Factors Affecting The Lack of English Language Proficiency of The G.C.E.O/L Students in Northern Province

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Factors Affecting the Lack of English Language

Proficiency of the G.C.E.O/L Students in
Northern Province
Hamsajini Suntharalingam

Abstract:- The document presents a comprehensive The Northern Province, encompassing regions such as
study on the factors affecting English language Jaffna, presents a unique context for examining the factors
proficiency among G.C.E. O/L students in Northern contributing to the deficiency in English language
Province, Sri Lanka. It delves into the significance of proficiency among G.C.E O/L students. Despite the
English proficiency in today's globalized world and inclusion of English language education in the curriculum
identifies the unique challenges faced by students in this from primary to advanced levels, students continue to
region, including inadequate resources, lack of struggle with mastering the language. This discrepancy is
motivation, and limited language exposure. The study evident in the performance data, which reveal a persistent
also highlights the disparities in English language gap between the proficiency levels of Northern Province
education within different zones of the Northern students and the national average.
Province and emphasizes the need for targeted
interventions. Through a mix of quantitative and In particular, the Island zone of the Jaffna district
qualitative research methods, the study aims to analyze emerges as an area of concern, exhibiting lower proficiency
these factors deeply to propose actionable strategies for levels compared to other zones within the Northern
improving English language education outcomes. It Province. This disparity underscores the need for targeted
underscores the importance of enhancing teacher interventions to address the challenges specific to this region
training, revising curriculum to be more interactive and and enhance English language education outcomes.
communicative, and ensuring equitable access to
resources and opportunities for language practice. The The impetus for this research stems from the firsthand
document calls for a collaborative effort among experiences of educators within the Northern Province, who
policymakers, educators, and the community to address have encountered various obstacles in teaching and learning
the root causes of the lack of proficiency and to empower English. Challenges such as inadequate resources, lack of
students with the necessary skills for academic and student motivation, and limited language exposure pose
professional success in a global context. significant barriers to effective instruction and student
achievement. Furthermore, the optional status of English at
I. INTRODUCTION the Advanced Level (A/L) further diminishes its perceived
importance among students, leading to a decline in
English language proficiency is indispensable in proficiency levels over time.
today's interconnected world, serving as a prerequisite for
academic, professional, and social success. Its significance To address these challenges and bridge the proficiency
is accentuated by the phenomenon of globalization and the gap, it is imperative to conduct a comprehensive
advent of the fourth industrial revolution, wherein English investigation into the factors influencing English language
has emerged as the lingua franca of international proficiency among G.C.E O/L students in the Northern
communication and commerce. Notably, Sri Lanka, with its Province. By identifying these factors and proposing
multilingual population, recognizes the pivotal role of targeted interventions, this research aims to contribute to the
English in facilitating global engagement and advancement. enhancement of English language education and the
academic success of students in the region.
Despite the recognition of English as a vital skill, many
students in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka face In the subsequent sections of this paper, we will delve
challenges in attaining proficiency in the language, into the research background, delineate the problem
particularly evident in their performance in the G.C.E O/L statement and research questions, elucidate the significance
examinations. The ability to comprehend and communicate and objectives of the study, review relevant literature,
effectively in English is not only essential for academic outline the proposed research methodology, and present the
progression but also for securing employment opportunities timeline and budget for the project. Through this rigorous
in today's competitive job market. Consequently, the lack of inquiry, we endeavor to shed light on the intricacies of
proficiency in English among students not only hampers English language education in the Northern Province and
their educational prospects but also limits their propose actionable strategies for improvement.
socioeconomic mobility.

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
A. Research Background:  Limited Language Exposure:
English language proficiency is widely recognized as a Students in the Northern Province often have limited
crucial skill in today's globalized society, with its exposure to English outside of the classroom, restricting
importance spanning various domains, including education, opportunities for language practice and reinforcement. The
employment, and communication. As an international absence of English language immersion environments and
language, English serves as a common medium for extracurricular activities further impedes students' ability to
interaction and collaboration across borders, making it develop fluency and confidence in English.
indispensable for individuals seeking to navigate the
complexities of the modern world. In Sri Lanka, where  Performance Discrepancies
multiple languages coexist, English holds particular The performance data from the G.C.E O/L
significance as a tool for bridging linguistic divides and examinations highlight significant discrepancies in English
fostering inclusivity. language proficiency between the Northern Province and the
national average. The Island zone of the Jaffna district, in
 English Language Education in Sri Lanka particular, exhibits lower proficiency levels compared to
English language education in Sri Lanka is integrated other zones within the province, indicating the need for
into the national curriculum from primary to advanced targeted interventions to address the root causes of this
levels, reflecting the recognition of English as a key disparity.
component of the educational system. The curriculum
emphasizes the development of language skills, including  Rationale for the Study
reading, writing, listening, and speaking, to enable students Given the critical importance of English language
to effectively communicate and comprehend English in proficiency for academic and professional success,
various contexts. Despite the concerted efforts to promote addressing the challenges faced by students in the Northern
English language proficiency, challenges persist, Province is imperative. By conducting a comprehensive
particularly in regions such as the Northern Province. examination of the factors influencing English language
proficiency and performance among G.C.E O/L students,
 Context of the Northern Province this research seeks to inform evidence-based interventions
The Northern Province of Sri Lanka, comprising and policy recommendations aimed at improving
districts such as Jaffna, Kilinochchi, and Mannar, presents a educational outcomes in the region.
unique context characterized by its distinct sociocultural
landscape and historical background. The region has In the subsequent sections of this paper, we will delve
witnessed periods of conflict and displacement, which have into the problem statement, research questions, significance
had profound implications for its educational infrastructure of the study, objectives, literature review, research
and resources. Despite efforts to rebuild and revitalize the methodology, and timeline and budget for the project.
education system, disparities in access to quality education Through this rigorous inquiry, we aim to contribute to the
persist, contributing to inequities in learning outcomes, advancement of English language education and the
particularly in English language proficiency. empowerment of students in the Northern Province of Sri
 Challenges in English Language Education
Educators within the Northern Province have identified B. Research Gap
several challenges in teaching and learning English, which Despite the efforts to address challenges in English
have hindered the attainment of proficiency among students. language education, there remains a notable gap in
These challenges include: understanding the specific factors contributing to the lack of
proficiency among G.C.E O/L students in the Northern
 Inadequate Resources: Province of Sri Lanka. This research seeks to bridge this gap
Limited access to English language textbooks, by delving into the nuances of English language education
materials, and technology impedes effective instruction and within this context and identifying areas for targeted
learning outcomes. Many schools in the Northern Province intervention and improvement.
lack essential resources needed to support English language
education, exacerbating disparities in educational  Lack of Localized Research
opportunities. One significant gap in the existing literature is the
scarcity of localized research on English language education
 Lack of Student Motivation: in the Northern Province. While studies on English language
A pervasive lack of motivation among students to learn proficiency exist at the national level, there is a dearth of
English is a significant barrier to achieving proficiency. research focusing specifically on the unique challenges and
Factors such as socioeconomic background, familial dynamics within the Northern Province. This lack of
support, and perceived relevance of English to future localized research limits our understanding of the contextual
prospects influence students' engagement and commitment factors influencing English language education outcomes in
to language learning. the region.

