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Lesson 1: What for?

Reading/Literary Text: What a milieu!
Language/Grammar Focus:

Target Learning Competencies:

Designs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication activities based on
context. (EN7LT-Ia-1)
Able to communicate proficiently and competently employing the functions of
communications. (EN7LT-I-a-2.1)
Exhibits competence in communication considering the speech context. (EN7OL-I-
Recognizes communicative competence by an understanding of speech styles,
speech acts and communicative strategies. (EN7RC-I-d-7.1)
Realizes the rigours of crafting one’s speech through speech delivery.


There are five functions of communication. These are regulation or control, social

interaction, motivation, information, and emotional expression.

1. Regulation / Control – Communication functions to control behaviour. It can

be used to regulate the nature and number of activities people engage in.
2. Social Interaction – Communication allows people to interact with others to
develop bonds or intimacy. It also allows individuals to express desires,
encouragement, needs, and decision or to give and get information.
3. Motivation – Communication persuades or encourages another person to
change his/her opinion, attitude, and behaviour.
4. Emotional Expression – Communication facilitates people’s expression of their
feelings such as love, fear, anger, joy, hope, or any other emotion.
5. Information – Communication functions to convey information. It can be used
in giving and getting information.

Activating Prior Knowledge

Why do people communicate with others, whether it is with a friend, a teacher, or
a parent? Is it because someone wants something from someone else? Or is it because
other people are asking for something from them? People also communicate with
groups or with an audience—be it in real life or on radio and TV or via the Internet.
People do not just communicate because people love to talk. Humans communicate for
several reasons: regulation and control, social interaction, motivation, information, and
emotional expression. Collectively, these reasons are called the Functions of
Communication. Each Function is based on the Speaker’s purpose for communicating.

Let’s tickle your schema!

A. Directions: write one sentence for each function of communication then find a
partner and discuss your answer.

1. Regulation/Control

2. Social Interaction

3. Motivation
4. Information

5. Emotional Expression

Unlocking of Difficulties

Mix and Match!

Match the types of communication appropriate for the following situations. Write
your answer before the number.
a. Regulation/Control
b. Social Interaction

c. Motivation
d. Information
e. Emotional Expression

_________ 1. The teacher reads and discusses classroom policies with her
_________ 2. Ross greets Rachel; then, they start talking about their plans for the
_________ 3. Phoebe shares her insights on how to live peacefully despite a
complicated life.
_________ 4. Monica shares her frustrations with Chandler.
_________ 5. The geometry teacher lectures about mathematical concepts.
_________ 6. Sheila delivers her valedictory speech.
_________ 7. The President delivers his last State of the Nation Address.
_________ 8. A television personality thanks the supportive moviegoers during an
_________9. The city mayor presents her strategies to execute the plans in a
public forum.
_________10. A tourist guide orients a group of tourists about a heritage site.

The most basic functions of communication in an organization are to regulate/
control, inform, interact socially, and express and motivate.

1. Regulation/Control- functions to control one’s behaviour.

Doctors’ Prescription
“Take your medicine 3 times a day.”

Parents’ Instructions to their Child

“Wash the dishes now, or else I won’t allow you to go to the party later.”

Friends giving advice on what to do

“Move on. He doesn’t love you anymore

2. Social Interaction- used to produce social relationships; used to develop

bonds, intimacy, and relations, used to express preferences, desires, needs,

wants, decisions, goals, and strengths; used for giving and getting information

3. Motivation- This is when the Speaker’s purpose is to persuade or try to

persuade another person to change his/her opinion, attitude, or behavior.

4. Information dissemination- functions to convey information.

“Did you know that there’s a secret apartment at the top of the Eiffel Tower?”

5. Emotional Expression- facilitates people’s expression of their feelings and

“I’m so glad that you came into my life.”
“I like you so much!

Let’s pause and think!

Tell whether the statements about functions of communication below are

_______1. the Speaker appeals to the Listener’s feelings and emotions to

encourage him/her to act in a particular direction.
_______2. facilitates people’s expression of their feelings and emotions.
_______3. Discourage people to live better lives.
_______4. allows people to be connected with one another
_______5. used when the Speaker wants to make others aware of certain data,
concepts, and processes – knowledge that may be useful to them

A speaker has five major reasons for communicating, also known as the
Functions of Communication. It must be remembered that these functions
overlap. To Regulate or Motivate, it is sometimes necessary to first Inform. On
the other hand, Social Interaction also involves Emotional Expression. So does
Motivation. Moreover, these Functions use both verbal and nonverbal cues to
accomplish a specific purpose of communication that the Speaker has in mind.

Let’s pause and think!

Tell whether the statements about functions of communication below are
_____1. the regulation function is also demonstrated by the simple act of telling
someone to be quiet or encouraging someone to continue discussing the topic.
_____2. Social interaction is when people do love to talk and love to talk with
each other.
_____3. In motivation, persuasion is used to move the Listener away from
his/her own position towards the Speaker’s own or the position where the
Speaker wants the other person to move.
_____4. This information function is used when the Speaker wants to make
others aware of certain data, concepts, and processes – knowledge that may be
useful to them.
_____5. Emotional Expression is when the speaker appeals to the Listener’s
feelings and emotions to encourage him/her to act in a particular direction.

Questions for discussion:

1. How many functions of communication?
2. Do you use these functions of communication every day?
3. How do functions of communication help you in communicating?

