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DPP # 1


1. Which of the following is extensive property?
(A) Enthalpy (B) Density (C) Pressure (D) Volume

2. Which of the following statements is correct?

(A) The presence of reacting species in a covered beaker is an example of open system.
(B) There is an exchange of energy as well as matter between the system and the surroundings
in a closed system.
(C) The presence of reactants in a closed vessel made up of copper is an example of a closed
(D) The presence of reactants in a thermos flask or any other closed insulated vessel is an
example of a closed system.

3. Which one of the following statement is false :

(A) work is a state function
(B) temperature is a state function
(C) change in the state is completely defined when the initial and final states are specified
(D) work appears at the boundary of the system.

4. In thermodynamics, a process is called reversible when -

(A) surroundings and system change into each other
(B) there is no boundary between system and surroundings
(C) the surroundings are always in equilibrium with the system
(D) change in properties in each step is appreciable

5. A gas expands slowly against a variable pressure given by p = bar, where V is volume of
gas at each stage of expansion. During expansion from volume 10 L to 100 L the gas undergoes
an increase in internal energy of 400 J. How much heat is absorbed by gas during expansion.
(A) 1900 J (B) 2300 J (C) 2700 J (D) 423 J

6. A system is provided 50 J of heat and work done on the system is 10 J. The change in internal
energy during the process is :-
(A) 40 J (B) 60 J (C) 80 J (D) 50 J
C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 1
Online Partner UNACADEMY
7. Which of the following is/are a state function :
(A) Internal Energy (B) Enthalpy (C) Volume (D) Heat capacity

8. Select correct statement(s) :

(A) Ratio of two extensive properties results into a parameter that depends on amount of
(B) Molar heat capacity is a path function
(C) Container with adiabatic boundaries must be isolated system.
(D) U = nCVT is applicable for real gas at constant volume only.

Mark as true or false with appropriate reason- Assertion T/F Reason
1. H is a state function
2. CV is independent of T for perfect (ideal) gas.
3. U = q + w for every thermodynamic system at rest
in the absence of external field.
4. A process in which final temperature equals initial
temperature must be an isothermal process
5. U remain constant in every isothermal process in a
closed system
6. q = 0 for every cyclic process.
7. U = 0 for every cyclic process.
8. A thermodynamic process is specified by specifying
only initial and final state of system.
9. P-V work is usually negligible for solid and liquid.
10. If neither heat nor matter can enter or leave a System
,that system must be isolated

10. How much heat (in kJ) should be supplied to a rigid conducting vessel of volume V litres, so
that 0.5 mole of C is formed in the reaction.
A(g) + B(g)  C(g) ; H = +7.6 kJ
Take R = 8 J/K mole , T = 300 K :

C.O.: NAIVEDHYAM, Plot No. SP-11, Old INOX, Indira Vihar, Kota (Raj.) 324005 Ph. 0744-2799900 2
Online Partner UNACADEMY

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