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Narrator: In the beginning, the world was shrouded in darkness.

Then, a small light appeared, and from this

light, a human took form. This was Aleyah Lavelle, the Queen of the Gods.

Aleyah: (Looking around) This world I was in seems sad; I felt lonely. Even gods would feel this if there was no
one I could see except in my own reflection.I think this world needs something that would fill the space. What
would that be? Hmm (thinking) As a queen, my highest guess would be like, light, land, mountains, and water.
Would that be great and enough for me to feel excited every day?

Narrator: She created the sky, the land, the mountains, and the bodies of water, forming the seven continents
of the world.

Aleyah: I have finished creating all these; I can feel the relief from doing them. Such an amazing creation I will
be proud of. (Looking around at her creation.)

Aleyah: Oh, my precious creation, despite your beauty, the world still feels lonely. It feels incomplete without
companions. So I must create beings according to my own image.

Aleyah: (Placed her thumb and pinky finger into her heart and channeled the energy to create two beings.)I
have been alone for so long; the world needs someone who will fill this void. Rise, Rahan, and Elora; my love
will give you life.

(Then they came into this world filled with love for each other and for their creator.)

Rahan: We are honored to be created by your love, Aleyah. We shall cherish this gift of life and fulfill the
purpose that you wish.

Elora: Aleyah, we will strive and do great things to bring more light and happiness to this world. Thank you for
bringing us together to build harmony and make the world more colorful.

Narrator: The love between Rahan and Elora, the man and woman created by Aleyah, grew deep and strong.
Their hearts intertwined, and they embarked on a journey of love and creation.

Rahan: (Looking into Elora's eyes) In you, I have found the truest love, a love that surpasses all boundaries.
Together, we will create something extraordinary and will make this world and Aleyah proud.

Elora: (Smiling) Rahan, your love completes me. Let us embark on this journey together, and may our love
bring the greatest things that we could have done because we have each other, my love.

Narrator: And so, their love blossomed, and they became parents to seven extraordinary children, each born
from a different part of their parents' bodies.

(Introducing the each of the seven children)

Rahan: From the depths of my mind and the wisdom within, Ruby emerged. She is the light of my thoughts and
the fire within my soul.

Elora: Oziel, born from the strength of your father's foot, you carry the grounding power of the earth. You are
the foundation upon which we build our legacy.

Rahan: Yara, your joyful spirit is a reflection of your mother's cheerful laugh. From that laughter, you were
born, bringing light and warmth to our lives.

Elora: Gale, your silky hair is a testament to the beauty and grace of your mother. You embody the harmony of
nature and its delicate balance.
Rahan: Byron, your tears hold the depth of emotions and the power of empathy. You bring compassion and
healing to all you touch.

Elora: Iris, your hands are gentle and caring, just like your mother's. Through your touch, you bring comfort and
peace to those around you.

Rahan: Vera, born from your mother's right ear, you possess the gift of listening and understanding. Your
presence brings wisdom and guidance to those who seek it.

(Flashing the happy scene of the family)

Narrator: Ruby, Oziel, Yara, Gale, Byron, Iris, and Vera grew up in a world filled with love. They have their
own unique powers, but as time went on, they started to feel different about each other's capabilities.

(Magkakasama Sila here, and biglang magsasalita si Ruby.)

Ruby: Why does everyone always focus on Oziel's strength? We have different powers, don't we? So, why do
I feel overshadowed even though I have this fire in me?

Oziel: Why do you feel that way? It's not my fault if my power is more visible. If that's still the case, it doesn't
mean I'm better than any of you!

Ruby: Are you sure? Or are you just trying to make everyone here pity you?

Yara: Shut up, Ruby! My power of daylight and sun gets overlooked because of you, so how come you still do
not see your worth? Right, Gale, come on, spill what you feel!

Gale: I'm tired of being the shadow of you, my siblings! I always felt like my power was not enough, worth it, or
powerful because you all can do amazing things. I love the land and nature, but still, there are times I wish I
had more.

Byron: Oh, how you feel is nothing compared to what I am feeling! I am made by the tears of our mother, I
heal those who need me, and still I can't heal the wound I have inside! The jealousy I felt for you and the things
I wanted to do but didn't have the capability to do

Iris: You all have the same characteristics and personalities; aren't you aware of that? I can make the wind
dance and call the birds up high, but it feels like no one truly appreciates all that, and that is what you are!

Vera: Well, honestly, I don't care about any of your unique powers. I don't admire you for being powerful in
different aspects; I shine even without you, and for me, that is all that matters.

Aleyah: How ungrateful! Aren’t all of you contented enough with each of your special abilities that embodied
your parents' uniqueness? You didn’t understand the beauty of being different from one another and the
purpose that each of you has in this world I created.

(The seven of them are frightened)

Elora: Forgive us Queen Aleyah for what they’ve done.

Rahan: Let me and my wife talk to all of them and learn their lesson for the peace of Alcazar Haven.

(Magsisisihan silang 7)

Aleyah: Enough of this! One thing that I can do to make Alcazar Haven in peace again is to make the seven of
you away from one another. As a punishment I will send you to Earth and be the guardian of the seven
continents that I made.
Elora: You can’t do this Queen Aleyah! They are my children, they cannot be apart from us!

