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Faculty of Methodology and Recreation, University School of Physical Education, Poznan, Poland;
KKS Lech Poznan´ S.A, Football Club, Poznan´, Poznan´, Poland; and 3Faculty of Players’
Motor Activity, University School of Physical Education, Wrocław, Poland

ABSTRACT tactical, and mental preparation from the players (23).

Recently, much attention has been paid to the selection of
Andrzejewski, M, Chmura, J, Pluta, B, and Kasprzak, A. Analysis
players possessing proper anthropometric and efficiency
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC1y0abggQZXdgGj2MwlZLeI= on 03/07/2022

of motor activities of professional soccer players. J Strength

profiles, thus providing for the possibility of systematic
Cond Res 26(6): 1481–1488, 2012—The objective of this
workouts that allow players to achieve optimum perfor-
study was to determine the distance covered by professional
mance. The preparation of a player is frequently focused on
soccer players during matches with the use of the computer- the improvement of technical or tactical skills at the expense
ized match analysis system Amisco ProÒ (version 1.0.2, Nice, of developing motor abilities (2,3,17,22,27). Like many other
France). Kinematic examination included the specification of the team sports, soccer also involves a number of various playing
distance covered by 31 players participating in 4 matches in the positions with different physical requirements (2,18,25). To
Union of European Football Association Cup competitions compete at an elite level, soccer players are expected to
during the 2008–2009 season. Data were analyzed based on possess morphological and physiological characteristics that
players’ positions on the pitch, changes in the players’ motor are applicable both for the sport of soccer and specifically for
activity intensity level, and match period (first or second half). their playing position. Although significant correlations were
The results of statistical analysis revealed that the average total determined among soccer players’ body weight, muscle
distance covered by all players (n = 31) was 11,288 6 734 m. mass, and work-rate profile, the relationship between other
With respect to the player’s position on the pitch, the anthropometric characteristics and work-rate profile was
midfielders traveled the longest average distance (11,770 6
found to be more complex (25).
The high level of endurance, weight, and speed require-
554 m) during the game. This was 3% longer than the distance
ments results in profound exposure of soccer skills from
achieved by the attackers at 11,377 6 584 m, and 7% longer
the players during the game. This is why understanding the
than that achieved by the defenders 10,932 6 728 m. The
structure of movement during the match is the first step on the
analysis of physical loads on soccer players during a match is way toward the rational programming of speed and strength
highly useful for training individualization. It provides a tool for training (10). During a match, players of the best European
effective planning and for recording the loads on players, which teams cover a distance of about 9–13 km (4,5,11,18,19,25),
is an indispensable element of modern coaching. with an average intensity approximating the lactate threshold
[LT] (2,16,21). The biggest part of that distance is covered
KEY WORDS biomechanics, individualization, distance covered,
by marching and running at low intensity (;8–9 km) and
pitch position
by running at a very quick pace and sprinting (1.5–2.5 km)
(1,5,25). The distance covered by players during a soccer
INTRODUCTION match depends, among others, on the player’s biological
potential, training level, tactical assumptions, and match

occer is one of the most complex and demanding
sports. The most remarkable achievements in formation. It should be emphasized that, because of very
soccer depend on many closely interrelated factors. frequent changes in physical activities during a match, the
It is a very dynamic game characterized by a large covered distance does not only represent the form of work
number of direct duels that require excellent motor, technical, performed by a player. Carling (7) indicates that in profes-
sional soccer only 1.2–2.4% of the total distance during
Address correspondence to Marcin Andrzejewski, and rzejewski@awf. a match is covered by players in possession of the ball, with particular players’ distances dependent on their pitch
26(6)/1481–1488 positions. In comparison, Bangsbo (2) notes that the average
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research time of ball possession of world-class footballers is from 18 to
Ó 2012 National Strength and Conditioning Association 170 seconds. Apparently, team play effectiveness must

