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Faculty of Informatics


Title: Web based Center of Competence Information

Management System (COCIMS) for Technical Vocational
Education and Training (TVET) College in Sidama

Project Advisor: Mr.Yitbarek Zewde

Group Members
1. SAMSON SOLOMON.....................EVCS\132\09
2. GEDION NEBYAT………………....EVCS\021\09
3. YEMWEDH REDIET………………EVCS\164\09

Submitted to: Faculty of Informatics

I approve that this industrial project report entitled “Web based Center of Competence Information Management
System (COCIMS) for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College in Sidama region” by:
Name Signature



is approved by me for submission. I certify further that, to the best of my knowledge, the report represents work
carried out by the students.

__________________ _________________________ ________________________

Date Signature Name of Adviser

Examining committee members’ Signature





It is approved that this project has been written in compliance with the formatting rules laid down by the

First, we would like to thanks GOD for giving us strength and health to complete this project.
And also we are grateful to our advisor Mr. Yitbarek Zewde, for his motivate and constructive
guidance as of the beginning of problem formulation to the completion of this project. We would
also thanks Hawassa city Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) workers
devoting their golden time by explaining and provide information and giving written documents.

Table of Contents

ADVISER APPROVAL ............................................................................................................................................. i

Acknowledgment .......................................................................................................................................................ii
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................................................... iii
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................................. vi
List of figures ...........................................................................................................................................................vii
List of Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................................. viii
Abstract ..................................................................................................................................................................... ix
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction about the Project .................................................................................................................................... 1
Statement of the Problem ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Objective of the Project .............................................................................................................................................. 2
General Objective ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Specific Objectives ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Scope of the Project ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Significance of the Project ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Methodology .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Data Gathering Methodology ..................................................................................................................................... 3
System Analysis and Design Methodology ............................................................................................................... 4
Implementation Methodology .................................................................................................................................... 5
Test Methodology....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Development Environment ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Development Tools .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Feasibility Study......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Benefits of the Project ................................................................................................................................................ 8
CHAPTER TWO...................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.Description of Existing System ............................................................................................................................. 10

Introduction of Existing System ............................................................................................................................... 10
Description about Existing System .......................................................................................................................... 10
Players in the Existing System ................................................................................................................................. 10
Proposed System Description................................................................................................................................... 11
Overview of Proposed System ................................................................................................................................. 11
Purpose of the Proposed System .............................................................................................................................. 11
Business Rules.......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Performance Related weakness ................................................................................................................................ 12
Information Related weakness ................................................................................................................................. 12
Efficiency Related weakness .................................................................................................................................... 12
Control Related weakness ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Economic Related weakness .................................................................................................................................... 13
Service Related weakness ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Time Consuming ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 3 .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
3 System Features..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
Functional Requirement ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Nonfunctional Requirement ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Use Case Diagrams .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Actor Identification .................................................................................................................................................. 16
Use case Identification ............................................................................................................................................. 16
Sequence Diagrams .................................................................................................................................................. 23
Activity Diagram ...................................................................................................................................................... 27
Class Diagram .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.System Design ....................................................................................................................................................... 32
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 32
Purpose of the system document design (SDD)...................................................................................................... 32
Scope ........................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Architecture of the system........................................................................................................................................ 33
Logical View ............................................................................................................................................................ 34

Process View ............................................................................................................................................................ 34
Deployment View .................................................................................................................................................... 35
ER-Diagram ............................................................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 4.3 ER- Diagram ........................................................................................................................................... 36
Chapter 5 .................................................................................................................................................................. 37
Conclusion and Recommendation ............................................................................................................................ 37
Summary of Final project ....................................................................................................................................... 37
Recommendation ..................................................................................................................................................... 38
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................................................. 40

List of Tables
Table 1.1: Schedule of the project ............................................................................................................................... 8

Table 3.1 use case description for login .................................................................................................................... 18

Table 3.2: use case description for registration ......................................................................................................... 19

Table 3.3 Use-case description for create user account ............................................................................................ 20

Table 3.4 Use-case description for update user account ........................................................................................... 20

Table 3.5 Use-case description for enable/disable user account ............................................................................... 20

Table 3.6: Use case description for Post notice ........................................................................................................ 21

Table 3.7: Use case description for send feedback ................................................................................................... 21

Table 3.8: Use case description for view notice........................................................................................................ 22

Table 3.9: use case description for take exam ........................................................................................................... 22

List of figures
Figure 1.1 Log book of application assessment .......................................................................................................... 4

Figure 3.1 Use case diagram ..................................................................................................................................... 17

