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Kunal Sharma
LEGAL Managing Partner
National President -

ASSOCIATES Founder- Zero Hour Foundation

Respected Authorities,
Express Restaurents Pvt Ltd.

I, Aditya Purohit, through undersigned counsel, respond to your notice dated 7th February
2024 with due respect and within the purview of the law.

It is incumbent upon me to clarify the misrepresented narrative purported in your notice. My

client, Mr. Aditya Purohit, entered into an agreement with your organization, Express Hotels
and Group, represented by Mr. Ajay Singh, with the expectation of mutual benefit and
adherence to contractual obligations.

However, it swiftly became apparent that the assurances provided were far removed from
reality. The representations made regarding profit margins, operational support, and
marketing commitments were patently false, amounting to inducement through
misrepresentation. Such conduct constitutes a breach of contract and raises serious concerns
regarding the ethical standards upheld by your organization.

Despite earnest attempts to seek resolution and mitigate losses, my client was met with
apathy and neglect. Mr. Ajay Singh's failure to fulfill contractual obligations and his proposal
to rebrand the outlet under a different name constitute clear violations of the terms agreed

Furthermore, the demand for payment of INR 1,90,000 for returned inventory lacks legal
basis in light of the absence of documentation acknowledging the return. This demand
represents an attempt to extract unjust enrichment from my client, contrary to principles of
equity and fair dealing.

+91 97246 61338 01 Tirthraj Appt behind Manisha Society, Old Padra Road,Vadodara-Gujarat.
CAPITAL Adv. Kunal Sharma
LEGAL Managing Partner
National President -

ASSOCIATES Founder- Zero Hour Foundation

In light of the foregoing, my client reserves all rights to pursue legal recourse to seek redress
for the losses incurred as a result of the actions and omissions of your organization. We
demand immediate cessation of further demands and a prompt resolution to this matter,
including but not limited to restitution for losses suffered and formal acknowledgment of the
returned inventory.

Should your organization fail to address these grievances in a timely and satisfactory manner,
my client reserves the right to pursue legal remedies, including but not limited to invoking
Sections 17 (Fraudulent Misrepresentation) and 73 (Breach of Contract) of the Indian
Contract Act, 1872, as well as seeking recourse under relevant sections of the Indian Penal

I trust that your esteemed organization will recognize the gravity of the situation and act
accordingly to rectify the injustices perpetrated against my client.

Yours sincerely,

Adv. Kunal Sharma

On behalf of my client
Aditya Purohit

+91 97246 61338 01 Tirthraj Appt behind Manisha Society, Old Padra Road,Vadodara-Gujarat.

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