Samplexam 3

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Exam is closed book. The points add up to 100. Good luck!

1. (10 points) For a principal-agent problem give definitions of production efficiency

and risk efficiency.

2. (10 points) Give definitions of positive externality and negative externality.

3. (10 points) Describe what is a lemons market. Give some examples of lemons

4. (10 points) Find Nash Equilibria of the following game:

N 3,2 2,1 1,5
W 1,1 0,2 3,3
S 4,5 0,6 2,4
E 1,4 1,5 3,6

5. The economy consists of two firms called 1 and 2 and two goods called G1 and
G2 . Firm i (i = 1, 2) produces only good Gi . The goods are complements, so the
inverse demands for goods G1 and G2 are given by

P1 (q1 , q2 ) = a − q1 + kq2
P2 (q1 , q2 ) = a − q2 + kq1

where q1 and q2 are the amounts of goods G1 and G2 produced by firms 1 and 2
and 1 ≤ k < 1.1 is a constant. The marginal costs for both firms are c.

a) (10 points) Suppose that firms simultaneously choose quantities. Find a

Nash Equilibrium.
b) (10 points) Now suppose that first firm 1 chooses its quantity, then firm
2 observes the choice of firm 1 and also chooses quantity. Use backward
induction to find equilibrium outcome (if you get a messy formula with
parameters a, k and c do not spend time simplifying, leave it as is).

6. Consider a Static Game of Incomplete Information (Player 1 chooses rows A
or B; Player 2 has two types “Low” and “High”, each type chooses between
columns C and D):
Low High

A 0, 0 7, -2 A 7, 7 5, 0

B -2, 7 5, 5 B 0, 5 -2, -2

a) (10 points) Suppose that player 1 believes that type “Low” of player 2 hap-
pens with probability p. For any p find all Bayesian Nash Equilibria.
b) (10 points) For each p specify which equilibria are pooling and which are

7. Consider an abstract bargaining game in which two players bargain over the
amount of pollution that will be produced, say from 0 to 1. The bargaining
process consists of four steps: 1) Player 1 (P1) makes an offer x to Player 2 (P2)
about how much pollution he wants; 2) P2 accepts x or rejects the offer. In case
of acceptance game ends and P1’s offer is realized; 3) In case of rejection P2 can
make a counteroffer y; 4) P1 accepts or rejects the counteroffer. If P1 accepts, the
counteroffer is realized, however since bargaining takes time the payoffs of both
players are reduced according to the discounting factor 0 < δ < 1. If P1 rejects,
the status quo outcome (δs, 0) is realized (here 1 > s > 0 is some number). The
bargaining game looks like this (top payoffs are of P1 and bottom are of P2):

1 δs
P2 ect 0
y P1
P1 Rej Ac
x P2 cep
Ac t
cep 0
t δ(1-y)
0 δy

a) (20 points) Solve the game by backward induction and find which offers
are made in equilibrium in all nodes of the game.

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