Aleyah: I am the Queen of the Gods and you must follow everything I said!

(Yakap nila yung mga anak nila)

Aleyah: Ruby you will guard the Continent of Australia. Oziel you will guard the continent of Africa. Yara you
will guard the continent of North America. Byron, you will guard the continent of antarctica. Vera you will guide
the continent of South America.

Rahan: Queen Aleyah, is there any other way to punish them?

Elora: Please don’t separate my children away from me.

Aleyah: With my powerful command, the final decision to bring back the peace in Alcazar Haven is now final.

(voice record nalang habang nakafocus sa mga gods and goddesses yung camera)

Narrator: Ruby the Goddess of fire and volcanoes. From her flaming passion, she will guard the continent of
Australia. Aleyah built her a temple Fuoco for the people to worship and ask for her prosperity.
 Oziel the God of the Earth, soil, rocks and mountains. From his incredible strength, he will guard the
continent of Africa. Aleyah built a temple Madini for people to worship and ask for your strength.
 Yara the Goddess of Daylight and Sun. From her bright light she will guard the continent of North America.
Aleyah built a temple named Prateria for people to worship you and ask for eternal happiness.
 Gale the Goddess of Nature and land animals. From her humble heart she will guard the continent of
Europe. Aleyah built a temple named De Naturaleza Temple for people to worship and asked for a good
 Byron the God of sea, ocean and sea animals. From his compassion he will guard the continent of Asia.
Aleyah built a temple named Thalassa tempe for people to worship him and asked for a good fishing
 Iris Goddess of Air/Aerial Animals. From her comfort and peace she will guide Antarctica. Aleyah built a
temple named Thalassa temple for people to worship her and asked for forgiveness and a clear mind.
 Vera. Goddess of Night sky/Star and Moon. From her comfort and peace she will guide Antarctica. Aleyah
built a temple named Cyrus temple for people to worship her and guide their journey.

(After the queen distributed the seven children)

Elora: My love! We need a plan; Aleyah won't be easy to deceive!

Rahan: I know. We need to be careful. She's the Queen of the gods, after all.
(Thinking for a while)

Elora: I've got it, Rahan! I have an idea of how to deceive the queen. We can poison her!

Rahan: Are you out of your mind, Elora? The Queen is still the Queen; we can't do that!

Elora: Yes, we can! She took away our children, and no one is left. Is her action right? We don't have a choice;
I need my children back, no matter what!

Rahan: If that's what you want, then let's think of a plan.

(Later, after their talk, Queen Elora goes to Queen Aleyah.)

(Queen Elora invited Aleyah for breakfast at their home.)
Elora: Your highness, we know we couldn't do anything to bring back our children, but I and my husband
agreed to invite you into our home because we know it's our fault and we want your forgiveness.

Aleyah: What do you want me to say? After what you did and how you raised your children?

Rahan: We know that, My Queen! That's why we are here to work on your forgiveness.

Aleyah: If that's so, tomorrow, first thing in the morning, I'll come to your home.

(Next morning)
(They already prepared the wine with poison before the Queen came.)

Rahan: Oh, my queen! We're happy to know that you came. Please enter and bear with our tiny home.

Elora: Here you are, My Queen! Please be seated. Let's cheer for what's happened to us and to the family that
we made.

Aleyah: Oh, how nice of you. It tastes great.

(She will slowly feel the effect of the poison on her body and then fall to the ground, lifeless.)

Elora: It seems like she’s already gone. Our children must be here already.

Rahan: Now that she’s gone the curse must also be gone. Let’s go and welcome our children.

(Tumakbo sila para tingnan kung nakabalik na ba talaga yung mga anak nila.)

Elora: Why aren’t they here yet?

Rahan: They are coming soon, let's just wait a little bit.

Elora: Ruby, Oziel, Yara, Gale! Mother is here!

Rahan: Byron, Iris, Vera where are you?

(Magtataka sila bakit wala pa din)

Elora: We've been waiting for nothing! (Umiiyak na siya)

Rahan: I believe that killing Queen Aleyah is not the solution to bring back our children here in Alcazar Haven.
All that we did was useless.

Elora: Oh how I regret killing our Queen who created us. I just want to see my children again. (Crying)

Rahan: Farewell, our Queen forgive us for what we’ve sin.

(They will embrace each other and cry)

(From their different continents)

(Different locations per character)

Iris: What's with the water coming from above? What is this?

Vera: (looking up at the sky) Watch my family there; I guess they are not okay.

Byron: Is water coming from above? Something is happening.

Iris: (uses her power) (whispers to the air)
Send my voice to my siblings' location and let them hear what I am saying. My siblings, let me tell you one
thing: they are sad. The family that raised us and let us experience something incredible was longing for our
presence. Put your hand above and send your lights to the sky so they can know that we are okay and
everything will be alright.

Narrator: The earth has never experienced rain before, because Aleyah does not allow any disaster to occur
on earth. Therefore, when it rained, the children guarding the seven elements know for a fact that Aleyah is
dead, and the rain pouring down came from their parents' tears. Collectively they decided that every time it
rains, they will send their light across the sky. Together, their lights form a rainbow. This is their way of
comforting their parents above and telling them that everything is fine.
That is why…
There is always a rainbow after the rain.

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