Figure 3.2: Sequence diagram for registration .......................................................................................................... 23

Figure 3.3: sequence diagram for add exam questions ............................................................................................. 24

Figure 3. 4: Sequence diagram for take exam ........................................................................................................... 25

Figure 3.5: Sequence diagram for candidate result report ........................................................................................ 26

Figure 3.6: Activity diagram for login ...................................................................................................................... 27

Figure 3.7: Activity diagram for registration ............................................................................................................ 28

Figure 3.8: Activity diagram for COC exam preparation ......................................................................................... 29

Figure 4.1: Architecture of the system ...................................................................................................................... 33

Figure 4.2 Deployment view ..................................................................................................................................... 35

Figure 4.3 ER- Diagram ............................................................................................................................................ 36

List of Abbreviations

COC Center of Competence

COC_IMS COC information management system
COC-Exam An exam which is provided to graduating TVET students.
CSS Cascading Style Sheet
DB Database
DBMS Database Management system
EPS exam preparation section
GB Giga Byte
JS Java Script
MS Microsoft
PHP Hyper preprocessor Scripting language

Center of Competence Information Management System (COCIMS), the proposed system
would solve the problem in the existing system and make it simple. It is a web-based application,
which would host in the institute local area network and is available to the students within the
institute. It allows administrator users to add questions, view students‟ results and other
functionality. It provides web-based exam to students and automatically show their exam results.
So that it would handle the overall examination processes, from starting the exam up to showing
final result. The process of data collection to develop this proposal was via interview and
observation. The existing system is manual based system. We want to change the existing manual
system by new web based system. Our project identifies the weakness of the existing system and
by highly investigating the problems of the existing system the document has clear and concise
solutions for those problems. The COC Exam information, Examination management system of
Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) or Technical Teaching Collage (TTC) is
done manually, like Students registration for COC, exam management, level management,
question management, Account Management.

Introduction about the Project
Center of Competence (COC) examination is an examination, which is provided to college
graduating students as a final assessment mechanism for the sake of quality assurance. It is an
exam content which covers the whole courses in the level within the institution.

The COC Examination information management system of TVET is done manually, like
Students registration for COC, exam management, level management, question management,
Account Management (Candidates are allowed to be registered with their detailed information
for taking COC exam).

COC exam is mandatory on TVET College and other diploma-certification institutes and also
COC has a crucial thing now days; So that, the proposed system would solve the problem in the
existing system and make it simple. It is a web-based application, which would host in the
institute local area network and is available to the students within the institute. It allows
administrator users to add questions, view students‟ results and other functionality. It provides
web-based exam to students and automatically show their exam results. It would handle the
overall examination processes, from starting the exam up to showing final result.

Statement of the Problem

Center of Competence -Pass or fail is managed and produced manually. This means using papers
and/or general purpose application software like MS-Excel, MS-Word, etc. Those are:-

 Manual student registration for COC exam.

 Reported structure (pass or fail) is manually worked.
 When we exam marking they occurred time wastage, marking mistakes and corruptions.
 It needs large number of examiner. Exam distribution process problem.
 Wastage of resources.
 Waste student‟s time

The maximum duration of the student which spends on the academic learning is about four

years so that the COC exam extends the years of learning process.
 Students waste unexpected expense.
 If a student stays one or more years, college will face unbalance between students and
 Industries will not get enough manpower.

Generally the COC Exam information management system of TVET College is not
computerized. Most of the works are done on paper based, such as:

 Candidate‟s registration process.

 Exam distribution process.
 Result report structure.
 Post notice to the user.

Objective of the Project

General Objective
The main objective of this project is to develop Web Based Center of Competence (COC)
information management system for TVET College in Sidama region.

Specific Objectives
In order to achieve the main objective, we have done the following specific objectives:

 Study and understand the existing system.

 Identify problem in existing system.
 Design the proposed system.
 Implement the proposed system.
 Test and evaluate the developed system.

Scope of the Project

Some activity done by TVET are:

 Candidate registered by taking the form from registrar.

 Provide exam to the candidate, like: multiple choice.

 The Collage dean report different activity manually.
 The candidates view their result after taking exam by wait some days.
 TVET prepare exam by word and copy many pages to distribution for candidate.
 Examiner show student list by counting the student they take the exam by checking
Therefore; taking the above as starting point we have the following scope in the proposed

 Online examination management

 Create account for each user.
 View candidate list
 To view total exam result after we take exam.
 To registered candidate for COC exam.
 Monitor exam.
 Send feedback regarding about the exam and view feedback
 Post notice to appropriate user.
 View exam schedule
Significance of the Project
The proposed project is useful for the TVET College to perform its activity in a simplified way.
Since the TVET College is using the manual system for its operation it takes time and much
human Power.