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Limited Accessibility to International Studies  Inadequate Resources:
Furthermore, while international research on English Many schools in the Northern Province lack essential
language education may offer valuable insights and best resources for effective English language instruction,
practices, accessibility to such studies is often limited in Sri including textbooks, materials, and technology. The scarcity
Lanka. The reliance on international research without of resources impedes teachers' ability to deliver quality
considering its applicability to the local context may instruction and limits students' access to learning materials,
overlook the nuanced challenges and nuances unique to the hindering their language acquisition and proficiency.
Northern Province. Therefore, there is a need for localized
research that takes into account the specific sociocultural,  Lack of Motivation:
economic, and educational factors influencing English A pervasive lack of motivation among students further
language proficiency in the region. exacerbates the problem. Factors such as socioeconomic
background, familial support, and perceived relevance of
 Addressing Specific Challenges English to future prospects influence students' engagement
Moreover, existing research often overlooks the and commitment to language learning. Without intrinsic
specific challenges faced by G.C.E O/L students in the motivation, students are less likely to invest time and effort
Northern Province, such as limited access to resources, lack in improving their English language skills.
of motivation, and insufficient language exposure outside
the classroom. By focusing on these specific challenges, this  Limited Language Exposure:
research aims to provide targeted interventions and Outside the classroom, students in the Northern
recommendations tailored to the needs of students in the Province have limited exposure to English, limiting
Northern Province. opportunities for language practice and reinforcement. The
absence of English language immersion environments and
 Contributing to Policy and Practice extracurricular activities further restricts students' ability to
By addressing these research gaps, this study aims to develop fluency and confidence in English.
contribute to evidence-based policymaking and practice in
English language education. By identifying the root causes  Impact on Academic and Professional Success
of the lack of proficiency among G.C.E O/L students in the The consequences of the lack of English language
Northern Province, this research can inform the proficiency extend beyond academic performance, affecting
development of interventions and strategies aimed at students' future prospects in the job market and beyond. In
improving educational outcomes and enhancing students' today's globalized economy, proficiency in English is often
English language skills. a prerequisite for employment opportunities and career
advancement. Students who lack proficiency in English face
In summary, this research seeks to fill the gap in the barriers to accessing higher education, securing
existing literature by providing a comprehensive analysis of employment, and participating fully in the global
the factors influencing English language proficiency among community, perpetuating cycles of disadvantage and
G.C.E O/L students in the Northern Province. By addressing inequity.
the specific challenges and dynamics within this context,
this study aims to contribute to the advancement of English  Need for Targeted Interventions
language education and the empowerment of students in the Addressing the challenges in English language
region. education requires targeted interventions that address the
root causes of the problem. By identifying the specific
C. Problem Statement: factors contributing to the lack of proficiency among G.C.E
English language proficiency among G.C.E O/L O/L students in the Northern Province, policymakers,
students in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka remains educators, and stakeholders can develop evidence-based
subpar, with performance outcomes consistently falling strategies to improve educational outcomes and enhance
below national averages. Despite the inclusion of English students' English language skills.
language education in the curriculum and the availability of
resources, students continue to struggle with mastering the  Objective of the Study
language, particularly evident in their performance in the The objective of this research is to analyze the factors
G.C.E O/L examinations. This persistent lack of proficiency influencing English language proficiency among G.C.E O/L
poses significant challenges to students' academic and students in the Northern Province and propose
professional prospects, hindering their ability to compete in recommendations for enhancing language education
an increasingly globalized world. outcomes. By addressing the underlying challenges and
barriers to proficiency, this study aims to contribute to the
 Challenges in English Language Education improvement of English language education and the
Several challenges contribute to the lack of English academic success of students in the region.
language proficiency among G.C.E O/L students in the
Northern Province:

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
D. Significance of the Study: inform future research endeavors in the field. By identifying
The proposed research on the factors affecting English gaps in the existing literature and proposing
language proficiency among G.C.E O/L students in the recommendations for improvement, this research can
Northern Province of Sri Lanka holds significant practical stimulate further inquiry and exploration into the complex
implications for various stakeholders within the education dynamics of language teaching and learning. Future research
sector and beyond. By addressing the underlying challenges can build upon the insights generated by this study to
and barriers to proficiency, this study aims to contribute to deepen our understanding of English language education
the enhancement of English language education outcomes and its impact on student outcomes.
and the academic success of students in the region.
In summary, the significance of this study lies in its
 Informing Policy and Practice potential to inform policy and practice, empower educators,
The findings of this study can inform evidence-based enhance student opportunities, bridge socioeconomic
policymaking and practice in English language education at divides, and advance knowledge and research in the field of
the national, provincial, and local levels. By identifying the English language education in the Northern Province of Sri
specific factors influencing English language proficiency Lanka. By addressing the challenges and barriers to English
among G.C.E O/L students in the Northern Province, language proficiency, this research aims to contribute to the
policymakers can develop targeted interventions and academic success and socioeconomic mobility of students in
strategies to improve educational outcomes. These the region.
interventions may include allocating resources for teacher
training, curriculum development, and infrastructure  Objectives of the Study:
improvements to enhance English language instruction in The proposed research aims to address the factors
schools. influencing English language proficiency among G.C.E O/L
students in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka. Through a
 Empowering Educators comprehensive analysis of these factors, the study seeks to
Educators play a crucial role in fostering English achieve the following objectives:
language proficiency among students. The insights gained
from this study can empower teachers with the knowledge  General Objective:
and tools needed to address the specific challenges faced by The overarching objective of this study is to analyze
students in the Northern Province. By understanding the the factors affecting the lack of English language
factors influencing students' language acquisition and proficiency among G.C.E O/L students in the Northern
proficiency, teachers can tailor their instruction to meet the Province and propose strategies for enhancing proficiency
diverse needs of learners and create supportive learning and performance in English language education.
environments conducive to language development.
 Specific Objectives:
 Enhancing Student Opportunities
English language proficiency is essential for students'  To Analyze the Reasons for English Language
academic and professional success in today's globalized Performance Outcomes:
world. By improving English language education outcomes This objective entails examining the underlying factors
in the Northern Province, this study can expand students' contributing to the performance outcomes in English
opportunities for higher education, employment, and social language in the G.C.E O/L examination in the Northern
mobility. Students who develop proficiency in English are Province. By identifying these factors, the study aims to
better equipped to compete in the global job market, pursue gain insights into the root causes of the lack of proficiency
advanced studies, and engage with diverse communities among students.
both locally and internationally.
 To Examine Efforts Undertaken by English Teachers:
 Bridging Socioeconomic Divides This objective involves investigating the steps taken by
English language proficiency can serve as a bridge English teachers in the Northern Province to improve the
across socioeconomic divides, enabling students from proficiency level of English language among G.C.E O/L
disadvantaged backgrounds to access educational and students. By understanding the strategies employed by
economic opportunities. By addressing the factors teachers, the study seeks to identify effective practices and
contributing to the lack of proficiency among G.C.E O/L areas for improvement in English language instruction.
students in the Northern Province, this study can help reduce
disparities in educational outcomes and promote social  To Identify Mechanisms for Providing Language
equity. By empowering students with the skills and Exposure:
confidence to communicate effectively in English, this This objective focuses on identifying and assessing
research can foster greater inclusion and participation in the mechanisms for providing G.C.E O/L students in the
global community. Northern Province with adequate exposure to the English
language. By exploring opportunities for language practice
 Advancing Knowledge and Research and immersion, the study aims to enhance students'
The findings of this study can contribute to the body of language acquisition and proficiency outside the classroom.
knowledge on English language education in Sri Lanka and