Comprehension Check!

Encircle the correct answer to the following questions:

1. Which of the following is not a function of communication?

a. Completeness
b. Conciseness
c. Control
d. Courtesy
1. “Receiver of the Message cannot help but be moved to do something: donate
money, clothes, food, and water, or even volunteer to help build new houses for
the victims”. What example of a function is the statement?
a. Information dissemination
b. Emotional expression
c. Social interaction
d. Control
2. The Speaker’s purpose is to control others by managing their behaviour, then
the Speaker is using the function of____.

a. Completeness
b. Conciseness
c. Control
d. Concreteness
3. The President presents his plans for 2019. What function of communication is
applicable to this statement?
a. Information dissemination
b. Emotional expression
c. Social- interaction
d. Control
4. The tourist guide orients the guest regarding the rules while they are in the
vicinity. What function of communication is applicable to this statement?
a. Information dissemination
b. Emotional expression
c. Social- interaction
d. Control
5. Harry greets Cyrelle and they start talking about their plans. What function of
communication is applicable to this statement?
a. Information dissemination
b. Emotional expression
c. Social- interaction
d. Control
7. “We pray for those who suffered a broken heart from their crush.” What function
of communication is applicable to this statement?
a. Information dissemination
b. Emotional expression
c. Social- interaction
d. Control
8. The husband and wife agreed to have shared responsibilities at home. What
function of communication is applicable to this statement?
a. Information dissemination
b. Emotional expression
c. Motivation
d. Control

9. “Are you false teeth? It’s because I can’t smile without you.” What function of
communication is applicable to this statement?
a. Information dissemination
b. Emotional expression
c. Motivation
d. Control
10. It uses both verbal and nonverbal cues to accomplish a specific purpose of
what the speaker has in mind.
a. Telecommunication
b. Barriers to Communication
c. Functions of Communication
d. Intercultural Communication

Give what is asked in the following sentences:

1. What are those functions of communication? (10 points)
2. Choose one function of communication then define it. (10 points)

Let’s See What You Got!

I. In a group of five (5) members each, choose five (5) functions of

communication. Discuss and explain it in your group and write your
answers INDIVIDUALLY on the space provided below in 1-2 sentences






II. Identify the function of communication in each of the following situations.

Write answers on the space provided.
_______________1. The teacher reads and discusses classroom policies to her
_______________2. Ross greets Rachel; then, they start talking about their plans
for the holidays.
_______________3. Rocel shares her insights on how to live peacefully despite a
complicated life.
_______________4. Mica shares her personal frustrations with Meleah.
_______________5. The geometry teacher lectures about mathematical concepts.
_______________6. Rocel delivers her valedictory speech.
_______________7. The President delivers his last State of the Nation Address.
_______________8. A television personality thanks the supportive moviegoers
during an interview.
_______________9. The city mayor presents her strategies to execute the plans in
a public forum.
_______________10. A tourist guide orients a group about a heritage site.

Nuggets of Wisdom

Match the example sentences in column A to word that relates to it in Column


____1. Parents’ instructions to their A. Social Interaction

B. Motivation
____2. Oh no!
C. Statement
____3. Did you know that some
D. Information
earphones can be used as
microphones? E. Regulation/Control

____4. Expressing one’s ambitions F. Emotional Expression

____5. Greetings. G. Object


More Fun: Crossword, but not Puzzled!

On the crossword, find the words in the box and mark it using a line. After,
complete the paragraph below.

five overlap inform verbal purpose

A speaker has major reasons for communicating, also known as

the Functions of Communication. It must be remembered that these functions . To
Regulate or Motivate, it is sometimes necessary to first . On the other
hand, Social Interaction also involves Emotional Expression. So does Motivation.
Moreover, these Functions use both and nonverbal cues to accomplish a
specific of communication that the speaker has in mind.

Act My Function!

In a group of 10, choose one function of communication and create a short role-
play about it. Present it in front of the class in 2 minutes. You will be given 2 minutes to
prepare for the presentation. You will be rated using a 25-point rubric.

Make Your Stand!

The class will be divided into two, each group will brainstorm about the stand
assigned to them. I will flip a coin to determine each side’s stand and speaker
order. If it is head, group 1 will be the first presenter and the proposition. If it is
tail, group 2 will be the second speaker and the opposition. Choose 5
representatives every group to rebuttal. Every representative has 2 minutes to
say their stand. You will be rated using a 25-point rubric. Here is the topic, “Is it
important to study the functions of communication?”

Unlock mystery quotations

Identifying what functions of communications are given below through a quotation

and present with a brief explanation of why. Sample provided.

“Sometimes only bad words can fully express your feelings”


Emotional Expression
Explanation: ______________________________

1. “Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. The pain of love lasts a lifetime”

2. “If you want to change the way people respond to you, change the way you
respond to people”
3. “The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the
distribution of truth”
4. “Be there for others, but never leave yourself behind”
5. “Never let your emotions overpower your intelligence”

Quotes About Feelings & Personal Qualities | Keep Inspiring Me TOP 25 SOCIAL INTERACTION QUOTES (of 105) | A-Z
Quotes (

Style what you like

Make a calligraphy from your favourite function of communication and paste it in
the space provided below.

Pair and speak!

Identify what functions of communication are in the pictures provided below and
discuss them with your pair.

A. Emotional expression

B. . Motivation

C. Information

D. Social Interaction

E. Information

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