VOLUME 26 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2012 | 1481

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Distances Covered by Soccer Players

depend on the players’ performance without the ball during there can be statistically significant differences for 3 variables:
the remaining 60 minutes of a match. Players’ endurance player’s position on the pitch, activity intensity range, and
training serves the dominant role during that time. Because of match period.
the football game time, that is, 90 minutes, and a player’s
physical intensity level during a game (;70% V_ O2max),
The study sample comprised 31 players in 3 outfield positions:
a proper level of aerobic endurance enables a footballer to use
defenders (D, n = 15), midfielders (M, n = 10), and forwards
aerobic energy resources to a greater extent during a match.
(F, n = 6). Four European Football Association (UEFA) Cup
Bangsbo (1) proves that 98% of energy used during a soccer
matches from the 2008 to 2009 season were recorded.
match is covered by aerobic metabolic processes, which
The analysis involved the motor activities of the players
supply energy indispensable for running at a low and average
participating in the entire match, excluding the goalkeepers.
pace. A player also shows tolerance for cumulative fatigue
All analyzed UEFA Cup matches ended in a draw (4 matches
process arising because of physical exertion of high (above LT)
in total; 2 matches with a 2–2 score and 2 with a 1–1 score).
and very-high (sprints) intensities. A high level of endurance
The study constituted an introductory stage of research into
capacity enables a player to develop a quicker playing pace,
the development of a player’s complete motor profile.
which may be sustained during the entire game time.
The authors have received a written consent from the
The requirements for playing soccer with regard to
authorities of FC KKS Lech Poznan to use the figures
efficiency may be assessed on the basis of an analysis of
(provided by the club). The players were fully informed of all
players’ motor behaviors during the match. In the last several
experimental procedures before giving their informed consent
dozen years, the interest in monitoring and analysis of
to participate in the study. To ensure team and player
match events in soccer has increased significantly (5,6,9,11,14,
confidentiality, all performance data were anonymized before
18,24,28,31,33). Two pioneers who addressed the issue
analysis. The study was conducted in compliance with the
related to players’ motion analysis were Reilly and Thomas
Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the local ethics
(24). The method they proposed consisted of defining the
committee (No. 339/02). The study protocol was also
number of steps performed by a player for each type of motor
approved by the Board of Ethics of University School of
activity (standing, walking, jogging, and sprinting), deter-
Physical Education in Poznań.
mining the average length of those steps, and then converting
the information into the distance covered by a player during Procedures
a match. Newer methods used to record players’ motor The study used one of the latest and most versatile computer
activity were proposed by Hennig and Briehle (15) using a systems for match performance analysis, Amisco ProÒ. This
global positioning system (GPS). This system allows the multiple-camera system tracked the movements of each
recording of signals emitted by GPS transmitters located on player over the course of the matches. The system provided
the Earth’s surface to a satellite in orbit. Currently, 2 information on running speeds, covered distances, and the
computerized systems for match analysis are used: ProZoneÒ occurrence rate for each player’s activity. Players’ movements
(Leeds, United Kingdom), and Amisco ProÒ (Nice, France). were tracked at a sampling rate of 25.0 Hz providing
These systems analyze the course of sports rivalry at the level approximately 2.5 million data points per match (8).
of players’ motor activity and at their technical and tactical Simultaneously, a trained operator coded each technical
levels. The practical value of such a sport competition action with the ball. The workings of the AMISCO Pro
analysis is that it allows the user to determine the proper system have been described in more detail elsewhere (7,8,11).
choices for a particular player’s physical load, customized to Zubillaga et al. (34), and Randers et al. (20) have recently
their nature, volume, and intensity (5,11). The system evaluated the reliability and validity of AMISCO Pro for
produces the information necessary to shape specific motor quantifying displacement velocities during match-related
abilities of each player to meet the requirements of soccer activities relative to data obtained using timing gates.
playing. Lack of such information may lead to overloading The present analysis was carried out by using 8
or underloading of athletes’ bodies. synchronized cameras placed on the roof of Municipal
Stadium in Poznań, Poland. These cameras recorded the
METHODS game in different pitch sectors as illustrated in Figure 1.
Experimental Approach to the Problem Signals gathered by the cameras were converted to digital
The main assumption of the experiment is that the use data and then fed into 4 computers used to conduct a match’s
of the Amisco ProÒ system allows an objective assessment performance analysis. Using the specially developed program
of the total distance covered by professional soccer players Amisco ProÒ in Athletic Mode, the collected data helped
in the analyzed matches. The player’s position on the pitch determine the distance covered by the players and the
during the game determines his distance coverage in different frequency of each form of motor activity from players in
intensity ranges. The analysis of professional soccer players’ different positions. The match analysis system also allowed
kinematic parameters must also account for the situational users to determine the distance covered by the players during
variable, that is, match period. It can be thus assumed that the match in 6 different motor activity intensity ranges:
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between the mean values,