IJISRT24FEB1360 www.ijisrt.com 1233

Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Significance of the Objectives:  Specific Research Questions:

 Informing Intervention Strategies:  Do Schools Effectively Implement Strategies to Improve

By achieving these objectives, the study aims to inform English Language Performance?:
the development of targeted intervention strategies aimed at This question aims to assess the effectiveness of
improving English language education outcomes in the schools in the Northern Province in implementing strategies
Northern Province. By addressing the specific factors to improve English language performance in the G.C.E O/L
influencing language proficiency, these interventions can be examination. By examining the strategies and interventions
tailored to meet the diverse needs of students and educators. employed by schools, the study seeks to identify best
practices and areas for improvement in English language
 Empowering Stakeholders: education.
The objectives of this study aim to empower
stakeholders within the education sector, including  What Steps Do English Teachers Take to Enhance
policymakers, educators, and administrators, with the Proficiency Levels?:
knowledge and tools needed to address the challenges in This question focuses on understanding the efforts
English language education. By providing insights into undertaken by English teachers in the Northern Province to
effective practices and areas for improvement, the study enhance the proficiency level of English language among
aims to facilitate informed decision-making and action. G.C.E O/L students. By exploring the teaching methods,
resources, and professional development opportunities
 Enhancing Student Opportunities: utilized by teachers, the study aims to identify effective
Ultimately, the objectives of this study are geared practices and challenges in English language instruction.
towards enhancing opportunities for G.C.E O/L students in
the Northern Province by improving their English language  How Can Students Gain Adequate Exposure to English
proficiency. By addressing the factors hindering proficiency, Language?:
the study aims to equip students with the skills and This question explores mechanisms for providing
confidence needed to succeed academically and G.C.E O/L students in the Northern Province with adequate
professionally in an increasingly globalized world. exposure to the English language. By examining
opportunities for language practice and immersion both
 Advancing Knowledge and Research: inside and outside the classroom, the study aims to identify
The objectives of this study also contribute to the strategies for enhancing students' language acquisition and
advancement of knowledge and research in the field of proficiency.
English language education. By identifying gaps in the
existing literature and proposing recommendations for  Significance of the Research Questions:
improvement, the study aims to stimulate further inquiry and
exploration into the complex dynamics of language teaching  Informing Intervention Strategies:
and learning. By addressing these research questions, the study aims
to inform the development of targeted intervention strategies
In summary, the objectives of this study are aligned aimed at improving English language education outcomes in
with the overarching goal of improving English language the Northern Province. By identifying effective practices
proficiency among G.C.E O/L students in the Northern and areas for improvement, these interventions can be
Province of Sri Lanka. By addressing the specific factors tailored to meet the diverse needs of students and educators.
influencing language proficiency and proposing targeted
interventions, the study aims to contribute to the  Empowering Stakeholders:
enhancement of English language education outcomes and The research questions aim to empower stakeholders
the academic success of students in the region. within the education sector with the knowledge and tools
needed to address the challenges in English language
E. Research Questions: education. By providing insights into effective practices and
The proposed research seeks to address the following challenges, the study aims to facilitate informed decision-
research questions in order to analyze the factors influencing making and action among policymakers, educators, and
English language proficiency among G.C.E O/L students in administrators.
the Northern Province of Sri Lanka:
 Enhancing Student Opportunities:
 General Research Question: Ultimately, the research questions are geared towards
What are the factors affecting the lack of English enhancing opportunities for G.C.E O/L students in the
language proficiency among G.C.E O/L students in the Northern Province by improving their English language
Northern Province, and how can proficiency and proficiency. By addressing the factors hindering proficiency,
performance in English language education be enhanced? the study aims to equip students with the skills and
confidence needed to succeed academically and
professionally in an increasingly globalized world.

IJISRT24FEB1360 www.ijisrt.com 1234

Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Advancing Knowledge and Research: inadequate teacher training programs (De Silva, 2018). As a
The research questions also contribute to the result, students in the Northern Province often struggle to
advancement of knowledge and research in the field of attain the desired levels of English proficiency compared to
English language education. By identifying gaps in the their counterparts in other parts of the country.
existing literature and proposing recommendations for
improvement, the study aims to stimulate further inquiry and Furthermore, socio-economic factors contribute to the
exploration into the complex dynamics of language teaching disparities in English language education across different
and learning. regions of Sri Lanka. Rural areas, where access to quality
education is limited, face significant hurdles in providing
In summary, the research questions are aligned with adequate English language instruction (De Mel, 2017).
the overarching goal of improving English language Limited access to resources, including textbooks and
proficiency among G.C.E O/L students in the Northern multimedia materials, further exacerbates the challenges
Province of Sri Lanka. By addressing these questions, the faced by educators in these communities.
study aims to contribute to the enhancement of English
language education outcomes and the academic success of In addition to regional disparities, the effectiveness of
students in the region. English language education in Sri Lanka is also influenced
by pedagogical approaches and teacher training programs.
II. LITERATURE SURVEY Traditional rote learning methods, which prioritize
memorization over communicative skills, continue to
A. English Language Education in Sri Lanka dominate many classrooms (Amerasinghe, 2019). This
English language education in Sri Lanka has approach often fails to foster meaningful language
undergone significant reforms over the years, reflecting the acquisition and leaves students ill-prepared to engage in
country's recognition of English as a key component of its real-world communication.
educational system. The National Policy on English as a
Second Language in Education (NPESELE) emphasizes the Teacher training programs play a crucial role in
importance of English proficiency for national development shaping the quality of English language instruction in Sri
and global competitiveness (Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka. However, these programs are often outdated and fail
Lanka, 2016). English is taught as a compulsory subject to address the evolving needs of educators in a rapidly
from primary to advanced levels, with the goal of equipping changing linguistic landscape (Fernando, 2020). There is a
students with communicative competence in English pressing need for comprehensive professional development
(NPESELE, 2016). Despite these efforts, challenges persist initiatives that equip teachers with the necessary
in achieving desired proficiency levels among students, pedagogical skills and linguistic competencies to effectively
particularly in regions such as the Northern Province. teach English as a second language.

