
These joints are inconspicuous, closed vertical fractures or
are now being constructed on less than foundations
sand-filled cracks spaced 5 to 20 ft apan. Locally, how-
in a more complex geological environment. This requires
ever. these joints are open, with gaps of up to one-half
an intensive investigation of the site to define the founda-
tion defects, analyze the significance of the defects, and
design the structures and embankments to accomnrodate
In early lvlay 1975, as the reservoir reached elevation
3254. water be_gan to flow from an observation well. and
the right abutment groin became saturated. To cut off the
New and improved exploration techniques. including re-
source of the seepage flow, additional grouting was carried
mote sensing, age dating of faults, downhole geophysical
out in the coal seam on the right abutment.
and rock property measurements, and advanced seismicity
In mid-Au_sust 1975, electrical resistivity and streaming
studies aided by computer and graphic methodi, are used
potential surveys across the dam and abutments indicated
to investigate the geology and evaluate the foundation de-
three zones of possible seepa_qe. and a second phase of re-
fects of the more geologically complex damsites.
medial groutin-s was carried out in the three areas.
Many foundation defects affect the design and safety of
In order to test the effectiveness of the additional grout-
a dam. The "case histories" presented in this chapter are
ing and further observe the behavior of the dam under op-
considered to represent the more common foundation prob-
eratin-9 conditions, the reservoir was raised incrementally
lems and their effect on dam performance.
during 1976. Surprisingly. the volume of seepage in-
creased again. in step with the rising reservoir. By late
spring of 1976 when the pool level reached 3273, the
The major cause of most dam foundation problems is seepa_qe rate was 300 gpm (l136 liters/min). Clearly, the
seepage. which can contribute to abutment sliding, em- grout program had only reduced the seepage flow in part,
bankment failures, and piping of the foundation. and the reservoir seepage rate at design elevation of 32g4
To avoid or minimize seepage problems, it is necessary might have exceeded 1000 gpm (3785 liters/min.). Con-
to recognize the potential for seepage during design. This sequently, to reduce the seepage further. a slurry cutoff wall
requires a thorough geological investigation of the site and was constructed. The location of the walls and observation
a careful interpretation of the data. Foundation prepara- wells is shown in Fig. 4-17.
tion, grout curtain, and drainage features should be care- The most decisive evidence confirming that the seepage
fully considered during the design phase of the project and occurred through joints was the loss of slurry during ex-
the geological investigations not only should explore all of cavation of the slurry wall. In several cases, slurry or
the potential seepage problems but also should include a muddy water appeared in the hydrauger discharge. When
quantitative assessment of seepage potential. such slurry losses developed. additional bentonite was
The instrumentation placed in the dam and foundation to pumped into the trench until leaka-se stopped. After this
monitor and evaluate seepage should include piezometers, treatment, or after the panel was backfilled, the total
observation wells, and weirs. The weir locations should be seepage discharge from the hydrauger drains declined. On
selected so that changes and location of the seepage can December 9, atier the last panel was treated, the seepage
readily be observed. ffow measured at the flume near the toe of the dam was less
than 2 gpm (7.6 liters/min. ).
Colstrip Surge Pond Dam.1 The Colstrip Surge pond Figure 4-l8 shows the geology ancl cutoff wall construc-
Dam and power plant are located in Montana about 30 miles tion [or the right aburment. Thc complcted right-abutment
southeast of Billings. The Surge Pond Dam is a zonecl cutoff wall was 340 ft ( 104 nrctcrs) long and approximately
earthfill embankment with a central impervious core. The 70 tt (21 mcters) dccp.
dam is 70 ft (21 meters) high and ll00 it (335 nreters) Refilling of the surgc pond to its maximum pool level of
long, and was completed in 1974. 3284 ft began as the wall was conrplcted at its maximum
The geology of the area is characterized by extensive elevation of 3284. The seepage clischarge from the right
sedimentary and alluvial deposits. The Fort Union For- abutrnent alter trcatment was less than about l0 gpm (3g
mation of Paleocene age is the foundation for the dam. and liters/min. ).



o 20 40 50 ao too t20 MEiERS

a Locotion of ground woler observolion well

Fig. 4- 17. The location of the cutoff walts for the Colstrip Surge Pond Dam.


r:oo ( toos.c n

t:.o ( t99.1 a,

lrro ( t9!,66 )

tr.o (9!:.561

lrro ( trt.a n,

iil sANosroNE W ,*ro***u*,

- 'HALE W :i::l^?o.1'r.,*,,.o.,
rN OF IOOO Frl(28

3:1 cur oFF wALL eANELS

3 m!)

. 4-18. Thc right abutnrent cutofiwall at the Colstnp Surge Pond Danr.

As the surge pond was filled to capacity during early seepage would bc essentially zcro. This rcquirrd a slun-v
[977, ncw seepage began downstream from thc left abut- cutoff wall complctely around thc rcscrvoir and undcr thc
ment. No seepage had previously occurred in this area bc- dam.
cause this was the lint time that the rescrvoir surtace had The geology is essentially the same as dcscribcd for thc
reached elevations higher than 3275 leet. Colstrip Sur-ee Poncl Dam.2
To control the lefi abutment seepage. it was decided to The procedure for estimating sccpage was to r,-fine cal-
construct a slurry cutoff wall similar to the one installed in culations derivcd with an analytical modcl by the use o[ a
the right abutntent. The cutoff was designed to penetmte numerical model. The numerical studies analyzcd seepage
the jointed sandstone and siltstone high in the abutment. along a vertical geological section through thc pond. allorv-
and to key into sound, impervious shale just beneath the in-e assessment of both vertical and horizontal florv as *'c'll
McKay coal seam. The left abutment wall was completed as considering transient effects. The results ol the nunre.r-
in 1977. ical analysis were used to refine the initial analytical esti-
The reservoir has been operated at the maximum water mates of total pond seepage by the use of calibration thc-
surface elevation since 1978 with only a small amounr of tors.
seepa_qe. Figure 4-19 is the geolo-eical section used in the numer-
ical analysis. Fi-gure 4-20 is the finite-elemenr mesh used
Colstrip Effluent Pond Dam. The Effiuent Pond Dam, in the seepa_ee calculations.
a 138 lt (42 meten) high earthfill structure, was con- To evaluate the effects of contamination and the need to
structed about 5 years after the Surge Pond Dam at Col- restrict and essentially eliminate seepage. the analy'tical and
strip. Because of effiuent storage and environmental re- numerical methods may provide a more definitive and thor-
quirements. the dam and reservoir were constructed so that ough approach than methods previously used.

trsr r&tv€{r


o 500 rooo 1500 2000 F'r.

o r50 300 450 600 METERS

tFrlYR, -(cmlrac)
I 8A(EO SXALE rso@ (6 r lo-2)
2 UPPER rHrERBEoo€o Rocx (tox€ tl roo (3rto-4)
3 UPPE! rllrERsEoo€o Rocx (toHE 2t zo (zrto-51
- 4 coAL ?oo (?rlo-4)
5 sAr0sT0flE {zoNI t)_ roo (t rto-4)
6 slr{oSToHE (toNE 2t ro (5rto-3)
7 LoWEF DrrEFEEDoE0 ROCX _ , (5r lo-61
I sorl r 5o (rrrd4)
9 Errlurnt uATERTAL(sLUoGE, 2o (zxrd5t
lO --__, crlv
cospact€o 1 {rrt0-6)
II ceuerrr- aENtoNry€ sLURRy r (trto-6)
l2 oAH | ( tr to-6)
l3 wEatHER€o Rocx tro oEprx oF 30 rt, !oo (3rto'4)
Fig. '{-19. Thc geological section used in the numerical analysis for rhe Colstrip Eflluent Pond Dam.


x vERTICIL ExlGGfR tlor

TTT] i lrrr

itli iiiiirlli
'1'r Itl'

o 500 t000 t500 2000 Fr

ri_ llii
o t50 3oo 450 500METERS

Aa,Ba:Co.oD' : Constont-heod boundories

EF. FG : Pool locotions
ra,r.l:x:'s,s' : Selected seclions for seepoge colculotions
- Fig' 4-20. The finite-element mesh used in the seepage calculations for rhe Colsrrip Effiuent pond Dam.

Boardman Dam. Boardman Dam is a zoned earthfill of silts and sands. Figure 4-22 shows the strati-eraphic col-
dam with a maximum hei-sht of I 18 ft (36 meters) and a umn at the damsite.
volume of 161,12l cy (123,186 mry 1fig.4-21). Located Analysis of the water test data and results of geological
in northeastern Oregon, it is owned and operated by the mapping indicated the seepa,ge could be controlled. and that
Portland General Electric Company. The foundation for the a positive cutoff would not be necessary. However. a sin-
dam consists of tuffs and basalts overlain by thin deposits
-ele-line grout curtain was provided to explore and seal any

@ Existing ground surface @ Continuous drainage blanket

@ Compacted random earth
@ Chimney drain
@ Compacted clay core @ Stabilizing material
@ Acceptable foundation e Maximum flood pool
@ Grout curtain
@ SanO and gravel - on basalt foundations

Fig. 4-21. Eoardman Dam cross scction show,ing thc zoncs in rhe danr.

that the initial foundation failure occurrcd near or at the old fault
or contact bctwccn thc congkrmerate and schist undcr thc west
=--\g:--: @ Fftk tyE d.m ltundrti@ end, an,l was due to the pcrcolation of water inro and through this
-___-__.--: \
@l* section of the foundation. with rcsulting soliening of thc con-
-'--r(9--.-: @ ortto to*tt*
glomcrate undcr the dam. Either a blowout undcr. or a scttling of
i trdsit @ Elehmt Mounuin lld
O F.( ErdF h!6!Er the concrctc at this place. or both. occurred, quickly followed by
= @ Pomd. bdlt the collapse oI largc scctions of the dam.
: r'- -\
z .- : -,l.- -'- -\
o -_-_-_:.:i_-_-j-_-f Figure .l-23 shows the geolo-ey under the section of dam
E --:-'---I--:-------\
-:-------------3= that failu'd. (See Chaptcr 2 for details of the failure.)
i(174 m