So that when it became automated the TVET College can perform its task in a short period of
time and little human power with little resource consumption. So the project is crucial for the
TVET College.


Data Gathering Methodology

Different fact finding techniques were used to gather information about the current system. It is
the fundamental activity for the development of the system. Without them data modeling cannot
be constructed. In order to know how the existing system work and what problem are there we

have been using the following fact-finding techniques.
 Observation: Observation is one of the most important methodologies to gathering
information by physically going to TVET College and looks how the current system
working, so observation very crucial to gathering information.
 Interview: It is the primary technique used to elicit the necessary information during the
data gathering. The manager of TVET Collage Ato. Esayas Hailu gives us valuable
information about the overall activity of Colleges existing system. (we will see in
 Document analysis: This is also another information gathering methodology by referring
the document of the existing system.

Figure 1.1 Log book of application assessment

System Analysis and Design Methodology

Design goals describe the qualities of the system that the developers should consider.
 Reliability: COCIMS system should be reliable.

 Security: COCIMS system should be secured, i.e., not allow other users or unauthorized
users to access data that has no the right to access it.
 Modifiable: COCIMS should be modifiable for further modification and enhancement of
the application.
 Performance: The system should respond fast i.e. it should perform the task quickly
possible as possible such as check expired date. And the computers speed must be above
3.00ghz to perform the system
 Cost: The system should be developed with balance cost possible.

Implementation Methodology
There are different kinds of implementation in software development that are parallel, partial and

Parallel implementation: in this implementation the new system is started, but the older system
is kept running side-by-side for a while.

Test Methodology
Before directly deploying this system the team will perform different testing for its functionality
and meeting customers need. First the team tests each unit at each phase. So, if a problem is
encountered it will immediately fixed. Second the team will perform an integration testing to
check whether the system meets all the functional requirements, thirdly functional testing are
performed, higher level tests are used for system will be tested using the following system
testing procedures.

Unit testing
This is the most basic testing mechanism at the developer level. This covers very narrow and well
defined scope. We isolate the code from any outside interaction or any dependency on any
module. Then the testing focuses on very small unit of functionality. They provide a simple way
to check smallest units of code and prove that units can work perfectly in isolation. However, we
need to check further that when these units are combined they work in a cohesive manner which
leads us to further types of tests.
Integration testing
Integration Test forms the next class of tests at the developer level. They provide a mechanism to

test the interoperation of smaller units. So we are going to use these testing methodology to
check whether the units are working together to achieve the project goal.

Functional Tests
After the integration tests are performed, higher level tests are used. Functional tests check for
the correctness of the output with respect to the input defined in the specification. Not much
emphasis is given on the intermediate values but more focus is given on the final output
Alpha testing
In this testing method, the system will tested by giving the correct input. It is tested by a
customer at the developer Site.

Beta testing
In this testing method, team will force the system to be tested for incorrect data input. The
System will be tested by the customer at their actual work place.
If any failures occurred while testing the system in all the above testing methods, the team will
take immediate correction beginning where this fault occurred before jumping to next work so
that it will meet the goal. If all the above testing methods are carried out and find to be valid the
system will directly deployed.

Development Environment
Development Tools
 XAMPP Server: - to implementation application.
 Microsoft Visio 2016 and EdrawMax :-For designing UML diagrams associated with the project.
 Microsoft office 2010:- To write document.
 PHP programming language: - for the software developing.
 Atom and notepad++:- for writing code.
Among the above tool we use in front end and back end to managing the system.

I. Back End Design Tool
MySQL software of the data base system and PHP language was used in developing and
managing the back end of the system.

II. Front End Design Tool

The user interface had been developed using html, java script, CSS since it easily designing the
front end and connected in to data base easily.

Feasibility Study
Feasibility study is essential to evaluate the cost and benefits of the new system.

 It determines the potential of the existing system.

 It used to determine/finds out the problem of the existing system.
 To determine all goals of the new system.
 Operational feasibility

The system to be developed would provide accurate, active, secured service and decreases labor
of workers and also it is not limited to particular groups or body and also it is plat form
independent i.e. it runs in all operating system.

 Technical feasibility

The system to be developed by using technologically system development techniques such as

PHP, Java script, CSS and MYSQL database without any problems and the user have enough
capability after develop the project. So the system will be technically feasible.