Tukey’s honestly significant dif-
ference (HSD) test was applied.
The level of statistical signifi-
cance was set at p # 0.05. The
size of the distance covered by
players during a match in 6
different ranges of intensity:
standing, walking (V1), jogging
(V2), running (V3), fast running
(V4), high-speed running (V5),
and sprinting (V6) occurring
at 3 different positions on the
pitch is fairly compatible. The
strength of absolute compati-
bility is not large and amounts
to rICC = 0.5783. Statistical
analysis was carried out using
the STATISTICA program.

The empirical data concerning
the distances covered by the
players of different tactical for-
mations in the assumed activity
intensity ranges in the first and
second halves of the match are
presented in Table 1. Table 2
shows significant differences in
the results of the ANOVA test
Figure 1. The recording ranges of the pitch parts by each of the 8 cameras. and post hoc Tukey’s HSD test.
The graphic characteristics of
the total distance covered by
0 # V1 , 11 kmh21 (standing, walking), 11 # V2 , the players participating in UEFA Cup competitions (n = 31)
14 kmh21 (jogging), 14 # V3 , 17 kmh21 (running), 17 # based on their position on the pitch, intensity range, and
V4 , 21 kmh21 (fast running), 21 # V5 , 24 kmh21 match period are presented in Figures 2–4.
(high-speed running), and V6 $ 24 kmh21 (sprinting). Statistically significant differences were found for all 3
variables: position on the pitch (F = 5.034, p = 0.0136),
Statistical Analyses intensity range (F = 3848.10, p = 0.0000), and match period
All the parameters were checked to verify their conformity to (F = 6.63, p = 0.0152). Statistically significant differences were
a normal distribution. The conformity evaluation was carried found between intensity range and position on the pitch
out with the Lilliefors test (p , 0.01). For all the parameters, (F = 4.23, p = 0.0000) and match period (F = 3.40,
the following descriptive statistics were calculated: arithmetic p = 0.0059). A nonsignificant relationship was found between
mean, median, interquartile range, and SD. The figures show the player’s position on the pitch and the match period
the distances covered by the examined players depending on (F = 1.55, p = 0.2293).
their position on the pitch, activity intensity range, and match The results of statistical analysis showed that the average
period by means of chosen descriptive statistics. total distance covered by all the examined players (n = 31)
A multifactorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to amounted to 11,288 6 734 m (Table 1). The longest
compare the average covered distance for 3 variables: player’s distance was covered by the players in the V1 intensity
position on the pitch (D, M, and F), intensity ranges (V1, V2, range (62%), followed by V2 (15%), V3 (10%), V4 (8%), V5
V3, V4, V5, and V6) and match period (first or second half ). (3%), and V6 (2%).
Initially, the full model was used to examine all interactions. With regard to the player’s position on the pitch, the
Statistically nonsignificant differences were removed from the longest distance was covered by the midfielders at 11,770 6
model, and the remaining differences were recalculated by 554 m, that is, 3% longer than the distance achieved by the
means of an ANOVA test. In the case of significant differences forwards (11,377 6 584 m) and 7% longer than the defenders

VOLUME 26 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2012 | 1483

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Distances Covered by Soccer Players

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

TABLE 1. Mean distances covered by UEFA cup players (n = 31) according to playing positions (defenders, D, n = 15; midfielders, M, n = 10; and forwards, F, n = 6),
ranges of velocities (V1 to V6) and game period (first and second halves).*†

Distances covered in different ranges of velocities in the first and second halves

Total Total
0 # V1 11 # V2 14 # V3 17 # V4 21 # V5 V6 $ IND IND
, 11 kmh21 , 14 kmh21 , 17 kmh21 , 21 kmh–1 , 24 kmh21 24 kmh21 VEL PER

Positions First Second First Second First Second First Second First Second First Second First Second