Faults at damsites are usually discovered or suspccted dur-

(158 m ing the preliminary geological investigation of the site.
However. vegetation and deposits of alluvium. colluvium.
Fig. .t-22. Boardman Dam stratigraphic column showing rock types en-
and so on. may cover the area so that their presence and/
countered in the foundation. or significance is not understood until they are uncovered
during the final phase of exploration or during constnrc-
tion. This can result in major design changes such as oc-
open joints and fractures in the foundation. Drains and hor- curred at Cedar Springs Dam or major construction delays
izontal relief u'ells were installed to control seepage through such as those at Auburn Dam. Baldwin Hills Dam is cited
the abutments, and a sand drainage blanket was provided below as a dam where faults in the foundation area con-
to control seepa_se at the base of the dam. tributed to the failure of the embankment.
Monitoring programs, includin-e daily measurements of The most significant characteristic of a fault in a dam
observation wells, were established before filling of the foundation is the potential for movement. Methods and
reservoir. During the filling, a rapid rise in several obser- techniques for treating a fault zone to prevent seepage or
vation wells occurred, abutment drains started to flow, and to remove incompetent rock are well known. However, the
seepage areas were observed below the dam. During this design of a dam and appurtenant structures to withstand
period of increased seepage, additional observation wells displacement is unique to the fault and the seismic history
and pneumatic piezometers were installed to monitor of the area. (See Seismotectonic Investigations in this
groundwater more closely so that a reevaluation of abut- chapter. )
ment and dam stability could be made. Subsequently. ex-
ploratory holes were drilled, and samples were tested for Cedar Springs Dam. This dam, located in Southern
stability; the analysis confirmed that the embankment and California. is a rolled earth and rockfilled dam with a struc-
abutments were stable. A seepage collection system with a tural height of 249 ft (76 meters) and a crest length of 2230
pumping plant was constructed to collect the water and re- ft (680 meters). The spillway is an ungated concrete chute
turn it to the reservoir. with the outlet works located in a tunnel beneath: both have
The seepage control at Boardman has been satisfactory a comnron energy dissipator. Construction work on the
and could be considered as an alternative to a more costly dam was started Novenrber 10, 1968. and completed dur-
positive seepage cutoff barrier where a dam has similar ing the summer of 197 l. Reservoir filling started on Jan-
foundation conditions. l uary 5, 1972.
To illustrate the serious consequences of a floundation The enrbankment consists of a zoned earth-rock section
seepage problem, St. Francis Dam is cited below. that utilizcs thick shells of rolled rockfill and dumped large
rock. both upstream and downstream of the impervious
St. Francis Dam. St. Francis Darrr. located in southern core. Alignment of the ernbankment is buttressed by a
California, was a curved gravity dam, 205 ft (62 nreters) downstrearn knolI so that downstream dcflection com-
high and 700 ft (213 meten) long.a Construction of the prcsses thc core. In addition, the core is thickened in such
dam rvas started in April 1924 and rescrvoir impoundmcnt critical ilreas as thc convex clownstreanr curvature of the
began in March 1926. dam and throughout thc leti abutrnent arca where a shear
The dam failcd on March 12, 1928, with thc rcseryoir zone cxists.5
about 0.5 ft (15 cm) below the spillway crest. Over 450 The final clesign of a 216.000-acre-foot (266 x l0u mr)
people perished as a result of this catastrophe. In the Re- storage rcservoir and clanr conrmenced during July 1964.
port of the Commission to determine the causes of failurc In April 1965, the Calitbrnia Departnrent of Water Re-
the main conclusion was: sources' Consulting Board tbr Earthquake Analysis con-

l 835

1 800
u / .bsu'*.+.// ."
i ov / ..'
9 750
F 1


1 700
1 650
Roak line after failure

Schist - in many places strongly sheared. commonly Conglomerate - composed chiefly of detritus derived
along planes roughly parallel with the schistosity. from the schist and granite. Hard when dry,
disintegrates in water.

San Francisquito Fault - I

clay 9ou9e up to inches
(20 cm) wide. Schist is crushed and sheared in a
zone up to l0 feet (3m) wide.

Fig. .l-23. St. Francis Dam cross section showing foundation conditions and rock surface atier failure.

cluded that, although the probability of a fault offset oc- associated with the San Andreas. pass through the reservoir
curring through the damsite was small. the design should area.
consider that it could occur. As a result. the size of Silver- It was necessary to consider the effects of a fairly large
wood Lake was limited to approximately 78,000 acre-feet earthquake in design of the dam and appurtenant structures
(96 x 106 m3). This lowering of the dam also provided a because of their proximity to the San Andreas and San Ja-
wider ridge for the abutment contact. cinto fault zones. Instrumentally' determined epicentral data
Cedar Springs Dam is in the northwest portion of the San are available from 1937. and records of earthquake inten-
Bernardino Mountains, near the boundary of the Trans- sities were available from 1857 to 1974.
verse Ranges geomorphic province with the Mojave During the 1857 earthquake. the ground along the San
Desert. Bounded on the south by the San Andreas fault and Andreas fault was fractured from San Bernardino to Cho-
on the north by a series of east-west faults. the San Ber- lame Valley, a distance of about 200 miles (322 km). An
nardino Mountains fornr an east-west-trending block about cstimatcd 20 ti (6. I mcters) of horizontal displacement of
55 miles (88 km) long and up to 30 milcs (48 km) wide. thc land surfacc occurrcd near Gorman, 95 rniles (153 km)
Rock types are mainly gneissic and granitic rocks of Me- northwcst of thc dam.
sozoic age. Pre-Cambrian gneiss, which includes sonle Thc San Jacinto fault was the sourcc of two earthquakcs
scattered bodies of marble, is dominant in the southwcst cluring the past 70 years cstimatcd to have Richter magni-
portion of the range. Tertiary to Quaternary continental tudcs of 6.8 and 6.3. Both caused severe damagc ncar Hc-
sediments and older and Recent alluvium are tbund locaily rnct, San Jacinto. ancl San Bernardino-locatcd 47 miles
along structural troughs and valley floors. The dam is 7 (76 km),43 miles (69 km), and l8 miles (29 km) southwest
miles (11.2 km) from the San Andreas fault and l0 miles oi the dam, respectively.
(16 km) from the San Jacinto fault. Several faults, sonte Two presumably active taults were discovered during

excavation of the foundation material near the axis of Ce- Eanhquake loads applied to the appunL.nant structures
dar Springs Dam, and were traced a distance of from I to were scaled as to the importance of the stnrcture and thc
3 miles (t.6 to 4.8 km). A vertical displacemcnt of 3 to 5 consequences of its failure.
ft (l to 1.5 meters) was measured of one exposed fault in The dam embankment is a zoned rockfitl structure with
the exploration trench. During the life of the dam. it is a core consisting of an impcrvious. plastic marerial (Zone
highly improbable that displacement along these faults in l) flanked by narrow zones of nonplastic natural matcrials
any direction will exceed 5 ft (1.5 meter). Separation (Zone 2). Transition zones are provided on each sidc of the
movement of the fault wall is not expected. core, consisting of either streambed sands and gravels or
The State of California Department of Water Resources fines produced from the processing of material for thc
decided to analyze the dam for a maximum credible acci- downstream shell (Zone 3). The upsrream shell is rolled
dent. The maximum credible accident is defined as a major quarry-run rock (Zone 4A). The inner porrion of the down-
earthquake producing a 3- to 5-ft (l- to l.5-meter) dis- stream shell is rolled processed rock (Zone 5). Figure 4-25
placement in the foundation, occurrin-e when the reservoir is a section of the dam showing the zoning of rhe embank-
is at maximum water surflace with spillrvay and outlet works ment.
operating at maximum discharge. A plastic clay was chosen tbr the core because it will
Six possible conditions that could result from the maxi- deform rather than crack if the foundation should settle or
mum credible accident were analyzed. resulting in 20 spe- shift durin_e an ea(hquake. Even if the clal' should crack,
cific provisions being incorporated into the design to pro- it has the added ability to resist erosion.
tect against their effects. Provisions included: selecting a Because of the seisnric hazard. the core and filters were
material for the impervious core that can deform plastically made thicker than usual. A wide cross secrion resulted at
without cracking, thickening transition zones to accom- the elevation of the normal reservoir water surthce. In place
modate a 5-ft (1.5-meter) displacement along a fault while of a wide crest. the slopes were extended upu'ard to a nar-
maintaining sufficient thickness to operate as designed, rower, higher crest to provide additional freeboard above
avoiding placing the core on known faults, providing ad- the normal water surface.
ditional freeboard to guard against overtopping, and locat- Blankets of streambed gravels were provided under the
ing the spillway so that the chute does not cross a fault until upstream and downstream rock shells of the dam. The pri-
it is well downstream of the crest. Figure 4-24 shows the mary reason for these blankets was to provide a filter over
location of the faults and the dam layout. the minor faults passing through the foundation.
Two conditions resulting from the maximum credible The downstream two-thirds of the dam foundation is
accident were applied in the design stability analyses for granitic rock. and the upstream one-rhird is slightly indur-
the danr embankment: a full reservoir was assumed against ated sandstone of the Harold formation. u'hich makes a
the face of Zone 3 downstream of the impervious core, and nearly venical contact with the granitic rock. Movemenr
upstream Zone 2 was assumed liquefied with all loss of along both the granitic rock-Harold formation fault and in-
strength. These conditions were additive to the normal tersection faults displaced alluvial stream gravels. indicat-
static forces plus the force due to the 0. 15 g horizontal ing that the fault system was active durin_e Recent geologic
earthquake acceleration. time. As a precaution. the dam was designed to maintain
a minimum distance of 200 ft (61 meters) betrveen the dam
axis and the granitic rock-Harold formation fault contact.
Removal of the alluvium, colluvium, and all hi-ehly weath-
ered and severely fr.rcrured bedrock from beneath the em-
bankment was specified. to ensure a foundation at least as
strong as the embankment rockfill.
To minimize potential cracking. the core was located en-
tirely on the granitic rock portion of the foundation. and
the dam axis was bent sharply near the center to accom-
modate this condition. The core at the bend was thickened
and buttressed against the knoll locatcd berrveen the left
abutmcnt and thc rivcr channel. The axis then was arched
toward the rcservoir on both sides of the bend for addi-
tional insurance against crucking due to enrbankment creep
o ,t @ 4d t6raa: under rescrvoir pressure.
, @ rs e.arErt
To ensurc thc inrperviousncss o[ the foundation. a grout
Fig. 4-2a. CedarSprings Dam layout to accomnrodare faults in thc tbun- curtain up to 150 ft (46 meters) deep was required beneath
dation. the Zone I material, rvith a secondary grout curtain 25 ft

_oar c!ts-r- &, t yl!!r ilort i r

? Y.r lr !-r!!rr0t2.t

6 ROUr CURtArr{

o rco ?oo 300 Fr
o 25 50 /3 ME r€ns





Fig. .l-25. Cedar Springs Dam cross section show'ing geology and faults

(7.6 meters) deep upstream of the main grout curtain. Blan- faults, which are apparently part of the nearby Newport-
ket grouting [holes up to 25 ft (7.6 meten) deep] of the Inglewood fault system. These faults, trending generally in
foundation under embankment Zones I and 2 was specified a north-south direction, represent planes of weakness in
to strengthen and seal the foundation where fracturing might the foundation at which tensile stresses such as those de-
be a problem. veloped by subsidence can be expected to act. Stretching
Desi-en considerations for seismic activity necessitated of the ground surface by areal subsidence action caused an
placing large shells of rolled rockfill both upstream and openin-e of the foundation along these faults. r.r'ith a drop-
downstream of the core. removal of all alluvial material ping of the foundation blocks simulating a descending
under the dam. and provision of ample freeboard above the staircase. Undoubtedly, the subsidence began long before
normal water surface. The large-size dense rock used pro- construction of the reservoir ( l9a7) and continued through-
vided the dam with highly stable zones as the major sup- out its life.
porting elements. Removal of all alluvial materials elimi- Although it is likely that some leakage occurred into the
nated any possibility of liquefaction of foundation materials general reservoir foundations. the most significant and most
during an earthquake. With the rolled rockfill shells. set- damaging leakage was concentrated at the foundation
tlements and deflections due to earthquake shaking are faults. where the greatest hazard existed. Figure 4-26 shows
minimized, and the expected amount of slumping will not the location of the faults in the reservoir. Quite possibly.
lower the crest to the elevation of the probable maximum long-term leakage into the faulted foundation during the
floodwater surface. years of reservoir opcration. 195 I to 1963. resulted in cre-
This dam design is illustrative of a structure that has been ation of cavities, both immediately beneath the reservoir
planned to accommodate movements of faults in the foun- lining and at depth in the foundation at the faults. Appar-
dation. ently, such cavities were flormed by percolating water mov-
ing downward into thc faults, causing particle readjustment
and erosion of foundation nraterials along fault openin-es
Baldwin Hills Dam. The failure of the Baldwin Hills
crcated by earth tcnsion.6 Trcnch l2A. shown in Fig. 4-27.
Darn in Calitbrnia on December 14, 1963 illustrates the
is typical of trenches cxcavatcd along Fault L Chapter 2
serious consequences of rather small faults in an erodible
includcs a dctailcd dcscription o[ the Baldwin Hills Res-
floundation material.
crvoir [ailurc.
The reservoir and dant were locatcd near thc Inglcwood
Oil Field in a region of known subsidencc accompanicd by
development of localized tension cracks resulting from oil Auburn Dam. Thc proposed Auburn Dam was designecl
and gas production. by the United States Bureau of Reclamation to be a con-
The foundation of the reservoir is broken by sevcral crete arch structure, 670 ti (2Of meters) high. The site is

/' \ Y,.---
,"- ig
I 't...
,ul*o--- - II



i lpl':!!s'-loe-_9a S- z
\ o.a,ta6t ,iset{ I or

o!,,.. ". -ll l+,.'.r ,,^.