 Schedule feasibility
Since schedule feasibility is a process of assigning the degree to which the potential time frame
and computation date for all major activities within a project meet organizational deadlines, so
our project would be continue until to finishing.

 Behavioral/Political feasibility
Since the proposed system is user friend, solve difficulties with society regarding to COCIMS
and accepted almost by all the candidates behaviorally it is feasible.

 Economic Feasibility (Cost Benefit Analysis)

This stage determines the cost or value analysis. It can be software, hardware, and the people.
The new proposed system would be economically feasible because it takes less time and capital
as compared as the existing system.

Schedule of the project

Chapter Start date Finish date Submission date

Chapter 1 April 5,2021 April 10.2021 April 11, 2021


Chapter 2 Description of April 11, 2021 April 19, 2021 April 19, 2021
the Existing systems

Chapter 3 system April 19, 2021 April 27, 2021 April 28, 2021

Chapter 4 System Design April 28,2021 May 06, 2021 May 07, 2021

Chapter 5 Conclusion May 07,2021 May 11,2021 May 12,2021

Compiled May 12,2021 May 14,2021 May 15,2021


Table 1.1: Schedule of the project

Benefits of the Project

We categorize the benefits of the system into tangible and intangible.

Tangible benefits:
 Can reduce the amount of paperwork involved.
 Save registration time and Provide higher data backup.
 It avoids data redundancy or Error reduction.
 Reduce resource requirements or unnecessary wastage of resource.
Intangible benefits:
 Improve candidate satisfaction
 Improve Center of Competence (COC) exam process.
 Better service to the candidate.
 Improved candidate‟ motivation by avoiding paperwork.

2. Description of Existing System
Introduction of Existing System
The Center of Competence (COC) Exam is mandatory on TVET College and other diploma-
certification institutes. Certificate of COC Pass and fail is managed and produced manually. This
means using papers and/or general purpose application software like MS-Excel, MS-Word
simply by hands.

This Organization gives different level in different departments those are level I, level II, level
III, level IV and level V. The COC Exam in TVET College given in different level and in
different ways like oral exam, practical exam, and written exam.

Description about Existing System

The Center of Competence (COC) examination is an examination, which is provided to
college/TVET students as a final assessment mechanism for the sake of educational quality
assurance. Some task which accomplished in this Center of Competence information
management system (COCIMS) are the COC exam preparation section would prepare question
and the COC exam evaluation section would evaluate the question based on rules which is
prepared by the COC exam preparation section.

Players in the Existing System

The existing system has the following actors like:

 College dean:-To manage the overall activity of the system.

 Candidate:-Register manually and takes exam by paper based and View exam result
 Exam preparation sections:-COC Exam preparation section can prepare questions, accept
error question and give correction to the candidate.
 Examiner:-Check exam type, view schedule and approve exam to the candidate.
 Office manager:-The office manager or Exam Evaluation Section (EES) would register
candidate, evaluate the exam which is prepared by Exam Preparation Section (EPS) and
send comment regarding to questions to EPS.

Proposed System Description

Overview of Proposed System

The Center of Competence (COC) examination is an examination, which is provided to college
or Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) students as a final assessment
mechanism for the educational quality assurances. It is provided for each student of the
graduating one. Web-based examinations contents providers to focus on creating effective
assessment questions and focusing on exam‟s feedback delivery to candidate.

Purpose of the Proposed System

COCIMS has following advantages:

 Increased efficiency of COC exam process.

 Allows neat handling of data rather than error prone records.
 Reducing the manual labor (Decreases Overheads).
 Will Increase Efficiency and Save time for exam processing.
 Saving the extra time to register for COC exam.

Business Rules
Identifying the business rule of the proposed system will help us to specify and describe each use
case in effective way. The business rules of the COC information management system are listed
as following:-

 The candidate‟s should be legible.

 The candidates should register.
 The system administrator and candidates must have user account for managing the
activity specified and limited to their privilege.
 The organization must punish if they cheating exam.
 The candidates should have to take the exam within the given time of period.
 The exam should be deactivate after the exam is taken.
 The exam should not be duplicated.
 The examinations are all objective.
 Candidates can take each exam just once.

 The candidates should fill the form properly.
 The candidates should fill the requirements carefully.
 All candidates must take the same exam according to level and department

Strength of the Existing system

 The strength of the existing system of COCIMS is different from others colleges or universities
through by their exams feeding like they used both practical and theoretical examination so it helps
the students performance on the marketing environments and it develops their confidence on the
workplace because they have more practical knowledge.