D 3,434 3,547 742 793 496 536 414 416 142 155 133 125 5,360 5,572 10,932
(117) (144) (100) (154) (145) (188) (143) (154) (71) (80) (77) (88) (346) (448) (728)
M 3,415 3,471 942 962 636 770 531 544 166 156 85 93 5,774 5,996 11,770
(138) (91) (206) (151) (116) (181) (156) (124) (68) (42) (52) (59) (364) (309) (554)
F 3,449 3,623 800 694 596 505 496 469 178 191 200 177 5,719 5,659 11,377
(130) (127) (108) (168) (137) (160) (184) (91) (38) (45) (117) (27) (331) (325) (584)
Total 3,430 3,537 817 828 560 605 467 467 156 162 130 124 5,562 5,725
IND (122) (133) (165) (181) (145) (209) (159) (142) (64) (64) (86) (75) (392) (420)
Total 6,968 1,646 1,166 935 319 255 11,288
IND (217) (310) (325) (268) (106) (138) (734)
*IND VEL = independent of velocities; IND PER = independent of period; IND POS = independent of positions.
†Distances given in meters as mean (SD).

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the variables of the player’s

position on the pitch and act-
TABLE 2. Statistical results from ANOVA and Tukey’s significant difference criterion ivity intensity range. The dif-
with respect to 3 factors: playing positions (D, M, F), ranges of velocities (V1, V2, V3, ference between the 2 periods
V4, V5, and V6), and the game periods (first and second).*
of the match was statistically
Statistically significant significant (p = 0.0152) at 3%
Factor differences (p , 0.05) (Figure 4).
The relationships between
Playing positions M.D
Range of velocities V1 . V2 .V3 . V4 . V5, V6 the player’s position on the pitch
Periods Second . first and intensity range varied. In
Playing positions 3 range of velocities V2: M . D, F; V3: M . D; V6: F . M the V2 intensity range (jogging),
Range of velocities 3 periods V1: Second . first the differences between players’
*ANOVA = analysis of variance.
positions on the pitch proved
to be statistically significant
for M at 1,904 6 329 m, D at
1,534 6 209 m, and F at 1494 6
249 m. In V3 (running), M at
(10,932 6 728 m). The results revealed a statistically signifi- 1,405 6 258 m covered a statistically greater distance than did
cant difference only between the midfielders and the D at 1,031 6 313 m. However, in V6 (sprinting), F at 376 6
defenders as demonstrated in Figure 2. 104 m covered a statistically significant and greater distance in
The comparison of the distance covered by the players comparison with M, at 177 6 97 m. There were no statistically
examined in 6 intensity ranges showed statistically significant significant differences between the pitch positions and V1
differences among them with the exclusion of V5 and V6. The (standing, walking), V4 (fast running), and V5 (high-speed
distances covered by players in the 6 intensity ranges included running) (Table 2).
(in descending order): V1 (standing, walking) at 6,968 6 217 m; The relationship between motor activity intensity range
V2 (jogging) at 1,646 6 310 m; V3 (running) at 1,166 6 325 m; and match period showed that only in V1 (standing, walking)
V4 (running fast) at 935 6 268 m; V5 (high speed) at 319 6 did the players cover a statistically longer distance in the
106 m; and V6 (sprinting) at 255 6 138 m (Figure 3). second half of the match (3,537 6 133 m) in comparison to
The ANOVA test showed that the distance covered by their result achieved in the first half (3,430 6 122 m) as shown
the players in the second half of the match at 5,725 6 420 m in Table 1. There was no statistically significant differences in
was greater than in the first half 5,562 6 392 m, excluding the distance covered by the players between the first and the

Figure 3. Characteristics of the covered distance (meters) by the

players examined (n = 31) in 6 different activity intensity ranges: 0 #
Figure 2. Characteristics of the distance covered (meters) by the V1 , 11 kmh21 (standing, walking), 11 # V2 , 14 kmh21 (jogging),
examined players (n = 31) by their position on the pitch: defenders 14 # V3 , 17 kmh21 (running), 17 # V4 , 21 kmh21 (fast running),
(D, n = 15), midfielders (M, n = 10), and forwards (F, n = 6). 21 # V5 , 24 kmh21 (high-speed running), V6 $ 24 kmh21 (sprinting).