"5 tll i
x r.\ ll
Bill l :--
too 200 500 FT

2, 50 ?5 tooM

Fig. 4-26. Bald*'in Hills Reservoir showing the location of faults and the failed section of the embankment

near Auburn, California, in the foothills of the Sierra Ne- occurred near Oroville. California. Until that time. the sci-
vada. entific conrmunity had considered that the potential for ac-
The geology consists of a series of meta-sedinlents, am- tive faultin-q in the Sierra Nevada foothills was low. based
phibolites, talc zones, and serpentine. The site is probably on existing mapping and historical seisnricity. The Oroville
the most intensely explored damsite ever investigated, with event also suggestcd the possibility that at least part oF the
corc holes. adits, trcnches, and finally stripping of the en- old Mesozoic Foothills fault systcm south of Oroville might
tire foundation. Detailed geological mapping has bcen donc bc active. At thc tirnc of thc Orovillc earthquake. the foun-
in a large section of the canyon as well as at thc damsitc. dation of the concrete arch danr at Auburn was being ex-
Numerous small faults and talc zoncs have been traced for cavatcd and trcatcd. Since the Autrurn damsite is located
1000 to 3000 ft (300 to 900 metcrs).7 ccntrally in the Sicrra Ncvada foothills. a seismic stucly
The faults and seismic activity arc cliscusscd briefly hcre was initiatcd by the Bureau of Rcclanration in September
because of their effect on the design of the dam and pos- 1975 to dctcnnine whcthcr or not an intensive earthquake
sible economic feasibility of the projcct. reevaluation was required.
On August l,1975, a 5.7 Richter magnitude earthquake Of the stnrctural discontinuities at the site (fault and shear
GEOTOGY 143 , I aoa'
! lttzr t.r
'r- --
- coGrto
- -.>- -:-
zo.l. i- (sf
- - -:Y3- "
d crn
-:-a;:--= trffi',
,_-l -)-/'\L
r I tIll) , _O{.asq.i(6
_O..a-e{.i.u - L
( ra 2.50)
'P),1 i,{p,.rrcfrrt aor'
q ILll:l- 5r.-ts.f (r22 2r
- lL..l {i,ah
7 /t-2"*,*"., aoo'
(r2 r.9n,

'rrl;31 398'


s.frtalo i a6.f
rrcrcx (r 20.a)

5.O tril.5 n' lo.o,r(a.o

lO.O ,l(a.O ml ml t5.o lr (a_6 m,

Fig. 4-27. Baldwin Hills Reservoir Trench l2A showing geology and Fault l.

zones,joint sets, and cleavage planes), the most significant seepage that could contribute to piping or foundation ero-
is a local fault system referred to as F-zones. Most of these sion.
fault zones crosscut the foliation, strike mostly N 50o to
80"W, and dip 40o to 55 o to the southwest. There are also Teton Dam. Teton Dam is located in eastem ldaho. The
numerous joint sets and minor shears within the founda- failure of the dam illustrates the problem of open joints in
tion. Many of the joints, minor shears, and fault zones are a foundation. The dam was a central-core zoned earthfill
partly or totally healed with quartz and calcite, and locally embankment, whose maximum section rose 305 ft (93 me-
both have been intruded by fine-grained diorite and latite ters) above the original valley floor, and 405 ft (123 me-
dikes. The largest foundation F-zone, F-1, traverses most ters) above the lowest point in the foundation. The dam
of the left abutment concrete dam foundation excavation. was completed in November 1975.
F-O, the longest F-zone delineated, is located upstream of At the damsite the Teton River occupies a steep-walled
the dam foundation. Figure 4-28 is a generalized fault map canyon incised in rhyolitic ash-flow tuff. Extensive joints
of the damsite. are common in this rock and were numerous near the upper
The California Department of Water Resources and the part of the abutments. An important feature in the dam was
United States Bureau of Reclamation Consulting Boards re- a key trench excavated through this highly jointed surficial
viewed the large volume of information gathered on the layer and later backfilled with embankment to provide a
faults and seismicity and generally agreed that 5 in. (12.7 barrier to reservoir leakage.
cm) of movement could occur on one or several of the F- The dam failed on June 5, 1976, when the reservoir water
zone faults, and that the dam should be designed to accom- level was at El. 5301.7 ft (1615.9 meters). That level was
modate 9 in. (22.8 cm) of movement where the fault crosses 22.6 ft (6.9 meters) below the maximum water level and
the foundation. The effect of these faults and seismicity on 3.3 ft (1.0 meter) below the spillway sill.t'e
the design, schedule, and cost of the Auburn Dam has The welded tuff in the right abutment. both upstream and
caused a complete reevaluation of the project and the con- downstream of the axis of the dam, contained open joints.
sideration of alternative sites. In the early stages of design. during the test grouting pro-
gram. it was concluded that the upper 70 ft (21 meters) of
Joints in Foundations of Dams the rock on both abutments was too open for successful
grouting; consequently the key-trench design was adopted.
Joints in the abutments of dams often lead to slope stability The open nature of the joints on the upstream face of the
problems, and joints under a dam can provide avenues for right abutment key trench was confirmed by postfailure in-


tr i,'/
-ll ,

\ ror*oor,oN FoR aRcH oaM


,.a:) FAULT I


F-zONE (Foull Zon.l
T-ZONE (Tolc 2onrl


Fig. 4-28. Auburn Dam plan and section showing taulrs and foundation trearmcnt.

vestigation after removal of the key-trench fill. It can be A conclusion of the independent panel that reviewed the
concluded that reservoir water had ready access to the en- cause of the failure was:e
tire upstream face of the key trench, including the portion
adjacent to the failure section.
Beneath the level of the base of the key trench, the rock Thc volcanic rocks at the Teton Danrsite are highly pernreaLrle
and ntoderately to intensely jointcd. Water was therefore free to
was also jointed and permeable, as judged by the water
move with almost equal ease in most directions, except locally
tests in exploratory drill holes and by the grout takes in the
whcre the joints had been effectively grouted. Thus during res-
curtain. Because the curtain was confined to the key trench. ervoir filling. water was able to nrove rapidly to the foundation
there is no doubt that the rock at depth, upstream of the of the dam. Open joints existed in the upstream and downstream
curtain, was also permeable. Inspection of the face of rock faces of the right abutrnent key trcnch. providing potential con-
remaining along the right abutment after the erosion by the duits for ingrcss or egress of water.
escaping floodwaters disclosed many open joints below
key-trench level, some partly filled with grout, both up-
stream and downstream of the grout curtain. A detailed account of the Teton Darn failure is presented
It is particularly evidcnt rhat. in thc failurc area, signif- in Chaptcr 2.
icant large open joints existed at the top of rhc downsrrcarn
face of the key trench between Sta. 14 + 00 and Sta. 15 Green Lake Dam. The Grccn Lake Hydroelcctric Proj-
* 50 near the downstrcam toe of Zone l. About 500 ycll cct is locatcd about l2 miles (19 knr) southcasr oi Sitka.
(382 m3) of gravity grout was placecl in just one o[ the Alaska. The project. including a 210-fr (64-nreter)-high
foundation zones. This is shown in Fig. 4-29 as a shacled double-curvature arch dartr. a concrctc-lined power tunnel,
area. and a 16,600 kW incloor-typc powcrhouse was consrructcd


to.rc a


-==60 Fr





AppRoxrMATELy soo yARos3 (ggz.3) ot


Fig.4-29. Teton Dam. location of joints and gravity grouting on the right abutment

by the City and Borough of Sitka and was complctcd in During excavation of thc lelt abutment foundation, tec-
early 1982. The Green Lake arch dam is located across the tonic relief joints were encountcred, which were open to a
Vodopad River at the mouth of Green Lake, an existing greatcr extent than had been anticipated from the geotech-
glacial lake. nical investigations pertbrmed tbr design of the arch dam


o loi6l!
o Grorroctr am

3S lrc
@ Pnrllit.

@ Groy rocra /ohyll' l. 310
r l5
(u, Erplorolron mft
3€o M


l.o t6
a.0 ^tlll
€l rtt l
no rm

\ llll ,! n0
3t0 95


o r0 m to.t
O I tO u€t€Rs



O rouroerrolsxrprNccoNcRErE O RcKEoLG
ffio*r,r", @ caour ae @ conrcttoertol csouT HoL€s

@ cur orr reercx @ oRArN HoLEs

Fig. 4-30. Geological section of the left abutment of Green [.ake Dam
showing open relief joints.
Fig. .1-31. Foundation treatment of the relief joints on the Ieft abutmenr
of Green Lake Arch Dam. (Section B-B looks into the abutment perp€n-
dicular to Section A-A.)
(Fig. a-30). The open reliefjoints traversed across the key-
way and were open to such an extent that normal founda-
tion grouting techniques could not be relied upon to pro- and normal rebound was expected. However, differential
vide a structurally sound foundation and to seal the rebound occurred along preexisting fault surfaces. creating
foundation against reservoir seepage. an unusual redesign problem for the stilling basin struc-
Alternative methods of foundation treatment were ana- ture.ll
lyzed to assess the structural stability and deformation The Pierre Shale. the foundation material at the site. is
characteristics of the foundation and the reliability of each a compaction shale derived from clays and silts of Creta-
method with respect to sealing and drainin_e the foundation. ceous age that were consolidated by an overlying sediment
Detailed construction and grouting procedures were devel- load of 80 to 100 tons/ff (781.000 to 976.000 tg/m:t.
oped for the remedial treatment of the left abutment (Fig. Excavation began in the stilling basin area in April 1952
4-3 l). The performance of the structure and foundation and was essentially completed by January 1955. Bet*'een
subsequent to reservoir filling indicates that the remedial January 7 and 10, 1955, abrupt differential rebound move-
treatment was appropriate from both structural and ments up to l.l ft (0.3 meter) occurred in the bottom of
seepage/drainage considerations. l0 the excavation alon_e the preexisting fault surfaces. Instru-
mentation was installed as rapidly as possible to measure
movenlents along fault planes at the surfiace and at depths
Rebound of Dam Foundations up to 40 ft (12 mcters).
At the tinre the differential movements occurred, the ini-
in "soft" rocks usually occurs as rebound of
Stress relief
tial designs had been completed. and the contract for con-
the foundation. Differential rebound can cause serious
struction signed. The foundation movements posed an im-
foundation problems.
mediate question as to the adcquacy of design of the
stnrcturcs that were to bc placcd thereon, and furthermore
Oahe Dam. Oahe Dam is located on the Missouri Rivcr were a threat to the dam cornplction schcdule. Several vari-
in central South Dakota, 6 miles (9.6 km) northwcst of ations of rcdcsign wcrc considcred on an entergency basis.
Pierre. The dam was designed by the U.S. Army Corps o[ Simultaneously. prototypc data wcrc bcing coltected in the
Engineers and was completed in 1961. ficld, to predict future foundiltion moverncnts, to evaluate
During excavation for the stilling basin o[ the outlet the efl'ect thc movements nright have on thc superinrposed
works on the Missouri River, a maximum of l2 tons/ftr structures, and to suggcst corrective measures that could
( 117,000 kg/.t) of overburden loa<l had been removed. be taken to reduce nrovenlent and damage. The adopted

redesign included increased articulation to prcvent severe

damage in case of continued movement, and added many u/s toE of
deep anchor bars under the structures to retard the expan-
sion of the foundation.
a-rr tsa H6 -l_la
The conclusions reached by the project enginees and
geologist were that abrupt major differential rebound can ';o r,-q-l-13^-l-
tl_" a3t-a t:
occur in foundations under certain conditions, and the a 3l-, 3r-5
quantitative effect on the structures to be placed thereon
appears to be virtually impossible to determine. Conse-
quently, the design must be based upon qualitative data and
the best judgment that can be brought to the problem.