 As a federal government of Ethiopia, the candidates who have qualified a COC exam is highly
competent on the workplace environment of any fields of studies
Weakness of the Existing System
As we have seen from the existing system by some methodologies listed above on the chapter one (i.e.
Interview, manual record system) it is not preferable for the candidates since everything is
manual. The major problems which are found in the existing system listed as follows:

Performance Related weakness

 The problem which is resided in the current system is performance. We are measuring the
performance of the current system in terms of time. The time took by the current system
for providing information about the service provider to user is so slow.
 The work procedure is error prone.
 The throughput (output) of the organization is not effective.

Information Related weakness

 Miss handling of candidate information occurs.
 Data is difficult to correct and maintain.
 Data is stored redundantly in multiple files (paper).
 Data is not easily accessible.
 Data is not secure from accident (damage).

Efficiency Related weakness

 Since the work is performed manually the efficiency of the working system is poor.
 The data is stored in redundant manner; the information generated also is redundant.

 As the number of the students increase the resources wasted for printing exam paper will
also increase.

Control Related weakness

 Security is another big issue concerning manual based system since the files stored
physically if they damaged there is no back up.
 Since the current system use manual system it is easily expose to security problem.
The existing system use hard copy document to store data and it may be stole by
unauthorized user easily and it causes a serious problem.

 Exam management:-Many exam marking related mistakes and corruptions since the
exam is marked by humans.

Economic Related weakness

 Manual handling of data is expensive.
 Cost in terms of time is high.
 In addition to that it needs more stationary materials due to data duplication, errors, and
storage as number of students increase.

Service Related weakness

 The candidates do not get better service as they need,
 Then candidates do not satisfy with service.

Time Consuming
 User has to wait for register i.e. -The candidates go to the organization to register using
the document and the registrar registers the candidates and gives them their individual
unique ID for COC exam.

 Less communication between exam agency with administrator and it takes time.
 COC exam process: - the candidates take orientation from the instructor and then take the
exam using manually way since the system is paper based.

Chapter 3
3 System Features
In this chapter we focus on model the new system produced by analysis of requirement
elicitation on describing of the new proposed system. We focused on structuring and formalizing
the requirements by analyzing the document. The system that we are going to develop is a
computerized or automates system that changes the manual system. Since every manual service
that done during in the exam time has to be changed to online and computerized system.

The analysis of the proposed system is used to describe and correct the activity in means of
diagram. To analysis the new system we should differentiate participating actors and the provide
use cases through the system.
Functional Requirement
Functional requirement describe the interaction between the system and its environment
independent of its implementation. The new system describes a single and well defined goal of
Center of Competence (COC).

 The system should display confirmation message whether actors do their task
successfully or not.
 The system should have well organized information storage and accessing mechanism.
 The system should update the database of each candidate after registered.
 System should allow generate report for candidate exam Information.
 The system should perform Candidate registration.
 The system Show Candidate result immediately after exam completed.
 The system should have to display all forms to require for exam.
 System displays question available in level.

Nonfunctional Requirement

This requirement is related with advantages of the new system which is developed up on the
existing manual system. It is a requirement related with quality of the system and its usability. It
also related with system security, ease of training, ease of maintaining (documenting works) on
functional requirement describes user visible aspects of the system that are not designed to the
functional behavior of the system. Some of the nonfunctional requirements are:

Performance:-The amount of time needed to get the response for a transaction or request is
minimized. The system has fast response time because of a light weighted code in HTML, PHP,
CSS and JavaScript.

Control and Security:-This system uses different security systems to protect its data. Among
this: Password and user Id. The system users are allowed to perform activities or make a
modification to the data if and only if they are authorized which would be checked by their user
name, password, and account type.

Backups:-In addition to authorizing access to users, the system could have problems in such
areas of data crime, disaster, and human errors. For this purpose, incremental backup copies
(copies of only the challenge to files) and full backup copies (copies of all files) would be made
and stored in a secured location.

Usability:-The system has an interactive and attractive GUI which eases users‟ usage problem. It
needs simple training. It is easy to use and adapt.

Analysis Models
Use Case Diagrams
A use case describes a sequence of actions that provide a measurable value to an actor and is
drawn as a horizontal ellipse. An actor is a person, organization, or external system that plays a
role in one or more interactions with your system (actors are drawn as human figures).
Relationships between actors and classes are indicated in use case diagrams, a relationship exists
whenever an actor is involved with an interaction described by a use case.

Actor Identification
In this system we use the following actors:

 Administrator: - To manage the overall activity of the system.

