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Syllabus History test No.

Grade 7

Syllabus Posted On: 4th September 2023

Test Date: 20th September 2023

History Topic: Chapter 1: Islam, its origins and its successes (page 1 to 7)

The test is based on the following topics

1. Labelling Map: Figure 1.1 on page 1. Location of following countries/cities on the map of Middle East Arab
must be noticed and practiced:

1. Saudi Arabia
2. Makah
3. Madinah
4. Yemen
5. Oman
6. Basrah
7. Jerusalem
8. Damascus
9. Red sea
10. Arabian sea

2. Fill in the blanks and short questions from the following topics:
a. Hijrat to Medina
b. Conquest of Makkah
c. Khulfa e Rashidun
d. Refugees (questions/answers done on LMS/copy)

3. Essay questions from the following topics:

a. The life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
b. Khulfa e Rashidun
c. The Umayyad succession

For any queries, kindly speak to me in class or email me.

Aisha Rehan Jafri (

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