English language education in Sri Lanka has Moreover, the assessment practices employed in
undergone significant transformations over the years, English language education in Sri Lanka warrant scrutiny.
reflecting the country's recognition of English as a vital Traditional examinations tend to focus on rote memorization
component of its educational system. The National Policy of grammar rules and vocabulary, rather than assessing
on English as a Second Language in Education (NPESELE) students' ability to communicate effectively in English
stands as a testament to Sri Lanka's commitment to (Perera, 2018). This narrow focus on test scores may
enhancing English proficiency for national development and undermine the broader goals of English language education,
global competitiveness (Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka, which aim to foster critical thinking, creativity, and cross-
2016). This policy underscores the importance of English as cultural communication skills.
a second language and advocates for its widespread
adoption across educational levels. In conclusion, English language education in Sri Lanka
faces a myriad of challenges, ranging from regional
One of the key objectives of English language disparities to pedagogical shortcomings and inadequate
education in Sri Lanka is to equip students with teacher training programs. Addressing these challenges
communicative competence in English (NPESELE, 2016). requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses policy
From primary to advanced levels, English is taught as a reforms, curriculum development, teacher training
compulsory subject, aiming to empower students with the initiatives, and assessment practices. By prioritizing the
linguistic skills necessary to navigate an increasingly development of communicative competence and fostering a
interconnected world. However, despite these concerted supportive learning environment, Sri Lanka can better equip
efforts, numerous challenges persist, particularly in regions its students to succeed in an increasingly interconnected
such as the Northern Province. world.

The Northern Province of Sri Lanka, which has a B. Factors Affecting English Language Proficiency
predominantly Tamil-speaking population, faces unique Various factors influence English language proficiency
challenges in English language education. The legacy of the among students, including socio-economic background,
civil war and its aftermath has left the region's educational language exposure, teaching methods, and motivation
infrastructure in disarray, with limited resources and (Karunanayake, 2018). In the Northern Province, where

IJISRT24FEB1360 www.ijisrt.com 1235

Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
resources may be limited and exposure to English outside teachers may struggle to deliver quality instruction and
the classroom is restricted, these factors can significantly support students' language development.
impact students' language acquisition and proficiency
(Karunanayake, 2018). Additionally, teacher qualifications, Classroom resources, including textbooks, multimedia
classroom resources, and curriculum relevance play crucial materials, and technological tools, also influence students'
roles in shaping students' language learning experiences language learning experiences. Schools with limited
(Rasanayagam, 2015). Understanding these factors is resources may struggle to provide students with access to
essential for developing targeted interventions to enhance quality instructional materials, hindering their ability to
English language education outcomes. engage with the language outside of the classroom
(Karunanayake, 2018). Additionally, the relevance and
English language proficiency among students is appropriateness of the curriculum play a crucial role in
influenced by a multitude of factors that encompass socio- shaping students' language learning experiences. A
economic, educational, and individual dimensions. curriculum that is aligned with students' interests, needs, and
Understanding these factors is essential for educators, abilities is more likely to foster meaningful language
policymakers, and researchers seeking to improve English acquisition and proficiency (Rasanayagam, 2015).
language education outcomes. In the context of Sri Lanka,
where English is taught as a second language, these factors Motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, is another
take on added significance. factor that significantly influences students' language
learning outcomes. Students who are motivated to learn
One of the primary determinants of English language English, whether due to personal interest, academic goals, or
proficiency is the socio-economic background of students. future career aspirations, are more likely to invest time and
Research indicates that students from higher socio-economic effort in language acquisition (Karunanayake, 2018).
backgrounds tend to have greater exposure to English Educators can play a crucial role in fostering motivation by
outside the classroom, through activities such as travel, creating engaging and meaningful learning experiences that
media consumption, and access to English-speaking highlight the practical benefits of English language
communities (Karunanayake, 2018). Conversely, students proficiency.
from lower socio-economic backgrounds may face barriers
to language acquisition due to limited resources and In conclusion, English language proficiency among
opportunities for language exposure. students is influenced by a complex interplay of factors,
including socio-economic background, language exposure,
Language exposure, both inside and outside the teaching methods, teacher qualifications, classroom
classroom, plays a crucial role in shaping students' language resources, curriculum relevance, and motivation.
proficiency levels. In regions like the Northern Province of Understanding these factors is essential for developing
Sri Lanka, where resources may be scarce and English targeted interventions and strategies to enhance English
language exposure outside the classroom is limited, students language education outcomes, particularly in regions like
may struggle to attain the desired levels of proficiency the Northern Province of Sri Lanka, where resources may be
(Karunanayake, 2018). Lack of access to English-language limited and challenges abound. By addressing these factors
media, books, and other materials can hinder students' comprehensively, educators and policymakers can work
language development and restrict their ability to practice towards creating equitable and inclusive language learning
and reinforce language skills. environments that empower all students to succeed.

Teaching methods and pedagogical approaches C. Effective Teaching Strategies for English Language
employed in the classroom also significantly impact Learning
students' language learning experiences. Research suggests Research suggests that effective teaching strategies are
that communicative and interactive teaching methods, which essential for promoting English language proficiency among
prioritize meaningful communication and real-world students. Interactive and communicative approaches, such as
language use, are more effective in fostering language task-based learning and communicative language teaching,
acquisition than traditional rote-learning approaches have been shown to be effective in enhancing students'
(Karunanayake, 2018). However, in resource-constrained language skills (Chambers & Cummins, 2016). Moreover,
environments like the Northern Province, where teacher the integration of technology, such as multimedia resources
training and instructional materials may be lacking, and online learning platforms, can provide additional
educators may resort to more traditional teaching methods support for language learning (Hubbard, 2016). In the
that prioritize memorization and repetition. Northern Province, where resources may be scarce,
innovative teaching strategies and technology integration
Furthermore, the qualifications and training of teachers can play a crucial role in overcoming barriers to language
play a pivotal role in shaping students' language learning proficiency.
outcomes. Highly qualified and trained teachers are better
equipped to create engaging and effective learning Effective teaching strategies are paramount in
environments that promote language acquisition promoting English language proficiency among students,
(Rasanayagam, 2015). In contrast, inadequately trained particularly in regions like the Northern Province of Sri
Lanka where resources may be limited. Research suggests