 Candidate: - One of authorized user in the system that takes exam and view related
information about COC.
 Exam preparation sections: - A COC Exam preparation section can prepare questions,
view all related information about questions of a given level and upload questions.
 Examiner: - To monitor or control the candidate during exam time.
 Collage: - Is one of the actor who is registered the candidate and post important notice to
the system users.

Use case Identification

Use case identification mean to identify the most used use case when we use to develop the
COCIMS. To identify the use case based on the system user performs each activity to work
related information about COC.
The most important and basic use cases of this system are the following:-
 Manage user account(add, enable/disable, update)
 Take Exam
 View exam results
 Prepare Exam.
 View notice
 Set exam time
 send request
 View feedback
 View exam schedule
 Registration of candidate
 Post notice
 View candidate list

Figure 3.1 Use case diagram

Use Case Description


Use case ID Uc1

Use case name Login
Participating administrator, candidate, EPS, Examiner, Collage dean
Description The authentication for authorized users in the system to interact with the
Precondition Any user must have user name and password
Basic flow of Actor action System response
action Step1.Click the login button in Step2. System show the login form
home page Step4. The system checks the
Step3.User enter user name, authentication of user name, password.
password. Step5.System display user page

Post condition User gets access to the system according to their predefined system
Alternative The username, password is invalid.
action 1. The system displays error message.
2. The system continues at step 3 to fill user name, password
3. If the users forget user name or password contact the administrator.
Table 3.1 use case description for login


Use case ID Uc2

Use case name Registration
Actors Collage dean
Precondition The Collage dean must sign up first to the system.
Description This activity is performed when the candidate wants to registered.
Goal To register the candidate and other system user.
Basic course of Actor action System response
action Step1: The administrator signs up the link Step2: the system displays the form.
Registration. Step5: the system checks the
Step3: The Collage dean fills the form. validity.Step6: The System displays
Step4: The Collage dean clicks register successfully submitted.

Post condition The candidate successfully registered..

Alternative course Invalid information entry.
of action
1. The system displays error message.
2. Go to step 3 to fill again.
Table 3.2: use case description for registration
Manage account –create

Use case ID Uc3

Use case name Manage user account-create
Actor Administrator
Pre-condition An administrator should have to enter a valid user name and password in order to
create user account.
Description Administrator creates new account for users.
Basic course of Actor action System response
action Step1: Administrator Step2: The system should verify user name and
should have entered user password.
name and password. Step4: User account will be created.
Step3: The administrator
should have to create the
user account.
Post-condition Users account successfully created in the system.
Alternative If user account does not create the system will be displayed error message.
course of action

Table 3.3 Use-case description for create user account

Manage account –update

Use case ID Uc4

Use case name Manage user account-update
Actor Administrator
Pre-condition An administrator should have to enter a valid user name and
password in order to update user account.
Description Updates user account like changing user name and password.
Basic course of Actor action System response
action Step1: Administrator should have Step2: The system should
entered user name and password. verify user name and
Step3: The administrator should password.
have to search the user account to be Step4: User account will be
modified. update.
Post-condition User account update successfully.

Alternative If user account does not exit the system will be displayed error
course of action message.
Table 3.4 Use-case description for update user account

Manage account –enable/disable

Use case ID Uc5

Use case name Manage user account –enable/disable
Actor Administrator
Pre-condition An administrator should have to enter a valid user name and
password in order to enable/disable user account.
Description Administrator enable/disable users account.
Basic course of Actor action System response
action Step1: Administrator should have Step2: The system should
entered user name and password. verify user name and
Step3: The administrator should have password.
to enable/disable user account. Step4: User account will
be enable/disable.
Post-condition User account enable/disable successfully.
Alternative course If user account does not properly enable/disable the system will be
of action displayed error message.
Table 3.5 Use-case description for enable/disable user account

Post notice

Use case ID Uc6

Use case name Post notice.
Actor Administrator, college
Description System shall allow Post notice for candidate exam Information.
Precondition The user opens the home page of the system.
Basic course of Actor action System response
action Step1:actor login to website Step3: system display Post
Step2: Click Post notice link notice

Alternative If the user doesn‟t have access privilege to use the system; user is not
course of authenticated and is denied access to the system.
Pre-condition Must fulfill the required information and rules.
Post condition notice will be generate
Table 3.6: Use case description for Post notice