VOLUME 26 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2012 | 1485

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Distances Covered by Soccer Players

Adaptation training enables a player to adjust his abilities to

the real-game situation, depending on the requirements posed
by the opponent or on tactical assumptions of the team. In the
first half of the match, the teams try to identify the capabilities
of their opponents. Using their technical and tactical
preparation, among other options, they can develop effective,
optimal playing strategies and methods. This may be the
reason why the distance covered by the players in the first half
is shorter than the distance in the second half of the match.
The difference in the distance covered between the 2 halves of
a match was 163 m and was statistically significant (Figure 4).
These data, however, had not been confirmed by other
authors (5,11). Caution is to be necessarily exercised in
comparing recent data with reported results in the literature,
because different technologies and categorizations were
Figure 4. Distance in meters covered by the players (n = 31) in the first employed. Our results are similar to those previously
and second halves of the analyzed matches. reported by Di Salvo et al. (11,12) and Zubillaga et al. (34).
In these studies, technologies and intensity categories were
the same as those used in the current investigation.
This study also attempted to determine the positions on the
second halves of the match for V2 (jogging), V3 (running), V4
pitch at which players covered the longest distances during
(fats running), V5 (high-speed running), and V6 (sprinting) as
the game. On the basis of kinematic analysis carried out for
shown in Table 2.
4 UEFA Cup matches, the greatest overall distance was
covered by the midfielders (11,770 6 554 m). A significantly
DISCUSSION shorter distance was covered by the forwards and defenders,
During high-level sports matches, soccer players’ perfor- at 11,377 6 584 and 10,932 6 728 m, respectively, as shown in
mance of particular motor activities such as starts or technical Figure 2. These values are close to the results obtained by
skills with the ball was assessed at rates of 1,000 (23), 1,300 (2), Di Salvo et al. (11), although the latter separated players’
1,400 (18) acts per game. These actions are used recursively positions on the pitch into 5 particular classifications: central
in different sequences and moments of the game. Changes of defenders, external defenders, central midfield players,
activity depend on the player’s speed and direction of external midfield players, and forwards.
movement necessary to perform particular technical ele- According to these authors, the longest distance was
ments and follow the opponent’s movements. The most covered by central midfield players at 12,027 6 625 m, which
important forms of a soccer player’s motor activities include was approximately 5% more than the team’s average. External
starts from different positions, changes of direction, acceler- midfield players at the intensity level of running achieved an
ation, multiple runs over a distance of several dozen meters average of 11,990 6 776 m. The shortest distance during a 90-
(with and without the ball), technical actions with the ball, minute game was covered by central defenders at 10,627 6
marching, and trotting (13). 893 m.
The results of this research show that the overall distance The intensity levels of soccer players during a match can be
covered by the players participating in the analyzed matches broken down with respect to the percentage of the total
of the UEFA Cup in the 2008–2009 season (11,288 6 734 m) distance. For example, the results of one study included 24%
was similar to the values achieved by other authors. It has for marching, 36% for trotting, 20% for ‘‘tempo’’ or running
been found that the average distance covered by a player with submaximal intensity, 11% for sprinting, and 7% running
during a soccer match ranges from 8 to 12 km (3–5,15, backwards (23). Each of the above forms of motor activity is
19,25,29). It is worth noting, however, that those studies carried out on different stretches of the pitch with an
carried out match analysis using diverse methods of game alternating frequency of occurrence. In a study of Danish
monitoring and evaluating of players at different levels. Di soccer players, Bangsbo (2) found that about 20% of the total
Salvo et al. (11), among others, used the Amisco ProÒ system playing time was used for light running, whereas high-speed
in their analysis. They presented the results of an analysis of running made up only 5.6% of the playing time and 14.1% of
300 players participating in 20 matches of the Spanish the total distance covered.
Premier League and in 10 matches of the Champions League The analysis of different forms of locomotion within the
in the 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 seasons. According to their distance covered during a game shows that most motor
findings, the overall distance covered by a player averaged activities are performed at low (trotting, marching, backward
11,393 6 1016 m, which is close to the results obtained in this movement) or submaximal (high-speed running) intensity.
study (Table 1). Only a small part of the distance is covered with maximum
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intensity (sprint). Because of the acyclic and intermittent and tactical skills during a game. Even soccer players at the
character of the game, short periods are played at the highest technical level can make errors if the level of their
maximum intensity level (18). physical preparation is inadequate. The structure of training
The current state of knowledge is reaffirmed by the results loads in soccer must be closely related to the specificity of the
