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Pre-natal Development
Prenatal development is the process in which an embryo and later a fetus develops during
gestation, from fertilization until birth. The prenatal period of development is important for the
health and well-being of the baby, as well as the development of the baby’s organs, muscles, and
bones. During the first 8 weeks of development, the baby’s organs, such as the heart, stomach,
and brain, are forming and the baby’s arms and legs are also developing. During the second
trimester of pregnancy, the baby’s organs and body parts continue to develop and the baby’s sex
can be determined. During the third trimester, the baby’s lungs continue to mature and the baby
gains more weight and body fat. Additionally, during the third trimester important milestones such
as hearing, seeing, and feeling are achieved. Near the end of the third trimester, the baby’s body is
ready for delivery and birth. After birth, the baby’s development continues as it continues to grow
and learn. Prenatal development is an important and complex process that is essential for the
baby’s health and development.

3 Stages of Pre-natal Development

The germinal stage of prenatal development is the first

stage and occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg and
creates a zygote. During this period, which can last up to
two weeks, the zygote will rapidly divide and begin to form a
basic structure known as a blastocyst. The blastocyst will
travel down the fallopian tube and implant itself in the
uterus, where it will continue to divide and form the early
stages of an embryo.

The embryonic stage of prenatal development is the

second stage and can last up to eight weeks. During this
period, the embryo will begin to form and differentiate, with
the major organ systems beginning to form. The heart,
lungs, limb
The fetal stage of prenatal development is the third and final
stage, and it is the longest stage of development. During this
stage, the fetus will continue to grow and develop its organ
systems, as well as the nervous system. The fetus will become
more active, and the mother will be able to feel its movements.
By the end of this stage, the fetus will be fully developed and
ready for birth.s, and face will begin to take shape, and the
fetus will begin to move. At the end of this stage, the fetus is
considered viable, meaning it could survive outside of the
uterus if born prematurely.

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