IJISRT24FEB1360 www.ijisrt.com 1236

Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
that employing interactive and communicative approaches Effective teaching strategies, such as task-based
to language teaching, along with integrating technology into learning, communicative language teaching, and technology
the classroom, can significantly enhance students' language integration, play a crucial role in promoting English
skills and overcome barriers to proficiency. language proficiency among students. By employing
innovative approaches to language teaching and leveraging
One of the most widely recognized effective teaching available resources, educators can create dynamic and
strategies for English language learning is task-based engaging learning environments that empower students to
learning (TBL). TBL emphasizes meaningful, real-world develop their language skills and achieve success in English
tasks that require students to use English in authentic language learning. In regions like the Northern Province of
contexts (Chambers & Cummins, 2016). By engaging Sri Lanka, where resources may be limited, the
students in tasks such as problem-solving activities, role- implementation of effective teaching strategies and
plays, and simulations, TBL encourages active participation technology integration is particularly important for
and fosters the development of communicative competence. overcoming barriers to language proficiency and fostering
Research has shown that TBL is particularly effective in positive language learning outcomes.
promoting language fluency and accuracy, as it provides
students with opportunities to practice and apply their To extend the literature review on effective teaching
language skills in practical situations. strategies for English language learning to 800 words with
in-text citations, we will delve deeper into current research,
Another effective approach to language teaching is theories, and methodologies that underscore the significance
communicative language teaching (CLT), which focuses on of innovative pedagogical approaches in enhancing
developing students' ability to communicate effectively in language acquisition. This extension will focus on the
English (Chambers & Cummins, 2016). CLT emphasizes integration of technology, the importance of a
interactive, student-centered activities that promote communicative and interactive classroom environment, and
meaningful communication and language use. By engaging the role of teacher training in implementing effective
students in tasks such as group discussions, debates, and strategies. Additionally, we will explore recent studies that
information-gap activities, CLT encourages the highlight the impact of cultural context on language learning
development of speaking, listening, reading, and writing and the need for adaptive teaching strategies to meet diverse
skills in a communicative context. Research has learner needs.
demonstrated that CLT is highly effective in promoting
language acquisition and fostering a positive attitude  Task-Based Learning (TBL) and Communicative
towards language learning among students. Language Teaching (CLT):
Recent research supports the efficacy of TBL and CLT
In addition to traditional teaching approaches, the in promoting language proficiency. Ellis (2018) emphasizes
integration of technology into the language classroom can that TBL facilitates authentic language use and enhances
provide valuable support for English language learning. students' communicative competence by engaging them in
Multimedia resources, such as audiovisual materials, meaningful tasks. Similarly, Richards (2017) argues that
interactive whiteboards, and digital language labs, can CLT's focus on interaction and communication effectively
enhance students' engagement and motivation (Hubbard, develops language skills in a holistic manner. Both
2016). Online learning platforms and computer-assisted approaches are praised for their student-centered
language learning (CALL) programs offer opportunities for pedagogies, which align with contemporary educational
self-directed learning and personalized instruction, allowing paradigms that prioritize active learning and student
students to practice and reinforce their language skills at engagement.
their own pace. Research has shown that technology
integration can improve students' language proficiency,  Technology Integration in Language Learning:
facilitate access to authentic language materials, and create The role of digital technologies in language education
opportunities for interactive and collaborative learning. has been increasingly recognized. Godwin-Jones (2019)
highlights the transformative potential of mobile apps,
In regions like the Northern Province of Sri Lanka, online platforms, and multimedia resources in fostering
where resources may be scarce, innovative teaching language learning. These technologies offer personalized
strategies and technology integration are essential for learning experiences, access to diverse language inputs, and
overcoming barriers to language proficiency. By leveraging opportunities for interactive engagement. Kukulska-Hulme
available resources and adopting creative approaches to (2018) discusses how mobile-assisted language learning
language teaching, educators can create engaging and (MALL) supports ubiquitous learning, enabling students to
effective learning environments that promote English practice language skills outside the traditional classroom
language acquisition and proficiency among students. setting.
Furthermore, professional development initiatives and
teacher training programs can support educators in  Cultural Context and Language Learning:
developing the knowledge and skills necessary to implement Understanding the cultural nuances of language is
effective teaching strategies and utilize technology essential for effective communication. Byram (2017)
effectively in the language classroom. advocates for the incorporation of intercultural
communicative competence in language teaching, arguing

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
that language learning is not only about linguistic English language education in the Northern Province
proficiency but also about understanding cultural contexts of Sri Lanka faces numerous challenges, including limited
and practices. This perspective is crucial for learners in resources, inadequate teacher training, and curriculum
multicultural and multilingual settings, such as the Northern issues. Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive
Province of Sri Lanka, where language education must be policy interventions that prioritize resource allocation,
sensitive to cultural diversity. professional development, curriculum reforms, and
community engagement. In this section, we discuss policy
 Adaptive Teaching Strategies: implications and recommendations based on existing
Given the diverse learning needs and backgrounds of literature and research findings.
students, adaptive teaching strategies are critical. Tomlinson
(2016) emphasizes the importance of differentiated  Resource Allocation:
instruction in language classrooms, suggesting that teaching Adequate resources are essential for delivering quality
strategies should be adjusted based on learners' proficiency English language education. Policymakers should prioritize
levels, interests, and learning styles. This approach ensures resource allocation to schools in the Northern Province,
that all students can benefit from instruction tailored to their ensuring access to textbooks, teaching materials, and
specific needs, thereby enhancing language learning multimedia resources (Karunanayake, 2018). Additionally,
outcomes. investments in infrastructure, such as language labs and
computer facilities, can enhance students' language learning
 Teacher Training and Professional Development: experiences (Rasanayagam, 2015). By allocating sufficient
The effectiveness of teaching strategies is largely resources to schools in the Northern Province, policymakers
dependent on the teachers' ability to implement them. can create supportive learning environments that facilitate
Avalos (2018) stresses the importance of continuous English language acquisition.
professional development and training for language
teachers. Such programs should focus on innovative  Professional Development:
pedagogical methods, classroom management skills, and the Teacher training and professional development
integration of technology in teaching. Empowering teachers programs are critical for enhancing the quality of English
with the knowledge and tools to apply effective teaching language instruction. Policymakers should invest in ongoing
strategies is paramount for improving language proficiency training opportunities for English language teachers in the
among students. Northern Province, focusing on pedagogical techniques,
language proficiency, and technology integration (Ministry
The literature underscores the importance of of Education, Sri Lanka, 2016). Collaborative initiatives
employing a multifaceted approach to language teaching with universities and educational institutions can provide
that incorporates task-based learning, communicative teachers with access to relevant training programs and
language teaching, technology integration, cultural resources. By investing in professional development,
awareness, and adaptive teaching strategies. Further policymakers can empower teachers to deliver effective
research and professional development are essential for English language instruction and improve student outcomes.
equipping teachers with the skills to implement these
strategies effectively. By creating an engaging,  Curriculum Reforms:
communicative, and technologically enriched learning Curriculum reforms are necessary to enhance the
environment, educators can significantly enhance English relevance and engagement of English language education.
language proficiency among students, particularly in Policymakers should review and update the English
resource-constrained settings like the Northern Province of language curriculum to reflect current pedagogical
Sri Lanka. approaches, language standards, and student needs
(Karunanayake, 2018). Emphasizing communicative
D. Policy Implications and Recommendations language teaching, task-based learning, and critical thinking
Policy interventions are essential for addressing the skills can promote active learning and language proficiency
challenges faced in English language education in the among students. Additionally, incorporating local content
Northern Province. Recommendations include the provision and cultural references can enhance students' motivation and
of adequate resources, professional development sense of identity. By reforming the curriculum,
opportunities for teachers, and curriculum reforms to policymakers can ensure that English language education
enhance relevance and engagement (Ministry of Education, meets the needs of students in the Northern Province and
Sri Lanka, 2016). Additionally, community engagement and prepares them for success in a globalized world.
partnerships with local stakeholders can help create
supportive environments for language learning  Community Engagement:
(Karunanayake, 2018). By implementing these Community engagement is essential for creating
recommendations, policymakers can foster an enabling supportive environments for English language learning.
environment for English language education and support the Policymakers should collaborate with local stakeholders,
academic success of students in the Northern Province. including parents, community leaders, and NGOs, to
promote English language education and awareness
(Rasanayagam, 2015). Community-based initiatives, such as
language clubs, reading programs, and language camps, can