Send feedback

Use case Id Uc7

Use case name Send feedback
Participating actor Candidate
Description The candidate Send feedback to the administrator and EPS
Precondition The user opens the home page of the system.
Basic course of Actor action System response
action Step1: Candidate open his/her Step2: system display The
account form
Step3: Candidate writes feedback.
Step4: click send feedback
Alternative course If the form is not fulfilled, back to the form and return error message
of action
Pre-condition All require fields of form are correctly fill by the candidate
Post condition The candidate successfully sends feedback.
Table 3.7: Use case description for send feedback

View notice

Use case ID Uc8

Use case name View notice
Participating Examiner, EPS. Candidate
Description This use case is initiated by college and administrator. This use case describes
how EPS and candidate view comment.
Precondition The user opens the home page of the system.
Basic course Actor action System response
of action Step1: User open their account Step2:System display their account
Step3:Click comment link form
Step5:view notice and send Step4:System display comment
Alternative If there is no notice, return error message that inform to the user
course of (administrator and college)
Post condition The college and Administrator sends notification to candidate
Table 3.8: Use case description for view notice

Take exam

Use case ID Uc9

Use case name Take exam
Participating Candidate
Description The authentication for authorized users in the system to interact with the
Precondition The user opens the home page of the system.
Basic course of Actor action System response
action Step1: User login to the system. Step2: System displays question
Step3: Click exam link. available in level.
Step4: Select related level of exam.
Step5: Take exam and submit, finally
view result
Alternative If the user has not appropriate level;
course of action 1. System return error message
2. User back to the system and check his/her level.
Post condition The system automatically displays the candidate result.
Table 3.9: use case description for take exam

Sequence Diagrams
Sequence diagram used to show the interactions between objects and actors that can be
performed in our system in a timely sequence manner. It depicts the sequential flow of messages
among objects and actors.

Homepage Registration validator/control Database

form ()

registration Request
Registration form

Registration form

Fill form
submit Check

Try again
and fill


Figure 3.2: Sequence diagram for registration

Exam Question validator/con Database
preparation adding trol ()

Actor section form

Click add Fill in put Save
tab question
in data


Question form

Fill form
submit validty()
Try again fill


Figure 3.3: sequence diagram for add exam questions

Figure 3. 4: Sequence diagram for take exam

report validator/control() Database

Fill validty()
report Report to


Figure 3.5: Sequence diagram for candidate result report

Activity Diagram
The activity diagram can be described as an operation of the system which show the flow of or
system from staring the page to the end in separate activity.


Fill username &




Log into the


Figure 3.6: Activity diagram for login



fill required




Figure 3.7: Activity diagram for registration



Set test set correct

type answer



set test

set test


Figure 3.8: Activity diagram for COC exam preparation

Class Diagram
Class diagrams show the static structure of the model, in particular, the things that exist (such as
classes and types), their internal structure, and their relationships to other things.

Figure 3.9: Activity Diagram

User Interface Design
User interface (UI) prototyping is an iterative analysis technique in which users are actively
involved in the mocking-up of the UI for a system. UI prototyping has two purposes: first, it
is an analysis technique because it enables you to explore the problem space that your
system addresses. Second, UI prototyping enables you to explore the solution space of your
system, at least from the point of view of its users, and provides a vehicle for you to
communicate the possible UI design(s) of your system. User interface is used to connect the
users with the system.

Home page: - anyone can view home page of the system without user name and id number.

Login page: -The actor who does the activities of the system must login into the system
with correct user name and password.

About us



Admin Exam preparation section examiner

Create question See schedule
account Take exam
Enable/disable View comment and
give feedback View candidate list
Report View result

logout logout logout


Figure 3.10: User interface for proposed system


4. System Design

This chapter focuses on transforming the analysis model into the design model that takes
into account the non-functional requirements and requirement analysis sections discussed
The purpose of designing is to show the direction how the system is built and to obtain clear
and enough information needed to drive the actual implementation of the system. The
objectives of design are to model the system with high quality and Implementing of high
quality system depend on the nature of design created by the designer. If one wants to
change the system after it has been put in to operation depends on the quality of the system

Purpose of the system document design (SDD)

The purpose of the system design document of COCIMS is to find out how the system is to
be constructed and to get the information needed, to control the actual implementation
of the system. Here are the specific purposes of the system design document:
 To provide a description for how the new COCIMS will be constructed.
 To show every steps of the new proposed system.
 If one wants to change the system it would help to refine the system.
 To determine the architecture of the system to be developed..
 It helps on the guidance of the implementation of code.

The scope for the system design will involve administrator, candidate, Exam preparation
section (EPS), college, and examiner. The Administrator manages user account and staff.
College registers the candidate‟s list. The exam preparation section (EPS) will prepare the exam
and provide to the administrator. Examiner will view exam schedules and monitor the exam
sessions. Then Candidate will take exam and view result.