Garrison Dam. Garrison Dam is located on the Missouri o 20@ at€t

River in central North Dakota. Excavations for the pow- o !oa! 6094r€r€B
erhouse, spillway stilling basin, and intake structure were --
made in the clay-shale Ft. Union Formation. Rebound of a i-. t€3oqo G^68
up to 2 ft (0.6 meter) was measured in the excavations. \ e-, a sr-a s€TTLftEir Gl5€

Rebound was also a factor in locating the grout curtain

Fig. 4-32. Location of rebound and setllement measuremenl points at
and in grouting the lignite beds in the foundation. A 500- Castaic Dam.
ft (152-meter) length of the curtain, originally grouted in
1949, when regrouted a year later took an additional quan-
tity that was 6OVo of the original take. Four years later the
remaining 100-ft (30-meter) length of curtain was re-
grouted, and the grout take was 100% of the original take.
Both these regrouted sections were close to excavated areas;
long-term rebound may have caused rupturing of the pre-
viously grouted lignites.

Castaic Dam. Castaic Dam is located in southern Cali-
fornia, and is a zoned earthfill dam 425 ft (130 meters)
high. The embankment volume is 46.3 million yO3 1lS.+ ;
million m3). The dam is 4900 ft (1494 meters) long and
has a base width of 2350 ft (716 meters).
o2 0! ot o.5 07 fEt,
The entire project area is underlain by the marine Mio- ho6J tooil lot2;
tta@io ti a€el aio rtifls

cene Castaic Formation. Bedrock is composed of approx-

imately two-thirds shale interbedded with one-third sand- OOAM FOUNOATIOIT NAPPOTEXCAVII|O(5
I I rsp'r.wev rro xrox
stone. Silty shales and sandy shales comprise approximately O SPILLWAY

O HIGX INTAKE *roa flcavttrqts

9O% of the shale areas; clay shales comprise an estimated -LLLI (oAe rouf,oarrotr

l0%. Bedding thickness ranges from I in. (0.6 cm) to 15

Fig. 4-33. Plot of excavation depth vs. rebound for the spillway. dam.
ft (4.6 meters). Average thickness is 4 in. (10 cm) in the and high intake.
shales and 2 ft (0.6 meter) in the sandstones.
Shearing or faulting in the Castaic Formation has pro-
duced soft clay gouge zones. These zones may be from
fractions of an inch up to 2 ft (0.6 meter) in thickness. A dam foundation resulted in an average rebound of 0.45 ft
small amount of differential rebound was observed along (0.14 meter) for an excavation depth of 100 ft (30.5 me-
one of the shears on the spillway cutslope. ters). Most of the rebound occurred within 2 months of the
Rebound of the Castaic Formation was essentially as ex- completed excavations. Foundation grouting and place-
pected and was more closely related to the shape, depth' ment of structural concrete were performed after rebound
and volume of the excavation than to the geologic structure had occurred. Settlement of the dam foundation was ap-
or rock type. Figure 4-32 shows the location of the rebound proximately 2 [t (0.6 metcr) undcr the maximum section of
gages. In general, nalTow, long excavations, such as the the embankment (Fig. 4-34). Most of the settlemcnt oc'
high intake and the spillway chute, averaged about 0.2 ft curred during construction, although 0.3 ft (0.09 meter)
(0.06 meter) of rebound for 100 ft (30.5 meters) of exca- was recorclecl as much as a year after completion of the
vation (Fig. 4-33). The large, wide areas excavated for the embankment.ll

crosses the axis of the dam. This zonc coincides with a

zone of closcly spaced joints along thc axis of a monoclinal
steepening of the dip on rhe sourhwest-dipping limb of thc
anticline that underlies thc lock and spillway. It is 70 to
100 ft (21 to 30 meters) wide at rhe top.
The deep channel crosses the axis of the dam, an<I so
constituted a serious foundation problcm involving both
watertightness and bearing strength. The latter problem was
solved by placing a thick reinforced concrete slab over it.
thus permitting the construction of the lock to go ahead.
The problem of watertightness was solved by minin-e out
the filling through large-diameter corc borings and con-
structing a concrete cutoff across the channel at the a.ris of
the dam. This cutoff is a subterranean arch dam, 195 ft (59
meters) high, built from the top downward.

Douglas Dam. Douglas Dam, built by the Tennessee

Valley Authority, is located on the French Broad River. I7
miles (27 km) east of Knoxville. The dam is located on the
limestone and dolomite of the Knox group. The strike of
CONTOURS OF SETTLEIVIENT IN FEET AND METERS the strata is essentially parallel to the channel of the river,
rooo 2000 F€€T
and the dip is 20" to 30" SE. The rock is extensively jointed
SOaa 5O96C€T€is
throughout the dam site, and, in some places, it is ex-
Fig. 4-3.1. Contours of settlement and rebound for Castaic Dam Foun- tremely brecciated but is recemented thoroughly with sec-
dation. ondary dolomite. Only three faults were encountered in the
entire dam site, and in each case the displacement rvas
small, and the structures presented no difficult or unusual
Foundation Cavities problems.
The bedrock at Douglas Dam was quite cavernous. There
Most foundation cavities or solution features that permit was a large cave in each abutment, and the rock in the river
seepage through a dam foundation are a resultof solution- and floodplain areas was very extensively dissolved. Ex-
ing or dissolving of limestone. In the United States. the tensive solution was, in most places, restricted to the upper
Tennessee Valley Authority has experienced solution cav- 15 to 60 ft (4.5 to l8 meters) of rock. and its downrvard
ity problems at several damsites.ra limit was rather sharp and determined by beddin_e planes.
Some of the cavities under the river were large enough for
Kentucky Dam. Kentucky Dam, built by the Tennessee a person to walk in and were quite extensive alon-s the
Valley Authority. is located in southwestern Kentucky on strike. Most of them were filled or partially filled with clay,
the Tennessee River. The entire concrete part of the struc- sand, and gravel, but many of them soon were washed clean
ture is founded on the Fort Payne Formation (Mississip- by streams that developed as a result of excavation and
pian), which consists of thick-bedded. fine-grained, dark- pumping within the cofferdam.
gray to black siliceous limestone containing nodular masses The greatest problem at Douglas Dam was that of con-
and interstratified layen of black chert. trolling water in the rock cofferdams. To a depth of 30 to
Despite its highly siliceous character. the Fort payne 60 ft (9 to 18 meters) below the water table the rock was
Formation is deeply and extensively dissolved at Kentucky quite cavernous. Cavities developed along the bedding
Dam. Solutioning has been conrrolled rigidly by the lith- planes. and those developed on strike joints scrved as con-
ologic character of the rock and the geologic structure, par- duits to pipe water into the cofferdams, All attenrpts to shut
ticularly bedding planes and vertical joints. Tabular cavi- the water out of the cofferdants were inetlective, and ex-
ties developed on bedding planes and vertical channels cavating progresscd with dilliculty, btock by block. Pumps
developcd on joints gave rise to diflicult, expcnsivc, and in constant opcration dischargcd 100,000 gprn (378.540 li-
time-consuming tbundation problems. ters/rnin.).
The greatcst problem, involving a dcep vertical solution As concreting of the dant progrcsscd, the foundation and
channel, was encountered at the lower lock gate where an abutment wcrc made watcrtight by grouting with cenrent
unusually large, deep, and extensive zone of solution grout introduced under high prcssure. The rock below the

iS ".' at'
Frt" "J":,$,a
,(rt .,ii(

I I I t / I I ti' t
tlt,tlt/ Sc hisl /
i:lrtt"i'r 'r )' ,E l'r"r-

I I / t / t I l.t./ /,//t//4 I l-t /, /,

Geological section along dam axis.

(R., Rr R,, R,) Grouting adits (right bank).
(L,, L,, L., L., L", L,,) Crotrting adits (left bank). EX PL ANATION
(L2A. L6A) Adits for cut off wall construction purpose.



Fig. 4-35. Cmss section parallel to the axis at Keban Dam showing the major faults and cavities.

final foundation grades was relatively free from cavities, REFERENCES

and those present were small.
Geological Considerations; Regional-Areal Geoscience
Keban Dam. Keban Dam is on the Firat River (Eu-
phrates) in Turkey. It was completed in 1973.ts' '6 The dam l. Kiersch, G. A., and Hughes, P. w.. "Structural Localization of
Ground Water in Limestones-Big Bend District. Texas-lv1exico."
is a combination rockfill embankment with a clay core and
Economic Geology-, Vol. 47. No. 8, pp. 794-806, 1952. (Regional
a concrete gravity structure. The rockfill section is 692 ft investigation 300 miles Rio Grande for dam sites.)
(21I meters) high and 1972 ft (601 meters) long. 2. Kiersch, G. A., "Regional Mapping Program of Southern Pacific
The foundation rock is karstic limestone and marble un- Company," Bulletin Geological Sociery Amenca. Vol. 69. p. 1691.
derlain by a schist. The limestone is faulted and brecciated 1958.
3. Kiersch. G. A., "Trends in Engineering Geology in the United
and contains numerous joints. Solution cavities that formed
States," Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology. Springer-Ver-
along these features seriously affected the abutments of the lag. Wien. Suppl. L pp. 3l-57. 196r.
dam and powerhouse. 4. Kiersch, G. A., et al., Mineral Resources, Navajo-Hopi lndian Res'
Extensive foundation treatment was performed during ervations, Ari:ona-Utah, Yol. l-General Geology and Minerals'
construction of the dam. In the cutoff, over 135,000 tons Fuels (74 pp.): Vol. lI-Non-Metallic Minerals (98 pp'): vol. III-
Construction Materials (76 pp.), University of Arizona Press' Tuc-
of solids were injected in approximately I . I million ft (0.3
million meters) of grout holes, and 6.2 million fC (176,000 5. Kiersch, G. A.. "Regional-Areal Geologic Investigations in High-
m3; of concrete was placed in the cavities. way Geology," in Scott. L. W. (ed.), Proceedings lSth Annual
Figure 4-35 is a cross section of the dam showing the Highway Geology Symposium, Arizona Highway Deparrment' Phoe'
location of the major cavities. A cavity discovered during nix. AR. pp. l2l-160. 1962.
6. Kiersch. G. A.. "Geological Reconnaissance and Evaluation of 22'
construcrion had a volume of 3.7 million fti (105,000 m3).
Prcferred Sites New York State-New Site Selection Study." United
It was filled with concrete and injected solids. Engineers Constructors. Boston and New York State Electric & Gas.
In 1975 another cavity was discovered when the reser- Binghamton. NY, 195 pp.. 32 fig.. Dec. 5, 1975.
voir was filled for the first time. Approximately 2.1 million 7. Schowengcrdr. R. A.. and Glass, C. E.. "Digitatly Proeessed To'
ft3 (59,000 m31 of rock, gravel, sand, and clay were poured pographic Data for Regional Tectonic Evaluations." Bulletin Getr
logical Sociery Ancrico, Vol. 94. pp, 549-556. I983.
through a shaft and boreholes into the cavity. After treat-
8. Keaton. J. R.. "Cenesis-Lithology-Qualifier (GLQ) System of En-
ment of this cavity, the seepage discharges were stabilized gineering Gcology Mapping Synrbols." Bulletin Associotion Engi'
and reduced from more than 953 cfs (27 m3/sec) to less neering Geoktglsrs, Vol. 21. No. 3. pp. 355-36a, l9M.
than 318 cfs (9 m3/sec). 9. Hannan, D. L., "Geotechnical Mapping Symbols (GEMS)," Bul'

