Soal Bing Minat Xii Ips Genap

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Alamat : Jl. Tritura No. 188 Telp. (0423) 24573 Fax.0423
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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Minat
Kelas : XII IPS


Look at the picture below to answer the questions no. 1-2!

1. What does the picture tell about ?

A. A message for doing more smoking
B. A moral value about air polution
C. An order to quit smoking
D. A dangerous issue of smoking
E. A scary thing about smoking

2. Which sentence below has the contrast point of view

from the picture about?
A. However, quit smoking will increase your level of
B. In spite of this, smoking has supported country’s
income from it’s tax.
C. Despite of this, you will get more skinny and the
blood pressure increased.
D. On the other hand, no good ending for hard
smokers. They all end up within disease.
E. Yet, smokers are smelly.
3. Contrastive conjuntions are used to ...
A. Connect the contrast thoughts
B. Connect the same thoughts
C. Separate the same thoughts
D. Differ the sequence of thoughts
E. Link the given issues

Read the following dialogue below to answer the questions

Hasan : Have you watched the news today?
Hilmi : What news?
Hasan : We entering the climate change.
Hilmi : What’s that?
Hasan : It is about the weather conditions which used
to be normal, now has changed unpredictable.
The season or the weather happen longer than
they used to.
Hilmi : So? What will happen?
Hasan : It’s hard to measure how and when the natural
disaster will come. People has no preparation
to prevent theirselves from the impact of the
disaster. It will take more lives.
Hilmi : What a terrible news.
Hasan : In spite of that, with these prolonged rainy
season, farmers will have more time to plant.
No need to wait next season.

4. The dialogue above discussed about ...

A. The natural disaster
B. The changed of season
C. The climate change
D. The impact of natural disaster
E. The good side of climate changed

5. The bad side of the issue about is ...

A. The weather is unpredictable
B. The weather happens longer than it used to.
C. The farmers can plant more and no need to wait
the next season
D. The season will last longer
E. The weather is prolonged
Complete the sentences below with the correct contrastive
conjunction for the questions no. 6-10!
6. It was raining last night ................. we still went to the
A. While
B. Because
C. Nevertheless
D. When
E. Where

7. Actually, Selia is good in speaking ......... she never

wins the speech competition.
A. However
B. Luckily
C. That’s why
D. Since
E. Wonder

8. You cannot get driver license ........ you get 17 years

A. When
B. In case
C. Where
D. Unless
E. But

9. The hotel doesn’t provide good facilities ........... the

price is expensive.
A. Still
B. Unless
C. In case
D. While
E. Whereas

10. My Aunt doesn’t like to eat sweets, however........

A. She never buys candy
B. She could get the risk of having diabetes
C. She eats sour fruits
D. She coudn’t cook chocolate cake
E. She stays alive
Read these sentences below, and look for the contrast
thought of each sentence for the question no. 11-15
11. Jono coudn’t drive a car, nevertheless.......
A. His father punished him
B. His mother feel sorry to him
C. His friends laughted at him
D. His father bought him a car
E. His mother showed him a car

12. Technology has been supported human works. On

the other hand....................
A. Technology can bring our private account into
B. People use technology more than human abilities
C. Technology keeps supporting life
D. People use technology everytime
E. People coudn’t live without technology

13. My mother keeps telling me to clean my

room, ............ I haven’t done it.
A. Where
B. When
C. In spite on
D. Still
E. Yet

14. Alika didn’t finish the last subject of final examn,

however ...........
A. She gets a bad result
B. She never pass the test
C. She gets high score
D. She retakes the examn
E. She gives up
15. Junk foods are unhealty meal for dinner. On the other
hand ............
A. People have dinner with good diet
B. People usually have junk food for dinner because
easy to be found everywhere
C. People avoid to eat dinner
D. People cannot have dinner
E. People should cook their dinner for good.
Read the following text to answer the question no. 16-18
Cartoon for Toddlers
Do you like watching cartoons? Cartoon is a moving
animation recorded as vidio from thousands of drawn
pictures or designed in computer becomes an attractive
serial for kids. Many parents introduce cartoon for their
children at their first age, but how does cartoon’s impact for
Toddlers start to put their interest of cartoon
animation on their first age. It can stimulate their brain to
recognize colors, shape, numbers, alphabets, or animals.
This is good for their growth development. The animation
stimulates their brain and they could remember amount of
things easily from the cartoon.
On the other hand, giving toddlers times to watch
cartoons could rise some problem such as speech delay,
signs of autism, less interaction, and bad attitude. Toddlers
become not interested to real life because cartoon is
funniest. Their curiosity to know, to explore, to try, and to
feel will decrease in real life due to the way they used to sit
and watch things from cartoon movies. Watching those
movies will make them less of movements, less of explore
and their sensory hardly activated. Also, they could imitate
all behaviour they see on cartoons. They may see violence
or sex behaviour then they will do so. It caused bad
attitude and form their permanent habbitual. Soon, toddlers
will avoid to interact with people, avoid of playing another
toys, scared to his environtment, and it rise addictive to
watch more.
In summary, cartoon brings benefits to toddlers, but it
should be limited on time. Parents should be awared of
the bad effect when their toddlers watching too much. They
should accompany their toddlers and invite them to do
other activity more than watching cartoon.