Architecture of the System
We use 3-tier for our project because 3- tier architecture provides scalability, performance,
availability for the project.

User (Presentation) Tier: End-users operate on this tier and they know nothing about any
existence of the database beyond this layer.

Application (Middle) Tier: At this tier reside the application server and the programs that
access the database. For a user, this application tier presents an abstracted view of the
database. End-users are unaware of any existence of the database beyond the application. At
the other end, the database tier is not aware of any other user beyond the application tier.
Hence, the application layer sits in the middle and acts as a mediator between the end-user
and the database.

Database (Data) Tier: At this tier, the database resides along with its query processing
languages. We also have the relations that define the data and their constraints at this level.

Web Browser Process MySQL

Figure 4.1: Architecture of the system

Logical View
Describes the most important use case realizations, for example, the dynamic aspects of the architecture.
Design level class diagrams have to be included also to illustrate the relationships Describe the abstract
descriptions of a system's parts. Used to model what a system is made up of and how the parts interact with
each other. The types of UML diagrams that typically make up this view include class, object, state machine,
and interaction diagrams. Between architecturally significant classes, subsystems, packages and layers.

Process View
It describes the tasks (procedures and threads) involved in the system„s execution, their interactions and
configurations. It also describes the allocation of objects and classes to tasks .Describe the processes within
your system. It is particularly helpful when visualizing what must happen within your system. This view
typically contains activity diagrams

Deployment View
The name Deployment itself describes the purpose of the diagram. Deployment diagrams
are used for describing the hardware components where software components are deployed.
Component diagrams and deployment diagrams are closely related. Component diagrams
are used to describe the components and deployment diagrams shows how they are
deployed in hardware. UML is mainly designed to focus on software artifacts of a system.
But these two diagrams are special diagrams used to focus on software components and
hardware components. So most of the UML diagrams are used to handle logical
components but deployment diagrams are made to focus on hardware topology of a system.
Deployment diagrams are used by the system engineers.
The purpose of deployment diagrams can be described as:

 Visualize hardware topology of a system.

 Describe the hardware components used to deploy software components.
 Describe run time processing nodes.

Figure 4.2 Deployment view

Database Design





Ch_C ans


Q_id Choice


Figure 4.3 ER- Diagram

Chapter 5
Conclusion and Recommendation
Summary of Final project
A center of competence information management system (COCIMS) is a
computer-based exam taking, exam marking and exam result viewing system.

It would solve most manually introduced problems such as un readability of

candidate answer, cheating among candidate, manual correction error.
And make examination-related tasks simple. It is a web-based application, Which
would host in the institute local area network and is available to the candidate
within the institute. It allows EPS to add questions, edit questions, delete
It provides exam to Candidate of the TVET institute and automatically show their
exam results.
The main objectives of this project are to simplify and qualify
the Candidate evaluation/assessment mechanism by providing automatic exam
process and exam marking techniques. It provides on time exam result, with
no postpone unless technical problem on computers or electricity happens.

The new system would solve the current system drawbacks by making each
COC exam Questions available digitally and usable within the institute network.
This is achieved by allowing EPS users to add questions according the level that
would provide and candidate to use them.

According to scope of our project the team develops web based application.
Because of the time constraint we may have limitation which should be
consideration in, but in the feature the team believes that this system should be
fully operationally by adding some functionality that are not included in the
proposed system.

We also want to recommend other coming students to make this project

expanded and more automated with additional functionalities and by integrating
with many new technologies.

 Laboratory practice and matching exam types

 Digital signature that identifies the correct candidate
 Online tutorial and other

1) . G. six, "Addis Ababa Center of Competency," Addis Ababa, 29
September 2016/17.
[Online]. Available:
2) .
paradigm. html
8) African Union: Strategy to revitalize technical and vocational education
and training (TVET) in Africa
9) Strategy to Revitalize Technical and Vocational Education and Training
(TVET) in Africa Final Draft

As we describe in the methodology part we use the methodology or
observation and
Documentation here are the question we raise during doing the project.
But, we get
answer from
Interview, observation and documentation.

Question address to the Technical Vocational Education and Training


Q1. What are the objectives of your colleges?

Q2. How does your current system work?

A. Is it manual?

B. Is it computerized?


C. Is it semi-automated?

Q3. How to register candidate for take COC exam?

Q4. In what way the candidates take exam?

Q5. How candidate seen exam result after

exam taken?

Q6. What service it gives to society


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