of this study. Characteristics of the distance covered in 6 game. The profile of soccer players’ physical activities clearly
separate intensity ranges explicitly showed that the longest indicates the volume of their training loads and physical
distance, regardless of the player’s position on the pitch, was efforts in real matches.
covered in V1 (standing, walking) at 6,968 6 217 m. The use of The data on the total distances covered by soccer players
this intensity level constitutes 62% of the total distance during a championship match are crucial for soccer training
covered during the match. In each subsequent intensity range, practice. Such data should be accounted for in the process of
the players covered shorter distances (Table 2). planning of individual training units in an annual training
During soccer competitions, high-intensity efforts in the cycle.
form of sprints occur on average every 90 seconds and last from During a 90-minute match, elite-level players cover
2 to 4 seconds. Sprints constitute from 1 to 11% of the total a distance of .10 km with an average intensity similar to
distance covered by the players during the match, which covers that of the blood LT. These data clearly emphasize the
from 0.5 to 3% of effective playing time (26,30,32). In our importance of aerobic endurance in the physical preparation
research, the players sprinted (V6 $ 24 kmh21) a distance of of soccer players. In this case, the coaches of physical
255 6 138 m, which was only 2.3% of the total distance preparation receive credible information connected with the
covered during the game. A similar result, approximately 3%, emphasis on the formation of aerobic capacity as a crucial
was achieved in a study of Di Salvo et al. (11). motor component of a soccer player. These presumptions are
As for the relationship between the player’s position on the largely possible to complete during the preparation periods at
pitch and activity intensity range, this study demonstrates that each level of training with dominant loads of comprehensive
the midfield players covered a longer distance at lower speeds. nature. The most frequently used means of all-round
However, forward players predominate in sprint efforts in the preparation that could be applied in principle are overall
V5 and V6 intensity ranges. A slightly different observation developing warm-ups, supplementary sports, and constant
was made by Di Salvo et al. (11), who found that the longest and variable runs. Simplistic and task games directed among
distance at the speed above 23 kmh21 at 446 6 161 m was other things at the formation of overall endurance through
covered by external midfielders. The result for the forwards the adequately suited technical and tactical presumptions of
was nearly 69 m longer than the result presented in our study. a game are also of great importance. The range of intensity
When analyzing the distance covered by the players at during the training activities should oscillate within the limits
most speeds, it was found that the players cover similar of individual physical loads of soccer players. The research
distances in both halves of the match. A statistically significant conducted indicates that these recommendations should
distance was noted only for V1 (standing, walking), where particularly relate to midfielders who cover the longest
the distance covered by the players in the second half was distance of V2, V3, and V4 (Table 1) during a match.
greater than that in the first half. Therefore, from the standpoint of the energy processes, the
This study presents the characteristics of motor activities of workout should be interpreted as loads applied in the range
31 players participating in UEFA Cup competitions and of supporting aerobic and mixed intensity.
compares them with those of similar research conducted by In soccer, the anaerobic intensity plays an extremely
other authors. The research results were presented using important role in the efforts of high and very-high intensities.
Amisco ProÒ, a modern computerized system for match The most common mistake made by coaches during the
analysis. This particular tool, which provides valuable data soccer players’ preparation process is the application of the
about players’ performance, becomes an important compo- same speed load for all players during training. The results
nent in the process of players’ preparation. presented in the article clearly demonstrate that the most
significant contribution to this type of efforts (V5 and V6)
PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS occurs by forwards. In the analyzed matches, the attack
The results of observation of different physical activity forms players cover twice the distance in sprints than do the
of elite soccer players during championship matches reveal midfielders (V6 = 377 m for F and V6 = 178 m for M). This
a number of endurance and speed demands facing modern information gives coaches the concrete and practical
soccer players and important training guidelines. The knowledge in the field of programming the magnitude and
knowledge of structure of players’ physical efforts during volume of loads for soccer players of different tactical
matches can have a significant impact on the programming of formations in the training unity aimed at the creation of motor
training loads and general improvement of the training speed abilities.
process. One of the most significant factors determining The development of physical load profiles of soccer players
the sports level of modern soccer players is their motor during a match is highly useful for training individualization
preparation, which, in turn, profoundly affects their technical because it facilitates the planning and registration of training

VOLUME 26 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2012 | 1487

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Distances Covered by Soccer Players

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