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
supplement classroom instruction and provide additional  Questionnaires:
opportunities for language practice. By engaging the Structured questionnaires were administered to both
community, policymakers can foster a culture of language students and teachers to gather quantitative data on their
learning and support students' language development both perspectives, experiences, and perceptions related to English
inside and outside the classroom. language proficiency and teaching effectiveness.

In conclusion, addressing the challenges faced in  Interviews:

English language education in the Northern Province Semi-structured interviews were conducted with
requires comprehensive policy interventions that prioritize teachers to obtain in-depth qualitative insights into the
resource allocation, professional development, curriculum challenges faced in English language teaching and factors
reforms, and community engagement. By implementing affecting teaching effectiveness. Interviews allowed for a
these recommendations, policymakers can create an nuanced understanding of teachers' experiences and
enabling environment for English language education and perspectives.
support the academic success of students in the Northern
Province. Collaboration between government agencies,  Observations:
educational institutions, and community stakeholders is Classroom observations were conducted to observe
essential for driving meaningful change and improving teaching practices, student engagement, and classroom
English language outcomes for students in the region. dynamics firsthand. This qualitative method provided
valuable insights into the actual implementation of English
 Conclusion language teaching strategies and identified potential areas
In conclusion, English language education in the for improvement.
Northern Province of Sri Lanka faces various challenges,
including limited resources, restricted language exposure,  Sampling Plan
and ineffective teaching methods. Addressing these The sampling plan involved selecting a representative
challenges requires a multifaceted approach that sample of schools, teachers, and students from the Northern
encompasses policy reforms, innovative teaching strategies, Province of Sri Lanka. Convenience sampling was primarily
and community engagement. By understanding the factors utilized due to logistical constraints and accessibility to
influencing English language proficiency and implementing participants.
targeted interventions, stakeholders can work towards
enhancing language education outcomes and empowering  Sample Characteristics
students to succeed academically and professionally in an The sample comprised 40 schools from the Islands
increasingly globalized world. zone of the Northern Province, selected based on
convenience sampling. From each school, 3 teachers
III. METHODOLOGY teaching G.C.E O/L classes and 8 students from grade 11
class groups were selected, resulting in a total sample size of
In this chapter, the methodology employed in the approximately 300 students and 40 teachers.
research study is delineated. The methodology section
outlines the systematic approach taken to address the The demographic characteristics of the sample were
research questions and achieve the study's objectives. It diverse, including factors such as gender, age, educational
encompasses the research design, data collection techniques, qualifications, professional qualifications, and years of
sampling plan, sample characteristics, and data analysis teaching experience. These characteristics were considered
procedures. to ensure the representation of different perspectives and
experiences within the sample.
 Research Design
An exploratory research design was adopted for this  Data Analysis Procedures
study to comprehensively investigate the factors influencing Data analysis involved both quantitative and
the lack of English language proficiency among G.C.E O/L qualitative techniques to analyze the collected data
students in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka. This design comprehensively. Quantitative data from questionnaires
allowed for the exploration of various factors contributing to were analyzed using statistical tools such as descriptive
the problem and facilitated a deeper understanding of the statistics and inferential analysis to identify patterns, trends,
issues at hand. The research design involved both and correlations.
quantitative and qualitative data collection methods to
gather comprehensive insights into the phenomenon under Qualitative data from interviews and observations were
investigation. analyzed using thematic analysis, whereby recurring themes
and patterns were identified and interpreted to gain deeper
 Data Collection Techniques insights into the factors influencing English language
Multiple data collection techniques were employed to proficiency and teaching effectiveness.
collect relevant data from various stakeholders, including
students and teachers. These techniques included:

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Conclusion backgrounds influence classroom dynamics. Teachers in
The methodology employed in this research was low-performing schools may struggle with large class sizes,
designed to systematically investigate the factors affecting limited resources, and diverse student needs, impacting their
the lack of English language proficiency among G.C.E O/L ability to provide individualized support and tailored
students in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka. By instruction.
employing a combination of quantitative and qualitative data
collection techniques, a comprehensive understanding of the  Students' Perceptions and Expectations:
issue was achieved, allowing for informed conclusions and The analysis of students' questionnaires provides
recommendations. valuable insights into their perceptions, experiences, and
expectations regarding English language learning. Students
IV. ANALYSIS OF DATA OVERVIEW express a desire for more interactive, student-centered
instruction, greater emphasis on speaking and listening
A. Analysis of Data from Students’ Questionnaires: skills, and access to diverse learning materials and activities.
The analysis of data from various sources provides a Gender differences in perceptions and expectations
comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing underscore the importance of addressing diverse student
English language education in Sri Lankan schools. This needs and preferences in curriculum design and instructional
overview examines key findings across different datasets, practices.
including students' questionnaires, lesson observations, and
teachers' feedback. By synthesizing the data, we can identify  Recommendations for Improvement:
patterns, trends, and challenges, as well as opportunities for Based on the analysis, several recommendations
improvement in English language teaching and learning. emerge for improving English language education in Sri
Lankan schools:
 Socio-Economic and Educational Background:
The data reveal significant disparities in socio- Enhance teacher training and professional development
economic and educational backgrounds between students in programs to equip educators with effective instructional
low and high-performing schools. Students from high- strategies and resources.
performing schools generally have better access to
resources, including parental support, higher family income, Promote equitable access to enrichment programs,
and opportunities for English language exposure outside the extracurricular activities, and English language resources for
classroom. In contrast, students in low-performing schools students across all schools.
face greater socio-economic challenges, which may impact
their English language proficiency and academic Implement curriculum reforms to incorporate more
performance. interactive and communicative language learning
approaches, with a focus on speaking and listening skills.
 Opportunities for English Language Learning:
Students' participation in English Day competitions Provide support and resources to address socio-
serves as a valuable opportunity for language development economic disparities and challenges faced by students in
and competency enhancement. However, disparities exist low-performing schools.
between low and high-performing schools, with the latter
offering more opportunities for students to engage in Foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among
extracurricular English language activities. This discrepancy educators to promote best practices and innovation in
underscores the importance of equitable access to English language teaching.
enrichment programs and resources for all students.
 Conclusion:
 Classroom Instruction and Learning Strategies: The analysis of data from students' questionnaires,
The analysis of lesson observations highlights lesson observations, and teachers' feedback offers valuable
variations in classroom instruction and learning strategies insights into the state of English language education in Sri
employed by teachers in low and high-performing schools. Lankan schools. While challenges exist, including socio-
While both groups emphasize textbook-based instruction, economic disparities, resource limitations, and instructional
students in high-performing schools receive more interactive constraints, there are also opportunities for improvement
and engaging learning experiences. In contrast, students in through targeted interventions and reforms. By addressing
low-performing schools face challenges such as these challenges and leveraging best practices, educators
overcrowded classrooms, limited access to resources, and and policymakers can work towards ensuring equitable
insufficient time for meaningful instruction. access to quality English language education for all students,
thereby enhancing their academic success and future
 Teacher Effectiveness and Classroom Dynamics: prospects.
Teachers play a crucial role in facilitating English
language learning, yet face various challenges in delivering B. Analysis of Data from Lesson Observations:
effective instruction. While teachers in both low and high- The analysis of data from lesson observations provides
performing schools demonstrate commitment and valuable insights into the dynamics of English language
dedication, differences in resource availability and student classrooms in Sri Lankan schools, shedding light on