letin Associution Enginecring Geologists. Vol. 21. No. 3. pp. 343- Auburn-Folsom South Unir. Central Vallcy Pmjccr. California."
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Bnuce A. Bor-r
Professor of Seismology
Seismographic Station and Department of Civil Engineering
U niv e rs i r1' of Ca lifu rn ia
' Berkele-v, Califurnia

IMPACT OF EARTHOUAKES ON DAM SAFETY was the site of numerous small. shallow earthquakes.E The
principal shock in 1962 had magnitude 6.1 and produced
A large dam represents an especially important t1'pe of
an 82-meter-long crack in the upper dam structure.
seismic hazard evaluation problem. Not only is the dam in
itself a relatively expensive project. but it is intimately in-
volved in the whole economy, through power generation,
flood control, irrigation, and so on. In addition, structural The Near Field of Earthquake Sources
failure of a dam may lead to a major disaster because large
populations may be exposed to sudden flooding. Let us first consider some of the main seismolo,eical pro-
A number of examples could be cited of major structural posals for the parameterization of strong ground motion for
damage to dams by "regular" earthquakes. for example, dam engineering purposes. with emphasis on recent obser-
Hebgen Damr in Montana, the Eklutna Dam2 in Alaska, vational developments that may affect future design and
and the lower Van Norman Dam3 in Califomia. Manl'large rehabilitation. The reader with a need for basic seismolog-
dams around the world are located in highly seismic re- ical concepts and theory is referred to two intrcductory texts
gions, close to areas that have in the past suffered major by the author.e'lo
eafthquakes. The likelihood of future damaging shocks The first seismologists were most interested in the hi,sh
must always be kept in mind. intensities and devastation that occurred near the centers of
In addition to the danger from regular earthquakes, sev- earthquakes. After 1900 when seismographs became com-
eral examplesa's have now occurred in different countries mon, seismologists at last had quantitative records of
of damaging earthquakes apparently related in some way ground motion with which to work. However, most of the
to reservoir loading behind the dam. Some of these cases seismographs were pendulum instruments. *'hich could re-
have occurred in regions that had not been thought to be cord ground motions of very small amplitudes at great dis-
even moderately seismic. Hence, risk from induced seis- tances from the earthquake center. while near to the earth-
micity must, for the time being, be considered for all pro- quake center the ground accelerations, which often exceed
posed large dams. Five of the clearest cases are Lake Ka- 307o of gravity, were so great that the pendulums would
riba in Central Africa, Koyna in India, Hsinfengkiang in strike against the stops and even destruct. For these rea-
the People's Republic of China, Nurek in the Soviet Union, sons, until recently. seisnrology has emphasized the study
and As,wan in Egypt. [n the first three examples. the largest of seismic waves at a distance from the source. in the so-
shocks reached magnitude 6.4. At Koyna6'7 in addition to called thr field. It was dctcrmincd that in such cases, the
significant cracking of the concrete gravity dam, which re- ground motion could sinrply bc separated into P and S body
quired a major repair and strengthening operation, numer- waves and Love and Rayleigh surtace waves. ancl their var-
ous collapsed houses in the vicinity caused a large loss of ious reflections from structural interfaces.lo For nrost work.
life. Hsinfengkiang Dam, located in an essentially aseismic infinitesimal strain, linear theory, and point sources were
region, impounded a reservoir that, subsequent to 1959, sufficient.


At the same time, the study of the other vital seismological brations are set up by the friction of the moving rock just
area-that of waves near the seismic source, or lhe near as the vibrations of a violin string are caused by the friction
field-languished; and only in the last 15 years or so has of the bow." This is a statement of the "elastic rcbound
the subject come to life again in seismology. This devel- theory of earthquake genesis," in which the rock rebounds
opment rnay be laqgely attributed to stimulation from the in irregular steps along the fault. We should note that this
engineering profession, which, for the design of critical theory @enerally held in some form by seismologists to-
structures in earthquake country, such as large dams, nu- day) suggests that near the fault there will be "a fling" or
clear reactors, hospitals, bridges, and high rise buildings, unidirectional heave of the ground.l?
requires realistic inputs of ground motion at close distances In the mid-1960s, Haskellr3 made key contributions and
from sources of specified size. The seismological ability to additions to the above theory by modeling in more detail
predict these motions has, up almost to the present, been the way that waves are generated near to the fault. He con-
dependent observationally on strong-motion records ob- structed a model "in which the fault displacement is rep-
tained mainly in California earthquakes. Of the earthquake resented by a coherent wave only over segments of the fault
records available, only a few still come from earthquakes and the radiation from adjacent segments is assumed to be
with magnitude greater than 7, and none in California with statistically independent or incoherent." The physical sit-
magnitude greater than 7.5 in the near field. Fortunately, uation is that the rupture begins suddenly and then spreads
this observational base now is being supplemented increas- with intervals of acceleration and retardation along the rel-
ingly by accelerograms from other seismic areas, and this atively weakly welded fault zone. A few yeani later. this
trend will continue. model was further refined by the introduction of physical
Not unexpectedly, theoretical aspects of elastic waves concepts such as areas of roughness or "asperities" along
near to their source turn out to be more complicated than the fault rupture surface. This representation has been re-
the earlier seismological problems.rr In the first place, the cently developed by Aki, his students, and others, who have
seismic source is generally a moving dislocation along one further drawn attention to the possible importance of seis-
or more fault planes, which sweeps out an area of slip in a mic "barriers" along the fault at which higher strains are
given time. The model in many ways resembles radio required for the dislocation to propagate.r{
waves being radiated from a finite antenna . In the far field, It must be emphasized that the estimation of strong
the theory of radio propagation gives complete solutions ground motion depends not only on the ability to speciff a
for the reception of radio signals through stratified media. realistic source but also on the ability to specify a realistic
However, when the receiver is very near to the extended crustal model in which the rock layers have seismic prop-
antenna, the signal becomes jumbled because of the finite- erties (including damping) appropriate for the region in
ness ofthe source and interference through end effects. For question. Most theoretical work to date assumes parallel
these reasons, in the near field, seismograms are not nor- horizontal layers with soils underlain by rock of increasing
mally composed simply of completely separate portions of rigidity.'5''6 Sloping layers with the presence of low-ve-
P, S, and surface waves. The classical seismic wave types locity zones and anomalous rock lenses may significantly
do not have time to separate out, and there is generally a modify the surface ground motions through well-kno*'n
mix of waves of various kinds. phenomena such as geometrical focusing. diffraction, and
The complexity of seismic waves in the near field cannot scattering of the seismic waves. In the 1979 Imperial Val-
be predicted unless the earthquake source is modeled in a ley earthquake, high frequency motions, particularly on the
realistic way. The first specification of the physics of the vertical component record at many sites, have been inter-
generation of the waves was made by H. F. Reid in his preted as P waves refracted sharply upward through the
studies of the faulting that occurred along the San Andreas surficial sedimentary layers which have strong velocity
Fault in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. Unfortu- contrasts. Unfortunately, such detailed geological structure
nately, no strong-motion records were obtained following is not known for most sites, with consequent additional un-
this great fault dislocation. Reid concluded that, after a pe- certainties in the prediction of strong ground motion.
riod of slow displacement. strains build up in the rocks An earthquake source with this degree of physical real-
until they reach failure point; ruptures then take place; and ism might be expected to bc a satisfactory starting point for
the strained rock rebounds under its own elastic stresses the computation of synthetic seismograms ol ground mo-
until the strain is largely or wholly rclieved. Reid stated: tion ncar to thc source, and to lead to the establishment of
"lt is probable that the whole movement at any point did appropriate paratnetcrs to dcscribe these motions. A diffi-
not take place at once, but procccded by irrcgular steps. culty for practical purposes is that, in nearly all cases, the
The more or less sudden stopping of the movement and the detailed asperity and barrier structurc along the fault is not
friction gives rise to the vibrations which are propagated to known ab initio. Only after the earthquake can models be
a distance. The sudden starting of the motion would pro- constructed to lit the records.
duce vibrations just as would its sudden stopping, and vi- There are differcnt types of tault rupture observed, some
sEtsMotocY r55