16. The text above is mainly about ......

A. Benefits and danger of watching cartoon for
B. The good effect of watching cartoon
C. Toddlers like to watch cartoon more than playing
with toys
D. Parents should aware of cartoons
E. Toddlers need to watch cartoon everyday

17. What does the writer suggest to the parents according

to the text above :
A. Involve toddlers to watch cartoon everyday
B. Tell their toddlers to watch other TV shows
C. Invite their toddlers to do more activities than
watching cartoon
D. Let their toddlers explore the benefit of watching
E. Give their toddlers more times to watch cartoon

18. “Parents should be awared of the bad effect when

their toddlers watching too much”.(paragraph 4)
The underlined word above has similar meaning to ....
A. Reason
B. Influence
C. Conduct
D. Appearance
E. Output

19. Discussion text contains the .......................... about

an issue.
A. Bad and Good
B. Strong and Weakness
C. Cause and Effect
D. Input and Output
E. Pro and Contra

Read the following text belo to answer the questions No.

A Book of Ahmad Filyan
Ahmad Filyan is an author of story books especially
for children under 8th. One of his books is The Crab’s
Strategy which has published in Serba Jaya. This book
tells about a story of a chicken, mongkey and the crab.
The story of The Crab’s Strategy tells the moral value
of how a greedy monkey had sunk into the lake after being
fooled by the chicken and the crab. The crab helped the
chicken who has been cheated by the monkey. And to
revenge the monkey, the chicken asked the crab’s help to
fool the monkey. At the end of the story, the crab and the
chicken fooled the monkey and made monkey sunk into
the lake.
This book has sold hundred copies with the affordable
cost. The book is good and the story is amazing. However,
this book use a cheap papers and cover. The papers they
used could easily damaged and fade. The animations used
are monotonous and those describe less situations.
From the reasons mentioned above, this book should
use a good quality papers because childrens hold books
not as careful as adult. A hundred copies sold book should
fix their editorial works for animation. Use better animation
and vary in each situation. However, among those less,
this book is worth to buy for children due to it is costless.
20. The text above tells about .....
A. An evaluation of selling book
B. An evaluation of the book’s cover
C. An evaluation of the book’s papers
D. An evaluation of the book’s animation
E. An evaluation of Ahmad Filyan’s book

21. The 2nd paragraph is about .....

A. Orientation
B. Evaluation
C. Evaluative Summation
D. Interpretative Recount
E. Conclusion

22. From the text above, we can infer that Ahmad Filyan
is ......
A. A writer
B. A publisher
C. A book seller
D. An editor
E. An animation designer

23. “The book is good and the story is amazing. However,

this book use a cheap papers and cover”. (paragraph
2). The underlined word is a kind of .....
A. Comparison degree
B. Contrastive Conjunction
C. Comparative Conjunction
D. Prepositional Phrase
E. Adjective Clause

24. We can find the recommendation from the author in

paragraph ......
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 3 and 4

25. Review text has 4 parts of generic structure. They are

A. Introduction-Summation-Recount-Evaluation
B. Orientation-Recount-Summation-Evaluation
C. Orientation-Evaluation-Recount-Summation
D. Orientation-Evaluation-Evaluative Summation-
E. Orientation- Recount-Evaluation-Evaluative

26. Write an example of each contrastive conjunction
below !
a. However
b. In Contrast
27. Write 3 points of Pro thought on the topic of
“Education is Pricey”
28. Write 3 points of Contra thought on the topic of
“School is only for Smart Students”.
29. Look at the picture below, write a paragraph that
discuss about pro and contra of this picture.

30. Write a review paragraph about the Lakipadada

Statue in center of Kolam Makale.

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