RPH Ang Tatlong Taong Walang Diyos

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Write a brief summary of the main plot, describing the event or events that are the focus of the film,
stating where and when they take place. (I paragraph)

The story began in November 1941 in the province of Laguna. There was a young lady named Rosario
who had a relationship with a man named Crispin. Rosario is a teacher at elementary school while
Crispin is a member of an army guerilla. Crispin decided to join the army that revolts against the
Japanese and he left Rosario during that day. One night, there were men's who knocked on Rosario's
house and it was Masugi and his friend Francis. They were lost and led astray by Filipinos said by Masugi.
That night, they drink a lambanog—a Filipino alcoholic drink— and talked about the events happening in
the country. That was also the night that an unfortunate incident happened to Rosario. She was raped by
Masugi and left after the incident. After a week, Masugi comes back to Rosario's house to make an
apology about what happened, that he was just drunk and didn't want to hurt her.

Not long after, Rosario starts to love Masugi as she sees that he is a good person. That was also the time
where Crispin returned and found out that Rosario had a Child with Musagi. The war between Japan and
America becomes more intense. They couldn't avoid getting into a fight and they tried to hide from the
enemies. Rosario's parents got killed by the Guerrilla. Crispin again returned but not as a friend, but as
an enemy. He was injured and needed some help. Even though he was one of the enemy's soldiers, he
still lends him a hand. Americans now attacked Japanese that resulted win in the side of Americans.
Because Japanese lost during the battle, Masugi needs to protect his family by leaving the province, but
they got surrounded by guerilla soldiers and they killed Masugi. But it's too late for Rosario and the
people want her dead because they saw her as a traitor of the country.

2. Name and describe the protagonist and the antagonist in this story. (2 paragraphs)

In the first part of the story, the antagonist is the Japanese and the protagonist are the Americans and
Filipinos. I can tell that as this story showed a conflict between the Japanese —who's trying to colonize
us— and Americans who shielded and an ally of Filipinos. But as soon as the story goes, the antagonist
and protagonist shift to Masugi and Rosario, and Crispin. We can tell that as the film showcases the love
between Masugi and Rosario despite having different races. And Crispin as the Antagonist as he is the
one who killed Masugi in the end of the movie. Crispin believed that the Japanese are the real enemy
here without knowing the real intentions of Americans. Being blinded by the words and killing those who
really wants to protect Rosario—his girlfriend. The movie unfolds the lies of Americans, who's being a
friend but an actual enemy

3. In the story told by the film, what is the main conflict and how is it resolved? (1 paragraph)

The main conflict is about Rosario being married by Masugi. Her actions made our fellow Filipino's think
that she's a traitor of our country. Siding the Japanese Masugi despite knowing that Japanese wants to
conquer our country. But we think it's not her fault. It is her parents that want Rosario to be married by
Masugi to lift their family from poverty. If her parents didn't accept Masugi's apology and courtship,
maybe Rosario will still be a Filipino and not a traitor of our country. It is her parents who decide to let
Rosario forgive Masugi's action because he is drunk and didn't aware of his actions because of alcohol
that numbs his mind. The conflict has been resolved by a bitter end. Filipinos capturing Rosario at the
end and killing her inside the church.
4. Describe two images or scenes from the film that stand out in your mind. Discuss why they impressed
you and how they relate to themes explored in the story. (2 paragraphs)

The first scene that made us amazed is when Masugi helped Crispin. Despite having different beliefs and
different races, who would have thought that he would help Crispin especially an enemy? And even
though they're in the middle of the war, Masugi shows empathy to Crispin by helping him because it is a
request from Rosario. They also describe Masugi being an animal for killing tons of Filipinos and
Americans, but what he has shown is being a human. By helping an injured person and giving a gun to
Crispin protects himself from an enemy.

The second scene is when Crispin and Masugi fought in the road. Crispin telling Masugi that he only
killed people just to protect his country, to bring justice and freedom. That they're different, that
Masugi's an enemy and a criminal because his country wants to colonize Philippines. But Masugi
explained to Crispin that what's his fighting for is not for his country, but for Americans. He still didn't
realize that American was not on our side in the first place, that they have motives why they wanted to
be friends with Philippines.

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