involving purely horizontal slip or strike-slip motion. some where there is interaction between the rate of crack growth.
involving vertical slip or dip-slip motion. The physics of the fracturc criterion, and the strcss accumulation.
the problem indicates that the wave patterns generated by
fault mechanisms of different kinds will be different. It must
also be remembered that for a moving source there will be
Types of Waves Near to the Seismic Source
Doppler-like effects dependent on the speed of fault rupture
and the direction of faulting. The problem is analogous to, This section summarizes the kinds of seismic waves that
but more difficult than, the problem of sound emission from might be expected to be special to the near 6eld. In the fint
moving sources dealt with in acoustics. The acoustics place, as mentioned above, the asymptotic separation of P
problem shows that in the far field the sound pressure is and S waves and Love and Rayleigh waves that is seen at
the same as occurs when the source is at rest. However, in a distance does not occur completely, but at most places
the near field, the time dependence of both frequency and on the seismogram motions are mixtures of the wave types.e
pressure is a function of the azimuth of the site relative to Depending on the frequency, an observer moving away
the moving source. from the fault would start seeing the usual type of seis-
Observationally, in earthquakes there is some evidence mograms.
that such directiviry focusinge does occur, but that it might Among the special phases encountered, one might ex-
not always be as large as theory would suggest, particularly pect stopping phases due to intermittent stopping of the
at high frequencies. One reason might be the presence, in rupture front or the final cessation of the dislocation. When
a zone of major faulting such as the San Andreas system the fault rupture reaches the free surface of the earth, pulse-
(where many strong-motion records have been obtained), like waves may well occur, called breakout phases- One
of a vertical layer of crushed and shattered rock and fault might also expect to see a pulse associated with the fling
gouge. This strongly attenuating material, at least in the along the fault that occurs as the elastic rebound travels
upper few kilometers of the fault zone, might play a sig- along the fault.
nificant role in damping out high frequency motions oth- This longer period pulse, the fling, may not have the
envise concentrated or focused along the direction of rup- largest accelerations on the record, which often are of
ture. higher frequency, but it may be associated with the greatesr
kinetic energy. Engineering studies of the damage to Olive
View Hospital in the 197 I San Fernando earthquaker? sug-
gest that failures in that structure occurred during the rel-
Mathematica! Seismic Source Models
atively long-period pulse corresponding to the large move-
Let us now consider the main lines of approach to math- ment in the Pacoima horizontal velocity record.
ematical modeling of the seismic fields near to their source. Although the additional complexity of seismic waves
The first model is the kinematic approach, in which the near to the seismic source has been stressed above, the gen-
time history of the slip on the generating fault is specified eral shape of observed strong-motion records (particularly
a priori. Several defining parameters may be specified, such velocity and displacement) can be simplified into three
as: the shape, duration, and amplitude of the source time parts: (l) an early part where the motion is largely P wave
function of the slip,tT'rE the velocity of the slip over the motion of relatively small amplitude, followed by (2) large
fault surface, and the final area of the region over which amplitude motion corresponding to the arrival of S waves
the slip occurs. In practice, an appropriate simple source- of various types, merging into (3) the longer-duration sur-
to-site representation (such as a recorded foreshock) usu- face wave motions. Whether this pattern will be character-
ally is used to calculate the resulting displacements at the istic of near-field records for great earthquakes above mag-
ground surface, and there are now available such functions nitude 7.5 remains unclear. There is available a record from
(called "Green's functions") for various classifications of an SMA-l accelerometer in Tabas, Iran, from the magni-
faulting. Many computational papers using this approach tude 7.8 earthquake in 1978. A rough tracing of the lon-
have been published, and the reader is referred to a recent gitudinal component of this record is shown for demon-
summary textbook. le stration purposes in Fig.5-1.
A second approach is to use the differential equations The main point of interest is that for this large earth-
involving the applied forces along the fault, a dynamic pro- quake (as with the recordcd ground motions in the March
cedure that has been followed in a number of publications. 3, 1985 Chile, and September 19, 1985 Mcxico earth-
The basic model is a shear crack that is initiated in the quakes, M, = 7.8, 8.1, respectively) the motion of the
preexisting stress field and causes stress concentrations ground is not random or structureless, but the onsets of the
around the tip of the crack, which in turn cause the crack main body waves and the surface wave train can be iden-
to grow.lrThe key to the crack problem seems to be in tified fairly clearly.
modeling the physical processes at the tip of the crack The seismological theory referred to above has already

trl Surlocc Woves

J /' /.'


Fig 5- I . Form of strong ground nrotion (longitudinal component) at a distance of about 20 km from an M. = 7.8 eanhquake.

been used in some engineering studies involving the as- depending on the density of occupancy as well as the pro-
sessment of likely stron_q ground motion for given earth- posed structural type.
quake sources. The two necessary but not sufficient param- The following factors must be considered in assessment
eters to specify the ground displacement records are the of seismic risk of a site.
seismic moment of the earthquake source and the rise tinre
of the source. The former is a measure of source size. and Geologicat lnput
the latter of the finite duration of time over which the fault
rupture occurs at any point. The moment Mo can be esti- Any of the followin-s investigations may be required:
mated from the shear wave (SH) displacement pulse.
For horizontal motions and a simple source model, the l. Provision of a structural geological map (in color) of
maximum ground acceleration can be shownl' to be pro- the region. together with an account of recent tec-
poftional to the seismic moment and the inverse third power tonic movements.
of the rise-time r: 2. Compilation of active faults in the region and the type
of displacement (e.9.. left-lateral, strike-slip. etc.).
Acc.u. q Mo/Ar3 (s-l Field work is sometimes necessary here. Of particu-
lar importance are geological criteria for fault move-
ments in Holocene time (the past 10.000 years). such
where A is the source distance. So far, retrofitting of syn-
as displacements in recent gravels. datin-e by radio-
thetic seismograms with observed strong-motion records
carbon methods of organic material in trenches across
has yielded a wide range of estimates of rise times-from
the fault, and other methods.
I second to 5 seconds or more-with an indication that r 3. Mapping of the structural geology around the site.
increases with the moment of the earthquake. A conse- with attention to scarps in bedrock. effects of differ-
quence is that estimation of peak acceleration in this way
ential erosion. and offsets in overlying deposits. Such
is most uncertain because of the cube power of r in equa-
maps must show rock types. surface structures. and
tion (5-l). Scaling of peak acceleration must still come local faults, and include assessments of the probable
chiefly from the available observations, a question to be length, continuity, and type of movement on such
addressed in a later section.
4. In the case of throu-gh-going faults near the site. geo-
SEISMICITY AND INTENSITY STUDIES FOR physical exploration to define the location of recent
DESIGN AND SAFE OPERATION fault rupturcs and othcr lincaments. Ceophysical
work sornctimes found useful inclirdes nleasurenrent
Regional seismicity or risk maps usually do not attempt to of electrical resistivity and gravity along a profile
reflect geological conditions or to take into account varia- nomral to the fault. Such data are oftcn affected by
tions due to soil properties.20 It is necessary, thcrcfore. lor the watcr table, which nuy change in elevation across
construction of critical facilities, such as large danrs in the fault because oF inrpenneable gouge barrien.
populated regions, to make special geological*engineering 5. Reports of landslides. nrajor settlements, ground
studies for each site, the detail and level of concern used warping, or inundation t-rom l'loods at the site.
sEtsMoLoGY 157

6. Checks of groundwater levels in the vicinity to de- must h studied. Three factors may rcquire spccial scru-
termine if groundwater barriers are present that may tiny:
be associated with faults or affect the soil response to
the earthquake shaking. t. Study of engineering properties of foundation soils to
the extent warranted for the type of dam or associated
structure. Borings, trenchings. and excavations arc
Seismological lnput important for such analyses, as well as a search for
the presence of sand layes that may lead to liquefac-
Procedures for the estimation of ground shaking parame-
ters for optimum en-gineering design are still in the early tion.
stages, and many are untested. It is important, therefore,
2. Measurements (density. water content, shear
strength, behavior under cyclic loading, attenuation
to state the uncertainties and assumptions employed in the
values) o[ the physical properties of the soil in situ
following methods.2r
or by laboratory tests of borehole core samples.
3. Determination of attenuation values and P and S wave
l. Documentation of the earthquake history of the re- speeds in the overburden layers by geophysical pros-
gion around the site in detail. Seismicity catalogs of pecting methods.
historical events are particularly needed in preparing
lists of felt earthquakes. The lists should show the
locations, magnitudes, and maximum Modified Mer- ESTIMATION OF STRONG GROUND MOTION
calli intensities for each eafthquake. This information PARAMETERS
should be illustrated by means of regional maps.
2. Construction, where the record permits, of recur- Duration of Shaking
rence curves ofthe frequency ofregional earthquakes
down even to small magnitudes. Estimates of the fre- The duration D (in seconds) of strong seismic shaking is
quency of occurrence of damaging earthquakes can one of the most important factors in predicting strong
then be based on these statistics. ground motion. Most formulas express the key dependence
3. A review of available historical records of ground of D on magnitude M, which can be inferred at once from
shaking, damage, and other intensity information near the rupture model of earthquakes.
the site. Two definitions have been widely used:
4. Estimation of the maximum Modified Mercalli inten-
sities on firm ground near the site from felt reports o The bracketed duration, at a particular frequency. is
for each earthquake of significance. the elapsed time window between the first and last ac-
5. Definition of the design earthquakes. The geological celeration excursions greater than a given motion (0.05
and seismological evidence assembled in the above g, say). Particularly for earthquakes with especially
sections should be used to predict the earthquakes that complex multiple sources, this definition often leads
would give the most severe ground shaking at the site. to a nonphysical upper estimate. For instance, accel-
(Several such design earthquakes might be necessary ' erograms often indicate that peak accelerations of 2 to
and prudent.) Where possible. specific faults on 3 Hz waves occur separated by reduced motions. For
which rupture might occur should be stated, together some design and liquefaction analyses, these episodes
with the likely mechanism (strike-slip, thrust, and so of weak motion may allow some constitutive recovery
on). Likely focal depth and length of rupture and es- and should be excluded.
timated amount of fault displacement should be de- o The cumulative duration, at a particular frequency, is
termined, with their uncertainties. These values are the total time for which acceleration .4 exceeds a given
useful in estimating the possible Richter magnitude value. The interval is sometimes measured by cumu-
of damaging earthquakes from standard curves that latively adding the squared accelerations and adopting
relate fault rupture to magnitude.lo the 95 percentile time interval. It may equal the cor-
responding bracketed duration or be much less. and
appears to have a particular mechanical significance
Soils Engineering lnput
in some design tests.
When there is geological indication of the presence of
structurally poor foundation material, a field report on the For high frequency waves, D is limited by attenuation
surficial strata underlying the site is advisable. [n addition, along the propagation path. For example, suppose waves
areas of subsidence and settlement (either natural or from of relevant frequencies are generated at the moving rupture
groundwater withdrawal) and the stability of nearby slopes with an amplitude of 1.0 g. Then. at each frequeney, be-

yond a certain distance on the slipping fault, the source- resentative peak acceleration is obtained by developing his-
site distance is too great for the site to continue to receive togmms. such as those shown in Fig. 5-2, computed from
waves with ,{ > 0.05 g. After the rupture has propagated, the number of peaks and troughs on the observed records.
say, for 150 km (correspondingto M : 7.5), only a small ln the case sho*'n for the N-S component of the El Cen-
proportion of I Hz (or greater) energy with amplitudes tro 1940 record, the histogram clearly identifies the supre-
above 0.05 g will ultimately arrive ar rhe site. mum acceleration as an outlier at about 0.34 g compared
The evidence is that longer-period waves can persist for with the rest of the peak amplitudes. Such a display permits
only a minute or so at accelerations r{ < 0.05 g, because a truncation scheme based upon some probability level. The
of sharply lower attenuation and surface wave dispersion. arrow shown in Fig. 5-2 corresponds to the 90% occur-
The long-period vibrations, taken with the aftershocks, add rence level. The use of such a definition for "effective peak
to human exaggeration of the duration of shakin_s. (Hu- acceleration" reduces the scatter of the peak accelerations
mans can feel.4 > 0.001 g.) when plotted against source distance, for example (Fig. 5-
Regression of available data indicates that durations of 3). Processed strong-motion records considered for dam
higher-frequency shaking do not significantly increase design inputs should be accompanied by histograms of the
above magnitude 7.5, for .4 ) 0.05 g, and above magni- type shown in Fig. 5-2. These would allow more consistent
tude 7, for A > 0.10 g. Bracketed durations (/ > I Hz) decisions to be made on the parameters necessary for scal-
within 25 km of the fault rupture of a magnitude M earth- ing of time histories, spectra. and so on.
quake are not likely to exceed the following values for .4
> 0.05 g and I > 0.10 g, respectively: Time-History Synthetics

D : 17.5 tanh (M - 6.5) + 19.0 (s-2) Reasonable construction of time histories of ground motion
can now be made using available observations and with
and general guidance from the theory discussed above. A num-
ber of construction algorithms have been worked out,
mainly based on the use of Fourier transforms and Fourier
D : 7.5 tanh (M - 6.0) + 7.5. (s-3 )
series that are truncated after a reasonable number of terms.
At the outset, there is a need to specify the peak ground
Bracketed duration values above 0.05 g for six earth- acceleration, the peak ground velocity, and the peak dis-
quakes are listed in Table 5-1.
placement to be associated with the seismic waves (perhaps
based on an appropriate p€rcentile level of histograms like
Amplitude Suprema Fi-e. 5-2). It is also necessary to decide on a bracketed du-
ration of acceleration and the interval between the P and S
As mentioned above, the raw peak acceleration taken from wave onsets appropriate for the distance between the site
an accelerograph often is not a very dependable estimate and the seismic source.
of the overall maxima of ground motion. The actual supre- If the site is near to the seismic source, as mentioned
mum recorded often depends on the type of accelerometgr above, it is recommended that the record contain a longer-
used and the type offiltering applied during the record pro- period pulse following the first S wave arrivals in order to
cessing. It is usually of relatively high frequency. model the fling of the fault rebound as the fault dislocation
Recently, a more robust and easily computed parameter travels by the site. Because this longer period has a drastic
has been proposedlz for peak accelerations, which meets effect on the integration of velocity and displacement. the
many engineering requirements. A more statistically rep- actual amplitude and period adopted must be modified

Table 5-1. Sample maximum recorded ground motions.