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
instructional practices, classroom management, and the and engagement. In contrast, teachers in high-performing
overall learning environment. Through systematic schools facilitated more extensive use of English in
observation and analysis, key patterns, trends, and instruction and encouraged students to express themselves
challenges emerge, offering opportunities for reflection and orally. Balancing the need for comprehensibility with the
improvement in English language teaching and learning. goal of English language fluency presents a ongoing
challenge for teachers, particularly in heterogeneous
 Classroom Management and Timeliness: classrooms.
One prominent finding from the lesson observations is
the challenge of starting lessons on time and managing the  Collaborative Learning and Classroom Dynamics:
allocated class duration effectively. Across both low and Finally, the observations underscore the importance of
high-performing schools, teachers encountered difficulties collaborative learning and positive classroom dynamics in
in adhering to the scheduled start times, often due to fostering a supportive learning environment. While both low
logistical issues such as transitioning between classrooms or and high-performing schools exhibited instances of student
waiting for the previous class to conclude. As a result, cooperation and engagement, challenges such as
valuable instructional time was lost, impacting the depth and overcrowded classrooms and limited opportunities for group
quality of learning experiences for students. Addressing this work were more prevalent in low-performing schools.
issue requires strategies for improving time management Strategies for promoting peer interaction, cooperative
and logistical coordination, such as establishing clear learning, and inclusive participation can contribute to a more
protocols for classroom transitions and ensuring adequate dynamic and supportive classroom environment, enhancing
buffer time between classes. student motivation and learning outcomes.

 Instructional Duration and Resource Utilization: In conclusion, the analysis of data from lesson
The observations also highlight the constraint of observations provides valuable insights into the
limited lesson duration and its impact on instructional complexities of English language instruction in Sri Lankan
effectiveness. In both low and high-performing schools, schools. By addressing challenges related to timeliness,
teachers struggled to cover the intended curriculum within resource utilization, differentiated instruction, language
the allotted time frame, resulting in rushed or incomplete proficiency, and collaborative learning, educators can work
lessons. This challenge was particularly pronounced in high- towards creating more engaging, inclusive, and effective
performing schools, where teachers sought to engage learning environments for all students, thereby promoting
students in comprehensive activities and discussions but English language proficiency and academic success.
faced constraints due to time limitations. Additionally, the
observations reveal variations in resource utilization, with C. Analysis of Data from Teachers’ Questionnaire:
some teachers relying heavily on textbooks while others The analysis of data from teachers' questionnaires
supplement with additional materials. Enhancing resource offers valuable insights into the challenges and concerns
availability and diversifying instructional materials can faced by English language teachers in Sri Lankan schools.
support more engaging and effective learning experiences Through systematic examination and interpretation of
for students. teachers' responses, key themes and issues emerge,
providing a comprehensive understanding of the teaching
 Differentiated Instruction and Student Engagement: context and areas for improvement.
Another notable aspect of the lesson observations is the
varied approaches to differentiated instruction and student  Classroom Challenges:
engagement. While teachers in high-performing schools One prominent theme identified from the teachers'
demonstrated a greater emphasis on interactive and student- questionnaires is the array of classroom challenges
centered activities, those in low-performing schools faced encountered on a regular basis. Overcrowded classrooms,
challenges in accommodating diverse student needs within noise from neighboring classrooms, and a lack of resources
the constraints of large class sizes and limited resources. emerge as common issues faced by teachers across both low
Strategies such as peer correction and group work were less and high-performing schools. These challenges impede
prevalent in low-performing schools, where teachers effective teaching and learning, highlighting the need for
primarily focused on delivering content through traditional targeted interventions to improve classroom conditions and
methods. Addressing these disparities requires targeted enhance the teaching environment. Strategies such as
support and professional development for teachers to classroom rearrangement, noise reduction measures, and
enhance their capacity for differentiated instruction and resource allocation initiatives can help alleviate these
inclusive classroom practices. challenges and create more conducive learning spaces for
 Language Proficiency and Communication Strategies:
The observations also shed light on teachers' strategies  Professional Support and Development:
for addressing students' language proficiency levels and Another key theme illuminated by the questionnaire
facilitating effective communication. In low-performing data is the need for professional support and development
schools, where students may have lower English language opportunities for teachers. Many teachers express concerns
skills, teachers employed techniques such as slower speech, about teaching without adequate training, highlighting the
repetition, and code-switching to support comprehension importance of ongoing professional development initiatives

