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School Telbang National High School Grade Level 11-GAS

Teacher Christine Joy O. Adviento Learning Empowerment Technologies

Teaching Date February 5, 2024 / 1:45-2:45 Quarter Third
and Time

A. Content The learners demonstrate and understanding of ICT in the context of global
Standards communication for specific professional track.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to independently compose an insightful reflection paper on the
Standards nature of ICT in the context of their lives, society, and professional tracks (Arts, Tech-
Voc, Sports, Academic)
C. Learning TOPIC: Online Safety, Security and Netiquette
Competencies/ Specific Learning Objectives: At the end of an hour, 80% of the learners will be able
Objectives to:
1. define digital natives;
2. identify what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate online behavior;
3. apply internet online safety, security ethics and etiquette standards and
practice in the use of ICTs; and
4. discern possible deceptive information and wrongly evaluated data;
II. CONTENT GAD Core Message: Equalized opportunity among male and female students in doing
classroom activities individually or in a group.

ICT Integration: Use ICT to present the lesson.

Learning across the curriculum:

1. Social Studies – impact of good Digital citizen
2. Health – effects of use of excessive social media


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
Resources education/module-1-lesson-2-online-safety-security-and-netiquette/23643299

Say: Good morning, Grade 11-GAS! How’s everybody? Very good. So I guess everyone is ready on our discussion

(Pre-Developmental) Before we start, let me ask you the following questions on your understanding about our
A. Reviewing subject.
previous lesson
Ask: What is Information and Communication Technology or ICT?
Answer: Very good! It deals with the use of different communication technologies such
as mobile phones, Internet and etc. to locate, save, send, and edit information.

Ask: What is World Wide Web or WWW?

Answer: Very good! It is an interconnected system of public webpages accessible
through the Internet.
B. Establishing a As we go along with our discussion, we shall be guided by the following objectives:
purpose for the
lesson 1. define digital natives;
2. identify what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate online behavior;
3. apply internet online safety, security ethics and etiquette standards and
practice in the use of ICTs; and
4. discern possible deceptive information and wrongly evaluated data;

(Developmental) Say: Before we start our discussion, let us a short video clip.
C. Presenting the
new lesson
/Presenting (Being safe on the internet)
nces of the new Ask: What can you say about the video? What are the few things to consider to stay safe
lesson online?
Answer: Very Good! The internet can be an amazing place to explore, but it's also good
to practice online safety.

D. Discussing new Say: Let us read the headlines found below and try to reflect on the questions that
concepts and follow.
practicing new
skills #1

Let us reflect on the following questions:

✓ How many times have you checked your phone this morning?
✓ How many updates have you posted on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram today?
✓ Do you use the internet/ mobile for an hour after you woke up this morning?
✓ Have you followed a celebrity/ a crush on his/ her social media?

Say: There’s almost no limit to what you can do online. The Internet makes it possible to
access information quickly, communicate around the world, and much more.
Unfortunately, the Internet is also home to certain risks, such as malware, spam,
and phishing. If you want to stay safe online, you’ll need to understand these risks and
learn how to avoid them.

Online safety refers to the practices and precautions that should be observed when
using the internet to ensure that the users as well as their computers and personal
information are safe from crimes associated with using the internet. Below are personal
information that must be kept confidential. There are numerous delinquencies that can be
committed on the internet such as stalking, identity theft, privacy violations, and
To avoid these online crimes, follow the following online safety measures:
 Never give any personal information out about yourself over the internet.
 Do not give any banking or sensitive information unless you are sure that it is a
reputable business having a secure service. To make sure that you are in
a secured network, the website address should begin with “https://’ as opposed
to “http://”. Never access your accounts by following an email link, instead type
your URL by yourself.

 Never open messages or attachments from someone you do not know.

 Regularly review your privacy settings in your online accounts to make sure you
are not sharing important personal information.
 When using a public computer terminal, be sure to delete your browsing data
before leaving.
 Keep your software updated to avoid security holes.
 Do not download or install software or anything on your computer or cell
phone that is unknown to you.

E. Discussing new Say: Netiquette is a combination of the words network and etiquette. It is a set of rules
concepts and for behaving properly online. Below are the 10 rules of netiquette:
practicing new
skills #2
Flame war is a lengthy exchange of angry or abusive messages between users of an
online forum or other discussion area. It is also a series of flame posts or
messages in a thread that are considered derogatory in nature or are
completely off-topic.
Often these flames are posted for the sole purpose of offending or upsetting other
users. The flame becomes a flame war when other users respond to the thread
with their own flame message.

Say: There is no doubt that you need to be vigilant online. As the World Wide
Web evolved over the years, many internet predators have been playing on vulnerabilities
to attack computers and retrieve sensitive data from individuals. Half the time, we
aren’t even aware it is happening until it is too late.