Horizontal Venical
Dist. Accel. Vel. Disp. Dur. Acce L Vel. Disp.
Earthquake (km) ML (x s) (cm/s) (cm) (s) ( x $) (crn/s) (cm) Station
San Femando. California. t97l 3.2 6.4 1.25 I13.2 37.7 I-3 0.72 58.3 19.3 Pacointa
San Femando. Califomia. l9?l 16.9 6.4 0.20 I 1.6 5.0 1 0.09 5.9 2.3 Los Angelcs
lmpcrial Valley. Califomia. 1940 12.0 6.4 0.36 36.9 19.8 29 0.28 10.8 5.6 El Centm
Imperial Valley. California. 1979 l 6.6 0.72 I10.0 55.0 I r .8 1.74 50.6 13.0 El Centro No. 6
Kcrn County, California. 1952 42.0 1.2 0.20 11 .7 9.r 20 0. r2 6.7 5.0 Taft
Parkfietd. California. 1966 16. I 5.5 0.41 22.5 5.5 4 0. t7 4.1 L4 Tenrblor
Taiwan, l98l 30.0 6.9 0.24 19.3 2.6 3.5 0.09 <, 0.9 SMART I
sErsMotocY 159



Fig. 5-2. Histogram of number of pcaks on the N-S component accelerogram at El Centro. California' 1940.

cl EI
1" f * A
x0 AA A
Afu x
0.1 x
3 x
o #,
trL A
ctr tr bA A
E tr
Irl Eltr
_J x
lrl tr A
o.ol tr5 11 <6 *ar
A6 t1 <7 tr

x7 n < 7.7 cl



Fig. 5-3. Peak horizontal acccleration data as a function ofdistance (Joyner and Boorc;.:5 The curve is a least squarcs fit for 6.0 s M3 7.7 given by
Bolt and Abnhamson.2:

based upon the resulting velocity and displacement rccords with standard error 0.26, when -y is in fractions of g. and
so that they will remain observationally reasonable. 5.0<M<7.7.
Fourier series can be used to represent the wave motions Two limitations of the obscrvational data are imponant:
for the acceleration, velocity, and displacement records. there is considcrable scatter at all distances,26 and few mea-
Coefficients of the sine and cosine terms can be varied in surements are available very close to the seismic source
order to obtain relatively smooth and physically plausible (less than about 3 km). In addition, there are few data points
spectra for frequencies from 8 to 0.5 Hz and appropriate on stron-q motion near to the source for magnitudes grEater
phase relations for the body waves, surface waves. and fling than about 7.
pulse. The construction process is repeated by trial and er- In order to extrapolate to the near-source distances. it
ror so that the pseudo-velocity spectrum finally resembles, seems important not to give undue weight to the measure-
in shape and amplitude, similar spectra obtained by com- ments at far distances. beyond 80 km. say. The curve
bining seismic ground motions from many sources. Fi- shown in Fig. 5-3 gives one fit:2 for the observations be-
nally. additional higher-frequency motion can be super- tween magnitude 6 and 7.7. Its equation is:
imposed randomly to produce a realistic-lookin_e accel-
erogram with continuous energy distribution through all
Acc.o, {(x + 8.5)2 * , }-o 'n
frequencies of interest.
{-o.oz6(.r + 8.s)} (s-6)
Attenuation of Ground Accelerations
where acceleration is in g, and r is in km.
A necessary component in any evaluation of ground motion The formal uncertainties in a regression such as this are
is an attenuation curve for the strong-motion parameter in large, and such "averaging" curves must be used with
question. Much progress has been made in this field re- caution. The curve used here is, however, based upon
cently,2l-2s and it is known that attenuation curves can vary rather realistic physical assumptions, and it may provide a
widely, with much greater attenuation around I Hz in the sufficient basis for mean ground motion estimates for west-
western United States than in the central and eastern United ern United States earrhquakes in the Richter magnirude
States, for example. Attenuation curves in various parts of range 6.0 to 7.0.
the United States and seismic areas around the r.r,orld are
based upon data of variable quantity and quality.
Variability of Parameters
For example, for Japanese acceleration recordings on
rock sites, for peak horizontal acceleration y at source dis- More reliable and robust estimates of ground-motion pa-
tance -r: rameters must depend upon obtaining more specific infor-
mation on the observational side, particularly from large
log16 (0.981_r) earthquakes for A ( 50 km, as theoretical developments
are already well advanced. Seismological studies of ser.eral
: .r*80_(-4.83 + 0.89M - O.U3M2) (5{) earthquakes stand out as highlights. largely because of the
* availability of a group of strong-motion instruments that
provided records for intercomparison; for example, of the
Usually such curves depend upon accelero_erams with 1966 Parkfield earthquake, the l97l San Fernando earth-
rather low amplitudes of seismic waves, the assumption quake, and the 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake.
being that the attenuation seen in these cases can be ex- The use of groups of interconnected instruments or seis-
trapolated to the case of much greater earthquakes-that is. mographic arrqys to study the source of significant earth-
the system is a linear one. quakes should expedite a fuller understanding of both the
In the westem United States, a moderate number of ac- generation of the seismic waves from the moving disloca-
tual observations of maximum accelerations, velocities, and tion and the effect of the intervening geology on the wave
so on, have now accumulated. A carefully setected set is propagation. It is not too strong to argue that specially de-
shown in Fig. 5-3. Using a two-stage regression analysis signed arrays are essential if basic questions on stnong
of horizontal component acceleration extrema from 23
ground motion are ever to be answered clearly. [n the first
western North American earthquakes (182 observations). place, it is necessary to identify the various seisnlic waves
Joyner and Boore25 obtained a prediction equation: on the strong-motion rccords from their onset to the end of
the strong shaking. Bccause of the admixture of wave types,
logroy : -1.02 + 0.249M - 0.5 log,0 (.t' + Z.:r) this cannot bc done in practice by triaxial instruments at a
single station. Second, strong-motion arrays permit the
- 0.002ss(l + '13\t/2 (s-5) correlation of tirne histories, both in time and in space, in
sErsMoLoGY 161

Lr r i
r I t t I r
4.O r Ol2

{ OOr

3.O J
I Ur2
-.1 ur r
I uor
'{ ooz
lrJ -l oo8 _ irog
(., -.1 t tz
1".orl =toa
- coo
ct -.1 roe
6 I oos
I uoo
I uoz
I rtros
t.otl ruoe
) ooz
o.o,J o06

TIME (s.c,

Fig. 54. Acceleration waveforms of the N-S component of the January 29, l98l eanhquake. recorded by the SMART I array. Taiwan.

such a way that the effects of variations in soil and rock established in other highly seismic parts of the world. It is
structure over an appreciable area can be mapped. anticipated that analysis of the records from these as well
A clear example2T of the variation in ground accelera- as from the ever-growing number of conventional strong-
tions over a distance of 2 km can be seen in Fig. 54. This motion instruments will allow more quantitative resolution
set of records is from the SMART I array of 37 digital of the mix of high amplitude waves and thus allow im-
accelerometers deployed in three concentric rings of radii proved quantification of strong ground motion.
200 meters, I km, and 2 km, respectively, in the northeast
cornerof Taiwan. The event is a magnitude 6.9 earthquake SPECIAL CONSEOUENCES OF RESERVOIR.
at a distance of about 30 km from the array, on January INDUCED SEISMICITY
29, 1981.
Cross-spectral calculations indicate that the ground mo- Local earthquakes, up to magnitude 5, followed the im-
tions consist of various types of seismic waves with differ- pounding of water behind Hoover Dam on the Colorado
ent azimuths of approach to the array, depending on the River in 1935-36: and since that time the occurrence of
frequency of the waves and their slowness (inverse veloc- earthquakes near large dams sometimes has been linked to
ities) ofapproach. The spectral analysis indicates that there reservoir impoundment.2E'2e As pointed out earlier, the in-
are, in some cases, significant Fourier amplitudes of both cidence of large local earthquakes (M. > 6) following
in-phase and out-of-phase motions, which may be impor- water impoundment is very low; in the opinion of some
tant in the dynamic response of linear engineering systems. workers, only about ten cases worldwide provide sufficient
Another aspect of the phase relations between strong-mo- supporting evidence to establish a causal connection un-
tion components across SMART I in Fig. 54 is related to equivocally. For a recent review of possible eanhquake ac-
foundation-structure interaction problems and arises from tivity triggered by reservoir impounding, the reader is re-
frequency dependence of the dominant direction of wave ferred to case histories described elsewhere.a
propagation. It can be stated definitely that lor the great majority of
Additionat arrays of strong-motion instruments are being dams around the world no significant local earthquakes have