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
to enhance pedagogical skills and instructional inclusive, and effective English language learning
effectiveness. Additionally, a lack of support from school environments for all students.
administrators and limited opportunities for teacher
collaboration and peer learning are identified as barriers to V. DISCUSSIONS AND FINDINGS
professional growth. Addressing these concerns requires a
concerted effort to provide comprehensive professional In examining the discussions and findings from
development programs, foster a culture of collaboration and sections 5.3 and 5.3.1, we gain deeper insights into the
support within schools, and empower teachers to challenges faced by English teachers in the Island zone of
continuously improve their practice. Sri Lanka, particularly concerning gender differences,
teacher qualifications, and their impact on teaching efficacy.
 Curriculum and Assessment Challenges: This discussion encapsulates the multifaceted nature of these
Teachers also highlight challenges related to the challenges and offers recommendations for addressing them
curriculum and assessment framework, including the to enhance teaching effectiveness and student learning
pressure to adhere to exam-based curricula and the outcomes.
limitations of standardized assessments. The emphasis on
exam preparation often leads to a narrow focus on rote  Gender Differences in Teaching:
memorization and test-taking strategies, detracting from The data analysis reveals notable disparities between
more holistic approaches to language learning. Furthermore, male and female teachers regarding their experiences and
teachers express concerns about the relevance and perceptions in the teaching profession. Female teachers,
applicability of assessment practices to students' needs and often burdened with familial responsibilities, face greater
abilities, calling for a reevaluation of assessment methods challenges in balancing personal and professional
and standards. By promoting a more balanced approach to commitments. This imbalance can lead to difficulties in
curriculum design and assessment practices, educators can allocating time for professional development activities,
better meet the diverse learning needs of students and foster which are crucial for enhancing teaching skills and
deeper engagement with the English language. pedagogical knowledge. On the other hand, male teachers
encounter obstacles related to completing the curriculum on
 Socio-Economic Context: time, primarily due to additional non-teaching duties. These
The socio-economic context emerges as another disparities underscore the need for targeted support
significant factor shaping teachers' experiences and mechanisms to address the specific challenges faced by both
challenges in the classroom. Low salaries for teachers, male and female teachers. Initiatives such as flexible
family commitments, and the lack of English language working arrangements, childcare facilities, and tailored
exposure outside the classroom are identified as socio- professional development programs can help mitigate these
economic challenges impacting both teachers and students. challenges and promote gender equity in the teaching
These factors contribute to teacher stress and burnout, as profession.
well as hinder students' language development and access to
English language resources. Addressing socio-economic  Impact of Teacher Qualifications:
disparities requires a multi-faceted approach, including The analysis highlights the significance of teacher
initiatives to improve teacher compensation, support teacher qualifications in shaping teaching efficacy and practice.
well-being, and promote English language enrichment Educators with formal training, such as certificates from
activities beyond the school environment. Teacher Training Colleges (TTC) or diplomas from National
Colleges of Education (NCOE), demonstrate greater
 Student Engagement and Motivation: confidence and competence in their teaching abilities. They
Finally, teachers express concerns about student exhibit stronger leadership skills, problem-solving abilities,
motivation and engagement, particularly in relation to and a proactive approach to professional development. In
English language learning. Limited student motivation, contrast, teachers without formal qualifications may struggle
coupled with the perceived irrelevance of English language to effectively implement teaching strategies, organize
skills to students' daily lives, poses challenges to effective classroom activities, and meet students' diverse learning
teaching and learning. Strategies to enhance student needs. To address this disparity, investments in teacher
engagement, such as incorporating real-world contexts, training programs, continuous professional development,
interactive activities, and technology-enabled learning and mentorship initiatives are essential. By equipping
experiences, can help cultivate a more positive and dynamic teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge,
learning environment in English language classrooms. educational authorities can empower them to deliver high-
quality instruction and support student learning effectively.
In summary, the analysis of data from teachers'
questionnaires provides valuable insights into the  Recommendations for Enhancing Teaching Efficacy:
multifaceted challenges and concerns facing English Based on the findings, several recommendations
language teachers in Sri Lankan schools. By addressing emerge to enhance teaching efficacy and promote
issues related to classroom conditions, professional professional growth among educators in the Island zone:
development, curriculum and assessment practices, socio-
economic context, and student engagement, educators and
policymakers can work towards creating more supportive,

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Targeted Support Programs: impacting the effectiveness of teaching methods. The high
Develop targeted support programs for female teachers cost of stationary further hindered the implementation of
to address the challenges associated with work-life balance. student activities and assessment processes. Moreover, co-
These programs could include flexible working curricular and extracurricular activities in schools disrupted
arrangements, on-site childcare facilities, and mentorship the research work, making it challenging to adhere to the
opportunities to facilitate career advancement. planned timeline.

 Professional Development Initiatives: A. Recommendations:

Implement comprehensive professional development To address the identified limitations and enhance the
initiatives for all teachers, with a focus on enhancing effectiveness of English language teaching (ELT) in Sri
pedagogical skills, curriculum design, and assessment Lankan schools, several recommendations are proposed:
practices. These initiatives should be tailored to the specific
needs of teachers based on their qualifications and  Continuous Training:
experience levels. Provide ongoing training and support to teachers to
enhance their proficiency in teaching technology, enabling
 Promotion of Gender Equity: them to integrate multimedia and online devices effectively
Take proactive measures to promote gender equity in into their lessons. School administrators should organize
the teaching profession by addressing systemic barriers and professional development programs focused on teaching
biases. This could involve implementing gender-sensitive technology to improve teacher competencies.
policies, providing equal opportunities for career
advancement, and fostering a supportive work environment  Curriculum Adaptation:
that values diversity and inclusivity. Make the English language curriculum more context-
specific by involving local English teacher representatives in
 Investment in Teacher Training: policy formulation, curriculum development, and teacher
Allocate resources towards strengthening teacher education programs. Collaborative efforts between
training programs, including pre-service and in-service educational authorities and teachers can ensure that the
training, to ensure that all educators receive high-quality curriculum meets the specific needs of students in different
professional preparation. This may involve collaboration regions.
with educational institutions, professional associations, and
international partners to enhance the capacity of teacher  Funding Allocation:
training programs and promote excellence in teaching. Allocate funds to uplift teacher competencies in ELT,
with a specific focus on integrating technology into teaching
 Recognition and Reward Mechanisms: practices. Emphasize the importance of including
Establish recognition and reward mechanisms to technological skills in teacher training programs and short-
acknowledge the contributions of teachers and incentivize term capacity-building initiatives.
continuous professional growth. This could include
performance-based incentives, awards for teaching B. Suggestions for Further Studies:
excellence, and opportunities for career advancement based Several areas warrant further investigation to address
on merit and achievements. the complexities of English language teaching in Sri Lanka:

In conclusion, the discussions and findings underscore  Teacher Understanding:

the importance of addressing gender disparities and Conduct research to explore teachers' perceptions of
enhancing teacher qualifications to improve teaching teaching efficacy, particularly among Tamil teachers of
efficacy and student learning outcomes in the Island zone. English, to promote awareness and motivation among
By implementing targeted support programs, investing in educators.
professional development initiatives, and promoting gender
equity in the teaching profession, educational authorities can  Transition from Primary to Secondary:
create a conducive environment for educators to thrive and Investigate the standard of English attained by primary
excel in their roles. level students transitioning to secondary schools, examining
the perspectives of both primary and secondary level
AND CONCLUSIONS  Material Resources:
Study the attitudes of school administrations towards
The research faced several limitations that influenced providing resources for English language teaching and
its execution and conclusions. Firstly, the planned duration assess the impact of resource availability on student learning
of six months was disrupted due to external factors such as outcomes.
the fuel crisis, leading to prolonged stagnation in schools
and increased pressure on teachers to cover the syllabus
within a limited timeframe. Additionally, frequent power
cuts disrupted multimedia presentations during lessons,

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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