Kinds of Online
Online threat is deemed any malicious act that attempts to gain access to a
computer network without authorization or permission from the owners. These are
usually done by computer hackers who uses the World Wide Web to facilitate
cybercrime. Web threats use multiple types of malware and fraud, all of which
utilize HTTP or HTTPS protocols, but may also employ other protocols and components,
such as links in email or Instant Messaging apps, or any malware attachments on servers
that access the Web. They benefit cybercriminals by stealing information for subsequent
sale and help absorb infected PCs into botnets. Web threats pose a broad range
of risks, including financial damages, identity theft, loss of confidential
information/data, theft of network resources, damaged brand/personal reputation,
and erosion of consumer confidence in e-commerce and online banking.

The following are the top kinds of online threats that you should be aware of:

 Phishing happens when an email is sent from an internet criminal

disguised as an email from a legitimate, trustworthy source. The message is
meant to lure you into revealing sensitive or confidential information.

 Pharming happens when a hacker (or “pharmer”) directs an internet user to a

fake website instead of a legitimate one. These “spoofed” sites can
capture a victim’s confidential information, including usernames, passwords,
and credit card data, or install malware on their computer. Pharmers
usually focus on websites in the financial sector, including banks, online
payment platforms, or other e-commerce destinations.
 Internet Scam generally refers to someone using internet services or
software to defraud or take advantage of victims, typically for financial
gain. Cybercriminals may contact potential victims through personal or work
email accounts, social networking sites, dating apps, or other methods in
attempts to obtain financial or other valuable personal information. Online
scams may come in various forms such as lottery scam, charity fraud
scams, job offer scams, and online dating scams to name a few.

 Internet robots are also known as spiders, crawlers, and web bots. It
is a software application that is programmed to do certain tasks. Bots are
automated, which means they run according to their instructions without a
human user. Some bots are useful, such as search engine bots that index
content for search or customer service bots that help users. Other bots
are "bad" and are programmed to break into user accounts, scan the web
for contact information for sending spam, or perform other malicious
activities. If it's connected to the Internet, a bot will have an associated IP

 Malware or malicious software, is any program or file that is harmful to a

computer user. Here are the most common offenders in the rogues’ gallery of
 Adware (advertising supported software) is unwanted software
designed to throw advertisements up on your screen. Example, pop-up ads and
banner ads.
 Spyware is malware that secretly observes the computer user’s activities
without permission and reports it to the software’s author
Example is a keylogger.
 Virus and Worms are malwares that attach to another program and, when
executed—unintentionally by the user—replicates itself by modifying other
computer programs and infecting them with its own bits of code.
 Trojan, or Trojan horse, is one of the most dangerous malware types.
It usually represents itself as something useful in order to trick you.
Once it’s on your system, the attackers behind the Trojan gain
unauthorized access to the affected computer. From there, Trojans can be used
to steal financial information or install threats like viruses and ransomware.
 Ransomware is a form of malware that locks you out of your device and/or
encrypts your files, then forces you to pay a ransom to get them back.

 Spams are unsolicited emails, instant messages coming from recipients that are
not granted verifiable permission for the message to be sent. Spam
messages can be damaging if you open or respond to it.

 Cyberstalking refers to the use of the internet or other electronic device to

harass or stalk individuals or organizations.
 Cyberbullying refers to the act of tormenting, harassing, or embarrassing
another person using the internet.
 Spoofing happens when someone or something pretends to be something
else to gain our confidence, get access to our systems, steal data, steal
money, or spread malware.
F. Developing Say: Now, let's assess your comprehension of today's lesson.
Show me how you hashtag!
Direction: Look at the following images and create a hashtag based on the type of
online threat represented by each image. Write your answers in your activity notebook.
(Post-Developmental) Ask: How does practicing good netiquette contribute to being a responsible digital
citizen? Answer: Good netiquette fosters a positive online community and demonstrates
G. Finding practical respect for others, aligning with the principles of digital citizenship.
applications of Ask: How can excessive screen time impact physical and mental health?
concepts and
Answer: Excessive screen time may contribute to issues like eye strain, poor posture,
skills in daily
and disrupted sleep patterns.

H. Making Say: To wrap-up everything that we discussed in this lesson, complete the statement:
generalizations I have learned that _______________________________________
and I have realized that ______________________________________
abstractions I will apply ______________________________________________
about the lesson
(Make sure that male and female members of the class are given enough opportunity.)

I. Evaluating Reflect on this and write your answers in 1 whole sheet of paper.

J. Additional
activities for
application or


A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored 80% below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these works?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by:


Teacher I

Checked by:


Master Teacher I

Noted by:


Assistant Principal II Principal I

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