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University Road, Poblacion, Muntinlupa City

Shaliey Apreal Milkca O. Medalla GENED06-Art Appreciation

BSED - 2 Eng Professor Thina Gardner

The Oval Portrait

by Edgar Allan Poe

(published 1850)

The literary art entitled “The Oval Portrait,” written by Edgar Allan Poe. The genre of
the short story is horror or gothic horror. The theme of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Oval Portrait''
centers upon the destructive effects of artistic obsession and the implications of prioritizing
desire over human relationships. Through this story, we will learn the balance between what
we want and what we need. We people tend to neglect our loved ones for the sake of our
selfishness. The story further delves into the idea of art's innate ability to reflect and convey
life's essence, dissolving the boundary between illusion and reality.

The story starts with a wounded traveler seeking refuge in a chateau. Within his stay,
he becomes captivated by the painting, and the tragic story behind that painting that delves into
the story recounts how a passionate painter becomes so consumed by his work that he neglects
his young bride, leading to her untimely death. One of the aspects of the story I don't like is
the gender stereotype. The thing with women and men is that the man always has the upper
hand in the relationship. When the wife can't be brave and cannot say what she wants to say,
she always lets her husband be obsessed with his ambition. Another is that I feel like the story
left me questioning the reaction of the husband, whether any character development happens,
and whether the painting is realistic to feel the feelings of when it is drawn. I like Poe's deft
use of imagery and symbolism in the narrative. The oval portrait itself starts to represent the
protagonist's spiral into insanity and the transient quality of both beauty and existence.

In conclusion, the story delves into the gap between reality and creativity. The story
captures me with the conflict of who he loves the most, the portrait or the alive one. I would
recommend this story to those who like thrillers and horror but have predictable endings,
because some readers don't like predictable endings; they want a conflicting and more thrilling
theme. In conclusion, the narrative is excellent and a well-constructed written piece of
literature. The entire story demonstrates Edgar Allan Poe's mastery of language, mood, and
storytelling. Through symbolic descriptions and well formed situations, he deftly creates
tension and suspense, investing the story with a pervasive sense of melancholy.

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