occurred after reservoir impoundment. In other cases. values of the parameten and g
where there have been earthquakes in the vicinity, the seis- = 0.5, the minimum shear
strength for a dry vertical fracture is thus about 50 bars at
micity is consistent with long-term earthquake occurrence I km depth. If water, density p*. perrneates the fault. its
in the area. In a few cases, there has been a considerable strength is reduced by (p - p*) / p.
delay between the start of impoundment and the onset of Therefore. the minimum shear strength for a !v,et vertical
detectable increases in seismicity in the area. fracture at I km depth is about 30 bars. By contrast, a res-
Because there often is debate on the inclusion of earth- ervoir I50 meters deep produces a maximum shear stress
quakes in the list of reservoir-induced seismic events, it is of about 5 ban in the rock, which is an order of magnitude
helpful to have a set of criteria against which such deci_ too small to induce earthquakes directly. It follows that
sions can be reached. In recent practice, such criteria have preexisting tectonic stresses are needed exceeding 25 ban
been divided into those held necessar.v and those held to to ensure that faults are almost at the failure point.
be suficient for classification as induced seismiciry. The Earthquake mechanisms in examples of reservoir induc-
key criteria are: tion have been calculated in a few cases.3l For the main
shock at Koyna Dam in India, the evidence indicates strike-
l. Necessary criteria slip motion; at Hsinfengkiang Dam in China, the principal
a. Increased earthquake occu[ence, relative to the shock was also strike-slip, with a stress drop of about l0
normal background seismicity in the vicinity prior bars. At Kariba Dam in Africa and Kremasta Dam in
to the impounding of the reservoir. Greece, the mechanism was dip-slip on normal faults.
b. Spatial association between local earthquake ac_ In contrast, earthquakes had thrust mechanisms at the
tivity and the areal extent of the reservoir or with Nurek Reservoir in Tadjikistan, USSR. There, more than
a geological fault that occurs close to or under the 1800 earthquakes (1.4 < M < 4.6) occurred during the
reservoir. first nine years of filling of the 3OO-meter-deep reservoir.32
2. Sufficient criteria This rate is four times the average for the region prior to
a. Significant increase in the seismiciry in the vicin- filling. Increased seismicity occurred in a series of swarms;
ity of the reservoir during the initial filling of the the two most dense accompanied rapid increases in water
Iake. level during the first two stages of filling, to 105 meters in
b. Fluctuations in the level of earthquake occur- 1972 and to 205 merers in 1976. All periods of high seis-
rence, even months and years after the initial fill_ micity occurred when the water level was higher than it
ing, that have a correlation with variations in the had been previously or was within l0 meters of iis previous
water level in the reservoir or in the level of the maximum. All of the largest earthquakes followed de-
groundwater (measured, for example, in wells or creases in the rate of filling of the reservoir. As the reser-
boreholes). voir approached its maximum size (extending 40 km up-
stream from the dam), the area of induced seismicity also
Calculation indicates that the stress due to the load of increased. A full review of reservoir-induced seismiciry is
the water in the reservoir is too small to flracture competent given by Gough.30
rock. The most likely hypothesis is that the rocks near the
reservoir are already strained from tectonic forces (so that
existing faults are almost ready to slip), and the reservoir ESTIMATION OF TIME HISTORIES AND
adds a strain perturbation that triggers a slip, and/or in-
creased water pressure resulting from the impoundment Analysis of seismic ground motion in both the time domain
lowers the fault strength so that slip occurs from the ap_ and the frequency domain is usual nowadays. Fourier and
plied tectonic stress. response spectra are calculated for all important strong-mo-
A simple argument3o can be given for induced earth- tion records, and are published with them.
quakes with M, > 5. In this case, the minimum volume Most commonly the amplitude spectrum alone is used in
of the strained region would require a focal depth z greater strong-motion seismology and earthquake engineering.
than I km. A fracture at this depth occurs under lithostatic However, the complementary phase spectrum that defines
stresses with the greatest principal stress pl
= pgz acting the pattern of the recorded waves is also of value in inter-
vertically, and: pretation and in cngineering application. For the construc-
tion of artificial strong ground motions in the near field, an
Pt=Pz={o/(l -o)}p, (5-7 ) amplitude spectrum flrorn a magnitude 7.5 earthquake, for
example. with adequate maximum amplitudes, can be
where o is Poisson's ratio. The shear strength of a vertical combined with a phase spectrum from another earthquake
fracture with coefficient of friction p is then S
= pg,pzo / (with smaller amplitudes, say, rhan required) appropriate
( I - o), with inclined fractures being stronger. For normal to the wave pattem for near fault motions. Broadty, the
sElsMoLoGY '163

form of the amplitude spectra can be explained according A seiche is a long wave set uP on an encloscd body of
to basic'lE A permanent offset occurring in a fcw water such as a lake or rcsewoir. Seiches arc undulations
seconds along a fault pmduces a seismic pulse rich in of the water surface that travel back and forth across it at
longer-period components. Spectral curves from near-fi eld rcgular periods determined by the depth and size of the
rccords consequently show displacement amplitudes in- water body. The name was popularized by F. A. Forel'
versely proportional to the frequency of the waves. As the who studied standing water waves on the L-ake of Geneva
seismic waves travel away from the seismic source, the about 1890, where the fundamental perid of oscillation is
amplitudes of the longest-period motions (static offsets) are 72 minutes. On a more complicated body of water there
reduced, with a consequent relative enhancement of the may be a number of important standing waves of different
higher-frequency waves. At larger distances. the effect is periods.
significantly modified by the attenuation properties of the Seiches may be caused by unusual tides' winds' or cur-
medium, in that the higher frequencies are damped out more rents, but in certain circumstances are produced by earth-
rapidly. quake ground motion. The shaking rocks the water back
Specification of a source model allows the near-field and forth, setting up seiche waves, which may be destruc-
spectrum as well as the far-field spectrum to be interpreted tive to facilities and banks along a shoreline-
in terms of parameters of the model. For small to moderate Long-period seismic waves in great earthquakes have
earthquakes, some work has been done along these lines' been known to generate seiches at considerable distances.
using the long-period sPectral level, the spectral comer fre- The Lisbon earthquake of 1755 caused canals and lakes to
quency, and the slope of the high-frequency spectral am- go into noticeable oscillations as far away as Holland,
plitude. Such identification with physical quantities prob- Swiuerland, Scotland, and Sweden, while on the Firth of
ably would be very difficult for moderate to great Forth the water quickly rose 20 cm or more soon after the
earthquakes using near-field records. time of the earthquake, and boats rocked at their moorings
Scaling is usually at the high-frequency end of the am- for 3 minutes. The 1964 Alaska earthquake led to the ag-
plitude spectrum, using the high-frequency maximum itation of wells as far away as the coast of the Gulf of Mex-
(peak) acceleration on the accelerogram. Partly for this rea- ico (4000 km from the epicenter). Seiche surges along the
son, peak accelerations have come to play a central part in [,ouisiana and Texas coasts commenced some 30 to 40
strong-motion seismology. As indicated, observation shows minutes after the earthquake origin time, or at about the
that this parameter is not rePresentative. It is easily dem- time surface waves (Love and Rayleigh type) were passing
onstrated that the high-frequency peak of acceleration can through the area. Minor damage was widespread, with
be changed by lO% or more without a significant change parting of barge moorings in the Mississippi River-
in the spectral curve or the overalt energy. Also, consid-
eration of the horizontal components of acceleration in
many recorded earthquakes demonstrates (a) that they are RECOMMENDED SEISMOLOGICAL
made up of the superposition of wave types, and (b) that INSTRUMENTATION FOR DAMS
the peak accelerations do not necessarily coincide in time
on the two horizontal comPonents. Purpose

For the quantitative study of either earthquake damage or

reservoir-induced seismicity, it is essential that instrumen-
Water waves may be generated by a sudden fall of rock tation be installed prior to the event. This section addresses
and soil into a reservoir or lake.lo Such avalanches may be the basic seismographic instrumentation required. In ad-
spontaneous, as, for example, the slide that caused over- dition, where they are feasible and warranted by dam size
topping of the Vaiont Dam and downstream deaths in Italy and location, attention should be given to preconstruction
in 1963, or they may be triggered by a large earthquake. geodetig surveys of the region for purposes of detecting
A famous example of a landslide-induced sea wave oc- changes in crustal deformation associated with reservoir
curred at Lituya Bay, Alaska after a magnitude 7 earth- loading, and to the installation of devices for measuring
quake on July 9, 1958. The main avalanche triggered by large excursions of water-wave motion such as seiches in
the earthquake fell into the northeastem comer of the bay the reservoir.
and produced water waves that ran up the opposite sides to Suitable recording instruments must be used to measure
a height of 500 meters. The amptitude of the surge was 60 the severity of earthquake ground motions and of the dam
meters, stretching completely acnrss the bay. Boats were response, or the occurrence of a strong earthquake will pose
carried over trees 25 meters high on the peninsula, and many questions that cannot be answered. If structural dam-
water velocities were so great that the vegetation was age has occurred, such measurements provide the only way
stripped from the foreshore. to compare behavior with design earthquake conditions, to

estimate performance for other, perhaps larger shocks, or available on a permanent or even a temporary basis. In such
to make rational design decisions for repair and strength- cases, the recommended instrumcntation is of a type that
ening of the structure. If no obvious damage has occurred. can be installcd, operated, and maintained by competent
it is difficult without measurements to decide on the extent nonspecialist technicians with a minimum amount of direc-
of inspection operations. tion. Generally, however, the ourput information shoutd be
To evaluate the induction of earthquakes from reservoir in a form that will permit localjudgments of the importance
loading, a network of seismographs adequate to determine of specific recordings to be made. Provisions for more de-
the approximate location of small local earthquakes must tailed data analysis, which is usually available from a num-
be in operation before the impoundin_e of the reservoir.le ber of sources, should be made if the observations warrant
Without such a network it is usually impossible to establish it.
the seismicity of an area prior to closure; so the extent to 3. Satisfactory commercially availabte equipment often
which local earthquakes were a consequence of the reser- can be selected and acquired without the need for extensive
voir, or were part of a more general seismic pattern, cannot consultation with instrumentation specialists. Such consul-
be decided. Such a decision is essential to an evaluation of tation will be required for more elaborate studies: but for
the probable size and location of future shocks, and hence the minimum recommended system, suitable instrument
is of immediate practical importance. types are rvell enough defined to satisfy standard equipment
I consider here only the minimum instrument require- procurement guidelines.
ments to cover the above two types of eafthquake prob-
For large dams the seriousness of the earthquake hazard
Strong-Motion lnstrumentation
and the overall importance of the project often will require
lnstrument Characteristics.33 The fint requirement
an extensive instrumentation program under the direction
for stron_g-motion instrumentation is insensitivity-the
of expert consultants. Such projects go beyond the scope strongest possible earthquake ground motions should stay
of the present section, which aims only at establishing cer-
on scale. In addition, a wide dynamic range is advanta-
tain minimum standards that can be recommended for all
geous because valuable information can be obtained from
major dams at a high level of justification. Experience so
small, nondamaging earthquakes. In order to study the dy-
far suggests that reservoir-induced seismicity is associated
namic response of the dam, a wide frequency response
with dams of 100 meters or greater height. Smaller dams,
range is also required. This implies high recording speeds
however, may have a high disaster potential. Therefore.
that make continuous recording impracticable. An inenia
the local seismograph network could be planned for high
trigger operated by the initial portion of the earthquake
dams, with strong-motion instrumentation included for ground motion has been found to be a satisfactory solution
smaller dams as well if dan-9er to populations is involved.
to this problem.
The following general principles may be used to guide de-
The only commercially available, thoroughly tested in-
cisions on instrumentation:
struments having the above special characteristics are so-
l. An earthquake never can be exactly repeated. Fur- called strong-motion accelerographs.l{ The recommended
thermore, moderately large earthquakes are rare occur-
characteristics of a strong-motion accelerograph suitable for
rences, so that opportunities for direct measurement are in-
the present purpose are:
frequent. Therefore, the goal must be the ultimate in
reliability, which in turn requires basic, simple instruments e Three-component transducerof: 15-25 Hz natural fre-
that have been thoroughly field-tested over a period of quency, 60-70% critical damping.
years. For these reasons, the specific instrumentation rec- r Mechanical-optical-photographic magnification and
ommended is of a relatively simple, time-tested type, far recording: 70-mm film or l2-in. paper preferred: 35-
from representing the ultimate data-collection capability. mm film acceptable.
Even for projects that can be directed by experienced in- o Recording speed: > I cm/sec.
.strumentation experts, with resources available for the most o Recording time: approx. 30 minutes total-automatic
elaborate modem equipment, addition of the recommended reset for at least five events.
basic instrumentation would be good practice. o Full-scale acceleration level: > I g.
As more elaborate instrumentation (such as force-bal- o Accelcration resolution: 0.00 I g (dynamic rang€
ance transducers, central recording systems, and direct dig- 1000).
ital systems) is suitably field+ested and achieves an ade- o Inertia starter: triggcr on vertical aceeleration, at ad-
quate level of reliability, the present recommendations justable levels >0.01 g. Time to full operation s0.l
should be extended, as appropriate to the clam in queslion. sec. High frequency cutoff filter at approx. l0 Hz.
2. Many dams will be built in regions in which highly- o Timing trace, with internal time generation, two marks
trained instrument technicians and seismologists are not per second. accuracy +0.2%.

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