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The giant panda has a huge appetite for bamboo. Pandas will sometimes eat
birds or rodents as well.
Wild pandas live only in remote, mountainous regions in central China. These
high bamboo forests are cool and wet just as pandas like it. Giant pandas like to
live alone. They have a highly developed sense of smell.
There are only about 1,000 giant pandas left in the wild. Perhaps 100 pandas
live in zoos, where they are always among the most popular attractions. Much of
what we know about pandas comes from the study of these zoo animals, ____
there are so few of their wild cousins.

7. 4. 7. 1 көпшілік жазбаша жанрлар аясында сөз, сөйлем және мәтінге тән

қасиеттерді анықтау

7. 4. 7. 1 determine the characteristics of words, sentences and texts within the

framework of most written genres

What is the opposite word for underlined word?
A) wide
B) giant
C) little
D) high
{Количество вариантов ответов}=4
{Количество правильных вариантов ответов}=1
{Правильный ответ}=C
{Код для статистики}=
{Таблица растворимости солей}=0
{Таблица Менделеева}=0
9. 4. 7. 1 кез-келген жазбаша жанрлар аясында сөз, сөйлем және мәтінге тән
қасиеттерді анықтау
9. 4. 7. 1 to determine the characteristics of words, sentences and texts within any
written genres

What is the missing word in Paragraph 3?
A) but
B) because
C) though
D) as
{Количество вариантов ответов}=4
{Количество правильных вариантов ответов}=1
{Правильный ответ}=B
{Код для статистики}=
{Таблица растворимости солей}=0
{Таблица Менделеева}=0
Arctic Flora and Fauna

The treeless Arctic region, called tundra, is a land with cold climate and little
rainfall. Though the lands in tundra are covered almost all the year round, summer
is the season of bursting wildflowers.

A variety of animal species like Arctic foxes, polar bears, grey wolves, caribou,
snow geese and musk oxen are the habitats of tundra. In mountains or Alpine-
tundra there are also mountain goats, sheep, marmots and birds which nourish
themselves with low-lying plants and insects. Cushion plants which bear cold,
drought, flooding and wind grow in rock-bottoms where it is warmer and they are
protected from the wind. These plants are grouped as Hardy flora.

The average temperature is - 30 to -20 degrees Celsius in tundra. It has 50-60

summer days when the sun shines up to 24 hours a day.

The climate in tundra is being changed markedly as a result of global warming. It

has broad and unpredictable impact on Arctic Flora and Fauna. Animals, like red
fox that are found in southern part have already started moving north onto the
tundra. Consequently, the red fox and the Arctic fox are competing for food and

Moreover, the Arctic's permafrost, a crucial part of its ecosystem, is getting worse
due to global warming. This layer of frozen soil and plants extends beneath the
surface, and as it melts, it affects the land's unique habitats. The melting permafrost
produces large amounts of carbon which also contributes to global warming and
may cause the disappearance of wildlife.
The Arctic region, known as tundra, features a cold, treeless landscape with
minimal rainfall. Inhabitants include Arctic foxes, polar bears, wolves, caribou,
snow geese, and musk oxen. The impact of global warming is altering the climate
and ecosystem, leading to challenges for the flora and fauna, including changes in
animal habitats, competition for resources, and the deterioration of permafrost.

What statement summarizes both texts?

A) There are many animals which have been endangered due to the climate.
B) The climate of Arctic region is going to damage because of the global warming.
C) Many animal species have been disappeared.
D) Scientists are worrying about herbal flowers which only found in the Arctic
{Количество вариантов ответов}=4
{Количество правильных вариантов ответов}=1
{Правильный ответ}=B
{Код для статистики}=
{Таблица растворимости солей}=0
{Таблица Менделеева}=0

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