Software Application Written Technical Test Series5

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Software Application: Written Technical Test Series V

Duration: 150 mins (2.5 hours)

This section is meant to test the development skills in ASP.NET(C#/ VB.NET), C/ C++/ JAVA/ PHP/
Python, database design skills and over-all application management skills of the candidates.

This test is intended to test candidates in Software Application development skills.

Technical requirements:
Imagine that you are responsible to design, develop and deploy a system for a hotel. The technical
requirements for this system are:

1. Application should be developed in ASP.NET(C#/ VB.NET), C/ C++/ JAVA/ PHP/ Python.

Mention which technology stack you are using in your test.
2. The front-end can be in ASP.NET/ html/ JAVA/ PHP/ any other applicable technology. Mention
which technology stack you are using in your test.
3. The database can be in SQL SERVER, mySQL, ORACLE or file structures. Mention which
technology stack you are using in your test.

Functional requirements:
The application should maintain an inventory of rooms and facilities available in the hotel. This is called
the Inventory Screen.

The application should be able to check in and check out guests for the available hotel rooms. All other
facilities in the hotel, like restaurants, gym, swimming pool, etc. are only available to hotel guests. This is
called the Transaction screen.

When the hotel guests check out, the payments due should be computed on the Transaction screen & bills
generated for the customer.

Design the Inventory screen and Transaction screen, clearly indicating the controls, names & any other
relevant details. Placement of controls, design of intuitive screens & overall look & feel is important in this

Database design:
Design the database for this application, for all screens. Clearly indicate the tables, field names, primary
keys and foreign keys where applicable. Database attributes like data types for all fields, primary & foreign
key design, parent to child relationship is important in this section.

Write the code for at least 2 events in each form (Form Load & Save events can be the events in each

Criteria for evaluation:

• Each section mentioned in Assignment (Front-end, Database design and Coding) carries EQUAL
marks of 5 per section. The total mark for this assessment is 15.
• Completion of all sections will fetch better results. Candidates who fail usually focus only on
coding or one section, hence attempting all sections with equal effort t& thought to each section
will fetch better marks.
• Comprehensive handling of all issues in the application, this is a key test for over-all application
management skills.
• There is no negative marking, since there are no multiple-choice questions.

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Software Application: Written Technical Test Series V


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